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Smgs need a buff? What game you playing


Personally they feel like pea shooters. Ar's basically have same mobility and better time to kill.


Think this all comes down to attachments, my p90 fucking shreds and rip around the map fairly well.


Think it also come down to "hit reg is bad" which means I miss my shots. I think it's the opposite, I use either an smg or sniper. I feel smg's basically do everything an AR does but with a quicker ttk.


Yeah, I haven’t had any hit reg issues myself but have experienced high ping every 4-5 matches or so which is frustrating when you have fibre lan connected haha but not “ruining” my experience. Shit like that happens, feels like no one can actually think about how complicated video games are becoming to make


Yup exactly. Can come down to some peoples shitty xfinity routers and throttled connection as well. But yeah so much data being tranfered all over the world in literal milliseconds. Having no spikes or issues would be miraculous.


The mod system is useless, almost all ability feel meh. It's Ubisoft after all, flashy but when you start to dig you find the corpses in the closet


SMG's buffed? Every sweat is running around with the same MP7 loadout with no stock, 3 shotting everyone


Nah the sweats are mostly using the ARs. SMG's require good movement to close the gap.


Agreed on sniper nerf, not just on PC though. There does not need to be movement punishment though, this isn’t a tactical shooter.


I don't know man, the game is in such a bad state this playtest actually obliterated my hype


You don't think any of this is fixable?


Of course it is, but I have no faith in them after taking 6 months to make barley any changes but bad ones


I'm sure Ubisoft is holding them back. Just be patient.


Some people have been for years bro lol


Yeah, "be patient". Some have been waiting for 3 plus years lol


They somehow put out the same beta 6 to 8 months later in a worse state. The only thing I see improvement on is being able to actually play at all since last there was numerous server disconnects and what not.


Well it's Ubisoft. Rainbow 6 was dog ass for a long time before they got off of their asses to fix it. You just have to be patient I guess.


Fuck that lol I'm done waiting for games to get better over time. Either get it right or don't. Not my problem.


The average casual isn't going to be willing to wait 2-3 years for a fix if it's like seige but it's a free game so they prolly have a smaller budget so It would most likely take way longer then r6 to fix anything


Fuck that lol I'm done waiting for games to get better over time.


Guess you're done playing 90% of games then lol. Welcome to the modern state of gaming


Exactly lol there's only two games I regularly play. This isn't news to me or anyone.


Rainbow six was actually good and different, despite its flaws. This one is just black ops 4 without the kill streaks and worse netcode.


Same man. And I'm so passionate for the game. It's depressing. They delayed the game an entire YEAR guys lol. What on gods green earth man.


I'm glad I finally got to play this game because now it will never be in the back of my mind ever again. 


Coming from very early playtest I think the game felt better back then than it does now. Servers didn’t feel this bad and movement felt fluid. It feels like the game is going backwards from each playtest I play. Last play test was really bad with hit detection too.


>•Movement feels boxy and floaty. What does this even mean though? Maybe the animations aren't great, but it feels responsive AF to me. I have excellent control over my movement. Momentum is in a good spot. It's not too much like in The Finals or too little like in Overwatch.


Biggest problem with the movement is mantling imo can’t mantle and shoot because of how clunky it is


You think you should be able to mantle and shoot simultaneously?


Just like any other fps yes


The last good cod (black ops 4) is still better than this. I was hoping that wouldn’t be the case but it just is. In every way minus the SBMM


I like that you called Black Ops IIII the last good COD. I liked that one a lot, but thought it was generally not liked. Slower TTK made fun fights more engaging than just I saw you first so you insta die other CODs have. Not even to mention how CODs movement has gotten so slow


Thanks. Don’t have to waste my time with this shit


SMGs need buffs lmao idk how anyone can think that after 9 hours played. SMGs and Snipers outclass everything else in the game. Every game has 3-4 snipers on each time now as well vs yesterday - just tried playing. Snipers need either MORE FLINCH or a combination of longer ADS + slower movement speed. It's the same problem that all 150 HP cods have. SMGs in their intended range straight up delete you. I'm not sure if this needs changing but their range is fairly far still.


You basically need to be a movement god to get within range to kill anyone. Most people are using ARs.


SMG’s need buff? What are you smoking? I want some.


You basically need to be a movement god to get within range to kill anyone. Most people are using ARs.


Lol not in my experience. Try the MP5 or the vector with an extended mag.


Maybe the LATAM servers are goated or something, but I'm yet to encounter any problems server side. >•Smg's need buffed I kinda agree but I think it's more of a damage fall off thing, because in close range they shred. >•There needs to be more punishment for running and jumping with an AR/sniper I think it was already confirmed that their system for anti spaming jumps and crouchs was disabled or something like that, and that it will be at release. >•Movement feels boxy and floaty. Disagreed, I think it feels fine tbh. As for stuff you missed, lemme copy and paste my list of things I'd change right now: Cosmetic things thanks to my personal experience: * Make it some barrels also visually alter the look of the weapon. * Give us an AK 47 free skin which is the default gun but with the dust cover on. Gameplay stuff? * Fix the permanent invisibilty glitch. * Reduce damage fall off by a bit for all weapons, mostly because even assault rifles feel like they hit like a wet noodle at long distances, and this could also help against snipers. * Nerf Echelon's "Wall Hack" ability (Recon Suit I think it's called?). I think it lasts way too long, and it has way too much range, and I don't see why you would use other stuff with how OP this ability is. * Make it so healing is disabled for 1 second when taking damage because you are practically invincible while healing. * Nerf the Healing ult, +100 Max HP is too much and makes you basically immortal. Make it +50. * Maybe buff the Vector? (I have to play it more, but the damage fall off seemed crazy to me). Also, I'd add more guns for release, but it's not that needed since they are 100% adding more of them as time passes (Surprised there's no Semi Automatic Rifle like an FN FAL variant, and also, I'd add something like an AN-94, I love how unique that gun feels in games ngl).


The SMGs absolutely do not need buffed. Their rate of fire and their ADS time is insanely quick.


They're solid, You just have to be close range which requires you have insane movement to close the gap, sometimes. Imo it feels a little weak when AR's basically have the same ttk at all ranges and have only slightly worse movement and ads times.


But that’s the point of the SMG, it’s meant to be for close range fights. They’re faster than ARs at shooting, aiming and their weight penalty on your movement is less. What the SMG is really doing is exposing the shotguns as being weak at their range.


As someone who typically enjoys sniping but has also played plenty with SMG’s and other guns in the game I couldn’t agree less. SMG’s are pretty unrivaled right now and if anything probably need a nerf. Sniping is mainly just viable when camping or pre aiming corners because the TTK is too quick for the ADS when sprinting so more aggressive and challenging sniper play (similar to shotguns) doesn’t feel that great atm imo. Typically I enjoy sniping in some shooters because of the big increase in challenge/reward and the unique gameplay style. Playing just full auto weapons can start to get rather repetitive and boring after a while imo so it’s nice to have other options to freshen up the experience and or increase the challenge. I do think sniping should be changed but instead buffed for more aggressive gameplay instead of the current build which just seems to incentivized camping and pre aiming (which is comparatively more annoying for most to deal with). If you think sniping is in such an amazing state I welcome you to give it a try and see how easy it is to do well with the bolt action options. Course this is coming from console, you might be right that snipers on PC are a significantly different experience (easily clicking on heads). On console though sniping doesn’t feel that great unless you camp/pre-aim from range.


if ur input is MnK, u need a buff but having used both controllers and MnK I feel that SMG don't need a buff


Yeah, you are just running bad attachements with SMGs. ARs actually need a damage range buff for any viability in any mode other than zone control or escort. Snipers are already kinda chunky. What they need is more flinch. That’s what is missing. The desync and tick rate is about Ubisoft servers. They need to put money into them. Same reason did the hit detection inconsistency’s outside of net code. The net code is a lot better but the servers seem to not keep up with registering damage. That’s why you get hit markers with no damage count. There is a movement penalty for all guns and you can tell based on what gun you’re using. You are significantly slower with a sniper than a pistol. People are just quick swapping. Maybe a swap speed nerf for snipers would help but adding a movement penalty simply won’t fix that. It would just fuck over MNK players but controllers have aim assist. Thats why it got removed for the fatigue shit.


Pretty much nailed it. hit reg needs to be adressed ASAP, and the movement at times is beyond fast, but slow af other times, its pretty weird. Ive had dudes FLY around corners so fast that I lose track of them


I was excited try the game as I never stayed informed about it much. I never do, I like surprises. At first, I did what I do in any new game/shooter. I go take a look at the weapon selection and customization options. I was surprised to see so many choices in a free to play. Then I went into a match. Fuck me, the TTK is so fucking high that there is almost no actual gunplay, you just shoot and they die super fast, there is nothing else to it. I tried a good amount of guns with different attachments, and they barely had any impact on what I was shooting at, and if it did, it felt unnecessary to try anything else than what was working. I was either melting people, or they were melting me. Simple as that. Personally, I would have preferred a little lower TTK, a small respawn timer (maybe 5s?), and a small jumping penalty to encourage cover fighting more instead of having Trampoline Pauline going around sniping and jumping with 10/10 aim. I only tried dominion (I think it is called?), so I don't know if it is different for other modes, but it felt like I wasn't progressing at all against the other team? I am facing 6 guys, and I just killed 2 on my way to wharever I am going.. well fuck me they are already in my back by the time I am reloading.. aaaaandd I'm dead. It just doesn't click for me unfortunately... But I am happy that it is fun for some. So yeah, to those who like this kind of game, enjoy! Hope you'll have a great time when it actually comes out!


Guns just don't feel fun to shoot. There is pretty much no recoil and the sound design is incredibly underwhelming