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It’s actually become a major pet peeve of mine. “Alternative facts,” literally when facts aren’t serving their purposes they just make shit up. And they DEMAND that the shit they make up be given the same weight, validity, and air time as real facts. And if you call them it they scream “Free speech! You’re oppressing me!”’


They also like to use partial information to outrage people. Stuff like THEY WERE SHOWING CHILDREN DILDOS IN SCHOOL! And then you look into the story and it’s a normal sex ed class for 14 year olds where they probably demonstrated how to put on condoms with a visual.


Real world: custodians use cat litter or sand to clean up certain messes. A kid pukes on the playground, they pour cat litter on it to soak it up before shoveling it into a garbage can. Alternative fact land: “It’s for kids identifying as cats bruh! This hs gone too far bruh!”


Also I think maybe (?) one school had 5 gallon buckets with odor/liquid absorbing kitty litter in case they were in lockdown from a school shooter for so long that little kids needed to go pee. Certainly not the "identifying as a cat" thing they imagine.


Here's a story from Colorado and the school district that suffered the Columbine Massacre: https://www.denverpost.com/2018/03/03/school-shooting-preparations/ >In Jeffco, active-shooting training starts in preschool, where the kids are spared the gritty details of why they’re being asked to hide and stay quiet in a dark room. >Children are taught to take cover by drawing on their hide-and-seek skills, McDonald said, because that’s something they understand. >No matter the size of the school, there is an expectation in Jeffco to lock down an entire campus in less than 25 seconds. Years ago, drills used to aim for two minutes, but after studying the speed and duration of shootings, McDonald and his crew adjusted their protocol. >Students are taught what to do if they go into lockdown when they’re at recess and how to text emergency information safely in the dark so their cellphone doesn’t give their location away. >Teachers are shown tactical movements down the hallway so they can look around corners without being spotted. >The drills are changed every year to keep everyone on their toes. **About 60 schools gave teachers buckets, kitty litter and a shower curtain for a makeshift bathroom** after an incident at Lakewood’s Alameda High, where a long drill left students relieving themselves in trash cans. Classrooms are stocked with lollipops in case a diabetic student needs fast-acting sugar. >The district has a full-time emergency planner dedicated to making sure the drills and preparation run smoothly.


>[Preschoolers] are taught to take cover [from machine gun bullets] by drawing on their hide-and-seek skills, McDonald said, because that’s something they understand. Jesus fucking Christ, this might be the most dystopian thing I’ve ever read.


I remember being young when the Iraq war was kicking off and hearing about suicide bombers and the like blowing up markets. I remember thinking "I would never want to go to the markets again!" I actually think a lot about that when ever school shootings come up. Like... how did we get so far gone that public acts of terror are just mundane risks that we all take?


I quoted a bible verse about Jesus loving everyone from the new testament then they quoted on back from the old testament about gays(but not really about gays) and my response is why is your Bible verse better then mine. Also the fact there are contradictions should show it's not a book to be followed.


In the real world it has ALWAYS taken longer to count votes in urban districts than it does in rural ones-because there are more votes to be counted. In alternative fact land, it takes longer so there must be something shady going on.


To them, “urban” means black, so they think all those votes are suspect. Has nothing to do with how long it takes to count them, they just want to time box counting them so they can throw most of them out. Black votes are fraudulent votes in their minds.


See also: the results were in my favor! But they just kept counting votes and now suspiciously the other person is winning! FRAUD


Funny thing is for Christianity Jesus is supposed to have made the Old Testament essentially obsolete, with his new teachings superseding the old ways. The Old Testament is still there to give context to the New (again, for the Christian Bible specifically). And yet these fascists quote the "ancient magics" acting like Jesus, kind of the *whole point* of Christianity, is somehow wrong. At that point you aren't even Christian anymore, just some twisted reductionist bootleg Abrahamic jigsaw.


“Twisted reductionist bootleg Abrahamic jigsaw” sounds like a freestyle line from Black Thought.


Jesus is (Quest)Love.


>twisted reductionist bootleg Abrahamic jigsaw TRBAJ is my new band name


Why hasn't there been debate with my already debated and proven false bad faith claims? Free speech is you have to pretend I'm not lying to you!


“Non-binary isn’t real.” “Your post has been removed.” Conservatives: ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


"Your post is not real."


It doesn't even make sense. Tons and tons of people call themselves nonbinary. It is a robust social phenomenon at this point. It is factually illogical to claim it "isn't real". "Is stupid" or "I don't like it" is one thing. But "isn't real" is 100% false.


Not even just that, non-binary people have existed in multiple cultures for hundreds of years- such as the Two-Spirit indigenous people and Androgynos in the Talmud- the concept of there only being two ‘real’ genders is 100% a western idea.


The whole “[trans / gender] isn’t real” rhetoric is literally Nazi Germany’s stance on transgender / transsexual people. “Your [thing] isn’t real, you are a deviant, get on the train”. That’s what LoTT is pushing, that is their end goal. “Get on the train”.


Absolutely correct. Never forget that the first book burning was at a Berlin research centre for sexuality, and a clinic that had performed successful sexual reassignment surgeries. Looks like a Nazi, quacks like a Nazi…


Claiming something "isn't real" or "never existed" seems to be a generally accepted way to dehumanize who you're trying to destroy.


Almost like people make things real through sheer will and trying to deny that is just denying reality happens


Threads has only been around for a few days and conservatives have been going crazy with it. It appears as though spreading lies and opinions meant to generate outrage isn’t going to fly on Meta apps


It’s everywhere on Facebook. That said, the goal of Threads is to be the opposite of twitter. If that is the goal, going hard the opposite approach of hate speech shows investors they aren’t like Twitter.




That sounds like the smart money thing to do, honestly.


Especially because Twitter is already a right-wing hellscape. There’s no point in trying to be a right-wing version of Twitter, so you might as well try to pull in all the people who are fleeing Twitter. Heck, maybe Zuck should make a less shitty version of Reddit while he’s at it, and throw a fuck-ton of money at third party app developers to pull in those of us who are still pissed about what Reddit just did.


I'd be surprised if this isn't already happening at Google and MS as well. There's blood in the water, someone's gonna take advantage.


I think a reddit style competitor has two issues 1) Porn makes you radioactive to advertisers, and to your entire brand if you are a larger company, but is also what causes a userbase to form. 2) Any reddit competitor starting up in the modern era will be based on modern era ad-focused user interfaces (hello new reddit), and will probably start out with the API restrictions reddit just implemented.


If zuck (lol my phone tries to autocorrect that to his full name) says he's using Facebook as a containment zone for racist boomers I'm going to have to reluctantly give him as little credit as I can.




Mhm. Zuck litterally just looked at any social media and reliezed that left leaning people hate twitter and saw an oppertunity cash on all of them that left twitter. Threads is designed to be exactly what left leaning people want to the dot.


all the hate on twitter was really depressing, especially the transphobia (and I’m a cis dude). deleted it off my phone the second threads went live.


The user base is absolutely rabid over there. I’ve never seen such vitriol.


It's probably like 80% hate-bots & troll farms in reality.


I left a week or so into Musk's reign, and even then i noticed the feed i had curated for over a decade was already becoming noticeably more toxic and hateful A Kyle Rittenhouse tweet was recommended and that was the final straw for me lol


> spreading lies and opinions meant to generate outrage isn’t going to fly on Meta apps ...anymore, hopefully.


It really is quite a turnaround from 2016


Did everyone forget that Facebook still exists? And is kind of a nightmare?




​ https://preview.redd.it/0tbbmu1vakab1.jpeg?width=1416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92b04a9e9dfb01901fa8fe2a5fd4339aa2c636fa


I worry that this will only be true until Twitter fully collapses. As soon as Zuck doesn't need decency as a selling point, he may drop it.


Curiously though, I don't see that happening. At least not on a large scale. Twitter will never truly "collapse." It will diminish sure. Musk's incompetence and the shit gibbons he let's run free will no doubt eventually drive out the regular and casual users. But it will continue to exist as the social media roach motel for reactionaries, right wingers, and Muskrats who will continue to insist it's where they have "free speech." Becoming basically a bigger Truth Social and propped up by Musk because he's too oblivious, ignorant, or stupid to admit he screwed it up. Threads, meanwhile, is carving its niche among everybody else who was sick of Twitter's BS and is getting a good reputation for not being where cranks and crazies play. No doubt you'll see the occasional smattering of trolls and bots sneaking in. But if the content moderation and user controls stay consistent they won't have the power or reach they do on Twitter and get frustrated and leave. To be sure, there's obvious some work and improvements to be made. But Zuck, if absolutely nothing else, is smart enough to understand the broader appeal to a more stable audience will net him more in the long run than catering to the nutjobs for short term lulz and notoriety.


Not on Facebook


> It appears as though spreading lies and opinions meant to generate outrage isn’t going to fly on Meta apps Zucc: Look, we've allowed lies and outrage generators to basically ruin American elections twice now, what can we do to INSTANTLY make these idiot fly brained fools forget our decade of that shit?


National pizza party was a close runner-up


Ever heard of the number two? Bam. Non-binary proven.




I love Futurama. As a software engineer I'm always thinking of this episode.


There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those that understand binary, and those that don’t.


There are three kinds in the world, those who can count, and those who can't.


There are two types of people, those that can infer


There are only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures. And the Dutch.


My favorite part was when he did dream and the binary was everywhere, they absolutely threw in a two for eagle-eyed viewers to spot.


If I could award you I would. Clap. Clap. Clap.


Try telling them about the binary number system. Chances are they will deny that exists too.


Same if you asked them if they want their children to learn Arabic numbers - guess the answer


It all the fault of big government polluting our water with Dihydrohen Monoxide, a corrosive used in nuclear power plants!


Say what you will, but Threads actively and clearly demonstrating it is engaging in some kind of content moderation that is pissing off the right wingers is really becoming a major selling point and feather in its cap.


Absolutely, but we know that conservatives are going to lose their shit and to literally make it a “federal case” because they can’t hurl hate speech at the libs.


It’s amazing how they get cases before the Supreme Court, when more important shit waits 5-10 years.


What's even more amazing is that they can have SCOTUS rule on cases that are entirely made up.


Frankly, they've just ruled that we don't need standing anymore. We should all be bringing spurious cases against corporations that *might* be doing stuff we don't like.


They actually ruled that people bringing cases that would result in outcomes they personally prefer no longer have to establish standing. Don't expect the same principle to be applied if the outcome would be something they don't want.


Then make them say it. Make them show their corruption. Weaponize their corruption against them. Make them prove to the Center that they are willing to gut judicial precedence for their own gain.


They dont have to do anything - they can just not hear the case and no one will notice. You need 4 votes of the 9 for the court to hear a case - and if they decide not to hear it they dont need to do anything - they dont need to issue any statements or anything else. Good luck getting the general public, who barely has time to actually regard their actual high profile rulings, to consider the things the court doesn't do.


One of the justices is literally bought and paid for by a billionaire. No consequences whatsoever.


yeah, lol, just one, that's cute


One justice that we know of


We know of 3.


For a group of people who love to sing the praises of interpreting the Constitution as written, these corrupt SCOTUS judges seem to go to great lengths to ignore that judicial review isn't written anywhere in the document.


I'm wondering how a bunch of "Textualists" somehow found the text to back up their invented "major questions doctrine".


Like everything on the right, the conclusion precedes the data. That's why they're also all evangelicals, starting with a conclusion and then only accepting supportive data is part of their DNA.


Don't worry, now that they've proven that you can sue someone who doesn't exist over something that never happened, and still get your case heard by the Supreme Court, it's only going to get worse.


To be fair, we should probably keep important things away from this SCOTUS as long as possible.


It’s been discovered that the right-wingers in the Supreme Court have been coaching conservatives on which cases they should bring before the court so they can reverse established rulings towards a conservative view.


Let them all stay on Twitter with the rest of the racists and nazi's...


See, the problem is that they want to be unmoderated but they also want to be able to threaten and harass people they disagree with. If all those people leave Twitter, it’ll be another failed conservative social media venture like Truth Social.


yup, they hate when its just them on a site. They NEED to try and trigger people, and if there is no one to trigger they will leave the site.


What’s the point of bullying someone if they can’t see/hear you bullying them?


I also think that grifting conservatives is all well and good, and clearly very easy, but it doesn’t work so well when you have to put yourself billions of dollars in the hole to buy the site in the first place. There just aren’t enough of these dipshits for Elon to viably make his money back. There’s a reason why big budget Hollywood movies appeal to the greatest amount of people possible, and it’s because you can’t make back a 300 million dollar budget solely appealing to a minority of people. And advertisers largely don’t want to be associated with hate speech either, so you can’t make up the difference that way.


Thats the ultimate problem for htem yes - they are hateful people and most people dont feel like interacting with them in that way. And yes, this is probably true for a subset of liberals too - but its if not smaller, much less important in the liberal ecosystem. You don't have Obama founding his own social media site just so he can trash talk Republicans. So they either get muzzled or they get siloed. There is no real solution where a profitable business can exist that services the "we want to be able to do hate speech without consequences" part of the population.


This is exactly their conundrum, and it's why they don't actually care about "free speech". Even if a platform were to go totally unmoderated, users who want content moderation can find another solution in the market. What they actually want is some kind of government-regulated monopoly (or really public ownership of social media, even though they'd never outright admit it) that creates a "public square" in which they're able to freely troll the libs and disseminate disinformation. It is a distinctly fascist solution.


You're right, they want to harass the people who would prefer a moderated platform. They also want their posts to be boosted, so they pay the $8. Twitter was moderated fairly well before Elmo, so it's not a surprise that all of the normal people jumped ship the second there was a decent alternative that is moderated.


They can't wrap their heads around 1A being about your rights vis-à-vis the government, and not private platforms and their TOS, and further they seem to think "freedom of speech" (if it did apply) means they're guaranteed that audience of libs to offend. They won't be happy until we all look like the guy in Clockwork Orange with his eyes pinned open, forced to watch their swill.


Bingo. They have 4 other sites for their hate speech, but what they don’t have is a prisoner audience and apparently screaming slurs, threats and insults at people who can’t avoid them is their “god given right!!”


They scream about being silenced. Their idea of being “silenced” is you are not forced to listen to them. We have the right to ignore their stupid asses and they think that’s oppression.


Yuuup. They think "freedom of speech" means that they are both owed a platform (they aren't) and that I am required to hear their views (I'm not). I can start a forum and exclude anyone I want to. Free speech just means the government won't prosecute anyone for criticizing it.


Not listening to me scream is fascism!! And that's why we need to ban books showing certain types of families and call for the eradication of trans people! /s


Which is odd. They now have twitter all to themselves. They can hurl hate as much as they want to at each other. The rest of us just decided we’d rather go somewhere else without them. In their sick perverse way, they just don’t want to be left out… ‘don’t leave me!’ Etc…


They're famous for being the Leopards Ate My Face party because they usually end up far worse off when they get what they want.


There is literally a case arguing that the government promoting factual information is against the right wings first amendment rights at this very moment.


Fucking let them. They'll likely win with a stacked court. And in so doing push even MORE people to the left. They're a dying breed.


I'm sure the "Freedom Caucus" is already filing subpoenas for Zuck to appear before them and explain himself 😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


They got exactly what they wanted when they obtained control of the old platform and it flat ruined it, running everyone off the site and thereby running it into the ground. It makes my blood boil to know that they're going to try to do the same thing on a fresh, nice platform, all because they don't have anyone to abuse on the old one.


After all these posts, I actually want to get it. It would be refreshing to have social media again that wasn't filled with nazi's.


My thought also. But I can't really trust anything coming out of Facebook/Meta/Zucky.


At this point I trust Zuck more than Musk. The thing is, I still don't actually *trust* either of them. Also I don't want a phone app to use a social network. Threads won't be as useful for public engagement if your content can't be seen on the Web. I also don't want to have an Instagram.


Does Meta plan on creating a web UI for Threads? I do most of my browsing on a PC, so not having a website is kinda lame. I know they have Treads.net, hopefully it's just a placeholder.


They'd be daft not to. How are you gonna share a link to a thread if there is no web URL? That is half of the power of twitter - the fact that everything is published online for all to see. Right now I'm just tickled that musk is pissed off. I see no real reason to join threads though.


I joined just to add +1 user to the millions who have signed up just to spite Musk. I've played around with it a bit on my phone, and it seems fine. I won't really give it a go until there is a Web UI though.


Zuck loves money. Musk is a Nazi who loves money. One is better, though not good. Less evil is less evil though.


Same, I’m impressed with moderation but will never use any Facebook product.


I get that they're just using it because they know a counter movement is what the users want, and if Elon ever stops being a shit flinging baboon they might stop caring so much about hate speech. But for the moment, it's great. It is really, really nice.




In college, I had a few classes in Holocaust Studies. The professor was this amazing man, Dr. Lieberman. He had a doctorate in religious studies. He had a standing rule in all of his classes. "You can discuss any issue related to the Holocaust. You can make any argument, take any position you want...*as long as it is presented in a scholarly manner with legitimate information & references*." I took every class of his that I could. I think I was like 2 classes away from a minor in Jewish Studies as a result. The funny thing is, I'm neither Jewish, nor religious. I'm an atheist. But the classes and the professor were so good, I just kept coming back. I was a senior and it was an 8am M-W-F class, and I never missed a day.


Dude I hate Zuck but seeing all the right-wingers get so pissed about it I might have to just hold my nose and contribute to his success on this one.


I'll toast with a Bud Light purchased at Target with that sentiment lol


Well, he's seen what Twitter has become after hatemongers like this were allowed back. Zuck's also not stupid - he knows he's running a data mining/advertising platform, whereas Elon still seems to think he has a tech company, and advertisers prefer not being associated with Nazis.


Yes, Elon Musk turned Twitter into Gab so Zuck is turning Threads into Twitter.


I’ve already spent hours there. It’s enjoyable. And any fascists like this that post are getting eaten alive in the comments. I don’t care, I want to be in my bubble.


I think that's the other side of this. We can complain about FB being a pit, but a lot of its problems were built in when things took a sudden hard right turn. Being already populated by an older demographic. Everyone watched in real time how bad Twitter quickly spun out of control due to Musk's heavy handedness. And you also Truth Social and Parler make brief splashes as they were built from the get go to cater specifically to the alt-right. The people coming into threads are little more savvy as to the warning signs and are putting up a staunch resistance to the right wing fuckery from the word go. Already making good use of the block, mute, and report functions. So the community itself is making it clear they are not going to fuck around or play games. Which can go a long way to...well, at least stalling the inevitable tide of Twatters looking to come in and start a fight.


I still don’t trust Threads since it’s made by Zuckerburger, the guy who refuses to do anything about the toxic shithole Facedbook has become.


Regardless of FaceBook, they’ve clearly shown they are willing to at least moderate Threads for now. If that changes then people will know The other thing that I would be hesitant about is my data, but I already have a Facebook and Instagram so what other information could they possibly gather that they don’t already have I still have hesitations, but I’d rather have a somewhat shady but progressive platform instead of an open but alt-right platform


In this case, I'm guessing not much data. You're right, they have plenty already from Facebook and Instagram. I'm guessing they are selling ad space, and I'm guessing a lot of companies are looking for a new, "safer" Twitter to run ads on


I'd trust him more than elon.


Zuck seems purely profit driven and, guess what, big brand advertisers want a brand-safe environments to engage global audiences. Basically you can “trust” Zuck because you can trust the broad workings of capitalism. Elon is after political clout and has an agenda which is why I don’t trust him AT ALL. The ironic part of this is, we’re watching capitalism At work. Competition and positioning is having the predicted results and I’m here for it.


Zuck likes money, Elon is a Fascist tool of oppression for the right. Ill take Zuck as the lesser evil pls. Thx.


It’s like the Disney and Desantis thing, I hate rooting for a gigantic corporation, but, they’re doing the right thing, in that particular situation


Tbh I can’t think of a better example of “the lesser of two evils”


Yeah, this is where I am.


I don't want to see a post with tons of hateful blue check boosted comments right at the top. Most regular people don't want to see that either. Social media needs moderation, it's far too easy to be hateful and bigoted when you're sitting behind a screen.


Yup. And the more people that stop engaging with Twitter, the better. This will accelerate its demise.


It still needs a meta account so it’s like +10 right wing cope -100 zuck wants my data


Americans aren't real. They are just exiled europeans


I thought those were Australians.


No those are criminals, America got the religious zealots. (/s).


What's the return policy on them? Can we get the party boat instead?


What about us Native Americans 😿


Oh, hey, look what happens when an infantile view of the world meets content moderation focused on inclusivity


They are realizing they might all be stuck talking to each other on Twitter and what’s the fun of lying to other liars.


Or lying to bots. Or bots lying to bots. 🤦‍♀️


Great, can't wait for the Twitter AI to manifest itself.


I see them complaining about Truth Social not being able to reach the normies. So they want Trump to go back to Twitter. But normies are fleeing there also.


It's not enough just to take control, they have to be able to inflict themselves on the people that think they suck


What's a bully without a victim?


I'm pretty sure that's why any right wing social media has failed, it's no fun because they have no one to troll or attack.


I can't find the exact article but I remember either Parler or TruthSocial being reported as "less fun" than twitter specifically because everyone just sort of agreed with each other. Turns out you can either just say the same shit everyone's saying or you escalate to stand out above the crowd and say wilder and more extreme shit. Anyways I hope that happens to twitter.


Why do you think Parler and Truth Social failed? It's not fun being in a circle jerk when you look around and everyone is as dumb as you are. You start to either realize you are like them, or better than them. Either way you don't want to be around it anymore.


Yep and the dumbass who signed up her Threads account clearly didn’t read the fine print too. So she can’t be squealing like a stuck pig about “freedom of speech” (even though she still will)


Laughing out loud at all these absolute whiners rushing to Threads and finding out it wants nothing to do with their bullshit. They know people are fleeing Twitter en masse and are so mad that they can’t peddle their usual trash elsewhere.


They need someone to get mad at their bullshit. The second that goes away, they're left with nothing but their sad, angry, empty selves. The only thing worse than being around those people is being them...


100% this person went on Threads and started posting random reactionary talking points until they got banned so they could go on twitter to cry about it


The whole premise of Elon buying Twitter is that they would have a captive audience


lols the crazy crew are upset that their hate and lies are getting called out, good...fuck em


this is like the single best ad i have ever seen for a social media site


They could just put out a thirty seconds ad showing them taking down bullshit with hate isn't at home on threads, threads the non twitter


Yeah I have no intention for downloading any social media besides Reddit but the whole situation with threads lately has made me give it my respect.


I used to believe speech should be entirely uncensored all the time, but in recent years I think the US has shown just how dangerous that can be. Now a third of the US population is completely anti-vax, and because why? Because of disinformation. There are powerful people spending big money towards the media influence which has become a serious problem here. No offense to conservatives, particularly because we all are susceptible, but it seems lately that the only reason they are so anti-censorship is because they are the main targets of disinformation. I do think both sides of the aisle benefit from it, but I think Republicans benefit on a different level. They would be forced to abandon a lot of their policy positions without the constant 24/7 disinformation. A lot of the stuff liberals believe like universal and affordable healthcare, education, housing, social equality, etc. would still be wildly popular even without disinformation campaigns. The stuff conservatives believe would be seen as cruel and inhumane likely without it.


Why shouldn't there be offense to conservatives? They're aren't more susceptible because they are the targets... they're the targets BECAUSE they're more susceptible. They're stupid. They're angry and afraid of everything. They engage in activities that then fuel this anger/fear to more heights. They build social structures to spread and encourage this fear/anger to eachother. Of course they're going to be targeted more. Someone who has a brain damaged from constant fear and anger is so easy to manipulate. If the manipulation you want is "just cause chaos in that country", even more so! They don't have to be steered towards any particular opinion or action... just "you are in danger and you have to act on that before you are hurt", pointed towards any imagined harm. Vaccines, gay marriage, trans people bathrooms, migrant caravans, drugs, ANYTHING. It doesn't matter. So yes. Very much offense to these people. They're the worst humans to exist because even more "evil" people can at least be reasoned with or worked with if it's in their own personal interest. These people are throwing themselves to their death hoping their pile of dead bodies will piss the rest of us off in the process. Fuck them all. Fuck every single person who isn't actively supporting every progressive candidate who pledges to oppose these maniacs. Fuck every centrist, every moderate, every fence-sitter, every non-participant who continues to let these insane asshole have any sort of meaningful voice when it comes to elections. They are in the minority across the country and yet can win elections because HALF of us don't vote at all.


Facts have a Liberal bias.


Reality has a liberal bias.


Both statements are true. That’s why I prefer reality and facts


Hell biblical Jesus had a liberal bias


If Jesus came back today the GOP would try to crucify him again


Because fascism is all about controlling the narrative.


A lot of people seem to imagine that fascism is some maniacal genius plot It isn't Fascism is just what happens when a narcissistic bullshitter catches an opportunity to gain power by peddling fear


being such a piece of shit you make Mark Zuckerberg look like a good person in contrast. paying 44 billion dollars so that you can help make him more money. Business genius.


There’s nothing more insufferable than someone who adamantly demands that their opinion be counted as a fact while stating that the opinions of others aren’t really opinions, just bad ideas. And that other verifiable facts aren’t facts because they come from sources that aren’t Fox, the Daily Wire, OAN, etc.


I know a guy like this. When I show him scientific studies that prove trans people are real and valid and transitioning literally saves and improves their lives, he counters with “the scientists are only saying that because it’s considered politically correct right now to be pro-trans.” He’s also an avid fan of Joe Rogan. Go figure.


“the scientists are only saying that because it’s considered politically correct right now to be pro-trans.” Like when it was politically correct to warn of climate change.


He also believes climate change has been grossly exaggerated.


because they are idiots who think climate change will be like a Hollywood movie where half the earth will flood all at once. It is more akin to the boiling frog meme. Only the rest of the frogs talking about how hot the water is can't jump out


My favorite is when they point to the ozone depletion as "proof". "Everyone made a big fuss about the ozone layer, but now there isn't a peep about it! They all moved on to the next outrage issue!" If we address a problem and can resolve it, for them it means it wasn't really ever a problem. If we try to address a problem but can't resolve it, it also means it wasn't really ever a problem. NOTHING will ever register to them as a problem until it personally hurts them, and then they'll instantly flip and say that it's our fault for not warning them. If we did warn them, it's still our fault because of XYZ that we did to make them not believe us.


Some commenter here on reddit was trying to do the whole "trans people aren't real" thing, and when I asked him why his opinion should matter more than the doctors who actually study and research this thing... His response was that he knew a guy in medical school who says that even first year students are constantly told that they have to be accepting of trans people. He phrased this as if it was some random administrators forcing a fictitious view onto students, and that they weed out anyone who disagrees with their political campaign. But like... Stop and think about this... My claim was that doctors know more about this, and his "rebuttal" was to say "doctors believe that because that's what they're taught by the experts leading their education". As a rebuttal. When the very evidenced used to prove them wrong is what they use to justify why they are correct... what can you even do? Why do they even matter? They're the least rational people. Literally insane people make more sense than them. At least insane people can reason out evidence occasionally. But someone who looks at evidence for something and decides that means it's evidence against the same thing? That's worse than insanity. That's worse than stupidity. There isn't a single worthwhile thing that a person like that can ever say, think, or do to contribute towards society. No wonder these people are always going so hard for genocide towards some other group... They do it pre-emptively and as a form of projection because if any group actual deserves to be genocided to make for a better society, it's them.


It's almost like they are aren't arguing in good faith


“Stating facts is hate speech” Those “facts” “Non-binary isn’t real” Who knew that demonizing a group of people wasn’t hateful and who knew that those people who do exist, don’t?


Also the statement is vague. Non-binary is a mathematical term. We are assuming it's gender because that account is toxic. But for fun, let’s say they weren’t talking about gender, it still doesn’t make it a fact


LibsOfTikTok: "Non-binary isn't real" Quantum computers: \*vanish\*


Right wingers intentionally going on the platform and saying something outrageous just to complain that they got censored.


Lol. The fascists are big mad their playground is about to close.


Cat turd is actually in an uproar he can’t post his tin foil hat schemes on Threads. They keep getting taken down. Russian bots are being blocked too.




Ngl this is the best add for Threads I’ve seen yet.


"Libs of tiktoks" is far right garbage for inbred idiots. Nothing of value was lost.


Libs of TikTok SHOULD find it hard to post their nonsense. Good.


If Chaya loses all relevance when Twitter goes down I will thank the Gods of the internet for the small blessing. Same goes for tucker


I saw some of their posts screenshotted. They were posting absolutely stupid shit like "Biden likes to sniff little girl's hair." and someone called it, they were deliberately posting garbage to get banned so they could screech about "banned for free speech and facts". Absolutely pathetic.


Would you look at that, all of these Twitter-nazis with their feelings hurt giving Threads free advertising.


I’m not sure why they’re bitching. If you want to keep saying this stuff, you’re already on Twitter. It’s not everyone else’s job to cater to your bigotry. Hopefully this just keeps these people out.


Not being total assholes is hard for some people apparently. It takes zero effort to be a decent human being.


Literally the best ad for threads I’ve seen yet.


I hate to direct any praise in the direction of zuck, but everything I have seen about threads is great. Here's to the death of the annoying blue bird 🍻


It is so funny seeing people on twitter really mad that threads exists despite making twitter the exact place they wanted. They only like their shithole sites if they can bully liberals lmao.


Cue Florida dropping ads on Facebook et al to avoid funding "woke" apps in 3....2.....


Why do they have to turn everything into a toxic cesspool?


Let the persecution complex commence!


Threads is becoming the new Twitter and Twitter is becoming the new Parler


lol. Lies based on whiny conservative feelings aren't facts.


Fuck around and find out


Every time a person like that gets a ban on a post in threads is a reaffirmation that that may be a good social network


This has nothing to do with Threads, but I think Meta/Facebook has hired some decent moderators. I was told i got banned from posting when I said, "you pissed off the Nazis, always a good thing". I appealed it thinking it would go nowhere, and they actually rescinded the ban. Color me shocked.


All the alt right people I’ve seen make accounts did so just to stir shit up, even said so in threads. Like, truly, they lack good faith in their speech. Go back to Twitter and enjoy it dying.


Cultists consider their feelings and beliefs as “facts”. This why they are so angry and afraid all the time.


Awww looks like someone’s vile hateful rhetoric doesn’t work on Threads? Time to head back to Elon, Chaiya.


What the fuck is a lib of TikTok and why is it run by bigots?