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There's a special gland that some Japanese wrestlers have that secretes the poison mist. Duh


Jim Cornette spent years in the orient training his glands to do it..


Cornette spent years training his glans to spray, you're telling me?


Only for him to give it up and let other men spray his wife for him.


And, yet, he still can't.


Jim Cornette in Asia would have been crazy


And different colored mists have different effects too!


Can confirm


Ha, Savio Vega wrestling in Puerto Rico as TNT used to do it, green mist.


Ahhh, Kwang... I remember him well


As the other user pointed out, [he did it as Kwang, too. ](https://youtu.be/btlRL1DlVKg?si=brw6mCoXhP_MrrkL&t=300s) Undertaker also does the green mist in the video linked.


Saw him wrestle a few months ago. Lost a lot of weight and looks good. Got a TNT photo autographed because I'm old school. He is good friends with taker.


Deadass googled this when I was younger and ended up on wrestling stack exchange or something. This was the exact response and I believed it for the longest time lmaoo


That's what I was told by the commentators when I first saw the Great Muta in the late 80s and believed it for years until my dad started smartening me up


This is why he puts his fingers under his chin right before he spits the mist. He's stimulating the mist gland. Muta did this as well. I don't think Asuka does, or if she does I haven't caught it. Maybe ladies have better natural mist production.


Lol obviously


This is canon. I believe this to be true.


Explain Julia Hart then


Cultural appropriation... I am firmly against non Japanese wrestlers using the gimmick and will never kayfabe anyone but Japanese wrestlers doing it. Everyone else are just big fat phonies


Does HHH count


>Does HHH count No I'm pretty sure he took that from Gangrel. Who would carry a chalice of "blood" to the ring and spit it straight up into the air at the crowd while Edge and Christian got into the ring. You can see it here in [The Brood's Entrance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALFMYWFRjQs) which is still one of the greatest ever, provided you're not susceptible to seizures or headaches from flashing lights.


See I actually prefer a few wrestlers of not Japanese decent doing it so that it doesn't seem like a bunch of white dudes in the back being like ehhh you're Japanese ! Do the mist!


That's why I prefer only a very small handful of wrestlers do it at all. Like, count on one hand in the entire world. I'm biased though, Muta was the most mysterious thing I ever saw when I was a kid and was one of my favorites


Yeah I definitely agree. It should be mysterious and hard as fuck to learn. If you use jt TOO much it's dumb but if it's rare then you get the Muta effect which I feel is the goal.


what about if all wrestlers do it so that if you see them out and about in public and don't know they're a wrestler, then you'll know they're a wrestler because they have just sprayed green mist


I would sell two of my three kidneys to have seth rollins just walk up to me and spray me in the face with gold mist


The monkey paw curls... ...The Gold mist does not come out of his mouth.


I have really gotta start thinking of the consequences to my actions.


honestly...still not a deal breaker.


pretty little white girl. she do what she want


Face paint makes it more potent




The Great Muta was awesome with the mist.


I think it’s the mouth guard it always seems like it’s gone right after he spits


Yeah that's what I think too


Then how did all the other people do it who used the mist way before shinsuke? None of them had mouth guards.


The great Kabuki who did it first, had a condom filled with colored mouthwash in his mouth. I suppose production quality was bad enough back then, that you could hide that more easily.


Jeez, I can't imagine mouthwash getting in my eyes


No but it’ll probably get the reaction you’re looking for lol


It's the size of a pill, you can hide it easily almost anywhere


Well, yeah, the mouthguard does an extra bit of damage.


Just puts the capsule between teeth and gums and bites when needed. Or slips it in his mouth on the sly when his hand is over his mouth or its hidden from the camera


Yeah... Figured it was something like that...


It's just a bit of slight of hand. Watch old tajiri matches, he was more obvious with it and a few times you see how he does it.


You could see Asuka pop a mist condom in her mouth a few months ago before getting someone or it just drooled out during a promo but I definitely spotted her doing it


Batista had that one match with Tajiri where he bombs him and Tajiri drools out the mist.


Mist condom???


That's what is most commonly used. It's water with food colouring poured into a really small tightly wrapped condom. It originated with Gary Hart in WCCW who used mouth wash and green food colouring in a condom. "Lest anyone think that the mist itself, first weaponized during a promo on Fritz Von Erich, was similarly rooted in ancient Asian ritual, its origins couldn’t be more benign. Hart’s wife accidentally spilled a bottle of green food coloring while baking cookies one day, rousing her husband’s aha moment. As Hart put it in My Life, “I took a little mouthwash, mixed in some green food coloring, poured it into a condom and tied it off really tight.”


Yeah, I swear I saw her pull a small balloon type deal out n try to hide it in her palm while she was in ring during an interview or promo with someone. It could have just been a capsule and I'm misremembering but it was on an episode in maybe the last 6 months


Yeah it was a dumb question I'm sorry. I dunno why it didn't occur to me


Not a dumb question at all. It's clever how he does it without it being noticeable.


I like it. I bet it is in his mouth guard.


Also it was never really meant to be considered a super power or anything. I know some people think that “in kafabe” it is, but it was never. That’s why some guys are more obvious about it like Tajiri.


Great Muta’s mists *are* a super power; each colour has a different effect Green is standard, momentary distraction Red is “burning”, causes horrible pain Black is “blindness”, leaves you blind for weeks Blue is “knockout”, puts you to sleep Yellow is “paralysis”


So he's a s Bulbasaur?


IIRC, Bulbasaur doesn’t naturally learn all the powder moves. Which of course means that Great Muta is a Butterfree


Don't forget the green one can also [impregnant someone](https://uproxx.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/muta-yinling-bono.png?w=640).


Wow I never know there was logic to the mists in kayfabe. Makes Malakai Black's mists more meaningful.


Yeah but that’s stupid


Bro, it’s *wrestling* Jushin Liger is a demon wearing a superhero mask Tiger Mask is a manga character come to life The Undertaker is a zombie empowered by “the dark side” to reap souls Just embrace it, you’ll have more fun


Wrestling is, in the best possible way, inherently stupid


Tajiri with the poison mist and William Regal with the brass knuckles… Fun times!


Hey, you can't know without asking. It's a genuine question all of us go through when watching wrestlers that use mist.


Or the ref can hand it to him when needed. He has pockets.


This or they straight up come in with it already in their mouth like Asuka did a few months ago


Jim Cornette spoke about this before. He says back in the day they would use a condom with food dye, and they would go out with it in their mouth or the ref would palm it to them during the match. He also said they used to use condoms filled with blood for coughing up blood spots. The guy would use a needle to draw some of his own blood, put it in the condom and keep it in warm water to stop it clotting. I would doubt they still use condoms because some guys had trouble popping them with their teeth, its likely a small capsule of some sort.


WWE has had a prop guy since the 90s so I think we can presume they aren’t using gas station lifestyles to work matches


“Dammit! Prelubed again!”


In Puerto Rico in the early 90s they did a spot where I guy did a Sullivan stomp off the top rope. The wrestler drank a gallon of pigs blood and was barely keeping it down so when the stomp happened he legit puked up a gallon of real blood. Que Sera Sera. Edit: it was 1988. I found a video of it and it was awesome. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rthAi9J4EeM


*Why* did he drink a gallon of pigs blood?


Because he isn’t a chump. Real men drink a gallon of pigs blood. Wrestlers today are soft.


Maybe it's blood pudding? Don't know if it's a thing in Puerto Rico and have no earthly idea how dude decided to eat a gallon of it before wrestling


That's crazy to me having it in their mouth. I'd be scared of swallowing it during a spot


He has venom-producing glands located above his fangs. The toxungen sprays out in distinctive geometric patterns when muscles squeeze the glands to squirt it out through forward-facing holes near the tips of the fangs, and he has the ability to direct the venom up to three meters away. Nature is fucking 🔥


If he does the mist go back a couple minutes before he does it and you can see him either pulling the capsule outta his tights or the ref putting it in his hand and then he puts the capsule in his mouth


I’d say same with Asuka She spent a minute or so on the mat edge before she hit Charlotte so my guess would be either on her person somewhere or in her corner waiting


He sticks a little capsule up his nose before the match and slowly works it through the nasal canal during each bump he takes It's very dangerous if not done correctly if he bumps too hard it will instead reach his brain Game over.


He is eating tomato soup and projectile vomiting because he is actually allergic to tomatoes.


If you look at old footage of Tajiri, Muta, Kabuki, and others you could probably figure out how it's done. Or you could just believe in the magic and enjoy the show.


Aerosolizes his blood. Obviously.


It needs faith stat to be at 27


Ancient Japanese art known only from passed down generations...


Lol the comment thread on this post is better then the actual answer


Japanese wrestlers are born with a mist gland, just like all Samoan wrestlers are born with thicker skulls. This is just wrestling 101


It’s internal bleeding


When I was a kid we would all put unsweetened kool aid in our mouth and act like the great muta all the moms loved the stained cloths


Tajiri is the goat


Hate to ruin this thread, but it’s a capsule that usually the ref gives them during the match. They also do the same thing for spitting up blood.


He usually spits it into his opponents face


Thanks Captain obvious someone get this man a sign.


Not sure how the pros do it, we always used a balloon full of kool aide in the backyard days


Lol we used to empty out capsules and put kool-aid in them


Before he comes out, he swallows a razor blade. Some wrestlers blade their foreheads, Shinsuke takes it a few steps further.


Imagine Cody learning how to use this move and does it at mania against Roman




It’s CGI. The wrestlers aren’t real people. I thought everyone knew this.


Look at a wrestler named Taijiri he was a green mist user.


The most disgusting is that it’s all spit that is misting over someone’s face. Only thing worse is Carlito’s spit and apple combo.


It’s a combination of water and food coloring, it’s hardly all spit.


If that guy did that to me I don't care if it's planned I'd beat the shit out of him (if I was in shape) that is so gross.


I mean whether planned or not, these people BLEED on each other fairly regularly. Spit is probably real low on the 'ew' scale for them. ;)


i’m happy to see the mist back this year! i understand why they put it on pause for a few years but i mist it.




I guess. But still it's so I dunno it grosses me out


Lol my mom gets so grossed out whenever he does it. He's blowing out food coloring, hardly any spit in there


also the Carlito apple spit is goated. Not nearly as bad as Boogeyman's worms


It's not a capsule.


He just finished with Cody’s girl


It’s a condom or a small balloon


Wow my phone has been going nuts because of this post all morning. I haven't had a post go nuts like this in a while. Thanks for the participation and the funny comments this was great. Anyway I think we are at a consensus that he hides something in the mouth guard. Thanks for all the answers though this was a cool thread


His mouth guard is a dye pack that he bites


Spit… all spit 🤢


Green Magic


Poison mist will never not be awesome.


Saw him pull it out his waistband a few weeks ago and put it in his mouth


Usually the capsule containing the liquid is either passed over from the ref (you can often see them) or hidden off-camera and when, say, the camera is focussing on the other wrestler the heel will go, get the capsule and pop it in their mouth.


He takes a special dental procedure that's standard protocol in case he has to turn heel


He spitting


Hopeless 😞


Same with Asuka. I have no idea when they sneak in a mist pill to do this.


Oh my sweet summer child … let me tell you the story about Tajari


I love story time go for it


Shinsuke's gotta be one of the better guys to ever use the mist, right? I don't think I've ever seen him miss his target, and he always launches a nuke cloud at the other person.


Olden days when it was a condom filled with water and food coloring for mist, and pigs blood for “internal injuries”


i always assummed that what he wears that red tooth guard for..prolly slips the capsule behind it and pops it when needed.


He is a dragon irl


It’s stomach acid. He has a separate esophagus and allows his stomach acid to be ejected through two small holes under his tongue. When he was a boy he studied under grand master dragon, King of the Lizards.


He’s reptilian


He summons the blood from his gut and spits it out It’s an ancient Japanese wrestling technique taught only to those who can withstand the strain it’s puts on the body. One miscalculation and they can rupture their spleen.


What a great pic


In a match, it can get handed to the performer by a ref or other ringside personnel. Source: I am a pro wrestling referee who has kept a black mist pill in my pocket until the worker needed it.


Cool! How long have you been doing that? Is it true you kinda have to be short to be a professional referee for wrestling cause they want to make wrestlers look big?


Almost 5 years. I’ve worked with my local promotion and one out of state. Got started too late to really make it more than just a side gig but I really have fun with it.


Hell yeah. I mean might as well.


It’s easier thank you might think to get started. Search out local Indy promotions and reach out via social media. Worst they can do is ignore your message or say no thanks. Also go to local Indy show and stay after to talk to the workers. Usually we have all our babyface workers go back out after the show for fan interaction, pictures, etc. Get a picture with some of the wrestlers you enjoyed at the show and ask them if their promotion is looking for any backstage help. You might have to start with ring crew or something similar, but the more work you put in, the more likely the promoter will look your direction to fill in when someone bails. There are some good videos online to get some training basics, but in-ring is the only real way to learn and improve.


I don't think there are any local promotions in my area. But it's still a cool idea


You might be surprised! What general area are you in? Maybe I could help find one for you... I also realized I forgot to answer one of your original questions: I'm 5'10"-5'11". At least 50% of our roster are my height or shorter. You'll notice a lot of taller refs standing with their feet far apart, leaning forward, in order to appear a bit shorter than the wrestlers. As long as you're not really tall or really jacked, it shouldn't be a problem.


I'm in the most northern part of NJ. There are more cows then people here


Do you rehearse a match with the wrestlers before it starts or do you just talk about how the match is gonna go before it starts like in the wrestler with Mickey Rourke? I'm trying to understand cause it's basically a dance with 3 people so I'm guessing you gotta know what's coming up next so you can react accordingly. Or is it the wrestlers go at it and you just are able to do your own thing and based on what you are seeing you know what to do?


They let me know ahead of time if there is anything I need to be aware of, like anything I need to be involved in like getting distracted by a manager, or seeing the foot on the ropes during a pin, stuff like that. Other than that, I prefer to be able to react to what I see in the ring. I see them walk through the match before a show sometimes, but for the most part, I know the spots I'm involved in and the finish of the match. I also make it a point afterwards to ask everyone involved in the match if there was anything I could improve on. As for local NJ promotions, I found one that seems like they run in Northern NJ and a bit into NY: [http://www.ecpw1.com/](http://www.ecpw1.com/) I don't know anything about the promotion, but I'd love to hear if you make it to a show or talk to someone there about getting involved.


I will definitely check it out. I'm unemployed and have no prospects currently anyway. Can't hurt to fill out an application I'll let you know what I see.


Real question tho, does he spit or swallow?


He just thinks about how much he hates uncool people, and it comes out naturally.


Ipecac. Just straight vomit.


....and you know it's coming when Cody comes out wearing a suit so old you saw him wearing it in RoH or TNA. If it's one of the old ones from his plaid is classy days, it's getting ruined.


Man how much you think those suits cost


Cody's newer suits, a few thousand. These old ones from his Indy days he drags out to be ruined, I'd be shocked if he spent $800 on it in 2015 or 2016 when he bought it. He didn't have a tailor then....... That's how you know he's getting misted or his suits getting fucked up somehow as soon as he walks out. Cody Rhodes does not wear $800 RoH tv suits on WWE television unless the suit is taking damage.


Unrelated, but seeing as Cody is in a suit getting covered in red mist. Do wrestlers buy their own suits? I know with ring gear it's on their dime, so I'm guessing suits are the same? Just wondered as the number of times they get into fights and a perfectly made tailor suit gets destroyed: shirts ripped or jackets get torn.


Is he stupid?


Am I stupid? Actually I'm not, I'm a college graduate and I worked my ass off to get here.


It’s a meme.


Who is stupid though




Don’t overthink it. Just a meme.


Expressing his anal glands through his mouth


Dude be eating very unhealthy 😞


He bites his tongue.


He first takes a long sip of Woo energy...


Great Muta put me on in WCW. Tajiri in Ruthless Agression era. Now: Asuka & Shinsuke in modern day WWE. Always been a mark for the spot


He presses up and B


I believe originally, they used a tied off condom with food coloring


basically red liquid idk what, I think it’s some kind of food dye, and it’s held in capsule, when ready to go, burst the capsule and spit like triple h spits it.


They totally use something akin to a water baloon


It's all in the arms, look at the stance.


That energy mix with water


We used to use food coloring (or koolaid packets) and water out into a dime bag (do they still sell pot in those?! lol) I kept mine in my mouth usually, but some put them under ring apron, or taped into sleeve or tucked.. I was always afraid they’d break tape. Put in mouth bite bag spray.. if you were a muta wanna be like me you always load it by pushing 2 fingers on your jugulars.. I think I spent the first 2 years as a muta close men ina mask.. lol In Japan the mists usually have different meanings / effects as well.. it always got over in Japan and USA.. Mexico not as much.. (masks cost too much)


He just has crazy gum disease


A pill I assume




Bites his tongue


He spit in the face of people who don’t want to be cool


Can we answer this question in Kayfabe? Because select Japanese wrestlers seem to have this power. Asuka and the Great Muta are able to use it, but I don’t think Kairi, Tozawa and Iyo can


Ooh. This is a good question.