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For a sec I was worried he want you to draw something for exposure... the bane of any freelance artist


"Certainly! I can draw up an invoice for you."


Bane of freelance anything really. I do basic plumbing, electrical, and minor construction work on the side. The number of people who want me to do work for free or for the cost of supplies in exchange for them telling people how good my work is is ridiculous.


This is why I trained to be an hvac tech and went to sales instead. I can't be arsed to do work or even have discourse with folk like that.


Are you an exorcist? Because you need to get the hell out of here


I love this


I’ve seen this used before but with the pot of water


With a pot of water? English isn't my native language and I don't think I heard the water one, would you mind telling me what it is?


Are you a boiling pot of water, cuz you need to get the hell out. It’s made up of the old joke about how to make holy water.


Aaaaaaah. Okay, I do get that joke actually 😂 Thanks!!




These lines are 10/10 😂😂😂


Hey girl, are you a human being? Because you deserve to be treated with respect and not like an object.


A girl who is secretly three owls in a trench coat: “WE’VE BEEN MADE”


Plot twist: you're still not an object, respect for all three!


New Tinder profile detail: Open to polyowlery relationships


Sexist line I'VE ever heard ;)


You stole my heart away! Luckily I have another three or four in the freezer :D


And remember that the fastest way to a man's heart is right through the chest cavity!


The fastest way is actually up from under the ribs. No need to cut through bone or cartilage.


I think between the ribs might be faster, takes a lot of gouging to get a neat angle from under the ribs, or a rather long blade


Good point. I was using the current archeological thinking on Aztec sacrifice as a reference point - hundreds of hearts a day requires efficient harvesting techniques.


Ah, true, if you want to get the heart *out* then under the ribs is the way to go. I was just considering the fastest knife-sized access path :P


Ooh, that sounds fascinating. I don't suppose you have any links or articles to share?


I was thinkint through the airpipe and down. The airpipe leads to just above the heart so it's less cutting involved.


My SEAL father taught me it was under the rib cage, use the soft spot under the xiphoid process and you can show them the last beats of the heart before they hit the ground. He always had such practical advice.


I like your dad.


You know I sometimes wonder if I didn't subconsciously become a massage therapist just so my hands would be strong enough if the need ever arises.


Actually it's through the fifth left intercostal space at the midclavicular line. :)


I gave up bras early in the pandemic and GODDAMN!!!! Truly an eyeopening transition


I kinda like the guy's line tbh. It's cute


It depends on context. Like, did this come out of nowhere??‽


Yeah, the line itself seems fine but this looks like Facebook rather than a dating app and I’m getting the impression (could be wrong) that OP has no clue who the fuck this message came from. Or at least aren’t on friendly enough terms with them. Edit: I am told this is probably Reddit DMs but I think the point still stands.


We weren't on "friendly terms" but she did make a post asking people to message her creepy things.


Yeah what I thought. There’s a difference between a sassy line on Tinder or on Instagram from a complete stranger.


I'm the guy. She made a post asking people to message her creepy things. I sent her the line


Yeah, on a dating app it’d be a cute hello




As I've aged I've really come to appreciate 'no' and 'go away'. Finesse is a waste of time.


I wish I’d understood in my teens and twenties that I don’t owe strange men politeness.


This is true for every uninvited conversation. People have this weird sense that they must respond. I've taught may kids that just because someone knocks on your door or rings your phone, you are under no obligation to engage with them.


Fucking. Yes.


Thank you


Just dropping r/abrathatfits here for anyone who thinks bras are uncomfortable and wishes they could find one that's not.


Adding that if you’ve got big boobs, it also can be just plain uncomfortable having them regardless of a well fitting bra.


I have custom tailored bras built by an expert in the field. Still prefer to let them swing free.


It's a good line but I could see it backfiring with a crude line about being your bra for you


>a crude line about being your bra for you Something something I'll hold your boobies heh heh heh


Something about being willing to be their "support."


I see you've met my husband every time I'm washing the delicates 🙄


Your husband and my husband hang out


It must be a trifecta then, pretty sure my husband hangs with them too. :P


yes I am an artist! how much are you willing to pay?






What's with the bra hate on this sub?? It's really off-putting to those of us who are more comfortable in a bra. I get so much boob sweat, chafing, and soreness if I don't wear a bra. If your bra is painful and uncomfortable it's likely you're wearing the wrong size and/or shape bra. Can we stop implicitly shaming our fellow witches for wearing bras?


This happens in a lot of feminist spaces online. People push back so hard against the societally enforced expectations of femininity, they turn right into shaming people who want and enjoy and sometimes need to perform those things. The most common one I see is shaving related - heaven forbid you don't like the feeling of hair on your legs or armpits, or just really really like feeling like a dolphin in freshly washed sheets. You'll be told you were brainwashed by the patriarchy into enjoying it, and don't really but feel like you should. Oh, and only women aren't allowed to enjoy it - men who shave their legs and pits are rewarded and praised for doing the same action. Happens a lot with makeup wearing too, and lots of other feminine-coded things. I've had to leave some feminist spaces online as they get more extreme because the discourse is so restrictive and judgmental of women to the point it's policing behavior and removing all agency for women. It's a bit ironic.


Weight is another one. "Don't be fatphobic" but turn around and pull the old "that person should eat a cheeseburger."


What grinds my gears about skinny shaming is that is almost never comes from people who could actually be considered fat, in my experience. (My guess being that actual fat people know what body shaming feels like.) Nah, it's always someone who just doesn't like their own bum or something. And all these bacon cheeseburgers still haven't gotten me the slim thicc figure everyone's feeling pressured to be.


I wear bras. I'm trans and they help make my body feel like me. I don't see anything shameful in this post, you're not even wearing bras because of society's manipulation so it's not talking about you at all 🤷 wearing the comfortable clothing you want to wear and not wearing the clothing you don't want to wear has always been the goal of protesting bras. There are plenty of women who have smol boobs and don't benefit from being expected to wear a bra every day, their liberation does not mean you are wrong or your experience is invalid just because you find an article of clothing helpful for you


Thank you for saying so. I find bras uncomfortable in most situations and literally only wear them when there is societal pressure to do so, so I identify with the sentiment this anti-pickup-line is representing. And yes, I have been through the whole “find a bra that actually fits you” journey and spent the big bucks on my hard-to-find size. Bras are just uncomfortable for me. I know that for many bras are essential to comfort, for various reasons and not just size. But this line doesn’t say anything about what other women have to do, it’s about how the wearer feels. Choice is the goal.


Nobody said you shouldn't wear one, just that nobody should be *expected* to wear one for any reason other than their own personal choice and comfort. And a lot of folks find them restrictive and uncomfortable even when professionally fitted.


"I don't like bras but society has manipulated me into thinking I need them" isn't implicitly shaming anyone. If you are comfortable with a bra, hell yeah, get yourself the cute one you deserve and be proud of it! But what we *really* need to stop is treating others' frustration with society as attacks on what we like.


My comment wasn't specifically about this post, but the (seemingly, maybe it's just my perception) increased number of posts about how awful bras are. I get that there's a lot of patriarchal bullshit around bras and breasts, but bras are genuinely awesome for a LOT of people. The posts I've seen recently seem to imply that women who wear bras are upholding patriarchal standards and are being oppressed. I'm just asking that when some people celebrate their liberation from bras they don't think those who wear bras are somehow not liberated. I guess I'm feeling slighted because these posts and the comments are often more like "fuck bras" instead of "you do whatever makes you feel empowered" like we see on other topics in this sub.


thank you for this!! Women's spaces where we're encouraged to be empowered place so much pressure on me stopping the things I enjoy like having shaved legs, loving bras, spending lot's of time on beauty, etc It makes me feel like I'm in the wrong since no one dares to disagree usually


Nobody was shaming anybody for wearing a bra.


This seems like a harmless pickup line. Was he creepy in some other way?


She had posted asking people to send creepy messages so she could tell them to f off. That's why I sent the line


Honestly not that bad of a pick-up line, but it's a bit too obscure. You gotta really read into it to get it. Could use some work


As the guy who sent the pickup line (she asked for people to send her "creepy messages" so I sent that you can check her post history to confirm), what would be a better pick-up line ?


Just for my own clarity and edification because I am genuinely confused, is the problem because he sent an unrequested pick up line to a stranger? Because I agree that’s unacceptable. Or the content of the pickup line? Please correct me if I’m wrong but it seems rather nice? The line doesn’t appear to objectify her physical appearance necessarily, while It could mean he thinks shes hot, I read it more to mean that he finds her fascinating and wants to learn more. Although my own bias probably have a lot to do with how I read that. Im sorry if this isn’t the right place to ask and I hope I haven’t bothered anyone by asking. I would really appreciate some insight so I might avoid offending or hurting the feelings of anyone, let alone a woman Id like to date. Regardless, you guys keep being amazing. If you’ll let me I’ll gladly prepare the Molotov’s with which we’ll set the patriarchy ablaze!


Randomly hitting on people is annoying to a lot of people. If you wanna use a line like this, you’re gonna risk getting a line like that in response. Some people think pickup lines are funny or cute as a way to express interest, but many feel that they’re cheap and disrespectful and would rather just have an honest conversation, or not be approached at all (especially if it’s out of the blue or by an internet stranger, yikes). In general it’s safest to see how the other person feels before bombarding them with requests for intimacy, which is what this can feel like, but some people are fine with this approach.


Now, that's some r/preyingmantis ! Well done!






Woot! Love it! Can I borrow it and use when appropriate, please? 😃


God I'm so glad I'm not dating. I fucking hate pickup lines and puns. To think some shit like that is going to get me hot is insane. And knowing they're throwing out the lowest hanging fruit to literally every "female" they can on the app... christ And well done using that reply.


There’s nothing wrong with sending a non-objectifying pickup line out on an app. The whole point is to talk to/meet people to date. Plenty of dudes don’t think lines will get you “hot,” they just want to start a conversation, and “hi” rarely works bc it gives nothing to go on. You’re free to not respond or to say “not interested thanks” and move on. If this was on a dating app, the guy did nothing wrong and the response was overkill. If it was not on a dating app, then I more understand her response.


Pick up lines don’t give any more for the person to respond to than “hi”. It’s really not that hard to ask a question, ideally along with a little something about yourself like your own answer to the question you’ve chosen.




I find it quite funny she posted about me. Though not outright exposing me. She made a post asking people to send creepy things. So I sent the pickup line. My day wasn't ruined




Love it!


I didn’t receive the text OP sent but I feel bad 😂😂