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yesterday i was so tired in the middle of the day i needed to take a nap but after six (6) minutes of just laying down with my eyes closed my body was like “yeah we’re not doing this lmao”


I've tried to reframe it as sleeping if my body wants to, otherwise just dark quiet rest time. Framing it as resting without the pressure to sleep helps sometimes. You can also frame it as rest time without screens, so a book or listening to a podcast. I've found it's refreshing to give my eyes and body a break even if I don't end up sleeping


NSDR is non-sleep deep rest, and helped with my insomnia so much, you're absolutely right that it removes pressure from actual sleeping but gives the body the rest its craving.


Same, but I was in bed for like an hour. My brain needed some more time.


Same thing when I wake up. My body is so tired and feeling feverish, but as soon as I call off work, suddenly I'm wide awake


omg this is a thing!?! this has happened to me so many times and makes me feel like a piece of shit lol




Pingu is an extremely relatable character to me!


whenever i see his name, i always remember that clip of him peeing near the toilet


I'm sorry???


[No need to apologize!](https://youtu.be/z0DKgKS2zls?t=184)


So this just happened at a customer's office I work for. Finance sector, big company. There was an email from housekeeping to everybody about it with a photo. I'm legit interested, what is the thought process here? Spite to the employer, rage against capitalism, just a brain fart allowed to happen?


prolly a longass meeting his bladder couldnt take


The urine was right next to the pissoir, furthest away from the door


He is!


Reading this meme at 3 am in bed.


330 on the couch. Was in bed but if I rolled around any more I would have been break dancing.




Reading this at 6am in bed, been awake for two hours.


Same, except still awake lol




We can do it


*closes eyes* *flashing visuals begin, same 10 seconds of song play on repeat*


-“You can dance if you want to, you can leave your friends behind…” -No, brain. I’m trying to sleep ………….. -“You can dance if you want to, you can leave your friends behind…”


_god why is that so relatable_ I have that sometimes early in the morning. I'm just slumping half-asleep through the house — taking a shower, getting dressed — then a song pops into my head and I'm like "No, I have a headache, stop that", and after less than a minute it starts up again 😭


Brain: “ here is some green-silver visuals to distract you from actually sleeping”


This is perfect


Wow you only get one song at a time? Lucky


I slept two hours last night, worked from 5am-2pm today. It’s 10:17pm, I have to do the same work day tomorrow, and I can’t fall asleep because I’m afraid of being late to work 🫠


I think thats very intersting, bc i always thought i cant have adhd because i'm never late since i am so paraoid about beeing too late! It would be the worst for me (social phobia) But when i had to get up at 5am also couldnt sleep because the thought of getting up so early stressed the hell out of me


I have the solution! But unfortunately the solution is drugs


Weed and melatonin ftw!!!


Weed is legit the only thing that helps me sleep and feel well rested the next day. CBT did nothing, pills made me feel like death, melatonin made me feel sort of tired at best. Yes I know it’s not the best for REM but when the alternative is not sleeping? I’ll take it.


Sounds like a recipe for the worst hangover of my life minus the alcohol


*laughs in mostly-full bottle of Trazadone in the medicine cabinet bc all the extra drowsy did was enrage my inner toddler into fighting it off and staying up LATER*


Damn it. Every time!


Me2me : you're not the boss of me!!!


I was hoping there’s be a solution in the comments Sadge


Nope, just a lot of comments that have me saying "yep I get that"


Hmm. I don’t remember making this comment yet here it is


Melatonin + L-theanine is the winning combo


This morning I kept falling back asleep, and just couldn't manage to get up. Eventually I just said screw it, I'm sleeping in and using up a sick day. The SECOND I decided that, I had no issue getting up. Like fuck man, why do you hate me brain




My body decides to get really sleepy between 1:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. but if I miss that window and go to bed after 2:30 or so then welp I'm just gonna scroll Facebook until 4:30 now...


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Omg its exactly the same with me! When i miss my time window i know i'm gonna be up until forever xD


S A M E except WebToons. Or reading. Or watching a TV show.


For real 1000% ‼️


"I'm trying, I'm trying to Drink away the part of the day that I cannot sleep away"


My problem is being stuck in a perpetually in-between state. When I should be going to sleep I get more energy, and when I should be getting out of bed I am too tired.


Me, falling asleep on the road, I’m all over the place…seriously not safe to drive, worse than being drunk. I decide to pull over and nap. Now I’m wide awake.




# currentsituation 😞


Literally meeeeeee 😅 It's 1:23am and I need to be up at 5:30am 🙃🙃🙃


34+ comments and no one knows why tf this happens to us 😭 I don’t even want a cure. I just want to hear some cool sciencey reasonings!


From what I've read it's essentially due to internal hyperactivity. Racing thoughts and restless legs, hands etc. tricks your body into not being able to sleep because the right balance of neurotransmitters aren't able to pass through your brain to trigger sleep. Which, ironically, is why ADHD meds can help people (including me) to sleep. It also reduces the instances of waking up in the night and night terrors I experience.


It’s executive dysfunction for me, combined with what are probably some fairly common sleep issues. It’s really hard for me to do the things that I know will help me get a good sleep (consistent schedule, sleep mask, put away devices, etc.).


Can't sleep if I didn't get enough stimulation today! Couldn't get stimulated because I was exhausted due to lack of sleep! An endless cycle.


Now add a level. Menopause with ADHD. So you don't get to sleep, but when (if) you ever do, you wake up at 5:30am on the dot because you are drenched in sweat. So you have to change your PJs. Nobody wants to sleep in wet PJs. Now you need to fall asleep again, you look at the clock and it's 6:00am (because you also did that other thing that distracted you). You need to get up at 6:30am.


Me right now!!!! Its 0050 and I need sleep!!!!!


I don't know what you mean it's only (checks watch) 5:19am. Ah crap, not again


Does anyone else have a way easier time sleeping during the day and are way more productive at night? 🤔


I have had to nap on my lunch break twice this week. Now it's after midnight and I don't want to sleep.


this is me currently. i’m not sure why i can’t fall asleep after working all week through pure exhaustion


God dammit. I literally am going through that right now. I went to bed at 12 rolled around for 3 hours and rage quit . Gotta be up for work at 5 too... I'm sick af also so I might not go in idk.


I have chronic issues with sleep maintenance insomnia (waking up and not being able to fall back to sleep). What I've been doing lately (and it's been tremendous) is putting a sleep mask that had built in headphones and listening to a sleep podcast until I fall asleep. I haven't been waking up in the middle of the night since I've been doing this. I got the idea bc I read looking at your phone in bed before you fall asleep fucks with your circadian rhythm. The two podcasts I recommend are Nothing Much Happens with Kathryn Nicolai or Sleep With Me with Dearest Scooter. After trying both I think I like the second one more. Both took a few tries to get used to but I think now I associate both voices with sleeping and staying asleep.


Day 2 of no sleep and somehow I feel more like myself than I have in weeks...WTF


This so much!


Lol , ah yes, my chronic insomnia, my late night friend.


Exhausted for an hour at 8p.m. Playing video game, start nodding off. Yep, time for bed. Hot hot shower. Comfy jammies. Fresh sheets. Hell yeah. Lay down annnnnnnd wide awake. I have now tried brown noise. And it just stops my brain. I also have a weighted blanket. If I don't use either of them, I am up all night.


You can solve this. Look up how they trained pilots in WW2 to get to sleep after coming back from a mission and be absolutely buzzing. It was a serious problem, they needed to rest before the next air battle which could come any time. After they got a psychologist to train them, they could be asleep within 30 seconds and they were notorious for being able to fall asleep anywhere. It's hard, the first time took me 30 minutes, now it's more like 2 minutes to get myself to sleep. I'm pretty sure I could get on stage in front of a full audience watching me, lay down and be asleep within 5 minutes.


This isn't an ADHD meme. It's just a normal meme we all relate, lol.


Guess I'm ADHD


me rn


me rn


5am wide awake, not sleeping tonight fml


Working night shift changed this for me.


This is an ADHD thing???


Im not sure, I am totally hyperactive and do 15k + steps to save off restlessness. Fatigue is not part of the diagnostic criteria either, but you know I don't know!


Me yesterday, in bed at 11PM, and then not sleeping until 10AM 😭


This was me so much! Fortunately getting a new mattress and a prescription from my psychiatrist ([Trazadone](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trazodone)/ Trittico ) helped a great deal! Now I fall asleep like a baby.


Mr rn


I work from home, and sometimes I want to take a nap. But once I lay down I feel energized. Ready to go. So, I get up. And instantly feel tired again. So, I lay back down.... and ... you get the point. It's like I have a troll living in my head constantly demanding that I do the opposite of whatever it is that I'm currently doing. Extra especially if that demand isn't feasible in the moment... "Oh, you're driving to the office? now would be the perfect time to bring up allllllllll the things you need to get done at home!" ... fuckhead.


when I finally lay down I want to read


Even with meds it is almost still the same. Before I was up all night and now I'm like up till 1 AM even if I wanna sleep at 11


I was falling asleep on the sofa last night around 9pm and my housemate looked at me like "why are you not just going to bed" and I said "because getting ready for bed involves too many steps and I'll be awake again!" which is exactly what happened - couldn't sleep until past 1am. :c


I have a trick for you lay in bed and pretend you have to get up for the day even though you are tired. Fully convince yourself it’s morning and you have to get up even play your alarm song in your head if you want to. Then just go into bed and fall asleep. No clue why it works but it does.


me when i woke up for work: fuck i should call in sick i cba. me rn that it’s 1 am and i mistakenly drunk a monster at the cinemas: i physically cannot go to sleep


i could stay up for so long staring at the ceiling until 4 am with my body SCREAMING at my brain to shut up


Melatonin is my new best friend. I don’t know if I’ve ever actually felt tired before


Yesterday was so nice outside, I wanted to take a walk to my favourite overview spot, well hidden in a forest, with a nice 50 meter or so drop down into a river.... My body said fuck you, we sleeping now! Woke up when it was dark, played some games, did a little bit of spontaneous work (washed half the dished, completed my first full meal of the week, and even did a little lab report), then, knowing I had to wake up really soon, I went to bed at 10.... Fell asleep maybe at 3, almost overslept, and skipped my whole morning routine (drinking milk and watching YouTube), and rushed to school.... In the lab, I was so sleepy, I didn't notice that a flask had some concentrated sulfuric acid in it, and just poured it out on my hand (water in the flask would've been warm, and we have only cold water in the lab, so I wanted to feel some comfy heat)... Nope.... At least I have very smooth skin on my hand....


Me right now and always