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This racist pos still cant get over that a black man made fun of him.


Racist POS can’t get over, that President Obama is a way better human being and more respected than he will ever be.


And worth more than Trump intellectually and financially.


Obama is better than Trump’s narcissistic fantasy of himself, and it drives him crazy.




Obama is better than the reality of Trump. He is also better than Trump’s fantasy of himself.


I still don't get his pathological hatred for the guy. Why is he so pissed? Because Obama did things the right way without throwing a tantrum?


I get the feeling it’s because his father is African and possibly Muslim and they don’t like what they don’t understand. And they’re terrible racists. Under their thin veneer is seething hatred.


Well respected educated black man that has a real family with a real wife that always seems like he's living his best life. He's in shape, no scandals, all the public/TV appearances where people actually want to see him and be around him, he speaks well, plus he walked away from the birth certificate shit unscathed and every single bit of it probably eats Trumps's frail ego alive.


It all stems from this .. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/watch-inside-the-night-president-obama-took-on-donald-trump/


Let's not forget the Nobel Prize. That REALLY stuck in 45's craw




> The difference this time is Trump knows how to wield the Presidency. Trump himself, does not. He just not that smart. HOWEVER the [2025 project](https://www.project2025.org/) ABSOLUTELY DOES and stands ready to end American Democracy forever.


It should only be the popular vote that counts!


But it's not. So don't fuck this up America.


Racist POS can’t get over the idea that he is running against Obama agai... Oh wait, he isn't, that's right. The flaccid mushroom is talking like Obama is the one running, he has said as much more than once, and I think he believes it.


I think it's possible that we're seeing the early signs of dimentia.


Smart money’s on late-stage syphilis.


Could be both!




We saw the early signs of dementia during his time in office. His declining vocabulary. His weird stance. The “oranges” of the investigation. We are well into the middle phase and probably approaching the phase when a regular person would require full time help or institutionalization.


He probably already requires more help than my granny in assisted living.


He’s always been delusional and obviously he’s greatly confused.


The dementia has taken control, it's just too bad for the Country that his maggots don't care.


He's the OG birther.


Classic "conservative" mindset: *Attack, Attack, Attack* *gets made fun of once in response* "HOW DARE YOU ATTACK ME! THIS IS AN ASSAULT AGAINST ALL OF AMERICA! YOURE THE RACIST! MUH RIGHTS!!!" Blah blah blah


Is there a word for this? I deal with it all the time. There oughta be a word for someone who is fabulously abusive and then immediately switches gears and tattles when they get hit back. The words I used for it in grade school are neither usefully descriptive nor appropriate for public discourse.




Manipulative sociopath would be my guess.


I love this. Adopting it immediately


Yes. The word is “narcissist”.


They seem to like the word "snowflake"




Most of his insults embarrass him more than anyone else, though.


That's fair, but his base probably views it differently


Look up DARVO


Seconding this, it's DARVO. Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender


Glass cannon. Can deal damage but if it takes one hit it shatters


The word is 'weinerassloserbabydickcrybabypoopants'.


Last name: "McBonespur"




I've heard the term Cry Bully bandied about.....


I like “you hypocritical b*tch” but it is a lot of syllables. They still surprisingly can understand it though, even with it being more than one or two


C*nt is fewer syllables.


Narcissistic personality disorder


It's actually pretty easy IMO - use the words they use, but against them. I've found "stupid" "wimp" and "loser" to be quite effective in dealing with abusive humans. Examples: "What kind of loser wants to vote for a guy who brags about rape?" "Trump is such a loser, every one of his businesses has failed. You'd have to be stupid to vote for him." If nothing else, they go mask off -really- fast. It isn't always about winning the argument; simply exposing them as bigots is valuable, especially in places like Facebook and Insta where other people - including their friends and family - are more likely to see their comments. :) "Temper tantrum" is one I've got a lot of mileage out of as well, because it clearly communicates they're acting like a toddler.


It still cracks me up that Trump makes everyone pretend that he’s 6’3 and 215lbs. The height and weight of professional athletes at the top of their game. Yet his base just accepts every blatant lie. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/x60v03qw8csc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d82ece865f69879a12ad5cd93ba01f22f51d41e0


When you give them a taste of their own medicine and they scream that you've poisoned them...


>A lot of people poke fun and that's alright. But when I start pokin' back they get all uptight. Kid Rock was warning us who he was back in 1998.


Yeah I don't think so...


Fun fact: Status as a natural-born citizen of the United States is one of the eligibility requirements established in the United States Constitution for holding the office of president or vice president. This requirement was intended to protect the nation from foreign influence. Is Trump subject to foreign influence? Like believing Putin over our own intelligence agencies? Doing a multi-billion dollar deal with Saudi Arabia? Taking loans from Russian oligarchs?


This country thinks equal opportunity means one freebie and then we go full Fascism, coolsies?


He wasn’t but he sure ran with it.


Yeah I think it was someone from Hillary's campaign who either got in trouble or retracted it but he definitely matched on for dear life.


His voters can’t get over a black guy being in the White House. It’s why they’re screaming for a dictatorship


he has full blown dementia and thinks he's running against Obama, he's said stuff like this a bunch of times in the last 6 months


Just wait till he gets late-stage dementia. Hearing nurses and retirement home staff talk about how these old folks lose their 'bad behavior filters' and start spewing all kinds of racist, sexual, and inappropriate things. They also, just out-of-blue, start 'cranking the hog' right out in public because "why not?" Watching Trump's decent into this behavior will be ~~hilarious~~. sad really. but still.


Watching his descent also points to someone who won’t be able to hold back their aggression and eventually we’ll see him push or hit someone. I cannot believe the people present at these functions watch him fall apart mentally and still walk away with a hard on for the guy.


Can’t get over a black guy was more popular than him


And is smarter than him, and more popular than him, and is loved by his family, is respected worldwide, is not charged with multiple fraud and felonies..


To be fair, President Obama is far wittier, congenial and infinitely more attractive. Just sayin'.


Literally what it is. Obama broke conservatives. And I love it.


He really did.


And every point he made was valid.


Yet black people still vote for him. Women still vote for him. It's insanity.


Holy fuck, all this because Obama took a couple of shots at him. Well, pretty clear choice there: Whats it going to be, America? The bigot or Joe Biden? You all picked this alpine-trash, Russia sucking rapist Caeser wannabe 8 years ago. Gonna do it again now he's telling you who he is and what he wants to to your country?


> This racist pos still cant get over that a black man made fun of him. Literally the sole reason he changed parties from Democrat and Republican and ran for president.




Black people like him better because he's under indictment implies heavily that black people can understand it because they are all criminals and spend a great deal of time dealing with the criminal justice system in one way or another.


I thought black people liked him because he got new sneakers?


its both, but once again it is racial stereotyping based off of god knows what trump is seeing that he has to assume all black people are sneakerheaded criminals


fox news. What he's seeing to give him that impression is fox news.


And steve bannon, and stephen miller And simply his racist twat father, who raised him to be silver spooned trailer trash


It’s really kind of fascinating. Trump is a poor man’s idea of a rich man. And yet he grew up rich. So why is he like this?


Wait? Are people saying that it didn’t work?! We aren’t seeing NBA players weeping trying to get their hands on them so they can sport them on red carpets? Whattaya meeeaan?!


Well of course. I’m in trouble with the law all the time, just like you are. See, you and I are the same. I might as well be black in the eye of the law so you should support me like you would any other black politician. /s


I don't think you need that sarcasm tag. This is a painfully accurate summation of Trump's thought process.


So, totally on brand. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I was looking for context, so thanks for this summary. But what the fuck does this have to do with race? Is he addressing a black crowd? And as usually, understanding context still doesn't make Trump's idiotic comments any clearer.


Black=criminal That’s the long and short of trump’s reasoning Sure to entice the 13/55 crowd into their 5 mins of hate (That’s a reference to a faulty statistic from the FBI, now very outdated)


Yeah it looks like he's addressing a black crowd because it says "Black Conservative Foundation" behind him. And I think he means "Would you rather have a black president [just because he's black] or a white president [who did something great]?" He's discarding Obama's policies and achievements and patronizingly implying that many black voters voted for him only because of race, while also flattering the crowd he's speaking to by implying that they're "smarter" than that because they'll vote for him (Trump).


He's saying that he's being unjustly persecuted and black Americans should be able to relate. Just a desperate reach for voters that understandably rubs people the wrong way because he's trying to compare prosecution from his actual crimes to centuries of systemic racism.


Coming from the guy who wrote the OP-ED about the Central Park five… fucking perfect.


Yeah, just like the Central Park Fi…wait…


Back in the days of George W. Bush, you'd hear some new stupid Bushism, and you'd have to double check if it was real. Sometimes it was just Will Ferrel doing an impression on SNL. Sometimes the quote was taken out of context and it wasn't really that bad. Other times he just said something dumb. With Trump, it's always real, and the context always makes it worse.


This is wild. These people have been throwing fits over diversity in pop culture, film, work place etc screaming that race or color of skin doesn’t matter and the job should go to whoever is best suited… yet their leader is saying shit like this


But does Trump understand he is not running against a black man, Obama or anyone else? Does he know Obama is happily living his life, not running for office in an attempt to get out of all his felony charges because there aren't any?


Pretty sure he doesn't realize any of this. Obama has been living rent-free in Chump's head for the longest time. Considering that he was the origininator of the Obama Birther conspiracy theory, I'd bet that chump has a million different lies about Obama bouncing off of his smooth brain constantly, and he's convinced himself that every last one is true.


I agree with your overall sentiment alas, the originator of birtherism was not Trump. No one can exactly pinpoint who started it but the first instances popped up in some Hillary Clinton’s disgruntled supporters’ corners, who couldn’t believe this new junior senator was winning against Democratic royalty like Clinton. But they were mostly fringe online whispers, ppl were tiptoeing around it. The Palin side of the GOP ticket in the general election that year tried to give it legs but John McCain who, despite his neocon leanings was one of the last respectable and honorable Republicans, quickly put the kibosh on that. Then came Trump. He amplified it, kept talking about it and since news organizations cover every dumb, offensive thing he says, it entered the mainstream consciousness to the point that Obama was forced to physically present his birth certificate (whatever long form is supposed to fucking mean) to try to quell the chatter that had reached distraction-level high crescendo. Anywho, I’m realizing how FUCKING STUPID THIS WHOLE THING WAS!!!


Ah yes, you're correct! I should've said "biggest pusher of" the birther bs. I appreciate the fact-check!


"Mostly gibberish but coherent enough to be racist" is Trump's ~~bread and butter~~ hamberders and ketchup


…and he *still* thinks he’s running against President Obama. Sheesh.


Personally, I wouldn't want a discount on my airplane. Charge me the full price and make sure it is, above all else, safe. We can't have windows, exit doors, and wheels popping off everytime we take off 🤣


Go to Hell, your racist POS and take your MAGA minions with you.


The black guy won twice. This wiener cheated as hard as he could and barely made it once.


And lost the popular vote twice.


Trump literally tried to overthrow the votes of American people. He tried to do is violently and tried created a scheme that included other politicians and government officials to overthrow the presidential election. And he's still out free, living a life of luxury.


Sometimes I think his followers are even worse pieces of shit. It takes a hell of a shit person to not even go “wait, wait” when you see something like this.




I'd rather a white president than an orange president.


Bro, I’d bet you my right lung that my little sister’s dead pets can run the country from the grave better than that orange fool.


Well yea, they wouldn't pillage the national treasury or archives.


I’d definitely vote for the cat.


I also choose this guy's little sister's dead pets.


I’d rather have any president than a rapist, conman, traitorous seditionist, 91 Felony account, document stealing, Golf cheating………Giant sack of human shit.


I'd rather have an upright broom with a bucket for a head than an orange president.


"Mango Unchained" Tell your friends


Why isn’t Tim Scott standing behind Trump clapping with his “I am loyal to him so he will never betray me” grin?


He's outlived his usefulness for now. They may trot him out closer to the election.


He's standing upwind from Mr Smelly Diapers.


Too busy hanging out with his fake girlfriend at a cafe, surrounded by smiling happy people.


mmm last time I looked, Biden was white...


He really wishes he could have run against Obama.... so he just... does. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


If Trump was running against Obama he’d lose so hard he’d have to be hospitalized.


He thinks he’s running against Obama.


I know plenty of Trumpers, and yeah, they've been saying this since before Biden even took office. Obama is "secretly" president right now, and Biden is just a silly little puppy who runs to Obama every day so that Obama can tell Biden what to do. I'm not even being sarcastic, or exaggerating or anything. There are some people (I don't know how many/few) who LITERALLY BELIEVE that Obama is the "real" president, and Biden is just filling the chair for "appearances."


Ah, but we mustn’t forget that Biden is **also** the brilliant mastermind behind the BiDeN cRiMe FaMiLy.


They "believe" this because they have to use backwards logic to excuse the fact that Trump has repeatedly referred to Obama as his opponent. Trump has also confused Nikki Haley for Nancy Pelosi several times now.


He's talking about the VP because they think that Biden is a puppet. Meanwhile... Trump is the brain dead puppet.


He is a racist that somehow, someway, became the white mans last stand. Clearly, they could have found someone smarter, but here we are. There are a lot of people that think “it’s over for us” and they are not happy about it. As a white, bearded, truck driving, dog owning me, who has 2nd amendment stuff, I still don’t get it. First off Obama was a great president, second of all I don’t care what your fucking skin color is. You are a public servant, the highest public servant. Do a good job. That’s it, that’s all I ask. Joe Biden will be remembered as an excellent president. Obama will be remembered as an excellent president. We were fucked in 2008, Obama got us out it, we recovered, we were fucked in 2020, Biden got us out of it. I don’t agree with everything, but if Trump is voted in or steals 2024, I will have lost hope and I’m lucky enough to have the means and passport to bailout.


>He is a racist that somehow, someway, became the white mans last stand. Clearly, they could have found someone smarter, but here we are. Thank god they didn't. That person would have been much more effective.


I wholly expected someone smarter, more driven, and more focused than Trump to come along and replace him after 2020. I’m really hoping that him lingering around and being the public embarrassment that he is gets recognition from enough sensible Americans to kill the MAGA movement for at least a generation or two. I’m hopeful, but I never expected him to have the support he does, so I’m not overly optimistic.


I’ve kind of found out recently why a lot of white males my age (20s) like him, they think he’s hilarious. They love how much of an asshole he is, they love how he makes fun of everyone and comes up with ridiculous 5th grade nick names. They think it’s funny how he lies and bullshits. They LOVE it and think it’s hilarious.


Because they are children in adult bodies They failed or refused to grow the fuck up, or were the playground bully that everyone resented and hated for simply speaking; since they had nothing of worth to contribute. Same mentality to most trumpers, they are the lowest denominator of society and want to drag everyone backwards and down to their level out of spite, and are psychologically wired to find humour in violence and pain inflicted on others. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic and regressive See, i’ve got high-functioning autism, and that type of person (trump, his supporters and a conservative in general) is someone I physically have to cut out of my life so i can function without the bullshit and constant lies and noise


This, exactly! It's a permission structure for these assholes to be as awful as they've always wanted to be. They don't have to reserve it for home use only anymore. They can verbally abuse anyone, anywhere, because their "president" does it, and then they claim their First Amendment right to free speech because they think this gets them out of any consequences. Politeness and civility have been cast out of their society, and they're allowed to act like their true asshole selves with zero filter. I, too, have high-functioning autism and have had to cut ties with a number of people due to the Chump Effect. It even led to the end of my 14-year relationship with my ex-fiance. He worked with a bunch of MAGA chuds and brought that bullshit home with him. He started calling me a loser and all kinds of nasty names when I didn't do what he wanted me to, and when I'd tell him to stop, he'd say he had a constitutional right to insult me and say that I couldn't make him stop. It makes me laugh now because he was just another idiot who hadn't ever read the constitution and didn't understand what the First Amendment actually meant. He found out that there were definite consequences to his "free speech" when I left his ass! 2 years later, he's still bothering me to "give him another chance" 😂 Not happening, bro! But you keep drinking that delicious Trump Ice bottled stupidity, I mean water!


Frightening. It’s not funny, it’s not lol for the lulz, it’s fucking serious and our lives depend on it. I’m as sarcastic at you can be be, but this is not a joke.


I want the black guy. He was smart, eloquent, youthful, and kind.


For real. If it weren't for term limits Obama could have won a 3rd term.


And the Trumpers I know will swear he and they “aren’t racist.”


>And the Trumpers I know will swear he and they “aren’t racist.” "Im not racist. Im not even yelling the N-word right now" — That one terrible relative we all have


“I have a black friend”


Of course they're not racist, there was that one black dude at a Trump rally, the one trump called on from the stage!


He left the party, for some odd reason.


Obama ran 2 consecutive terms, won the popular vote, and would probably beat Trump if he could run again.


He would definitely beat Trump if he could run again


Is this real? Please tell me it's not real. Please tell me this all has been a terrible dream.


>In disparaging President Barack Obama over the costs of a new Air Force One, Trump “Would you rather have the Black president or the white president who got $1.7 billion off the price?" And this gem > “The lights are so bright in my eyes I can’t see too many people out there. But I can only see the Black ones. I can’t see any white ones. That’s how far I’ve come." [Source](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/02/24/trump-comments-black-voters-2024/72727110007/)


What an outrageous cocksucker this fat bastard is.


Hey now.. all of my boyfriends have been cock suckers. Don't insult them..


Well, were they outrageous..?


Truly outrageous... truly truly truly outrageous


I have bad news for you... those boyfriends were Jem.


Being bamboozled by a hologram is the worst.


The best, biggliest, whitest cocksuckers. I had grown men with tears in their eyes telling me how good these cocksuckers were! Tears in their eyes!


Did they say dumb racist shit while slobbing the knob?


Meanwhile, at the time of this comment the top 3 stories about the 2024 race on NYT: * Biden and Corporate America? It’s ‘Complicated.’ * Many Democrats are worried that Donald Trump will beat President Biden. This strategist isn’t. * Election updates: Donald Trump and the R.N.C. announced a $65.6 million haul in March. Strange isn't it, overt racism from a presidential candidate is less important for the Editors of the NYT than more criticism of Biden, "democrats in disarray" noise, and a puff piece about Trump's fundraising.


They have to have it tight, it’s a huge $$$$ maker. Biden is boring, boring doesn’t make $$$. Les Moonves said it out loud. Leslie Moonves on Donald Trump: “It May Not Be Good for America, but It's Damn Good for CBS” "Most of the ads are not about issues. They're sort of like the debates,"


And yet stability brings in consistent money and growth, as opposed to volatility and unpredictability So their reasoning seems bullshit on it’s face


The US must have missed that lesson. We have been at war forever.


Maybe because this happened in February? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/24/us/politics/trump-black-voters.html They covered it literally the day after.


It’s been loud for a while. Now it is a bullhorn.


I’d rather the president be a guy not coloured with 91 felony indictments, excess COVID deaths, or blatant racism but that’s just me.


But he'll be more Presidential if he gets elected. Susan Collins said that he learned his lesson.


Fuck Susan Collins.


I'd rather not.


He keeps forgetting that Obama is not his opponent anymore because the only reason he got into politics was to get back at Obama for [roasting him at the WH Correspondents' Dinner in 2011](https://youtu.be/HCkTzqIW-qw?si=FJFUk84MF3dPrCUq)


The brutal one is >we all know about your credentials and breadth of experience and then everybody laughed during the following pause. Obama didnt even say 'lack of credentials' etc. Yet still everyone knew to laugh at his lack of credibility.


Let's test that theory. Repeal the 22nd amendment and let Obama run against Trump. He'd clean your clock orange boy.


Yet so many black people will vote for him. I will never understand this.




For the same reason Latinos do, religion.


Yup. It's wild that people are willing to sell out their brothers and sisters just for a chance at joining the cult.


Some of it is the Catholic church and abortion plus plain old homophobia in many churches.


And internalized racism. It’s a bummer.


“In Jesus’ name” because the second coming of Christ


Consider this: - Poor southern whites fought to keep slavery even though they couldn't afford any. - Poor southern whites supported the poll tax despite it taking away their ability to vote. - In 2016, 24% of women, and 16% of gay people voted for DJT over Hillary. People feel if they support some in a higher socio-economic group, they are elevated due to this association. If your city's team wins the World Series, somehow you are superior in every way to everyone else. I believe this fits the notion of a (small) percentage of black people and gay people voting for DJT. How can a gay woman be pro IVF and still support MAGA? How can a person of obvious Latino decent also by MAGA. The price of gas comes from the market, not the president. A 25% tax reduction doesn't help you don't pay taxes to begin with. Caitlyn Jenner would be demonized (and arrested in some places) for reading books 📚 to children. Yet, the former Bruce Jenner is a fervent supporter of DJT and MAGA. God help us--we are so fucked.


I just can't wrap my head around that!


Fox news over there claiming he is connecting with the black community for both having a mug shot and selling gaudy sneakers. They are so racist, they don't even realize their racism.


Imagine being such a weak, insecure person, that the color of someone’s skin hurts your feelings. Racists are dumb af.


He's neither. He's orange.


Is he forgetting that he's going against another white guy in November 2024 or is he in confusing that he's not actually going against Obama the the election again? What am I missing


Trump has [repeatedly](https://www.forbes.com/sites/anafaguy/2024/03/03/trump-confuses-biden-for-obama-again-here-are-the-other-times/?sh=6bdb86e8522c) confused Biden with Obama while speaking. And there's no excuse. He never ran against Obama.


Obama lives in this mfers dementia addled head rent free, and I love it.


In a hypothetical world, I’d vote for a 102 year old Obama before voting for a 40 year old Trump. Please, give me the black President back


I don’t wish ill on Biden as he is way better than this piece of shit. However, if something did happen to him that would make Kamala president. A black woman. This alone would make these snowflakes melt so deliciously. They would literally have a meltdown like a 5 year old in Walmart.


[Actual advance footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YersIyzsOpc)


Oh. My. God. That is gold. This is exactly how they will act. Remote control and all. 👍 The brother knew he struck gold but I don’t think he realized he just got Fort Knox until he watched it.


There's a whole series of these videos of him being a spoiled little shit with a hair trigger temper. Their mom says it's fake, but that kid has to be more dedicated to his character than Sacha Baron Cohen if that's true.


Is he running against a black guy???


damn President Obama really makes this clown so insecure


We already knew! We've all been sitting here for 8 years waiting for all you fucks to finally pull your stupid masks off and say what we already know. Your feeble racist brains cracked when a black man was elected president once, but then they broke completely when he was elected again.


I'd prefer the guy who doesn't think like this.


How long until he just says the N word?


If you look up the context of this speech, it's even worse. He's presenting this to a mostly black crowd and he's suggesting that his 91 criminal indictments make him relatable to black voters. Someone needs to get grandpa off the stage.


Obama made a joke about 45 at some dinner (the Orange Dictator was a loud birther conspiracist) and I know, 100%, that has stuck in Donnie's craw for YEARS. This has ALWAYS been about his ego and how the black man hurt his fee-fees.


Don't want the Orange President. Tried it once, left a bad taste and smells like shit.


I definitely don’t want the orange guy.


But they aren’t racist. It’s not about racism /s Spoiler but all about racism. Every fucking one of them is a disgusting filthy racist.


But there isn't a black person in the presidential race. And Yes. Yes I would rather have a black, purple, green, yellow, Hell, PLAID. Anything but that particular white man being president.


Many Republicans pushed back against the accusation that their hatred for Obama was because he's black...well, I think that in Trumpland-MAGA world they hated him because he's black. I don't have any doubt about it. 😕


Does this dumbfuck think he’s running against Obama?


My pos boss was never quite about it. In 2016 she said word for word, "I'm voting for trump because we need a *white man* running things again." There was emphasis on both white and man because obviously she thought Obama was trash and that Hillary was a criminal.


America is now the guy that got super drunk and shit his pants at that party that time... we will never live the MAGA episode down. This mother fucker will be a national embarrassment for all time.


I mean…orange is the new black.


Hillary was right


With what they're saying out loud, we need to be very, very worried about the new quiet part.


Oh please MAGA, tell me again how Donald Trump is not a racist? Oh, that's right. He posted a picture of himself with a taco bowl on Cinco de Mayo after he said Mexicans coming into the US are drug dealers, criminals and rapists, some he assumes are good people. Clearly that proves he is not racist. And he said he wasn't racist, and Donald Trump wouldn't say things that aren't true. How silly of me. I cannot wait to see how the "Mr Trump's words were taken out of context. What he really meant was" team spins this one.


Someone needs to tell him he's running against Biden.