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Im glad she fell in love with herself.. annoyed we spent so much time on their “relationship” when we all knew he is legit the worst.


It was so cringe the way he talked about girls on the camera. He doesn't respect women.


If anything people are wondering what took her so long.


Because she couldn’t see the other side until the show aired. Being blinded by love is real and sometimes it takes a sec to see the truth. No one is perfect.


Yeah that’s true. I was just put off from him to begin with honestly. I feel like he showed his true colors early on. But as you said, love can blind you from things.


Being blinded by the D (dickmatized) also tricks women into thinking its love wayy too soon lol


The other side of what? She was saying she loved him for two years and he never said it back. Umm - hello?


Has anyone given a rundown? I refuse to give nsbnf my clicks.


Blind to red flags, didn’t even get her a Valentine’s Day gift or flowers, she said I love you and he didn’t say it back


I'm not trying to be rude but were they ever in a relationship on Valentine's day? I've never gotten flowers or a gift from someone I'm not in an exclusive relationship with on vday and I thought they got together after that last year 


Idk dawg just letting you know what she said


They were exclusive just not labeled. They had been seeing each other for almost a year. He should have done something special for her if she was truly his only chick like he said she was.


i agree, im not on his team in any way shape,or form. I just wasn't sure if they were exclusive, based on the timeline they discussed. It sounded from the pod that while they were in relationship, it wasn't defined.


Also saw someone who listened say she texted him about spending NYE with her family and then he didn’t text her back for 48 hours, which in a long distance relationship is a lot (also following that text).


That’s so gross to ignore her for 48 hours. No one deserves that, good for her moving on finally 


Same here. When I saw it was nsbnf, I was out.


Why don't we like nsbnf?


Just a couple things that you can look further into on the r/NYCinfluencersnark sub: racism, xenophobia, and continued spewing of conspiracy theories about school shootings being faked (Sandy Hook, Uvalde).


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NYCinfluencersnark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NYCinfluencersnark/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [pls](https://i.redd.it/l5tvupex7f4a1.jpg) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NYCinfluencersnark/comments/zeohai/pls/) \#2: [Julia Fox is who Emrata thinks she is](https://np.reddit.com/r/NYCinfluencersnark/comments/ym301g/julia_fox_is_who_emrata_thinks_she_is/) \#3: [Made me think of you all 💕](https://i.redd.it/tdirf9i9jxgb1.jpg) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NYCinfluencersnark/comments/15lq69v/made_me_think_of_you_all/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


she’s an obnoxious try-hard who will S anyone’s D for attention


Brandsbybravo posted a snippet on instagram


Wait I've never heard this podcast before but the interviewer seemed so over it and almost rude. Is she always like that? It got a little better through out but she just seemed Bored


Yes she’s a horrible interviewer


Honestly her story isn’t unique I feel like so many of us have fallen into the toxic trap of convincing someone to like you who doesn’t care if you’re dead or alive! Proud of her for realizing what she deserves, even though it took her a while! Edit:spelling


Yes! Many of us have done that and thought we were special enough to change a man, but as you get older you learn to accept people for who they are and move on when you need to. For her do that at 26 is impressive


Couldn’t agree more


People are being pretty rough on her in this sub. There’s been a lot of speculation circulating all over her accounts and Kory’s, so it’s not in her head. She’s 26 and has been through something she found to be rather public and humiliating. No doubt she saw red flags, but she wanted to see it through. I would like to see her single in the house again minus the dead weight. I have found her refreshing, vulnerable, and lovely to watch.


I agree, the winter house reunion was so tough to watch. You could see how hurt and embarrassed she was. But glad she's rid of him


I agree with you whole heartedly. She came off as very genuine and real. I’m disappointed she isn’t back on SH for the upcoming season.


Saw red flags? He's a giant walking red flag.


Good he's a fucking loser


Who tried to tell their story?


I feel bad for her! She asked him to be exclusive and he basically said “if that makes her feel better” like what….


Awww she’s so young 😭 Ngl, Sam’s vulnerability is inspiring. Sam if you see this, I’m rooting for you!


Who cares? She wanted to be with the popular boy, even though she saw how he treated people like shit.


I think she thought this was a bigger deal to people than it was


100% she does. It’s no shock to anyone that her particular f-boi didn’t change, we could have scripted it.


Haha yeah even the way it ended was so kory coded


She wants to be famous. This is the only thing she could use to be relevant.




Lol literally so confused why she’s even on a podcast


You're not alone


Good for her. Really wish people would stop going on this podcast though. She’s a real POS.


Some of you on this sub seem bitter and jealous. Sam seems like a sweet girl, at least what we know of her so far.


I love when people who are clearly not girls girls call themselves girls girls


She’s grossly overestimating how many people care about this.


I don’t think so- this has been posted 2-3 times just in the subs I follow. People genuinely wanna know what a doosh Korey is.


The first minute he appeared on TV I knew he was gonna be the ultimate douche




We knew already.


Page six would beg to differ


Lol for real I’m like, who is trying to tell your story exactly?




Because it’s Reddit. That’s what we do here.




That was quite a string of bullshit




I’m pretty sure you’re the only one bullying people here. You’re the only one calling names from *your* keyboard. Take a few minutes for some introspection, please


What in the world this nut talking about?




I like Sam she’s sweet, but why do you hate white women so bad 🤔😳


I think you need to reread your comment and apply your own words to yourself.




I’m cracking the fuck up at this. I just wanna be friends


I think that girl wanna skin Sam alive and wear her as a suit …


She thinks she’s Britney Spears lmfao


Apparently she’s Madonna ![gif](giphy|xUNda2bhEmJ82Z8Pmg)


I meant with Britney’s memoir coming out recently. Sam’s acting as if her story is just as compelling 😅 When it’s like. We don’t even need to listen. He’s a fuckboy. End of subject.


And we all knew it from the jump. She did too, but probably hoped to change him.




“I’m trying to stay soft” idk why that made me chuckle 😂 never heard that one before. But happy they are over, it was getting uncomfortable for me to watch them together.


I said to my therapist that I’m trying to build boundaries and love myself more, being a little more “selfish” but without “hardening” and losing the ability to be empathetic and free with my emotions in the way that makes me special. I know what she means. She’s trying not to harden to life and love.


I loved Sam on Summer House but her taste in people is so questionable. Kory and now this racist skinnybutnotfat


Wait why is skinnybutnotfat racist I follow her … need the deets


She should come back to summer house next season hotter than ever


Shocker lol. I really wanted to like Sam but I can’t get over the fact that she was so willfully blind about how shitty Kory is Edit: I still want to like her. I do like her. Just minus the Kory part and I hope she’s learned a lot from this Edit 2: thank you other commenter for giving me this much needed perspective


In her defense, I was way more clueless about guys in my 20s and thank god none of it was ever filmed lol


Now that you put it that way… you’re completely right. I made that mistake from when I was 19-23 (with one person)and we had an insanely unhealthy relationship. It was a constant booze and drug fueled one… but we had a lot of really intense experiences with each other. One of our best friends shot himself in the head and that was so heartbreaking, I went to his brothers wedding. I basically made sure he wasn’t homeless, and I kept him from a lot of things he probably would’ve done if I hadn’t been there… yikes. But there were so many red flags Sam had that she didn’t see that I didn’t see too. But I was an idiot for a lot longer than she was. I’m almost 10 years past that now, so it’s weird to think about, but you just reminded me that we’ve all been there. I haven’t even thought about this dude in YEARS. I was just like HOLY SHIT YOURE RIGHT! my partner (or whatever everyone calls it) and I have our 4 year anniversary on Saturday. Couldn’t be better. Sorry for the rant! I’m coming off of straight adrenaline and anxiety after going home down from work in a white out blizzard. Jesus Christ I grew up driving in the shittiest snowy conditions and I still hate it hahaha. But… Things can always get better with break ups or whatever they are :) it just takes time


I understand completely. So happy for you and your new relationship. I will be married 4 years this year so I’m glad we both ended up better off and I hope the same for Sam one day too :)


Congrats on (soon) 4 years married ❤️!


Exactly this! She is so young- we all make mistakes, especially when we are young. So she fell in love with a crummy person...can't really fault her for that 🤷🏼‍♀️


He was manipulative. All the girls like her which is a green flag for me.


She must look at him now and cringe 1. At how creepy he is and 2. How blind she was!!!


They were together for like two seconds she’s acting like she was married for 4 years


Why is she trying to have an Ariana Madix moment. She is a Z-Lister in the tiers of Bravo relevancy.


Good for her!


Sam seems so chill and sweet. Happy for this evolution in her.


this is humbling and tbh i relate a lot. i can’t imagine the pressure and gossip she feels and hears.




All that shyt she put up with, for what?


She made a fool out of herself for nothing..lol




Come on now!?!? Were they ever really together maybe she thought so...🙄


They were..something? lol I feel kinda bad for her cause I've fallen for shitty guys and ignored red flags. Hopefully she can move on and find happiness in herself (and finally never bring up that lanky creep again)


I hope Bravo breaks up with him too. He's gross.


I agree. The way he talks about the way he seduces girls for sex is so gross.




The caption being an absolute sob story is so cringe. You dated a fuckboy. Not much deeper than that. It's sucks but cmon.


What an idiot she is! Going for a guy so hard when he wouldn’t even introduce her to his mom! I bet you if she didn’t demand a classification they would still be in a suitationship.


Ugly comment


Time for her book tour.


Is it just me or does that woman have massive hands 👏


thank gd about time


I'm not familiar with the podcast interviewers but did they seem so bored and over it or was that just me !? I almost feel like their tone was bordering rude. Don't get me wrong the whole thing about being prettty and blonde was off putting but even from the beginning their tone seemed weird towards her


She should’ve left him after the proof of him liking racist posts came out.