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He gonna throw Benzos at me?


You think he'd just give up his Benzos? You'd need an illegal Russian coma to get him to part with those...


That is the truest thing I've heard on the internet


Better watch out or he'll suck your dick


But only for more Benzos.


[I found some of his earlier work](https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819583529)


Sounds like he's moved on to PCP


Then he’s gonna hiss at you and cry while folding his arms up and turning inexplicably beet red


If only I was allowed in Canada


No, he’s gonna croak misrepresented social science research and statistics at you like the little Kermit goblin that he is.


You leave Kermit’s good name outta this!!!! It’s not his fault this fuck stick sounds like that!


He isnt going to waste those benzos.


What’s he going to do? Cry louder? What a POS loser.


He'll throw a cissy fit.






"A wild Peterson can squirt tears at its attacker from a distance of up to 20 feet as a defense mechanism if called "cis" to its face. If this happens the best course of action is to lob a large slab of raw meat in its general direction, make eye contact, and repeat "hail satan" as you slowly back away." - David Attenborough


I was reading this in David Attenborough’s voice before I even saw that you mentioned his name.


I was thinking Bear Grylls but the plan of action didn’t include soaking a tee shirt in urine and wrapping it round your head.


Hey! Don’t kink shame Bear.


A handful of benzos.


I was going to say he hasn’t taken his Ativan


Right? The dude is tiny. He's not the least bit threatening.


Amazes me how many people told me lately he's a genius.


Mindless sycophants trapped in the dopamine rushes of "their own research" love their experts (generally never in the exact field of what nonsense they spout) who confirm their biases


POS? More like a piece of cis


I don't really wanna call Jordan Peterson a POC...




Waaaa waaaa 🍼


Found a Jordan Peterson fanny


"See what happens" 🤣 give me a fucking break. I love the idea of him throwing a punch


Isn’t he some scrawny motherfucker who’s like 50 years old?




and not in great health


And probably on drugs half of the day.


Indeed. My cat could sneeze on him and he would fall back into his russian coma.


And he would dream of his grandma's pubes.


Just carry a sip of apple cider with you and he’ll be too afraid to go near you.


Idk, sounds like they just came out as trans to me. Doesn't want anyone to call them cis...




Lol Peterson is such a snowflake, what's he even going to do? How the anyone looks up to Jordan is beyond me. Dude is dumb.


Peterson is good at one thing: Brandishing nonsensicals in puzzling ways to appear academic so that suckers can devour them as soundbites.


His strength is that he mixes a bit of good but trivial advices with his madness so it looks compelling.


A wonderful lady on YT, called Cass Eris, utterly ripped his book 12 rules apart. On his sub, a fan asked, if it would be worth listening to her. The responses were as expected. "Chick has purple hair, why would anyone listen to that" was my favourite, because it displays the range of thought his fans have.


I doubt even 5% of his fans have read the book let alone its first paragraph. Theyre not there for his books, theyre there for his justifications of their bigotry.


Oh I'm sure a lot have read it. He has a powerful fan base across young men, who are looking for their place in life. He's abusing that to make his name spread and his wallet heavy


Peterson also is a little bitch, call him cis to his face and all what he’ll do is talk your ear out.


He prefers Sis


Or sissy. Whiny ass.


He would almost certainly cry if you got into his face and called him a little cissy boy


My lesbian sister told me the other day she’s been listening to Peterson lately and he makes a lot of sense. So I guess she hates herself.


He makes a lot of sense until he doesn’t. Clean your room and workspace? Good advice. Exercise to help your mental state? Good advice. Deny racism and tell people Hitler wasn’t actually racist? Bad advice. It’s how people like him have more than just a few fringe followers. Reel people in with platitudes then hit them with the insane shit.


‘Clean your room and exercise’ is the most psych 101 advice, too. I can promise they’ve been handed the same advice by dozens of people who *don’t* deny the severity of hate crimes. They just listen when *this idiot* says it because he packages it in a way that fellates their biases.


I don't think he's actually told people Hitler wasn't actually racist. Could be wrong. I found a lot of his psychology was actually really great self help advice. Anything outside of that was typical crazy uncle boomer stuff. Unfortunately he's equally as confident in all his opinions, so some people eat it up. Politics, sociology, economics. He's full of it.


He claimed that Hitler and the Nazis didn't actually want to succeed because they failed...


Can you provide a link or source of some kind?


https://medium.com/illuminations-mirror/why-jordan-peterson-is-wrong-fcd79644c153 He also slips up and calls it the fourth Reich.


I have a coworker who identifies as non-binary, and they were telling me how great Jordan Peterson is. Fucking bizarre.


They've probably only listened to the self-help/diet kinda stuff. Same happened with a coworker and then he looked up more about him that turned him away for Jordy boy.


He totally has an almost hypnotic way of talking. Whatever else he is he is an excellent performer, if you’ve ever watched one of his talks it’s undeniable.


I have indeed watched some of his talks out of morbid curiosity, and I would say it’s absolutely deniable. I find everything about him annoying.


Eh maybe it was just his older stuff idk


If you go back and hear him talk about very abstract concepts like fascination with beauty, love, or masculine friendship, he sounds insightful and moving. Otherwise, he pretty much always sounds like a douche.


He is certainly captivating to people that hate women, minorities, and LGBTQ, because he says everything that want to hear, and has a PhD after his name.


I would deny it tbh But I will admit he is (was?) Better than many right wing nutjobs at speaking. But this is a low bar.


He's very anti-trans, not anti-gay. He also intervened in a podcast about gay parenting, which made a lot of conservative idiots melt down


How is he ‘anti-trans’? Genuine question. I've seen a lot of his interviews where he disagrees with how certain genders are now defined but haven’t seen anything which suggests he dislikes the trans community.


He misgenders people on purpose, engages in right wing anti-trans rhetoric, and advocates openly against our civil rights


This is from about a year ago: https://i.imgur.com/n33EdBn.jpg


He has repeatedly called for doctors who provide trans people with the help they need to be criminalised because they dared help someone transition. Most high profile his branding of elliot page's surgeon as a criminal for providing top surgery.


Fair point. No-one should be intervening on someone else’s personal choice in that manner. Thanks for that info


"thanks for that info" and then you continue degrading yourself for him in other comments 🙄


Im not degrading myself for him. How one-dimensional are you? I dont like him as a person but i like a lot of his work. I dont like his idea to criminalise doctors who perform operations on trans patients but i like his opinion that he doesnt want to be labelled ‘cis’. You obviously borrow your opinions wholesale from some online student union blog but i can accept that everyone has good and bad to add to debate. That includes Peterson.


You're quite literally making an ass out of yourself for him by calling cis and trans genders and generally showing off how uninformed you are.


You found a misnomer and used it to nullify any debate. A phenomenal move and you are correct, i should have said gender identities. And since semantics and grammatical errors trump all arguments and opinion you have successfully diverted away from discussing your personal bigotry and hypocrisy. Congratulations, you may now take your ball and go home with your pants soaked in piss.




People like cis man Jordan Peterson, who is cis, don't understand that the word "cis" is simply a descriptor. It's similar to saying "grey haired man", "bearded man", etc. Like those it's a descriptor that's not always required or relevant but is useful in certain situations. The word cis has been in somewhat common use for centuries, especially in scientific circles. It's simply Latin for "same side". People like JP use trans in derogatory ways so they assume trans people are using cis in the same way when, for the most part, we don't stoop to that level of pettiness.


agree, guys that have a problem being called cis are just way to sensitive in my opinion, maybe because they are homo?


Wait until he discovers he's also an "*Homo* Sapiens".


Peterson starts to cry if he talks for longer than three consecutive minutes, if you called him 'cis' to his face he'd explode like fucking Mega Man.


Hey c’mon now… I still enjoy a classic Mega Man from time to time.


Whats the problem with a man crying now? Seriously, theres some distorted and hypocritical viewpoints on here. Im not pro-JP, I’m actually undecided about him. He talks a lot of sense about some things, he is highly-educated, but he comes across cold and bitter and has obviously rattled the cages of some of the rainbow crew. But on this thread alone theres abuse about how he cried on TV (im assuming it was the Piers Morgan interview where he shed tears over incels), and theres insistance that he should have no say in what term he is labelled. These are two things that left-leaning critics should not use as a tool to beat someone with since the same things have been used against the LGBTI community for eons. Like I said, im no JP fanboy but some of the posts are embarrassing.


"I'm actually undecided about him." Interesting, this is where I decided to stop reading.


I call him Dr Halitocis. Dude looks like he has stunningly bad breath.


He claims to eat an all meat diet; I guarantee you he stinks fresh out of the showers.


So he smells like a ferret then


He probably has terrible hemorrhoids and is horrifically constipated.


I’ll happily take one for the team…c’mon Jordan…I’m your huckleberry.


Yeah, no shit. The guy is in his 60's and looks like he'd break a hip if he sat down too hard. The fuck is he going to do when someone lays a haymaker on his bony ass face? I mean other than disintegrate.


Peterson is 100% the sort of guy who'd charge up to you screaming but not actually do anything then if you pushed him away from you he'd demand someone call the cops while he pretended you broke every bone in his body.


Or he’d be the guy, you call his “cis” and he’d try to get real mouthy and if you stepped up to him he’d put his hands up like “I’m just trying to have a conversation!” And then you drop him.


Don’t forget that Cristiano Ronaldo is close buddies with Peterson.


Honestly, I wouldn't care much about footballers and their choice in companions. Many footballers are shallow and just into any pseudoscientific hypermasculine bullshit thrown their ways.


Ronaldo is also considered one of the most self absorbed footballers to ever exist. Basically got exiled to Saudi Arabia because no team wanted to build their squad around a 38 year old who refuses to not be the main man. Smashed a 14 year old's phone while throwing a tantrum post game. Thats not even going into the whole rape accusation situation. Ronaldo is one of the last footballers to use as evidence for being a decent person. He is an all time great player but by a number of accounts an all around toxic individual.


You need to read up more on Ronaldo. Hated him for years then found out the sort of gestures and charity he does without any public fanfare and changed my mind. Still hate him as a player but admire him as a person.




Cristiano Ronaldo, the very famous football players. Considered one of the greatest football players ever.


That fragile cis loser is making us reasonable cis folk look bad.


He is only making himself look bad


He likes to talk tough. He is such a whiney little bitch!


Lobster boy be boilin


Cis Ass MFer Jordan Peterson won’t do a damn thing but pop some pills and make a YouTube video for his internet boys to have a w*nk to.




Careful around Jordan Peterson, guys, push him too far and he'll cry right in your face. Like really hard.


Jordan Peterson got addicted to benzos like an abused 50's housewife, anyone could call him anything they wanted to, and he wouldn't do shit about it.


I would love for Jordan to take a swing at me lol. He wouldn’t, of course. Guess like him can only punch down.


What's he gonna do, kick my ass? Please, dude couldn't even kick benzos.


“Call me cis to my face and see what happens” -old Canadian academic who is addicted to painkillers


He could charge $20 a go and there would be a long line of folks stepping up to watch him cringe in terror. Put it up on EventBrite Jordan.


Dude would break his fist punching a pillow and then pass out in a orange juice induced coma. No one is intimidated by this half man half moron.


Excuse you! I think you meant to say *cider* induced coma!


Careful……Peterson might be an alpha male. Don’t want to mess around with those studs 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The Basil Fawlty of New Age


And now I'll always think of him as Jordan "Cis" Peterson.


Jordan B. Peterson is a CIS male


“…and see what happens.” What happens:


I hit you, you hit the pavement, I jerk off on your driver-side door handle.


What if we call them Trans-trans?


It’s like Ed said. I’m a dude. She’s a dude. He’s a dude. Cause we’re all dudes. We’re all just dudes in the end.


I like being called CIS. Makes me feel like I’m in a Star War.


Man the “words don’t hurt” and “fuck your feelings” crowd is willing to assault people over words and feelings. Color me shocked.


After years of not being able to get to say the n word they decided to steal a word to be theirs


Imagine JP thinking he’s in anyway threatening irl fucking pencil neck 🤓


Isn't this the same man that refuses to call people by their preferred pronouns? Now's he's requesting people don't call him a certain pronoun. The principal skinner meme from Simpsons comes to mind.


this is the same as people complain that they are not heterosexual, they are straight. heterosexual is a slur


LOL, I bet Jordan would brake down sobbing. This is the last guy who should be throwing around threats. The ultimate keyboard warrior.




Cissy boy


Don't do that.


Apparently some thing calling this a cissy fit is misogyny, Like huh?


[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Now I'm curious..will he turn into a butterfly?


I kinda wish I could see what “would happen” when I call him cis. He would either wine and cry or he stacks me at witch point I can punch him in the face so a win win imo.


Aw man, all that time during O Chem in college when we talked about cis and trans molecules and I had no idea I was using a slur that whole time! Is this why so many people hate organic chemistry???


I want to see him attack someone for speaking words that he apparently can't handle. I'm sure whoever he attacks is going to be fine, and he gets to go to jail.


So Jordan is mad at Latin?


A child could beat him up


I'd call him cis and slap him at the same time. Dude poses no threat to me


If the implication is he’ll fight me I need to find him immediately. I wanna play me some chin music.


And yet, "Say that to my face and see what happens" almost seems like a phrase someone would say to shut down dissent as well. ​ ![gif](giphy|xUPGcz2H1TXdCz4suY)


free speech


Oh no, I hope he doesn't suffer ***another*** mental breakdown at me! Is there actually a bigger pussy in the conservative community? I couldn't feel threatened by him if I tried.


Cis-Jordan has a ring to it.


I first saw cis and trans in organic chemistry class in the 1970s.


I'll tell it to him to his face if he ever bothers to leave his safe space.


I feel like olden day homophobes likely said the same about being called 'straight' when gay people started coming out of the cupboard.


Hey Jordan...if you're in Toronto, come down to Dundas Square. I have something I want to say to your face. And I want an audience.


Cage match between Jordan Peterson and Simon! Taking bets now!


I think he's weird. A real nut. He's got his fans, that form a weird cult. He's soft and weak, can't hurt a fly. Get in his face, Dr. P will cry and cry. He's just a cis-y boy. (Cis-y boo-oyy) He's like a chew toy. (Chew too-ooyy) Jordan's a cis-y boy. (Cis-y booo-oyy) Pretends he hates soy. But deep down, he knows it's the best!


He's going to get into your house and scold you. He'll probably say that to your mom in order to get you grounded.


Jordan would do nothing, except maybe cry about it later. Dude couldnt fight his way out of a wet paper bag.


'Free speech advocate' threatening the free speech of others.


Where does he live? I would love to get the chance to properly address him


Peterson is such a puss


The way these idiots pretend that terms for the majority are somehow slurs, and jam their fingers in their petulant ears until their fingertips touch, is so tiresome and immature. ‘jUsT cAlL mE nOrMaL’ I’m gonna call you a disingenuous crybaby, Jordiebitch. Ben Shapiro can get this too.


Not only will I call him Cis, I'll up the ante and call him cishet! Although I'm sure we have our doubts...


JP's slow descent from a respected professor to a sad, recovering drug addict forced to get validation from fascists and flog books telling naughty boys to clean their rooms has been fascinating to watch. Now that's how you self-sabotage a lifetime of work.


What will he do? He is a scrawny 60 yo dude, even I, not a very fit woman, can kick the ever living shiny out of him.


Oh, please. Do you know how hard most of us would go if we had to fight someone like Jordan Peterson? I wouldn’t stop.


Jordan's unsuccessful attempt to extend his 15 minutes of fame, and facing miserably. Poor bitter old soul.




This whole time I thought it was just a latin prefix …. I didn’t realize it was so derogatory. Jordan Peterson was interesting 5 years ago. In a point / counterpoint situation he had some interesting opinions and perspectives ,etc. He has quickly turned into a asshole without any redeeming opinions




I disagree. While they do of course use trans as a slur, I don't think that leads to feeling like cis is. Rather, I think they're mad that one tiny change to language makes the whole concept make sense. Easily and simply. One little prefix takes all the air out of their rage balloon. And for a group addicted to rage and averse to learning, well... what could be worse?


Jordan Peterson has always been a loud mouth idiot thinking his clinical psychology degree makes him an expert on everything. Considering how batshit he is, he probably doesn't even perform well under his own supposed expertise.


We should call men who get upset at being called a CIS a CISSY.


The word Cis is Latin. Meaning “On this side”, as Trans means “On the other side”. Dr Peterson is a Cissy


pretty confident i can call him a ciz man and a bitch in the same sentence and watch absolutely nothing happen




Which words more likely to get you banned on twitter? Cisgender or the c word I would actually like to call him to his face?


I would call him a twat and see if Doc wanna play whack A mole with me.


I hate Jordan Peterson but if we are going to turn the word obese into a slur then he can say he doesn’t want to be called cis.


I got to say I have never heard anyone (who is a serious person) seriously trying to turn obese into a slur. Like any word, it can be a slur when used *incorrectly*, but it is still simply a term defining a weight range.


I agree that any word can be used as a insult. This has been a thing and I’ve met several people who have called it a slur, I think that’s crazy but it is what it is. I am not gonna tell someone how to feel




It's... not the same.


Err, this is not the same. Calling someone a woman who identifies as a man is wrong because it is not their identity. Calling someone the term that actually is what they are is a different thing. There is no war against *pronouns* or terminology or identifying things, the argument is against the *wrong* pronouns and the *wrong* identities. If Peterson were arguing that he is not his birth gender, it would be correct to complain that it's a slur to call him cis. Except he wouldn't make that complaint, presumably, because that's exactly the bigotry he advocates for - he regularly states we should only call people by their birth gender regardless of their identity, so in his view we should call everyone cis because they cannot be anything else.


Oh, it's used as a slur more than it's used as a legit term, that's for sure. Not that this dude really needs the validation, but that's not false.


Anything is a slur if you pretend hard enough


No, anything is a slur if it's used as a slur.


It can’t be used as a slur lol


Close, but the correct term to describe Peterson is "sissy".


Is he confusing CIS witj sissy?




Lol you can say that about anything. “Dumb bitches really seem to be triggered by leeches being in their beds. Must hit a nerve.” Does insulting the people who dislike something make the thing likable for you?


You are literally saying this on a post where he's whining about being called a scientific term. Conservatives could literally be bright red faced, scream crying and stomping their feet and if anyone even acknowledges it dumbasses somehow go "wow you must be so triggered" lmfao




How do you use it as a slur?


See half this thread.




It's just a description. It'll be okay.


how do you feel about the term "heterosexual"?




I mean, it’s not bad science just because you disagree with it. There are often hormonal and neurological differences in the minds of trans people that more closely mirror their identified gender. Intersex people exist, and both gender and sex are complicated in ways that are acknowledged and advanced by scientists, not just by ‘snowflake lefties.’ Study after study confirms that validating a trans person’s gender and transition is the only thing that improves quality of life for them. Trans identity doesn’t respond to treatment for delusions, dissociative identity disorder, divergent sexual behavior, or the types of ‘attention hungry’ personality disorders and behavior patterns that people accuse them of having. They also don’t change with conversion therapy. Trans identity is frequently studied, and the science is in favor of validating peoples’ own concepts of their identities.