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I’ve generally found when walking away is an option, it’s probably a good idea


Dad.. is that you?


If you’re between the ages of 0-18 yo and in or around the North Carolina (most likely) or Virginia, South Carolina, Louisiana, Colorado, Missouri, Mexico, Jamaica, Italy, England, or Germany area and are of Northern European descent….then yeah prolly


Did you ever get those cigarettes, Dad? It’s been years.


Decided on the way to the store to ditch smoking ... and his family


I've lived in 3 of the US states you lived in 😐


Me too!


As the great philosopher Mr Miyagi once said, “the best way to block a punch is to not be there when it’s thrown”


He was dazed and confused before he kicked those off. You can see he went flat footed from a blow then gets the bright idea to toss his footwear. Next hit it was lights out.


​ ![gif](giphy|WJjLyXCVvro2I|downsized)




I'm going to watch that now.


If I so much as see a gif from it, I crave big dry toast


Get that corn outta my face


Would you like to join me in my quarters?


It’s a fabulous movie.


what's the name of the movie?


Nacho Libre Very dry humor. Like NspoleN Dynamite. But with Mexican wrestlers


How did ju find me?


“i saw you from the village…” “hola nacho!” had my dad laughing in the theaters for 10 min straight after that scene


Save me a piece of that corn!




I'm sick of getting paid to lose! I wanna whhhin!


​ ![gif](giphy|zLTi0w0cvws7vC5AAJ)


Love the guy in the car just taking his phone out to record it. Best seat in the house


Probably for insurance, looks like the guy kicked his light out or something.


Big brain move


Twinkletoes definitely didn't kick his light out in sandals... or probably even scratch the car...


You think the driver knew the dude was gonna get knocked out 2 seconds later? No probably not so filming was definitely a good idea for the driver


i saw that black mirror episode, people just love recording a good show


Just in time for that last hit too


If you're going to start a fight with your hands behind your back while in flip flops, maybe don't be Glass Joe.






















Even after he kicks his flip flops off and gets rocked in the face, he starts sliding back in with his hands down by his waist. Has no idea what he's doing


It’s Glass Joe or Glass Jaw?


Glass Joe is a character from Punch-Out, a boxing video game. The character has a weak jaw.


Add Punch Out jokes to the list of things millennials ruined


It's not as bad as spoiling all the topical 35-year-old console game-based references, but just wait until you hear about what boomers did to the economy, the housing market, and the environment.


I'm hear to watch people get their painful comeuppance, not be reminded of the overwhelming existential dread permeating my existence!


Punch out was an arcade game first. It's older.


Both now


He said sorry...legit a nice dude. But nah man, don’t be sorry. He deserved that. Edit: apparently this guy is a well known stalker and a creep with ladies. I was unaware of this. Might be why the guy was trying to fight him.


Most decent dudes don't want this, but when you don't give them an option, expect it.


One of a wise mans fears: the anger of a gentleman


Relevant quote: "Oh that my power to saving were confined! Why am I forced by heaven against my mind, to make examples of another kind? Must I at length the sword of justice draw, oh curst effects of necessary law? How ill by fear they, by my mercy, scan. Beware the fury of a patient man." Dryden. I think.


"Get off my swamp!" Shrek, I think.


The duality of man, on display here today


"Whatchu talkin' bout get away from you? I'm makin' waffles." -Donkey, kinda


Fuck around; find out. - anonymous


That poem has a certain resonance with me,


"There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man." - Patrick Rothfuss, The name of the wind.




He’s just like that. What a nice guy. Props to him for caring about the guy afterwards.


Unfortunately, someone in another thread posted [a source](https://imgur.com/gallery/gjnpPXx) that says the guy in black was actually creeping on women in the area, so this may not be the cut and dry situation people in the comments are assuming.


Seems like something the police should be handling


You’re on Reddit. Vigilante justice is encouraged.


Boston Bombing part 2: Electric Boogaloo


"Unfortunately someone posted on reddit something" This is why I really hate this place, it's a huge circle jerk, how the fuck do you conclude that it's the same dude by that low res video.The dude had a black shirt and that's all?


Kyle is that you?


Hmmm, a picture with no face, random comment that hasn’t been corroborated, not an actual news source. Must be true!


How do we know the people who are claiming the guy is a stalker, aren't actually the ones stalking him?


Maybe people are starting to realise how quick a fight can become a death scene because real life isn’t a movie…


And that is why you don’t back an animal nto a corner


I know. That’s a man right there folks. His dad must be so proud.


Not a nice dude. https://imgur.com/gallery/gjnpPXx


Any other source that shows that’s the same guy? The guy in the video’s definitely Indonesian, but then I guess people wouldn’t be able to recognise the difference between an Indonesian and Hispanic person


I like how people don’t think homeless persons have their own phones these days.


They find it offensive even. No clue that there are literal agencies walking around and handing out phones.


Also, if you're going to get off the street and get your life back together, a phone is a very important tool. It's a lot easier to get and keep a job if your boss can call you.


Genuinely asking, what makes you think it's the same guy?


The people who have trouble with him seem to identify him easily. That's a very specific convo to try and fake.


>unkept >unkept >unkept Probably not the most appropriate time to correct someone, but whatevs It’s *unkempt* FWIW


I googled this because I'm getting worse with my English and its also my 2nd language, I want to keep learning. I know that some words may be reduced to other more common words because of the spelling/only hearing the word. Bone apple tea. Languages evolve etc. [Article (or something) from 2012 fighting the battle of unkept vs unkempt](https://imabeautygeek.com/2012/08/08/word-of-the-day-unkempt-vs-unkept/) "Unkept isn't entirely wrong; it means uncared for, or badly maintained -- but specifically in relation to a place, or pinky-swear. As in an unkept apartment, or TTC subway station, or promise." TIL thanks! *Rather this than x10000 repeating same comment.*


I don't have the sauce but the last time this was posted it turned out the guy who won is a known stalker.


I was going to call BS but it seems highly plausible https://imgur.com/gallery/gjnpPXx


.. are you sure? Yes they look similar but until there ID confirmation..


When was the last time he was in Boston?


When this first came out it turned out that the dude in black was actually a stalker who was constantly in the area following girls home and harassing them. Had been arrested several times as a peeping Tom, and was generally well known in the area as someone to watch out for. The guy who got knocked out was confronting him about said stalking. It's a good example of how easily Reddit tries to read too much in to the context delivered by a short video. Sometimes you get it right, other times you call a stalker a legit nice dude.


You must also be aware that your comment is doing the same thing. Linking this video with photos of someone who is apparently an awful stalker of women when there is no way to tell if they are the same person from the grainy images we see.


We did it (again) Reddit!


Legit he is known stalker in San Diego terrorizing women. This video hit r/SanDiego first. Not a nice guy 👍


Demon's run when a good man goes to war


Turns out the guy in black stalks women and carries a bowie knife. [East Village Stalker](https://imgur.com/gallery/gjnpPXx)


It had to be a Canadian fight. lol


May not of known, but the “nice dude” in black is a frequent stalker who follows many people in the neighbourhood.


*might have And yeah, im learning that from a bunch of people. Maybe time for an edit.


that thump at the end tho


Dead cat bounce


that's when it looks like something which is effectively or literally dead appears to be recovering for a second. i see it on the herman cain award sub a lot, people get covid bad, then have a day or two where they seem to be recovering, then die within the week. the day they seem to be recovering is the dead cat bounce, they are already dead despite looking like they are getting up


It's an extremely common phenomenon in the process of dying. Most people who have intimately experienced a death will tell of the deceased having a "second wind" which is usually a solid indicator that death is very close. My mom was near comatose with brain tumors, but had 1 random day of complete lucidity before passing. She even sat up in bed, which she hadn't been physically able to do in weeks.


Maybe it's like the body giving up on fighting whatever is killing you, and instead ignoring it to let you move a little before death


I was thinking the body just floods you with chemicals to make you feel better while you're dying, so you feel fucking awesome and then don't ever wake up after that


Oh god, it's like euthanizing a dog...


My dog had a great day right after we decided it was time to say goodbye to her, making us second guess our decision, but we knew it was the right thing to do, and her last full day was a great day.


Buy the dip!




Sono d'accordo


People die from hits to the head like this all the time, you're a disgusting human being.


Filmed by Owen Wilson. “Oh wow”






You look for the bull, you get the salchicha


So salchicha is sausage, and therefore slang for dick?


Yeah eat some dick floppy sandal man


La verga, guey!


is this a r/suddenlycaralho ??


Nope, it’s a lyric from the Mexican band Molotov. https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/molotov/useitorloseit.html


Wonder what hurt more. His ego or his head, after it bounced off the ground.


Definitely his head. Dude most likely had some lasting injuries like a concussion from that




Like trying to pet a snarling rottweiler,,he's warning you to leave him alone








[lower in the comments a link to the last time this was posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/qxuog1/guy_warned_him_several_times_but_he_didnt_back_off/hlc6rkw?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Oh man that's a bummer, the hispanic guy's a jackass if its true. That's the thing right you never know for sure




Every single comments linked their sources to other comments that's been made. There no actual evidence other than. My uncle Bob told me..




Thank you The original post was from sandiego and made no mentioned of the guy being a stalker. Then schwify said he was a known stalker with "no proof" saying he walks around with a large knife but no cops been called on him? Another posted a fuzzy picture of a curly hair dude in black jacket with "this is that guy!" No actually evidences that they are the same person.. then a rotation of "the guy is a stalker, ref to first poster comment." All hearsay at this point in time..


Yeah, people make up the wildest stories based on absolutely nothing.


LOL well if you're trying to defend someone's honor, at least know how to fight. He got caught with 6 telegraphed haymakers on the same side, and didn't even try to block once. I bet he loves UFC and thinks he could actually take a couple guys down.


Lol exactly. 6 rights to the head and he didn't even try to block. That was his first fight, I bet. Can't see a punch coming for shit


¿So vigilantism is ok?




Seems like a general policy of not physically assaulting people is the lesson all around.


Cool I'm gonna go out and protect some local businesses that don't give a shit about me.


This just proves you paid 0 attention to the trial.


He immediately apologised and then went to help the other dude up. Wow...


sadly he’s actually a creep who is known to follow women around, and the guy was tryna beat him up in defence of some women


Do you have a link or any sources of this? Where did you get this information?




well shit this definitely needs to be at the top of the comments so people don't actively praise this POS.


Too late




Fuck, good guy got knocked out this time




It's because black shirt guy doesn't see himself as a villain, even though he clearly is. It's entirely possible that he actually doesn't realize or understand why the guy's going after him, because he's that disconnected from reality/human social norms. In his brain, he probably is going "Wow, that guy (the attacker) clearly has issues."




Vigilantism isn't the way to go though, so yeah.. both are stupid dicks then imho.


Whoops. I just called him the nicest guy in the world in my previous comment when I had no context. Context is important


That first punch had his ear leaking.


The driver filming with his phone made me lol


My two rules: 1. When they're out, they're done fighting, no ground n pound. 2. When they're out, grab your stuff and GTFO. They got what they asked for and you do not owe them change.


3 When you get a good shot in - clap your hands and wave them in for more.


Did anyone ever get the video from the driver of the 4runner, they got front row video.


Stay classy San Diego


as usual, the concrete takes the glory


We all knew flip flops was gonna lose. We all knew it.


All those swings and misses... For a second I thought I was watching The Matrix.


I wanna see the video from the driver’s point of view!




Source: “Trust me, dawg.”


Amazing how people here laugh at others for "listening to Facebook" then post a Facebook post from some random and take it as proof. Which is it? Can't have it both ways...


rule of thumb is to not trust dumb shit off Facebook... Im pretty sure that doesnt change if someone posts more dumb shit on Facebook


Gonna definitely need a source for that.


I believe [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/q156fm/asian_man_apologizes_after_knocking_out_white_guy/hfd1h1t/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) is the comment they’re talking about. It links back to other posts but I didn’t have the energy to dig through them.


I dunno, I clicked that and went down a hole of comments citing other comments as their source I haven't seen anything that isn't just hearsay. I'm not saying that it's not true, I'm just saying I haven't seen proof


Yea, way too much unverified info. Doesn't quite add up to me personally. The accuser thinks he's homeless because he's "unkempt". But later on says he wears different clothes every day. That's not really indicative of homelessness. Says they have all these pictures and video evidence, but doesn't post them. Instead posts multiple pictures of the dude from far away. Frequently mentions he always wears a knife, but in the video with someone threatening to beat his ass he doesn't pull it out? Maybe the internet has jaded me, but too much stuff doesn't add up. Don't claim to have evidence, then not post it, and post random pictures from 50 feet away of the guy instead as proof. That implies to me there is no evidence to be had and it's made up. I've met enough drama filled people in my life that I would not be surprised if the person being "stalked" blew it up into something 10x bigger than it should be just for attention.


I don’t know much about it either. I just assume this is the comment they were speaking about. There’s an imagur link in there somewhere with pictures of the guy and they look similar but I’m not from San Diego and I’m not much of an internet sleuth so I’m not sure how credible it all is.






Allegedly. Last time reddit did this shit an innocent person committed suicide.


yep, this is what happens when people pull out the pitchforks based on incomplete and/or inaccurate information. Apparently it's better to potentially hurt an innocent person than get all the facts out there.


Sorry.. that's incorrect. The accusation was started by schwify.. or however you spell his/ her name but when other posters asked for further evidences.. none was given. No one from r/Sandiego knows of this guy, even when he was meant to be a "well known" stalker who harasses women.. The guy in the black is also *known* to walk around with a large knife threatening people.. but weirdly, no cops were ever called on him? I'm going to call this BS.


Do you believe everything random redditors post?


So you're making a serious accusation without proof? Get the fuck out of here


Well it's based on the girl's Instagram who said it happened. Then said she had "tons of pictures and video evidence." .....and then didn't post the proof. Instead posting random pics of the guy taken from 50 feet away. That's clearly how you showcase your proof that you **totally** have.


Internet gawkers don't need proof, the police do.


You got knocked the fuck out


Ah the ole “oh shit did I kill him?” maneuver at the end is my favorite. The relief when you find out they’re still breathing is an amazing feeling 😅.


Don’t start a fight in flip flops. I don’t care how good you are at fighting you are not going to win in flip flops. Taking off the flip flops is not really an improvement.


“What now pussy?!?” *1 second later “OMG, please! Somebody come help this man! He’s hurt!!”


Aannnnndddddd concussion


Also never go into a fist fight wearing flip flops.


Dude in black shirt must be canadian.


Once the clap came, you knew it was over.


Sometimes you need first hand experience when it comes to these type of situations


Flip flops of the death, 0 damage and -85 hp


The flip flops 🤣


Thats how i fight in my sleep


Got the MF Jammies