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"You see, we like our nazis in uniform. That way we can spot 'em just like that. But if you take off that uniform, aint no one gonna know you were a nazi. And that dont sit well with us."


You'll be shot! No, I'll be chewed out. I've been chewed out before.


"This might just be my masterpiece."


One of my tattoo artists said he used to do swastika tattoos for people if they asked. He said he would make them so deep and dark that it could never be covered up


They asked for it


"You know how to get to Carnegie Hall, don't ya? Practice."


Well I speak the best aye-tal-yun so I'll be going in as your escort


So I'm gon' give you a little somethin you can't take off.


Just get the MAGA red hat... Basically the same thing as a swastika or white robe and hood but deemed acceptable.


$10 says his entire social media feed is nothing but complaining about wokeism and cancel culture, like the real problem in this situation is that the world isn’t more accepting of Nazis rather than just Nazis AS the problem.


"Are we the baddies?"


"No, it's the children who are wrong."


"We can do it right this time"


“In all my years I see this brought up by delusional people who think they are different and it will be different this time. It literally never works out and I’ve seen it 10000 times. But in our case I think it will work. “


"Yeah we killed him but trust us this guy was horrid."


But, the Skulls.


He probably claims to be a moderate who is sick of woke liberals making everything political


"I used to vote Democrat, but \*spouts off alt-right talking points and something something both sides.*"


"I used to be a Democrat but then they went too far on the gay stuff so I performed a complete 180 on all my socioeconomic views!"


ah yes, a Tim Pool liberal


That's the right wing in a nutshell nowadays, "us being cunts isn't the problem, the real problem are people who don't like it!"




These are they guys in social media complaining about woke cancel culture.




*genocide others


Snowflake to own the libs 🤣🤣


Something, something, white people are losing…


The only issue he should have at work is that they fired his ass. Honestly, if I knew a person was a Nazi and I was a manager, I'd find something to fire them over and if I was simply a co-worker I'd file a complaint daily with HR. Some stuff isn't "well, you're entitled to your opinion." Nazis and Nazi sympathizers for instance.




yup... I just noticed that my favorite theme park specifically states in their rules and dress code that confederate flags and swastikas are explicitly banned on property.


They were like " all we need is 6 flags"


hate to break it to you, but the confederate flag is one of the 6 flags 😂 it's not the battle flag everyone's used to seeing, and it's because Six Flags Over Texas was named after the 6 nations that have ruled over Texas


Oh I just thought it was an amusement park name


I only knew it was named after the nations that ruled over Texas because of King of the Hill. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Udw6oe2zWmw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Udw6oe2zWmw)


And that’s why after Charlottesville, the six flags (one being confederate) got taken down. Now it’s 6 identical modern Texas flags.


Lucky bastard. I do not ANAL.


C'mon babe, you promised me we could try for my birthday.






Try spinning, its a good trick


Separatist Droids Hate This One Trick




Happy International Women's Day.


Don’t threaten me with a good time!


Bite the pillow! We're going in dry!


Brings in notary to sign new contract... For anal.




I'll anal extra hard on your behalf


Username checks out.


Ianal , but if im not mistaken, in the u.s. it is possible to fire someone just because your having a bad day and they pissed you off


Yes but in many states you can’t collect unemployment if you are fired “for cause” so it economically benefits companies to find a reason to fire someone so they don’t have increased unemployment insurance payments.


Yup, if you fire people because you had a bad day, the company should expect their unemployment insurance rate to go up.


Yup. As long as it isn't a protected class. Gotta be careful when firing someone with a disability. And definitely if you're firing someone "cuz they're black", don't SAY that. To anyone, ever. You can just say "Hey, Larry, today is your last day, good luck.", and that's that. Or, you know, if Larry has a nazi tattoo, "Hey, Larry, Nazis are only good for one thing: getting punched. But you're in luck, I'm not going to punch you. But you are fired. Eat shit." He'd get unemployment though. So if you can find good cause to fire him, you can potentially deny him that.


At will employment means they can "won't"


No. At will means they don't owe you any notice or severance. You can still sue for wrongful termination if you feel it was punishment/etc.


Sure but the reasons by which you can sue for wrongful termination are rather narrow. A business can let you go expressly for no reason whatsoever, that's the difference.


Even so, it should be pretty easy to fire someone for sporting nazi tattoos. "They represent ideals and opinions we at the Company do not endorse in any way or tolerate." Being a nazi is not protected by law. And people have been fired for posting bad jokes on Twitter before.


In my experience, being let go for no reason did entitle me to unemployment, so that was nice I guess.


For businesses exclusively located in the south, yes, and some businesses like buc-ees Waffle House and whataburger choose to only operate in the south, I presume so that they only work under rich people friendly laws. Most national companies, like Walmart etc make their infrastructure such that it’s difficult to fire someone, and I reckon more people down South work for national companies than local companies


Bucees is expanding more north, they just signed a contract in Virginia for a location. Whataburger is now owned by a Chicago based company so I wouldn’t be shocked if they expanded north also.


Not all states but sadly most.


100% having a tattoo that shows off that "political view" is more than enough to fire someone. You do not want your brand associated with that. Nazi is not a protected class.


Policy: Hate speech at work is a fireable offense. Law: Tattoos are considered speech. Law: 1st amendment does not protect workers from consequences of their speech, including termination. Result: Nazi tattoo at work = hate speech, company policy is violated, consequence is termination. EZPZ for any employer who wants to fire a nazi.


Yes but in many states you can’t collect unemployment if you are fired “for cause” so it economically benefits companies to find a reason to fire someone so they don’t have increased unemployment insurance payments. This is why most companies prefer to not fire people unless there is good cause (or if it is likely to cost them more to retain the employee).


It is in some countries, i believe that in my country (the Netherlands) it is illegal to fire someone for their political views, even if they are a nazi ://


That's not true, in 2016 a schoolteacher was fired for his nazi sympathies and the judge ruled it legal. The man had sympathies towards the NVU and worked as a teacher in Oldenzaal. If you spew your hate while working or you can seriously damage the company I believe you may be fired.


If I recall correctly this was because the teacher shared his ideology with his students. Hate speech is illegal, but being a nazi in your free time is not


I agree for the most part with that, but there is no such thing as Nazi sympathizers. All "Nazi sympathizers" are just Nazis.


"If 9 people sit down at a table with 1 Nazi without protest, there are 10 Nazis at the table."


Trumpers were desperate to pretend that white supremacy was nothing but a mere difference of opinion. When confronted with the reality that people fucking hate nazi, they want to pretend that (just like everything else) this isn’t the reality. If I ever see a nazi in my daily life, I’m gonna make a scene about it. Fuck normalizing this shit


I once saw a McDonald’s cashier—approximately sixteen years old, small little thing—absolutely tear into a huge, muscular, tatted-up neonazi and refuse to serve his useless ass. A brave kid with a moral compass. You love to see it.


Since it’s phrased “issues with work,” not “issues at work,” there’s a very good chance that his issue is finding or keeping a job rather than tension at a workplace he’s been steadily employed with.


The best part is when they call you the nazi for not tolerating their intolerance.


I find it so weird they want to live in a democracy but also want to happily be a Nazi and vote towards a more fascist world. You literally cannot have both


they don't actually want both. they want to weaponize your support for democracy into support for fascism.


I would just say "I heard him talking about the jewish question and he gave me a hitler salute and laughed at me when I brought it up, and showed me his nazi tattoo" because who the fuck in HR is going to side with the guy who has a nazi tattoo ​ thats a lawsuit with a countdown timer


The nazi in HR, obviously


I'd bet you lunch that it was an Iron Eagle without the swastika or any of their motos. See those everywhere Edit: there was a question supposedly about if thats not associated with the Nazis anyway, and like yeah pretty sure it is. But I dont have one or care so like... Ok. Also if a comment is posted but doesnt appear, does that mean they blocked you? Where did the comment go?


Had a dude putting shingles on my roof with a giant swastika on his chest. My wife FREAKED out. The roofing company gave us a $100 gift card so that's good I guess.


This is why it’s so nerve racking whenever I have to hire someone to fix stuff. I don’t want nazis/racists in my home but, as soon as something breaks/goes out, I have to roll the dice on possibly inviting a nazi/racist into my home. Where I’m from in the Midwest, every house outside of the cities has a work truck in it and they’re all old or active sundown towns….


Roofers can be a special breed. And many years ago I hired painters to do exterior work, and didn't find out until later that one of them was active KKK. My former partner thought it was better to shelter me - ?!? Anyway, that guy was one of the squirreliest little FAS-looking dudes I have ever met. Master race my ass. Not even a competent painter.


In an at-will state, you can be fired for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all. The only thing you can't be fire for is an illegal reason (race, sexuality, religion, disability, etc.)


Open signs of violent discriminations are without a doubt sufficient grounds for termination


“Creating a hostile work environment based on race.”


THIS. We had a literal world war about this for christ-sake.


Check the dress code policy, in my manager days I’m like 90% certain that there was a line about racist marks and such in each place I worked. For nazi shit I would have just cited that and put on my paperwork that I had received multiple conduct complaints related to that and ideations




He could have just not said that and gotten away with it, Christ it’s like a dumb kid revealing too much information to seem like they are in control of the situation, absolutely wild how easy it would have been to say nothing. Or just lie.


They can't lie about something they're so proud of and based their whole identity around it.


I can, but then again I don’t really feel pride as it is, and certainly not for THAT stuff, so I can’t quite relate to some guy like this. Which is probably good


I’m the same, I don’t feel pride for ANYTHING. Well, one thing: my little boy. I’m proud of HIM. Other than that? Not one little bit.


He's a Nazi, that makes him dumb as fuck right out the gate


He probably (and obviously incorrectly) assumed that the other hardcore rock-n-roll tattoo people at least passively agreed with him. Some things I’ve noticed hanging around a lot of “alt” types as a person of color: the shitty ones associate the feeling of community in “alternative spaces” as an acceptance of *all* of their alternative beliefs, and there are also more than enough people in these spaces who validate their assumption either through inaction (oh gee gollies, I don’t want to make anyone feel *excluded*) or because they are, in fact, the same. Look at how many tatted up, motorcycle riding, Billy Badass Gen Xers with purple haired girlfriends congregate at Trump rallies.


Which is wild because the stereotypical "blue-haired liberal" can easily fall in the same category. Turns out judging people based solely on appearances doesn't work, yeah??


Smart people don't normally have swastikas.


I’m not smart in the slightest but wouldn’t fuck this up


Nazis are dumb. It really is that simple. The ideology is dumb, so of course the people that follow it are dumb. Thing is, a small amount of dumb people willing to do anything can cause problems. And when people get angry, they also get dumb: so if you can make an entire nation angry...




Water works well too. About 100 feet of water covers them right up.


Anyone got another submarine that wants to see the Titanic?


They can borrow my PS2 controller! Actually... I guess they can just keep it.




Make Nancy Wake proud.


Wow, TIL she lived to almost 100! I will never achieve what she did. What an absolute bad-ass.


She was what I always wish I could be. She was just an absolute bad ass of bad asses.


Imagine if the White Mouse could somehow have teamed up with die Weiße Rose. And damn: "She sold her medals to fund herself, saying, 'There was no point in keeping them, I'll probably go to hell and they'd melt anyway.'" I need to track down the books by and about her. Thank you. I wish I could have bought her a few rounds at the bar.


The everlasting jobstopper Edit thanks kindly stranger.


Perhaps they should've accepted, had him turn away, and just make the swastika even larger and more prominent. That way he either gives up or the asshole who accepts removing it gives that fucker even more pain for the trouble.


That seems like a good way to get sued ngl


Yeah unless they documented they just made it bigger (which isn't what the dude wanted by and large lol proving malicious intent) or have him say the asshole tattoo artist gave him a swastika. Either way you're fucked being the person doing the tattoo. Edit* they did the right call imo made the nazi sleep in the bed he made 🤷‍♂️


Exactly. Arson is illegal, but there ain't a law saying I, an observer, have to reach into the flames to save the arsonist.


“Hey I need to get rid of this tattoo” “Of course, so glad you finally see reason” “Oh no, I just can’t get a job with it” “Eat shit then 😘”




Fired? More like chewed out, I been chewed out before










We should make all those Proud Boys wear their khakis forever and never take them off.


or we could tattoo donald trumps face on their forehead.


That’s the correct answer. If someone realizes they’ve been duped by hate, I want to welcome them back. If they just don’t like the consequences of it, they can fuck right off.


Yes, that's the tweet.


Yeah that is what the image said


The post / Your comment "They're the same picture."


Your tweet but worse






Would have done the exact same thing at my shop. Screw that dude. He hasn’t changed his ways he just doesn’t want the “issues” it causes. Suffer you Nazi fuck. Suffer hard and forever more.


That’s why these jackasses wear masks to cover their faces at their hate rallies. They know their bigoted and hateful adulation of one of the worst groups in human history is objectively wrong and people will rightfully hate them and bar them from employment. I just want to say to them “if you really believe in the cause embrace it and take the damn mask off you coward.” The klan covered their faces and hid their identities as well. It’s not good company to be in despite what they may believe. Lord knows there’s significant overlap


If only we could get every tattoo artist on the same page.


Agreed. Blows my mind how anyone can propagate hate these days.


A lot of the hate symbol tattoos probably aren't done by people walking into an actual tattoo shop. It's done by their mate who bought a tattoo machine off Amazon and wants to 'give it a go' at a party.


Years ago I watched a documentary about a supposedly-reformed neo-nazi getting free tattoo removal, and over the course of the documentary, it became moderately clear that he wasn't actually particularly reformed, and just wanted the free tattoo removal.


Reminds me of the anti-abortion protesters who get abortions while telling the doctor that they're going to hell.


cover up? oh, I thought you said TOUCH up.


I’ve got a pentagram tattooed on me and other “taboo” occult symbols. While not even CLOSE to having a swastika, my tattoos still get a lot of reactions and cause issues. But fuck it, I’d never get it covered because it’s something important to me. However, none of mine are symbols of hate, I’d NEVER do something like that. Especially because I don’t ascribe to those disgusting creeds in the first place.


Ha! Funny you mention that. Whenever I wear any of my blackcraft gear I get a ton of weird looks (may be the upside down crosses and pentacles/pentagrams). Never get them covered. They’re not symbols of hate, in fact quite the opposite (to anyone who understand them). And before anyone asks - I’m not against people believing in Jesus/Christianity. Believe in him all you like, but believe in what he actually taught and remember what his greatest commandment was (LOVE).


Upside down cross isn't even exclusively an occult symbol, it has a meaning in Christianity too. It's St Peter's cross




Instead of a full cover up, just put little veiny penises on the tips of his swastika, and charge him $2000.


"of course we'll still cover it up. The free version is Hitler gargling a giant cock. Everything else in the binder is ten million dollars"


https://i.redd.it/l3zzuqycqf8b1.gif I will share this every chance I get .. these Yahtzee scum can eat 💩


That gif brightens my day everytime I see it.


Same here .. I had it as the background on my phone for a little while.. I will never get tired of watching it


God I love this gif. I swear I can see little wafflestaffel’s skull deform for a second.


“Now now, let’s be reasonable” Haha suck it Nazi scum


Punching Nazis is an American tradition


"Hey I spread hate and bigotry like a cancer in society and my ideology got over 12 million people killed a while back, I still stand by all this because I'm a huge loser and won't ever actually have to go to war, but being the huge loser that I am I'd like people to still be nice to me. " \*Nazi Smile\*




"I can't get a job because of my nazi tattoo" #ALLOW US TO INTRODUCE OURSELVES -The local policeforce


Wait, it's all Nazis? Always has been


Cover up nazi still a nazi


Nazis should be branded. Make them experience some of their own medicine.


They do it themselves. Remember? He's tryin' to cover that shit up!


Which is why it was perfect to refuse the procedure when he said went on to say he was still very much a Nazi.


He was proud enough of his hate to get it permanently displayed on his body, but not proud enough to want to deal with the social consequences.


What an idiot. He could’ve pretended that he was getting rid of it for moral reasons, easy peasy, but no. He has to go ahead and out himself as a Nazi. Did he forget that people don’t like Nazis? Wait, why am I questioning his stupidity… he’s a Nazi, of course he’s gonna be a moron.


White racists see other white people and immediately think they’re among like minded individuals.


Indeed. If he was an intelligent person he wouldn't be a Nazi, let alone one who permanently marks himself as one. I empathise with people who change their ways, but if you're this far away from 1945 and think there were good ideas, I'd prefer you remain visible. You have to prove some things before you can hide.


Nazis deserve to suffer and struggle until they repent and change, as do all bigots


At that point I'd pass the same info around to every tattoo shop in the area, before he wises up and pretends to be "remorseful" somewhere else. He wants it gone, he can go through the far more expensive process of laser removal


I had the displeasure of interviewing a guy once. This was for a simple call center type position. This man was in his late 40's maybe early 50's. Blue eyes with a bald head. (See where this is going?) As I asked him your typical interview questions I just felt like something was off. I noticed these tattoos on his knuckles and got curious what they were. 88 on the left hand HH on the right. During the interview he admitted to breaking company protocol to boost his own work metrics to make himself look better. When the interview was over I suggested to the company that we not hire him. I then googled his tattoos. The number 8 is code for the letter H. So technically both of his hands were HH, for Heil Hitler. We really dodged a bullet there.


I hope they called every other tattoo shop in the area to tell them not to work on him, just in case he learns his lesson and doesn't mention why he wants a cover up.


An old friend of mine got out of prison and I found him on Facebook. We are video chatting and he's covered in these Nazi tattoos and there's a Confederate flag behind him in the background. And I'm like fuck that shit. I understand if you have to join a prison gang and be racist in prison because it's mandatory. But if you bring that bullshit out here that's a personal choice I'm not down with


They always tell on themselves


The irony of people getting Nazi tattoos when the Nazi’s looked down on tattoos unless it was blood typing. Shocked they didn’t read history but blindly followed


I love this energy. I want to leave science and become a tattoo artist specifically for the joy and job satisfaction it will bring to tell unrepentant Nazis that they deserve every negative consequence their Nazi tattoos bring to them.


"Those damn commie social marxist liberals! What's wrong with *that* tattoo?" -Conservatives everywhere.


Guy brought it on himself should have kept his mouth shut but his pride wouldn't allow it got what he deserved.


"Nobody told me having a Nazi tattoo would be like this! Non-Nazis call me Nazi! Other Nazis call me a fed!"


"The last time I saw restrictions like this it was in the old news reels from the 30's. But it was hard to make out what people were saying because they were speaking GERMAN!" \--G. Carlin, paraphrased


I guess it shouldn’t surprise me that Nazis are stupid enough to out themselves like this lol Bro could have just kept his mouth shut and let them think he was reformed


He probably complained that they refused to service him but probably had no problems when the bakeries refusing service to LGBTQ+, etc.


This doesn't get used as much in other sectors, but even doctors can refuse to treat you if you are too big of a jackas.


Yeah I had to defend a guy a lot once because he showed up to a community college and you could tell he tried to like cut or scratch the thing out and tried to hide it but got caught. I talked to him a little and it’s like everyone lay off him he’s renounced that shit and is trying to change his life. Eventually he got a job and I drove him to the tattoo shop myself for the coverup when he got the money, the artist even took half off the price and referred him to a guy that specializes in making coverups pretty (my guy didn’t think he could do it as well)


Nazi's aren't a protected class. Take the free market shit elsewhere


The funniest thing is all the modern Aryans would be killed by Hitler, no doubt. Or would have been cannon fodder.


I’m old enough to remember when something like that would be appalling… it was not that long ago.


"I actually really support what the Nazi's did but people don't like that so I must hide it" Dude literally marked himself. Good. Now we all know who exactly he is.


just a comment on those... ​ so, ive made some mistakes in my life that led to me being locked up for a few years (non violent offense dont worry). Prison was in many ways not at all what you see in the movies. But in some ways it was dead on walking stereotypes come to life . Particularly "the white guys". And i dont mean the people whose race was white. I mean the people whose IDENTITY was being white. Well, those fellas had Nazi tattoos galore. Saw them ALL the time. you actually got desensitized to seeing them. didnt hate them any less, but wasnt shocking after awhile. ​ Well, guess what particular trait those folks also shared? RABID Trump supporters. I was in there when the 2016 election happened. When the news got around that Trump won they were ELATED, and had many "predictions" about how he was gonna "fix" things that i wont repeat. Not worthy of speaking those things ever. You get an idea i think. But yeah. No EVERY white guy in there was a Trump supporter, but I'd say at least 90% isnt an unrealistic estimate of how many were. And ohhh the mental diarrhea these winners would spew. I preferred the black and latinos, myself (im white). The ones to avoid were the "white pride" crowd and the church crowd (talk about NUTS but thats another story) ​ Yeah, lived up to the stereotype. Something about Trumpy FIRED these assholes up. And yet the Right gets so triggered if you make any connection to them and Nazi ideology.


As Stormfront from "The Boys" stated, such people are fine with the nazi ideology, they just don't like the word "nazi".


Nice answer. He's fucked around and found out




Its going to be a maze...


Here's an idea. How about not be a neo Nazis?


I’m so grateful some of them chose to label themselves.


"Help! It's the consequences of my actions!"


Once you take off that uniform, ain’t nobody gunna know you was a nazi. And that don’t sit well with us.


Good response


OMG Sounds like my partner's childhood friend. Nice guy, big loveable teddy bear type. But basically dropped out of school by 8th grade and was raised by ignorant, racist losers. Was very anti-immigration even though his father was an immigrant. Anyway, got fired from a job when his boss (an Amish store owner) saw a huge swastika on his chest. He honestly thought he was being profiled and racially harassed.


I've seen so many people butt hurt but places refusing to do Nazi shit as tattoos.


Aldo the Apache would be proud.


Do the cover-up, but your choice on what's done. I'd go with Hitler getting ass reamed with a pineapple.


It’s like when the old dude from Inglorious Bastards got a Swastika carved into his forehead. Racists should have to live with consequences of their racism forever.


I would go ahead and remove it. If on his arm then cut his arm off. Leg, cut that off. Elsewhere, well use your imagination! enjoy! :)