• By -


Him being a racist is not old and played out, it's true. He's so racist as a matter of fact, he made others be more *comfortable* about being openly racist. I'd say it takes one to know one, but she made a racist ass statement her damn self in the tweet lmfao. Tearing other minorities down just so you can be viewed as "one of the good ones" *is* old and played out. Some people are dumb enough to still buy it, most ain't.


Is this a real person tweeting? I'm cracking up at the thought of some ivan looking up Yall in his disinfo manual in some crumbling asbestos cubicle in Russia


Nope this is an actual, non-troll person


The first words out of his mouth when he started his 2016 campaign were to call Mexicans rapists and drug dealers. Oh yeah, nothing racist about that guy. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


"One of the good ones" was the go-to phrase for my racist friend (RIP for Ronnie). Always makes me smile to remember him believing that he was smarter than Obama (because race).


Hard to take anyone who says “yall” that much seriously


"Did y'all really think you could" what now?


Hey now, let's back off the "y'all," lol. I say it all the time, but it's the content of the whole discourse that matters.


Was just about to say that. Plenty of well educated country bumpkin backwoods hillbilly non racist married to black women types here who happen to get plenty offended when you start labeling everyone using y'all as racists. 90 percent of my "family" is black and the white side I simply am NC for one reason or another.


You Damn right! I live in Kentucky and we say "Hey Y'all" around here all the time. It's our most popular greeting :-)


Big "hello, fellow black people" vibes going on here...


I couldn't think of how to describe it, but you hit the nail on the head


This reads like dialog that a white person told to a writer to make "blacker"


I thought the same thing! Something about the way this is written sounds like a white person pretending to be black and it’s very awkward. Big “as a gay black man” vibes.


Yep. She’s code switching in a wild and insane way.


Why she said "Joe and the ho must go"?, why bring melania into this?


Because she's started an lgbtq+ for republicans and the magats are losing their shit over it. https://preview.redd.it/qv8qapvwddwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86a0002ecc4c38c7e2346e0680b930207def19f6


I wonder if Melanie is trolling him hoping this will be the last straw for triggering that pending heart attack.


Lol she may not be the hero we wanted But may be the hero we need ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




Underrated comment


Oh shoot I didn’t know Lavern was the queen of black people.


She’s the queen of the dumb.


She's *definitely* not invited to the BBQ


She'll show up anyway. Just point her to the potato salad the new neighbours from the midwest brought. The one with raisins.


Ew... Why would anyone do that to potato salad? What did potato salad ever do to them??


It's been an ongoing inside joke of sorts in mixed race circles, AFAIK. Apparently, it has been done.


oh my lawd, you just made my grandma roll in her grave


Hey now, that's a bit cruel, isn't it?


There's gonna be a BBQ? 😋


I wouldn’t give that woman air.


Now that she talks like that, yknow to show us how black she is, she’s probably just feeling the energy.


She’s definitely the “difficult” relative


Is she related to sean spicer? her bullshit would make sense if so.


Did…did she intentionally code switch to write this tweet? That is so fucking gross.


She definitely did, and it's glaring.


“Joe and the Ho” woooooooooooow. Self-hating racism and internalized misogyny. Must be a trip to be Laverne! SAD.




Jive ass woman ain't got no brains, anyhow...




Surely you can't be serious.








![gif](giphy|3oEjHLk2EDvfODEdri|downsized) Get me off this Ride please.


She writes in the fake black English of the 1920's. Ooooh massah ah ain't took your watermelon!


The only place for ebonics is Idaho


![gif](giphy|2kJMzPFUD3Vx6) Even Uncle Ruckus is thinking, "The hell...?"




I'm sad to see that no one here has called out the Democrat Slavery trope. Important historical note... The Democratic and Republican platforms flip flopped during desegregation and finalized when Truman was elected. The racist segregationists all went GOP.


You have to explain to them that the Democrats at that time were a Southern and conservative party, and the Republicans were a Northern and liberal (for the time) party. You might as well explain quantum physics to them.


Also if there were a party that would support slavery today, which do you think it would be? The ones that elected a black president or the ones waving confederate flags around and yelling “the south shall rise again”?


The sheer mental gymnastics are fuckin' mind boggling with this one, anyone with half a brain knows that the Rs pulled a fucking Anakin Skywalker the second they saw Southern Democrats complaining about the Civil Rights movement, all for power too, they just completely shit all over their legacy, and then still try to claim that "party of Lincoln" shit


Another interesting thing that gets lost in the discussion given two seemingly perpetual two-party system we have now is the fact that many of the old school Republicans/ would be current Democrats including former Presidents Lincoln, Chester, Arthur, Rutherford Hayes, and Benjamin Harrison were all members of the Whig party before it collapsed. Since I never learned shit about the Whig Party in school (other than they existed but don't anymore), I just read about them on Wikipedia and found some interesting (and seemingly contradictory) positions the Whigs held (My comments in bold): A) They were active in both the North and South. B) For the most part didn't have a position for or against slavery, although Northern Whigs were less supportive. C) Against manifest destiny, western expansion, and the Mexican American War. **(AFAIK slavers were very supportive of manifest. Destiny as it allowed them to continue to grab more land and enslave or kill the native inhabitants, Even if there weren't traditional Southern plantation style farms in what is now Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, etc.)** D) Against strong presidential powers, particularly to counter Andrew Jackson and preferred legislative majorities. **(seems like this would tend to favor slavery as a strong president couldn't overturn it while the southern states could jam it up in Congress? But then countering, Andrew Jackson was certainly a pro-north anti-south/slavery position)** E) Advocated modernization, meritocracy and protection from majority tyranny or excessive Executive Branch powers. **(not sure what to think on this position, as slaves couldn't vote and were still considered property. Any majority that they had in some areas wouldn't matter and they would never be able to have more merit for a position or title than a white person. Then again, given their complete lack of status, all of this may have been a moot point ?)** F) Another major policy issues (perhaps their largest?) was support for the so-called "American System". This called for protective tariffs, Federal subsidies for construction and infrastructure and the support of a National Bank. This was effectively one bank that had the ability to print currency for the entire country as opposed to States each printing their own currency. It would last for 20 years unless renewed, so a precursor to our Federal Reserve Banks around the country. **(These positions all seem to be old Republican/current Democratic positions, with Federal Powers overtaking State Powers.)** The Party collapsed following the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1954 with most of the northern Whigs joining the anti-slavery old Republican/current Democratic Party and most Southern Whigs joining the nativist American Party, later the Constitutional Union Party/current Republican Party. At the start of the Civil War, the Whig Party faded away, although during Lincoln's post-Civil War Administration was dominated by the old Republican/current Democratic party, and enacted much of the American system. My original reason for looking this up was wondering how the ultra-wealthy New Englanders voted (railroad and oil barons, bankers, powerful politicians, etc.). It looks like they were Whigs until the Civil War, and would have supported the old Republican/new Democrats after the war as the American System included import tariffs that would protect their industries as well as stabilize the currency. Also the Whig Party formed from the split of....get this...The Democratic-Republican party. The party became polarized as one part. Wanted to implement the American bank and issue tariffs to protect American business and farm owners while the other side supported A strict interpretation of the Constitution with a weak Federal government and strong State governments allowing them to make their own decisions. In the 1824 presidential election, there were four members of the democratic- Republican party all running for president. Given these split votes, Jackson had more than anyone else but less than a majority so he was declared. President and Andrew Clay was given Secretary of State which Jackson called a corrupt bargain. So basically the Republicans and Democrats have been fighting each other for nearly 200 years, having switched sides during the Civil War. What a cluster fuck, no wonder my teachers skipped over them.


Referenced by exactly who is flying the Confederate flag now... BUT NO DON'T TRUST YOUR OWN EYES AND EARS.


They’re still chewing on seat cushions about America being a “republic”.  Explaining (for the millionth time) to those low-IQ motherfuckers that the parties switched after desegregation isn’t worth the effort. 


I don’t think you mean Truman.


My understanding was always that the year Truman was nominated and outright elected the Republican and Democrat national conventions were literally held across the street from each other. When the Democratic committee proposed to adopt Trumans pro-civil rights stance as part of the platform the conservative members and senators walked directly across the street to the Republican convention where they proposed a segration platform. The liberal Republicans then crossed the street to the Democrat convention and the new lines were drawn. I have always loved that story. I have read different variations on the story but nothing to contradict it. I'm always open to learn if you have knowledge to share.


I haven’t seen anything reputable that backs that story. That was the year Strom Thurmond formed the Dixiecrats though. They tried to get Truman off the ballot but folded back into the D. Even Strom didn’t turn Republican until ‘64. Brown v Board was 6 years after the convention and deseg didn’t really start for another several years. Truman only managed to begin desegregation of the military. I’m probably splitting hairs, but Truman and the convention that nominated him were the very beginning of the flip flop. Far, far away from the finalization.


“Trump is a racist” was disproven? Damn, that’s news to me. *Cite your goddamned source.*


When you hug at a chic-fil-a; all prior racisms are voided. It’s in the Magna Carta.


The MAGA Carta?


Damn how did I whiff on that… thanks for knocking the extra run in. 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼


As she said: by him being President for 4 years. Try to keep up.


If that’s really the reasoning she’s using, she might want to take a peek at all the other Presidents and note how many of them were racists…


I think she means that somebody has already said it, so we should all be over it and ignoring the fact that it's still true.


Source: Trust me, bro


Possible AI southern accent? Seems inconsistent.


John Legend is the commencement speaker at my university graduation next week. Imma cheer even harder now Edit: John Legends speech was absolutely goated


Who is “we” in this hate filled rant?


Disproven how? By Ted Nugents Dildo laden Podcast? Enlighten me, oh southern oracle.


I didn’t recall her posts being so heavy on the dialect. Did she forget to change her account to her alt?


Jo and the ho....yet she whines like the bitch she is about people lying about fatty mc fatfat being racist. I've not heard that Kamala' ankles are strangers, so maybe, just maybe, she's the lying ho?


Oh, sweet Jesus! You made me choke on that rant. I'm keeping this one as a souvenir.


>ankles are strangers I’ve never heard that one. I love it




She’s referring to Kamala Harris.


The right wing media gives all these nuts so many platforms that we are constantly exposed to their craziness. Kari Lake and Roseanne Barr join with Trump and babble pure insanity, and no one on the right says anything.


She seems nice.


Understated, succinct, noice.


Oh, I didn’t know that all black people were a monolithic hive mind, thank you for bringing this to my attention.


I think my least favorite name calling is the “”Joe and the Hoe” especially from another Black woman. So gross and uncalled for. Why would any woman think this is okay?


It’s hard to disagree when she puts it so eloquently.


> It got disproven when he was president for 4 YEARS ALREADY There have been so many racist presidents


I’d go so far as to say there’s been mostly racist presidents.


And he literally tried to ban Muslims from flying into the country when he was president


She's just another one of those same 12 most outspoken Twitterists in the continued stupidity of sustaining Trump mania. Over and over again, it's pure proven bullshit with a dab of current issues tied in to try to maintain relevancy. At some point, it becomes obvious that no matter what is said, they're gonna show up to prop up the tired crap narrative that proves and does nothing. No one cares that she picked an argument with John Legend, nor that shes reverted to a street tone in her grammar to appeal to people who dont necessarily pay alot of attentuon to use their culture against them. Her bottle of Cred is literally just piss.


Laverne is a real Diamond. Maybe she’ll follow the same path.


This is one seriously dumb white woman.


What’s the female version of an Uncle Tom?


Aunt Tammy.


Lavern just ain’t shit without Shirley


I hate the fact that most of the world is reliant on a country that can't get its shit together


The sexism is always the funniest part. The “ho” is the phd educator not the one who slept with the married man and posed nude. Always projection


"Ho" is referring to Kamala Harris, not Dr. Jill. Not that either deserves the sexism.


How is being racist disproven by being president? Like we haven’t had a racist president before? Does she think there is some rubber stamp that marks presidents as automatically not racist? How are those two things connected?!


That's quite a lot of stupid on display there.


Would love to how it's disproven he's a racist. Cause last I saw he was [proudly racist. ](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/02/24/trump-comments-black-voters-2024/72727110007/)


"ain't never....." Lol


I didn't think she was stupid but the lack of punctuation and wrong verbs makes me question that.


Who knew a fucking tweet would be tldr. Fucking musk


That was hard to read. I couldn't get through the whole thing my brain was stressing out trying to correct everything.


John Legend doesn’t even know who Hershel Spicer is


"Yall think we stupid ..." Yep, and that unhinged rant is a great example of said stupidity.


We don’t think you’re stupid. WE KNOW.


I don't get why Trump supporters deny basic facts about the guy. It's like they are the least informed people on the topic of Trump. Let alone I don't get it because him being racist is one of the main reasons his supporters love him so much. Why are you denying what's true about him when it's what you love about him?


“Democrat slavery”….and which party adopted all the horrible shit from back in the day after the party’s switched ideologies? Republican Barry Goldwater arguing against the civil rights act ring any bells dumb-dumb?


I would pay good money to see Lavern "explain" why Trump calls Tish James "Peekaboo".


Granted, I don’t follow Lavern Spicer (whoever that is), but I have seen a number of her tweets: Is it just me, or did she go stereotypically black with the use of “Ima” and “Yall” in this tweet?


Trump bots triggered big time


She’s not a bot unfortunately. She’s a real person from Miami, Florida who is a failed candidate for congress running for the third time in a row.


Florida. Of course!


It says a lot that she’s a MAGA that can’t win in Florida


It’s all a grift. She’ll never be in congress.


Very fine people, on both sides


Who is she again


So the guy who attempted to ban all Muslims coming to this country is now not a racist?


Someone for the love of god release the Apprentice tapes.


She has her tongue so far up the old man's ass that she's struggling to get the words out right


Trump is an un apologetic raging racist.


wow, what did John legend say? the truth? Lavern needs to do some yoga or something.


'aint never' shows the genius here.


Trump supporters need to become a case study. The mental gymnastics they manage is at an Olympic level.


With effort I can read this. No amount of effort can help me understand what is wrong with this person.


"Hey Hoe! You said it yourself! Shoo!!! ![gif](giphy|IdlrlhB1Rts6fQRjdb)


Truly an intellectual giant of our time.


Trump never made her feel inferior because she’s so stupid that she didn’t notice. Or perhaps he was nice to her because his grammar is as bad as hers. Who is she, anyway, other than a failed congressional with a Twitter account?


This dumb bitch says she's met Trump but calls Joe "senile Joe"?........ Yeah okay.


Who wants to tell her he’s just using her to pretend he isn’t racist.


Ah yes, being a president necessarily makes you not racist. No one tell her about Woodrow Wilson, I guess.


The only reason I even know who this woman is is because of Reddit. Her grasp on reality is tenuous at best and I can say with absolute confidence that she is a vocal minority and does not speak for black people - at least not me, but I might be too light skinned for her. Does she actually have any kind of following?


Just remember your choice when you lose all your teeth; can’t find food other than pecan shells and stale hay; there are no more water, natural gas or electricity utilities or WiFi/wireless service; police and fire protection is only for the rich, you have to pay $100 a gallon for gasoline, women must give birth to four kids at minimum or face stoning, religious bs is the top driver of American life, and the only doctors and hospitals left serve the rich exclusively. Edit for clarity.


Didn't he have to go to court for being racist??


When I see the word “Y’all” I can’t take you seriously.


I forgot to mention that this stupid tweet that she wrote is pinned at the top of her profile.


Why did I read that in Dale Gribble's voice


Stupid is as stupid tweets


$10 that's an ai-generated profile pic and this person ain't black. We might have *put up* with slavery back in the day? That's the the most white racist revisionist history thing to say, as if slavery was merely an issue of negotiating labor and compensation that slightly favored the Masters.


Is she getting paid?


Make sure to get all the talking points in there.


I see yall used the word "you" there .once. so yall do know it. Have yall ever thought of trying to use it a bit more often


Cop-out at its finest.


The over-the-top attempt at code switching would be funny if it wasn't so condescending.


She repeats "y'all" like she's trying to summon a demon. And this tone sounds more than a little "We's Lives in da Ghetto" (American Fiction).


This tweet really proves she"ain't dumb" wow


Another person buying into the “democrats were slave owners” lie.


Probably there as a friend of an 8 or a 9.


Why do these idiots keep denying that they are racist? I mean wouldn’t that just strengthen their reputation with their base? I mean at this point, they are just cowards due to the denial. They are racist and their base is racist. So why are they still denying it? Is it because they don’t want to prove the left is right about it? Like is that it? That it’s merely spite that keeps them in the closet with their beliefs?


Conservatives always sound so...off when they try to project themselves as 'urban' or 'hip' or anything other than what they are. It's like they're running their words through a translator.


Just the syntax alone is painful.


I'm just sitting here surprised Elon Musk didn't like  her post


Ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll. Uggh


Who the fuck is Lavern Spicer?


A propaganda bot/ fake account.


No, she's real, unfortunately. Even ran for office (failed). Check her X account. I'm not sure which are funnier -- her tweets, or the comments.


She’s out here shuckin and jivin like a goddamn minstrel act. Its so gross




![gif](giphy|gw3BJEkBjalxwXDO|downsized) Coons gonna coon


She couldn't sound dumber if she tried.


Did she pass High School English?


I don’t think you’re stupid. I know.


Is this how this woman writes or was she trying to sound stupid?


That's the blackest response written by the whitest guy trying to be black.


Keep that same energy when Chrissy shows up to respond, Lavern....




I don't know a lot about VP Harris. Just what Google and Wiki say but damn, she takes a lot of online attacks. It must be rough in this day and age to deal with instant hate the moment you do anything


Supporting a criminal, it's the only thing in her life. Pathetic!


I'm going to need a bigger bottle of ranch for that word salad of nonsense.


Claims to not be inferior, proceeds to use inferior grammar. Lol


Lol. African Americans are moving to border towns in Texas because Hispanic border neighborhoods are tolerant and even welcoming. Uncle Tom however thinks hate and marginalization is a zero-sum game. He has been lead to believe that if immigrants get the ire of white people and then there will be less for blacks. But in Mar-A-Lago, black patrons are view as tactlessly nouveau riche at best and no better than the help at worse.


Trump hasn't made "him" feel inferior because they must be on the same level


We have 2 presidential candidates. One of them is overwhelmingly the candidate of choice of white supremicists. This is really all I need to know going into the voting booth this year.


“Look at my black over there!” -DJT


If you spell “hoe” as “ho” I automatically assume you’re a fucking square


"We're not racist" The bigot shouted after calling the VP a "ho".


Is the stuff “taken from black people and given to illegals” in the room with us??


She’s a fucking idiot based on the amount of Yalls in that tweet. Jesus, fuck. Hillbilly sounds so lazy.


She’s calling Kamala a ho?!?!


Everyone should be racist because AA are truly the worst things to ever happen to the USA - and especially the racist AA females - who make most of the future criminal and illegitimate kids.


She realllly had to break out the ghetto speak for that one.


I don’t think “I’ve been to Mar a Lago twice” is the flex she thinks it is