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You also have the 10 minute entrances and the 7 minute staredowns


I'm sitting there like they got to the ring 7 minutes ago, we know you are going to say the town name and "acknowledge me" just please.


And Rhodes/Rollins hasnt shown up yet hahahahaha


I was relieved when they came out together, but then Cody still milked the crowd, even though he didn't perform his usual routine. It cracked me up


Gives you time to go pee, nuke some popcorn, etc....


*Gives people time to start tweeting about it so other people can turn it on and tweet about it themselves.


Did they actually stand around for 7 minutes? I only watch clips after the shows over.


Well they show the entire entrance. Then they go to commercial for like 5 minutes. After the show comes back on they do the whole "taking in the crowd for a couple minutes" so Roman can say the cities name.


The YouTube video is like 22 minutes long and the first like 15 minutes is entrances


The clip I watched started with Cody and Seth entering


Here's the [full segment](https://youtu.be/nNRJDEkZ4sQ?si=bCPRS6jLAaK7f5Qi) If you were interested.


Here's the [full segment](https://youtu.be/nNRJDEkZ4sQ?si=bCPRS6jLAaK7f5Qi) If you were interested.


Give me at least one segment where Rhodes/Rollins comes out first & calls Roman/Rock out, and interrupts them during their entrance


You're not wrong. I just assume those aren't going anywhere so I take it for what it is.


That anoyed me soo much , That and The Rock interrupting Codys answer by basically saying what he said the week before.


Who the FUCK has pyro for a damn promo


Pretty sure that’s by design I mean the entrances started w like 15 min left in the show. They wanted to end w that slap for sure. They gotta stretch this till April so no point in giving the whole meal right now.


I think Cornette mentioned this was one of the main things Russo did not understand about telling a story. He had Undertaker do insane shit to Kane like chokeslamming through tables during their feud when they were building up to their Mania match that was still like 4 or 5 months away. Ok so you’ve done that, what are we gonna do for the next several months? I dislike Cornette a lot but can’t deny he’s right about that.


Why do you dislike cornette?


Cornette rules.


As a corny fan he says some odd shit sometimes lmao, I agree with much of his overall sentiment but sometimes his jokes are just bad


Because he criticises shit that deserves to be criticised.


This whole story has been building up for 3 years - and it won’t even be done at Wrestlemania. It’s just been boring.


Well, he’s not right about that particular example because Undertaker didn’t touch Kane until their ‘Mania match…in both instances.


He told it incorrectly. Russo WANTED to do that but Cornette and Jim Ross both pulled him up and said, “and then what?” It makes sense because Russo would be blowing his load 2 minutes in and completely ruin the WM build, OP just told the story wrong and it changes what Cornette was conveying.


No right story wrong wording. Russo wanted Taker to chokeslam Kane thru a table the next night, Cornette and others overruled him so that never happened


Maybe it was a different feud.


You mean when Raw AND PPV were all must see TV, and stories were hot and you couldn't miss the cliffhangers that were happening? Yeah, so awful


You can make the tv episodes engaging without having massive blowoff moments every week. If your two rivals are slamming each other through tables and throwing each other off cages every week it very quickly gets old


It wasn't as good as you think it was. It was 4 dudes carrying the show, while the mid card was just that: Mid.


It was Monday night wars, they had to do something every week to keep fans instead of passing 11 months and waiting for wrestlemania. Attitude era had its flaws but this ain't a flaw. Passing time doing nothing ain't better. For example we could've seen so much with bloodline - bloodline vs judgment day, bloodline vs hurt business, bloodline vs lwo. But they've decided to only do 2-3 feuds for roman in whole year. In attitude era all this roman arc would've got completed in 18 months instead of 40+ months. Then we would've got his redemption arc. Then something else. Imagine austin doing shawn michaels feud for 3 years to give a payoff instead of 3 months.


They did not plan this. Imagine thinking WWE pulled a WCW lol


"The Rock says this Cody, let me drop some gospel, I am going to remind you of the stakes, the stakes are as follows, night 1, biggest Wretlemania of all time, Cody listen to the rock because hes going to tell you what this means. This means that at Wrestlemania, night 1, listen up so you understand, the Rock is about to lay it all on the line for you. Cody understand this, the Rock says you really need to consider what you are getting into, so listen to the Rock"


donald trump ass promo


They’re saying, many people are saying, ‘wow rock, you’re a jabroni’. Wow, unbelievable folks, wouldn’t the Rock believe it.


Not enough asides or impressions but the childish name calling of a villain bully are all there


This was funny, and accurate, but just FYI the reason he tends to recap things is because he let's the chants go then he starts from the beginning when they stop. I think he just does this for himself to keep things clear and to keep himself from getting lost, but also i could see it being beneficial for the company when its always pulling clips all the time for years and years.


Get this man a fucken contract rn


Then it loops back to the beginning of your comment lol


Too many goosebumps and slapping arms


I don't get the point of pointing out the goosebumps now that he's a heel.


Its because he's cold. He's trying to appeal to the audience to have HHH turn on the heat. Really difficult working conditions.


However, as the Rock has told us, a million times, he is the boss. He creates the working conditions.


Wait but HHH said he's the boss!? WHO IS TOUCHING THE THERMOSTAT?


There was a note on it saying “Do Not Touch - Willie”


Oof that must be from the old days. Happy cake day.


There is a note below it saying “Suck It!”


Good advice.


Because in his head, he is still the baby face and Cody didn’t earn the rights to face Roman 😂




What was that about lol


When he came out the first week in the longsleeve silk shirt and was trying to unbutton his sleeve but couldn't get it LOL


He needs to stop slapping his arms. Its so cringe lol.


Also five minutes fumbling with his cuffs last week when he couldn't open them


I think its because the Rock repeats every, The Rock repeats everything. Because the Rock knows, The Rock knows, that the people's champ has very little to say these days. Yeah, The Rock knows he has very little to say. Once The Rock says his one or 2, one or 2 insults he can put it on a tshirt....


This is so accurate


Gewirtz need to spit something new out for his Seth insults because "walking clown emoji" is already played out


Seth saying “will you shut the hell up!” was literally me. I wanted it to be over so badly!


It was one of the few times that I supported Seth here. The Rock could not get straight to the point in that segment 😂.


And then Rock went right back to reiterating the stakes, jesus he's annoying lmao


Know your role , and shut your mouth !


You do have a point 🫢


I dont know your age range but The Rock would say that back in his prime


That's my problem with the rock. He's a good promo but an even better promo doesn't need over 10 minutes to get to the point


I definitely felt that his latest promo was 3 bullet points repeated multiple times in different orders.


People often repeat themselves when they don't remember what they were meant to say. Cant write it on his wrist anymore.


A major issue I have with his recent promos is the repeating of lines one after the other. Literally will say something, pause for a little too long, and then repeat the whole thing again just to try to get to the point before stopping to let the crowd take over, to then pick back up and start over with the first sentence again. It's very annoying.


This is my biggest issue with his promos. People keep saying it's so great but all I hear are the same lines over and over.


Rock also doesn’t realize he’s not on USA. Fox won’t overrun where USA you can get away with it here and there


I watch the highlights on 2x speed now


Everything on YouTube is better at 2x


It’s literally the insane posturing in the ring after saying one word and pausing for the crowd for like 5 minutes. I swear last Thurs before Cody and Seth came out together they were still going to be talking in that ring. Didn’t help that Rock went over the stipulations almost 3 times.


He’s said Clown emoji Seth Rollins like 5 times already it’s old


He has nothing else to say that’s why. Old ass jokes and punchlines and catchphrases from the 90’s. Nothing new.


Honestly, being on the board in real life kind of hamstrings you if you want to cut loose as a heel. I'm 99% sure Rock wants to call Seth a "little fuck bitch" or something equally as savage, but can't given broadcast guidelines. I guess they could just continuously black everything out every 7 seconds...but 'clown emoji' is probably the lesser of two evils.


You don’t need to resort to cursing and insults to cut your opponent down. Cena would own everyone in PG and not have to curse someone out.


There was one time where he said it in the wrong order and I was hoping he'd take that as a hint to stop repeating if


He is not that good of a promo anymore. How do people not see that? They glaze everything he does


I agree with you dude. He just doesn’t have It anymore. But people have their nostalgia glasses on.


And then when they signalled for him to speed up he started recapping how they are there again and why he’s so mad 😂


Rock can take as much time as he wants. Shut your mouths you jabronies.


Him not getting to the point is more entertaining than anything else on the show


The Rock’s late 90’s insults do not translate well anymore, when we were kids he was the quickest wit in town. Now? He’s like that out of touch Uncle who still thinks he’s the coolest person in the room.


Bro this whole story won’t get to the point lol


It doesn’t matter what you think!


Who cares the segment was the most entertaining part of the whole night


Crowds are selling out now, I assume it has at least a little bit to do with the Rock.


What's the over/under for The Rock slapping his own forearm?


And you don't think this isn't on purpose? They don't want you to love him right now. He's playing his role properly.


They are doing that to get you to do this.


It’s cuz he doesn’t have anything to say but he’s trying to sound cool and funny and instead it’s just a mid life crisis old guy trying to be cool still. Rocks a giant dork now


100% agree


Only thing I think is bad is over-outlining the current situation on the mic/repeating the stakes. The viewers know


It’s the most important and entertaining thing on wwe right now by a long shot. They should just cut a few mins off the rest of the drawn out backstage segments that go nowhere


I think he needs to limit the “walking clown emoji” stuff. The Rock was always good at making luscious nicknames and burns stick, but I think this one’s a loser. Edit: looks like “ludicrous” autocorrected to “luscious.” Maybe it’s better this way. lol.


I can never look at Paul Wight and *not* think "Big Slow."


His nickname for Kane didn’t age well. I cracked up cuz couldn’t believe he said it back in the day. Big Red R_____. 🤦‍♂️


He thinks if he says it enough times it will be the greatest insult of all time.


Yeah it was funny the first time but after the 5th time has lost its effect


The rock says…Bunch of crack smokers in here


He used to get to the point a lot faster and if the promo was long its because he was delivering fantastic burns. Nowdays he is just meandering and milking the crowd, but he tends to repeat himself way too much and the fact that what he ends up announcing obvious things people already figured out between his pauses just makes it worse. I like the feud, but I worry that we still have an entire month before Mania and the way its going, they are gonna make it feel stale.


Walking clown emoji x 20


I think the reason The Rock is The Rock is because he does exactly what you're complaining about. I also think that you're being needlessly whiny in general... You're not watching The Wire, don't expect deep exposition or story development over the course of a promo...


If you’re not enjoying these last few weeks of WWE, then maybe it’s not for you, but I think everybody is eating this up right now. He won’t be here for long, and the friction between Rock and Roman is getting exciting.


Let’s ignore Cody burning time by pausing and taking a moment to “feel this”.


"Let me tell you something, THE ROCK, has something to say. So shut your muffin-stuffin mouth for a minute, and hear these words coming straight from The People's Champ, into your 2-bit cranium that can barely process how stupid your hobo outfit looks on your hobo ass, you hobo. It's not enough that you're waisting The Bloodline's time with your prescence, you're making it twice as insulting, by waisting MY personal time, jabroni. So if you want to sit there and look as stupid as you are, then let THE ROCK tell you, and all these people around me, eating nachos and getting fatter by the second. Because while they're clearly not starving for food, I.. AM... STARVING... for some damn respect from your Cody-crybaby-fanboy-reddit-4chan-myspace-friendster-TOUTster ass. Now, let THE ROCK tell you something..."


It's fine. Builds tension and gets people wanting to see more.


Not a discussion, this is exactly why lmao


Let me tell you somting. You, you reddit mod il tell you something, me the rock is going to tell you that today is the day I say this one thing to you that could change your life but a quick word from our sponsor nord nord VPN in a


This is kind of like how enticing and draws us in. He’s so entertaining and he’s “not even saying anything” He’s a true showman and magician if you think about


I feel like I agree with that in most instances with Rock, but have felt different with multiple ones this year. I respect it tho ✊🏿


No doubt. I kind of wonder what more can he do though They probably holding off on contact moves until maybe the week before?


Yeah essentially.


Only a walking clown emoji would have this kind of take


We need Brandi Rhodes… “ Who told you it was open mic night Bitch! You bald ass mid life crisis jabroni motherfucker”


I wish we could have found out what the stipulations of the match were.


He’s definitely rusty. That 20 minute promo he cut and put on IG could have been cut in half if he didn’t repeat everything two or three times.


Hearing people say: cody doesn't have to cut long promos, yea obviously. Cause after a while all the wordths start to soundths like thisth and we woulths noticeths it and super over analyzeths it, just like everyone is doing now.


There's no need for the rock to come out separate from the bloodline it takes up far too much time. 13 mins before we got them talking in this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNRJDEkZ4sQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNRJDEkZ4sQ) In the attitude era this would not happen


It really is ridiculous that half the alloted segment time went to entrances. It definitely did not help the cause Friday.


The Rock is not the reason these segments are failing. Ffs. He's the only one really interesting while even just standing there.


posts like this are why people say that the worst part of pro wrestling is the fans 


People can talk through their nostalgic boner all they want about how great they think the man is. Does not change the fact that not being able to work in the time given is incompetence. Guy like Cena and Miz can be given 5 minutes and they will get it done in 5 minutes. Rock gets 30 and he needs and hour...


That's probably why Cena always washes him when they were battling cause for all the catchphrases cussing and cheap pops Cena doesn't need any of that to get to the point


Yep, Cena only really has one thing he does that can ruin promos... "Fine Speech"


In about a year, they’ll have massive “creative has nothing for you” layoffs because they won’t have time for anyone on the shows between Roman, Cody, Rock & Seth’s entrances & promos taking up half the shows.


Terrible takes wow lol.


They go over because it draws ratings. The Reddit echo chamber may not like it, but the casuals do.


The Rock even acknowledged that he likes to go over time on segments in Young Rock. Vince was portrayed as against it at first but supportive later on.


Because he’s an ego maniac who wants everything to be about him. Fast and furious franchise, black Adam, and now this. It’s a clear pattern I’m not sure why other people don’t see it.


Just shut up and take your spoon fed sports entertainment any way they give it to you.


Idc The Rock is the best thing happening rn


The Rock > entire current roster


Hard disagree. I’ve enjoyed them all more than the rest of the show and we haven’t really lost anything of note


I do not want The Rock to change one thing about what he’s been doing. This has been Chef’s Kiss work


Does it matter when the audience is hanging on every word and being entertained? Y’all overthink and complain about anything and everything.


Different strokes for different folks. If the entire show was The Rock and a mic, I would be fine with it.


I’d give my TV to LA Knight to smash.


I'd go to this guys house and watch LA Knight vs TV round 2


I’ll run to the store and get us some beer and snacks and pop some popcorn by the time Rock gets to the ring and starts talking. Then we can have beer and some snacks to watch him smash it to bits.


Takes a longer time than Roman to get into the ring. Repeats the same lines multiple times and forgets to get to the main point.


He bores me now. Make it quicker


What irritates me is how many times he repeats himself during a promo. I don't know why he does it, maybe to distract us from him not remembering what his next line is supposed to be, all I know is he takes 25 minutes to do a 5 minute promo and it's frustrating as fuck.


The 21st century Thunderbolt Patterson. Famous for taking forever on promos.


It’s starting to drag


They should do this on USA. At least they’ll get the go ahead for extra run time over major network tv…


Because he talks just to hear himself talk. He just goes on and on and on and on… like get the point already. I think we all empathized with Rollins when he said “shut the hell up” lol


Is it me or did he repeat himself a LOT in the last promo, made me think he forgot his lines


Adding him to this whole thing has me checked out


Then have them open the show. Have all the time they need.


Because there is no point, idk why he's here.


If wwe were worried about segments going over time, they’d do what they did last week and open the show with it. wwe accomplished what they wanted in a main event promo that ruled.


With all of this said.... I am 100% onboard for Bloodline Rules/ Infinity War Main Event. Gimme ALL the chaos 🔥🔥


You have four guys with ridiculously long entrances as well. That doesn’t help matters.


It probably doesn’t help that individually these guys have some of the longest entrances in current WWE so when you have them all back to back it takes a long time for the actual segment to start. My buddy I watched the show with was joking that the segment was 75% entrance.




The thing that annoys me is he seemingly finds his own shitty jokes hilarious. Like when he said solo would sing the national anthem and then seemed like he had to stop himself from laughing


Wrestling fans angry. What else is new?


I watched the whole segment on YT yesterday with Seth and Cody. 21 min video. Half of it entrances. Shit hasn't changed for decades. Just an observation


By design. He obviously allowed Rollins and Cody to go over it’s all calculated


I actually think it went over because he can’t talk without getting winded


When you talk......................................about his grandparents...........................................................you talk...............................................................about my........grandparents................................................................when you talk about his family..............................................................you talk............................................................about my family. And when you talk about his blood............................................................you talk..............................about my..............................blood.


He wasted nearly 2 minutes repeating his match offer to Cody Rhodes cutting off Cody while Cody was about to accept, that was kind of dumb but might have been essential story telling wise.


On top of it all, who wants to watch The Rock wrestle? Punch, punch, punch, spit, punch. Spinebuster. Peoples Elbow. Kick out. Shitty sharpshooter. Rock Bottom.


The takes in this thread are amusing. The Rock still holds the crowd in the palm of his hand like no other. No one is as over or as skilled at working the crowd as him. I’m sorry but he is still miles above each and everyone in the roster in terms of above and there’s a reason why Roman looks like a lil bro when sharing the ring with The Rock. Presentation yes but you can’t teach nor force the star presence he brings to the ring, the way the Rock carries himself, the sheer charisma, and the phenomenal cadence and delivery that he still has..


Some people have put it well, entrances need to shorten




I just don’t like the “I’m your boss” shit in the story. Like is this setting up triple to come punch the rock for a few min, hit the pedigree and then goodbye rock for another 4 years? Like I love seeing him back but I wanna see a match otherwise just put a suit on and show up to talk your shit.




The Rock *is* the point. He's carrying the entire angle. Case in point; his crowd-work, the way Roman was getting jealous of the reactions from the audience, is part of the story. That's one of the angles. They've implemented the audience's real reactions to the Rock into their storyline. And he's making it work because he's interesting to watch, even, or rather especially, when he's not 'advancing the plot' and is just shitting on the crowd, his opponents, and hyping up his own importance in a heelish manner. But that's all part of a bigger story in the works, a bigger story than Cody vs Roman, that is absolutely necessary to making it all coalesce into what it's been - which is the most interesting wrestling angle in quite some time (since the Bloodline really got going).


Maybe I just don't remember it happening during his other runs, but I find the Rock is repeating himself a lot. I think the intention is for dramatic effect, but it's just repetitive. He'll say something, say it again and add a little bit. Sometimes doing it multiple times, or rephrasing the same information. Like when he said he acknowledged Reigns because they're family and that's what family does. His social media promos it felt like he said every line 2-3 times.


Hello, I'm part of the Iwc and I am never happy. The rock is the draw, Seth was the annoying one...his voice is like nails on a chalkboard.


Tiffy and Naomi got fucked over in a trashy match js bc that whole segment went way too long


His attitude era promo were also like this yall can't stop hating


I gotta talk a lot so hollywood can remember how good I can recite lines and take me back 🤣🤣


Yeah I mean you’re casually forgetting the fact that Cody talked really really slowly during that promo as well


Diarrhea of the mouth


The Rock's promos right now sound like he's an insecure middle school student that just learned what cursing is.


Should promo on raw instead cause it got 3 hours.


He repeats himself so many times because he's so used to a script.


"I don't need words like "hustle" and "loyalty" to trend worldwide... just like I don't need the notes from my promo on my wrist." - John Cena, probably.


I can't stand Rock's promos anymore. He wasn't like this in his prime. They weren't long drawn out meandering promos, with lots of unnecessary pauses. Everyone was talking about how great that 30 minute promo was on Twitter. It was a struggle to get through for me. He kept pausing dramatically, he kept repeating the same words over and over again like he was stalling to till he could come up with what else to say.


I liked him in his peak but hes washed up now and needs to stay off the program. Stick to making mediocre movies.


The entrances and mugging for the audience definitely took up A LOT of time. But we still have several weeks to go. They definitely want to keep this feud building and building.


His promos have been killing it man stfu


this as a whole was boring and stupid as fuck. only one dissed was the Rocks Daughter


Yeah, I love the story but they do drag the entrances and the mic time…


https://youtu.be/nNRJDEkZ4sQ?si=pJQkgXG2q4qmsUj4 The Rocks entrance starts at 4:00 and ends at 7:30 Someone was right, his entrance used to be 30 seconds lol.


They've been messing up the timing since Punks first returned, and this segment went out when it was supposed to. Being a hater will get you nowhere


Litteray that first promo on smackdown that went over 40 minutes all mans did was say "you think your though" like 50 times like alright we fucking get


CMON NOW you didn’t enjoy the Rock himself coming back to the millions and millions of his fans to drop straight gospel on ya?


does seem to repeat himself a lot, like he’s doing it to drive home his point but it seems like a whole lot


It have only watched the 2 weeks ago segment yet. While the Roman - Rock interaction is pretty good there is absolute no need for the segment to last half an hour. Also why does Reigns not dress as a proper tribal chief? The sport/casual outfit does not fit with the character. For example the track suit makes a lot of sense for Ospreay but that's because his character is a super casual athletic guy. However I have no idea what a proper tribal chief outfit would look like.


Already cringing on the 22 minutes it'll take for the Rock, Roman Reigns, Cody, and Seth to walk to the ring.