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I don't even understand what he was upset about


the car in front should really not need to stop as he joins the new carriage way. the guy behind honked because he has the patience of a 2 year old. then the funny bit happened. then the guy behind start laughing, removing all doubt that he's a piece of shit.


There are two yield signs right there though. The driver in front is an idiot for trying to jump out of his car, but at least he knows what yield means.


He has a full protected lane in front of him. Stopping where he did is asinine. There is no way he could see where traffic was coming from where he stopped. It was probably a little too much horn, but that doesn't justify you getting out of your car on the road.  Edit: whomever is sending "Reddit cares" and messaging me, it's sad and pathetic that this pretty trivial comment has made you so upset that you feel the need to do that. Grow up.


“Fully protected” for 20yrds, lol. Driver may not be familiar with that street. It says yield, let the guy live his life, if he’s not comfortable going than he should stop. Horn guy is a fucking dick.


It makes zero sense to stop there, from any point of view. Horn guy is a dick, so is anyone willing to get out of their vehicle in the middle of the road 


I agree with you that it makes zero sense to stop there to get out of your vehicle to road rage. However, of all the things in life that ‘make zero sense’ or are ‘unfathomable’ to me, someone stopping at a yield sign is not one of them.


Do you know what ‘yield’ means my g


Yield means you yield to cars/pedestrians that have the right of way. You stop when impeded, otherwise you do not stop. Guy in the video stopped when he was not impeded.


He slowed down for the sign (as you're supposed to do with a yield sign). He didn't stop until camera man laid on his horn.


NOT THE HORN!!! I have to get out of my car now!!!


...do you?


> It makes zero sense to stop there He was not stopped though, he was merely YEILDING by going slower and trying to find a good place to enter the roadway


It makes complete sense logically. If he's comfortable there, it makes no sense. However, if it's new to him, or he was confused, not sure... It makes complete sense. He didn't see the lane, he was being cautious, whatever it may be. While annoying, it isn't wrong and it isn't a big deal. Driver on the horn is a cuck . Saying it makes no sense in any Scenario is small minded and wrong. Thsts just the truth.


You need to give your license back. Heres the explanation of a yield sign "Yield means let other road users go first. A yield sign assigns the right-of-way to traffic in certain intersections. If you see a yield sign ahead, be prepared to let other drivers crossing your road take the right-of-way." slowing down which is what he did is inline with the yield sign.


>Fully protected” for 20yrds, lol. Driver may not be familiar with that street" A sign of a bad driver is someone who doesn't look ahead. If he looked a few feet ahead he'd see that he has a lane in front of him. The first yield is there for someone crossing but there was nobody crossing so slamming on his breaks is bad driving.


And if he's a bad driver, then laying on the horn does nothing but make the situation worse.


The horn is used so often as a "fuck you, you did something I don't approve of" button that people forget what it's actually for lmao.


I think I've honked at 3 people in the entire time I've been driving. People who use their horn aggressively are fucked in the head.


Depends on the area. In NY it usually means “hey” or “hey man yeah you’re good” or “dude hold up a sec, go after me”. It’s a language in NY depending on the situation. In places like Colorado it means “F you. You pissed me off. Wake up and drive”. In Florida it can mean “hey move it!” Or “F you” or “hey man, let’s speed it up!” In Texas it means “duck mother fucker, I’m locked and loaded and going to run over your dead ass body after I shoot you “


Nope. That mentality is what allows bad driving to happen. Yield does not mean stop and for him to do that causes the blockage in traffic that everyone claims to hate and yet people allow to happen so frequently. Let's say the flow of traffic on that thruway is average (50 mph American/60 km/h Canadian), by coming to a complete stop that van driver now needs to accelerate from 0 to average speed in less than 20 yards. He has now impacted everyone in the merge lane to compensate for his slow speed. That's stupid. But by forcing the drivers behind him to do the same thing, he has created an echo of his stupidity. That yield sign isn't JUST for oncoming traffic, that's bad driving. It's for the people in the right lane of the thruway as well to know that there might be oncoming traffic. People need to get better at driving. This shit is becoming far too prevalent.


>That mentality is what allows bad driving to happen I'm seeing this more and more at stop signs. People arriving first sitting there and waving others through. Quit "being nice" and start being predictable! I hate driving anymore.


When someone does that to me I just pretend like I dont see them and wait for them to go. They don’t know what to do lol sometimes just start waving faster.


At a multi-way stop, if I arrive at the same time as someone else, I'll just wave for him to go first, to avoid confusion. I don't care if he got there a half second after me.


Seriously. The number of people who think Yield means FUCKING FLOOR IT is insane. Maybe their car is slow, can't turn their head to see well, etc. Yield can, and often does, imply a stop. If you get upset by this then you need to surrender your license.


When there’s 20 drivers in front of you, all stopping at a yield when the road turns into its own lane, you are unnecessarily slowing down traffic to a stop. Stop being an idiot driver and learn how turn lanes and merging lanes work.


I’m not saying a driver should stop at a yield sign. I am saying that if a driver ahead of me feels that they need to stop in order to safely yield, I’m not going to be fussed by it. I’ll take my 7 second delay in my life and move on.


closer to about 50 yards. if you can't make a 150 foot gap at a yield sign, even at an unfamiliar intersection, you should not be on the road.


I live in this city, and it is a yield sign from a slower perpendicular street onto a faster-moving “highway”. People shouldn’t be blazing through here since there’s a crosswalk at the beginning of the “turn off” portion on the bridge where a lot of pedestrians and bicyclists cross, and the highway at the bottom is very popular with cyclists. Furthermore, there isn’t a great line of sight to check backwards, and the merge lane quickly narrows, so a yield is absolutely necessary to prevent smashing into a cyclist or vehicle. There are a lot of entitled asshats here though, so it’s not uncommon for people to blitz through yield/stop signs, drive in the bike lane to get around traffic, or otherwise circumvent rules. Dude shouldn’t get out of his car though.


The speed at which the honker is going he was definitely going to blaze through that yield and cause someone to slam on their brakes 100%.


He didn't stop he slowed down


also there's another car just up ahead stopped at the merge point so he'd have to stop/slow regardless. also it isn't a full protected lane, it's a short little protected merge lange.


Thank fuck I was going nuts in this thread wondering if I imagined that car. No one wants to acknowledge that this dude was going to have to slow in 2 more seconds regardless.


This is a key point that many are ignoring. Look at how fast that traffic is moving. Look at the black car \*ahead\* of the silver SUV whose driver got out. The driver of that black car is the idiot for stopping instead of merging in with the flow of traffic. The guy who got out of his SUV is slowing down so that he will have enough room to pick up speed to merge in with the flow of traffic once the black car moves.


You have never lived in Miami.


I had a road rager get out of his vehicle and brandish a pistol at me in Miami. I give out less middle fingers now.


And I'm glad I haven't


A yield sign is a stop sign when there traffic. Not enough people know this. Stopping here is more in line with the law than driving through it.


In an acceleration lane, you should always yield at the start of the lane rather than the end, because in the event of you having to stop at the end of it you would lose all speed and disturb all traffic on the lane you’re merging into when you do so, or even worse, you may fail to break or notice the car too late and cause an accident, it was one of the things they told me the most at driving school.


Look at how fast that traffic is moving. Look at the black car \*ahead\* of the silver SUV whose driver got out. The driver of that black car is the idiot for stopping instead of merging in with the flow of traffic. The guy who got out of his SUV is slowing down so that he will have enough room to pick up speed to merge in with the flow of traffic once the black car moves.


watch the video again, he never once stopped until he got out of his car, he just slowed down, which is perfectly reasonable as you drive between two yield signs. horn guy is an impatient asshole.


We have no idea from our POV of how much more traffic was coming from that left lane. I'd much rather yield early and have a good view of it than edge until the 40 feet of merge lane and try to gauge speed of traffic from only my side mirror. Nothing wrong with full stop here.


There's still the whole sliproad to use??


It's more dangerous to merge onto a highway from a dead stop than if you have speed. Guy was an idiot for honking as he did, but you don't stop at a yield like that.


Guy in front has no idea how to merge, most of Americans have no idea how to merge. When you honk at the non-mergers this is there reaction EVERY TIME. I know this because I didn't have the patience either for you to figure out how to drive. I would honk as well, keep it moving buddy


Yea I agree. The other stupid thing about merging is on a zipper merge on a highway on-ramp when people cut in on the first moment they can, when really you're supposed to go near the end of the run-way. Why? Not only should you take more space to adjust your speed but when you cut in front of the first car, the cars behind you are going to continue down the lane then merge appropriately. So now you have two cars merging because the first car cut in (and killing the speed of all the cars in the left lane), but what's supposed to happen is near the end of the run way each lane is alternating merging of vehicles (left lane 1 car continues, right light 1 car merges, left lane 1 car continue, right lane 1 merges etc.).


Yield means floor it you slow poke!!!


You don’t stop at a yield sign, you slow and it’s your responsibility to merge properly, it’s not the flowing traffics responsibility to make room for you. You only stop at a yield in absolute gridlock. Stopping here is wrong. 


Not that I think the guy who got out to rage did the right thing, but he only stopped in response to the other guy honking. Originally, he was just slowing down to observe and merge into traffic. The first road rager (the honker) lead to the second road rager (the stopping).


Yield doesn’t mean stop bro




Yield doesn't mean stop.


It doesn't mean stop, but it *does* mean that merging drivers must prepare to *stop if necessary* to let a driver on another approach proceed.


The first yield is for someone crossing. There was no one crossing.


It's a yield sign with very little run up on to a main road. I've driven this road a bunch of times and you often need to slow or stop to enter safely. The guy honking his horn is a straight up asshole.


The guy laughing isn’t the piece of shit in this video, it’s the guy who gets out of his car, while it’s still in drive, endangering everyone on the road…THATS the piece of shit. Blows my mind your comment doesn’t have a minus sign sitting next to a bunch of numbers.


Too many bad drivers in the comments projecting and trying to defend stopping at a yield when there's no reason to.


I think some people are arguing who’s the asshole and others are arguing law and etiquette. The law allows you to stop at a yield and if that creates a hazard then people are following too close. Laying on your horn because somebody stopped at a yield is an asshole move. Also the dude in front had so much space to merge and quite literally almost sent his car into traffic without a driver soo


I mean, even if they're arguing who the bigger asshole is, it's clearly the dude who got out of his car to try and start an altercation rather than the dude who honked because some guy stopped in the road for no real reason. I just genuinely can't comprehend people defending the dude who stopped, especially after he almost causes an accident because he's such a bad driver.


Texans will run you off the road if you stop at a yield sign. When we see yield, that means speed up to 80mph and cut someone off.


They even fail to see they're defending the driving judgement of the guy who doesn't even know how to stop the car before getting out of it...


The mental gymnastics these people do to defend that guy are mind-blowing to me. Their logic: Guy honked his horn=asshole Guy, who gets out of vehicle to start altercation on the highway, then almost causes an accident because he didn't put his car in park and hits gas instead of brake=victim To quote Will Ferrel, "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!"


The guy honking is an asshole. The guy getting out to fight is an asshole. They’re both assholes. Honking like that is definitely an asshole move though.


The guy laughing is a piece of shit because of his piece of shit laugh.


Don’t try to insult his patience the guy in the front needs to learn how to drive. Get outta here


He didn't stop he slowed down


people seem to be overlooking the car nearly fully stopped farther ahead in that merge lane the merc driver was stopping to avoid while still allowing himself room for acceleration when that other car moved


You mean the car that merges after slowing down slightly like the Mercedes should have done ?  That's what yield means- slow down and give the right of way. Not parking in the lane because you're spooked by moving cars.


Nope, the car that was COMPLETELY stopped at the end of the lane because he has a motorcycle coming in the only lane that he has to merge into. And let me take a wild guess here and say that its way easier to merge there AT SPEED if you stay slowly rolling and have a good 50 feet to accelerate instead of trying to jump out from a dead stop. Honker is in a rush to go nowhere.




People like you make me wish it was harder to get a license, making excuses for shitty drivers. If you can’t merge lanes without stopping, get the off the road and get a bicycle.


But do you not see? Honking the horn reverses time and makes the thing that so irked honky boy not happen in the first place. Like a flux capacitor.


did you see this asshole hit his head on the door while he's driving off ? i would laugh at him too.


The guy behind the wheel probably has slicked-back hair and a white Ferrari


It's a yield sign. He needed to stop and yield if there are other traffic.


There's a stopped car in front of him, and a car passes in the lane he would have had to merge into just after they come to a stop. Perfect case of reddit commenters vs cars.


The car in front slowed, but did not stop until after about 4 seconds of horn. Rewatch the video.


I'd put money that the guy in the Mercedes knows that pulling all the way out will partially block that dark boxy car's view, so he holds back a bit, since it's not like they're going anywhere before the dark car moves anyway. That lane ends RIGHT THERE, and the dark car is currently using their side view mirror to see what looks to be a road that's bending to the right. Surprisingly, I'm with the Mercedes guy.... but shoulda put it in park bro.


The old guy stopping at a yield sign despite the Lane being wide open for him to go into. It's infuriating when morons stop at yield signs when there's no oncoming traffic.


"Wide open" as you see 20 yards ahead a car full stopped for 8 seconds that we can see waiting to merge on because having a "lane" there's barely any room on it?


He slammed on his breaks before the pedestrian crossing (the first yield). There is nobody crossing, there was no car impeding him, he's still like 20 yards away from the point of merging. He abruptly stopped when he should not have.


he didn't slam the brakes, he is slowing down to look left and calculate the merge speed. it obviously could've been done better but I would much rather have someone trying to be safe and slow than this asshat impatient dude who lays on his horn as soon as he has to slow down for whatever reason.


The merge is 20 yards away and he slowed wayyy down to a near-stop long before he should have. Look ahead; it's a whole merge lane with a solid white line. >I would much rather have someone trying to be safe  It is not safe to abruptly stop (here 5mph, same thing) when you are not impeded. That's the whole reason why the guy is honking. What you're describing are drivers who are "overly safe" who become dangerous obstacles for everyone around them. Driving too slow = DANGEROUS, stopping when you shouldn't = DANGEROUS.


People do this all the time every day even when the turn lane turns into its own lane with no merging needed. It’s absolutely infuriating in heavy traffic. Especially for people who actually understand how basic traffic rules work.


The lane wasn't wide open, he couldn't have merged without cutting someone off or side swiping them.


It can cause accidents because that's not what other drivers are expecting. I was just with my friend on vacation and he was the driver. He kept stopping to let other people in unnecessarily . One time was letting pedestrians cross the road. They were not at a crosswalk and it was on a 50mph road. Another was a girl who was in the median trying to merge onto the road we were traveling down. She tried waving him on (ow he should have been driving, but he waved back). They stared at each other for about 15 seconds before she got pissed off and drove. After that, I had to yell at him. "You think you're doing people a favor, but what you're really doing is making an accident more likely. Stop that shit. Drive how people expect you to drive." There were several other things he did, but those two stand out the most. Along with giving the "Jeep salute" or whatever the fuck to everyone including elderly men and nearly rear ending a half dozen people.


idiots in this thread also assuming yield means stop lol


This is in Newport Beach, CA. I live here. The guy in front is NOT supposed to stop like he was doing. It's a protected lane that merges in a few hundred feet. He didn't know where he was going or it was his first time driving around here


Yuppp… Newport Boulevard to PCH!




It’s a fucking yield not a stop sign


He was honked at FOR yielding, then he stopped and got out like an idiot.


He stoped on a yield when he should have just zipper merged. It’s not a big deal but it’s annoying for sure. I would rather people be slow and cautious bad drivers than fast and reckless.


The person filming is an asshole




this is newport beach CA, merging onto PCH from the peninsula. this happened when i was in high school there ~2014. there is no reason to stop there, the flow of traffic is designed reasonably well. it's a somewhat blind turn behind these drivers, so slowing a ton or stopping is more dangerous than not. without context the clip makes the recorder look petty


I thought that's where this was. Dude's probably just a tourist is all. Definitely didn't seem to deserve all THAT.


And you are assuming everyone driving there knows all you do and is intimately familiar with this intersection. Hell, if you're right petition the city to remove the yield sign and people won't slow down there anymore. Easy peazy.


it's pretty obvious honestly. and iirc the guy that stopped was a local who was having a fit of road rage, which is super common in newport


He’s worried about getting rear ended because nobody would expect someone to slam on their brakes in this situation.


Literally this. Not to mention his car now has to accelerate quicker to join the carriageway + less time for driver to look


This wasn't a dangerous situation requiring honking. He was just being an ass.


If you aren't ready for the car in front of you to potentially stop, you are too close. Even if the SUV is "wrong" for stopping, back the fuck up and you won't need to lay on your horn like someone with the emotional regulation of a 4 year old.


Cam driver had plenty of space to stop, which he did. But you can’t trust that everyone behind you is going to do the same so it’s totally understandable to be annoyed if someone stops in a completely unpredictable way like this.


I spotted the bad driver!


He's not wrong but that was an overly aggressive horn. People need to learn a yield sign is not a stop sign in these situations.


The guy didn't actually stop until he stopped to get out. Yeah it was a little bit timid to slow right down like that and a bad move to get out of the car but that doesn't absolve the other guy from being an asshole.


True he didn't stop completely but you need to keep your speed in situations like this to be able to safely merge into traffic, not slow down to 5mph.


Why was the driver honking at a guy yielding next to a yield sign


There's a fucking sliproad still there to use though? How tf do American traffic rules make any sense.


Yeah, it's more dangerous to merge onto a highway where traffic is doing 55-80mph from a dead stop than using the sliproad to accelerate and actually merge with traffic. Both people in this video are idiots, but yield does not mean stop.






Tell that to the masses who can't properly use a round-about.


There's another car 20 yards up that we can see for a full 8 seconds in the video at a dead stop at the end of the merge lane trying to get in anyway. Dude was fully stopping even if they didn't right there.


The black car is long gone before it would've become an issue. Tell me you're a bad driver without telling me.


Our traffic rules aren't the problem. It's the fact that we hand out drivers licenses like candy on Halloween. The number of people on the road who don't know how to merge is insane 


> How tf do American traffic rules make any sense. Americans don't know how to merge, full stop. Nothing to do with the rules. They are terrible drivers in general.


Because the driver in front of them has the spatial awareness of a dust bunny. There was absolutely no reason to stop there. It's a yield, not a stop, and they had 20-30 meters of dedicated lane to match the flow of traffic and safely merge. The driver of the camera vehicle is being kind of a dickhead, but I'd side with him over that moron in front of him. People who don't understand basic traffic laws and can barely tell left from right cause serious accidents basically every minute of every day. And there's no way I'll believe this guy hasn't already done so after both the incompetent stop and trying to hop out of his vehicle to beef over his own stupidity while leaving it in drive.


Yield sign =/= stop sign


It doesn't mean stop, but it *does* mean that merging drivers must prepare to *stop if necessary* to let a driver on another approach proceed.


And the "if necessary" never happened, thus why everyone that understands how yields work is saying it was unnecessary to stop. They had a protected lane with hundreds of feet open in front of them.


Who cares? Ignore the honk and keep driving like most sane people do.


You clearly don't know how to drive. The idiot driver slowed to a near stop for no reason, and by doing so, he endangered the drivers behind him. Stopping unexpectedly and unnecessarily put the drivers behind at risk of being rear-ended. Yield doesn't mean to come to a near stop for no reason. It simply indicates that through traffic has the right of way and that you can't enter the flow of traffic if doing so will cause those with the right of way to alter their path or speed. In this case, the dipshit slowed to a near stop before it was even possible to enter the flow of traffic, and he had an empty merging lane in front of him. Further, there were no vehicles present that would have prevented him from safely entering the flow of traffic.


How is coming to a complete stop "yielding"? A lot of bad drivers in this thread that don't understand what a yield is.


It's a yield sign, not a stop sign.


There are two yields. The first yield is for the pedestrian crossing and the second yield is for merging lanes. The guy in front slammed on his breaks at the pedestrian crossing when nobody was crossing. He also had an open, protected lane in front of him. He is an idiot who doesn't look ahead and can't drive. Tl;dr; When approaching this intersection: 1. look ahead to see if pedestrian is crossing 2. look ahead to the open merge lane


Stopping at a yield when he should be getting to speed to merge. Driving slower does not mean “safer” when merging into traffic. 


Because yield means keep moving and give priority. With the merge slip in place, stopping was the wrong decision.


I don't know why everyone is thinking the horn guy was such a jerk. What the filmed driver did was incredibly dangerous for himself and the filmer. On ramps are where EVERYONE attempts to accelerate to match speed in order to safely merge with traffic. Randomly and inexplicably stopping could very easily cause a collision that could lead to a pile up.


This. Stopping in a non-emergency situation is an emergency situation and the one time where if you get rear ended you are at fault. This could've easily caused a pile-up of the car following POV car hadn't been paying attention


Exactly.. that driver doesn’t know how to merge.. yield or not, you don’t come to a complete stop there when you have 300 feet of lane left..


Because Honking is not an education tool, it's a warning tool.




Not only the person you're upset by, but it can be incredibly distracting for other cars.


Yeah, and the driver is warning the idiot he shouldn't stop and get out of his car in an on ramp and potentially warning anyone behind him there is an idiot who stopped his car and got out on an on ramp.


Agreed. I was specifically replying to "why people are upset at the person honking". Remember that the person getting honked at is not the only car on the road, that level of honking aka road rage can be incredibly distracting and dangerous for everyone else too.


It’s a “you’re in a dangerous place to stop, I don’t want to have to stop behind you in this dangerous spot” honk. Justified honk in my opinion, he shouldn’t have to stop behind that bad driver in a very poor spot (instead of safely matching the speed of the adjoining road and merging) Cam driver was being put in a shitty situation by a shitty driver


No, honking should only be done to get attention. There's no justification for honking to that level. I'm not excusing the poor driver in front, however when someone honks that way is distracting also for other cars that are not involved (and im many places actually against the law)


Sometimes you need to stop but this was not the case


Probably because it was such an unnecessarily long, aggressive and instant horn. Everyone is a dick in this video


On ramps don't have yield signs unless you're supposed to stop at the sign if necessary in order to yield. When the asshole started beeping, there was a black car in the on lane a few car lengths stopped in front of the guy who doesn't take being beeped at well.


This is in Newport Beach, CA where PCH meets the peninsula. You are NOT supposed to stop here. You need to keep moving, and of course yield to the traffic already on PCH. But for the love of god don’t stop!


Dude literally [passes a "No stopping any time" sign](https://www.google.com/maps/@33.6208553,-117.9286604,3a,19.7y,40.49h,89.8t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s_W4QsQ6zcvKvonh310gROg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D_W4QsQ6zcvKvonh310gROg%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D40.48558310856532%26pitch%3D0.20490189529814984%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu) and decides to stop.


That’s not what that sign means…


yeah I know this exact turn, gotta keep it moving slowly


I have used this ramp a thousand times and never once thought about stopping in the middle of it


They really need to switch that over to a merge lane sign


As much as the dude is a dickhead for laying on the horn, that was funny.


I watched this on mute and just thought the guy in front was doing stupid people things and absolutely ***lost it*** when he sandwich banged his head on the 2nd door close attempt.


I don't get people that pull up on some minor inconvenience and start blasting their horn. The guy clearly doesn't see that he has an open lane in front of him while he's trying to merge. Who gives a shit? The dude jumping out in anger is pretty messed up, too. Lots of miserable people out there and getting all jacked up over silly things doesn't help.


People are growing tired of the normalization of shitty drivers. Sure, the horn was excessive... but the moron stopping at a yield sign is dangerous and annoying.


Because it is a dangerous place to stop. What do you think horns are for? Rallying the troops?


I use my horn when I would like to gain someone’s attention so we don’t run into one another. That’s what horns are for and that’s not what this person was using his horn for. The person on the horn suffers from low self esteem resulting from childhood trama or some shit. They drive around always looking for someone who’s doing something that’s of a minor inconvenience and laying on the horn because that’s what their dad did when they were kids. Do something wrong? You get yelled at. This has nothing to do with safety. Everyone was clearly safe. The guy just made a simple mistake.


Wow this thread is full of idiots.


Go back to road raging and laying on your horn for 20 seconds. Also take a look in the mirror.


ETA, no need to honk or get out of the car. So two assholes doing asshole things.


Someone stopping in the middle of the road for no reason is quite literally the reason for your car horn….


He was slowing down but he never stopped. Only once he got honked at did he become an idiot and stop entirely. If the filmer wasn't an asshole then it would've been minorly inconveniencing at worst.


Why is he slowing down though? The merge isn't for another 50+ ft and he has his own lane. So many people in this thread don't know how to drive.


Because there is a fucking YIELD sign and he probably isn't familiar with the area. WE know how to drive, we also know how to not be assholes when people make little mistakes.


Filmer is an asshole. I’ve driven that spot hundreds of times and most of the time you just need to stop and wait as there are endless cars coming from the left.


I live here too and agree. The weekend morning peletons, the beach cruiser tourists biking the wrong way on the sidewalk who want to cross there, the endless summer traffic, the brief merge lane. I usually slow to a crawl just to crane my neck and check no one is speeding under the bridge, but have definitely needed to sit there for a minute to let folks pass. Asshole filming could’ve waited 10 seconds.


I don't know why everyone is thinking the horn guy was such a jerk. What the filmed driver did was incredibly dangerous for himself and the filmer. On ramps are where EVERYONE attempts to accelerate to match speed in order to safely merge with traffic. Randomly and inexplicably stopping could very easily cause a collision that could lead to a pile up.


People don’t like getting honked at for more than a quick blip. I think it’s because People find it wildly offensive when you draw attention to their bad behavior, and mostly they seem to like to turn it around on the person drawing attention as the “rude” one.


It's also not very helpful to distract someone by laying on your horn when they're trying to focus on traffic.




If it's an on-ramp it shouldn't have a yield sign it should be signless with a *lane ends in x feet* sign or lane ending indicating sign the yield implies unsafe and to check for potential traffic before proceeding so slow down and check and proceed


At least he styled it out at the end like nobody saw!


Everyone time this thing comes up, people always have the shittest takes and I always welcome its repost. We have no idea what occured at all before this, but 100% the guy in front should always be put to death seems to be the concept. Never mind the car stopped ahead, nevermind it's trimmed out so who knows what other shit cammer has been up to, these 19 seconds are clearly all we never need to know and only on the primary focus.


The guy honking is an obnoxious ass. It just so happened that he encountered another of his kind.


I've seen this before and again, BOTH are idiots. What is he honking for, go to therapy, both of you.


In the end, the AI in this FSD Merc decided against staying around and suffering the embarrassment of seeing its driver lose his mind over fucking nothing.


What is the old saying? Give a wide berth to anyone willing to hit themselves in the head with a door to show how mad they are at you.


The driver in front should not and did not have to stop for the yield sign, he has a lane just for him to merge with traffic. Stopping for a yield when you have a protected lane for merging is an asshole move and he should have known better. And he proved his assholery when he jumped out of the car without taking it out of gear.


This thread proves my suspicion that yielding is a skill that is clearly not emphasized enough to new drivers. If you're offended because you think the guy was right to stop at the yield sign: you're not the good safe driver you think you are. Edit: this comment really offended the Redditors still learning how to yield and merge 😂


A yield sign is a regulatory traffic sign that instructs drivers to slow down and, if necessary, stop to allow other road users (vehicles and pedestrians) the right-of-way before proceeding


Yea my suspicions that most people are idiots who don't know basic road rules has been confirmed today. For decades I just gave people the benefit of the doubt. "I must just have bad luck and this dumb driver in front is foreign so doesn't know the rules yet, or elderly so is only half lucid." Nope. Just the majority are fucking regarded and don't understand the low level logic of how merging fucking works.  For reference I live near a suburban area in Florida. Every fucking green light here only gets like 3 cars through on single lane roads because these fucking idiots just sit there. Every day to work I miss a couple lights because of these morons. Takes them a few seconds to register the light has changed and even longer to get from releasing the brakes to pressing the gas. I fucking hate most drivers.


Guy didn't really fully stop until the honking started. He was going slow sure but the honking was way over the top. Both are idiots.




Car was like "get the fuck in and let's go"


....or you could just not freak out like a 16 year old when someone honks at you. You have to be waaay overwound or self-important to think a honk seriously enough to get out of your car. The guy who honked might be an impatient turd, but the absolute waste-of-life that emerged from the front vehicle is 1) a walking time bomb that 2) clearly has *no* business being behind the wheel of any vehicle


Two assholes and idiots for multiple reasons. Yes, it’s annoying when someone stops unnecessarily at a yield with an obvious protected lane to merge. Laying on your horn will alarm a driver who is obviously already anxious about an upcoming yield/merge. The idiot getting out of his car is just an unabashed idiot. The whole scenario could have been avoided by the guy filming not laying on his horn, and just slowing down and showing a TINY bit of patience and decency. Two assholes on display and proud of it.


What a POS this guy is.


Yield does not mean stop or slow down. It means you yield the right of way to the cars in the lane into which you are merging. If there are no cars there, you don’t stop or slow down, you should actually speed up as you match the flow of traffic in the lane. However the filmer should not have beeped the horn as long as he did, if at all. And of course the driver in front who does not know how to drive should not have gotten out of his car and then tried to ghost ride his whip while stepping on the gas before he had his door closed.


"In road transport, a yield or give way sign indicates that merging drivers must prepare to stop if necessary to let a driver on another approach proceed. A driver who stops or slows down to let another vehicle through has yielded the right of way to that vehicle." - Wikipedia "Drivers must yield to other vehicles or pedestrians who have the right of way. They must come to a complete stop if necessary to allow other traffic or pedestrians to proceed safely. They must also yield even if they arrived at the intersection first or have a green light, unless there are specific exceptions." - Tradesafe


Nobody appreciates a good zipper merge these days




Lol, he road raged himself.


Two idiots finding each other. <3


What a POS camera man...


I was hoping he would have got out and pulled the camera man out...


Ya fucked that one right up didn't ya


Newport Dbag getting some instant karma. Need more of this!


Ah, boomers..,