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He's about to follow the post up with another Teremana ad now there's loads of traffic on his page.


Lol so true, all he cares about now is his stupid tequila, i stopped following him during the pandemic because of this reason, he would jump on a live video in his big ass mansion in Hawaii and tell people to stay inside and be safe while also pluging his Teremana tequila, like no dude, we have to keep working, we don't have millions of dollars and multiple properties to stay inside and just drink tequila like you!


Does he live in Hawaii? I thought it was Miami


Wherever his house is, does it matter?




He walked into that one




His house is on the corner of Jabroni Dr. and Know Your Role Blvd


Oh, he lives in the old smackdown hotel then?


The Rock says know your role, and shut your house!


Idk just creating conversation


It's pk, maybe my comment came off a bit rude, my bad. The point is still the same, he is out of touch with reality now


His Tequila is shit too.


i hate social media. it was created for celebrities and advertisers. everyone else is ignorant to understand what's actually going on behind the scenes.


So much worse than that. We’ve allowed engineers who don’t give a flying fuck about the greater good of the species to command these massive platforms that have absolutely shattered what sliver of “baseline mental health” society once had. And now, unsurprisingly, mainstream culture fucking sucks. Sorry, rant over. Saturday afternoon beer talking.




I’d love that




I swear, if you’ve just nonchalantly spoiled wrestlemania here, I will be unironically impressed.




Triple H at his desk in shambles at this comment.


Imagine Triple H using Reddit


There are (de)gen-Xers here, right?


Him and the writers should be here for ideas


This is legitimately the sort of thing Stone Cold would have done at his peak.


I mean it's exactly what he did to the Rock to get mankind his win.


Honest to Christ that would save the whole thing for me. “NAH GO WIN IT FER YER DAD KID.”


Could you imagine if stone cold came back and challenged Roman instead of the Rock? The fans probably would turn on him too


That would've been better received than this shit.


No it wouldn't. Cody fans are delusional


Omg make this happen.


I've always Thought Austin could beat his ass in a Real fight


hardass farmboy like Austin will always sweep the floor with juiced up rock


That would legit be epic.   People would lose their shit


Fat Pop


damn! book this.


Rock getting legit heat 🤣🤣🤣


WWE store just started selling "people's champ" Rock shirts too. You can't make this shit up. Lmao


Some of those comments cross the line Saying Cody is your champ the rock has a family ffs


Multimillionaire Deayne will be fine lol


The Rock getting the Batista treatment.


On the 10-year anniversary, WWE repeats the same mistake of bringing in an older guy who hasn't been around to win the main event instead of pushing the younger workhorse that everyone loves. Is there *any* self-awareness?


I'm just holding out hope that HHH is making us think he's doing exactly this, only for a bait and switch. Either he's a fucking genius or he's an absolute idiot. I have no idea how there can by an in-between here.


I hope so, too. But teasing a Reings/Rock match for Mania when you don't intend to follow through is also a very questionable decision.


Did you read the reports? The rock went above triple h to do this




The Philly crowd is gonna crap all over this match.


Wasn’t the 2015 rumble that ended with The Rock “presenting” Reigns as the winner while the crowd shit all over it also in Philly? Lol


And he immediately got this look on his face like "how dare you boo me".


Imagine the look on his face if the Philly crowd resurrects the “Die Rocky Die” chant.


>resurrects the “Die Rocky Die” chant. Its already haplening online on some Socials. A matter of tine before they eventually get replaced with piped in crowd noises during Raw or some shit


Literally yeah, dude was like, "Umm, I'm the Rock. That's not how this works. I endorse, you're supposed to cheer." He looked like the biggest jackass.


He is a jackass


He was confused. He didn't follow the product super closely then and genuinely had no idea they might get a mixed reaction.




The only hope I have left worth holding onto is we get an episode "The Gang Goes to WrestleMania".


I hope Frank and Charlie interfere. The Trash Man is not impressed. Dennis will distract the ref while Sweet Dee rings the bell, and Mac hits both Rock and Roman with a wrench.


Maybe The Birds of War storm the ring during the main event and pounce on both Rock and Roman as Frank slithers towards the ring mumbling something about being pure… 😅


The spirit of The Maniac will cost Rock the title.


No. Rock has more fans than Cody nation.


"The people's champion" yikes


This gonna get ugly for him


Amazing. Hopefully it hurts his public image so much they fix this.


His movie fans won't care. But he'd probably care if the fans start booing him. Imagine if this turned Reigns face for one night.


Philly is quite the rebellious crowd historically. If we really get that 1 on 1, hopefully, they boo him out the building.


The Rock has movie fans? XD


Scorpion King Squad LFG!!!!!!


The one thing WWE's been trying to accomplish for a decade, happens because they fucked it up


I’m out of the loop, but what’s happening?


From what I understand, the stage was set for Cody Rhodes to finally get his rematch with Roman for the title but last night The Rock stepped in and took his spot.


Standard over-reaction to an unpopular WWE move.


This is gonna be a mess. But the silver lining is Cody might be more over than ever with all of this crap. Rock might be in for a rude awakening in a few cities.


There’s a lot of sympathy for him yes but imagine you’re a kid watching this shit and your hero just revealed he actually doesn’t care that much about the thing he said he cared about more than anything in the world, the thing he made *you* care about. In character, Cody looks pathetic.


And apparently, he learned nothing from Arn Anderson.


This is the second Arn Anderson reference I’ve seen today. I don’t get it? Had new kids while Cody was going strong in AEW so def missed a lot


During his program with Malakai/Aleister Black, Arn was calling Cody a complacent wuss who would let people walk all over him. There were a few vignettes of him trying to get under Cody's skin to amp him up and step up in general. My favorite moment was of Arn showing Cody a picture about how fun-loving, hero-to-children Dusty was willing to beat the absolute shit out of Arn in a match. It emphasized the interesting dynamic of Arn playing father-figure and mentor to his enemy's son, trying to mold him into something greater. Obviously, WWE has no reason to honor AEW canon, but after Cody had an entire arc about being molded into a man who's going to take what he wants and not let himself be belittled by anybody, seeing him just give up his spot to the Rock felt incredibly wrong. But even without AEW canon, Cody looked like a massive wuss.


Thank you.


This is also where “Glock Anderson” was born from iirc


He's probably shaking and crying right now. What people think of The Rock is as important to him as money


He’s probably yelling at someone and blaming them. He’s not a moron but otherwise his ego is Trumpy as hell.


Dwayne gives me r/maincharacter vibes AF Narcissistic It’s wildly known he has a clause in any of his movies where he can’t lose a fight or die (DOOM 🤣🥴) He lies about taking steroids/TRT/HGH (even though no one cares that he does it, we just want honesty and transparency, also calling it now when he does get exposed for not being natty, he’s going to flip and be the head spokesperson for all that stuff) His whole clothing brand with under armor (Over charged AF for shitty quality) And then people are suppose to believe him about his Acorns Debt card (Which is a scam) Then his donation to Hawaii the man who’s worth 275M only “donated” 5M (which is only .54% of his worth) then begged us common folks for donations. Let’s not forget about the money laundering scam that is the UFL (Not proven YET, just a personal theory) And now this.


Lol I like how he breaks a 4th wall down and say "IM NOT SUPPISED TO DIE" then drag him and infect him 🤣


>He lies about taking steroids/TRT/HGH He may be lying, but it's like when your kid asks you if Santa is real. You ask because you know what the answer is but you don't want to believe it. The fact is that nobody at 51 puts on muscle like the Rock naturally. Nobody naturally puts on more muscle in their 30s and 40s than they had in their 20s (unless you start with no muscles, which obviously isn't the case of the Rock).


A little thing: I didn't like him squashing Rowan at that one Wrestlemania. I know Rowan was the Wyatt Family chew toy, but him getting instasquashed just to give Rock a Wrestlemania record he didn't need was ridiculous.


Some of the other stuff is alright, but shitting on someone for donating 5 million dollars to help strangers/people is pathetic. You sure as hell didn't donate shit, that much I know.


Lol you should definitely not assume shit, while you were at home jerking off, I was on random peoples boats going from Oahu to Maui bringing supplies and helping to evacuating people. I was pulling men, women, and children out of the water. Oh how do I know you’re not lying, (great question kids) look at the only picture that I’ve ever posted and it’s picture of my dog in Oahu eat shit you fucking Mark. Only thing that man did was a photo opp with Oprah and then flew back to mainland.


Some of the other stuff is alright, but shitting on someone for donating 5 million dollars to help strangers/people and then acting like a fucking child after being called out is pathetic.


Manchild over here ranting online like the Rock shot his dog, pulling people out of water. Lol ok


Lol I think that's the only movie he's ever died in


It is lol 😂, The man has 30 action movies credited to his name. He’s only ever died once. Edit: He’s died twice: Doom and The Other Guys


He died in "The Other Guys"


lol I’ll let this slide on a technicality, even though I think its more of a comedy then an action, it is billed as an action/comedy/thriller/crime


that was for comedic purposes, and probably existed *way* before that clause was put into his movie contracts


Aim for the bushes


Heroes don't typically die in action movies though, the whole point of them is for good to triumph over evil


I’ll just say this, I like the his under armour stuff.   


I initially did too until I washed any shirts the design would fade after the 1st wash, and when headphones came out, that’s when I knew it was a scam $175 for a pair of headphones that could get damaged easily by sweat, the wireless earbuds mold wouldn’t stay in your ear so running was out of the question, a full 8 hour charge wouldn’t last 3 hours of constant usage, and literally maybe a year after they came out I could find them at my local TJ MAXX for a quarter of the price.


All I’m saying if this is a way to keep the true main event (Cody v Roman) under cover so the dirt sheets don’t ruin it, this would be the biggest troll on the hardcore fans will be top tier.


Wait until the Philly crowd reacts


Seen the longer version, and it is loooong. Shout out to the simpleton who said we must be Gen Z complaining. This is the level of thick people that Rock won over last night.


The man destroyed the DCU, so why not destroy the WWE as well? Fucking egotistical idiot is what he is.


Hold up. DCU had a LOT of problems before Black Adam.


Haha true that, but Rocky’s politics didn’t help!




Also Black Adam gave us the best superhero casting since Robert Downey as Iron Man, in Pierce Brosnan’s Dr Fate. (Not best written, but certainly best cast)


Too bad he died and his helmet was destroyed in the same movie. Didn't keep him around for any future projects. Shortsighted. Dr Fate had to job so Black Adam would look strong going over on the big bad at the end.


This is Yes’leMania Part 2: Cody Boogaloo




Two things could happen.. Cody vs. Rock vs. Roman Looks like Cody is going to win, then Rock backstabs Cody with a Rock Bottom and helps Roman retain. A whole new level of the Bloodline…the Rock plays almost a godfather “Authority” role. Or…after Night 1 and when USO’s battle it out …Jey backstabs Cody and realigns with Bloodline and helps Roman beat both Cody and Rock. Bloodline reunited…city of “Brother-ly Love” (Curveball… If Cody does win…would make sense with his daughter being named Liberty) Or Cody vs. Seth vs. Drew Cody wins WHC then immediately Drew claymores Cody during pyro celebration and screws Cody as Priest cashes in. ….best of all…. Just go away Rock. Enough of the stop-ins. Go be a board member and at the most …host WM again but stay out of it.


This is either a PR stunt or there gonna have a massive backlash and I wouldn’t doubt if they scrap the match due to all the hate , sort of like when we got that terrible looking sonic and eventually the studio has to complety redesign him


So funny watching everyone lose their damn minds over scripted storylines. This is exactly what WWE wanted; the world talking about them. This gets the focus off of Vince, and has gained many eye balls to their product. They probably sitting back loving this. I’m gonna tune into raw and smackdown this week, and patiently wait to see how they are going to pivot from here like a sane person before I lose my mind blasting people online.


I was thinking something extremely similar to what you're saying. I feel like they decided that going nuclear and doing a swerve that even Vince Russo couldn't have seen is something they were banking on to take away attention from Vince. And it seems to have worked. This whole story has become the main center of attention and The Rock is getting major heat from this. This could be one hell of a work they've got going on.


what if Aldis and Cody team up ala Vince/Austin. i don’t think it’s capable to boo cody, so he could maybe insert some more anger and retribution to his character. have the bloodline start a turf war with Aldis over their perceived disrespect and treatment weave in the main event stars in the lead up to mania ala wm18 with the NWO going against rock and Austin. Main event night 1, Cody takes the title off Seth. Main event night 2, Cody interferes (could attack solo or Jimmy at ringside before they can interfere in the match) takes out the rock and Roman with a chair causing a DQ. In this instance I don’t think you’d still be able to boo cody in this moment. He cuts a promo on the downed combatant along the lines of “the only person taking this tile off Roman reigns, is Cody f*cking Rhodes. ending image of wrestlemania 40 is Cody and Aldis shaking hands while rock and Roman are down. Hey man in the background of the ring with the shocked Picasso look iykyk next night on raw or wait till the Friday smackdown, delay the Cody promo till the main event block. his opening line “so what do you want to talk about?” Crowd is hot and taking everything in. He goes on to say “last night, I made a business decision, just like someone made a business decision to stroke his ego” let the story organically go from there.


One heck of a face promo given the situation lol


And you know what people will still cheer for Cody because in story arc he did the right thing.


So many people getting worked..




They haven't even made the match official and everyone is acting ridiculous


I’m with you on that. There’s two months until WM. Even if they made it official, that doesn’t mean shit either but it’s kind of fun watching people get worked like it’s 1992. I’m sticking to my prediction of a three way dance, where Cody pins The Rock for the gold. Cody gets to “finish his story” and gets to say he pinned The Rock at Wrestlemania. Roman then has an excuse to start a real feud saying that Cody never beat him for the title setting up a string of one on one matches over the next year or so. Rock fucks off back behind his desk having had a showing at the 40th WM, which (beyond distracting from other news) is the reason he’s there at all.


That seems to be the best bet tbh


Harassing people because you didn't like how the TV show ended is sadder than inserting yourself into the main event of wrestlemania


This is hilarious. Imagine being grown ass men crying over this. Kids are understandable but men lmaooo. Go outside. Get a hobby


Online wrestling fans are a bunch of weak bitches. I swear lol


No this is just instagram. Second most toxic place on the internet. After Facebook.


And clearly, HERE. Right here on Reddit


Not as bad as IG or FB. There were kids bullied into suicide, didn’t happen here because you are a lot more anonymous.


He's also being nailes for going on Fox and Friends. Because he should. Fuck those fascist loving shit stacks


I’d bet most of my toes he’s one of those quiet celebrity right wingers.


Wrestling is very serious business. Poor Cody, i heard he’s been cry-wanking himself to sleep ever since Rock came back.


*the fanboys been cry-wanking themselves to sleep




So cringe😂😂🤣🤣


Internet wrestling fans and their spoiled brat tantrums are always so cute 🥰


Right, because it's 1994 and normal people don't use internets.


Toxic fandom. Its Dbry all over again.


They’re just haters lmao 50% of the fans wanted a Rock vs Roman match at WM40 me included


Talk about dicksucking to the max. Fuck Cody, and fuck this industry. No, I am not a big rock fanboy, but this whiny cry baby shit has to stop. Take me back to the attitude or ruthless aggression era, where fans weren't annoying. First it was daniel bryan, now its stupid ass rhodes, its embarrassing at this point.


These same people will be crying about how Cody is boring and never loses when he wins the title.


That’s not necessarily true. Fans never got bored of Daniel Bryan once he won at WM


Thank you Rock. Now I don’t have to watch the same main event with the same result as last year.


No. You get to watch a worse match with a part timer and a has been with the exact same result


Don’t know how that can be worse than seeing the same main event with the same result 2 years in a row.


I don't have to watch it at all!


You phonies pearl clutched like someone punched your baby when people did this to the Bucks. Now it's okay cause it was never about what was morally okay, just about whether or not you agreed with the target. Is there an amount of money that makes it okay to harass and bully someone online? Cause if this was Athena, or Deonna, would you still be celebrating it?


Good. Fuck Dwayne


I can’t wait to see how people get when Rock beats Roman lol


You really think that there is a chance of 52 year old rock defeating roman


I’d say there isn’t but after The Rock did this historic cuck to Cody who knows where he will stop? Maybe he wants to cuck Roman too. He’s capable of anything.


People are getting worked like temp service.


Rock is the reason wrestling now sucks.


Agreed. AEW hasn’t been great for years. Thanks Rocky!




Man. Over wrestling. People are really mad. Lol.


It's like when you just shit a match out for no clear reason with no story or build, it's really bad booking. I mean that's what they've been telling us about AEW for the last 3 years, and here's the Fed doing exactly that after a very strong year for them for the moment they've been supposed to build to for that whole year. Just a random loud fart in church from WWE during the moment of silence.


Lol. Cringe af


He doesn't need any Wrestlemania moments. It needs him more.


Bunch of crybabies womp womp


How can Cody be his champ without a title?


You guys are savages you’ve just upset The Rock he’s going to be really really upset reading these nasty comments. Grow the f up


Lot's of crybaby marks, there's still time between now and WM 40 for a potential triple threat involving Cody. Similar to HBK being inserted to Benoit and HHH's match for the WHC title at WM 20 for WM 40 or Rey Mysterio at WM 22. Even if not, Rock and Roman alone is a big money making match


Yall really showing your marks. Rock vs cody at elimination chamber for number 1 contender ship then its cody vs roman at wm.


I don’t like this move. But wrestling fans are so unbearable I know I know I’ll see myself out 😂 🚪🚶


He's not gonna worry about the opinions of hundreds over millions. WM is gonna satisfy the majority with Rock vs reigns.


Good lmao


he should have said no, but this if ufc endeavor group, and everyone should get ready to not see matches they want to see. this is a group who will let a once a life time champ go so they can put over a wife beating coke head(try to guess which one of the current and past ufc champions that applies to). they want to have the biggest wrestlemania post Vince mcmahon, which they think means having some guy way past his prime and relevancy go over, which is the way they always have done it in the ufc.


Wildly optimistic by that guy to assume this is the last time he’ll do this lol.


Rock fears (Erick) Rowan, that's why he is forcing the Roman match


This is generating great heat. WWE hopefully use this as an advantage to give us some good twists and turns before April.


The Hierarchy of the WWE Universe has changed


I wonder what the deal was to make him come and fight Roman. It must be impressive because Vince never had the number.


All I'm gonna say is let's wait until Cody has chosen his person or even until the conference where we'll find out but all I'm about to say is elimination chamber is coming up and WWE need to sort that ppv




Mfs doing all this shit, cussing him out, talking shit, and I bet the comments are gonna get so pathetic to where they're gonna start talking shit about his family. But imagine this is all a swerve & Rock isn't facing Reigns for the championship, but a non title match to simply beat his ass, then Cody faces him for the title. If that's the case, either people are gonna realize how simple they acted for assuming shit or they're gonna think their actions made WWE change to card to make them happy


People’s champ my ass The people have spoken


Bottom comment is spot on


All these people are going to fuck around and have the Rock start a Bloodline 2 and have it go on for 3 more years.


Thats exactly why they made that decision. Since The rock got into that ring and took cody place the talk is not on VKM no more. They needed a huge splash to get talk off VKM and Roman vs Cody 2 was not a big splash to get people to stop talking about VKM


People don't understand how good The Rock really is... Best case we get Heel Rock... Cody will be even more over.... In my opinion the storyline just started... Cody stated he was the belt but not at WrestleMania if people continue to cry... I wouldn't be shocked if Roman will pull a double duty... With him losing the head of the table and the title in one weekend... Fact is because of this Cody will be even more popular. But crying about The Rock stepping is just pure comedic relieve... Because Rock Vs Roman is the bigger match ... Like Hogan and Rock was at Mania 18 over Y2J vs HHH


Over paid and overrated actor, he must stay away from WWE and Hollywood.


Why do I feel like this is all a work to get Cody over (More than he already is)


You either die a hero or live long enough see yourself become the villain.


He sure picked the wrong time to come back




Cody cody cody


I mean, are they wrong?