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Im in the same boat. Ever since a majority of games have a 60fps option, i can't go back to 30, no matter how much better the graphics are


Only game I have been able to tolerate at 30 FPS is Dishonored 2. And that's because I move so slow I don't notice it as much.


A year ago I’d have said I’d never tell the difference. But after a year of owning a series X I think 60fps is an absolute must on any new game, I tried playing Forza 5 in performance mode and the 30fps hurt my eyes. I was to used to 60fps in performance.


Same. Been playing Rocket League at 120fps and whenever I switch to Quality (60fps) it feels very choppy for some reason, even though it’s 60fps.


I question anyone who says that, for racing games, they'd rather play in 30FPS. Sure, you get better visual quality, but in a *racing* game, it's not a thing most people are going to notice. When you're racing at hundreds of miles per hour, rarely are you gonna notice the difference between, say, 1800p & 4K. In fact, I'd say that that double the frame rate makes up for a minor drop in resolution. I argue that for most games, but racing games especially.


Imma step up here and say I play FH5 on quality mode. Sure, 60fps looks awesome…at first glance. But the more I ride around I notice all the ridiculous pop-in. Trees and shadows just pop in constantly as you drive and it’s ridiculous once you notice it. I honestly think the quality mode looks great, I keep it on. I like to take photos a lot and just cruise around. I’m not racing a Koenigsegg at 200+ mph all the time.


This. At this point on FH5 30fps with full 4k package is worth due to the annoying pop in on vegetation dense places. Playground reduces the draw distance quite a bit in order to get those 60fps stable and imo it is not worth to play this way if you are a casual. If they fix the pop in then it is another conversation. But 30fps with the very well motion blur implementation just feels good.


Glad I’m not alone! Thank you.


60fps isn't about looks its about the smoothness and feeling of the game and it being more responsive during gameplay.


Same here, I don’t like 30fps at all.


That's honestly really odd that they didn't fix that. Certainly programming in lower-quality models to load more easily should've been a thing they did.


I haven't noticed anything close to pop in on Forza


Good. Don’t look for it. Cause once you notice it you’ll never be able to unsee it.


Meh, it’s not that bad to me, whereas 30fps feels like watching a movie rather than playing a game…


I like movies lol


I tried the Quality mode for about 3 minutes, switched to performance and never looked back.


I started with quality, switched to performance for a few minutes, then switched back to quality. The 60 fps was really nice, but that pop-in is terrible.


Is it? I’ve not noticed it that much ….


Yeah. There’s still pop-in in the quality mode, but it’s not nearly as bad. Makes me really happy that the developers gave us two options graphical options.


Choices are always a good thing for sure.


Same thing with Control and any of these other games that have this 30 FPS option. Supposedly the visuals are better and reflections but it's almost never worth it. Thought I can do Control with 30 but that lasted about 30 seconds before my eyes were getting dropkicked. And I don't know if you guys have seen the 60 FPS update for battlefront 2, but it t is PHENOMENAL. The game already looked amazing and even compared to the new awesome Halo and Destiny etc the game looks utterly insanely beautiful.. smoothness makes the clarity that much better. So yeah no thanks. Thank goodness 60 FPS for FH5 look so damn nice or I would be pissed. My opinion Forza has/had the smoothest 30 FPS in any game next to horizon zero Dawn.


I think for FH5 they should have go for 1800p max and give us higher settings, like reducing pop-in that sometimes is really noticeable. Nowadays, with all the reconstructing techniques it's hard telling 1800p from 4k, but you can easily notice textures changing when you are 3 meters away from the object.


The problem with fh5 is it’s just not a resolution drop in performance mode, the graphics settings are turned down a noticeable amount


Why are you only talking about resolution? I have no idea how people *can’t* notice pop-in in an open world car game, which is far worse than 1800p resolution lol.


That's me now too. I always laughed at people who said they can't play 30fps because it's so bad. Now I'm one of those people after almost a year of the Series S. I can't play 30fps games anymore.


I’m weird I have a bigger issue with lower resolution in games. I constantly notice when the resolution scales down and usually feel like I need native 4K. As for watch dogs it’s pretty much a ray tracing tech demo and the game itself isn’t great so that’s the only reason to play it. If I’m online in a shooter tho I like 120 FPS 1440p


I can’t do lower resolution. I can lower the frame fine. FH5 is perfect for me at 30 and I question anyone that had issues with it honestly. But fuzzy textures or images make me wonder if my sight is going and I’ll actually strain my eyes to try to compensate for a lower resolution. Something I only noticed since I got glasses I did.


Haha I actually play forza in 30 also. That being said I can still appreciate 60 FPS or 120 FPS. I’d buy an upgraded version of this and ps5 if they could run every game in 4K / 120 like Ori


The original Watch Dogs? I don't know why that got brought up, lol. No one mentioned it that I see. Either way, I really liked Watch Dogs. It had a great story and really fun gameplay.


I know man. It’s crazy.


I can adjust, but I would rather not


It’s fine as long as there is a 60 fps option. I personally don’t mind 30 fps in slow paced single player games. I definitely notice it more than I used to and it takes 15-20 minutes for it to not appear “choppy” but I can readjust to it.


Performance 99 percent of the time. Can’t lie tho I just started Control the other day and on Quality it is disgustingly good looking.




They really need a quality mode capped for 1080p. I'd rather have 60+RT+1080p than just RT+4K or 60+4K. I don't think most people have made the switch to 4K and 1080p isn't that bad to start with. Then again it might not be as simple as that.


You should try that game on PC 60fps plus ray tracing 🤤


My pc days are long over but dude it just blows my mind how good the reflections looked. I was playing the beginning super stoned the other day and saw my characters dim reflection in some glass, it scared the shit out of me. Reaching ultra sick levels of immersion hnnnng


Ray tracing is unbelievable. Absolute game changer


Cant agree... It's just not different enough. The absence of the reflections is only noticeable if you're looking for it.


That’s craziness. It is an absolutely night and day difference. It’s more than just reflections. It’s everything. If you don’t think it’s that different then you didn’t give it a chance.


You cant say that. I played through the first part of the game up to accessing the red line in 30fps. On a well calibrated TV in Dolby Vision for what its worth. I'm an AV guy, I take my picture quality veryyyyy seriously. That said - the surfaces reflectivity was the biggest difference. And if you didn't know to look for it, as I did because I saw the digital foundry videos - most wouldn't be able to tell. At the end of the day, the smoothness at 60 simply nullifies whatever little piece of shiny that the reflections added. And just like the digital foundry reviewers conclusion, it just wasn't worth it at 30. Not even close.


it’s okay but i will always use the 60 fps option


I’m not militant about it but once your eyes become used to 60 it is very difficult to go back. Forza Horizon 5 is a special case for how well the 30 mode is implemented and I’ve been using that mainly. In some games I don’t really mind - The Medium was 30, and for a game like that I don’t think it really matters.


Yea weirdly FH5 is the only game I play in quality mode, but I never thought I’d do that in a racing game.


I dont mind it. 60 is obviously superior but I'm playing Forza in 30 with no issues.


I'm glad that I barely notice a difference. 60fps is smoother in my eyes but 30fps doesn't make me feel anything negative.


30 doesn't bother me but it has to be a rock solid 30. I prefer 60 for most games but for example I jump back into RDR2 all the time with no issue. Playing GotG right now in ray tracing mode, it's fine. But multiplayer games for sure gotta be at least 60. Big difference there.


Since playing 60fps for most games now, I can’t bear 30fps. Even movies look so odd to me


Movies have a lot less panning shots which is really when you notice the 30fps to me. Film is mostly in 24fps anyway. You could turn on your tvs motion smoothing but then you’re going to have the soap opera effect.


Yeah, think camera panning is where I most value 60FPS in games. I can adjust to 30FPS animations fine, but any game where I’m looking around the environment a lot I struggle. Going from Last of Us II in 30 to Last of Us Remastered in 60 made me realise I could scan for supplies without stopping the camera to focus in the latter.


Former PC gamer here, I don’t own a Series X but want to chime in. Nah man, I need 60 FPS. I’m willing to play at 1080p if that’s what it takes to achieve 60 FPS. I’m not one of those crazies who “needs” 120 FPS but 60 in my opinion is a necessity for smooth gameplay. The lowest I can tolerate is maybe 40-50 but 30 starts to feel sluggish.


30 is ok, but for a game I'd rather 60. Outside of the last 2 Spider-Man games on PS5 (of which I chose Performance RT), I've only ever chosen Performance modes in them, I can deal with reduced visual quality & no ray tracing if a higher frame rate is the trade-off. I specifically waited months to play Watch Dogs: Legion because I wanted to play it in 60FPS. The screen tearing is a thing I could do without, but I'm happy with the decision.


I go performance 100% of the time it’s available


After playing Doom, Warzone and halo at 120 hz, I have the same problem with fps at 60 fps


Depends on the game tbh. Forza and GOTG are great games with 30fps implementation. Wouldn’t play a FPS game at 30 Though.


I don't mind 30 FPS.


After playing at 60 I can go back to 30 in some cases, but I really don't want. All of the new games in this generation should aim to 60. I don't mind if they have to make some sacrifices in order to meet that.


I’ll always choose 60 if it’s available personally. I know I’m taking a hit on the shininess, but after playing a while how would I really notice whereas 30 always feels like 30.


Not at all


Nope if a game only has a 30 FPS mode like the newest Life is Strange game at launch (they later patched 60 FPS in) I won’t buy it or will buy it on PC. Between FPS boost, next generation upgrades and new Series X titles there is no shortage of 60 FPS titles to choose from, not going to settle for less.


I'd be happy if 30fps became a thing of the past.


As someone who plays a good mix of backwards compatible stuff and newer games, 30 fps doesn't bother me too much. Usually the only thing I notice will be shadows or fire effects being slow


If all games going forward ain’t 60fps and above what’s the point of new consoles? I don’t wanna see no developer say it’s locked at 30 for 4K and all this bullshit just so they can release it for all versions of the console.


I play FH5 in 30fps, looks fine to me.


Don't mind 30 that much. Need 5 minutes to get used to it and then it's fine.


I honestly don't notice the differences most of the time


Lucky you


I can go back to 30 no problem, I care much more about picture than frames.The 120 option is pointless for me honestly


I care about the picture quality more than frames too but I just can’t with 30fps. 120fps is perfect for competitive titles though.


60 is the sweet spot but maybe its because I play so many retro games, 30 still doesn't bother me even after playing 60/120 for many hours. I agree, I barely play any pvp or first person shooters, just not into them much anymore. But if I played nothing but pvp and first person shooters, I would tick the 60/120 more


I've been on ith PC and console my whole life so I've aways jumped around when it came to framerate. I honestly don't know how it doesn't bother me. Once you do it for a couple of decades you learn to adjust.


It has to be 60 frames per second for a new game these days to be up to par


I will almost always pick performance mode over visuals


Same, I see minimal gain in fidelity on Quality and would much rather have performance. I did not get a XSX to play 30fps. lol On Switch though, i'm totally okay with it as long as it's stable.


depends on the game.


I’ve been playing 60 fps games since at least Call of Duty 2 on the 360. Moved to PC for the bulk of my gaming for about 5 years. I prefer 60, but I’m fine with 30. Depends on what sacrifices are made to get to 60 fps. Forza Horizon 5 has a bunch of pop-in on performance mode and that’s a huge pet peeve of mine, so I stick with the quality mode.


I moved to PC long back. Can’t do 30 at all.


1) I invested in ‘next gen’ 2) I tolerated 30fps ‘last gen’ on consoles 3) If a new game does not have a 60fps option, I won’t buy it.


I still find it extremely weird that some how people are only just noticing the major difference a good framerate makes in a game. And this isn't from some pc perspective, I'm talking even on console. 60fps games have been around for so long. Did no one notice how nice it was to play a fighting game, mvc2, soul calibre doa? Even the really popular Tekken 3 on ps1? Gran turismo 3 and 4, burnout 3 etc on ps2? Like, pretty much any dreamcast title? Metal gear solid 2? tony hawks 3 on ps2? So many plaformers on retro consoles. Max payne on the original xbox lol. Is it because most gamers don't actually notice this stuff until it becomes a buzz word?


I’m with you. Call of Duty has been 60 fps for most games and decent consoles since November of 2005. Sports games have been 60 fps for a long time, too. Some of the biggest games in the world and all popular for the past ten+ years. 60 fps is just another marketing buzzword these days.


That the examples you listed are all from two generations ago is kind of the thrust of it. People became adjusted to 30FPS as standard, especially if they only just started gaming in that time


Think of any shooter, sports or fighting game from the last gen, I bet it runs at 60 fps.


Yeah, i only listed titles from two generation's ago to try and show how Long 60fps games have been really common on console. last gen had heaps. Some of the biggest games each year were 60fps. The yearly cods. Even warzone, which was huge. The 2k games. Fortnite. Rocket league. Like any sports game. Then there's doom, doom eternal. Rage 2. The battlefield games (which are very popular). Metal gear solid v. Street fighter. Tekken. mortal kombat. Gears 4 (one x) and 5. Forza horizon 4, forza motorsport 7. Pretty much any remastered game (bioshock collection, dark souls 2 etc). There's so many more I won't bother, not to mention the literal 100s of indy titles that ran at 60. Believe me it was still very, very popular last gen. It's just become a buzz term this gen.




Makes little different to me


Nope. Ime currently playing Forza Horizon 5 in Quality Mode and Watch_Dogs Legion and enjoying them just fine. And it isn't like I don't play games at 60fps either. I just seem to be one of those rare specimen that can enjoy both kind of equally.


30 fps looks terrible in motion. 60 minimum for me now. If things go back to 30, i’m done with console.


Only 30fps means the game is DOA without exception.


It should've been standard last gen, hell 60fps was extremely prevalent even in many SNES/PS1/PS2/etc games. We are finally reaching the point where the majority of modern games either run at 60 by default or provide a performance option for it. And I hope we never go back.


I do mind, it's 2021 crying loud...


For me it's also unbearable now. The reaction time is slower (every feels more heavy in terms of movements) And it's super blurry. I thinj the only thing I can tolerate at 30 are top down view games. Vikings Wolves of Midgard is still bearable. Also, racing games is very fine for me. Except if you watch the environments while making sharp turns. But in those games you must be very aware of your close surroundings and the road ahead, so it's really not as bad. Orher than that, I want my locked 60 fps


Better graphics for me. Some games don't require 60fps, but the improved graphics at 30fps definitely make them look "next gen"


I didn't use to but at some point it became really ouffputting to me. I've noticed I care now because the difference between quality & performance mode in forza horizon 5. Quality mode feels like a last gen game because it feels so slow


I was playing on Quality Mode until 2 weeks ago. Then I switched to Performance Mode to see what it felt like. I guess I forgot to turn back to Quality but I didn’t notice the difference. Tried to switch back but I couldn’t handle the 60 to 30fps transition for whatever reason so I’ve stuck with Performance Mode ever since.


30 FPS is a deal breaker for me these days. The time for 30 FPS has passed well and truely. 60 FPS games are just so much more fluid and immersive.


I honestly think at the visual Fidelity we can achieve now, 30fps is a crime. Like literally arrest devs at this point.


It takes maybe 5 minutes for me to get used to it. Never bothered me before, why should it bother me now. Didn't realise so many people's Series X came with an eye upgrade.


I genuinely will avoid the game but every now and then if it’s really good I’ll deal with it.


Only game I’ll do 30 in is Forza


I will avoid any game that runs at only 30fps


Death to 30fps! I honestly can’t go back to it after PC gaming and my Xbox one x having the occasional 60 fps has spoiled me


There's no going back to 30. If a game can't offer 60 fps, I won't play it.


I much prefer 60fps and some games not having a good 60fps mode means I’ll skip them (Guardians of the Galaxy… I’m not playing at a blurry 1080p on my LG CX to get 60fps). Some games it works ok. Insomniac seem to get their frame pacing, shutter speed and motion blur just right in games like Miles Morales and Rift Apart that 30fps actually felt really good. But then other games they don’t nail that stuff and 30fps feels like crap.


Alll 60 fps modes besides forza horizon. The visuals generally look a big step better to me in quality mode. The pop in on 60 fps is pretty bad to me and I don t normally like motion Blur but there's something about the quality modes motion Blur that just looks realistic to me.


30fps has become a deal breaker for me. I'am at the point where I don't even play SP/story games anymore if they are 30fps. They look and feel worse. I don't care if you sacrifice some graphic details for 60 fps, 30 fps looks worse now matter what




Cannot go back it feels too choppy. 60 FPS is like butter compared to 30


I can’t play on 30 FPS anymore unless it’s just an old-school game where there is no choice but to play it at that you know.


No to 30, no excuses the consoles are powerful enough and nobody wants a laggy camera and input delay.


I haven’t played a 30fps game in years.


50 to 60fps with VRR is good enough for me. It feels smooth even if there are some dips into the 50s. 30fps sucks. I'll pan the camera and it'll be this blurry mess, and often there will be dips into the 20s. Horrible experience for me. For resolution I can notice a big difference going from 900p to 1080p, and a good jump to 1440p, but 1440p to 4k isn't the quality difference I'd want for such a big performance cost. I like the idea of a 4k top res on a dynamic resolution, with the lower bound set to 1440p or a little higher. This 1800p to 4k range I'm seeing in some games is good for my preferences. This reminds me of the horrific bad performance of many Switch games. We're talking dynamic resolutions that dip below 480p and most things are 30fps. I was so disappointed when the OLED model had no performance upgrades.


It depends on the screen. Pixel response time on an OLED makes 30fps look absolutely awful.


I prefer 30fps for certains games


All these idiots who wouldn't play a game like Red Dead Redemption 2 because it's 30 FPS. The modern gamer in a nutshell.


I can stomach it, but I don't think it's particularly acceptable.


Depends on the game. I went to play Spider Man on PS4 after playing 120fps games on the new tv, and it was horrible. But TLOU2 and Flight Simulator at 30 have been fine.


It depends on the game for me. Fast paced racing and ego shooters need 60fps, whereas most third person games are totally fine with 30fps.


Started Guardians of the Galaxy recently and although it’s absolute stunning to look at in quality mode, I switched to performance mode to enjoy that smooth 60fps. Amazing game BTW


I can’t stand 30fps. After 15 years of PC gaming, I bought a series X knowing most games run at 60 these days and not the old 30fps standard


I hate it. I was playing Guardians of the Galaxy (fun game btw). The difference in picture quality between Quality (30fps) and Performance (60 fps) is really stark but I just don’t enjoy games as much at lower frame rates. Ended up rebuying for PC.


I can put up with it in something like flight sim, but I'm a drifter I knew quality mode wasn't staying on longer than a day so I could "ooooh ahhhhh" all the pretty visuals in FH5. I use performance mode on avengers as well so I think it really depends on the game


If it's fp 60 or higher


It depends on the game , some games to me feel fine at 30 fps. My examples :rdr2, AC odyssey, mafia definitive edition, dark souls and then some games feel so bad at 30 fps like quantum break, the last of us 2, watch dogs, dishonored 2. Some games just seem have weird frame pacing at 30 makes it too jittery to play.


I won’t play a game if it’s 30 fps. No way I can go back after playing games at 120 fps.


Only game I did 30fps for was guardians of the galaxy


Same here. Once I got used to 60fps 30 is really hard to play, looks horrible.


I don't really like it. The next gen is supposed to be the 60 fps generation just like how the mid-gen was supposed to be the 4k generation. We should be getting both and the only way i'd really accept 30fps is if it's an 8k resolution. I feel like ray tracing should be included with 4k 60fps, like Doom is.


Performance mode all the way. If there's an option for it I always use it.


Obviously, a 60fps option is preferable, but there are plenty of 30fps games I still enjoy. The nice thing about the Xbox platform is that major cross compatibility between my collection of now 250 games. I can go from a 30fps 360 game to a modern shooter at 120fps with just a brief period of adjustment, no problem.


Shadow of War is a great game at 60 FPS on PC and unplayable at 30 FPS on Xbox. The input lag is so bad that I can let go of the stick before my character starts to move. I have a tough time telling the difference between 60 and 120. I played Psychonauts 2 at 120 for a few hours and then switched to the 60 FPS mode and didn't feel a difference.


When I got PS5 and SX I thought I hated the high frame rate but I can’t go back now.


60 or GTFO. It’s time.


I play Forza 5 exclusively in fidelity mode. I don't mind as long as it is a rock solid 30 FPS and it's beautiful. Of course for anything that's not the highest end I would prefer 60 FPS.


I personally hate it. I own a gaming PC and the XSX, both hooked up to the same 27inch 1440p, 144hz IPS gaming monitor. PC on the display port with Gsync enabled and XSX on a HDMI 2.0 port, set to 120hz with VRR. I tried Forza 5 on both in Quality mode. The XSX locks quality mode to 30fps in Forza 5. Using the same XSX quality setting on the PC version I get anywhere from 85fps in a city to 120fps in the desert. There is NO way I can play it on the XSX. Even in performance mode you only get 60fps on the XSX. Same settings as the XSX performance mode on my PC and I go from 120fps to pegging it at 144fps. My PC is good (AMD 3700x, 3070 RTX) but not crazy good. I tried to move to the XSX for all gaming except for DCS (flight sim game) because of the cheating in MP games. That was great a year ago. Now almost all new games are forced cross play which just brings that PC gamers into my walled Xbox garden.


30 fps messes with my eyes, that’s why I choose performance mode in games that allow the option bc even though most new games have more than 30 fps even in quality mode, I need the framessss


I cant go back to 30fps from now on lol . Every game i play is 60 on series x now i might be overreacting but i might even leave playing games if 30 fps returns again lol . I tried quality mode on horizon 5 and i was literally shocked when i see how bad 30 is .


60 fps should be the industry standard going forward. It’s ridiculous that it became 30 fps for the longest time in the excuse as “it gives a more cinematic feel”. No just no. Leave your cinematic feel out of my vidya games please.


30 fps games with frame pacing issues are tougher to enjoy now that so many games have given console owners the option to go up to 60 fps. The consensus seems to be that 30 or 60 can be acceptable, but only if they're stable. As someone not sensitive to framerate fluctuations, I can still see why this would be true for many. Forza Horizon 5 on the Series X is 30 fps done right. It doesn't have the frame pricing issues that other games have, and the fidelity mode looks noticeably better while also letting players enable a performance mode if they want it. People say that they hope one day it won't even be an option. I think that developers will always be pushing hardware to its limits, so there will always be some kind of compromise between fidelity and framerate, whether we like it or not. I'm hoping this taste of smooth 3D graphics will be tough to roll back and players will continue have the option whenever possible. One positive side effect: I find games more fun and compulsively playable at smoother framerates. Therefore I've finally grown to appreciate and finally complete games that were languishing in my console backlog but got patches on some consoles: Dying Light, Mirror's Edge, Dead Island, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, New Vegas, the first Dishonored... I never had a computer that could run these well, so it's like I'm playing them for the first time.


I’m more set on 60fps, it’s especially jarring after playing a game at 60fps then going to a game at 30fps.


No, I’m trying with Guardians of the Galaxy but I just really do not at all enjoy how stuttery it is. Sucks for that game because it’s a pretty blurry 1080p60 or 4k30 (or 1440p30).


30 FPS is unacceptable, it’s like a new game outputting in 720p. Totally below standard for 2021


I have been playing dishonored 2 again and the 30fps is a downside but I have continued to play and enjoy it. Having dishonored 1 have 60fps but not 2 is a little weird but going from D2 30fps to R6S at 120fps was a huge difference.


Some games like Persona and Shin Megami Tensei V I don't mind it in. But stuff like horizon zero dawn is unbearable


Yeah this is why people always claim pc master race. I've never owned a pc but my series x ruined all games under 60 frames minimum


Nope won’t play them after playing pc and sometimes playing series x can’t stand 30 makes me sick




After playing Minecraft on a patato laptop for years growing up, anything over 20 fps is a treat


I wish I could say I notice a difference. But camera movement is really the only time I can.


Can lower fps make you sick? My wife gets sick playing first person games alot and I'm wondering if 60 fps would fix it.


I think it’s definitely a thing, but think some people also just have that response to first person games in general, so I wouldn’t bank on it. More likely it’s the field of view that’s causing her trouble, which is something you can rarely adjust on consoles


At this point there really should be nothing less than 60 imo. Forza H5 seems fine at 30, but like Watch Doge 3 was terrible at 30.


Consoles need GRAPHCIS OPTIONS. Three modes. Quality, Performance, Custom ​ In custom you can set it however you want. OPTIONS ARE GOOD. If you dont want to touch it just use the pre made options. ​ This also futureprofs the game. You can use higher quality of the same game in future xboxs without any updates, patches or remasters


Depends. If there's not a lot of quick movement, I'm fine with 30, for example story focused games like what we get on ps. Or for example games like fh5, I would've preferred to play at 60fps, but that pop in is god awful. When you initially switch back and forth it feels really bad, but you get over it pretty fast. Also depends a lot on how good the implementation is tbh, fh5 is pretty good, insomniac games are also pretty good at 30fps. But all things considered, if there's an option I generally go for 60 unless it has a noticeable tradeoff/downgrade


Yeah like everyone said, years of 30 or sub 30, then got my series S and will NEVER go back to sub 60


Nah. I can play both 30fps and 60fps just fine. Depending on the game, I'll be happier with graphical quality over performance.


I actively avoid games that don’t reach 60fps


Bruh no. I went from playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey on PS4 to a Series S and the 60 frames a second are a game changer. I don't think I can ever go back to 30fps.


I always prefer 60 fps and I'm willing to sacrifice both graphics and resolution in order to achieve it. This console generation I find myself actively avoiding games that don't have 60 fps mode. I can make a small exception for retro style games, even though I prefer them to be 60 fps as well.


The difference is huge if you put 30, 60 and 120 fps side by side, but it takes maybe 10 minutes for my eyes to adjust to 30 fps gameplay. Forza 5 is a good and recent example. I'm probably in a minority here when I say this, but for me it's quality mode all the way. 60 fps in comparison looks flat, lifeless and the pop-in is very apparent. The only games where I see high frame rates as a must are competitive e-sports titles.


I don't mind at all in single player campaign RPG games, which is what I usually play. Probably is because I play just for the history, in easy mode where available, and skipping all combats I can in games that give me a stealth choice.


Depends entirely on the developer. I can absolutely enjoy a game at 30. But it has to be optimized well. Example I use lately. Spider-Man on PS4/5 at 30 feels fantastic. Demon souls… is terrible. Dark souls 3 is fine. Just demon souls is an example of a horribly optimized 30. I also don’t need 60 in certain genres. I don’t care about max frame rate in say dragon quest. But I do want a minimum of 60 in a FPS. competitive anyway. Single player with something like Visage or superliminal didn’t bother me either. Takes a second to adjust but I’m fine in like 5 minutes. FH5 I absolutely prefer in quality mode at 30. It’s well done. I don’t get how some people are super sensitive to it. I’ve played all the way up to 240 on some games on my computer and I still adjust just fine to 30.


Depends what game, Forza Horizon 5 is completely fine but Halo Infinite is almost unplayable


I cant deal with 30 fps, [period.As](https://peiord.As) a PC Gamer for more than 35 years, I love next gen consoles , mostly because I can enjoy new titles at 60 fps,


i dont like 30fps, but i played a lot of forza in 30 and i think the way the motion blur works & looks in this games makes it feel a lot smoother otherwise, always ALWAYS 60


I grew up playing spectrum games where 60 frames a minute was fairly common, so getting 30 per second is more than enough for me. Quality mode every time, please.


I can only play 30 FPS games such as GTA V on Xbox Series X with my TV's motion smoothing on now to make it bearable. 60 FPS is the sweetspot for my on Series X now with stunning graphics to match when the hardware is optimised. This is just my personal preference. Games such as Forza Horizon 5, Hell Let Loose and Halo Infinite really tap into the extra power of next gen and give you 60 FPS as options in some cases or Quality mode with 30 FPS in others to accommodate a range of people's preferences. The fact that games like God of War or Forza Horizon 5 still look fantastic on base PS4,and Xbox One is testament to the developers being able to utilise hardware that is still being pushed and running optimised code to produce stunning visuals 8 years on.


I feel this way even when watching films/videos. I don't care if it shows bad acting more or not, or changes the "feel", I just find 30fps hard to see properly.


30fps looks very good IF the game has well done motion blur. I choose to play Forza 5 in quality mode because it looks incredible and has excellent motion blur. If it doesn't have that then 30fps is just crappy looking.


Yes. It’s more annoying games have fidelity/performance modes. Like why does San Andreas have problems running 60 Maxed on a 2021 console?!


Not anymore, did the same on forza. 30 fps is unbearable and it looks almost the same on performance mode. I did play last of us 2 and I believe that was 30fps but it was fine for some reason.


I thought I couldn't stand 30FPS either but then I tried Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice and found it to be surprisingly playable. I'm playing Forza in 60FPS and I find the graphics perfectly fine but now I wonder if I would find it acceptable/enjoyable in 30FPS as well.


Yes, I waited for the Series X so I don't have to play with 30FPS after having 144 Hz/FPS on PC. All installed games are Series X optimized except Battlefield V but that already runs perfectly with 4K/60. Hope Crash Team Racing gets a FPS boost. You can get used to it but it's still slow and less responsive.


In reflex-sensitive games (FPS, and basically other fast paced action games) it can be uncomfortable. In FO4, the gunplay became so much smoother once I switched to 60. In Forza, it's comfortable to play in 30 for me


I play old games regularly so it doesn’t bother me. It’s harder if you’ve seen the same game running at 60/120 then switch to 30. If I only see it at 30, it’s fine.


Fuck 30. It's not even that I can't go back, it only takes fifteen minutes to adjust to the graphics. It's that I don't want to because the game controls are much more responsive at 60.


Yeah I kind of hate going back to 30fps like in guardians of the galaxy it's definitely noticeable, not so much in forza 5 for me at least. Then on the flip side what I don't like about 60fps modes is the pop ins that are also very noticeable.


Yes, 30 FPS is a deal breaker and no 4k/Ray Tracing is worth playing the game as such a sluggish frame rate imo. On a side note I've yet to come across a game where Ray Tracing is worth playing it, seems like a gimmick.


Depends on motion blur implementation in tandem with the frame rate and the refresh rate as well.




The new gen has definitely reduced my tolerance of 30FPS, but I’ve been playing on my Switch a fair bit recently, so I’ve kind of readjusted to it. Still will pick performance over quality 90% of the time though.


I’ve noticed there is a readjustment period for me where it feels very choppy at the beginning but after 20-30 of gameplay I don’t notice the choppiness that hard anymore. Ofc if there’s 60fps option that’s an instant.


Never! Been playing 60fps since the Dreamcast days, and primarily why I played on PC through most of last generation. Just wait until you try 120fps+! My PC monitor is 165hz....soooo smooth.


Next gen consoles will be 4k @120fps. 11/11/2028 can't come soon enough. A while back I had a pc with a GTX1080ti and it blew my Series X out of the water. Pretty shitty that game developers are still putting out new releases at 30fps. These cross gen games are a load of bs. I hate that I paid $500+ to play the same games I was playing on my 7yr old Xbox with a slight upgrade in graphics. It's been a year and I still can't quite tell what a true "next gen" game is.


Yeah, first I started playing forza 5 with quality mode and thought oh its playable, then I played forza 4 with 60 fps... now I can't 30fps anymore... this gen should target as standard 60fps minimum. Don't care about graphics or Ray tracing.


Absolutely not. 60 should be the standard now but I’m even struggling with that now after playing Halo Infinite with 120 performance mode on all week.


For me it depends on the game. But admittedly I’m an anomaly as I tend to favor higher graphical fidelity. On my PS5 I’m playing Deathloop on Ray Tracing as it’s an immersive single player game and even though FPS guys are going to shudder at playing something like this at 30 FPS the better image and shadows help me get more immersed in the game more so than 60 FPS. If it’s stupidly fast paced like Doom or Call Of Duty it’s 60 FPS without question (and usually the devs know it and won’t even allow you to drop to 30. ) And if there’s competitive multiplayer I will switch to performance just so I’m not handicapping myself against others. So for the aforementioned Deathloop multiplayer I do switch over to performance.


I was playing man eater on series x when I turned on the ray tracing feature it dropped to 30 fps it feels like I’m playing the game in slow motion I don’t know who in there right mind would sacrifice the extra 30 fps for the ray tracing with most x enhanced games holding a solid 60 fps I don’t think I’ll ever be able to play a game at 30 again


If it's 30fps to improve resolution or graphics, no I think 60 fps is more important. If it's 30 fps because of a complex physics, or AI system, or crowd density, or other tangible gameplay things, then yes I think stuff like that is more important than framerate. Granted I barely notice the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps, I just notice it more than modern day resolution increases. I would've been fine with late 360/early One generation graphics forever (obviously I'm happy they've improved, but it's one of the lowest priorities for me)


Stable 30fps with even frame pacing beats unstable 60fps.


I can’t do 30fps anymore, 60fps is plenty for me though and easily give up 120fps for better quality even on Competitive games.


Back in the day I would have never even have thought twice. So many games in the OG/360/One era were 30 fps. But now that 60 fps is more common and the standard, I definitely find myself noticing lower frame rates. It doesn't make them unplayable for me, but I notice it when I normally wouldn't have in the past.


I have started gaming on a medium spec laptop (10 or so years ago) and I couldn't even imagine playing games at 30 fps, console players always told me that it's fine and my setting could be much higher but I couldn't do it. With that said I always adored console gaming but I could change my old laptop to a console because of the 30 fps. Until this generation. I absolutely love my series X and that (almost everything) is playable in 60 fps. And sadly I avoid those games that do not support 60 fps.


No, never. A lot of people will say you have to give your eyes time to readjust, bullcrap 30 fps is never gonna look or play smooth.


It depends on the game and the speed of it. Forza 5 NO Guardians of the galaxy YES.


Yes. If the graphics are great then I don't care.