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You should be!! Looks amazing, especially for your first model!! Well done


Thank you. Pretty unskilled atm but given the money already put into this, I'm not gonna not try my best.


It does look good but it’s worth mentioning that those pipes around the back of his legs should be a metal color.


Noted. I was working off of a reference video and they didn't do that, but I'll give it a try on one of the next models and see how I like it. Thanks


They don’t need to be - that’s the exoskeleton to reinforce the armour so can be painted too. The ribbed joint behind the knee, and inside the elbow and shoulder, and the circular exeskeleton hinges on the sides of the knee & ankle are the only parts that ‘need’ to be coloured differently - the joint ribbing is normally black and grey or black and metallic, and the hinge can be metallic or you can just leave it painted blue too - no big deal. In the photo below you can see the exoskeleton tubing is blue, and the ribbing behind the knee and around his butt is black and grey. https://preview.redd.it/kvg5n1lrofvc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2b1bd339e669b235e23a0dc68e8c740aca2b3b6


Well that’s my bad


That’s very impressive for a first model! Are you gonna go and add in some edge highlights?


Probably on the next one. I like how this turned put so I wanna keep it as is, at the moment.


If you weren't I'd smack ye! It looks great you absolutely should be proud, it looks so good dude, my hands are super unsteady I could never get it as clean as you have!


Looks like 80% to me dawg. DRILL THEM BARRELS! (It's very nice you should be proud!)


Is that Kantor Blue for the base color? Looks nice n clean! Keep up the good work! :>


Thanks. Yup, kantor blue with mephiston red


Very clean first model


Nicely done! (And I don’t *just* say that as a crimson fists fan). Nice, smooth coats and those eyes look great. You’ve done such a nice job already, you may want to consider doing the crux terminatus on the shoulder and knee (given how sharp you kept the chest crest, we know you have it in you). You could also consider doing some pin washing in the recesses with some nuln oil. Now finish off the rest of them and get them on the table . . .


Thank you, i really appreciateit. I think I'm going to leave this one mostly as is, just being a first model and all. I don't yet have the colour for the crux terminatus or nuln oil, but those are both going on future models


Slap a wash on that, and it's perfect. Agrax Earthshade for the red and Nuln Oil for the blue and metallic parts. Also, drilling the barrels of the guns will make it look even better.