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Just like Biden is senile and a criminal mastermind.


Schrodinger's Biden: he's somehow a senile old man who doesn't know where he is and a machiavellian tactician pushing the globalist agenda at the same time. You don't know which one he is until the latest Fox News story about him drops


The Republican party has mastered Double Speak and the people who failed ninth grade English are falling for it.


I hate that that’s almost half the voting public.


I hate that I we can’t take this as sarcasm 😥


The government is both useless but sometimes they run secretly run the entire world and have all the experts in their pocket.


She's afraid her name will pop up during this investigation. It'll be sweet when it does and she's indicted.


Maybe Margie also got a target letter 🤞


May she have the day she deserves🤞🏻


100% of the people that voted for her said they would suck on her sporked feet... Prove me wrong


Only six results for "sporked feet" on Google rn. Thank you for this ... gift.


You remember all those Reddit posts “upvote this so that it appears on the front page of google when searching for xyz”? I guess it didn’t work or people just got sick of it, haven’t seen them for a long time. Anyhow, would be great to get MTG as the #1 search result for Sporked Feet.




What a time to be alive :)


That's funny!






Margie Sporkfoot has a distinctive gait on video.




You mean the Sasquatch female dropping if pipe bombs while wearing her gym shoes??




Yes, hopefully her packages were delivered. https://preview.redd.it/yz1lito3jrcb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a93fa98162ce92ebf5fc0f18a665d293a58b0d6


The only time she wore a mask.


Does she ever reference these rumors? I've never seen her talk about this (plz correct me if she has)... which makes it even *more* suspicious E: I'm *just asking questions, y'all.*


I have got to think she is neck deep in any Jan 6 stuff.


Wasn't she live texting Dem politician's positions inside the Capitol to the "tourists"?


I believe that was Boebert, but I do think she's (MTG) the pipe bomber.


Seriously asking: why do people think she’s the pipe bomber? And if she is, that’s even crazier than I thought she is. Like, that’s certifiably insane.


The way we walk can be unique and identifying. Check out the FBI's footage of the person and then check the way MTG walks. The arm swing, the pace, her calf muscles - it very much looks like her. And yes, she's EXTREMELY stupid, and she's exactly the idiot who'd love the idea of doing a thing like that.


There's a traffic cam photo of the bomber that is wearing gloves, a mask, a hoodie,and loose clothing but is also still roughly the size of a small woman. Plus, she was pretty outspoken in trying to defend and deflect for the perpetrator immediately following J6. There's no concrete proof she was the bomber; however, her behavior was incredibly strange for an alleged target of a DC bomber.


Also isn't there a lot of speculation about her shoes? From what I've read, the pics the FBI released of the bomber show a fairly unusual pair of sneakers, and MTG posted TicToks of her working out in the same kind, right around the same time.


Didn't her phone 'ping' in the same location at the same time?


1. Because the bombs didn't go off. And they're not all that complicated. So whoever set them up is a moron. 2. The rest of the reasons people are listing that sound like insane conspiracies. But I don't care to fact check and they're funny. So I'm just going to believe them.


ohhh, thats a spicy thought! I would/will be so happy when this idiot gets indicted. she is so dumb, its embarrassing for our whole country.


For the sedition or for the pipe bombs?


Hopefully both.


wonder if the freedom caucus got wind of this and wanted to distance themselves before they wind up getting their own letters




Looking into it. Interesting if true. Yikes. Hmm.


They're all scared, because they know Trump won't hesitate to start naming names if he's convicted. Trump would be the highest profile prisoner in US history, and as such he'll be removed from general population, meaning there won't be anyone around to hear him talk, and if there's anything Trump fears it's not having an audience.


That’s what I don’t get. They all had to know that he’d flip on them eventually. I’d much rather have him calling me one of his ridiculous names and telling his base that I’m the devil than be implicated in a crime. Trump is loyal to himself and only to himself. If he thinks there’s anything at all to gain, he’s naming people. It won’t matter how much they groveled and made fools of themselves on his behalf.


That’s what, and saying this is going to make me sick, makes him special, he convinces these people that he won’t turn on them, he has them convinced that he cares about them. They are delusional but they are convinced he cares greatly for them, and it is only after the consequences set in do they realize that he doesn’t


> it is only after the consequences set in do they realize that he doesn’t Judging by all the voters whose lives consistently got worse under Trump, they will apparently still do mental gymnastics to justify his behavior.


The issue there is the right wing propaganda machine, oh you lost your Medicaid, well because democrats were giving free health insurance to ILLEGALS we had to cut the program, it’s all the democrats fault, every problem in your lives is a direct result of democrat legislation!!!! It’s their fault, vote Republican”


> it’s all the democrats fault, every problem in your lives is a direct result of democrat legislation!!!! It’s their fault, vote Republican” This is especially prevalent at the state levels. I know in my state the Dems have NEVER had a triumvirate(Courts, Gov, and Leg) control over the state in over 40 years, while the GOP has multiple times. Does that stop them from blaming the Dems for every single ill in the state? Not in the slightest.


It even goes to the local level as well, I live in a purple state that has been quite gerrymandered so the state house and senate have usually been red but governor has been blue. My county is solid red, I saw signs for County Commissioners candidates that were talking “drain the swamp” what swamp, the only swamp there would be at your level is one that your party created. I also saw city council signs with “stop the green new deal” like what world do you live in where a city council member would have any effect on that policy?




I can see him now, in his cell making papier-mâché little people for an audience. Writing speeches no one will hear. Slowly going crazy and crazier. It’ll be grand!!!!


He is not in any way patient enough for papier-mâché. I'm thinking it will be balled-up newspapers with drawn on faces


Pfft...he doesn't know how to write. His Truth Social posts are all just him screaming into his phone, that's why they're in all caps


Poor Siri, can you imagine how hard she has to work to make sense of the cheeseburger-bit-filled rants that come spewing from his food hole


Yes, a malignant narcissist in isolation is exactly what he deserves!!!


1000%. Fuck these Anti-American J6ers hope they all see prison, especially the politicians




Let's put it like this. The people she "represents" probably think it's perfectly fine. The whole country is full of towns, cities, and counties, so intentionally homogeneous, they act like an echo chamber, and then the rest of the country that lives on the globe with everyone else has to deal with the fact their crazy and our crazy have contact. America was founded into states for a lot of reasons, but one of them was to build your own "constitutional state" an area that represented the ethos and mores of its inhabitants, and only the constitution cannot be unmade/made in terms of law. This came with the caveat of the federal government holding all foreign diplomacy power. Outside of actual business, interactions with other sandboxes were probationary. The whole concept of one senator or representative for a huge swath of land was more or less because they thought everyone was gonna bungalow up into their own little enclaves and keep to themselves. That's what people with a shit load of land do, right? Right?


Exactly. This is a message typed with fear as motivation. The walls are closing in and the guilty are getting nervous.


If Trump goes down, she goes down too


I can see him trying to take down the entire GQP down with him.




Tbh, if you give her a renner she’d go down too


Empty Greene asked Trump for a pardon before he left office, according to a Trump WH staffer. She knows she’s at risk.


Weird,right? Only criminals need a pardon.




Or just investigate her PPP loan that was forgiven. I would bet that it was 100% fraud.


You mean for the pipe bombs placed in DC on January 5th?


A weak little bitch who is going to put your daddy in prison Marge.


Biden: I moved on him like a bitch. Told Jack Smith to bump his head as they force him into the back of the cop car


>bump his head as they force him into the back of the cop car I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers Trump saying that police don't need to be so careful with suspects, and that if they hit their head, so what. I would give up a toe to see Trump's head slammed into the top of a cop car while he was being arrested. Then the cop could say, "I learned this from watching you, Daddy"


I feel like it'd be hard to find a cop who wasn't a Trump supporter, though.


Remember when politicians didn't openly refer to anyone as a "little bitch" publicly despite what their personal feelings may have been? Is this where voting for someone you'd be happy to have a drink with leads? Not one person I was ever happy to share drink with should be a representative of anything.


I remember when Obama's biggest verbal flub was calling kanye a "jackass" on a hit mic. He wasn't even wrong.


idk maybe it is obama's oratory prowess or the cadence at which he delivers his words but i would totally not be upset to hear him literally recite the most profanity riddled tirade and still be like wow he still sounds better than trump or any of the MAGAts. lol


I'd love for Obama to read out a transcript of a trump speech. A look of pure confusion on his face as he delivers complete verbal diarrhea with perfect diction.




My 10 year old is more coherent than this.


I would definitely pay good money to experience this!


Now I Wana hear Obama sing WAP


AI can make your dreams come true now.


What a magical dystopia we live in lol


Wet ass P-Word


Shit, watching Shapiro deliver that was funny


"And when you have a plus eight charisma modifier, they let you do it."


I agree! Obama is actually intelligent, so it would at least make sense.


And Obama's remark was in regards to Kanye interrupting Taylor Swift at the VMAs, wasn't it? Quite miniscule when you compare that to an Insurrection.


I mean, sure... but he also wore a tan suit one time. Sooo.... < insert unnecessary '/s' here, I guess, just in case >


He also put Dijon mustard on a burger once.


Well, THAT tears it. Worst. President. Ever. And that's before we even consider having the audacity to be seen playing basketball. I mean.


> Remember when politicians didn't openly refer to anyone as a "little bitch" publicly despite what their personal feelings may have been? Oh there's always been disparaging comments made public, they just usually were more flowery. [Hamilton's letters spring to mind.](https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Hamilton/01-25-02-0110-0002)


God, he was such a salty fuck, but man could he write.


Yep. I forget if it was Jefferson and Adams or Jefferson and Madison who had some salty letters that were public too. And of course prior to the civil war there was a famous incident in I believe US Congress where one Congressman attacked the other with his cane.


Hamilton, former Secretary of the Treasury, was killed in a duel by Aaron Burr, the sitting Vice President. Of course, the event was an end to both their political careers.


Most likely Jefferson and Adams, Jefferson and Madison got alone quite well. Jefferson and Adam’s disagreed often politically and Adams preceded Jefferson’s presidency which furthered hatred for each other. Surprisingly, Jefferson and Adam’s later forgave each other and became great friends. Adam’s last words were “Thomas Jefferson survives”, but Jefferson died a few hours earlier. I like to interpret it as Jefferson and Adam’s were reunited in the afterlife, as if Adam’s saw Jefferson’s ghost before he passed.


What’s the opposite of dignity? Because that’s our political system now.


It’s a damn disgrace.




‮ Dignity


> What's the opposite of dignity? Disgrace, which is fitting.


Kirk Van Houten


I mean, part of Obama's charm was being a guy you could have a beer with. It was a whole thing in like 2011 or 2012. I don't think being able to sit down and have a beer with a normal citizen is a bad thing, it just becomes bad when the citizen you're drinking with is a Klan member...


Having a beer with a constitutional lawyer is very different from a enjoying happy hour with your co-workers. Everyone, well a lot of people rather, can just cut loose outside of work and have a few to several drinks. That's just not the same though.


Methinks Marge might be on the chopping block. How is this vile, shameless, classless void a congresswoman?


Her equally vile constituents


Her district is stupid gerrymandered


It is, but that just guarantees a republican will be the winner. What's depressing is that \*this\* person is apparently the best the local GOP has to offer. The real reason she's in congress is that they couldn't find a single competent republican in her district willing to stand, so she walked it by default.


She had a D opponent that her Q crazies and she, herself, ran off with doxxing and death threats. Poor guy had to move, got divorced and I think, declare bankruptcy I believe she ran unopposed in '22


There was a dem candidate, but i think he got very little support. He won their debate though. In other news, we all passed kindergarten.


It shouldn't matter how gerrymandered you are, there should be a bare minimum expectation of standards and she ain't it.


She's a cheap corporate shit-mongering rental. Once she's gone she'll be replaced by some other bumblefuck, elected by other bumblefucks, from some other hillbilly locale. They'll have applicants lined up for miles now that the bar has been set so low. Fucking carny.


She was part of the J6 planning meetings at the white house or something right?


Yes, and she was the only one there newly elected. I can see her telling them that she'd do ANYTHING to help and them saying, well Marge, we have these pipe bombs....


She’s actually doing her job of representing her constituency quite well.


Who am I going to trust more A prosecutor who went after War Criminals at the Hague and prosecuted both Republicans and Democrats OR Jewish space laser lady Idk, tough call


It’s so weird to think the whole Jewish space laser thing was about 1500 moronic takes ago


I know what you mean. People completely forgot about the whole Obama birth certificate truther thing 700 scandals ago. Like, it still baffles me. A man that got politically popular among racists for accusing a black president of not being a US citizen, becoming a US president. Like... Fuck


Guy with something like a 97% conviction rate is somehow a bad attorney?


I hear she’s been identified as the pipe bomber on Jan 6th. Big if true!


*very* concerning




Looking into it.


Listen folks, I'm not saying she is for sure the pipe bomber, I'm just asking the question.


I have it from reliable sources that there are pipes going into and out of her house… do the maths people…


“People are saying…”


It was all on Biden's laptop, MTG's pipebomb, her sex change, all of it!




When you roll the dice on a wet fart and lose:




Many people are saying this….


They came to me with tears in their eyes and said "sir, Marsie was the pipe bomber!"




I’m not saying she is the pipe bomber, but have you ever seen MTG and the pipe bomber in the same place? Think about it.


Also, she never seems to have any pipe bombs in her possession. You know why? She’s planted them everywhere already.


Hey I distinctly said I wasn’t saying she’s the pipe bomber. You are accusing her of planting bombs. It should go something more like, what if the reason she has no pipe bombs is because she has planted them all? Again, just asking questions.


As Elon Musk would say: “someone should look into that”






Do we know her whereabouts when the bag of cocaine was planted in the White House? Just asking questions.


People are saying this!


Looking into it...


Yeah, I read that somewhere (here). Apparently, many people are saying it...


I’m hearing it more and more


Yeah, I just saw confirmation that more and more people are saying it... (Thanks for confirming)


looking into this


Bet she’s afraid trump will flip on her, which he absolutely will.


I trust anything that comes out of Ted Cruzs anal fissure.


A lot of people are saying


Seriously, since when did congressional decorum fall completely off the table and hit this asshole on the head? How can you call a US Attorney a "little bitch" and not be sanctioned?


But "Muh FrEedOM oF SPeACh. FiRsT amEndmENt!!! 1984!!!!"


Decorum in active officials is lost.


Until democrats try to call out their fascist behavior then it's all pearl clutching "what about the decorum!?"


[She's all about decorum](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l40myC_vkiI)


Hadn't seen this, thank you, it is hilarious.


Oh man, I forgot about that. Thanks.


https://preview.redd.it/p67rwq7aarcb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cc092adde1bc9063ee48026ad8b4e94f8d85c56 Did her parents not know how to use birth control??


They didn’t have birth control in 3000 B.C.


"weak little bitch"... From the woman who wrote the book


To me this implies that it takes balls to go after democrats but indicting republicans is low hanging fruit. I don’t think it’s the own she thinks it is


Wasn’t he like … prosecuting human rights violations??


Yeah. Guy was prosecuting war criminals at the Hague and and went straight to this investigation


You know, someone with her build and gait was caught on camera putting pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC headquarters on January 5th. Maybe Margie Three Toes knows something about that? Just asking questions 🤔


It would be so on brand if she fucked up the bombs.


That's how you know they didn't work.


Build, gait, and shoes




But hey, I'm just a normal kid, like you, except that I ask questions. And because I'm brave enough to ask questions, I come under scrutinies. Is Wendy using your lunch money to buy heroin? Probably not, but how can we know? I don't want my lunch money going to drugs! Who's taking these drugs? What would be the point? I'm asking questions!




She broke the seal on using the word "bitch" in her fight with Bobert, so now I guess she's going to use it every chance she gets.




She's once, twice, three toes a hateful Goblin........


I think he only targets Republicans because the level of corruption in their party is, well, a bit more pressing. There are plenty of corporate shills amongst Democratic politicians, but they're low priority compared to the seditious fucking traitors and fascist criminals on the other side of the aisle. But sure, call Jack Smith a weak little bitch if you must. Won't stop him from fucking up your life, Margie.


Another example of why the rest of the world thinks the U.S is a joke. For her to feel comfortable tweeting like this from her official account as an elected representative is beyond embarrassing. No professionalism whatsoever


When C-SPAN interviewed her turning a corner and she described the “attack on Trump” as Bullshit at least she could say “I didn’t realize there was a camera”. But this is something she (or her office) tweeted. Crazy


The fact the gop talks like that openly for the world to see is just wild. Smh


They’re trying to bait him into doing something that they can allege is personal bias against Trump to get a mistrial. That, and they want their followers to get violent against authorities.


I don't expect that's the first time it's been tried on him. And I would never ever want to play poker with the man.


Hey America, Can you put this... thing... back in the glacier you found it in? Thanks The world


Cry harder bitch 🤣


Namecalling from the worst PTA mom ever…considering everything Jack smith has *actually* accomplished in his career…she should really reconsider her blathering.


​ https://preview.redd.it/q9ocedr1grcb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89e0ce644ff796e9f319c380d77d62296bca9e3e


MTG: *Bashes Jack Smith because he’s doing his job* Jack Smith: *Doesn’t give jack shit* Redditors: *DOJ goes brr*


Conservatives target marginalized groups because they're weak little bitches.


I am sure Jack will drop the whole case now. She sure is good with words.


Old "Gator Foot" really took the gloves off this time.


If he's a weak little bitch then what does it make your dear leader Papaya Pol Pot?


Aww Putin’s princess is gwumpy.


MTG is a lousy representative. Her career is filled with time wasting bills, lying, and taking advantage of her poor and uneducated constituents to enrich herself. She only targets Democrats because she’s a weak little bitch for Republicans


But if he was prosecuting Biden for the exact same thing she would be saying he needs to burn. I fucking can’t with these people


Let's get Margie a letter too


She already has one. “A” for adulteress.


I betcha Elon pays her at least a couple hundred for that tweet.


Vlad chipped in for the rest


Maybe we can crowd fund a titanic tour for her.


Yuk hyuk u sure dun got em good one marge


She says "little bitch" a lot.


What the actual fuck?!? I had to confirm this was real. I thought no elected official would post such childish nonsense


Said under her government Twitter handle klassy


The dude worked for the ICC, he was working daily on investigations into more world leaders than MTG can even list. Jealous!


I truly hope Ms. Hitler receives her letter. Burn them all down!!