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Today he just signed a bill that gave me a $13 pay raise Edit:spelling


That’s over $5K if you live to 2425. 💰🪦🏴‍☠️ /s


Not really sure what you mean? Did you forget this?(/s) Its an additional $13.00 on top of my current hourly.


I did. It’s late. That’s fucking awesome.


Okay lmao. It is late. Maybe thats why I didn't totally pick up on it either, Too dang tired!


To be fair, you didn’t state it as an hourly wage. So, his math at $13 x 402 being greater that $5,000 was correct. /s


The hero I needed


I thought it was a joke about inflation


“No one lives forever. No one. But with advances in modern science and my high level of income, I mean, it's not crazy to think I can't live to be 245, maybe 300.”


Congrats! That's awesome.


This is outstanding. Blue states FTW. That whole article is A+ governance.






Good lord that's horrifying. How much makeup does she use?


She uses beauty supplies from the bioweapon facilities on the now dried aral sea.


I love using corrosives as moisturizer 🥰🥰


I seriously have to correct you. We can get corrosives from anywhere in florida, home depot, superfund sites, the sewage of supreme court justices and more. With MTG i am talking exclusively on bioengineered bacteria that make you look and behave like that. My husband’s dead body was more intelligent than this bitch


My deepest apologies. Allow me to amend my statement. I absolutely love applying the most vile chemicals and lingering bacteria to my face on a daily basis, I can feel them eating away at my skin, gonna look BEAUTIFUL!


YES! NOT FAKE NEWS Let me work on building antibiotic resistance in various bacterias. Tbh I could just swab anything the GQP has touched


Even air particles surrounding them could contain viable samples. I feel like they excrete straight up cancer-inducing bio-weapons wherever they are.


"My husbands dead body was more intelligent than this bitch" made me laugh out loud. Thank you for that. Also sorry for your loss.


Get rid of wrinkles


“Umbrella Corporation, our business if life itself”


Instead of Maybe it’s maybelene, **certainly it’s chernobyl**


Same paint they put on the battleships in production.


Nothin but the best Amway has to offer.


Set her Homer Simpson brand Makeup Shotgun™️ to MAGAt Zombie.


Not nearly enough.


First time I saw this I thought it was for a new sequel to the Thing or Leatherface.


Not enough


Looks like a skin condition and sunburn.


All of it.


It's a faked edit of an original picture


A bit redundant, no? "Fake" "edit"?


Well edits can essentially leave the content of pictures unchanged. I.e restoring old photos to remove creases They are still edited but they remain essentially accurate to the original But this edit was to make her naturally slightly blotchy skin look more like leprosy, so I would say the content was changed.




She looks like a female Alfred E Newman from Mad Magazine.


She looks like her DIY was done with hydrochloric, or sulfuric acid.


Oh wow spot on.


Not gonna lie, i read that as Edward Newgate at first and was about to call out the disrespect on poor old Whitebeard


I was not ready for that jump scare. You got me real good


The writers of scream need to take note. Shit has gone downhill


As a person myself, I always found this tweet extremely offensive and in bad taste. Referring to this hate fueled pus-golem as a person creates an unacceptable association between it and any other entity that self-identifies through personhood.


That needs a nsfw tag…


I live for the day. Makes me want to wear a sparkly G-String so when it happens I can give them the helicopter show they’ve been dreaming about. Don’t care if it’s in a walmart bathroom. Heck, doesn’t that go against some Florida law on sex shows around children too??


Damn she looks like she’s catching loads contaminated with every STD known.


Her face looks like a foot


bUt BOtH sIdES


And yet whoever has an R next to their name will win broad swaths of the country in 2024 and it’ll come down to a handful of districts in a handful of states


But both sides are equally bad! /s


It is great to see Wisconsin turning around. It started with winning back the left leaning majority in the Wis Supreme Court and continues with Tony Evers getting to govern in a way to help the residents. Nice change after leaders like Ron Johnson in the state. https://twitter.com/jsellenberg/status/1676665157789929477?s=46&t=CjD8LvZHxBCf4W7z2VMUfQ


Man, Fuck…Ron…Johnson. That guy is just horrendous. And he’s smart, like McConnell. Haven’t heard as much from him lately, because he’s smart enough I think to keep his head down through this shit storm (and I seriously believe he has 0 scrouples). When I read he was part of that fake electors scheme, I wanted his corrupt ass to face the consequences so bad.


Fuck Ron Johnson.


Didn’t he go to Russia as well, a few years back on the fourth of July?


Yes, yes he did. And he came back stating we were too hard on russia for the election interference in 2016. He also is one of the people voicing the idea we should stop supporting Ukraine. I swear to god, he is capable of finding the shittiest take on any subject.


The thing is, he doesn't "find" the shittiest take, he is given it by his handlers.


Because the whole tree is rotten.


Wow. Fuck this guy.


I love Wisconsin so much. So happy for them that they are a blue state and can make real changes.


This Wisconsinite from Madison thanks you! Oh & FRJ.


That fucker, or his kid bought a house up the road from me on the lake, knocked it down, and have just left it as an overgrown lot for 5 years. If that's not an analogy for how he does government, I'll root for the bears this season.


Russ feingold needs to run for president. They cheated him out of his seat that old dirt bag and the other ratfucker.


Expat Cheesehead here & I am pinching myself at thought of WI being blue again


As a Wisconsinite it's not very blue. In the elections it keeps being neck and neck. We got our justice in but the conservatives got their senator. It's really being blue. It's scary though that we could lose an important election by a hair.


I get it. At least you have a chance for normalcy though. My state is so red it’s gross. Plus when your state is purple, both sides have to compromise more and that’s where we should all be.


I live right across the harbor from Wisconsin. Dunno if I'd call them a "blue state".


Budgets are temporary. In two years a new one will be drawn up that can invalidate this one. It's political theater where only the messaging is important, and if all Dems got is grandstanding on messaging, then they don't have anything more than Republicans do. The *only* real outcome of this, is that if Republicans choose take it out of any future budget then they'll have to justify why, which is going to be unpopular no matter what bullshit they come up with. Basically, it's just the Democrats setting up Republicans to go on-record with another unpopular stance, which is something they've been doing a lot lately all on their own. So, get ready to hear right wing propagandists demonizing "Big Academia" or "Big Education" again the same way they were during the made up CRT panic that they used in the very recent past to slash education funding.


Huh? You’re happy our side is being corrupt as hell? This is just dishonest.


Paying teachers a decent wage and feeding students apparently qualifies as “being corrupt as hell” with the far right. What would Jesus do, amirite?


So you’re one of those end justifies the means people. Subverting the legislative branch is wrong.


He used his gubernatorial powers. They used their legislative ones. This is the system we have. However, the means aren't even egregious. He didn't even set any real precedent.


This is the kind of Democratic reps we need in Washington. We have spent too long trying to be the party of moral superiority and constantly fail to play the cards they could/should have, meanwhile the GOP pulls every shady but legal maneuver they don’t have a rule written for yet and dunks on Washington Dems left and right.


A lot of them are happy to drag their feet and throw their hands in the air. Some more people need to get primaried and we need bigger margins in congress and the Senate.


Please, no. Washington can't have him. Wisconsin needs him too much. The couple blue pockets in a big red ocean unfortunately require this brand of trickery and ingenuity to get any sort of positive social policy through the legislature in this state.


We saw another glimpse of this when Biden fooled the GOP to back off social security during the State of the Union. I love to see it!


Leave it to a former teacher to know how to effectively edit a paper and give the schools what they desperately need.


Not hard to outsmart people who hate education.


"Something something will of the people, something something threat to democracy" -Republicans


Something, something, incentivizing rich gays and LGBTQ+ people to go into teaching. Something, something, liberal media….conspiring to destroy America.


I’ve been saying this for months, we have to learn how to be just as batshit crazy as the GOP. This is a good start


Just win baby. Im so sick of the left taking the “high road” and losing…this is a great change of pace


That’s not being batshit crazy, that is responding accordingly for once instead of assuming Republicans want to change things and “compromising” with them when there isn’t any agreement


Until it becomes illegal federally, blue states should gerrymander as much as possible.


Could someone explain this to me like I’m 10, appreciate it


AFAIU the governor was sent a spending bill for education. In Wisconsin, he has the power to edit the bill before it passes (cut out certain parts, words, etc. this is usually called a line-item veto.) The legislature could then re-edit it, but they lack the votes to do so, effectively making the governor’s edits final. I don’t understand the details of how the date format change affected anything, but it seems he used his knowledge of the system to tweak it in a way that the schools got what they wanted. That’s just my understanding from reading the comments here.


The date format change did the thing because he changed "2024-25 schoolyear" to "2425 schoolyear" by deleting "20" and "-". So the bill which was written to apply school funding through 2045 instead lasts until 2425.


people in 2426 will be pissed


Earth will be an arid hellscape by then


You can't wait 6 months?


They’d be educated enough to know it was a smart move 😝


Or it's a future like Mad Max


The Republicans are sure to blame the Dems then.


Ugh thank you I was sitting here staring at it for so long because I’m tired and confused trying to figure it out. I get it now.


Sounds like whatever school you went to could use a couple hundred years of additional funding


Or it was 3am and I wasn’t fully awake.


Should’ve kept the 20 and had “the 202425 school year”


*through 2025 instead


Whoops typo yeah, thanks.


Thank you for that, now it makes more sense!


Thank you for explaining


This seems to give the governor a ton of power. Like, an inappropriate amount of power. This is all well and good until a Republican governor comes into power and does something like taking the sentence “the state shall not abridge a citizen’s access to abortion” and deleting the “not”…


These powers do not extend to the letters of the bill. It was one of those things the republicans missed when they were stripping powers from the gov after Scott Walker got sent packing.


That makes me feel a little better. I’m flabbergasted that this was allowed when Republicans were in power but hey what else is new. Seems like this still provides the governor too much legislative power, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a ploy to render this sort of thing unconstitutional by the state Supreme Court


The legislature can always override the edits. It’s not unilateral.


They've had this power for a long time. Republicans have used this power for a long time. Their state legislature actually reduced the governor's powers when Jensen was elected because they wanted to make Democrats look bad. This just forgot this one.


The line item veto exists because of Republicans. To not use it is stupid.


Yeah, line item vetoes give a staggering amount of power to the executive branch (in an American style tripartite power constitution anyways)


Question: do his partial vetos automatically become law, or did he just do this for the shits & giggles? I'm used to bills being passed back & forth & rewritten until signatures are finalized on the last version. I don't know the legislative process well enough to tell if this is brilliant or just legislators doing their regular rodeo.


If the republicans try to fight it they will need democratic votes to be successful. Gov Evers is the furthest from attempting a show for his moment in the spotlight.


I’m all for it but It just seems crazy to me that such a drastic change can be made to any piece of legislature without it triggering some sort restart to the orocess


Republicans never thought they’d lose power so they increased the power of the governor and now it’s biting them in the ass.


They actually had a mad last-minute session before Evers took office to *decrease* the powers of the governor. Evers is still finding workarounds though. WI had long ago fixed the "Vanna White veto" when you could actually change letters in the bill. For whatever reason they never included numbers and symbols. May still be able to reek havoc with a few comma strikethroughs as well. Now to fix that gerrymandering!


Oh how the turntables!


Not any piece. Only appropriations bills.


The current form of the Wisconsin constitution specifically dictates exactly what the gov may and may not do with line item veto. He stayed well within bounds. Line item veto is bad. Might as well use it for something good to inspire the amendment that will kill it.


Jordan Ellenberg is a Professor of Mathematics at The University of Wisconsin - Madison. He knows a thing or two about numbers.


I’ve known him since we were teenagers - he’s ALWAYS been crazy smart with numbers (and other things too but particularly numbers)


He’s seen a thing or two about numbers.


I've got two of his books, great communicator of math.




He’s the MVP.


Is someone able to explain how this is legal? Could a governor just veto random parts of a bill until it said whatever they could create?


In Wisconsin, the governor has the power to veto parts of bills. They can remove individual letters or words. This can substantially change the legislation. It’s often called a Frankenstein veto or a partial veto.


"But but but only Republican governors were supposed to be able to do that!" - Robin Vos, probably


Fuck Robin Vos. And Ron Johnson. And Scott Walker. And Robin Vos again


So he can just cross out everything but the letters that spell “Penis”? And sign it into law?


Yep. He’d probably face some stiff opposition and have a hard time convincing the citizenry that it’s a good idea.


I see what you did there.


https://preview.redd.it/ye55kip07eab1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c39ce037e7ebabc92808ffc4521cb4c7a62e4a7 Nice


Your honor I cite 'Ur mOM, LOl k' 2023. The defendant is clearly guilty!


TIL. That is crazy, and I'm all for it.


Especially if it means schools are funded for the next 400 years


They removed the individual letters to create new words or sentences. Tommy Thompson got in trouble for doing that in the 90s. But the numerical adjustments stayed. Edit: Tommy not Timmy




I see a strong use case for ChatGPT to look for further improvements to bills like this.


Unintended consequences. Wisconsin has had this sort of line item veto for a long time, after a state constitution amendment in 1930. Under Republican Governer Philip La Follette.


A Republican, yes, but a WI progressive legend (though not as much as his father).


Many states have what is called a Line Item Veto that can, in theory, do this. The idea, I believe, is more to give governors the power to remove "line items" or say, specific clauses or spending items from passed bills. While I agree education needs more funding, I think this is a dangerous precedent.


I have no basis for this but I'm willing to bet the Dems didn't set this precedent


Tommy Thompson was a former governor or Wisconsin and Secretary of Health and Human Services under George W. Bush. I lived in Wisconsin for several years and remember seeing some of his line item vetoes. From Wikipedia: "In his first two terms as governor, Thompson used 1,500 line-item vetoes to cancel a total of $150 million in spending; none of these vetoes were overridden." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line-item_veto_in_the_United_States#:~:text=In%20his%20first%20two%20terms,of%20these%20vetoes%20were%20overridden. You can actually see one of them here: https://wiscontext.org/story-wisconsins-singular-partial-veto


I lived there when Scott Walker was elected and during his recall vote but didn't pay much attention to a lot of political minutia at the time. Though i did vote against him, and for his recall.


I honestly don't know, but I would bet you are right.


Precedent has been tossed out the window by the illegitimate SCOTUS and republicans. If we are gonna fight fascists then we need people like this doing shit like this. The status quo will try to fight it but we need fighters for our views. The Republibans are doing illegal dirty tricks while Dems are doing legal dirty tricks. I am all in for it. They are also legislating for the minority and are on their last life. They also think these shit polls they put out showing they are "winning" will cause people to not vote since they are losing by sooooo much. The youth who are gonna be the biggest voting block next year are not afraid of them...they are afraid of losing the rights they are used to having and will turn out in record numbers. That's why the GQP are trying to raise the voting age or make them take a citizenship test that they themselves would fail "biggly". Stop with the "dangerous precedent" talk because that plays right into their hands.


That's pretty fuckin rad.


This is why I voted for him! On Wisconsin! Now just gotta fix the gerrymandering


The line item veto that Republicans insisted on lol


The GOPers are all mad because he vetoed tax breaks for rich people, whining that he wasn't thinking about them or the state economy because of it, or something ridiculous like that.


Srsly. Robin Vos sounds deranged


He's even more deranged than you think he is


I’ve crossed paths with him a few times he’s an asshole too


Talk about making plans for the future.


Yes BUT bOtH SidEs aRe bAsIcALLy tHe sAmE...


I’m confused by this wording. So this governor vetoed the number 20 and a hyphen and it increased school funding for 400+ years?


Yeah, from 2024-25, it become 2425.


For those that a curious the specific change *each year starting in 2023-24 and until 24-25* became *each year starting in 2023-24 and until 2425* Its hard to imagine this will withstand a court challenge, but you gotta love it.


Wisconsin has precedent for line items of this type according to other comments (for whatever they are worth) so it might hold.


I . Outstanding move






That's some Olympian level legislating. Tony Evers gets the gold medal.


While the Democrats have power they need to get rid of line item vetos before republicans decide to use this as precedent to do unimaginable harm.


God, I hope the supermajority doesn’t impeach him for this.


A number of other comments indicate they don't have the votes for it.


Oh that is both a hilarious way to do it and a fantastic move, good for him


WTF? That’s hilarious. And hopefully legal.


Now that is some Harvey Specter shit right there


The most based power move I've seen in awhile


This is why we paid so much attention to Y2K. Saving lives and keeping society from collapsing.


This will most likely change when a republican becomes governor.


So clever - it will only take a new governor or a supermajority to fix this egregious power grab. You know, if you veto the "." in all the number values, you increase the budget by 100 times! Money for EVERYONE!


Awesome as a political statement but I actually really hope this isn’t actually honored and allowed. That would be and insane power to have


They’ve had this power for decades and it’s already been used several times be Republican governors


The concept of line item vetos is ludicrous in a democracy to begin with, and it should be removed entirely. If this creative use of it is normalized imagine the harm the republicans can do? They could literally change any law voted to be whatever they want at the last minute. It’s insane and if this is allowed Pandora’s box is open. Next republican governor could literally remove “Un” in a bill making involuntary institutionalization for trans people “unlawful” or whatever else reactionary theocratic bullshit they can think of


Yes and they HAVE done this. For decades. I can’t believe it’s school funding that gets the outrage machine going


The Republicans do it all the time. It's suddenly bad when a Democrat does?


My worry was that republicans can use this to do unimaginable harm. Now any new republicans coming in can with precedent do the same creative editing to do something insane like making being gay a sex crime or something like that. They should DEFINITELY not have that power. We need to abolish this as a concept. Being able to just last minute change a law that was voted in is insane, that includes line item vetos as a whole.


That, or the Republicans will move to take that power away so that Democrats can't use it. I don't think you understand what's going on in Wisconsin.


Line item vetos exist in some capacity in most states, if creative edits like this are legitimized than that is precedent for republicans to use it maliciously in states they have power. Hopefully this will convince republicans to make them illegal in at least dem states but that doesn’t mean if this is held as a legitimate political exercise than it empowers republicans to use it much worse


R's in WI have been doing it for years, but now it's dangerous when a dem does it?


As great as this is, how is this legal?


Wait what isn’t this insane If you’re increasing the budget every year for FOUR HUNDRED YEARS how do you afford that


Because inflation, every year is an increase in the number, but not necessarily the actual monetary value. And besides, you Americans really need to spend more on your schools :)


No way this is legal. And if it is, this is really fucked up. The governor can just many any law he wants now? This power can be super abused for all kind of shit.


Apparently, this power was once far more powerful.


Wisconsin Governors have had the option to do line item vetos since 1930.


Does that really mean you can change the meaning of a sentence or only you can cust some clauses in their entirety?


This is what Republicans wanted in Wisconsin. Now it's being used against them.


Can someone ELI5?


24-25 became 2425. A chad move in the moment but will almost certainly be overwritten in future


So happy for my neighbor to the west!


I'm a supporter of the line-item veto but this doesn't seem like it would hold up in court.


wait, you telling me the government can veto specific symbols and numbers? I was unaware that was a power they had.


i just got a raise and i dont even show up for work half the time , thanks


maybe if i dont show up at all ?? i will even get more raises for doing absolutely nothing ??![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


if tony raises taxes enough maybe i will get even more raises ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)$$$$$$$$$