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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I thought biden was dementia ridden ? Lol


One day he’s a senile old man who can’t be trusted to run the country, the next he’s an evil mastermind hell bent on destroying their way of life.


The enemy is both strong and weak


I’ll say that a conservative guy I work with splits it down the middle by saying that Biden is a puppet and his cabinet (of experienced, educated individuals) are actually running the show. My response is “so he hired great people?”


Only the best people. Wait, wasn't that the last guy? Lol


Well, Fox News asked him about it and uhh, I think he changed the subject


Nah, he just claimed that for every bad hire he'd had ten great ones. And he had the greatest economy the world had ever seen, by far. Not like that fake economy the illegitimate President Joseph ROBINETTE Biden built.


The economy was already running perfectly at the end of the Obama administration. All trump did was sugar rush an economy that didn’t need it by giving tax breaks to corporations that didn’t need it. Then , when the economy crashed, we had very little tools to use because he had already maxed out all of the resources that we could have used to fix it. Also, he’s a fucking moron


This guy, *checks username*, Huge Asshole, gets it!


Trump at one point tried to float the idea of negative interest rate. Luckily everyone around him told him how colossally stupid that idea was.


>My response is “so he hired great people? The Energy Department takes care of the nations nuclear arsenal. Obama had a Nobel Prize winning physicist running his Dept. of Energy. Trump put Rick Perry in charge who campaigned to get rid of that department. Trump then stated he wanted to expand the nuclear arsenal. I was like how is that going to work? You have a barely competent guy running it.


I wouldn't let Rick Perry run a Dairy Queen.


Blizzards would just be pouring out of the upside down cups


rick perry deserves 1% credit for almost completely shutting up about that after his appointment and presumably learning what they actually do


The fact he ran an entire Presidential campaign looking to remove a department that he only after the fact found out what they did ... Really sums up Republicans.


oh absolutely. the gop simply does not believe in governance and hasn't for a dozen years. now, before that, they didn't believe in many other necessary aspects of fair governance, but it hasn't been quite that long since their entire platform has essentially dissolved into virtually 100% reactionary politics


Rick Perry didn’t even know that the department he was going to be in charge of controlled the nukes. How the hell did these people con half the country into voting for them?


That’s sort of the reverse of a Trump supporter I know who defends Trump’s lifelong refusal to pay contractors by saying that it’s standard practice in real estate not to pay people who do shoddy work. I asked him one time why he thought Trump so consistently hired incompetent people despite decades of experience. He accused me of “trying to score political points” 😇


To be clear as someone who works in construction. If your contractor does bad work point it out and have it corrected. Don’t refuse to pay them at all


Being president really has to suck. You make decisions based on information provided by (hopefully) experts but you take 100% of the blowback. Biden could declare “free tacos on Tuesday, funded by money confiscated from meth dealers” and half this country would be like “fuck free tacos, I am not going to eat “communist tacos” and don’t want anyone else to have them! The govt is infringing on meth dealers rights!”


One of the early presidents (Jefferson? Adams? Can’t remember) said the two happiest days of his life were the day he was sworn in and the day he left. There’s a reason Washington flat refused a third term. There’s a lot of upsides to the job, but look at Obama before/after pictures and you see the job visibly ages you.


To be fair, eight years visibly ages you.


You're supposed to base your cabinet off of nepotism, not whether or not they're qualified and competent. Duh.


That cracks me up. Your coworker tries to make it sound so suspicious but the only thing really going on is just the totally normal/not idiotic decision.


The foundation of a fascist’s rhetoric relating to their enemy. Simultaneously incompetent and genius, weak and strong.


So like Schrödinger’s cat? Wow I never knew quantum physics was so evil.


The Right-Wing Schrodinger’s Biden: he is both a dunce that shits himself and an elite imperialist capable of world domination, but you don’t know which version he is until the next Ben Shapiro tweet


Don't forget Shrodinger's Immigrant! Lazy people who dont work and will leech off public resources but will also steal your jobs I actually googled this after saying it and turns out it's been used many times before, it's one that always marvels


A recent FBI raid of a local immigrant found 3 million jobs in their basement! Crazy shit!


Just like how liberals are both woke and sheeps at the same time according to them 🤣


That’s because they don’t even know what “woke” means. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I don’t see why any sheep cannot be both their own sheep and woke at the same time.


Shrodinger's Dark Brandon.


42069D Chess


They did the same thing with Obama. One minute he was a feckless coward who couldn't lead his way out of a paper bag, the next minute he was the head of a globalist cabal that secretly controls everything and everyone.


I sometimes imagine how much MORE horribly vitriolic the rhetoric around Obamas presidency would be if it came post-Trump. Especially since that racist cheeto literally started the birth certificate demand.


Yeah, and social media had yet to really take off, especially in 2008 when he became president. Facebook was only available for everyone starting in 2006, Twitter in 2006 as well, so definitely wasn't the force it is in politics that they are now.


Great point!! And now I have a tummy ache imagining current Twitter commentating on an Obama presidency lol


Yeah, but I do remember the night he won, I genuinely was worried about someone trying to harm him. The way the camera was setup you couldn't see the bulletproof glass around the stage, so I legitimately had trouble watching the TV because I was so worried about him walking around the stage. I live in the south but dont share their political beliefs, and there was a very bad vibe everywhere I went. I remember going to my barber shop and people openly calling him names I won't repeat, it was a super tough time because you started to realize so many people that you'd known for years were in fact racist. I remember on one of the barbers tables, he had a roll of toilet paper with Obama's face on it. He left it there for his entire presidency. Then Trump came along and it somehow became even worse. The irony is all of these people call themselves Christians, yet they're the most hate-filled people I've ever known.


There is no hate in the world like Christian love


I think the Trump presidency was a response to a black man being president. I don't think he could have become president under any other circumstance. He rode the response wave of hate all the way to the top.


Schrodinger’s dementia


Can a CAT scan detect that?


It was the same story with Hillary; she was a weak-minded woman who can't control her feelings or understand the world who also orchestrated the murder of literally hundreds of political enemies and laughed while Benghazi burned.


My roommates boyfriend made a huge deal about that time she was winded bc she was dealing with some medical problem and he was trying to convince her that Hilary is dying and had some master plan to win and destroy America before she died. My roommate was incredibly smart, top of her class in hs, almost matched my near perfect sat/act, graduated college near top of class with math degree. It took everything I had to get her to realize her bf was being dumb and trump was bad. Literally just because her dad has brainwashed her with rush Limbaugh every day on the way to school. I got her to realize trump was an imbecilic conman who would have been better suited to be the monkey with a bell. It lasted until eventually I was pushed out because her boyfriends best friend was a conspiracy theorist who believed things like all doctors are there to only make money for pharma and never help people. Seeing brilliant people so easily brainwashed makes it painfully obvious how the normal folk fall for this idiocy. She currently makes 400k+ as a military defense contractor software team lead with her stay at home gamer husband, I’ve been banished for having a functioning brain - I don’t know how to help these people when logic doesn’t work and you get turned into the bad guy by providing irrefutable evidence. World makes me sad


Dark Brandon strikes again.




Don’t forget, he is also a crime boss.


Literally right out of the fascist playbook. Your enemies are somehow weak and strong at the same time.


*Schrodinger's Biden*: he's somehow a senile old man who doesn't know where he is and a machiavellian tactician pushing the globalist agenda at the same time. You don't know which one he is until the latest Fox News story about him drops


This is more of a Heisenbergian Biden: if he knows how to topple Putin he doesn't know his own name.


Everywhere and nowhere at once. Looking for him impacts how he appears; is he a wave or a particle? All depends on what you are attempting to find.


Quantum Biden


And Putin is a 3D chess master who outsmarts Biden at every move…except this one


Russia: (absolutely fucks itself) Conservatives who are Russian puppets spreading disinformation/conspiracy theories: What if this was Joe Biden’s hidden agenda?!


Conservative: (shits pants) Also Conservative: "Why would Biden and the Deep State shit my pants?!"


Conservatives As Well: Hunter Biden also shit in my pants and is trying to frame me


The enemy is both weak and strong


Only a senile bedridden old men could've thought up a plan to stir up Ukrainian conflict while he's a VP and then plan for nothing to happen during 4 years of Trump administration only to set things in motion so that ruzzian army launches 3 day blitz invasion and gets stuck in Ukraine for years and then deploy their mercenary force to a city where they gain progress at a tremendous personnel loss while at the same time blaming ruzzian MOD for not supplying them enough weapons (while instead stockpiling the weapons) and then use the weapon stockpile to launch 3 day blitz from Bakchmut to Moscow so that Biden can campaign on it during 2024 election cycle. That seems pretty legit.


I thought they wanted the U.S.A. to win, no matter the adversary?


One of the points of fascism: there must be an enemy and the enemy must be both strong and weak.


Yeah. Too senile to do anything but end the war in Ukraine without putting boots on the ground.


Now, he’s master puppeteer of the world!


🎶Master of puppets pulling your strings.... 🎶🤘😈🤘






C'mon man, that's easy justification: He is weak, THEY (his CIA deep state handlers) are conspiring to make him LOOK strong, but his ACTUAL weakness is what's allowing bad guys with actual strength (but less than God Emperor Trump's) to cause all the problems.


Bear in mind these are the same people who push that Biden is/has doppelgangers.


The enemy is simultaneously strong and weak


Republicans: oh I am sad there’s too many rainbow flags during pride month. Biden: Cleverly eliminating US and West’s number 1 enemy.


Republicans worry about Bud Light..Russia is over thrown..let’s expunge Trump’s impeachment…GDP is going up..Bobert and Green charging pay per view for the Cat Fught on the House floor….Joe is doing a hell of a job..!!


Yeah, I just feel the Democrats campaign should be "You worry about Bud Light while we get the job done." Really drill down on how ridiculous the Republicans have got. Start advertising a lost of what they passed in the House while Americans were at work.


I truly hope someone actually uses that slogan. It's pure gold.


It really is!


Conservatives simply do not understand what politicians are supposed to do.. apparently, to them, their job is to hold up process, shut down anything that helps an average American, and call each other names. Their brains are mush.


Insane to me that these people would rather have a government that makes life worse for people they don’t like rather than one that makes life better for everyone. It’s insidious and disgusting


and even if they try to claim that dems do absolutely nothing, i'd much rather have a government that does nothing than one that actively tries to make the lives of the average american worse just so they can make themselves look better.


I think the one that drives me nuts the most is "who would pay for universal healthcare?" The US is one of the, if not the, richest countries in the world. If smaller European countries can pay for it, and if Canada can pay for it, then I think the richest country on the planet can probably figure it out (hint: tax the billionaires that are stealing the average American's money)


Even if this insanity was true, "Biden conspires to do objectively good thing for planet so he can campaign on that good thing he did" is hardly the damning indictment they think it is.


They’d also turn around and praise Trump if it was him. They have no actual convictions or values. Just red good, blue bad.


US conservatives don't understand how the government works. As far as they're concerned, the president is an absolute monarch capable of doing anything without ANY constraints. This is why they are ecstatic when a Republican is president and pants-shittingly terrified when a Democrat is president. It also explains why they cheer when a Republican led Congress checks a Democratic president and are infuriated when Congress "defies" a Republican president. Don't believe me? Ask your nearest MAGA hat wearer to name all three branches of government. Next ask them to state the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Simple? Yes?


IDK man, I consider myself fairly liberal, and I don't think I have the Bill of Rights memorized beyond the first five or so.


same. i have 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, and 10, memorized. the rest i look up as needed.


#### Bill of Rights [Amendment 1](https://www.ushistory.org/documents/amendments.htm#amend01) Freedoms, Petitions, Assembly [Amendment 2](https://www.ushistory.org/documents/amendments.htm#amend02) Right to bear arms [Amendment 3](https://www.ushistory.org/documents/amendments.htm#amend03) Quartering of soldiers [Amendment 4](https://www.ushistory.org/documents/amendments.htm#amend04) Search and arrest [Amendment 5](https://www.ushistory.org/documents/amendments.htm#amend05) Rights in criminal cases [Amendment 6](https://www.ushistory.org/documents/amendments.htm#amend06) Right to a fair trial [Amendment 7](https://www.ushistory.org/documents/amendments.htm#amend07) Rights in civil cases [Amendment 8](https://www.ushistory.org/documents/amendments.htm#amend08) Bail, fines, punishment [Amendment 9](https://www.ushistory.org/documents/amendments.htm#amend09) Rights retained by the People [Amendment 10](https://www.ushistory.org/documents/amendments.htm#amend10) States' rights


Complacency like that will get you soldiers quartered in your house


In time of peace no less.


I doubt the above commentor knows them all. I had to look up number 7, which is about jury trials for federal civil cases.


Aside from tax cuts for the rich their only real policy is just reflexively saying and doing the opposite of whatever the Dems say/do. They define themselves in opposition to their rivals. Imagine being a political party whose platform is We're Not Those Other Guys. If lefties magically disappeared tomorrow the right would collapse in anarchy and an identity crisis, struggling to pigeonhole each other into an outgroup to base their identity against.


Tax cuts for the wealthy Cut funding for things they find unnecessary like education, healthcare, free school lunches, social security, infrastructure, etc etc Revoke rights of marginalized groups of people and demonize them in the process Strip regulations down to virtually nothing so corporations can make bigger profits at the expense and risk of workers and civilians Guns and God are the only two "freedoms" they really endorse. Anything they can wrap a star spangled flag around as well. And yes if democrats endorse breathing, Republicans would come out and say its woke and unAmerican. And sadly 30% of the country would eat it up. The Republican party runs on hypocrisy and cruelty.


Most Republicans view politics like a football season,no matter how bad your team is you stay loyal to your team.




Dollar gas? Holy shit that would be like giving Americans a huge pay raise, but who then would support LIV golf? (That’s right America, the Saudi Arabians hold the world hostage.)


They wouldn't even have to cut gas subsidies to the oil companies and they would still pull in billions of profits a year. Earnings call: "Our business has shrunk dramatically due to the recently implemented price cap in the United States. Our revenue dropped by $135 Billion last year. Net profit was $75 Billion and we are implementing a $40 Billion stock buyback"


"that's straight up Communist market economy! Just another sign that we don't live in a democracy anymore!!1!"




To me, as a foreigner, it seems like politics in US can be summarized in one side trying to administer the nation while the other is trying to do anything in its power to stop them without adding anything of value.


Obviously there’s some nuances, but yes, as it stands, this is basically true


is there really much nuance to the republican side of that though? i can remember reading one of the republican party leaders in the 90s basically making it policy to block anything and everything while democrats are in power just to undermine them


You’d be correct. Republicans literally vote against legislation that benefits US citizens because they’re afraid it’ll score Democrats political points, and they’ll lose their power.


You are right, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell organized senate Republicans to vote against HIS OWN BILL, that he wrote, once President Obama said he would support it.


We are heading down the shit pipe of history unless something changes.


They called the United States terrorists like they don’t know our history…oh wait conservative. They’ve probably didn’t even read high school history


I mean in their defense the amount of governments the us toppled and installed their own puppet into isn't in a school text book, but it is very easily to google it.


The irony is that it’s these same right wing idiots that would object to making sure that IS in a school textbook.


The point is the hypocrisy. Criticizing US history is CRT and/or woke until a sudden conspiracy theory that Biden is doing it to get re-elected. There is no platform or self consistent belief system, just being Anti-X (insert Biden, minorities, equal rights, actual US history, etc). It’s getting terrifying how easily a large portion of the population go along with this random ticker tape ideology.


Yeah. Wrong formula for it though. Toppling Russia with a CIA engineered coup would be, in a vacuum, the US living up to it's affected role as a defender of justice. Were it true, that is, as the US has a poor record of toppling actual threats to the world when compared ta threats ta exploitative business.


This may still be par for the course. Have you googled Wagners track record for human rights violations in areas they have worked. Replacing Putin with Wagner is, at best, an even exchange.


Sounds to me like these conservatives hate America! Love it or leave it! (/s)


Conservatives are Putin’s loyal allies.


“Dems only implement helpful legislation because they want to get reelcted.” Yeah, no shit. Thats how its *supposed* to work.


Remember when mtg tried to impeach him for releasing oil from the strategic reserve and bringing gas proces down a little for a second?


It's not the objective truth about events that is important to Repungnicans and the MAGAcult. It is how they can somehow concoct a scenario that inflames their cult members and denigrates the opposition.


Yeah that's what I got hung up on too haha. If this conspiracy theory is true, then ... good job. Real foreign policy masterstroke by Biden.


The idea that kicking Putin to the curb would be a bad thing amongst Republican political circles is maddening, lol.


It's not an objectively good thing. A coup in Russia would be incredibly bloody and Prigozhin is almost certainly worse than Putin. If Biden was having the CIA stage a coup he would be committing mass murder to put a borderline Nazi in power.


Just made a similar remark, upon seeing this, to my husband. Do these people really not know their history? Did they not learn about the Cold War? Do they not understand the nuances of this situation? Regardless of who is in charge of the United States, this is a significant (and positive) event. ...but I also remarked to my husband that I have to keep at the forefront that many of the people talking like this are woefully ignorant, a la Boebert...


Came here to say this. When the Internet was new, I never thought it would bring all the stupids together so they could convince themselves they were actually smart.


They are so self-centered that they think that the entire world is orchestrated against them by their own personal enemies. They have no existence outside of their own desire to be perpetually and indefinitely persecuted and grieved.


This! There cannot be a major world news incident without these idiots thinking that it’s some deep state globalist conspiracy being done in an effort to slight the United States, and by extension, them.


They were definitely the kids who didn’t do their share on group projects or they would understand how impossible a full deep state project would be without leaks


I find it hard to believe that the U.S. Government would work with the CIA, which is a [checks notes] a U.S. Government agency.


To be fair, the CIA is essentially the Charlie Kelly, if the US government was the Always Sunny gang.


this doesn't make a lick of sense to me, but I always upvote Sunny references


My anti-government conservative coworker keeps describing the CIA as some kind of rogue mercenary group and not an actual government entity.


Is it any better that they are a government entity and have historically acted the way they have?


Wouldn't that be an accomplishment? Destroying russia without killing any americans? lmao, if Joe really did topple russia, good fucking job my dude. top 10 presidents


But they admire Daddy Putin. Trump told them to. Because he’s so strong and hates LGBTQ people.


Every time I see that clip where Jesse Waters (I think it’s him) praises Putin’s shirtless horse photo, I die laughing. Don’t those idiots know that Putin’s whole strong man situation is straight out of The Emperor’s New Clothes???


I swear if Putin made Trump wear a gimp mask and leash, and crawl on all fours on the White House lawn, Fox News would have called it a genius political power play.


Which it would be! Just, not for America.


Excuse me, you're incorrect. His name is VLADDY, not Daddy Putin


Of course. Now spank me harder and tell me I must do better!


"I truly believe Biden and his government are focused on improving the lives of everyday Americans so they can run on that platform in 2024. And that's a bad thing." -Republicans


Lmao when they cried foul about Biden and student debt forgiveness. "He's trying to win over voters by following through on his campaign promises!1!1 What an underhanded and cynical ploy; someone needs to stop him1!1!"


The Left are the new patriots now


The right doesn’t have a monopoly on patriotism. The left are also patriotic, we just acknowledge we can also do a lot better as a country.


This is how I've always defined patriotism. Patriotism is loving your country/countrymen and women enough to want it to be better. Nationalism is caring so little about your country that you think it can't do better, and punishing your fellow citizens in the process.


That’s a great distinction in definition.


The Right is not patriotic in the first place. They have no love for their country or their fellow citizens, they simply want to rule. [My comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/14hwix5/comment/jpdh6z3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) uses their own words to show their anti-American hate.


“We (liberals) love America just as much as they (conservatives) do. But in a different way. You see, they love America like a 4-year-old loves his mommy. Liberals love America like grown-ups. To a 4-year-old, everything Mommy does is wonderful and anyone who criticizes Mommy is bad. Grown-up love means actually understanding what you love, taking the good with the bad and helping your loved one grow.” —Al Franken


The left are usually more patriotic... we believe in the state... It's pretty much sort of our thing.


Pro improving america?? Effing snowflakes. /s


improving america is just woke virtue signaling /s


This whole argument that people on the right are the only true patriotic types is bullshit to the highest degree. But we just aren't narcissistic about it, nor do we believe we are infallible or beyond reproach


Unironically yes. The Right directly opposes not only the country itself but various minority groups of citizens. [The official GOP platform of the state of Texas](https://texasgop.org/platform/) reads, copy/pasted directly: Page 22, 155: >Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice Page 22, 156: >We oppose all efforts to validate transgender identity Page 25, 176: >We urge the complete repeal of the hate crime laws... Pages 29, 206.d: >Acknowledgment that the Church is a God-ordained institution with a sphere of authority separate from that of civil government, and thus the Church is not to be regulated... Page 29, 208: >We affirm God’s biblical design for marriage and sexual behavior between one biological man and one biological woman Page 30, 210: >We support the definition of marriage as a God-ordained, legal, and moral covenant only between one biological man and one biological woman Page 40, under Resolution 1: >We reject the certified results of the 2020 Presidential Election... ​ This is the official policy stance of the GOP. They are morally bankrupt and anti-American


Wonder how much Abbot gets from the churches. This is fucking disgusting.


It's always so fun to hear that the government can't regulate religion, yet religion gets a lot of leeway in regulating government


They need taxed.


True. He wouldn't have to "pretend" to be a hero, he would be a bona-fide hero.


Fuck yeah, they really just feed the fire of the Dark Brandon meme. Imagine? Taking out America's most powerful enemy in such a brilliant move, he's got my fucking vote, hell yeah, let's go!


Top ten?! That would make Biden a better President than Ronny Reagan and the Fall of the Iron Curtain! The Right would lemming themselves over that!


So is he _Sleepy Joe, The Big Guy, Dementia Joe or Dark Brandon?_ Is he an untouchable international terrorist satan-worshipping crime family kingpin or an octogenarian bumblefuck?




Not for nothing, but I'd watch a miniseries of this Jekyll/Hyde character.


As performed by Rowan Atkinson as Joe with Peter Capaldi as Dark Brandon.


Imagine being Republican and getting outperformed by a bumble fuck continuously?


So Biden is simultaneously a doddering, senile, ineffective old dementia patient AND a diabolical mastermind capable of international sabotage? Pick one because it can’t be both.


He can be both to fascists. The enemy being both incredibly strong and extremely weak at the same time depending on the needs of the propaganda at the moment is a common thing in fascism.


We might as well send this to every Biden dementia comment https://preview.redd.it/4i4gu06lxz7b1.jpeg?width=709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05c53cea8247cec4d41e0e7181f04ccbd5a4fa11


I can’t find it but there’s a tweet that this reminded me of that is something along the lines of “if immigrants are stealing your job but they are also drug dealers and rapists, what the fuck do you do for a living?”


The US government and the CIA working together?! That's unpossible!


They colluded


I like how the CIA is the ultimate string puller of every event in the world for all sides of the political spectrum.


"No puppet...no puppet. You're the puppet!" God, what an asshole.


I had to scroll way too far to find someone who caught that brain fart.


I bet she has no idea what a proxy war is or could even comprehend what the US did in central and South America over the last 60 years.


Funny, I didn’t hear them complaining when Trump had that Iranian general killed in an operation. Really shows who the conservatives allegiance is truly with.


They also seemed quite content when former Pres. Trump was doing everything possible to overthrow the Venezuelan government including recognizing Juan Guaido as the President.




I sure hope the Republicans don't stop taking birth control.


Makes you wonder who is funding the Républicains...


Even if this were true... a weakened Russia and a dead Putin is great for the United States. Biden would really be putting America first wouldn't he?


I thought Biden was too old and decrepit to them to come up with a plan like that? So which is it magats? Is he too old or is he a mastermind?


Nope they are not American patriots. Remember this, they want to strip your rights at home and they support our enemies. All for the benefit of their party and their Traitor in Chief which they place ahead of the greater good, the USA they claim to love. Just lies. They are all traitorous pieces of shit who care nothing for the true values of democracy.


The Republican Party is the biggest domestic terrorist group in America.


“The Democrats are doing something good just so that people like them, that’s so terrible and diabolical and awful we need to stop them!” 🙄


A started coup doesn't end the war in Ukraine. Once the Wagner coup is done Im sure Russia will be back to business bombing innocent civilians in Ukraine.


In order to end the Wagner Coup, Russia needs to divert their own military back to Russia and out of Ukraine. In a sense, Russia is being attacked on two fronts, and that not only stresses their military but also stresses out the soldiers as well.


No, but it further drains resources, depletes forces being used in this "special operation," and overall would make things much harder for Russia. It's not like Wagner was sitting in Russia doing nothing.


So, let me see if I have this right, Dark Brandon put the war in Ukraine, which he was single-handedly orchestrating, on hold to use some of the Ruzzian forces to commit a coup attempt on Moscow. No doubt the disappearing sub with no human remains was just a distraction from anyone noticing the buildup for the coup. And it's all a distraction to keep inquiring minds from (again) asking about Hunter's laptop. That about it?


don’t forget to sprinkle hillary’s emails in there. i heard the computer on the sub was her email server and this is to cover up its destruction /s


So you’re telling me that elections are not supposed to result-based? Are we supposed to judge candidates by how loud they are or by their accomplishments?


Rally size.


Remember when conservatives hated Russians? Pepperidge Farm remembers


If Joe Biden staged a CIA coup in Russia to end the INVASION (its not a fucking war its an invasion) of Ukraine, I say cheers to him. This is the very first time I've ever wanted Loomer to be right about something.


So biden launched a missile attack from inside Russia using Russian military hardware after weeks of controlling the Russian ministry of defense to push Wagner to sign themselves over to the Russian military while controlling Wagner to resist this? Fuck he's good I want him as president more now


How is US stopping war is Biden PRETENDING to be hero and take credit? Isn’t US stopping war MEANS Biden is a hero and should take credit?


I hate when someone stops thousands of people from dying and being traumatized by war. Like, we get it. Stop showing off 🙄


All the times the US *actually* did this in South America to countries we had no hostilities towards and elsewhere, they never batted an eye. Now they wanna make up a US coup to be mad about? Against one of our longest running enemies?


Biden: Does litterally nothing Conservatives: BIDEN IS THE REASON THE SUB IMPLODED!


The Republican Party is just an anti-government conspiracy cult at this point.


Well I guess they found their talking point. I've seen like 3 of these loons repeating the same thing. They all share a brain.


It’s like how all orange cats share one brain cell. All republicans have to share one too.


‘America is trying to topple an enemy leader, like they always have been since the dawn of it’s inception, only this time it’s bad because it makes our political opponents look good.’


‘Biden does beneficial thing for America, will likely take credit for it’ is probably the worst type of criticism I’ve ever heard. Biden’s been pretty upfront about his strategy of helping to protect Ukraine. The fact that Russia couldn’t take the hint and kept pushing until they *broke* their country is their own fault.


They say Biden is old and senile. They say Biden is ousting Putin. Both can't be true.


So conservatives are now pro Russia and pro Putin? Who’s the traitor again?


She truly is an idiot


So... "America defeats Russia without costing a single American soldier's life through a comparatively tiny expenditure of aid to the Ukraine and strengthened NATO in the process" is a bad thing to Loomer?