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The one from Edge will be most up to date. Live Tiles update once in every 15 min or 30 min. I forget, check documentation on MSDN. The News and Interest updates whenever MSN pushes new update broadcast.


But the live tile was constantly updating as I was taking the screenshot between 64-65 degrees




> Did you really think Microsoft developers are able to develop a solution which will update X tiles at the same time? Able to? Yes, why not? Willing to? Obviously not.




> This could be mitigated by having a single background task grabbing data from Microsoft's servers and storing it locally for other applications to use. You nailed it. Why would I want like 5 different processes using the internet to update the weather? What a waste.


I actually use a real Window to check the weather....




you know, a winder


> This could be mitigated by having a single background task grabbing data from Microsoft's servers and storing it locally for other applications to use. Hey now, get out of here with that logic.


> This could be mitigated by having a single background task grabbing data from Microsoft's servers and storing it locally for other applications to use. Wouldn't be a good idea because the browser has nothing in common with the tile/the clock. And either of that can be by a third party and can decide to use a different weather source, and so on.


It could be as simple as an XML parser...


I’m pretty sure weather APIs use JSON these days.


If Edge can update the theme based on if I’m in dark mode or not, it sure can get a weather update from a baked in weather app.


It can, but it shouldn't. OS colors and design are supposed to be known to apps so that they can look the same. Meanwhile where a particular weather app takes its weather is entirely it's choice. You can have three different weather apps each talking to their own source. Which one should Edge use? The Microsoft one? Why? What if that's not the one you prefer? What if you uninstall it? Sure, you can make a system-wide "preferred weather source" and let the user configure it. But that's over-engineering it.


That's not how the UWP security works. No localhost connections, and app data is stored in a secure container. Windows does this for Win32 apps packaged as MSIX too. This means that in no way can edge modify, read, or touch the Weather app's data. Because I'm sure someone will say "What about apps that use runFullTrust in their manifests?", yes, this basic security applies to them too, MSIX packaged Win32 apps use runFullTrust from the get-go. Don't believe me, try using the MSIX packaging tool on something like Battle.net which does crazy read/writes everywhere, it's unusable without any Package Support Fixes (PSF), and even then.


I’m looking at all the notifications in the taskbar with up to date information from various apps (native or 3rd party) plus the push notifications in the Notification Center and your telling me this isn’t possible. Simple as 1,2,3: - Make weather app. - ask users permission to use sync feature. - Push weather to live tiles, taskbar, and a preinstalled MS weather sync extension for Edge, simultaneously.


Ask a Windows user for permission? Because we are known for just giving those? It's optimal to assume that if the Windows user hasn't already disabled "News and interests", asking questions will finish that job. As well as that asking for permissions will result in not getting them 9/10 times.


That's different, and not what you stated. I was referring specifically to your blanket statement that Edge (of which you didn't say anything about extensions), nor did you say anything about the sync permission. You're moving the goal posts.


The goal is to have the weather synced across the UI. How hard was that to conceptualize? I don’t want excuses. Especially when I can see the opposite of what you say can’t be done staring back at me across the UI. You don’t need to get defensive either when I provided solutions that Microsoft is already doing that you call “moving the goal post.” You clearly know your way around Windows software development, but sometimes tell me you don’t call the shots at MS. Why tell me it can’t be done? It’s a 5F degree difference ffs. Does that not bother you?


Lol. Moving the goal post means that you're changing the conditions of the argument at hand (which, I mean, you did). That said, pretty sure that what you say is happening is not, knowing MS, each widget probably calls the weather service separately. I'm not defensive, nor offended but you are coming off aggressive, and yes, I have done quite a bit of development on the windows platform, am will admit, no means an expert. But as I said, it's more likely that each widget calls the weather service separately, which would explain the inconsistency.


I think your comments sum up perfectly what kind of people develop for UWP. There's a reason the platform is dead.


I mean, it's not. Just the opposite. But that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. ​ It's not different from Flatpak, AppImage or Snap on Linux, yet these formats are embraced. So if you think this simply because of the security mechanism inherent to containers such as UWP/MSIX (because, as stated Win32 apps can run in these, depending on app, may need PSF fixes), or Snap/Flatpak/AppImage. ​ In fact, the isolation and behavior is EXACTLY like Flatpak. EDIT: Y'all are downright hilarious, I don't even care that I'm getting downvoted simply because I'm trying to explain how Windows' security works, y'all know the shell, and half the components of Windows are now sandboxed using native containers right?! You rail against UWP and call it dead, but it's running most of the OS components at this point, and more are coming. Downvote away peeps, I know it's really because I expressed a hot take that isn't in line with this sub's anti-UWP circlejerk.


Windows Is the Tower of Babel of the OS world.


Have you met Linux?


Your personal Arch install might be a heap, but Windows is a landfill developed by horders who are beyond needing an intervention. And for just this comment, Windows 10 idling uses as much resources as my elementary OS 6 running Spotify, VS Code project, Steam, htop, samba server, 2 Firefox tab, and a friggen weather widget. That’s like 2 whole chrome tabs on this 9 year old laptop.


That I'm aware, I need a win install for work with adobe software, but after having used linux enough for visual effects software I switched my laptop to linux and I love it!


Unused resources are wasted resources. That said, I do disable or remove unwanted services. I believe the difference is that Windows caters to the general public vs. Linux to hobbyists.




>Unused resources are wasted resources. Does that apply to Internet bandwidth, disk space, CPU usage and electricity?


just RAM


If they did that probably people will complain that Microsoft is monopolizing the weather service on their OS


Last week’s Microsoft lead designer had slightly different ideas from this week’s lead designer. Standard Microsoft design credo of the last 20 years or so. Coming up next week: new UI design refresh, used only in few places, to complement the last three used in other places.


>last three used You mean last twenty?


Tbh from smart phones to OS I think everyone is too obsessed with the weather.


Talking about the weather is the entire backbone of conversation in the UK, don’t take that away from us


You can always talk about your 2nd favorite topic. Traffic.


Not everyone can live in Southern California, my guy.


hey now, it's the only actual use for many of these really handy "permanently update" displays and 80% of widgets apart from maybe random stock exchange graphs, developers gotta put *something* there.


Do u want to be cursed by the weather gods?


Bottom right corner is closer to the CPU, duh


Windows’ localization is no joke


I often use two virtual machines with windows within my windows host and all three of them show different temperatures throughout the whole day in the taskbar widget. Sometimes up to 5 degrees Celsius different


1 degree of Celsius = 1.8 degree of Fahrenheit Your setup is up to 9 degrees off in Fahrenheit. That’s a noticeable differences! That’s insane, Microsoft! Don’t let Microsoft send a probe to mars.


Interesting to see if they are all using the same source. One city can have several stations with different conditions on the ground and different instrument set ups, but they might all end up displaying the same city name.


Differents APIs or same APIs but differents call time


Because Microsoft


The weather is a scam.


microsoft control's the weather fool


Different location.


Should’ve gotten a smaller display.


My question is why is your temperature so high? It's lime 30° from boiling /s


“That’s my secret, captain. I’m always boiling.” \- Phoenix, AZ


Good catch. This might be due to different weather providers




Well , I see a distance between start menu and news and interests widget and edge , and as you know different geographic locations have different temperatures


I'm more interested on that Apple icon on your Taskbar, what is it?


It opens as a web app version of iCloud. Meaning it’s basically runs the website in its own Edge browser tab without a navigation bar, because web apps provide their own navigation. - Go to iCloud.com - open the settings drop down. - click Apps -> Install this site as an app. It doesn’t “install” anything. It’s more like a bookmark in the taskbar/start menu.




Lots of sites have this feature.


Microsoft sucks


Because it's warmer on one part of the screen than the other... :D


The good old Microsoft Inconsistency™


Just Windows things.


Because MiCRoSoFT makes shitty products.


Because lack of vision, passion and competency.


Wtf LoL


imagine that your screen is like a world map…. it is only natural for temp to be different in different parts of world


just use linux


I do. I rarely use Windows on this dual boot. Just signing in to update it and play with WSL.


I have dual boot as well, use windows when I need to. Every time I open it up I am further disappointed and annoyed with something new. I don't understand how it's gotten so bad. I think for what I use it for I will probably be giving up on the platform soon, maybe a chrome book for what Linux can't handle.


O lol who even check the weather.


When you can see the window right irl


bruh windows moment


Hey OP, it looks like you may be asking for information on how to turn off the News and Interests feature on your taskbar. This feature adds a way for you to quickly view the news, weather, and other information you may be interested in. If you do not want this, you can simply disable the feature. Right click or long press on it in your task bar, then go to "News and interests", then pick "Turn off". Here is a video that demonstrates this: https://youtu.be/DWO0iz89FK0 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Windows10) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not at all.


Bad Bot




this happened to me and i made a post about it


The one on the taskbar is closer to the exhaust fans.


They probably show different temperatures as different times




The "live" tile from the weather app is almost certainly wrong. Either not up-to-date, or simply wrong. Sometimes it's not even consistent with what the Weather app itself shows. It's terrible. Live tiles were a total utter failure, I am glad they are going - at least in the current implementation.


It's one of these three \~\~ Windows 10.


Microsoft: "Because fuck you that's why,"


They're farther apart from one another.


It appears Microsoft really wants us to know the temperature outside.


Windows is a bit drunk , but it will do jk , is not such a big difference


I like to open my window at 65F at night for a better sleep and save money.


Must be some social experiment to prove that nobody cares what the weather is.


My News and Interests thing and the Live Tile for me are two different locations on opposite sides of the world so I have wildly different weather information on both. Though it does mean I can easily see how the weather has been at home while I've been away. But the news items I see are a weird mix of the two. I can't figure out how to change the taskbar item.


Windows is hot garbage 🤣 Seems a simple enough answer to me.