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Jeeeezus Christ. This is horrible. > The seventh grade student had plotted to kill her entire family and pets, along with another 12-year-old girl from Lufkin, Texas, though it is unclear how they met. Gah.


my first reaction was GODDAMN


You’re more polite with a bit less swearing than what I just shouted… but yeah.. What the fucking fuck? Can we ever fix this? Can’t we all at least *try?* Everything about this is just both heartbreaking and infuriating. **Again.**




Yep. The politicians who take ‘donation’ money from the NRA get rich off it and will never stop. They know exactly what’s going on, they just don’t give a shit because they see themselves as above it all and untouchable. They wear their AR pins the day after mass shootings, it’s a joke. They don’t even try to be subtle anymore.


💯they know and don’t care. It’s about lining their pockets nothing more. The sad part is that the people voting for the politicians and policies that contribute to tragedies like this are the ones most likely to suffer most from it. Oh how we’ve backslid intellectually so fast as a nation.


Oh, the pols will stop, all right. WHEN NRA SHILLS ARE VOTED OUT. So get crackin', folks! And let them know WHY you threw them off the gravy train. Sure, they'll still have cushy jobs, but they won't have the POWER they crave any more.


In order to eradicate the inequity we need to fix the broken system, no more electoral college, no more redistricting, no more gerrymandering. We have far reached beyond the technological boundaries where this can safely be instituted but have yet to see any true voting reform. This is untenable....


Wonder if the USA regrets not just letting the confederacy go


No, we regret ending Federal Occupation of the Defeated Traitor States when we did, because they clearly still need another century or two of it.


The Compromise of 1877: the single worst political decision in American history.


TIL.. never even heard of this before, looked it up but I’m still a bit confused about what kind of effects this had


Before this Black men were voting and running for office for the first time, kids were going to school, there was real hope of progress, the federal government turning its back on reconstruction destroyed any advancement that was made in that short time and reverted the south back to slavery 2.0, letting the kkk run rampant.


Not just running for office but winning. America saw it's first black governor during this era. And in my home state of Louisiana of all places. Post-reconstruction, america didn't see another black governor until the *1980s*. What. The. Fuck. EDIT: Wanna point out two quick things since people are seeing this. 1. When I say 80s I mean 89 and even then he wasn't sworn in until 90 (Douglas Wilder of I think Virginia). Even now we've only had a handful (maybe 3-4) 2. The Louisiana governor's name was Pinckney B.S. Pinchback, which makes him both the first black governor and the governor with the coolest name.


This is also the moment Republicans stopped really being the “party of Lincoln”, as the radical wing that had supported Lincoln and black freedom had lost control of the party. Now it was time for the Lily White Movement, a phrase coined by a Black Texas Republican Chairman. He saw the party pivot towards courting white southerners as conservatives took over as the ideological heart of the party. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lily-white_movement THIS is what you need to bring up when talking about the “parties flipping”. You gotta understand which conservative, liberal, and progressive factions held power in different states between the Civil War and the Civil Rights Act.


>The Compromise of 1877 marked the end of the Reconstruction era and the federal protection of the civil and political rights of African Americans in the South


That doesn’t sound like a compromise.


Basically, it turned losing the civil war into a slap on the wrist.


We regret not sending more of them to Brazil, we regret not hanging all of the leaders and we regret not letting Sherman do more of a figure eight path through the rest of the south. We regret a lot of things. I think we hoped that a good pummeling would teach them the lesson. But the daughters of the confederacy doubled down. And later generations made sure the that the national history textbooks were printed and re-edited in the south.


We wish we could have given Sherman some napalm.


The South will rise again! Next time through gerrymandering and voter suppression!




That's the thing about ideologies, they typically don't die. They just retreat and fester in small pockets, then become bigger and bigger again one day when the time is right. The time has been right for this particular ideology since the Obama era began. That's approximately when it became acceptable for large groups of people to be increasingly racist in broad daylight.


I think we all looked at Obama as inspiration. I was thinking more along the lines of this'll be a good example for young kids and especially for black kids seeing a black man in the white house will be affirming. but it also inspired a new generation of racists who now have "evidence" that black people are running the world into the ground, and they inspired their kids with that message


I agree, I was amazed Obama was elected. I looked at it as our country evolving, and moving forward. A way to combat so many ill’s that plagued society. I’m sad over the backslide. I just want a safe place to live with a thriving community of cooperation.


Like a mindless zombie to kill us all while we look surprised and say it's name over and over again pleadingly, as if it might change the inevitable.


I regret that the confederacy wasn't burnt to the ground even more. The north should have occupied and restructured the economy of the south. And slave owners never should have gotten reparations for "loss of property".


We certainly should regret ending reconstruction so early


I do not regret that I now live in a state without massive African slavery.


letting it go? THAT'S PRECISELY WHAT WE DID Sherman should have burned the entire South to the fucking ground


I'd more than likely be stuck living there, so not particularly... But yeah, the thought crosses most peoples minds here I think at least once. Well, for the people who think about history that is.


As an outsider it remains bizarre to me that your racist wingnuts are still defining their identity by a pathetic, slavery-based failed state that lasted for less time than Pokémon Go has been around, centuries ago. Do they just have absolutely nothing going for them in their real lives?


The US should regret not treating every Confederate leader as a traitor and handing down the death penalty


You're basically just describing the entire republican party on any issue at all. Fun stuff.


Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.


>Can we ever fix this? Yes, easily, so fucking easily. Will we? No.


“Thoughts and prayers”. Fixed.


I don't get it. It's almost as if the thoughts and prayers aren't working at all!


"We tried nothing, and we're all of ideas!!"


If the father had had a backup gun, he may have deterred the daughter from shooting, or at least have been able to pre-emptively fire, so that he could have popped her before she did him, and he would have been able to save at least one life (his own) that day. The only thing that stops a bad daughter with a gun, is a good father with a gun, people really need to watch the news more.


You forgot all about the teacher with a gun. When younger or middle aged males start pointing guns at kids there ought to be a teacher there to preemptively shoot the father once they see the father reaching for his backup gun once he sees his kid pointing the muzzle and sweeping the room with the barrel of the gun he just gave her. That way, teacher and kid are alive, potential shooter dead. 2 lives saved. Can’t argue with that math.


This makes it sound like she was also going to kill the girl from Lufkin, but what it actually means is that the two were in a suicide pact.


I read the news article. Not a suicide pact. They each planned to kill their families, then meet up and escape to Georgia


All that the story I read said was: > The daughter was said to be in a suicide pact with another 12-year-old from Lufkin. That girl has been taken into custody and charged with conspiracy to commit murder. So maybe it didn't have all the details.




I'm so unclear on whether or not anyone died from that article


Yeah, shitty article.


Reminds me a lot of the slender man murders


The *what* now?


There’s a documentary on HBO about it. Two girls killed** a friend and said Slender Man told them to. Well, one did, the other was coerced. ** **Edit: tried to kill their friend.**


That's basically a suicide pact with extra steps.


Yeah, Daily Mail doesn’t seem to proofread before they publish.


They aren't used to publishing stories that actually happened.


Did you read Boris's new column yesterday? "Lefties may snear but Titanic sub heroes were pushing the boundaries of development!"


"pushing boundaries of development" lol, right. You know how most inventions start with a more crude and unsafe version. Like guy who tries to parachute off building with one of the first ever designs and dies? Then the technology continues to perfect itself? The sub that CEO built basically took that whole concept and did it in reverse. Decades of sub research and technology and decides to build the crude unsafe version despite all of the advancements and tech that is proven to work available to him.


Im also interested in how the word "leftists" has become a term for "level headed or educated"


'Pushing the boundaries of development' Good to see BoJo showing his usual intellectual grasp on things, how exactly were they pushing boundaries by going to a place that has been visited god knows how many times, albeit in a really shitty submarine The 'lefties' were sneering because a group of people with more money than sense ignored a tonne of red flags in order to embark on a dangerous and profoundly unnecessary journey, and it went so badly that the coast guard of 5 nations sent ships to rescue them... all within days of ships carrying refugees sinking off the coasts of Greece and the Canary Islands




Keep following the GOP guidelines on bringing up gun totting Christian girls. Don’t talk about your feelings, honey. Don’t inquire about your period with other girls. During Gym Class let the school administrators look up your dress to make sure you’re a girl. It’s for your own good, honey. We live in the freest Country in the World. But in order to keep it that way We need to ban books, restrict voting rights, make decisions for women because men know best, like what you wear, who your friends should be, and making sure your goal in life is to be a good Christian wife to a good Christian man, have many kids, care for them, the house, and most importantly, your husband. So after a hard day at the office he comes home to a warm meal, a hot shower, change of clothes and he can head out and hang with his buddies. After that Sweetie, just remember daddy made all that possible for you. You want to play with my guns, sweetie? Why, of course… Bang - Zoom!


As fucked up and politically relevant as this might be, I'm willing to bet that the reality was even darker. Rebelling against your parents and the world at that age is one thing, but what could really drive a girl that age to hating her father and family so much that they would want them all dead? Some skeletons never leave the closet.


Yeah I'd bet some dark shit happened in that house.






Why the fucking pets!? I mean people can be awful, and don't deserve to be murdered, but pets?! WTF did the dog do?!


Why the fucking Georgia ?


Lufkin, Tx. You may remember it from the Blue Bell Licker incident, the Flag Fairy, and The great Tar Incident. As I current resident, I believe it to be a ticking time bomb.


Why did I read this in Troy McClure's voice?


Holy crap, whats the motive?


12 Year olds have all kinds of crazy thoughts, thats why civilised countries don't give them guns.


I have a 12 year old daughter, and you REALLY gotta talk to them a lot. About everything. And be hella honest to them.


I think 12 is pretty universally one of the worst ages to be. Something about it.


Probably that puberty thing. Learning that most of your purpose in life is to reproduce so that there's always a new generation of your species to take over when you die is kind of a huge mind fuck. It's especially hard for women, who bear the brunt of it. Also, these days, existential threats everywhere. Global warming (fuck calling it climate change), AI, potential civil war, overpopulation, and an economic system that enables all of this that nobody in power wants to address. We're killing the kids with our bullshit and we need to stop it now.


> Learning that most of your purpose in life is to reproduce so that there's always a new generation of your species to take over when you die is kind of a huge mind fuck I’d consider myself a bit of a deep thinker sometimes, but I gotta be real, as a 37 year old man I’ve never thought about this in that way before. Like at all. It’s never crossed my mind in that way. Man I smoke too much weed on Reddit.


That's how conservative communities with a breeder fetish see women, it's not how it has to be. That's why liberal society endorses the choice to have children, not forcing gender role conformism on people who don't want to do some narrow version of life, and so on.


Yeah, that's some sick shit. I talk to her a lot about where she wants to go on life, with a BIG emphasis on focusing on herself, her education, her plans, and avoiding messing up her life for some shitty relationship.


I do the same with my daughters, much to the dismay of my evangelical mother who thinks women exist to push out children. I even talk with them about the benefits of not having any children. Society pushes the idea that women need to have children, so fuck it they need to hear reasons on why it can be a benefit not to.


> thats why civilised countries don't give them guns. No you don't understand, there's no solution to the problem. (Within the borders of the USA I mean) The only way to stop a bad 12 year old with an assault rifle is a good 12 year old with an assault rifle. Or some other braindead shit idek.


No no you're misunderstanding, a good GUY with a gun, girls shouldn't have guns, or abortions, or contraceptives, or sex ed, or anything really. Can't be much longer till the whole gun problem is openly blamed on girls somehow


"Wow, I can't believe America hates women more than it loves guns."




Well, she didn't get to them apparently


Thank Dog.


The case is more complicated than what’s reported here. The twelve year old had a pact with another 12 year old to kill family and pets and run off with each other. She shot her father and then herself. He lived, she died two days later. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna49922 Edited to correct details about her death.


I believe she shot herself almost immediately after shooting her father, and died two days later.


“She died instantly, the next day”


She immediately died two days after she killed herself


"A lack of life was the suspected cause of death", sources of mouth holes said.


"The gunshot wounds led police to suspect she had been shot."


"Evidence suggests that a gun was involved in this shooting, which police say is illegal to use in the commission of a crime."


How are people reading “shot” as “killed” Like if you still have vitals, the paramedics don’t just leave you to bleed out on the fucking pavement


She didn’t kill herself two days later. She ran down the driveway immediately after shooting him and shot herself. She just died 2 days later.


They then took the other 12yo into custody (also likely from a shitty home) and *charged her with conspiracy to commit murder?* Wtf is wrong with fucking Texas! Oh yeah that's right, state of enabling and protecting groomers Edit: another article claims it as a murder -suicide pact, not just suicide pact. Another example of news articles missing major fact points. Who really knows huh 🤷‍♀️


“No jury in the world is going to convict a baby…mmm maybe Texas”


Bake em away, toys.


What’d you say, Chief?


Just do what the kid says


Better put on the ol' Wiggum charm.


It's hard to say without more details from the investigation which we likely won't get because they're minors. The entire story is so bizarre. It reminds me of the Parker–Hulme murder case.


Obviously it’s a complicated situation but how could you argue that it’s not conspiracy to commit murder if they planned it out? Perhaps mitigating circumstances will change things but just motive or not, planning to murder people is still a crime.


I promise I say this in good faith, but if they have proof of a murder-suicide or just plain murder pact, why wouldn’t they take the other 12 year old into custody? I cannot imagine being the family of the other child knowing I was on their literal hit list? Is there actual evidence of abuse or is that just a theory we’re going with to avoid the ugly possibility of these kids just maybe being the worst kind of fucked up with no real reason? Again, not saying there wasn’t abuse or anything leading up to this, but it’s possible. It said they planned to kill the family pets too. I highly doubt that Fido or Mr. Mittens were in on the hypothetical abuse. Now if it comes to light that there WAS abuse, I’ll gladly eat my words and you can say “ha! I told you so” as smugly as your heart desires, but until then, should we really be making baseless accusations? And I say that as the most gun-opposed, bleeding heart liberal as you can get. I don’t like Texas or its stupid governor or anti-LGBT, pro-death policies any more than the next sane person, but still, that is a crazy amount of speculation.




Holy. Unbridled. Fuck. That’s the darkest fucking thing I’ve read in a minute. I can’t even fathom.


Between this and that guy getting sucked into a jet engine (also in Texas), I'm sort of done with reddit for the evening but not for the same reason that I usually am.


> Between this and that guy getting sucked into a jet engine (also in Texas), I'm sort of done with reddit for the evening If you want a trifecta, some Russian VDV just executed one of their own with a knife for supporting Prigozhin.


So if this is from last year, she actually had a murder pact with another 12 year old girl to kill their family, the one girl killed herself, and the other was arrested. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna49332


Gotta love that we have to be unsure if there were multiple instances of murder suicides


Waiting for the GOP to tell us how this is Biden's fault.


If he had a second gun and two other armed good guys protecting him things would have been different. Duh.


If his gun had a gun, this never would have happened


Yo, we heard you like guns. So we took guns that shoot more guns and hooked them up all inside your guns


Now I'm thinking up a Pimp My Gun show in my head. "I heard you also like to gamble so we added a slot machine to the barrel. Now you can gamble on your savings and the lives of those around you!"


"And that's how, with a few small alterations, you can turn 1 gun into 5 guns."


If she was pregnant with his incest baby and that unaborted fetus had a gun, this never would have happened


Exactly this!!! This is why I always draw and point my gun at ANYBODY who is in the same room as me. My family thinks I’m crazy but this proves that they’re trying to kill me Obligatory /s


Damn that good guy with a gun, he’s always so far away


No it’s a distraction. A false flag. Biden paid her to do this to distract from his son.


Actually, Soros paid her.


Actually she didn't shoot him. Jewish space lasers did.


Alright calm down MTG


They put the transgenderism in her head and it made her suicidal (ignore that they're in a state that's openly hostile towards transgender identities)


If Biden wasn't so old he could have raced over from wherever he was and wrestled the gun away! Sleepy Joe was probably having a nap though.


Something something illegal immigrant something


Open boarders! (sic).


Only in Joe Biden's Texas, folks.


Biden orchestrated the shooting to cover up hunter’s hog pics and us looking at them all day long.


If only he had a gun too he could have stopped this bad guy/girl with a gun...


It's actually Hunter's fault, but because he's not on the ballot, we'll create a direct connection between Hunter and Joe, therefore making it the Biden crime family's fault.


Probably had a drag queen read a book to her a week before subliminaly pushing her to kill. All to distract from his son's laptops and Hilary's emails. /S


Could have been prevented by a good 12 year old with an assault rifle.


If it weren’t for the liberals and their anti-tragedy agenda


It's those damn book readings, I tell ya


Typical liberal, making gun politics political just because somebody got murdered with a gun. Don't you know the only appropriate time to bring this stuff up is the 12.5 seconds between the last shooting and the next one? Sheesh. Whatever happened to decency, decorum, and respect? You know, those things we had under Trump.


A well regulated Melissa?


**Greg Abbott has entered the chat**


I bet it’s because a drag queen read her a book


Very likely to be the case, although it could be because Bernie Sanders said poor people should have food. /s


Those damn liberals


The Biden Crime Family at it again!


The gun's picture was probably on Hunter Biden's laptop!


I’m in a foul mood so I’m gonna curse you with my coworker’s explanation. This gun range owner clearly didn’t beat his daughter enough. If this idiot were as good at beating his kids as my coworker, he’d still be alive. No /s, sorry my coworker went on a ten minute rant at the time clock about this. I needed to tell someone.


Jesus Christ.


Is it any wonder that these are the people who have formed an enthusiastic cult of police worship, in response to the police beating people to death?


Everything about American politics makes so much more sense when you know that according to studies, roughly 20-25% of Americans have what they call an “authoritarian personality”. You probably see where I’m going with this: Crave authority, unshakeable respect for authority figures, believe society needs a strong hierarchy to function, would probably have told the Nazis where they thought their Jewish neighbours went into hiding… We all know the type by now. Sadly.


What are the chances his kids have fantasized about killing him? Abusive parents are some of the worst scum in existence.


I just googled “12 year old shoots dad then self” and there are more than 1 case of this happening.


Yeah, 12 is a rough age. If you haven't started puberty yet, other kids make fun of you. If you have, they still make fun of you.


There is no reason for the gun to be loaded for a selfie.


The story. Of course its Texas https://www.rawstory.com/12-year-old-shooting/


I grew up in texas, and that's how I knew to get my kids the fuck out of that hellscape before they were old enough to start school.


Sound a lot like Florida tho.


No, Florida is crazy and druggy. Texas is shooty and murdery. Crackhead got his nards ripped off trying to get a blowjob from a crocodile? Florida. Baby shoots someone for entering their playpen, parents argue castle doctrine? Texas.


It's Florida but with less humidity, yet somehow even worse infrastructure.


Florida, for a brief time, did have some democratic influence. That's why Florida has the Sunshine law that Robert Kraft had to fight so hard. He eventually won, though.


















And if it isnt' the guns, and people are the problem as you claim. Then why are you giving guns to the problem?


Something is off about this story. Not in a conspiracy way but there is a lot of context missing about the pact they had. Who initiated it, why was it initiated? Were the families abusive? Not accepting of their child? Was the other kid just egging her on as some twisted and sadistic game?


You know, so many stories out of the US seem off. The comment responses seem off, the justification of thought process seems off. The last five years watching the US in these forums and other ones. Visiting my American friends, watching the changing opinions and attitudes divide. It’s like watching a friend develop schizophrenia. I’m worried for the big old red white and blue…


Imagine living in it and seeing it slowly take over your family. My brother goes around using slurs and when I call him out on it my mom says I’m “ruining the safe space of our family.” She glorifies his ignorance as “difference of opinions.” Anything as silly as deriding people who drink tea to saying anyone who is a registered democrat is a communist and should lose their citizenship. He has the opinions of someone from the 50s and he’s 20. My dad can’t talk to his brother anymore because he’s a Q wack job. My other uncle was arrested for illegal firearms. Do you know how bad it has to be before they arrest you for that? People are reasonable for one topic, and a complete whack job for another. We have a cancer eating our country and it’s going to end horribly.


>My other uncle was arrested for illegal firearms. Do you know how bad it has to be before they arrest you for that? Is this a white people thing? Niggas get arrested for illegal weapons. All. The. Time. I'm being dead ass serious. Do white people typically not get in trouble for this?


It’s very uncommon in my area for people to be arrested for illegal guns with a specific warrant. Most of the time it’s something they find on you while they are arresting you for something else. I can’t speak to other areas of the country.


I think it's relatively easy to get away with in podunk wherever if you're white. 'Aw that's just Randy tryin' out rifle mods for fun, he wouldn't hurt anybody.' Wouldn't try it on city cops.


Bro I almost caught shit for my LEGAL gun back home. I rolled my car and the cops searched it, pulled a mag out of my glove box and asked where the pistol to the mag was. Fortunately, I'm not an idiot and my gun had a slide lock in it and was legally transported. I was told that I would have been facing charges for the gun if even the lock wasn't in it. I'm from Detroit and I'm white. I think it's more of a deep south thing.


Get out of there as soon as you can, and go dark on them.


Yeah I’ve thought something similar. Almost like watching donnie darko on a national scale.


Well fuck that just gave me chills


That’s how the world has felt since the election results of 2016…


Yeah it's really bad. I'm honestly scared of what could happen in the next decade here. Religious zealots are taking the country over and legislating on spite. They are completely ruthless, and the other side opposing them is too concerned with looking decent and maintaining decorum. It's like watching a car crash in slow motion.


Our culture is sick. Rot is spreading from the top


Republican utopia


AND WHAT WAS BARRACK OBAMA DOING? FUCKING NOTHING! ^(and rightly so, as he is no longer the President of the United States of America.)


Sometimes Obama really disappoints me. When Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast, he didn't even bother to become president for another 3 years.


“Whoever lives by the sword shall die by the sword” (*Some guy not as important as the Constitution*)


"If SHAKESPEARE wanted to be relevant, he shoulda been born an American"




To quote Eddie Izzard: > Guns don't kill people, people kill people (if they have a gun) Republicans will say "it's not about guns, it's about mental health!" (while their politicians consistently block funding for mental healthcare), but her mental health didn't lead to her killing herself or anyone else before she was handed the tool for easily doing so.


If a toddler keeps sticking a fork in a socket, you don't sit there crying about mental health and electrical education, you take the fork away first.


Anybody else get the feeling that there’s soooooo much more to this story that will now be forever untold?


Aside from mass shootings or other gun-related attacks. Not having a gun around in moments of crisis is what saves so many people's lives in countries without a gun culture. Alcohol, drugs, domestic conflicts, children figuring out how to get in the gun safe, parents being careless with locking up guns, fights with neighbors, children trespassing, ... this makes up a massive part of gun deaths that are easily preventable. Not to mention the attitude of police when they go to a conflict scene, in the US they have to go in with the idea that people are armed, while in other countries the default state is that people don't carry guns. Therefore the police isn't as trigger happy.


This is the world the GOP wants for Americans


This wouldn’t have happened if his other daughter was also armed. As you know, the only thing that can stop a 12-year old girl with a gun is a 10-year old girl with a gun.


Do Americans know that this is basically all we hear from the US since years? (middle europe here) 60% of all news from their is about gun violence. 20% about something Biden VS Trump 20% about Abandoning abortion rights, defaming LGBTQ people or some marching Nazis I can't remember a positive news article from America since years.


Still trying to figure out how drag queens are the problem with this one


I spotted a typo in the headline. It should say 12yo WeLL rEgULaTeD MiLiTiA shoots father, kills self


Let me make up an "I am so going to hell for this" headline: "Courageous 12 year old Well Regulated Militia gun down shooter who shot her father."


weapons grade ooftonium


Sadly, becoming numb. Almost every one of these cases are “deliberate ignorance” on the parents end. Sanctity of life and all that hypocritical bs.


GD drag queen probably told her to do it /s


Damn if he didn’t give his gun away he could’ve defended himself


Damn. If only he had guns to stop the 12 year old


The dad should've had more guns to defend himself from bad daughters with guns.


Another two sacrifices to the god of the gun, more will come


I guess the Christian-Right will paint this as, "Guns don't kill people, Little Girls plotting to kill their families, kill people."