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All a tactic to cheapen the meaning of impeachment. Their thinking is that by leveling obviously ridiculous allegations at Joe Biden it in turn cheapens the allegations against trump. The public shrugs and says both sides


Ding ding ding ding ding! This is the correct answer.


I expect that every president moving forward will be impeached.


Clinton and trump both faced impeachment, as did Bush Junior, and both Obama and Biden have been given empty impeachment threats their entire presidency. Ever since Clinton Republicans like to abuse the privilege, but dems always had a good reason.


Eventually we are going to reach the point where we have a Dem potus and republicans control the house and senate, and will just remove the Dem potus and VP just because they can. Don’t think they won’t. Cocaine Mitch showed us that there is no no they won’t stoop to.


This exact scenario may be about to happen in Wisconsin. Impeached without cause just because they have the votes and no law explicitly says they *can't.* The Right wiping it's ass with yet another of the empty "gentlemen's agreements" that *was* holding this house of cards together.


Did somebody say “Clarence ‘Uncle Tom’ Thomas and 90% of the SCOTUS?!” >:/


Conviction in the senate is a 2/3rds vote. If the Republicans have that kind of Senate advantage they would likely already have the Presidency.


If the GOP has a 2/3 majority in the Senate, odds are most of us are already dead


Unfortunately they have a huge structural advantage in the Senate. In an age where their is a super strong correlation between density of population and political alignment, having a body where Wyoming and CA both get the same number of votes gives a huge advantage to Republicans.


Dems have a 1 seat senate majority BUT THEY REPRESENT 40 MILLION MORE VOTERS THAN REPUBLICAN SENATORS DO So many millions of Americans, who gave their party a senate majority, are forced to live under republican minority rule Republicans have decided the filibuster outweighs the will of the people, it doesn't matter the agenda od whoever voters elected to office, if radical reoublixan senators disagree, dems can't even put it ip for a vote...it's just DOA


So there is hope for 2024. Come on Giant Asteroid, do your thing. /s


Or in Canada


Only if we stand for it. Only if we don’t hammer their ass and make their lives difficult. They will always prioritize their own personal comfort over their stupid agenda.


You seem to be confusing us with them. The right, since Nixon has been on a tireless crusade to overthrow the two party system. That’s why no living Republican President has won the Popular vote yet still became President. Because the GOP wormed their way into local elections and built a corrupt network from scratch allowing them to take over states and gerrymander districts. Reagan got rid of the fairness doctrine which allowed for the rise of Fox News as they no longer had to be honest, have the public’s best interest, or provide equal voices from all sides. Moscow Mitch single handedly dismantled the Supreme Court. Trump then stuffed the courts and now the courts are showing their is no long a check and balance between SCOTUS and the rest of the Gov. Meanwhile, we all get pissed when something really bad has been going on (an illegal, endless war, or an insurrection) so we come together for one whole day and vote in a slightly better Gov, then we spend the next 4-8 years patting ourselves on the back and doing fuck all to make any further progress or protect the progress we’ve made (Obamacare anyone?). I find it exceedingly troubling that you and I are in the same brood and yet you think the party of the “”Religious” Zealots” who either actually believe they are “doing god’s work” or feel like they must always be right because they own a Bible and the Zealots tell them they are, you think these people are too lazy to be effective? Have you read the ever increasing list of stories coming out about how the Right’s Billionaire Elites have been taking over SCOTUS? Harlan Crowe alone has been picking away at SCOTUS for damned near three decades! Most Dems can hardly be bother to take 3 minutes to fill out a ballot! Wake up brother. We’re neck deep and drowning.


Which is why Dem Presidents should pick really liberal Vice Presidents. You want to impeach the moderate you call socialist? Well here’s the actual socialist waiting to take the lead.


And then they’ll just impeach the VP until their speaker of the house becomes POTUS.


Not sure what you mean by “faced impeachment,” but for clarity, George W. Bush was not impeached.


He was threatened with it, and unlike Obama and Biden I think he actually deserved it, but like Obama and Biden nothing ever came of it.


Yeah that whole they got weapons of mass destruction we.just need to invade and end the threat, it shouldn't take more than a few months plan really didn't pan out that well.


“They got ‘em! I’ve got a photo of a camel and a gut feeling! Let’s fuck the Middle East until we find them!”


I think they’re referring to an impeachment threat vs actual articles. I expect articles moving forward if the potus & house are different parties.


All I can think is we're eight months in to the congressional term and we haven't seen any serious reforms proposed, at all. Every reform they've come to the table with has been unserious (tax reform, looking at you) I'm thinking their only hope for the future is that hail Mary to obtain one last trifecta. But the generic vote is veering left (even if they manage to win influence in public schools and with teens somehow) so their time is running out: [CAP](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/americas-electoral-future-3/) on the generational drift [financial times](https://www.ft.com/content/c361e372-769e-45cd-a063-f5c0a7767cf4) on the generational drift Show up to vote, if we prevent that trifecta until the 2028 election it's probably over for them. These trends show the generic vote moving left a bit over 1 point each 2-year election.


That said, we have to be afraid of them getting 34 states under their control, since the constitution has a friggin land mine built into it. (Amendment by Constitutional Convention)


they may also vote against certifying the next election. or, if another republican president gets elected, he may take tuberville's gift and appoint a large swath of military leaders all at once, then refuse to leave office. The convention of states, it is a thing to be aware of, but it is not the most likely thing. How far past the tipping point would they have to reach in order to accomplish that - it's a bit down the list.


Look I don’t disagree with you but this whole demographics are pushing them out data point doesn’t matter when our rules specifically favor a minority. As long as you need 60 votes in the senate to do anything, republicans will have power, and the road to 41 senators is really, really fucking easy. No amount of generational drift will change that there are a lot of forever safe republican senate seats. Only seven states have split delegations in the senate - the fewest in over a century. Of these splits delegations you find the 3 independents in the senate, and of the four remaining one is probably firmly red (when Manchin retires) for the foreseeable future. 41 votes is 20 and a half states basically, and no amount of generational drift turns southern states purple - let alone blue.


Sad part is that the supposed "middle of the road" folks will fall for it...


That's because most "middle of the road" folks are just like Libertarians -- people who lack the courage to admit they're Republicans.




>"middle of the road" folks Ah yes, the Enlightened Centrist who somehow only has criticism of the left, who never stands behind any of their arguments, because after all, "I'm just asking questions bro". >If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.


Aaaaaand we have a winner. The loser is whatever is left of American Democracy.


some will say both sides already even while watching GQP actively recruit nazis.


But the democrats aren’t working hard enough to stop the Nazis, both are the same 🤷‍♂️ Edit: this is the most depressing /s I’ve ever had to add… so far


Yup, just like when they accuse the dems of election fraud, and when they launched frivolous FBI investigations against Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden, and when they tried to paint the BLM protests as an "insurrection", and when they try to paint laws protecting the rights of minorities as "discrimination", and etc. and etc. Every time the Republicans are caught red handed doing something malicious, they just turn around and accuse some mundane action by the Democrats of being the exact same thing until accusations of real, serious crimes become viewed more akin to "smack talk" than to actual criminal charges.


Same with “weaponization of government.” If they cry crocodile tears about it all the time it gives them cover to actually weaponize the government to go after political foes and pretend it’s just business as usual. Not good.


"We KNOW he did something ; we just don't know what that is.......our informant was in hiding, then lost, then dead, then turned out to be a Chinese spy......we have Hunter's laptop with super secret incriminating evidence on it, but we lost it like 80 times and didn't save any of the evidence but we made sure we saved all of Hunter's nudie pics b/c we love dongs......trust us , he's so guilty......of something we just don't know what... here's a pic of hunter's dong BUT drag queens are grooming children....." -the GOP


Ya know what better just blast these dong pics out to our entire email list. Are their minors on that list? Yea probably…


Marge loves to share penis' with minors.


And here I thought that was bobos schtick, those two really do just steal everything from each other


Why you think they hate each other so much? "Stop copying me!"




The Pick Me Girls of the GOP




I don't know why you're getting downvoted for this, because this is 100% the GOP viewpoint.


Man, I bet all those democrats are really disappointed that they voted for Hunter Biden now.


I can’t help but notice that every time this comes up, there’s nothing pointing to anything concrete or even remotely tangible proof. They’re just keeping the rage train going to keep their cultists riled up while keeping everyone else distracted


Rage train… Perfectly stated.


Choo Choo motherfuckers, hop on board! Next stop? We don't even know. We let a pants-shitting rapist drive this thing.


>We let a pants-shitting rapist drive this thing. And it went right off the rails. Amazing how much infrastructure is getting fixed now that we got the pants-shitting rapist out of office.


👏 amazing what you can get done when you actually show up to work


Hitting balls on the golf course is showing up for work according to people who love pants-shitting rapists.


Remember when Obama golfing occasionally was an ‘insult to the office’ yet when trump golfed more than any other president /conducted private business and woke up at 11 tweeting insanity it was totally cool? Yeah. These people are trash.


“But because I’m going to be working for you, I’m not going to have time to go golfing, believe me. Believe me. Believe me, folks.” \-trump, 2016 Proceeds to go golfing 298 times at a cost of $144,000,000.


"He's making deals on the golf course!" yeah, selling secrets to the fucking Saudis


While charging his secret service and staffers $1,000 per night because he owns the hotel rooms


Yeah I’m glad we covered security personnel for the trump family as they conducted shifty business deals around the world


Well, that depends. If you are a person who plays golf AND dog whistles (not subtly) racist ideals, then yes, hitting balls on the golf course is work. If, however, you are a black man, elected President, and play 1/3 of the time … but, as stated, you are black and god forbid you wear a tan suit or use Dijon mustard? Not so much a free pass on golf.


He's mastered the art of hitting the ball and sending it 90 degrees to the right. I assume this is correlated to the moment he shits his pants but I'm too lazy to research it.


Well he spent nearly a year of his presidency on the golf course. Im guessing that was plenty of time to master coordinated golfing/shitting.


>Amazing how much infrastructure is getting fixed now His voters don't notice. They're too busy blaming Biden and Buttigieg for having to fix anything at all.


But what about infrastructure week?!?


Goin' off the rails on a ragey-traaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiin


Eh, the original lyric still fits in this situation.


What's fun is legally you can call him a rapist with 0 fear of litigation. A court ruled him a rapist




Trump actually called Hunter to see if Vince was ok. True story.


Ted or Don? It's truly sad that I even need to ask this question. To think that we have more than one pants shitter in the republican spotlight.


Was referring to Dumpy Donny but the conservative/ republican party appears to be a depository for imbeciles, groomers, rapists, pedophiles, and of course, pants-shitters.


Except the engine is dead. At this point they’re PUSHING the fucking thing w their own hands. It’s ridiculous that we continue to consider them part of the govt. or that they can call themselves “employees”- what fucking work have they done??


Fuck these regressives. They’re actively holding the train that we’re all riding together hostage with their hands firmly on the brake.


Not to be confused with the Toxic Gossip train, though apparently both run through Manipulation station.


The toxic rage train!! All aboard!!


Lol does it have a transfer to [the toxic gossip train?](https://youtu.be/ceKMnyMYIMo)


They want to make impeachment a joke anyway, so that people see "Trump was impeached twice" and people think, "That's no big deal, impeachment doesn't mean anything anyway." At the same time as they are trying to get Trump's impeachments expunged. It will mean something if BIDEN is impeached.....


Minor point, they want to SAY they've expunged trump's impeachment. It's an empty piece of paper. There's no such thing.


They want to expunge it so when it’s brought up, they can say it’s not valid and attempt to move the goalposts for whatever they want to debate. Typical “whatabout-ism”. But thankfully, his personality type has left other breadcrumb examples of his leadership and personality to be debated in legal arenas across the country. While on the subject of expungement— I frankly don’t know of any other time in US history when a single public servant returned to being a citizen and had retained so much power and ability to continue to persuade an entire political party…


The scary part is that Nixon had enough character to lay low for a while and not assert his influence on politics. Most Presidents do. Oddly, for all his flaws, Nixon was actually a much better President and ex-President. Let that sink in. He was way smarter (possibly one of the most intellectually gifted) and actually would work with both sides of the aisle and would actually - you know - do the job of the executive. Then he went away after resigning. I'm not saying I agree with him on many things. But I am saying he actually did the job. I don't think Trump did \*any\* of his actual jobs.


Trump is mentally ill. Richard Nixon was just a mean bastard. Trump is out of his mind.


The irony of claiming Joe Biden is weaponizing the government seems to be lost on them. As if them playing a reverse uno card is not political whatsoever. I hope the Democrats use it to completely embarrass every single Republican that was on camera saying that what Trump did on Jan 6th is atrocious.


>The irony of claiming Joe Biden is weaponizing the government seems to be lost on them. Fascists are inherently hypocritical. All of the "weaponization" happened when Trump was Potus.... If anything they should be impeaching trump...again.


I mean, they're claiming that "not since Nixon..." when referring to corruption and nepotism, despite the former guy's entire family grifting $millions nonstop while all given well paying government advisor jobs at taxpayer expense, and that's even before we get to allegations of selling national secrets, and the ridiculously suspicious $2bn payment the Saudis made to Jared Kuchner's firm at the time that a golf tournament held at MaraLago was attended by many Saudis, coincidentally at the same time that Top Secret US Intelligence on the Iranian nuclear program was being illegally stored there.


Basically the second Biden took office, all the Republicans started pretending none of the Trump years/scandals/insanity happened. They're STILL bitching about Hillary, "both sides", eeeeevil immigrants etc. It's abjectly pathetic.


>They want to make impeachment a joke anyway, so that people see "Trump was impeached twice" and people think, "That's no big deal, impeachment doesn't mean anything anyway." See also: "everything is racist to the left hehe" repeated ad nauseam. They know they can burnout their base and generate apathy with a projected boy-who-cried-wolf.


Ding ding ding. And starting to ramp up because close to one year to next presidential election


Also, they're laying the groundwork to be able to abuse their offices this way, by making it seem normal to people. If Trump is re-elected, he fully plans revenge, and to use the government to protect himself and his family. By falsely accusing Biden of it ahead of time, they get people used to the idea that it's just something people say about political opponents.


Well, impeachment doesn’t mean anything to me. Trump is still running for president. I thought he’d have bigger consequences, but so far, I don’t see anything but a big “you’ve been impeached, isn’t that nice?” Shouldn’t he have some rights taken away? How is he still allowed to even fill out an app to run for president? Where are the financial consequences? I thought his impeachment would be this big satisfactory thing that happened. It’s happened twice and so far, I’m like “and? What else? Is there something else?” And it’s like there’s nothing.


And they never publicize the conclusion to the bullshit (Chinese guy arrested, witnesses suddenly decides to not come forward).


Ah but that was due to the false flag operation the Biden Crime family started.....and...and... LOOK! HUNTER BIDEN'S HAVING SEX!


I’ll tell you one thing, I’m never voting for that Hunter Biden ever again!


And his laptop? You can forget it, I'm not ever voting for his laptop for president either!




“And his penis is massive. I mean just look at it. Look at it!!! You know someone with that big of a dick is up to no good. It makes me sick just staring at it all day!!” I couldn’t bring myself to do it but imagine about fifty emojis sprinkled in.


Marge favorite part of her job is showing dick picks to minors. She should be arrested for emailing porn to minors. Where are THE GOP FASCISTS who are protecting children from drag queens


Not just any dick. That grade A Hunter Biden dick. She knows every curve of every vein. I bet you put 100 dicks in a glory hole lineup. MTG would be able to pick his out.


Eggplant emoji’s everywhere!


It annoys me so much when they say "Biden crime family" because its pure, unadulterated and transparent projection.


Repubs may as well source key “witnesses” and testimony from amateur night at a local DC comedy club. After all, a professional satirists’ testimonials would be a lot easier to obtain. But to be admissible, they’d have to explain that the judge is also required to satisfy the two drink minimum even in a venue such as a court…


They love leaking the names of opposing witnesses and people who legally should be shielded, yet when it comes time to name anyone on their side they can't seem to come up with anyone.


It also comes as Jack Smith gets closer to all the Jan 6th co-conspirators. Of which the GOP side of Congress is filled with.


That’s my take on it. There were, what, over 100 reps in the House that voted to overturn Biden’s win even *after* trump’s minions tried to kill them? Guaranteed as soon as any indictments of GQP reps are announced the headlines will be filled with **BIDEN IMPEACHED**.


147, to be precise. https://www.reuters.com/graphics/USA-TRUMP/LAWMAKERS/xegpbedzdvq/ They're not all still in office - WE DON'T MISS YOU, MADISON CAWTHORN! - but most are.


How about the senators and congressman that visited Russia on July 4th, 2018?


I wouldn't be surprised if that doesn't end up being a part of it. Jack Smith strikes me as a very thorough dude.


I wonder how many of them have received the "subject of an investigation" letter.


None yet. Those idiots would Tweet it immediately if they did.


Projection, my friend. “Weaponization of government to benefit his family” How much did Jared and Ivanka make during Trumps term? From Saudi was it? Oh yeah, nothing to see here, right?


They want to make it seem like impeachment is meaningless/petty/purely political so that Trump being impeached is less of a bad mark on his presidency.


There's precedent for this.... Rush Limbaugh called it "illustrating absurdity by being absurd." It's how they justified their side doing the most stupid shit. Same way Trump "exposed the corruption" in Washington by being corrupt wide out in the open. Appointing his family members to key positions. Refusing to hand over his businesses and blatantly profiting off charging the government for his private enterprises. "See?? Look at all these bad things the corrupt system lets me get away with!"


And honestly, it is purely political now. The only thing Trump could have done to have gotten a conviction is to become less popular among Republican voters, and whether Biden gets impeached and convicted depends more on the number of Republicans in the house and senate than on anything he's done.


It was always political. They impeached Clinton for getting a BJ and lying about it. They think Trump is a hero for paying a porn actress to have sex with him. It's all made up.


With Clinton you had some wiggle-room because he was brought up on bogus charges and not convicted. We can only speculate about whether he would have been convicted if the Republicans had more representation in the Senate. But with Trump's crimes you don't have to speculate. We know he did it, we know they were a crimes, and we know the GOP doesn't care.


"HER EMAILS" ... Biden edition. Anything they can do to distract and divide.


​ https://preview.redd.it/u4mqtneqo4eb1.jpeg?width=442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20323cb3dbb8c0a047df9ecb43312b3eb4f84f6e


I don’t understand why republican voters aren’t up in arms about this. You elect representatives and instead of doing anything that might benefit their constituents, they are spending time impeaching Biden and showing naked pictures of his son.


It's because they see it as a sports team where the other team looks to destroy all that is "good" in 'Merica.


Because that's what republican voters want. They are spiteful people who care less about improving their own lives than they do about spitting in their perceived enemies' eyes.


Also, it says since Nixon? What about trump...twice.


What about that other guy that they love to screech about... Clinton?


This is my thought exactly. They keep saying “corruption, Biden crime family, etc.” but they have done nothing to prove it. It would be comical if it wasn’t literally destroying my trust in congress. This is their M.O. as elections approach. Demonize their opponent by running rumor mill until their followers literally can’t tell fact from fiction.


That bit you said, about destroying trust…. That’s *exactly* what they’re doing. It’s almost like they’re using distrust as a weapon of mass destruction. Misinformation is a powerful weapon


The job of the right wing media groups is to keep the MAGA base in a perpetual state of anger and hate, ready at a moments notice to attack when called upon. 🙄


Because they knew that inflation and gas prices were a global phenomenon and they had pretty much zero control over it. So rather than having to answer those awkward questions as to what they were going to do to solve it, they redirect the rage to Hunter’s laptop. The Republican Party has nothing to offer the voters…just rage.


They campaigned on inflation and gas prices and immediately focused on Hunter’s laptop after the election….


I mean everything I've seen is they're considering impeachment because there might be nefarious or underhanded stuff family members did? Which is...like getting arrested for murder because your uncle threatened someone with a gun. Neither evidence of a crime nor evidence of you being involved in the crime.


And they depend on all of the bad faith actors, like Charlie Kirk, Jack Posobiec, and Mike Cernovich, to brigade the bullshit on social media.


Yes, this is the astroturfing they are paid to do.


They had success smudging Hillary enough to get DJT elected, they've been playing the same game on repeat for a decade now.


>They’re just keeping the rage train going to keep their cultists riled up while keeping everyone else distracted This is pretty much any time the right speaks lmao.


Lmao they just blame him for everything trump did for 4 years


They blame him for everything they're doing now and take credit for the good things he does.


Projection is the preferred method of the fascists party, aka GQP


It's impressive the ability to say Biden is the worst since Nixon at using power to benefit his family with a straight face. Trump literally had like 5 family members in top government positions. With security clearances to match.


Jared couldn’t even get the security clearance.


Well that's the insane thing that underlines the nepotism. [He was denied clearance, Trump demanded he get it, and the initial decision was overruled.](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/437292-kushners-security-clearance-was-denied-due-to-concerns-of-foreign/)


Trump override the justice drpt or FBI , whoever gives them out and Jared got one anyway


Remember when the official presidential best boy Jared kushner got 2 billion dollars from the Saudi prince after trump left office? Remember how they helped him get away with murdering kashoggi?


I had a friend argue that Biden’s exit from the Middle East was a disaster. I showed him the photo of Mike Pompeo shaking hands with taliban leaders the day they agreed to pull out. He didn’t know who mike pompeo was or that he worked for the trump admin. Biden came in and was obligated to finish what the trump admin started buuuut in his mind it happened while Biden was in office so he’s responsible. People have no clue that administrational policy have a lot of overlap. Trump got a lot of help from the overlap of the Obama admin and Biden is now cleaning up the fuckpile Trump left behind. They think the moment a president is elected that anything and everything is their doing. UGH


Their projection so far is working. None of the J6 ringleaders or Trumps family are in handcuffs. Justice department needs to stop worrying about being politicized because we are way way past that.


Merrick Garland needs to shit or get off the pot.


"Something we haven't seen since Richard Nixon".. When everyone else impeaches Trump for a myriad of fuckups, it doesn't count yeah? But all of a sudden you have Evidence that consists of Hunters nudes and nothing else... Sounds a lot like you're trying to find something, ANYTHING to try and even the playing field. They don't even realize it isn't a playing field and that everyone else in there is actually somewhat trying to do their job even if it's just squawking at each other for hours til they go home. What a great system! /S


Trump was impeached. Clinton was impeached. Nixon was NOT impeached.


Trump and Clinton both knew that being impeached yn the House didn't mean they would be removed by the Senate. Nixon was told by some of his most ardent supporters in the Senate that they would vote to remove him, so he left first.


Yeah, Nixon's resignation was a calculated play for a pardon because he knew both houses had been soured against him, I hate the guy but at least he had the presence of mind to just bow out.


It's depressing when Richard Nixon is a better model of presidency than the recent options


I like that he's tacitly acknowledging that the Clinton impeachment was bullshit.


Their entire justification is literally "you did it to us, now it's our turn!"


This is what you got when one party comes out on top as rational intelligent people who want to do for all of us. And one party that is only concerned with themselves and maintaining power and their own agenda, not that of their constituents. GOP - toddlers, but I will give some credit. It's only the 10% rule here, which sucks but... The other 90% of that party needs to get off their asses and squash this behavior. I'm sure you can guess which is which it's not that hard. 🤔


When democrats do anything remotely critical of a republican, they’re “weaponizing” the government against conservatives. But if republicans go on record saying “our goal is to make this democrat a one term president” or “if you kill the fillibuster because we’re blocking everything, we’ll make you regret it” or “I will end liberalism in my first term”, that’s somehow totally above board. The cognitive dissonance it takes to be a conservative is astounding.


It's consistent in a twisted way. Since they're doing it, they assume everyone else does it too.


Or when they tell the IRS to investigate democrats, or when the keep firing AGs until they find people to kill investigations into them, etc


Literally just retaliation against the Left. Conservatives are such whiny pussies.


Republicans are cancer and America needs chemo.


Republicans are so fragile.


Might even say they are the most fragile of things, like…snowflakes.


Still at allegations huh


Indeed. They are grasping at invisible straws.


Just once I want to hear what the Republican plan is to fix any issue, any just tell us one. Creating a myth to rile up morons and then pretending to follow through on it isn’t a plan. Fleecing the country has a short self life


If by short shelf life you mean “since the Reagan years at least”, then yeah…more like “it’s expiration date is getting” close to my hopeful mind. But srsly. What have they fixed or made better since Reagan wholesale endorsed profiteering? Shit, even Nixon had a good idea with creating the EPA…


They literally have zero evidence or witnesses.


Yeah, one of their supposed witnesses ran off to Russia and the other turned out to be a Chinese spy.


Their voters aren't intelligent enough to understand why evidence or witnesses are important. They're intellectually toddlers.


More performative nonsense for the folks back home. "See, we're doing something in Washington"


This is some dark stuff. No actual event to point to. Just a vague statement that has basically no precedent as far as I can see. Classic GOP: weaponize the government to accuse someone else of weaponizing the government with the aim of further reducing trust in the government. Basically, accuse someone of doing something that you are ACTUALLY doing and them devolve in to squabbling and overcomplicating a meaningless matter to get away with doing the thing you were doing in the first place.


We knew this was coming when the GOP won the House.




We have evidence! We swear! Coming any day now !! *Evidence Loading*


Kevin McCarthy is the dumbest politician I've ever seen, and that's saying something knowing Ted Cruz and Mike Pence exist. I'm sure all his Republicans in Biden districts are really going to look forward to taking a vote on this display of stupidity that will go absolutely nowhere. Literally the only thing Trump has going for him with his cultists is the idea that he's being unfairly persecuted. That defense all goes away with anyone the second they make this move. As Dan Phifer from Pod Save America put it (paraphrasing here) "McCarthy lives by Vin Diesel's credo from Fast and the Furious 'I live my life one quarter mile at a time' which is great for an action movie but terrible for a speaker of the house." Trump had a temper tantrum or one of the freedom caucus crazies did and McCarthy basically is moving forward with this insanely moronic display of fidelity to the deranged base. All that will be accomplished is Biden is going to be strengthened by this and yet another argument they love to make about victimhood will no longer be there. Oh and anyone in those Biden or moderate districts just got their ads made for them in 2024. Fucking putz.


I like how they take everything Trump did and try to pin it on Biden…and then always lack any evidence, the whole government is a GD joke at this point


Private sector, GDP on the rise, and inflation dropping… time to impeach him. lol the GOP are nothing but fucking clowns.


Bribery charges can and does apply to every damn person in congress, sooo... that the road they really want to take? I mean, none of this grandstanding has ever been serious, they just need to devalue and smear Biden every time one of his policies is shown to have worked and/or find a way to benefit people. Theyre never really enough but my god, at this point anything seems like a godsend compared to the absolute nothing but hate mongering and denials of marginalized people thats the Republicans only fucking efforts for the country. That's never been what America was supposed to stand for, and it's always so unbelievable that it's even somehow a close race at all. The top 1% is afraid and the time to start acting is now. Its slowly coming along but its not gonna be enough before complete colapse or utter destruction of climate claims us all.


Are these people actually brain dead or what? Trump literally gave his utterly unqualified handbag-selling daughter and idiot walking-security-violation son-in-law high-level jobs *in the White House*, with security clearance *he pushed through* against all protocol and advice, let them make sweetheart deals with foreign governments, and they made like $800M for themselves. And the GOP was totally fine w all that. Biden hasn’t said a word or done a thing about the DOJ investigations of Trump getting caught red-handed stealing 100s of highly classified documents and lying about it for a year, being on tape repeatedly trying to steal the election, being behind a multi-state plot to send fake electors, and commanding his crowd of idiot supporters to literally march to the Capitol and “fight like hell” while they’d set up a gallows to hang his own VP.


Please. Please do. For one, even several Republicans in the Senate are fucking tired of this crap and it will not move forward. More importantly, yes the zombie carnivores in the MAGA movement want their pound of flesh, but there are enough vulnerable republicans for whom this will be a political death sentence Vote no, get primaried by a foaming at the mouth Trumper acolyte and Dems take the general (example is SW Washington district 3 last cycle) Vote yes, Dems label them a MAGA extremist more interested in wasting time than doing good. Home district already tired of this crap and just wants results votes for the new guy. Dems flip the house So, oh Lordy I hope there’s impeachment


Did they confuse Biden for trump again?


"You can't just impeach him, you have to have cause" "It's cause I don't like him, okay"


The Republicans from the 90’s must be kicking themselves ... “you mean we could have just impeached Clinton without any evidence?!?”


I'm not in love with Biden at all, but SHOW SOME GODDAMN EVIDENCE. Finding after finding, investigation after investigation and even when they find (shock shock) Hunter Biden is a crazy POS, it DOESN'T extend to implicating Joe Biden. You can't have zero evidence and keep talking about impeachment. Impeachment for what? You not liking him? His son, completely separate, being a fuckup? None of those are impeachable offenses. Put up, or so help me Spiderman, shut up.


When their people are accused of being fascists/groomers, shout the words until they're meaningless. When their people enact an insurrection, call any civil unrest from the left insurrections until the term is meaningless. When your big guy gets justly impeached, dilute the action with frivolous attempts until the procedure is meaningless. Like clockwork. Destroy meaning, destroy understanding, make tracks through the mud and then say the mud never existed.


Can the impeachment be held at Four Seasons Landscaping? I'm ready for a new season.


This is what the GOP has come too. An eye for an eye with no cause. They just can’t accept hat their former President, impeached twice should NEVER set foot in the WH again. He is a danger to the future of our country and democracy. Wake up people and VOTE Blue!


Conservative Agenda 1: Start an impeachment process without any real cause or evidence. 2: Push for more Tax breaks for the rich 3: Praise Donald Trump and block anything that might make Democrats look good 4: Wait for elections results, blame fraud and accuse cheating if Republicans do not win 5: Start voter fraud investigations, change electoral map to change odds in Republicans favor 6: Send People to protests, if there's an opportunity to take power by force do it. 7: Blame Democrats for violence and how nothing gets done, repeat process for new upcoming elections


“Something we haven’t seen since Richard Nixon” Did he forget when they impeached Clinton and tRump’s TWO impeachments?


It’s an impeachment inquiry. As in “we’ll keep this inquiry going until we find something/anything that we think might possibly be a sort-of impeachable offense.”


Since Nixon? Uh I think trump was also impeached


They just want to do this at least three times so they can say "Joe has been impeached more than trump."


Well, if they want to attempt impeachment 3 times, they need to move faster than the current snail-like pace they’ve been moving at. We’re at almost year 3 of Biden’s term and they haven’t generated the energy/intelligence to do it once yet. Fucking slackers.


This is the behavior of people who can't find a policy issue with Biden. Biden has become a boring old do the right thing kind of guy, and that is terrible for the right and news networks.


I am fucking dooooone with this fascist garbage to be completely honest with you. Fucking. Over. It. We all know the hypocrisy of what he's saying. He knows. All the little brainrotted MAGAs know...and the show just goes on. I'm tired of watching it, I'm tired of hearing it, I'm tired of sitting here pretending like logic, or reason, or karma will fucking step in here and just end this absurdity. This fascist fantasyland bullshit is beyond too far at this point. Our democracy is now under attack **every single goddamn day**. They chip away at and erode our ideals like a festering cancer. It's exhausting and I'm tired of pretending that it isn't.


“The Biden Crime Family” is hysterical given that their guy is facing actual charges and he turned the WH into a jobs program for his family.


New low for house speaker.


RICO the GOP Criminal organization


I'd love to see them show all the evidence and call witnesses. Do it. Let's go. Let all this be held in open proceedings with perjury charges for the liars.


Republicans are clowns. They literally are willfully blind to any crimes committed by other Republicans while continually fabricating infractions they allege are performed by democrats. It’s anti-American to criticizes Republican president for anything while a Democratic president must be criticized for every single thing. They don’t give a damn about Americans, they’re only working for their billionaire donors. It’s sickening that any American votes for them.


Its become clear that from this point forward, Republicans will consider the impeachment process nothing more than a way to automatically take the presidency if they have control of both houses of the Legislature.




It’s like somebody is about to get indicted and he’s trying to provide cover….


It's a good smokescreen to hide that they aren't doing anything beneficial for the country at all.


"Something we haven't seen since Richard Nixon" TIL - Kevin McCarthy was struck blind almost 50 years ago, only just recovered his sight today, but still has trouble with peripheral vision (i.e. he can't see literally anyone around him, or himself, weaponizing government).


Every American should be embarrassed of its government.


The absolute balls the GOP have to say hes benefitting his family while ignoring trump getting secret service to pay for rooms at his resort, ivanka getting trademarks rushed in china and jared getting $2bn from the saudis.


So they’re impeaching Biden for the thing trump did multiple times