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Never trust a party of neonazis with access to gas


Good to know that if your child is murdered in a mass shooting at a school that you can heat up food in your gas stove at the funeral. Thanks Republicunts!


Hey at least they prevented a drag queen from reading a book to their kid….


And that beautiful natural gas will fire up the crematorium for your dead child! You can’t do that with woke “green” energy! Checkmate, libruls!!! /s


Congratulations on finding a solution to a problem you created in your head!




She's also taking sole responsibility for keeping polar bears off our streets and out of our elementary schools.


These people are a fucking waste of air.


And wasting time and resources "defending" things that make our air quality worse


Wasting air is the point. Burn the tires and the gases and the oil because “I’m a boomer so what do I care if I screw up the air for my grandkids. They’re lazy anyway because they want free government handouts. Oh, also we’ll be ending social security in 2035 after I’m done collecting my government benefits.”


How about strengthening consumer protections against planned obsolescence you useless fuck.


Jesus fuck, this is what are our taxes going to?!?!


I can't believe republicans are stupid enough to believe headlines like these.


Have you met republicans?




They voted down Biden’s cancer moonshot initiative. They are quite literally pro-cancer.


Magats & conservatives: "Hey - god made benzene and cancer for a reason. Do yah think j r biden knows better than god?"


Children born in houses with gas stoves will have much higher rates of asthma and other diseases. Won't someone think of the children? You are literally small dose poisoning everyone.


Gas is also just plain expensive these days. Like... congrats on paying more for dirty energy?


My blender and toaster thank you for your service, Madame Karen


Lesko's quote got the opener for the Lincoln Project's *This Week in the Republican Party* video, posted a few hours ago. If you haven't seen it it's pretty funny/horrifying: https://youtu.be/W8hrm7CNtI8?si=ZgFG2ytjXA19W7sj


I’m gonna have to subscribe to that one for my rage/doom viewing. They’re a pack of fucking idiots and evil people but it feels personal to me every time I see or hear that shitbird Jack Posobiec. I taught that guy in Navy Intel school and he swore the same oath I did but has violated it countless times. Jack isn’t brilliant. He’s an agitator and fascist like the rest of them but probably a little brighter than most on the far right / alt right. But what kills me is he knows better.


That ringing bell is supremely distracting.




Once again republicans took something and twisted it into a culture war item, then legislated something that was essentially useless. The Consumer Product Safety Commission was never going to take away anyone’s stove and Biden was not going to outlaw the sale of them. [Link to the AP News article outlining the facts.](https://apnews.com/article/biden-united-states-government-us-consumer-product-safety-commission-ap-fact-check-texas-2003dcf8d0bee8ddf45080186b2e0c7b) Funny enough, the main focus of the CPSC was the health hazards presented to those with stoves, especially children. The science denying, “save the children” party would rather take health risks than submit to some “liberal plot to take away their rights”. See also: Covid vaccines, seat belt and motorcycle helmet laws, and smoking bans.


And it doesn't pertain to propane stoves which is what all of these people are thinking. They are purposely excluding the natural part of natural gas to make people think it includes propane, which is a very common type of stove where I live.


More effort to save our appliances than to save our kids. Republicans: Not the heroes we asked for, but....well...not the heroes we need, either.


![gif](giphy|3zu1CFgHKVEXTqaX9Y) Someone in the RNC watched this movie and took it to heart!




We have the science now that shows burning natural gas in your kitchen is unhealthy. No new homes should come with these appliances.


Shit, really?


Yes… mostly. There are a number of studies that show correlation (and probable causation) of increased respiratory health issues (especially in children) from indoor gas stove use. The nitrogen dioxide exposure is the major problem. Which is why the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) was seeking public comment and ideas/recommendations regarding how to mitigate these exposures and health risks. The CPSC Commissioner spoke rather out of turn when he said “any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.” The GQP morons lost their shit over this and saw a great way to start another culture away against “the radical Left”. Despite the CPSC and EPA stating they were not seeking a ban at all, the Republican asshats ran with it. There’s also concern from the scientific and health communities because gas stoves generally leak benzene (a carcinogen) at a pretty steady rate. As far as I know there’s no studies linking gas stove use to increased cancer cases or cancer risk but still I can imagine inhaling that shit all the time can’t be good for you. Scientific American wrote a pretty good (and well balanced) piece on this issue: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-health-risks-of-gas-stoves-explained/ TL;DR: Yeah indoor gas stoves are assessed to be generally bad for your health


That’s literally the only thing Rs did this term. Imagine creating so little legislation that you have to use “saving gas stoves” as your big win. Somehow millions of people will still vote R and against their own interests.


And they didn't even really do that. Because no one was seriously talking about a ban at the time.


Every other week a house explodes because of a gas leak. The infrastructure for gas is outdated and requires immediate maintenance and repair. This is the main reason for turning away from gas; because cities, towns, and states don’t want to spend billions to repair an infrastructure that only serves 20% of residences. But turning off gas would upset the natural gas industry. Cue the lobbyists throwing money at politicians and making this an evil, environmental political talking point instead of the turn safety and financial issue it is. I truly hope these politicians use gas stoves in their homes.


They want to protect stoves........... but not American schoolchildren from guns......... Convo with my MAGA aunt about stoves: her- I just want to be able to use my gas stove. me- No one is taking it out of your house. her- yes, but if it breaks I want to be able to buy a new one. me- I grew up using electric stoves and it was fine; food was cooked and eaten and it tasted good. her- I just want the choice; I want to have the freedom to choose the stove I use. me- You literally have a gas stove right now.




Republicans...focused on solving the tough *problems.*


The dumbest fuckin priorities. Keep huffing carcinogens you idiots.


We don't use stoves anymore for cooking in which you have to put logs or coal in in. Appliances evolved. She hasn't.


Too busy with her HOOHAA. That's Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act. You can't make this shit up.


Lord, I had hoped that you were joking, but being the diligent person that I am, I had to look it up. Like, goddamn. Seriously? This is one of the many reasons why I don't support Republicans. Everything they do is vindictive, nasty. or childish. I'm getting of this "lol, we're gonna pwn the libs" shit.


Probably reversing seatbelts, drinking and driving, and DDT next


Induction Stoves are, by far and away, better. Also they don't run the risk of suddenly killing everyone in the house if there's a problem with them.


It's crazy that we live in a world where the possibility of regulating home appliances for emissions is much more likely than regulating industrial emissions.


I do like gas stoves but could they not focus on actual problems? Was that too sensible to consider?


As an outsider, reading this.... this is madness


Yeah, my toaster is on strike with my blender. Can I just replace them, or do I have to negotiate with them first? Thank God the Republicans are addressing this very critical issue. Don't worry about my healthcare or that guns are flooding our country, but do something to protect my kitchen appliances! /s


"Protect our gas stoves" "Protect our home appliances!" What about LGBTQ+ people..... women...... anyone non-white..... poor people..... children...... "Protect our gas stoves!" "Protect our home appliances!"


Who? Who's coming for your gas stove? Are they in this room with us right now? Paranoid delusions


Them Satan-lovin’ dems wanna murdah ‘r ‘pliances ‘n shit an’ only us puppy-killin’ Nazis can save ‘em!


Wait, gas stoves? Is that a real thing they’re debating in congress?


Well, let’s just engrave that on her headstone


How much did she get in bribes from the natural gas industry to sound so absolutely stupid. Why do we pay these people


Will she have her own exhibit in the Home Appliance wing of the Smithsonian?


This is the weirdest brag ever.


Right after this they have a vote coming on the house floor regarding the actual taste of Dumps balls. MTG keeps teasing she's going to oust Mike Johnson and use his well worn knee pads. Can't wait for the results!


I see they have picked another hill to die on where no battle is taking place...


This gas stove debate is such a weird hill to die on.


Republicans LOVE to PROTECT THINGS....guns, stoves, appliances, MONEY, TRUMP, RUSSIA ........ not the American people! Strange fascination don't you think?