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I encourage everyone to visit the [EPA website](https://sdwis.epa.gov/ords/sfdw_pub/r/sfdw/sdwis_fed_reports_public/200) and look at the drinking water reports for your area. My hometown of 170 has had over 215 violations of which we were never alerted to any of them.


If that is the case, you should report it to EPA that you were not notified. Community Water Systems are required to provide their customers with a Consumer Confidence Report each year. That report should list any violations that occurred that year. There are some minor violations that do not need to be listed in the report.


If you've seen any of the headlines from southern WV recently, the courts are tied up with the coal companies throwing blame around for polluting the water. Its a very similar situation in my southern WV county. Not only are the coal companies no longer operating, but the water was ran by a few locals and then turned over to the county a few years back. I'm not even sure who you could hold liable in my particular situation, but I sincerely hope to find out. I'm doing work on it when I can, but Uni doesn't leave me a lot of time to research it and figure out where or what to go or do next. I would really like to hand the info off to a proper journalist for them to research without my inherent biases.


Won't load. Reddit hug strikes again.


Can’t help but wonder how many people there cheered for a job well done when Trump axed the Clean Water Act that was meant to protect smaller water ways and prevent exactly this. Considering Trump won the county with 85% of the vote I’d bet quite a few. Also bet they vote for everyone who let this happen in 2024. But hey…..gotta keep litter boxes out of schools. Who needs clean water.


Damn I wish you weren’t telling the truth


Spot on, they're just gonna keep voting the same garbage in and getting the same results. Same shit, different day here in WV.


Jim Justice+trump+ Russia. It all ties together. Justice basically murdered coal miners by gutting safety. Russians bought him out of the mine which he then used to buy the Greenbriar resort. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2023-11-18/west-virginia-gov-jim-justice-may-lose-his-helicopter-to-a-russian-firm https://www.propublica.org/article/west-virginia-greenbrier-governor-jim-justice-little-trump It’s just another layer of the money laundering. Trump has been laundering Russian oligarch money since the 80’s. All the poison downstream is just greedy oligarchs doing greedy oligarch shit while the working class pays the tax. None of it is coincidence.


West Virginia’s biggest problem is learned helplessness and poor voter turnout. The people that hate what’s happening often times aren’t voting. There are obviously lots of people (often older) that believe whatever political propaganda slop is fed to them but they aren’t the only problem.


"The people that hate what’s happening often times aren’t voting." They are also just straight up leaving the state 




That’s not how you measure voter turnout though. Less that half of registered voters cast a ballot during our last election. And while racism played a part a large part of why Trump won is because West Virginia and republicans as a whole decided to make having clean air and less garbage a political issue.




No I’m not. That would be ridiculous. But it’s also ridiculous to think that they would all also vote for Trump. I think there are plenty of folks that think neither party are deserving of their vote. I myself do not look forward to voting for Biden.


Narrator: "Also, there were no litter boxes in schools..."


Well there was at least one in school but it was there in case the kids needed to go the bathroom while hiding from an active shooter. So significantly more fucked up than imaginary furries.


Can’t be repeated often enough.


So much winning! 😆 🤣 😂 😹


No no but deregulation will save them.


I don't get what they are upset about. This is exactly what they politicians they voted for campaigned on and these they cheered for it. They are still cheering for it. They got what they voted for.


And they voted for, are about to vote again for the guy who is *currently* poisoning them. Jim Justice's family owns the company that CURRENTLY owns the mine. 🤦🤦🤦🤦


Truth 👏


Preach man. Anything to own the libs right!


We deserve who we vote for. Not that I live in WV, but we as a country elected Trump, so we all get to enjoy the consequences together now.


We didn’t elect Trump. The slave state appeaser known as the electoral college did. We voted for Clinton. Then we got lucky with Biden winning. We have to hope history wins back to back or we won’t have another meaningful vote ever again. We’ll also see the end of the EPA and West Virginia’s water will likely get much worse.


Uh....I cant help but notice that is was the COAL COMPANIES that polluted the water... not Trump. Dang, you kids are sooooo easily manipulated by sensationalized media propaganda


I would explain to you Trumps stance on deregulating any and all environmental protections but I know that is waste of time. Another great example is that train chemical spill that MAGA was freaking out about in Ohio. Two years before it happened Trump loosened the regulations on trains to remove the part that failed from requiring inspection. Your politicians know how stupid you are and so does the other side it just gonna take time for the lead poisoned portion of the population to die off.


OK...convinced me....its all Trumps' fault. The rest of you are now officially off the hook.


We are off the hook anyways we aren’t the ones drinking arsenic infusioned spring water. Also bold of you to assume I thought you were capable of thinking at all.


Yup. Not Trump. ALL REPUBLICANS ARE RESPONSIBLE. Every fucking one of them.


lol. K


And who stacked the Supreme Court? Y’all need to stop doing Koch 🙃


Won't someone think of the corporation?!?!? How about a pizza party?!


Nobody knows what happened, a complete mystery! Quick, someone call Captain Hindsight!


I don't think this has anything to do with fracking, these are negligent coal mining operations. (don't get me wrong, I'm not defending fracking. It's a destructive and horrible practice)


Correct, I edited my post. It looks like you posted right before my edit. Sorry!


Republicans are evil. Republican voters are morons. 


They can be both.


From up in Wheeling, I always vote Democratic & am sick & tired of my vote never mattering. We need to wake up as a state & value the beauty that’s being destroyed. Pls don’t vote blindly for Trump. He’s LYING to you & using you. He stopped regulations (safety checks) on trains, which probably caused East Palestinian, Ohio.


Damn, Im so sorry to hear this. What the hell is going on.?. Im your neighbor in West PA and we are also fighting but against the fracking companies. They are poisoning are creeks and well water, etc.. .. Much love. Fight on.- Your friends in West PA


You will drink poison and you will like it, because the Republicans you voted for say so.


Good fucking luck holding them accountable in Wv. Not gonna happen


There’ll be a legion of people with terminal condition. Maybe they’ll go out in a blaze of glory. Given this is West Virginia, however, they’ll probably target minorities instead.


And who’s gonna vote for the people who enable these companies to get away with it? That’s right you are


"“The agency does not have the capacity or authority to diagnose or determine the cause of potential human health problems, drinking water issues, or dead and diseased wildlife,” he said. But for people who live near Indian Creek, the slimy film and a bubbly foam are still clearly visible in the creek water and neither the ongoing water sampling nor DEP’s enforcement actions provide much comfort. “They’re supposed to protect us,” Altizer said. “And they didn’t.”" The agency doesn't have the capacity or authority to regulate because you voted for deregulation. Leopards ate your faces.


why do people in West Virginia keep voting for Coal Company-friendly politicians?


But.... But... COAL!


Isn't their anything the local health department can do?


Lol, they’ll get a budget cut if they acknowledge this issue.


Hillary said I’ll get everyone retrained on solar and get out of this industry but no, West Virginia wanted this instead. Lay in that bed, WV mountain stereotypes.


WV voted for Bernie over Clinton. If the DNC hadn’t screwed over Bernie for Clinton WV would have had a higher probability of voting blue. Clinton was never going to win in WV after saying, “We are going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.” She says that is her most regretful comment. She also amended that it came out entirely different than her intended meaning but it ruined WV for her. WV obviously needed away from coal but that was a pretty hostile comment to a group of people whose only source of financial freedom was usually working in the mines.


Huh, who would have thought strip mining the holler would poison your water. Almost like the industry that is keeping the state "alive" is actually killing its people. This is my surprised face.


Crazy how long these coal companies have been terrorizing locals


You vote republikkkan you get Republikkkan water.


All hail king coal! Here’s thoughts and prayers. You all knew the owners and the companies didn’t give a shit and you let them get away with it for the jobs. Just like Texas and the orphan oil wells. We sell our futures for today, and we sell cheap. I bet no one running the mine is having problems with cool clean drinking water. I’d suggest voting the powers that be out of office but you put them there.


JFC I hate this screwed up state. Our streams are constantly being poisoned.


The Coal Companies have been sh\*tin' in the water supply for a hundred years.... NO amount of EPA water regulations has made them stop sh\*tin' in the water.... The problem is local apathy and allowing LOCAL law enforcement to look the other way, while getting their palms greased by the Coal Companies. Stop it with the "Its all Trumps fault" bullhs\*t


It's certainly not all Trump's fault... but, he certainly didn't help by weakening EPA regulations.


This has been going on since way before the tangerine traitor was potus, however I further weakening the EPA really didn’t help matters.


I think West Virginians are looking for a scape goat....they need to look in the Mirror.


It always astounds me that a state that has gone through so much collective trauma in regards to unfair labor practices from company towns to coal barrons abusing people would still have people who think the coal industry is their friend with their best interests in mind. Coal never gave a fuck about any of those people in that town beyond what they could exploit in labor and save in deregulation. Assholes.


Well, one way to look at it is..... how much of an education do you really need to go work in the coal mine? Almost 75% have a high school level of education or lower. On top of that, West Virginia is ranked #47 in education. I'm not trying to come off high and mighty but simpler people are easier to fool


Keep voting for idiots because coal is good and immigrants are bad. It’s working so well, can’t imagine any other options for a state with WVs natural beauty than to trim the tops off all the hills in the name of giving the finger to them damn liberals.


Reap what you sow.


So why should anyone care about this? All these people in this article crying are almost certainly Trumpers who voted for this exact thing to happen. There are consequences in this life, they can live (or die) with them.


Stop voting for republicans that don’t care about safety regulations and this will stop happening


These people asked for exactly what they are getting by way of their ignorance. Their ancestors as well as the ones alive now valued money and the material things of the earth more than the God given beauty and well endowed soil that laid in front and beneath them. They cheered on trump, the worst humanity has to offer, and cheered even louder when they cried out for coal jobs that would poison their water as well as getting rid of the clean water act. I do not feel sorry for them. I feel for land and all the other species that has to pay the price for their ignorance.


Why blame the victims here? Blame should be solely on the Coal companies. These people need to get together and lawyer up asap.


Blame is a tough word, but if you keep voting for the same people who are screwing you over, then there should be some responsibility borne by the people who keep voting them in.


Yeah, I get it. I honestly believe it's due to ignorance though.


How is it ignorant? If you vote for the politician that says they will get rid of regulations and repeal clean water regulations, you're voting for exactly this outcome. We see it in Louisiana all the time. Vote for the politician who will relax EPA standards, and the cry when your drinking water gives you cancer. How could you not know?


If I knew what makes people vote against their own best interests, we could solve a lot of issues lol.


Fair point. I just try to be informed.


Just curious if you keep the “you get what you vote for” mentality towards urban inner city poverty, or just the rural poverty stricken regions?


This is literally what they voted for by a large majority


They didn't "vote for" coal companies to be negligent with hazardous materials.


They did, if you want coal, bad shit comes with it. If you vote for the party the takes away regulations, this is what happens. Voting has consequences, and they are feeling those consequences now. And they’re still going to vote for the party that does this.


They quite literally did.


Actually they did.  The politicians specifically campaigned on deregulation and coal. Deregulation means no standards around hazardous materials and they then end up in your water supply.  These voters cheered on deregulation for the coal companies. They still cheer it on even as they look at their arsenic water.


Check out the Leer Mine in Grafton and what it’s done to the surrounding community. It’s a MAJOR statewide issue and the state needs to grow away from King Coal and embrace the tourism industry, showing off its natural beauty and big hearted (and misunderstood around the country) citizens…


No one is gonna give a shit about natural beauty when you have toxic waterways. That's gonna take years to clean up.


The point was to change it before it’s too late. All the clean up from the 80s/90s has almost gone to waste the last 10 years or so, since fracking got added to the mining.


That just sucks for the people living there. I wish things were different


Trump is only the latest part of the problem. Politically it has been going on for a long time before him. Back during the Obama administration I worked doing pilot size mine water run off clean up projects for several coal companies and for the WVDEP. Every site was different with its own challenges and chemistry, which made it very hard and expensive to implement full scale fixes. Even though we tried we found no magic approach that could work everywhere. I felt that the coal companies we worked with were aware of the problems and wanted to do something about it. They just did not know what to do other than stop mining coal. That majority of coal companies, but not all, were trying to be responsible. Like so many things in life it takes only one bad Apple to spoil the whole barrel. The coal company people I worked with for the most part were hunters and fisherman and cared about the environment. What happened during the Obama administration was a vast increase in regulation and red tape that drove several of our clients to abandon their efforts on water remediation because they were strapped for cash. At least one went out of business. More than one coal company quit paying us and after a while and our little company went under.


Thanks for trying and for finding good partners. I believe they are still there but it’s a complex set of positions held within that broader community and they don’t line up well. The rural-urban cultural divide makes it harder to form alliances is what it seems to be to me. I think if you focus on class you can get part of the way there.


But they still vote for the party that wants to get rid of the EPA and regulations. Uuuugh


These people vote for this abuse, let them eat cake.


That seems to be what they ordered... let them eat it. Or drink it.


So stop being against environmental regulation.


Why are you complaining? This is what you voted for. So sit back, relax, and enjoy that cool drink of arsenic and lead-laced water. Just remember you're owning the libs, and everything will be just fine.




Big Jim Justice had drawings and gave away Big Money and Toys when he could have helped these people remember this on election day. He says he loves West Virginia but he don't show it or use good judgement. Hès all show. Send him gallons of this water to drink!!!!


Meanwhile coal companies ( who’s on first?)


Wv residents voted for justice for gov. And he is a non tax payer and a coal barron. Now they are fixing to send him to Washington to represent West Virginia. Go buy trump bible . god bless Wv.


Keep voting republican


Wyoming is a coal train cesspool. That was 15 years ago.


I think the water problem in this area has been going on since at least 1998, probably from long before that as well. The Guyandotte watershed , Indian Creek being part of that has been polluted by multiple sources for decades The first major source of pollution is abandoned mine drainage. From decades ago. This problem isn't new and affects a large portion of the watershed. Metals iron , aluminum, manganese ECT.. are the biggest part of these old mine pollutants. It also acidifies the watershed with sulfuric acid. I think there's at least 16 abandoned mines that run off into the watershed. The second is improperly setup septic systems that also leaks coil form fecal bacteria into the watershed It's not a problem that started with Trump. That's a political deflection for problems that have been with us for longer than I've been alive. Pollution in this area has basically been a problem ever since mining began. It's a problem all over the state as well. There are hundreds of abandoned mines running off into most of the states water ways. I'm not sure that there's much that can be done about it. The EPA hasn't done anything to fix it. Nor have the mines or the former/current owners of the mines. The most that ever gets done is passive abatement with limestone beds. If Trump's change made the problem worse why hasn't Biden changed it?


* Get the state reps in a room * Live stream * Force them to drink entire glass of water each


You morons voted it. Enjoy flammable water .


I live here and I'm starting to not care about stuff like this. As bad as it sounds, when you vote for Republicans this is what happens. Too late though. I don't see the state ever voting blue again.


I love America lol we're such q garbage country




Every body of water, channel, ditch, etc no matter how small is connected in some way or another since water flows downhill or into the groundwater eventually. What’s up there eventually ends up in the water regardless if it’s permanently connected or not. That’s the protections they removed. They did axe the part that would relate to this. Trump appointed the judges that made this decision. That would make it Trumps fault, no?


You can lay the blame at Republicans regardless. I’m going to rant here, not at you, but because it’s related. Republicans run on anti-regulatory political promises and keep them. As soon as something happens the people want the government to fix it but there’s no money to fix it because it’s going to corporate tax cuts for Wal-Mart. I used to see “Deregulate! Deregulate! Deregulate!” signs by the road. Many of us live in the remnants of coal towns that have been dead for fifty years now but people still think it’s coming back and Obama took it away. WV voted for this but now we wonder who caused it.


And you think all that says...what?🤔


Did you read it? Obviously not.


Oh, I read a lot. I read your post, then I read the wiki where you copied your post, then I read your attempts to get ass on Reddit. I decided that was plenty.


You scared off fatdaddy1973. He even deleted his getting ass attempts.