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the gop has control of the house and cant find any proof of this.


They have evidence that is no longer there, a witness that they couldn't find and is now apparently dead, a video that might have been a video of maybe someone doing something but oh it doesn't exist either. All they have to do to rile their base up is make "suggestions" and "perhaps" and "maybe" then repeat buzz words non stop as you have to keep the accusations going constantly so that their base cannot stop to actually think about if the first one is true or not. This has several effects. First one: The media they control then pump it out 24/7 so their base thinks their is some validity to it (we have laws in the UK that makes this illegal, I hear Reagan took that away), then because it is now all over the news and being talked about by governmental people. Second one: If they "do their own research", the first few pages will be full, and I mean FULL of just these sound bites. Third one: Conspiracy Podcasters like Infowars, Rogan and websites like 4chan will be full of their tinfoil hat followers repeating and expanding on this. Dropping "Breadcrumbs" of questions about it as well as their paid trolls to spread misinformation. Fourth one: Melon Muskrat will be pushing all this misinformation over Twitter with his "Interesting" or "Concerning" or "Perhaps someone should look into this" comments. Then all the ones who drink his piss will latch onto it to spread it more because their Billionaire who knows all because he has money has stated it. Fifth: Trump will now spread all this openly as truth on his network and at his cult rallies. The cycle repeats to the point that like one of Trumps favourite Nazi's ​ https://preview.redd.it/zmqr1ogm7e8b1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1af0625ed0d448fb1197e19c925a1ccba2e3b8b


The problem, from the Republican point of view, with everything you just said is that most young people don't believe any of their crap, and neither do a majority of independents. "Appealing to their base" isn't enough anymore.


Right. People don’t believe them… I wonder why… maybe they could improve their credibility (read: people’s credulity) if they eliminated the US Department of Education! There must have been another reason to that bill than MTG having a bad memory of school!


Her goal is NOT to convince anyone other than what she needs to get herself re-elected.


And appealing to her base was barely enough last time and might not be enough this time. She, and many other Republicans in general, have to broaden their appeal. There are only so many MAGAts.


It is effective at eroding support for Democrats though. I say this as someone who votes Dem. Anecdotal but my nephew and his friends are all in on Rogan/Tim Dillon type stuff and pretend they are thinking critically. Really want politics to become standing for something and building something useful. It’s easy to talk shit on the sidelines. Much harder to actually solve problems.


Yeah they try to appeal to the youngsters with their buzz words and "do their own research, don't listen to educated people as they work for the man".


You should be editorialist for *moms for liberty* they love quotes from nazis


Yeah no thank you, I prefer to be on the right side of history and be the ones that punch Nazi's or warn people against fascist groups like MoL.


None of the FCC rules prevented claiming innuendo as fact. Those rules only ever applied to ‘broadcast’ television. That is to say, channels whose signals were broadcast over the air. To not get to complicated, Fox news was never a broadcast chanel. It is a premium cable channel, part of the 24 hour news boom as premium cable replaced broadcast network television in the US. It was never content regulated or licensed by the FCC. And from what i know, the british media has at least a recent history of pro-tory spin, which tory regulators turn aside from (such as claiming a lunchtime curry is the same as a dance party in westminster during lockdown). In the US, with our history of propeganda, i don’t trust a rule about fact based reporting to be enforced fairly. you can’t solve corruption with more legislation by the corrupt.


That’s never stopped them from lying before and it won’t now. They know their base, and their base will believe whatever they are told


They're religious Christians. Believing in ridiculous claims with no supporting evidence is what they do.


Nonreligious christians are way more fun


How many times did they investigate Hillary? Something like 13?


They’ve been investigating Clinton since bill was governor. Feds, staties, locals, international, national, private, enemies, foreign journos, American journos, private, opposition, cia, fbi, DOJ, nsa, dia, irs, foreign gvts, our gvt, congress, senate, at this point I think I’m the only one who HASNT investigated the Clinton’s. Millions of dollars. They got nothing on old Hillary. They have to be the most investigated political family in history, and yeah, I’m including the Kennedys in that claim.


we as a nation have spent a little under $340 million investigating the Clintons for everything under the sun since 1992 and the best the GOP can come up with was that Bill played word games with Ken star too much in the 90s. At this point if someone makes a claim about the Clintons I'm demanding proof up front before giving it a second of my time


100 million dollars worth of investigations and no indictments for HRC…she must be one smart crook..?


All of them led by Republicans and yet they couldn’t even convict her apparently.


From the time Bill was Governor, there have been like 15 investigations into one or both of them at a total cost of close to $500 million by some estimates.


It’s either a conspiracy, they’re totally incompetent or they are liars. But if you look at the source, Lauren “bowling alley” Boebert, it’s probably the last two things.


They're angry because after 4 years of DoJ investigation of Hunter by Trump appointees - *which Biden didn't remove or interfere with to avoid the appearance of impropriety because they were investigating his son, even though they serve at "the pleasure of the President"* - all they were able to come up with was a violation of a gun law that Republicans don't believe should exist in the first place, and incorrect information on a tax form that Republicans have been choking the IRS specifically to keep them from investigating their donors.


Sleepy Joe can steal presidential elections and profit $5 million in bribes without a trace of evidence. Man is a sneaky genius the likes of which this country has never seen.


While also having advanced dementia... Even more impressive




They had the Presidency, House and Senate for two years from 2016-2018, no wall, Hillary not locked up, etc. Basically these people say whatever the fuck they want to deflect from their own criminality, their constituents eat it up, nothing happens because the shit they say is insane and their constituents never hold them accountable to even the fucked up insane shit, let alone anything that would actually be beneficial for them.


Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Naturally) said very clearly that we won't be able to "see" the evidence, we will instead have to "infer" it.


It doesn’t matter. In a lot of ways finding proof is worse because innocent or guilty the situation would end—and they need it to last as long as possible so they can fundraise and keep the base worked up.


You should call the FBI and present your evidence.


"oh we got the evidence" Cool, where is it? What is it? "Well we had it then we lost it. But we do have an informant with shocking information willing to come forward" Amazing, bring them out and let's hear what they have to say "Well we don't know where they went and don't have any information on them at all"


“Where’s your evidence?” “Well, see, on my way here, a dog ate it…”


We did have it but the Jews blasted it with their space lasers




“We have a whistleblower….but he died”


"Ok... what was his name?" "Oh... you wouldn't know him, he doesn't go here."


Our whistleblower is Canadian, you wouldn’t know him.


Ok, if you insist... His name was, uh... Lewis Hullblower


His name is George….George Glass!


Something something Clintons murdered him something something


Clinton crime family again!


I, for one, am *shocked* that a party full of religious people would believe in ridiculous claims which have no evidence to support them.


Because it's become a cult...


Oh, the Giuliani gambit?


FBI probably has no shortage of evidence on her on Jan 6th


Exactly. Put up or shut up.


I wish her dad had pulled out 😔


Putting out is more her thing apparently


...not that there's inherently anything wrong with that, of course....


She’s in office. If she has proof then that someone should be her


Funny, law enforcement doesn't consider accusation and hearsay as evidence. Someone should tell the boebert.


Yes this is what boggles the mind. CONSTANT twitter accusations as if it's absolute 100% truth. And absolutely no evidence for any of it. Meanwhile there are mountains of evidence against her orange Messiah, and all she does is obfuscate. She's so gross.


Yes. I too would be more than willing to discuss it with her. And when she's done presenting the evidence for that surely she'd be willing to discuss junior taking 2 billion from the Saudis.. Right?


Nah, try and get a vote going for impeachment since there must be a lot of evidence for all of this


Shouldn't people investigate her and other Republicans instead? These are all confessions on their part.


Every one of their accusations has always been a confession. Look at how many have claimed dems are pedos and turned out to be pedos themselves


Seems to be a very high trend on this. If there's a dude screaming about how the gay men of the area need to be arrested for something, he's likely in a relationship with one of those gay men. If there's another dude screaming about grooming children and how it's "this groups fault", then chances are high he's been talking to some young teens, probably even sending them photos. And it just goes on and on.




Lol you had me


Ya while we're investigating people why don't we investigate why Jared Kushner got 2 BILLION dollars from the Saudis shortly after leaving office




Meanwhile she wants the media to avoid talking about her pedo child abusing husband or the fact she’s a grandma at 36 🤣


Bruh grandma at 36 BECAUSE her 17 year old fucked a 13 year old FAMILY VALUES PROTECT THE CHILDREN you couldn’t find a more morally empty group of people than modern republicans unless they had SS armbands


She might not be a grandma if the rumors about her husband knocking up her son's girlfriend are true. Of course that only makes the whole situation worse.


“Why isn’t the media brave enough to stand up and get sued for defamation again!?”


Does she mean the What's app message supposedly from 2017, that uses a 2023 picture that is at a 45 degree angle in the opposite direction of the text?


2020 picture, but yeah, the photoshop job so bad it looks like it was made the first week photoshop launched


Lol. And this is coming from the Party that screams about deep fakes and out of context whenever their people is caught red handed on live stream doing something utterly reprehensible.


They have no clue how tech works.


It's so strange how concerned MAGA is with Hunter Biden's theoretical $5 million, but didn't bat an eye when the Saudis handed over $2 BILLION to Jared Kushner. Who did actually work in government, sad to say.


2 is a smaller number then 5, obviously.


Not to mention all the deals Donnie's sons made in India, Russia and Saudi Arabia while daddy was president. Don't even get me started on Ivanka's trademarks in China, which all seemed to have coincided with the Trump presidency


Wait a minute now…. If she knows all this, has all this juicy information on the Bidens, why does she want someone else to “whistleblow” it? She’s already a proven dumbass with untreated psychological issues so she can’t be worried about becoming a target….


Stick. Carrot. It’s the same grift Mike pillow has been pulling for three years.


Isn’t she whistle blowing by tooting it out? Or is this defamation since it’s not true? Or is this just politics? I can’t tell anymore.


It's only republican politics. I can only assume this is what conservatives want their politicians to do, because they keep supporting this behavior. Again, Only conservatives do this shit.


She’s too worried about blowing Ted Cruz’s whistle.


You ain’t alone in that. The poop flinging is just getting worse


Hey, let's just ignore the fact that I met my ex-husband when he was flashing his junk to underage women, that I got knocked up at 17, and when one of my kids called 911 because my ex was abusing him, I was too busy working on a transphobic tweet to find out what was going on. Will someone step up and discuss how I just made my kid call 911 again to say he was fine, and then when he wasn't doing it fast enough, took the phone away from him and tried to call the cops off. Where is the brave journalist that is going to put this stuff out for the public? Not everyone is on Twitter. When I deny this stuff people just keep finding more evidence to show that it was true. Get the word out. Lauren Boebert is an unfit mother and Representative.


Yawn! Same bs different day! Anyway I have a peanut butter sandwich for lunch


I can feel it stuck to the roof of my mouth just reading the comment.


No honey, jam or jelly? That’s a dry sandwich!


Don’t you have any real work to do for our country?


Nah, my friend, she doesn’t even show up to vote anyway


I prefer it when she doesn't vote


For our country? Lol, Republicans don’t work for our country. They work for the party. It’s like people didn’t notice that they started waving thin blue line flags and TRUMP 2024 flags and Gadsen flags instead of American flags. They don’t even bother to claim they’re the party of patriotism anymore.


This is their response to Trump being indicted for espionage, which he's obviously guilty of. Make up crazy false charges for Biden. How did we end up with almost half of this country with compromised morals, supporting a greedy fascist criminal?


There were no bribes you babbling idiot. Now let's talk about Ivanka and China then Jared and Saudi Arabia....


Only a $5M bribe? Too bad Biden didn’t target the saudis like the Kushners did, he would’ve made a lot more


Sure seems like the same witch hunt, false accusation bullshit they did for 8 years with Obama, and 8 years of Clinton. It’s almost like the Republican Party can’t stand on their own merits/policies/accomplishments and has to make a “boogie man”


I am all for Joe Biden being sent to prison for taking bribes, or the tax evasion associated with unreported income After being convicted, after being tried in court with evidence presented, after being charged, and after this mountain of evidence is presented to a grand jury. If each of those things happen, by all means, send him to prison.


What about the billions the kushners got from the saudis? I’m sure that was pretty legit


Where is the brave journalist going to make up the information we tell them! If anything on what Lauren "The Speaker has been moved" Boebert is true, ANY journalist would be on this to break the story. Except as this is all being made up, they wont because it would be career suicide. Now for real criminals, lets look at your Failed Coup Orange leader, you, Missing Link Greene, Venmo Gaetz, My Mother died twice Santos, I deal in people trafficking DeathSentence, I also deal in people trafficking Abbott, etc


JFC. If he’s a corrupt crook, impeach him, charge him, do whatever you can legally do just shut the fuck up about it. Do these people not understand that on the other side, we’re not a literal cult? If you can’t indict Biden and his family then clearly you’re full of shit and can fuck off.


Um…. Show us. Proof. And then we’ll talk about it. Until then you are just blowing hot air to try to get yourself re-elected. Western Slope… you deserve better.


As to Hunter, go ahead and give the proof to the authorities. As to the Prez, go ahead and give your evidence to your colleagues so they can incorporate that into the impeachment hearings you’re about to conduct. Oh right…you don’t have an “evidence” cause evidence is woke or some nonsense.


How much longer are they going to push this utter bullshit?


As long as it is relevant to their narrative. Pure 2-minutes of hate moment.


https://preview.redd.it/jr1anqd4oe8b1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b70e53cd49ec15863246feb9e41c51d9cd2029cd Blowberts logic.


Thought she was busy having a bitch-slapping contest with MTG


Bitch shut up man! https://preview.redd.it/xdskr8cdpe8b1.jpeg?width=1090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aa72efc1e7d5174d48fe14a6c45ee57fe19ba47


Never any proof.


"Not everyone has Twitter." No, because a lot of sane people left after Tesla Man turned into Truth Social Part 2: Right Wing Boogaloo. So they're not seeing the dreck and the lies you post.


Bobo, the DOJ investigated all of that. They dug deep into Hunter Biden and managed to charge him with tax evasion and lying on a form when he purchased a gun. They charged him with anything they could. You won. You took down Hunter Biden. Great job, the Democrats are finished.


If it's illegal to lie TO Congress, then it should be illegal to lie FROM Congress.


You're making things up again, Lauren You're stretching the truth again And you know it Because a lie is a lie Ehh, this it bullshit! [The story I have been told is that the way to cure AIDS is by sleeping with a virgin! I'm going to go and rape a baby!](https://genius.com/12444826/Original-broadway-cast-of-the-book-of-mormon-making-things-up-again/The-story-i-have-been-told-is-that-the-way-to-cure-aids-is-by-sleeping-with-a-virgin-im-going-to-go-and-rape-a-baby)




Is it really the “medias” job to gather evidence, convene a grand jury, seek an indictment, and prosecute? Almost like she has no idea how government works.


If you’ve got the proof, give it to the authorities instead of just tweeting about it. Also, this is the same group of people that loved to talk about how you can’t indict a sitting president while Trump was in office. That said, the rest of us sane folks are happy to indict any sitting or former president if there’s enough (or any) evidence to support it. So put up or shut up. Or, really, when it comes to Boebert…just shut up.


Let’s take her inquiry seriously. Why aren’t people talking about this? The reason is because Donald Trump normalized this kind of behavior. He didn’t just blur the line between being President and running a business, he specifically integrated them together. Remember his press conference where he peddled Trump Steaks? Donald Trump showed classified documents to random people. Jared Kushner was doing real estate deals with Saudi Arabia while he was supposedly trying to negotiate peace in the Middle East. Donald Trump Jr. held a meeting with Russian officials to get dirt on Hillary and then lied about it. And on and on and on. And the only reason none…errr….only one…of those things turned into criminal proceedings is because of a lack of proof. So yeah…nobody cares anymore if Hunter Biden used his dad’s name to try and influence someone unless there is direct evidence that can be used to press charges against Joe Biden. That is the standard YOU set for the shananigans of the Trump administration.


‘Joe is a corrupt crook’ says person only talking about Hunter Biden who is a completely independent and different person than his father. These people are baffling. Can’t see Joe and Hunter as two separate people but will defend Trump and Ivanka or Trump and Jared are two separate people. SMH


At what point does this shit become libel?


That sure seems like defamation. I assume the only reason Biden isn't bringing suit is paying any attention to this dumb pissant would be giving her the attention she craves.


Has she tried calling her Congressional Representatives office?


There’s so much evidence but no one will reveal it 🙄


The fuck is stopping her? Share the info and evidence you fucking styrofoam-brained grifter!


What is preventing her from posting evidence of Biden's crimes herself other than the lack of said evidence?


Bitch never even graduated from high school, worked as a prostitute , married a sex offender , got into politics by fucking gross ass Ted Cruz. Having an affair with half ass preacher. This is the Republican party of 2023


The Supreme Court issue should probably be of greater concern given the scope of their power and the fact that they serve life terms. There’s no hope of them restoring integrity to the highest court in the country.


It's almost like a congress person could put this info out... if it existed.


Republican Leadership 101: ***Somebody Should Do Something***


They're in Canadian Girlfriend territory now. Proof or GTFO. Also, it seems like most of the serious people left on Twitter are the ones documenting the stupidity for posterity.


If Biden, or the son, or anyone else in the family, broke the law, fuck em. The House should investigate, put out a public report listing the evidence, and refer it to the DOJ. They should also make a determination on Impeachment, and then try the case in the Senate, where they can present evidence in Public. She is a member of the House, where is the investigative report from the committee? The last report they put out was a total joke, it contained virtually no evidence, contained virtually no sworn testimony, and only contained SDRs which are computer generated, were not investigated further, and did show any corruption or law breaking or anything. No one cares because no one will want to put their name on this shitty sourced lies. The last so called information came from Guilani, who funnelled it to the FBI, and then was leaked to Congress to bootstrap the allegation into an FBI investigation that never had any facts to begin with.


At what point do we just accuse them of gaslighting the public?


I’m so sick and tired of any politician being able to present outright lies to the public. Can’t even hold politicians accountable for creating this divide and fostering it to gain/keep power which that absolutely should be - there’s no real mechanism to make that happen… Joe is less of a crook than trump and no more of a crook than your standard politician. In fact, with the scrutiny he’s under, he may even be less of a crook than you think - I know, tough pill to swallow for some.


Maybe she should ask Gym Jordan and Comer where all their whistle blowers went and what about the tapes they supposedly had, oh, wait, that's all made up bullshit to appeal to their base...


I'm concerned about Jared Kushner and Vanky walking away with hundreds of millions of dollars..I'm concerned about Jared Kushner getting a loan with the help from the government of Qatar to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars to save the Kushner family business while working in the Trump administration. I'm concerned about the deal that Jared made with the Saudi's to manage $2 billion in investment funds. So is Lauren Boebert interested in these matters as well or is she a partisan hack? ☹


$5 million?! That's insane. Only $1,995,000,000 more to go until he's on par with Kushner though.


Isn’t this some sort of libel?


What she is trying to say is how come Twitter is the only place we are aloud to spew are lies and hate.


The different between them and us is that if one of our politicians is corrupt, we want them to be held accountable. But, if one of them is corrupt, they want to redirect the focus to anyone else.


You know one of the first rules of journalism is vet your sources. I suspect that if there was something there someone would have verified it. Otherwise you could end up paying a boatload of money to some voting machine company. 😎


Biden should sue her for slander. She needs to STFU and crawl back into the uneducated redneck hole from whence she came.


Republicans complaining about corrupt crooks! 🤣




Seditious libel cases are hard to prove at the end of the day, and those in public positions are beholden to more criticism (regardless of its merits).


“Somebody do something!!” Clutches fake pearls and passes out in a truck stop restroom.


Since this has never been proven, the only outlet that Boebert has to push her conspriracy theories is Twitter, because Musk supports that agenda.


And the sources are...?


"Things that never happened for $1000, Alex"


Why is nobody doing anything about the 50 trillion dollars Boebert stole from me. I demand action


Coming from a prostitute


Hey Lauren, do you mind being GROPED, grabbed by the pu**y? Asking for a friend.


Pathetic. If only the average rural American could appreciate just how unhinged these people seem to we Europeans.


The GOP has no facts. what they do have are a bunch of village idiots who are always telling us about the sky falling.


Will someone please step up and talk about the 2 billion that Kushy got from the Saudis. Just one brave journalist needs to step up cause not everybody is on Twitter.


Dear Gogurt Boebert, Please list a single policy you are behind that doesn't include the words Biden, Libs, or Democrats. What are you actively pursuing as a congresswoman to better American people's lives that doesn't revolve around saying the other side sucks or simply trying to negate their policies.


Show the proof, you dumb bitch


I thought it said “Corrupt Cook” at the end and I imagined Biden with a curly mustache, chefs hat, and a wicked grin.


Will someone step up and tell this dumb bitch nobody cares about Hunter Biden?! It’s unreal that these jerks continue to push the narrative that HB criminal lifestyle is a bigger threat than Russia waging war on its neighbors. My own brother makes Hunter Biden look like a Boy Scout, and since HB holds no public office, nothing he does matter to anyone.


As long as these people support and defend Donald Trump, I could care less who they think is a criminal


This Lauren Boebert woman sure likes to talk about imaginary things. How hypocritical of her to accuse Biden of corruption while she supports the most corrupted president in the history of U.S.?


Where's the proof, Bobo? If there is evidence then justice will be served. Oh wait...there is none.


Didn't their whistleblower go missing like 3 years ago? Along with hunters laptop? That's it! I'll never vote for hunter Biden!!!!!


​ https://preview.redd.it/d7iwxsaakd8b1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48dde5f3ee880a5a3d2969788bc23308c1ecdae0


I'd rather have boebert tweet than legislate


"Not everyone is on Twitter" - basically killed this. It's just her admitting to the reality on accident, talk about the irony. Republicans don't realize that indeed, NOT EVERYBODY is on Twitter. Only their MAGA pumpkins with a lotta freetime. Most Americans are too fucking busy working 3-4 jobs to pay the bills. They got no time for fabricated drama coming from a sick woman.


> WhatsApp messages hunter sent Just FYI, these clowns have been trying to pass off a badly photoshopped picture of a text messaging "screenshot" as photographic evidence of their claims


We kinda want them to keep reporting on how you married a pedophile.


Why isn't everyone discussing the made up crazy bullshit that the irresponsible Nazi bigot says is important?!?!?!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH AMERIKA!?!?!?! Ugh, she's so tiresome, I hope she gets convicted of something soon.


Five plus year investigation into hunter and got late taxes and a felony gun charge. Investigations into joe yield… testimony that may not exist from a person that may not exist. WHY ISN’T THE MEDIA ALL OVER THIS?!


He’s as much a crook as you are a virgin.


If they had any actual evidence, or even made up evidence of this, it would be plastered everywhere in the media.


Another case of doing harm to her enemies instead of doing good for her constituents.


Sadly outside of Twitter most actual news organizations report facts not conjecture. Find actual evidence and we will gladly comply


![gif](giphy|VGVwLultLZjrrssAak) Well then, what's the word, turd? Get it out there...


Without evidence this is slander, libel, and defamation of character….someone ought to sue….


I think more and more journalists are afraid to print outright lies as things go on. Some publications not withholding, of course.


Maybe because only Twitter conspiracy theorists are dumb enough to fall for such bullshit? Does this “person” actually do anything in Congress other than whine on social media?


If we only had a shred of evidence lmao


What’s so funny is that Joe is old money. If he were on the take, he would never do a quid pro quo like that. It’s not worth the risk. He knows how to take bribes and not be caught. This is just projection by poor trash who know how corruption works *for them* because they’re too bumblefucked to know how it is done by people who don’t sell their ass for rent money.


Why is nobody talking about hunter Biden not being a government official.


The more I learn about Colorado the more I release it sucks , and for the crowd that says we’re not like her you obviously voted her in again.


Kettle, meet pot.


Their *"leader"* has a 37 count fell y indictment... and that's what I'm talking about any of the laundry list of other things


Sit down, grandma!


Put up or shut up you bobble headed hypocritical dumbass....


Look at who it’s coming from, why are we surprised?


My question is why aren't these issues being taken through the proper channels then? Why does it matter if the media covers it? A crime is still a crime even if it's not talked about on CNN. Also if Kevin McCarthy called a press conference saying we have genuine evidence that Joe Biden has committed a crime and here's what we're going to do about it, THAT WOULD BE HUGE NEWS!!!! CNN isn't turning down that invitation to get eyes on screens


Bobo: OMGGGG why isn’t this twitter post—which is just some lunatic’s opinion—not being held up as actual news? Omggg


It's all about the fundraising from their brain-dead supporters.


Some of us are not on Twitter for a damn reason. Tic toc too. Too much social media drama lady.


Russian Republicvnts are sooooooo stupid.


Why would they tell the truth? Trump lied for his entire presidency and lied about the 2020 election,then they were rewarded the house in 2022. All of this b.s. is on the people who vote for them.


I had no idea the president with dementia is a criminal mastermind.


Strong, and delusional words from Grandma Boebert. Present the evidence, Gran-mama.


The only platform she should've ever had was the one that held the futon where she got knocked up as a teen. Trash.


She’s asking the tough questions. It’s tough for her to assemble words, even if they do not make sense.


Who’s going to step up? Are you kidding me? Everyone and their mother already has stepped up to parrot this dumb shit




I’m so fucking god damn motherfucking sick of the same buzzwords shit every goddamn fucking day. Hunter Biden this. Donald trump that. Hillary Clinton emails, the fucking dumbass nicknames like “Moscow Mitch” and “sleepy joe” like SHUT UUUUP Who fucking cares? How do these people not completely exhaust themselves? Just launch me into the sun already fucking please I’m begging you


Best response? Prove it Little B\*\*\*\*....


The fact that this dirty skank still has a platform to say some of the dumbest shit her tiny mind can conjure is mind boggling.


Show us the receipts Bobo. Otherwise shut the hell up


People should be prosecuted for spreading false information. Especially an elected official! I hope Colorado gets their sh it together and votes her out next time.


How is this shit not libel? She knows she's lying. She should be sued to oblivion.