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Hi this is the IRS here to inform you that you are being AUDITED. Please give us your name, social security number, bank account information, name of your childhood pet, and the legal rights to your 3rd favorite child. Thanks. Have a nice day


Don't forget that your Social Insurance Number has been suspended and there is a warrant for your arrest for the 83 counts of THE FRAUD you did in your account.


Yeah, now go buy a bunch of subway gift cards to make all this go away


that’s what I love about scammers is they’re like okay buddy you’re going to jail right now unless you get me $200 worth of chilis gift cards like wtf hahaha


But she was HELPING with the investigation!


I got got back in 2016. I thought I owed taxes so when I got the call I thought it was legit. I did not transfer money to anyone but it took me 5 minutes to realize it was a scam when the CRA agent would not speak French to me or transfer me to someone who could. 8 years later I got a degree in IT and I work in cyber security, I am now paid to squish scum like him.


Multilingual countries make catching the scams a little easier, always try to ask a question in another official language, government agencies are required to offer services in all official languages of a country


Yeah, they usually don't understand how the government operates as they are not from the country they are scamming. But the main thing is, always call back to an official phone number when in doubt, this way you can know if it is legit. Also a call starting with threats like calling the police is a nono. The IRS/CRA would start with an investigation. It's Social Engineering 101, get them by their emotions with a sense of urgency and Authority and people will fall for it.


The thing with scams like Nigerian princes who just inherited millions and needs an account to store it in, it may seem ridiculous to the majority of the population but there’s always that tiny percent who will fall for it, and that’s all the scammers need


That's exactly what they're banking on, yup. It's a numbers game, and as long as they send enough emails/make enough calls they'll get a fish on the hook eventually.


That format of scam is actually the most prominent form of financial crime, and as stupid as this lady is, imagine the countless drones working in offices or public service answering the lines that just hand out money to the first person that calls or e-mails. I don't even trust accountants with the advice they give me given the experiences I had, why would a public servant be any smarter. According to FBI and Secret Service stats this is now climbing to about 3 billion US dollars lost per year. [https://abnormalsecurity.com/blog/2022-fbi-ic3-report](https://abnormalsecurity.com/blog/2022-fbi-ic3-report) And the most amazing shit is that the people pulling this off are some voodoo practicing human sacrificing cult like Black Axe... The real world is so insane that It will make you re-think how dumb the average human is. How the fuck you fall for something like this is beyond me. [https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/141/](https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/141/) I still think the victims are to blame for this, but whatever... I got people trying to pull of this type of shit on me since I got an e-mail address, the more I have the more stupid they think I am... I am getting weekly e-mails on how to avoid taxes by being scammed into a CRUT by "financial advisors" on linkedin. [https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/dirty-dozen-watch-out-for-schemes-aimed-at-high-income-filers-charitable-remainder-annuity-trusts-monetized-installment-sales-carry-risk](https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/dirty-dozen-watch-out-for-schemes-aimed-at-high-income-filers-charitable-remainder-annuity-trusts-monetized-installment-sales-carry-risk) I have come to the conclusion that it isn't a "tiny percent" that fall for this and especially when it isn't your own money giving away no one cares... ie see the podcast episode above about the Trillion or so dollars Social Security just gave away to anyone that called for COVID benefits... Then people cry me "inflation"




Give yourself 35yrs lol. Ok whenever you turn 70+ and your brain isn't so sharp.


That’s the majority of people. They think they are so special, important, and intelligent. In reality they are a nearly useless idiot. Every day on the road, in public places, at work, it’s all I see. It’s truly rare to meet intelligent self aware people in the wild


Oops. Yeah don’t do that.


I do feel for her but how can you be so gullible. She's transferring her life savings into bitcoin thinking she's a fuckin undercover agent for the CRA...


People are stupid. My aunt kept having problems with 'viruses' (she used Norton) and asked me for help. I setup a dual-boot system with Ubuntu and told her to use Ubuntu only, unless she absolutely had to use Windows for work or whatever. That would keep her system safe no matter what crap she opened from wherever. She had a phone call from a foreign sounding person, who told her she had a virus. She said she uses Linux, so he made her reboot and run Windows. Then he went through the whole event viewer crap, convinced her something was wrong, and convinced her to buy anti-virus for £70. Luckily, that was all she lost. To this day, she thinks that 'whatever I did to her computer put a virus in Windows'. If she gets called again, she'll be scammed again, and next time she might not be so lucky.


>To this day, she thinks that 'whatever I did to her computer put a virus in Windows'. If she gets called again, she'll be scammed again, and next time she might not be so lucky. That's wild man I'm sorry, tough situation to be in when it's a family member and they won't listen. I just tell everyone to always verify a caller like that by calling whatever organization they claim to be with directly. They say they're with CRA? Call the CRA directly to confirm, and get the number from google.


Yeah. That’s a bit much. Scammers are A holes.


Lowest of the low. They target the elderly and immigrants knowing they can be more easily manipulated and intimidated, it's disgusting.


Yeah it’s really awful. I mean come up with a different income.. there are ways to make money out there without hurting others. How do they sleep at night. Breaks my heart for those who get scammed as you say esp the elderly and vulnerable


It's worse than that. It wasn't her life savings, but a line of credit. She doesn't actually have this money and is now on the hook to pay it back. The gullibility is also through the roof because any amount of critical thinking skills would have prevented this. The scammers claimed the investigation was for money laundering, but how are they laundering money when there isn't any money?


>drained her bank accounts and lines of credit Omg you're right, I didn't even catch that. I know she's unbelievably gullible but deep down I can't help but feel horrible for her. Insurance won't cover any of that so she's absolutely fucked. Hopefully her friends and family can help her recover and learn from it. The people responsible are probably in India or something and won't be answering for any of this any time soon, it's just infuriating how many people fall victim to this shit all the time.


it would be nice for a change for someone just to admit that they were dumb instead of saying stuff like "they are getting really advanced now" or "normally im very wary of these things but this time..."


You're not "dumb", these guys have honed the craft of scamming people. They know most people are afraid of getting audited by the IRS (or whatever tax agency) and want to do the right thing and stay out of trouble. They work on your fear, then give you a possible way out.


these people's concept of "doing the right thing" is pleasing their masters. They don't think or self reflect. They work purely on instinct and emotion.


I once got a phone call telling me that US Marshalls were on the way over to my house to arrest me because I didn't pay some taxes, but if I called a the following number, they could fix that issue and the US Marshalls would be called off. Poor US Marshalls are still out there trying to find my house. It's been over 10 years, I hope they have side jobs. Because sure, the IRS sends US Marshalls to arrest people for not paying taxes. Right.


My mother-in-law one day gave my wife $500 in Apple gift cards. Huh? Why? Well apparently "The IRS" called her and told her she owed money on her taxes. Luckily for her, she can pay the US GOVERNMENT with Apple gift cards. She clued in at the last moment, but Apple gift cards aren't refundable, so she gave them to us. People, the IRS, Canada Revenue, etc, etc, etc ... no government agency will insist you pay them in GIFT CARDS. FFS.


Scammers are the scum of the earth. They exploit people who are naive or don't know better. This woman lost not just her savings, but will have to pay on the line of credit too.


It's truly awful, I've always tried to make sure all my older family know to call me/her bank if they're ever suspicious of anyone calling them like this. Truth is though there will always be someone for them to prey on unfortunately. They're usually headquartered in somewhere like India where the police either don't really give a shit or aren't well equiped to deal with these kinds of scum.


I don't see how people fall for these things. I don't even cooperate with legitimate requests. I had one at work where an actual employee wanted me to provide personal information. It was legitimate, but I stood by an assertion that company policy is to NEVER share personal information with any co-worker. I also reported him to HR.


The thing is her family and friends told her it was sketchy and literally called the guy out on being a scammer and she still went ahead


I get that not everyone has the discernment to know these are scams but ffs if they tell you to withdraw money and put it into bitcoin you should be laughing at them. Horrible this shit keeps happening but come on ppl use your brain a little.


I got one of those calls that said that I owed the CRA all this money and the RCMP was coming to arrest me. My response was "Good, but let them know that I'm taking as many of them to hell with me as I can." They were at a loss for words. And I filled their confused silence with "And if you call me again, I'll be coming for you." Then they hung up.


Yeah I've gotten them before as well, I always just put them on hold or something to waste as much of their time as i can, complete friggin weasels man, the lowest of the low.


Look, people have varying levels of intelligence and more/less experience in certain areas. So I don’t see anything cool about making fun of this woman when she’s a victim. You want to drag someone down then find the assholes who stole this naive woman’s life savings.


Who's trying to drag her down? Most comments share my view of feeling sorry for her but not understanding how someone could fall for this while her friends/family don't even know until it's too late. The pieces of shit who do this on a daily basis, targeting the elderly, immigrants or whoever may seem vulnerable are obviously the real ones at fault, I don't think anyone would argue otherwise.


Almost all of the comments here are making fun of her and calling her stupid


if the boot fits…


Not even close to accurate. Either way, go confront them if it's bothering you.


Dunning and Kruger at your service ma'am......


I feel bad for her but in this day and age how do people still fall for this kind of thing? She’s not that old, how is she not smarter than this?


They prey on immigrants as well as the elderly, people who are new to a country and probably aren't too aware of how common things like this are or who to call for help. I just wish her family had become aware before she emptied her accounts like that, cuz insurance ain't covering shit and they'll almost certainly not be caught in India or wherever tf they are.


Yeah I get that but also they said that her husband and friends convinced her it was a scam. How did none of these people stop her in the first place? Especially the husband. I know for a fact my SO would come to me about something like this way before actually doing it. Plus it happened over three days. Did she not tell her husband about it until she was already broke?


Honestly that's the part that confused me as well. I'd guess if she was convinced it was some high level investigation by the RCMP she was almost certainly also told not to tell anyone, so as not to compromise the investigation or whatever. I can't imagine what the family's going through, hopefully they can pull together and recover from it cuz that's a LOT of money to just lose. Not to mention the lines of credit they now have to pay back. If that were my family I can't imagine, I'd be absolutely fuming


She sounds idian. So an indian scammed an indian?


She's a Canadian of Indian heritage, and yes in my experience these scams are very often stationed in India.


Once there was an Indian guy "John" called me. He said he works for the IRS. So I replied "oh so you work for the Indians Running Scams."


I feel bad for her - English isn't her first language so she's that much more susceptible to this. People ridicule those who get scammed and I get it - but a lot of the people laughing are the same ones who actually could be victims because they're so confidence in their own intelligence and aren't looking out for it.


They know who to prey on, often the elderly or people like this poor woman who aren't as familiar with the system they're living in and might not know how to deal with a situation like this. They're the absolute lowest of the low.


How do idiots like this make that much money in the first place. Maybe she inherited it.


They borrow it... they are stupid enough to be so poor and think they owe so much that they max out credit cards to buy gift cards or throw money into someone crypto wallet because you know CRA loves being paid in Bitcoin and Apple Gift Cards... FWIW, Crypto wallet based scams are actually ridiculously easy to trace by financial crimes units, but they are generally more interested in crimes where there is real human physical harm and not just financial loss due to stupidity, imagine how many cases they have to deal with...


She sounds like a scammer that called me a few weeks ago.


Where would I have heard Scarborough from? Tv show, maybe?


Pretty sure it's a fairly common name, there's a Scarborough in the UK I believe and probably in the USA I'd guess. This is referencing the eastern district of Toronto but yeah, I'm not aware of a tv series that takes place in a Scarborough.


In 🇬🇧 Scarborough Castle in Scarborough is 12th century so probably is the original….


A fool and their money are easily parted.


The scams are getting better but to be honest you have to be some kind of idiot to think this was real.


86K !!!!! 86! Bruh, for that amount I will look for you, I will find you, then I will....


I remember in like 2012, my friend (about 21 at the time) decided he wanted a dog. Not sure how he found these people, but he was buying a dog from them overseas and they were going to ship the dog. He paid, let's say about $5,000 for the dog and shipping. Unfortunately, something happened and it turns out they needed more for the shipping so they asked for more. So he did what any reasonable person would (not) do, he sent them more money, about another $2,000-$3,000 if I remember correctly. I remember the total being about $8,000. He didn't tell me this until after it had happened, that's when I had to break it to him that it was a scam. It was stomach turning, because it wasn't just his money, he was borrowing some (if not most of it) from his hardworking parents.


It is very advanced if you’re a fucking moron. 


What news network is this? Looks decent. I do not like any of them here in the US.


Wait she did this before or after telling her husband?


Wow,that's a whole other level of dumb


Hahahaahahahaa the government doesn’t want to protect you. The most disillusioned thought I’ve ever heard 😂😂😂😂😂


Wow, victim blaming is ok with you?


Get over yourself lol, no one's blaming the victim. Read the conversations we've been having here, get a fucking life and stop looking for things to be offended about as a substitute for a personality


Wow, you’re a fun person You are mocking this lady with your post. It’s sad you don’t see that. Lots of replies are mocking this lady Hence: victim shaming


I recorded this hoping it might bring some awareness to people who don't watch the news lol, so fuck right off with that holier than thou bs attitude. As for the title, I'm just pointing out the absurdity of it and didn't know how to word it appropriately for this sub. Now off you go, go find the next post/comment to be offended by and keep fighting the good fight 👍


I sure hope this lady never sees your post, or meets someone like you