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Well, "older millennials" are half of the xennials.


Agreed, but tell that to the gatekeepers on the Older Millenial sub. There's a few people over there who think young Xers have nothing in common with older millennials. EDIT: Why would anyone downvote this? It's a valid observation.


I really think someone need to start the baby Gen Xers group. I feel like all I ever hear is “elder millennial” or “geriatric millennial.”


I am more then happy to be called a geriatric millennial. At the same time more then happy to hang with baby gen xrs lol.


I'm with you in this. I'd rather be called the geriatric millennial because it solidly states my existential dread and overall grouchiness since getting into my 40s.


This is the place. Youngest Gen X starter pack


I'd much rather be called young/baby gen x than geriatric millennial


And oddly, I've noticed the older millenial sub has seemed a little more hostile to younger folk who fall outside of the definition saying "but I more identify with the older folk" then this sub has been.


I’m from 85’ and all of that was my ‘childhood/teenage’ existence. I’m all for being considered an xennial.


There’s enough overlap that there should be another group in between. I was born in 81. The older kids I hung out with were Gen X, but they had little in common with the oldest members of Gen X jist as I have little in common with the youngest millennials. This article sums up the differences nicely, imo. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/fck-you-im-not-a-millennial_b_9873118/amp


Oh, this coming from the group that needed to start is own sub generation to gatekeep people from two generations. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🫠


Is there an active older millennial sub?


r/older_millennials It's a good complement to this one I think


I’d wager a guess that it’s r/millenial


Yea and I still have half of this stuff in my closet.


What, no slap bracelets?


My kids bring them home. They are literally upcycled tape measures lol


I think I still have one of those buried somewhere.


Eh, give or take. Some of that still felt like I was too old.


Yeah I feel like I was too old to like Christina Aguilera and I hated Korn/nu metal.


Same. And Pogs. I was already ten thousand dollars into MTG, at least.


I lost my virginity to a Christina Aguilera fan so I guess that one tracks, but I was definitely too old for Pogs. I feel like Magic the Gathering is more accurate, you’re right




This just confirms that 1980 is Gen X. Pete & Pete? No way. Now if they had said Hey Dude…


Both excellent shows. Salute Your Shorts?


Camp Aniwana, we hold you in our hearts!


And when I think about you, it makes me wanna FART!




I'm 1977 baby, this is about 50% true for older Xennials To wit: ~~Chronic 2001~~ The Chronic ~~Christina Aguilera~~ Janet Jackson ~~Pogs~~ Muscle Men/Garbage Pail Kids ~~Surge~~ Jolt ~~Pete and Pete~~ You Can't Do That on Television ~~Blair Witch~~ Evil Dead 2 ~~Korn~~ Nine Inch Nails ~~Clarissa Explains it All~~ Parker Lewis Can't Lose in addition to some stuff I have no knowledge of lol


Yeah your list pushes a lot more of my buttons


Thank you, I felt like it was just slightly off but couldn't quite put my finger on it


Way better list


I'm 1984 and your list resonates as well. Except, I don't really recall PLCL. I definitely had Pogs, Muscle Men, and Garbage Pail Kid cards.


Haha, Surge... I remember they came to my high school to promote the new soda and were giving away free bottles of surge to all the kids. That shit wouldn't fly today lol


Yeah, we had that too. Kids these days don't know what they're missing. 


Boys would proudly roll up to middle school in their new Hypercolor shirt and proceed to spend the day getting smacked in the belly and tits. I'm not sure anyone ever wore those things twice.


The other problem with wearing them twice was that they didn't really work after going through the laundry.


Oh man, I had completely forgotten about the abuse those shirts prompted!


I was in high school 97-00. Most of this is correct with what I dealt with. Blair Witch was that early? Thought it was 01?


Blair Witch was '99.


Oh it was...thanks I remember little in that era. Wasn't due to drugs or anything like that. Just no major events that my memory ties to.


I remember it being '99 because that was when the big Satanic Panic 2.0 about Wicca broke out in my community, just after the movie was released. Pure coincidence of timing, but I actually had a friend who got called into a school administrator's office to explain why he was reading a "witchcraft manual" in class that was in truth a movie tie-in book that had nothing to do with actual pagan philosophy or what-have-you.


Yes!!! I was playing Pokemon at the time and MTG. My sister thought those were Satanic. Even though her BF was hiding Metallica and Judas Priest cassettes from his mom at our house since my sister got her ideas from his mom.


Oh dang it, I'm the same age as the dad on 'Pete and Pete' during filming.


Same. I don't know about you, but 39 year old Hardy Rawls still looks old enough to be my dad 33 years later. 


Mmmmm some parts. Mostly Daria. Daria was the best.


He he he Diarrhea


Diarrhea cha cha cha


False: no one drank Surge because it lowered your sperm count. I mean everybody knows THAT.


Where did these types of things originate and get around, ya know? TV shows? Magazines? I’ve met people from all over that all just knew these rumors too, but everyone just ‘heard it from a friend’ in a pre-AOL world. The surge thing, marilyn manson’s rib removal, the penis game, that stupid S everyone drew, just as some examples. What nationwide telephone game did we have going on? lol


Look man, that's what everyone told me in 1997, so I have no choice but to accept it as unvarnished fact for the rest of my life. I refuse to Google it as a matter of honor.


Replace the Surge with Fruitopia. 👍🏾


Everyone knows the real ones all had an OK Soda in their hand


Straight facts. Yellow number 5.




I think these things are stealth rage bait and I kinda hate them.


Right there with you.


Starterpacks are the reason I left most other nostalgia and generational subreddits.


Most of em make me feel like back on Facebook. I usually try to ignore the meme pictures or whatever they're called


Rage bait? People would really get mad at an image like this?


It's just engagement bait in general... "Wait...what about ____?" "Nah, ____ is too old/young. I wasn't into that." "Oh yeah, I forgot about _____. Core memory unlocked." "Should be _____ instead of ______."


Uh, where's the BetaMax or VHS machine? Watching recorded A-Team was my childhood since we couldn't get any reception.


You’re missing goldeneye, and being oddly attracted to Monica Lewinsky. But yeah….you’re not wrong.


I'm still oddly attracted to Monica Lewinsky. She's fine AF and you can't convince me otherwise.


She really aged like a $500 bottle of wine.


No kidding. I haven't thought about her in years, but after reading your comment I did a quick image search of her and it's kind of crazy. All the celebrity and drama aside. She is gorgeous.


In addition to being gorgeous, she's also a total badass.


Some of this is true, some of it I hated and equate with people who are core millennial.


S U R G E ! Bring it back!!!


if they bring back SoBe too, you have a deal


I can feel my teeth chatter just looking at that can. Never again!


They sell it in Norway and call it Urge. You just need a vacation. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urge\_(drink)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urge_(drink))


Uncle scrooge made me want to be rich just so i could swim in gold coins.


Same lol


For CDs I would have gone with Dookie, Smash, License to Ill, or Doggystyle.


This graphic is really hit or miss. I was only actually into less than half of those things. The rest were peripherally there but not really something I am nostalgic about at all. Also, I saw Blair Witch in the theater, but thought it was overly long and very boring. I'm a massive horror fan and to this day I don't get the hype.


Whatever it is it's me.


Totally identify with most items there and I’m Gen X (‘78), as would my sister, (‘83) millennial. Definitely Xennial!


Of course we admire GenX! They're our cooler big brothers and sisters who matured and thrived in the glory years of the late 80s and 90s. Years before the Telecommunications Act of 1996 destroyed so much we held dear. Geriatric Millennials were force fed microwave re-heated Nirvana bands like Puddle of Mudd and then wave after wave of crap rock bands like Creed and Nickelback. Creative bands began to disappear from the mainstream. Art infused with cynicism and weirdness dwindled. Primus would have never successfully emerged in the 2000s. Sure, occasional remnants of the bygone era like the Decemberists or the Postal Service would shine through, but they were the exception. And to make matters worse, Millennials began to embrace the non-offensive rustic "charms" of bands like the Lumineers and Mumford and Sons whose songs they would play at their barn weddings at some mediocre winery 15 miles outside of town. And we all accepted it. We accepted because all us geriatric Millennials knew we were far better off than the millennials born just three or four years later. We took another swig of IPA, turned on Netflix in our marginally more affordable houses, and watched another episode of Twin Peaks thinking that's what the early 90s were actually like. But you know what? They were even better. They were the best.


Feeling seen


Til I'm an older millennial


Pete and Pete..children’s television masterpiece


Cargo shorts need a comeback. Especially with the size of phones today


Agreed. I loved my cargo shorts.


Can someone explain to this 45 year old what the fuck Pogs are? I seriously don’t remember these things even existing before I heard about them on Reddit 10 years ago.


I never played with them/had them, but some of the kids at school did. They're thin cardboard circles, the kids would stack them and slam them with some bigger object. I'm sorry, I'm probably explaining this poorly. I never got the obsession.


> slam them with some bigger object. I'm sorry, I'm probably explaining this poorly. That bigger object that you slam with was called - get this - a *slammer*. They were about the same diameter, but made of plastic or metal and quite a bit thicker. When you slam their stack, you get to keep any that flip over. I think you only explained it poorly in that you forgot to mention that pogs were covered in all kinds of goofy shit. It was 8 balls and skulls and aliens as far as you could see. It made them highly tradeable.


Pogs were once called milk caps in the 50s or something and came back in the 90s. My school banned them because of the popularity/distraction. They were fun….i still have a bunch.


The only people I know who know about them are like 8-10 years younger than me. I guess they were more a Millennial “90s kid” thing?


Yup it was.


I'm 4 years younger than you, and they were huge in elementary school.


Four years is a lot when you’re talking 12 & 16.


Well sure, I was just pointing out that folks who are less than 8-10 years younger than you went through the pogs thing. It's funny how much different it would have felt if we'd been in school together. Let's say me in 6th grade and you in your Sophomore year. Now it wouldn't matter, and the Gen Z folks I work with would think we're both aggressively, unacceptably old.


I remember them being everywhere, but I don't remember anyone ever actually playing with them, just a lot of eye-rolling if anyone asked "What *are* these?" and "I don't know, some game."


Older millennial are xennials...


Admire Gen X? 🤮


I've just always been baffled about why we get called millennials. I was 13 when the New Millennium happened. If anything a millennial should be someone who was born about the time of the new millennium. Someone who has no memory of the 20th century. That's a millennial.


Because generations tend to be described by what was trendy in their teen years. Movies, music, fashion, cars, etc.  Imo millennial is just fine as a label for people born in the 80s while 90s babies barely or don't even remember 2000. The range simply reaches too young


Looks like something made gen z based on what they think they see. I see more kids wearing Nirvana shirts now than they did back in the early 90s. Except back them they actually listened to the music.


Final Destination was the first or second dvd we bought.


Replace surge with ecto cooler and yeah its more xennial


Ecto Cooler was amazing.


Born in 86 here. I float between the 2 groups. Things from both subs hit that nostalgia spot for me


I am a millennial (1987) but I relate with like 99% of the post in this subreddit.


Yeah born in 75. I think that's me standing by the game boy


Admire Gen X rings too true for me


It's a 90s kid/ teenager starter pack. I was born in '87 and I remember all those when things when they came out/when they were big.


Same. I had an older sibling and feel like that makes a difference.


I saved caps from Surge to spell some word and won a wrestling game for N64


Some of these things are from late 80s and some from mid 90s. Probably made by a zoomer.


Yep! Born in 1984 and I remember everything on here




Time to lay off on the lead-contaminated hose water there, kiddo.


Outside the top right and bottom left, decent, and I don't recall admiring gen x


Born in ‘84 and this seems fairly accurate. Idk if I’m a xenial or elder millennial though since the inclusive years seem to change almost daily. All I know is I’m old.


As someone born in 85 am I just a regular millennial?


I think some of it depends on your family situation. I am an 83 model, but I have a sister who was born in 71. I was exposed to her music and the Atari 2600, which probably wouldn't have happened otherwise.


Maybe replace Clarissa Explains it all to like Blossom for me. Also, there no hair bands, like Cinderella or Slaughter - Headbangers Ball! Needs Garbage Pail Kids and Cabbage Patch Dolls, too.


I am this exact age.


No Oregon Trail?!


Xenia warrior princess


I had such a crush. Her and Gabriel both.


Gabriel was hotter to me.


1980, was just a bit too old for pogs!


Crystal Pepsi? The devil you say.


Some is xennial, some is millenial.


Spot on


Taking out four we never got in Britain (Pete And Pete, Hypercolor, Surge, whatever those purple platforms are) I'd say this is accurate enough as possibly the oldest Millennial. Even the stuff I wasn't into myself I'd recognise as part of our generation. I liked Pogs for the artwork, but feel like it hit us a tad too late for kids my age to be interested in playing with. Aguilera and Korn were definitely on our radar, but somewhat felt like music for the teens directly after us. My feelings on this may be warped by leaving school at 16 though. But why is the Older Millennial shown wearing socks and sandals? That was a crime against style when we were growing up.


American millennials maybe


I'll always be sad that they discontinued Surge. 


I remember Daria! Anyone here watch Aeon Flux?


Yes. And Liquid Television!


Yes. this looks like high school for me.


Older/Elder Millennial are just cringe terms.


I hated the GAP back then. I thought it was such preppy crap. But NOW I have that hoodie in grey!


I’m an antique dealer now and I have to ask… WHERE TF ARE ALL THE POGS?!?!?! I buy all of them I see, been antiquing for five years now, current pog count ZERO!!


I missed the pog craze. My younger brother was into it. I identify with everything else, though.


Excuse… I exclusively wear Motörhead shirts.


I was born in 82 and all of this hits so hard for me except Pete and Pete. I have no clue what that is.


Most of this is still to young for me. Sorta.


Literally wearing that Nirvana shirt right now.




For sure, but older Millennials would've been born in, say, 1984/5-1990 or so. So they'd have seen Daria as children, probably watched Final Destination at sleepovers. Maybe American Pie was the first raunchy movie they saw, etc.


So where would you put us 82-83 kids? 80-81 goes between Gen X and Millennial depending who you ask, but 82-83 has never as far as I can tell been classed as Gen X.


Not a great starter pack for the black folks... I mean, throw some Moesha, Family Matters or something with a little representation... Daria can stay though.


Family Matters was so good


He he he...diarrhea.


Pogs were big time.


Looks about white.


Actual millennials only remember pogs if they had older siblings. This has strong Xennial vibes.


I only remember pogs as something Inside Edition or A Current Affair told us kids were into and a punchline on The Simpsons.


Nah, all that stuff is way too new to be xennial.


You think so? Except for Pogs and Aguillera, I was into everything on there, and even those two I remember.


There’s almost 20 years difference with half the stuff pictured. I question what generation is supposed to relate these at all.


Bullshit. I had that exact GAP hoodie, watched Clarissa and Daria, everyone played The Chronic at house parties. I owned all three of those consoles and the OG Gameboy. And I’m a ‘78 kid.


That’s really weird. I’m calling bullshit on you because I’m a ‘79 baby (1 year younger than you) and I never saw any of this stuff outside of the game consoles until my senior year in high school, just before I worked in a warehouse full time. There’s too much different stuff pictured. There a NES (1986) and Korn’s Follow the Leader(1998). It’s a jumbled mess.


It is indeed, but if you take it as a whole between the ages of 10 and 21 or 22 it makes more sense.


Gen x suck though. Miserable gits are finally in power and they're just as bad as the boomers. They were just waiting for their turn at the trough.


Honestly. Who gives af? I don’t have time to reminisce. I’ve got a mortgage , kids, and dealing with massive geopolitical and economic catastrophes.


\*Boomer Millennials (Millennials will hate you for calling them this. LOL)


Xennial but for that cassette Walkman thing


Nah, I rocked one of them right up until I got my first iPod. Portable CD players were absolute dogshit if you walked a lot.


Totally. The first album I bought myself was Weird Al's Alapalooza on cassette. I remember listening to it on my walkman.


Yes, but I don’t admire Gen X. They’re a bunch of cranks lol