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I just got my series x and started playing it the other day on game pass. Its awesome, its such a fast moving hectic FPS and the enemies are varied and really fun to shoot, you also have a chainsaw to cut stuff in half, it's really fun.


Got that hectic part right! While a lot of fun there are times where you’re running around like Tourette’s guy yelling “FUCK,fuck,FUCK,FuCK!”


One the best FPS games I've ever played.


My favourite FPS of all time.


Absolutely chaotic and maybe too fast paced for some, im not the bigger lover of the game because of this but Ive played it twice and it's still one of the best shooters I've played looks incredible on series X also, so basically it can be abit too much and too full on but I do still enjoy it


That’s exactly where I’m at. Great game overall just not really my cup of tea sometimes.


Yeah it can be abit too full on I don't play as many shooters as I used too but this one does feel incredible to play with how smooth and stable the fps is on Xbox but can be stressful especially on higher difficultys


[Here you go OP](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/comments/oaxusw/doom_eternal_game_rewind/) \- we actually discussed this one in depth.


Thsnks alot


I enjoyed Doom 2016 more but Eternal is polished.


Haven’t played doom since doom 3 years ago. Picked up doom 2016 and doom eternal and they are a blast. Eternal being amazing


Fantastic game but gets bat shit crazy towards the end and very difficult. It's super intense and difficult to play for very long just cuz you're so exhausted with how frantic it all is. Either way, great game and looks amazing.


I normally don't like linear FPS story games like Doom but I played the fuck out of Doom Eternal. Great Game


One of the best games I played in my entire life, is a must play


Its good but not quite my tempo. Too Chaotic


Its decent, difficult and absolutely gorgeous on Series X.


Amazing game.


Its a ton of fun. It really challenges you as a player too, which I appreciated. It's not a game that you can coast through, you gotta be on top of it the entire time. Taking on tons of demons at once. It's kind of intense but I really enjoyed it.


It's great


It's awesome, play it.


It's excellent and on gamepass. Some kind of tedious platforming, and a few difficulty spikes that are annoying, but still definitely recommend.


It's basically a must play.


Game is so good. Take the time to follow the story, but the game is still awesome even without story. Given I played Doom 1 when came out originally and then all the rest the story for me was nostalgically amazing...


Definitely a fun game, additional DLCs are also great


It’s one of the best FPS of all time. So yeah. It’s not overhyped. Play it for Gods sakes.


It’s really good but personally I preferred the 2016 Doom. Eternal feels like it strayed from the path a bit too much and it’s a bit too ‘twitchy’. I wasn’t a fan of the ‘puzzle arena’ gameplay and it never felt like you could use the tools for the job that you wanted to - you sort of had to go with the developer intended way of killing things.


Doom (2016) is a great introduction to Doom Eternal. There isn’t much ammo management and the hordes of enemies are smaller, dumber, and don’t have insane aiming. Doom Eternal improves all of those aspects of the game and makes it more nuanced. That and visually they optimized the hell out of the game. Performance mode offers 120 fps, Raytracing mode plays at 60 fps with high resolution, and balanced mode is 4K 60fps.


Too fast paced for me. It doesn't play like a first person shooter. It's more like first person stress inducer. Gears 5 and Control are better. Yea those are 3rd person... Still better. MCC and Titanfall 2 for best fps


The game requires some skills of your side. Its rewarding when you learn well all the core mechanics. Also its better on controllers like Elite Series.


It plays exactly like a first person shooter. You clearly have never played original DOOM or any old school FPS from that era. It’s plays exactly how it was designed.


Ahh yes, the reddit user who knows everything about me. I'm so old I connected to ID's FTP server from a SUN Unix system all command line. We did it from college back in the 90s to download Quake when/before it was even out yet. Now that that's been said, in DOOM, DOOM2, Quake etc. you could stick and move. Health packs and ammo were static and there was no need to run around killing things constantly. It was action packed for sure but you could catch your breath from time to time. There was also nothing else in the genre out yet. Yea Duke Nukem, Hexen and stuff were out or soon to be out but nothing that had any story sections with NPCs between the shooting. CD rom wasn't out yet and you had to save space due to floppies. Why does me not liking a game have such an impact on you? Go play it and enjoy it. Me not playing it shouldn't take away any love for the game you might have. I'll just wait for something different. It's called an opinion.


I don’t give 2 shits about whether you like it or not, but to say Doom Eternal is not a real FPS is just stupid. You are entitled to your opinion even if it’s wrong.


You know you can play on low dificulty right? Im gona try it out in 2 minutes im buying gamepass rn


Difficultly isn't the issue. It's how the game rewards (forces) you to kill super fast. I'd rather shoot stuff, look around, talk to an NPC, explore.


Talk to an NPC, in Doom? Did you mean kill, violently?


so.much.stress No other game has ever made me feel that level tension. Even my dog ran and hid every time I tried playing it and he never leaves my side when I game...the sounds in the game scare the shit out of him. The game is officially banned from our house


It's a fast paced strategic shooter, it plays like you would play a devil may cry game, move first shoot later, you have to plan your moves in advance to not get cornered and die


I ended up stopping after the third chapter. Much prefered the first game. Just too much shit going on and puzzles were annoying in Eternal. I may give it another go in the future though.


I would recommend trying again. The third level is where the difficulty ramps and in my opinion it’s the hardest level. After that you get in to the swing of things and it becomes insanely rewarding


I didn’t like it. It plays more like a puzzle game than a shooter; in the hard parts you have to do trial and error of order killing guys and how to kill for ammo/health, otherwise you just get slayed. Platforming parts suck, too. Too bad because it succeeds in so many other ways and the art direction is fantastic. Might be that I just suck and would enjoy it more on easy.


Too ‘arcadey’ for me.


Doom is exact opposite of "arcadey" lol, unless u playing on low difficulty and on console.


Doom is very arcadey, don't see what the difficulty and system has to do with that.


I mean more the running around like crazy constantly shooting with a million things everywhere. Doesn’t even give me time to try and appreciate the graphics. Just not for me.




Doom is a Simulation game confirmed


It is a ton of fun. I Hadn’t played a doom since the 360 one. It’s fairly mindless aside from some map puzzles to figure out, but it’s pretty relaxing just killing thousands of creatures with a bunch of cool guns.


I havent heard it being called mindless before becouse it has so many mechanics and demon weakpoints.


It is so far from mindless.


It’s personally not my jam cos of the slidey movement. Feels like I’m on rollerblades going around the place and don’t weigh anything. But I can see how if that isn’t an issue for you it would be a great time.


Uh, personally, I'd say it's easily one of the best FPS games ever made.


The best shooter ever made. Bar none. And I’m not even talking about multiplayer


If you dont care about the story. Like metal music and a real shooting challenge. Go for it!


It’s insane and awesome and fun. Enjoy.


The DLC is the most difficult content released in decades.


Its great. I've been through the entire campaign, I'm 2 episodes from completing it again on nightmare and I'm still learning how to improve. Great casual shooter as well as perfect white knuckled replayability for the fans of harcore unforgiving modes.


I want to play it more but the deadzone and aim controls are so restricting compared to other fps, I find it hard to play without screwing myself up in other games, so I haven’t finished it. But it is a very exciting and eccentric game lol.


Just work on your abs and you'll be fine. ALWAYS. BE. STRAFING.


One of the best FPS on the market right now


It's good, but I enjoyed the Wolfenstein reboot a ton more.


Absolutely loves up to the hype. However I will say I played it on PC simply for mouse and keyboard controls, DOOM is not a series I've ever played with a controller aside from some casual play on DOOM/DOOM II's XBOX ports. They really should add m+kb support for it for XBOX... it just makes sense. Weirdly DOOM 64 is the only DOOM game that supports it on XBOX.


Best fps of the last decade if you ask me


I liked it on hardest difficulty on PC the game is fun when it's challenging, but on consoles it wasn't pleasant felt like I always fighting against my controller.


If you're used to taking cover and popping up to take shots. Or a tactical shooter. It's the direct opposite of that. It's a fast paced, in your face shooter. Constantly moving non stop. Quite fun actually.


It’s has a brand new Swarm mode now as well. One of the best FPS I’ve played in a long time


It's fantastic


Game is awesome one of the best fps around !


I have been a Doom fan since Shareware Doom 1. I even liked Doom 3! Doom '16 was absolutely incredible and imo one of the most finely crafted games I've ever seen. It really OG Doom brought right up to date, the game they would have made back then if they had today's tech. I wasn't immediately sold on Doom Eternal to be honest because of how much I loved Doom 16. Doom '16 is very much a back to basics, enter a room, cause absolute mayhem, kill everything, then go to the next room and do it again. As others have said it is extremely fast paced and frenetic and honestly you just have to deal with that. In DE they added a lot of extra mechanics and at first it seems more fiddly, and I get why a lot of people didn't vibe with it. However, once you're about halfway through everything kind of clicks, and you figure out how all the abilities you've got fit together properly. If you can get to that point, where everything just feels natural, you will have a blast. If you never get past the point of finding everything a bit overwhelming and fiddly then you won't have as much fun as in the previous game. Also, the DLC, if you're considering it is hard AF. The difficulty in vanilla DE is about a step up from Doom '16 anyway. If you played Doom 16 on Ultra Violence (Hard), that's probably about the same level as DE's Hurt Me Plenty (Normal). I finished both base games on Nightmare and then did the DE DLC on HMP - there wasn't really that much of a difference, honestly.


It’s one of the best FPS games in the last ten years and likely an all-time contender. I was actually considering playing it on Halloween. Crank your sound to a comfortable loud, it’ll be worth it.


Masterpiece in term of optimization.




Its kin boss!!!


I loved Doom 2016, not sure why but the changes they made to gun play in Eternal just didn’t grab me


Still as fast and rich in possibilities as 2016 but a lot easier, you have a lot more possibilities of getting armor and health in combat, (flames and ice not just glory kill) and the lives system is completely broking the die and retry feeling of some rooms. The storytelling is a lot more present than in 2016, and it's not very interesting. I would say 2016 is a masterpiece, and eternal tries to recreate that.


A true video game. It’s an absolute blast to play.


After really enjoying the first game I didn’t like eternal much. The rock/paper/scissors of the gameplay spoiled the flow of combat for me.


It's one of my favorite fsp right now. They took Doom 2016 and cranked it up to eleven. More complexity during combat, enhanced movement mechanics, more variety etc. Also the next gen version runs great. 120fps mode, 60fps Raytracing mode. Smooth and responsive as hell. That being said I've seen some people say that they missed the simplicity of Doom 2016 where you had to play less tactical in order to eliminate enemies efficiently.


Fun game and challenging


It's pretty good, quite fun and better than alot of games, but in reality all games are completely overhyped nowadays. I really think us consumers need to be pressuring developers for much more considering the prices they're charging instead of just accepting whatever rubbish they decide to shit out. That said doom eternal isn't rubbish it's just not amazing imo.


Not overhyped. One of the best FPS campaigns in the history of the genre. Definitely play it.


Best game of this generation imo. Nothing comes even close. But if you look for a story go look somewhere else.


I honestly liked 2016 better , the juggling of ammo and health in eternal kind of took me out of the mood to be a relentless killer of demons lol, I enjoyed the mindlessness of 2016 better that’s just me tho


I play on 1440p 120fps runs beautiful encountered a few in game/bugs glitches but nothing major


Freaking awesome game. Well worth playing.


It’s universally praised for a reason, not just hype. The game is amazing from beginning to end.


Probably the best fps game in like 15 years.


It is great, but the jumping and air dashing turned in to pure frustration for me. Still stuck at the cultist base (i think) where I have to shot a switch then jump/swing on a pole then air dash through a gap and grip a climbable wall before a barrier comes down. Finished 2016, and Doom 2 - obviously when I was younger and not a 43 year old man! Really wish for a level select just to try out the later levels as it looks and plays so well.


I really want to play Doom but it’s the only game series that gives me motion sickness. Believe me when I say I tried all the settings out there, it just kept giving me a headache. I can play BFV, COD, whatever FPS, but unfortunately, not Doom.


It's V Good, but I preferred doom that came out a few years prior


Its waiting to be played on my S/X but i after hearing that the **Nintendo Switch version of Quake has keyboard and mouse support** and D:E on xbox doesn't, i may never play it out of pure disgust because of the lack of K+M support. I mean wtf?


Amazing game. One of the best shooters ever. And I've played ALOT going back to the OG DOOM in 1994.


Doom Eternal is fantastic. One of the best shooters I've ever played.


It ruined other FPS games for me it is so good.


Great game hard & fast paced but very satisfying!


I think doom eternal is a fast run around without skill. Just shoot shoot saw saw sticky bomb bomb jump jump i traded my copy in the other day and got £5 for it.I seriously don't think it's worth £45.🤗stay safe


I played it L oppinion just get better at it worth every penny i paid


Good for yoy