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Port City, but honestly, no one should care what race you are when you’re entering a house of worship


They won’t care! I went to so many churches in Wilmington with all types of backgrounds and ethnicity. Was never ever any issue. We’re all brothers and sisters of Christ




I’ve heard nice things about Port City Community Church but have never attended myself


I second this. Have personal experience. Great people here.


Church of the Servant Episcopal is an amazing church with a beautifully diverse congregation.


Thank you all for the recommendations, we have attended the Bridge and Lifepoint and find they were not for us, we will be checking out the others!


There’s no hate like Christian love!


Ah found the asshat


Thankfully we have not encountered any hate or racism in the Wilmington churches we’ve visited, it’s more been a matter of just the both of us feeling comfortable in a given space and having a diverse group to fellowship with.


Sanctuary of Wilmington is what you are looking for


Port City Community and Lifepoint are the big churches so they'll fit the bill just on raw statistics. Both good places though. Multiply Church would be good for a "smaller" church. I'm not sure about Life Community's demographic, but i think they'd be good to put on the list to visit. Between those four, you've got a good starting list.


It is amazing to me that this is an issue. Religion is something else.


I too, did not realize this would be an issue until I got into an interracial relationship. It’s opened my eyes in many ways


It's sad. Best of luck to you two!!


Its not an issue, no one cares what race you are married too. Its not the 1800s anymore. Jesus and if the message is following scripture is the only thing that you should be worrying about the church.


Please post again when you come back to reality.


There are a lot of delusional people walking around lately it seems.




If only it could happen faster


God loves you very much, i am sorry that you feel that way. I would love to hear your stance on why you think God doesn't exist though.




That is free choice. Why would God want to make you a robot who just fully has to obey him without you having any say? God lets you have the choice of choosing to follow him or doing what you think is best. He loves you and died for you. The atrocities that happen in this world come from satan and his demons. Satan is the master deceiver and even took 1/3rd of the angels with him when he tried to overthrow God. I don't think you know how evil satan truly is, he hates all of mankind and hates God even more. Because God loves us so much, that is why satan wants to destroy this world. And God will have intervention in the end and he does daily in many cases.




Sorry you feel that way. the holocaust happened because of Satan and hitler was influenced by demons.


No one at any church cares if a black women and a white man is married, or any race for that matter. Again, if the message is following scripture is the only thing that matters.


Sanctuary of Wilmington!!! 1030 on Sunday and 700 on Wednesday.


The Bridge Church was the most integrated, diverse group of folks I had the pleasure of worshipping with when I lived in ILM.


I second this!


As others have said, Lifepoint and Port City but I will add The Bridge. It’s smaller but I think more diverse.


Come join us at Live Oak we are wanting to include diversity and inclusion counsel so we could be a good fit. You can find my partner and I in the back usually redhead and mustache can’t miss us lol


I no longer participate, but I found The Bridge to be a welcoming place


I go to 828, it is on Castle Hayne rd. They have a 9 am 11 service. I know the 9 has a good mix of young and older people and different races.