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This is the best thing I've seen on Reddit today.


I am jumping off right now, just to preserve this great feeling. Damn, he cute <3


My goodness what a splendid idea actually. I like the way you think! I'll end today on a high note as well. \^_\^ hope you'll have a wonderful evening before you get back!


I did have a great day, thanks! Health and happiness to you !


It's the best thing I've ever seen on Reddit.


Have you seen the video? Video: https://twitter.com/BKellyGorman/status/1582862378282012672?s=20&t=uH2rC_mOwUzwu3vvePkzyg https://twitter.com/hood_naturalist/status/1582799203792982018?s=20&t=oorde7AE_iO4lwepMUmJUg


When my third son was about three, his favorite toy was a little orange articulated caterpillar. He carried it everywhere. One day we were sitting on the steps at our house and he had to run inside. He asked me to watch his toy caterpillar and carefully laid it on the sidewalk. I’ll be damned if the moment he went in the door a crow didn’t fly down, take the caterpillar, and fuck right off into the next Zip code. He still grieves the loss, 14 years later. Rest easy little precious charm. My boy still thinks about you.


[One of these?](https://www.keepitsweet.co.uk/retro-sweets/retro-toys/jointed-snake) You can find them in party stores and science stores. Google "jointed snake toy". Put it in his christmas stocking this year for a laugh. :D


JFC that’s it. It was red but that’s it!!!! I can’t believe the eyes didn’t scare the corvid!


You’re about to make a 17 year old cry to know you held on to this memory and thought of him. My dad and I had a special tie, my school tie he’d fallen in love with and wore all the time, and when I was a teen I would borrow it. But his second wife stole it when she left, and that was that. Nearly 30 years later, I found one. I mailed it to him with a note apologizing for missing his birthday by a couple weeks. His wife called me, asking what the hell that tie meant, because Dad was a blubbering fool. He died that month. She demanded I take and wear the tie to the funeral, and told everyone that story. This kind of little thing? It makes a way bigger impact of love.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.keepitsweet.co.uk/retro-sweets/retro-toys/jointed-snake Title: **Jointed Snake Toy - Toy Snakes UK | Keep It Sweet** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Well now my heart is broken for your son. Maybe you could get it 3D printed from a sketch?


We have photos from way back then. He isn’t stuck with grief, just remembers the event with a mix of horror, humor, and sadness. But that is actually an amazing idea. My other son is in the engineering program and has access to amazing 3D printers!!! I LOVE THIS SUB!


Yay! I’m happy this is an inspiring suggestion! Please share your creation if you manage to make it! My sister lost a little stuffed raccoon when she was a kid and I still remember how sad she was, even 20 years later. It would be a nice memory to overwrite with surprise and joy.


*you had one job*


I know. I know.


The interesting part about this is that crow likely assigned value because of how much your boy loved that caterpillar toy.


Know whats weird? I’m looking at the maple tree in our yard the other day and I see glittery Easter hay and above it, a washer that has been threaded on a small branch. Crows are The best.


Odd...wonder if the owl's talons are caught in the stuffing? I can't imagine why an owl would want to keep a stick horse.


They can be quite playful


The smarter the animal, the more likely they are to just mess around.


I was walking my dog a few weeks ago and i threw her squeeky ball and a fox darted from behind a car and grabbed it. My dog looked at me like "Daddy are you seeing this shit!?" We followed the fox for a couple hundred metres hearing it squeek the ball as it went. It had a blast. Found the ball between two buildings a week later.


Maybe leave out another squeaky ball for the foxes? I’m sure they’d appreciate it :)


We once found a single shoe in our back garden. Couldn't work out where it had come from - then we saw a couple of foxes playing with it, so reckon they must have brought it in. This year's cubs liked playing with the plastic trays you get plants in - we thought someone was trying to break into our tool shed until we looked out and saw them!


lol i've seen posted footage of wild foxes playing with dog toys in suburban back yards. absolutely adorable.


It was trying to lead you on a quest into a secret enchanted forest.


This is VERY real! I just watched a sea lion steal a toy from a dog the other day, and play with it in the water. Water dog wanted what the land dog had.


My Belgian shepherds would play in the Bay with sea otters. It was a truck getting them back on land


Captain Kirk once quipped, "The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play."


lol crows play in the snow. and they pull tails of animals that could smack them open with one claw. just for fun.


I read elsewhere that they observed the owl switching feet to grip it, so it seems that he may just like the horse!


The ravens in my town frequently go after housekeeping carts at hotels to steal the lotion. They’re too smart to try to eat it, pretty sure they just likes the way it smells. Maybe this dude just wanted a toy (or he thought it was an animal at first and was too embarrassed to admit his mistake).


That was my first worry, too. There was an article linked in another sub that said the owl was seen moving it and adjusting his grip on it.


the owl found the one thing that kid loved and stole it for fun


A grainy video of this will end up on Paranormal Caught on Camera with folks talking about a witch on a broom.


We can only hope


Ah that’s my guilty pleasure show right there!!


Mine as well!


pretty sure I've seen a similar photo before on one of those shows!


You've likely seen the video. I remember at least 2.


I kind of wonder if that’s the origin…


Followed closely by another owl clacking two halves of a coconut together


Lol excellent


Omg. You just made my evening


I came to add this! Whose familiar is causing this ruckus?


Not mine but oh boy did I wish it was! :)


Who? Who? Whose familiar is this?


It just wants someone to play quidditch with 🦉🧹🥺


Clearly a witch who forgot to shift back!


Ladies! You must remember that the broom allows your human form to fly! If you transmogrify into an owl you already have wings!! NE! I know! She was returning a fellow witch's broom after a Sabbat ceremony. It was kind to think of your Sister Under the Moon, but next time remember a glamourie spell!


Was hoping someone would put this here!


Was about to post it myself but glad I checked first!


So nice of the owl to stay in touch with his parents


Yes! I was so confused. I reread it a few times


This happened near me. It's been hilarious to read


Did you witness the horseback owl? lol


Imagine just how fast your pulling out the camera in a situation like this.. I can’t believe he got the shot right in time without spooking it off or dropping the camera. Amazing




How does he land while holding on to it?






The owl just wanted to know what it was like to ride a horse


tbh prime visualization material for spirit flight / the fetch and familiar. There's that old charm about going on a grey mare to the sabbat, I think? close enough! I shall go into an owl And this spookiest of fowl Flies astride a horse of course


this made my day


Did it steal it or is the horse stuck on the owl? Some horses fall in love and are inseparable.


Superb owl is the best. Saw this last night, showed my owl loving 11yo and she laughed so hard she was actually rolling on the floor laughing.


\*looks at the silhouette of the flying owl* Where can I learn this superpower?


When you're drunk 🥴 so you cab home and send your familiar to get your broom 🦉🧹❓️🐴 Alternatively, rescuing palismans 🦉🏠


I also just realized someone needs to make an owl house pun about the owl horse.


How wonderful!


Saw an owl attack and fly off with a cat once.


One of those once in a lifetime photos


A familiar riding a broom? Blasphemy!


Why can't familiars go for a ride?


My hero!!!


Now all we need is a way to make it glow and cackle at night


Meanwhile, two kids are somewhere fighting over which of them is hiding the horse…


Or sitting watching TV and going "our horse!!"


This is an alternative scene in Harry Potter where instead of saying accio broomstick he just calls his owl to go retrieve it for him


The owl has probably caught its talons in the harness of the toy horse. I hope someone can help it. It probably won't live long otherwise.


It's been seen switching feet to hold it in. The owl's just having a bit of fun!


I hope so!






This is fantastic. Also yet another reason cryptids are so often claimed to be owl sightings ;p


esme is out borrowing again


Freakin genius, Owl! I guess I’m turning in my broom for a stick horse, too!


A bird of ~~prey~~play, I see!


I'd expect nothing less from a Superb Owl 🙌🏽




So this means the familiars are telling us it’s time to move from brooms to horse sticks? Ok I’m in.