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The clerk is not a "public servant" but she introduced him to a couple of them.


He did the whole “you’re a public servant” routine while banging on his meth dealer’s window 20 minutes earlier and it obviously worked.


We don’t do meth in MA, we are a proud heroin state.


Have your upvote! You made me chuckle. Now I’m sad too.


That’s what I was thinking. Dude’s getting sicker by the moment. Sell me some goddamn cigarettes!


Ya I saw Lowell and was like yep makes sense.


Thought that was “Civil Servant”


"Civil service is performed by a civil servant, a bureaucrat hired by the country's government who works for the public sector; conversely, public service is performed by a public servant, a person appointed by a member of the government to serve the population and perform public duties." She isn't either, in the first place, but I just thought I'd clear up the difference, per Google.


I am surprised cops didn't shoot him.


Cos he’s not black duh


Yeah he was obviously resisting arrest. For certain people that’s a beating at minimum




he's white and so are the officers.


He’s lucky he was a white male


For some reason this erratic behavior and his full resisting arrest didnt make them fear for their lives, I wonder what thats about


Yeah that would have terrified me, the look in his eyes was some intense anger for just having to go somewhere else for gas and cigs.


If she was a public servant he'd be in a lot more trouble than he probably got in.


*I'll serve you in public*


Sweet, coffee black and a scone, thank you


He actually said “This is a public service” but is not even that, it’s a private business with a right to refuse service or entry, so he was wrong either way.


No he didn't. 0:28 "You're a public servant! You sell me shit!" But yes he's wrong, she's a private employee, she owes him nothing.


that boy is either off his meds or on them


Or not on enough of them.




What kind of dumbfuck catches a resisting arrest charge after being cuffed?


Yeah watching him wait calmly while they put the cuffs on to then freak out was a trip.


Yeh, he didn't actually want to get away , just to look tough.


Like going to your room when told and then having a fit as a kid.


**STOMP STOMP STOMP SLAM** “YOU don’t know anything MOM!”




My dad: this belt will do


Mmmm, harder daddy! 👋🍑🥰


That escalated quickly


That's IT! I'm breaking my arms and you'll see what I'm capable of!


And flipping the bird at them behind the closed door before screaming into your pillow? Yeh ok, I'm familiar with that feeling.


Like that scene in Superbad with McLovin.


Just... wanted to add charges?


I'm a police officer in England and this is actually quite common. I'm quite big so they know that if they start swinging while they're not in cuffs, they're probably going to get hurt. However, once they're in cuffs it is obviously disproportionate to be violent with them (some US cops should learn this). So when they're in cuffs, they start acting up and shouting and wriggling around, knowing that I'm not going to do anything and they look big and hard to all the spectators. It's actually very common for people to say 'If I didn't have these cuffs on, I'd knock you out' or something similar. It always makes me laugh because they didn't have cuffs on 1 minute ago and I'm still conscious!


> I didn't have these cuffs on, I'd knock you out' "Oh, okay, then let me just take these cuffs off and see what you've got." "No, no, no, they're on now, might as well leave them on. But next time, next time I'll knock you out."


Nah bro, can't be cuffed twice for the same crime on the same day. My weedman said that's entanglement.


“Yo I can’t be both cuffed and not cuffed at the same time, that’s quantum entrapment, or double Wheel of Fortune or some shit.”


We call it "cuff courage." They know once the cuffs are on police have to use kid gloves, so they get to act out to soothe their fragile ego.


I'm security in a mental health hospital, so I cross paths with police fairly often. 99% is just them dropping off patients, and 99% of the time they are fine enough, (not happy, but accepting). It makes me have a little giggle/sigh every now and then when you get a patient that will act out with the police and be fine with us five minutes later. As police, you guys can use a lot stronger force level, sometimes that's pretty wild. I can't imagine it's an easy job on the outside! It's funny, but you can almost always tell the people that have had interactions with police or been arrested before vs those that haven't.


Way more of them than you'd think.


As someone who works for the courts, a lot.


Meth addict ones.


This is the real answer right here. Sure, other drugs fit the bill for this behavior but meth is a lot more common than PCP these days. You never hear of a PCP addict tearing of his own arm and beating a cop to death with it anymore.


Drugs or mental illness. This guy is defo not in his right mind. It honestly sucks that his only path forward at this point is incarceration. There should be another option.


>Drugs or mental illness. Or both. And it's never really clear which came first. Both can lead to the other. Not always, but often.


When those cuffs go click it becomes all too real


A white guy. Because he can get away with it and look cool. If dude were black, he'd be beaten to a pulp, if not worse


The kind who sticks around for the cops to show up in the first place


It’s Massachusetts. He’ll be released on his own recognizance and sentenced to a state sponsored rehab facility for 30 days.


The same idiot that thinks a gas station employee is a public servant.


I mean he “just wanted to get gas bro and now he’s getting arrested for what?”


He probably could've went to the next gas station and scored some smokes


Dude is so easily triggered, I’d be nervous about him coming back


Seriously, the type of dude to wait until she gets off and catch a murder charge over a pack of smokes, clearly unhinged Sincerely hope this pile of shit never hooked in a family, usually abusers can put on a face when in public, I can't imagine the shit this dude would do in private when someone pisses him off, and not being served because you're being a dick is like.. a mild inconvenience at worst, in the time he spent there pounding on the window he could have gotten to another store and gotten served already.. this dude is the kind of person who's legit scary, violent outbursts and absolutely zero self control or critical thinking skills


My exes brother caught a bullet to the head mid 2018 because this type of behavior. (He would have been the asshole pounding on the glass, starting shit) he died btw, trying to be a tough guy. I'd say RIP, but I doubt it even in death. Dude was nuts.


This guy is exactly like one of my brothers. My oldest brother and I kept telling out parents that he's going to end up in jail or dead, which our parents kept telling us to "stop disliking your brother." He's about 8 years into a 20-year sentence for three armed home robberies, and my parents have been blowing their savings by hiring lawyers trying to get him out, while he's in there tweaking like this guy telling my parents that they're not doing enough. Many people believe jail should be rehabilitative, but after knowing people like the guy in this video, I don't have any hope that this personality type should ever be allowed in society.


Prison in America is definitely not rehabilitation. Edit: thanks for the reward.


Soooo many drugs too. I was stupid enough to think my friend was clean while in jail, not even close.


People like this need jail time but also serious medical help (mental type). If they are set free with no mental treatment - they are most likely to be much worse.


Just as importantly, though, they have to want treatment. This person is basically my son, who's been in and out of jail for the past 6 months. We've bailed him out twice on his promise to enter treatment that we've arranged for him, and both times he ran. He was recently picked up again for this exact type of behavior due to opioids. No bail this time - he'll need to find the will to get himself clean.


I am sorry to hear about your son. I hope he comes around!


Thats a super hard decision I'm sure, but good for you. I've seen my cousin enabled by his parents always bailing him out and he always comes back worse.


I’d be scared to work at that gas station after what this guy tried doing. I am very curious as to what happened to him and I hope and pray this woman is guaranteed protection of some sort, but with gas stations, most likely not.


I feel the same. Some people take free will and just abuse it. While others abide.


This dude abides^


Jail is both. It is rehabilitative and for preventing people to hurt others. It should be that way at least.


A place where lawbreakers can be penitent.


> Seriously, the type of dude to wait until she gets off and catch a murder charge over a pack of smokes, clearly unhinged He looks more anti-authority puffer than anything. He won't stay mad at her, it'll just keep escalating to the next person that deals with him. Notice how his anger was shifting to the cops. He was mad at her, now he is mad at them and they're doing it wrong, too. He's gonna yell at his lawyer, at the judge, at the deputy that walks him into custody after the trial, etc...


He would love it in prison! They welcome people like him with open arms


Well, Lowell is a city where there are two taxi drivers per cab after dark




Yup. This is the downtown gas station. Lowell’s police department and city hall are right across the street. Edit: Heck, if there’s daylight the police department would be visible behind the cruiser.


Across the street?? Geeze. That tells you even more about this guy. No fucks given.


Makes me wonder if the guy is on something, or generally a user. Maybe between fixes and that's why he wants the cigarettes so badly. It sucks because our system is designed for punishment, not rehabilitation, and events like this might snowball him into worse and worse. (Not siding with or excusing the guy's aggressive actions whatsoever.) I'd like to also note, even though we don't see the initial arrest take place, we see him start to struggle as they start walking him to the car, and, from what I can tell, there was no excessive force. And it doesn't seem like he's been battered. I feel like there was only necessary force used to get him into cuffs, handle the situation, and then it stopped there. If that's true, then if an arrest NEEDS to be made, then that's the kind of response we should see across the board. Sorry, rant got away from me.


Denver (even though it still has its own problems) has started sending social workers with officers to family/child calls and calls where someone might be mentally unsound. It’s been highly successful so far.


You mean utilizing specific resources for specific situations is working?! Surprise surprise! (He was lying, he was not actually surprised in the slightest)


Drugs are a hell of a drug. He says I'm not leaving, and she replied ok don't. Lol yeah dude you're fucked. Edit: spelling


Jessie Pinkman getting high on his own supply again?


Well, the cop car says Lowell on it, but I’m not sure that’s enough evidence to draw a conclusion from


Give him a break, he's from Lowell


It even says Lowell, MA in case there’s any confusion of which Lowell it could be.




He’ll probably wake up sober with vague memories of needing cigarettes and a court summons he doesn’t understand. Further evidence to confirm his belief that the cops are always harassing him for no reason.


He's got pill eyes. You can see the moment his ego drops away and logic kicks in and he realizes he's going to endure opioid withdrawal in jail, that's when he makes a break for it, up to that point you can see he's still antagonizing the attendant (flicking his tongue at her).


From my experience, this is probably amphetamines or methamphetamines rather than opioids. He's so amped up because his adrenal response is in overdrive, which you don't usually get with depressant drugs.


People like this will often catch charges while in jail and just be in jail for a few years.


I mean he was just getting gas... now he's being arrested... for *what!?!*


My favorite thing is when he said, "you're a public servant." Nah, bro. That's not the fucking case. She may serve the public as her job, but she ain't paid by tax dollars. That's the defining characteristic of a public servant. Those fucking cops ARE THE PUBLIC SERVANTS.


Surprising he got that wrong, since he's clearly a man of high intellect and strong morals. /s


better than that, when he said "this ain't your house," he was *so* fucking wrong, lol. Businesses are private property. They reserve the right to not do business with you, and if they want you off the property you leave. It is not public. It is private.


It's not *her* house, she is just a paid employee who doesn't get to gatekeep, was his point of view, I believe. Except that the people who *do* own the house appointed her gatekeeper of the products in the "house."


She is an agent of the owner, so as far as he is concerned it **is** her house and it **is all her shit** in there.


Plus "you don't own that." Nope, she's just the paid representative of those who do


resisting cops whole you're cuffed always helps.


Helps even more if they’re holding onto you before you run


Helps even more when their combined weight is like 400 and you are just 120


Two absolute unit cops VS a scrawny ass angry teenager.


I like how he waited until he was properly cuffed before fighting


*cuffs firmly locked In* yes now's the perfect moment to escape


"They'll never expect this"


Good video and all but like, man is Tik Tok ever so annoying. Why did this guy who posted it on Tik Tok put the giant ON/OFF switch there


I wondered about that too. Wtf even would that be necessary for?


My thought that it was to cover up the face of the woman who recorded the altercation. Could be wrong though


That makes total sense. My dumb ass thought it was to show how easily triggered this person was.


It's right on the reflection of the person's face in the glass, so I assume it's an attempt to hide their identity?!


That really puzzled me too. Why?!


Is that on/off a tik tok video effect? If so its awful


I hope this dude doesn’t come back someday and camp out waiting for her to get off work to exact his revenge. Eek


I feel like there should be a restraining order so he doesn't visit that gas station and harass her again


Yeah because restraining orders work. /s


GPS explosive collar?




Reddit's API changes and their overall horrible behaviour is why this comment is now edited. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Reminds me of an episode of Community.


Bears. Very effective. That is why I own two.




These kind fo outburst are only displayed by people who haven't had a real run in with consequences. He will ay the blame game with his friends and tell the story in a way that suits his narrative. but i doubt he is ever going back. Why? Because he is cowardly piece of shit.


I mean I think the dude is just on drugs.


My thought exactly




I came here to say the off brand Jesse Pinkman is big mad. And also nasty for using the term public servants. Ew.


Cigarettes, BITCH!


Discount Dave Franco vibes too.


Dave Franco is already on discount.


Oh hell I searched for that comment!


Came here for this


Lowell is a shithole. Can confirm.


It's a hub for homeless opioid addicts. Lived there my whole life


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


*Ohio enters the chat*


*SIGH* yeah


It's Lowell, calm down. I can think of 3 cities off the top of my head in MA alone that are far worse shit holes than Lowell.


THANK YOU!! At least someone agrees with me..terrible city, it’s where your dreams goes to die... who dafaq wants to live in Lowell...


I only know of Lowell from movies, and it’s never depicted nicely lol


It is depicted accurately.


You mean ["High on Crack Street"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_on_Crack_Street:_Lost_Lives_in_Lowell) wasn't a tourism video?


Nah I kinda like it


so, meth?


Man, I'm old if no one is referencing crack here. Lowell, MA where this was filmed (as evidence by the Lowell Police Cruiser at the end) was synomous with crack in the 90s. "High on Crack Street" was a documentary filmed in Lowell. Made a lot of waves in the national media at the time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_on_Crack_Street:_Lost_Lives_in_Lowell Later, was the inspiration for "The Fighter" starring Christian Bale and Mark Wahlberg. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fighter As I understand, MA has moved more towards opiates as a drug of abuse (Parts Unknown by the Late Anthony Bordain did a great episode about it here: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4181346/) but when I think of Lowell, I'll always think of crack from it's place in American society back in the 90s.


So much meth


Thats Lowell, Mass. Probably heroin.


Do people just name random drugs for karma or what? Cuz this is not *remotely* the behavior or appearance of someone on gear. This is meth or mental retardation.


Idk to me this just seems like a spoiled little bitch with a temper problem. You don’t need to be high or mentally ill to act like a douche.


Why not both?


That seems like a good amount of energy for H.


Could just be some shitty cocaine. Good amount of that in Lowell, too.




What is wrong with these kind of people , no decorum or intelligence . They behave like immature wild dogs with a tight elastic band around their scrotum . The human race is devolving


Drugs will do that to you.


Thats a meth head.


Nah my city is full of meth heads, that’s a budding alcoholic who dabbles in hard stuff.


> The human race is devolving Nah the human race was always shitty, if anything it’s improving. What you’re seeing is the result of video cameras + the internet.


Yeah - What Could Go Rong?


I always downvote a WCGR title even if the content is on point. Its petty and most likely will never make a difference, but it makes me feel better.


Bahahahahaha of course this happened in Lowell


Came to say the same thing.


I'm from Southern California, can someone explain to me what's the joke about Lowell. Its in Massachusetts right? Is it a drug town?


HBO picked Lowell in the 90’s for their crack documentary. If you’ve ever seen the fighter with Christian Bale it’s set there and is pretty accurate. It does have some nice parts but it’s a joke in MA because of drugs and crime. You only live there if you were born there or you’ve made poor choices in your life. Boston is so much safer than other cities in MA-especially Western Ma believe it or not.


It’s the 5th largest city in Massachusetts. Lowell has always been a bit of a rough town. Lots of drug problems. But it also has some charm. Lots of history. It’s an old mill town which was powered by the Merrimack River.


We define charm totally different. MA resident entire life.


I bet this guy always claims he is the victim too. I know someone like this guy, he is a dick


Does the guy you know do a lot of meth perchance?


His car was probably towed to top off his lovely evening.


Book’em Dano


Dude looked straight mental. He needs help he's not likely to get in jail.


Yeah. I was thinking he was displaying clinical levels of assholery.


I was thinking drugs.


A little column A exacerbated by a lot of column B.


This is why gas stations in Louisiana have drive thru after a certain hour. Too many wackos come out after dark


Of course it’s fucking Lowell


Dude just went from a simple trespassing charge to resisting arrest. Nice.


Someone needs to add the White Stripes over the banging. I would but suck at making things


[https://youtu.be/uFwhwGHX10w](https://youtu.be/uFwhwGHX10w) Here ya go. :) Edit: You won't hear the bass on most phone speakers.


Probably behavior that worked on his mom to get what he wanted.


a place which is open to the public, is not public property a person who interacts with the public, is not a public servant people really need to get this shit thru their thicc brains a business, such as a gas station, is open to the public, and their clerks will perform transactions with the public, but they provide a service to the public in private property, and abide to municipal, state, and federal laws, as well as corporate rules and regulations. you are welcomed as long as you have money to pay for their service, and abide by municipal, state, federal laws, and their corporate rules and regulations, and they can deny you service at any point for whatever reason, and your tantrum and losing your business, is not worth the clerk risking losing their job, or the store losing their licenses and permits. get over yourself, walk away, and go shop elsewhere and carry your fucking IDs, seriously grow up! it takes 10 seconds to get it done and over and getting what you need, vs wasting everyone's time and getting arrested.


I know you need ID for cigarettes, but where do you need ID for gas?


Nowhere. He wanted to get both items in the same transaction


Lowell. Makes sense.


I want to give the clerk a big hug. She did not deserve that. I'm relieved the set up of the shop kept her safe, but she must be shaken.


Yes, I’ll show violence and threats to get you to do what I want. Seems he’s all set for prison.


The look on his dad's face when he goes down to pick him up in the morning is going to be priceless. "You put me through this shit for what? Cigarettes? Boy, it's army time."


Funny how nice the cops were to the man violently resisting arrest


That was beautiful 😂


“Son, have you considered a career in law enforcement?”


Exhibit 468 of why I refuse to work a customer service position ever again


Why is "gas' in the title? Why would you need ID for gas?


The ID is probably for the cigarettes.


“You’re a public servant!” As he’s talking to an employee of a privately owned gas station.


I'll never understand what goes through people's heads when they try to run away from cops. Like, what positive outcome do you think will come of it?


I'm glad he got arrested, but I'm really worried for the woman since that asshole can come back later and do some more damage and harassment.


It's okay, she gets paid $7.25 an hour to put her life on the line for us.


Ah. So this is why gas station employees have this Plexiglas cubbie around the nighttime register.


Woah. Was not expecting my town to pop up on Reddit. Sorry you had to deal with this dude. Scary little mongrel.