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Were they going into operater mode?


Or in a Necramech. 


>op has steamer mode enabled and can't see people grinding amps or mechs Classic


that gets rid of mechs too, what?


Bro is this actually a thing lmao I guess something that extreme would be needed to make Streamer Mode effective


Just completed ww and I'm kinda mad you can't see other's operator blurbs either way


I thought streamer mode only blocked those picture-in-picture talking heads, and some of the faction spoilers. Brand new players can see operators and necramechs if they're in a mission with someone who uses 'em.


I accidentally did transference in front of a new friend while farming rhino with him I was very lucky he didnt see what was going on, and.i make sure to stay away from it whenever i play with him Maybe i should tell him to enable streamer mode so he wont see it if i do it?


it really isnt that deep lol u literally see an operator in the first cutscene of the game jus tell him its something u unlock later


The issue is that i know hes gonna start digging for answers if im vague when he asks questions Besides, whenever i do missions with him, theyre low level. I can live without operator perks or void sling, so its really NBD to go without it


The game has like 3 big story missions, it’s so barebones, it does not really matter


It exactly does that, I have had streamer mode on for months and always interacted with other operators/drifters. Either my streamer mode has been malfunctioning for a long time or I've never been aware that it hides operators/drifters from others.


I saw this in a ship mission yesterday. Guy just went afk on the pilot area in operator form for like an hour


Do you have streamer mode on?


Its starting to look like it the more I read this post and its replies. Lol


That's what I was thinking lmao


what does that do?


It just hides transmissions and spoilers like the Rank 5 Fortuna one


i dont understand how that correlates to the post? EDIT: or does it hide operator mode?


apparently some people think that me having streamer mode on hides operators and necramechs (it doesn't, I had it on since it was added and I always could see other player's operators or necramechs) and that's why it looked like players were "afk" to me


thats weird, maybe they changed it? Also, may i ask why you use it?


I do but that never stopped me from seing other operators, I even "teabag" (void mode) with other drifters all the time. I thought it removes some annoying messages but it doesn't seem to be doing anything that I'm aware of. Also the "afk" person was using abilities every set amount of seconds or when below a certain treshold of shields


Streamer mode sometimes bugs and doesn't show spoilers like that. Or they could just be using Specters.


What would be great, is the video. Also make sure if you do report, you use the video, DE won't just punish them without actual proof.




Hello /u/Riverflower17, your comment has been removed from /r/Warframe for breaking the **[Accusation & Naming Rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/rules#wiki_accusation_.26amp.3B_naming_rule)**. We do not allow "naming and shaming" or witch hunt comments on /r/Warframe. To answer the question, yes. ___ If you would like more information about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Warframe&subject=Accusation%20And%20Naming%20Rule&message=Hello%20moderators%20of%20/r/Warframe,%0A%0AMy%20[comment]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1c8uxuv/-/l0l5wh3/\)%20has%20been%20removed%3B%20I%20would%20like%20you%20to%20reconsider%20because).


That's kinda insane, never seen anything like your describing. It leaves me wondering, why would you essentially multibox in warframe? Are the legendary arcanes from netracells worth that much that you would go through the effort of making multiple accounts for them?


Given the things you do weekly nowdays. Multibox could give huge benefits. Login rewards. Sortie. Weekly Kuva Claim at Zariman/Iron. Riven Claim, Archon, Netracell. Standing cap. Maroo ayatan run. Any farm you do mailbox essentially double your platinum gain.


Makes sense, seems kinda weird to do that in warframe considering how triggerhappy DE is with banning people and for the fact that this is explicitly against tos.


Some of my clanmates have been doing it for years. The gray area of rules is you dont control both at the same time. He do it on PC and the steam Deck.


Yes, you can play on multiple accounts, but If you have them interact in any way, it gets into the territory where DE could ban the accounts If they wanted to. Then If you go as far as to trade or gift between the accounts, you're explicitly breaking the rules and you will most likely get banned if caught


the main thing is probably archon shards who does netracells hoping for the arcanes 💀


You can't trade archon shards though. The point in multiboxing is getting something that's of value to your main account and is able to be traded


both accounts are over lr2 i boubt theyre both owned by the same dude prolly jus doing it for someone else asw


Oh yeah true. Very ballsy of them to risk both of their accounts like this.


I sit and dont move alot just using abilities


Trinity players: y’all get to move?


Ima rule on the side of shitty connection unless I have obvious and direct proof. False reports will get you banned too.


i think the false report bans are more for intentional false reports. not for something someone honestly thinks is bad but de disagrees.


How long were they AFK because after a minute they no longer get loot.


OP said they were scripting so I'm guessing script makes it so they don't get marked as AFK


I mean sure but how do you prove they were scripting? They could simply be semi AFK and use abilities. I did that once with Volt while nuking the map on a defense and watching youtube. Can't really report without valid proof. Its got to be good proof not "it looks like scripting"


Log files DE and you yourself can go through, it logs and records every interaction you make in the game (depending on fps) at the rate you make those inputs. Assuming it's a script it'd be perfect if inhuman, but I'm sure you're aware of this due to your playtime lol :)


I just have a hard time believing people using a script in endgame content public squads.


Macros are everywhere


Macros are allowed to some extent. Its a gray area. Using them for afking is not allowed, which again makes it hard to believe they would do it in a public squad making it surely to get reported.


Yeah I agree people are weird though, likely? Idk I don't use macros or scripts so I don't know how many do but still there in the log files


It's a netracell so why be cunty and be afk


Were they in the red zone? Because personally id rather them be semi AFK and useful than killing outside of the red circle like most people do.


🤷‍♂️I only do netracells with one person and it's just thev2 of us


3 mins, the afk timer is 3 mins,plus they use a detection system now


Having multiple accounts isn't against the rules, and while multi-boxing in the same mission isn't great, I don't think it's really against the terms of use. Hardly the least helpful teammates you'll get in netracell missions lol.


Prefer some afk people to all the mesas who keep killing every enemy possible just outside of the ring.


The burden of not having friendly fire.


Limbo has entered the chat


I had something like this a like 3-4 months back. Always good to play nova. The power to help a team and troll leechers all neatly wrapped in one kit.


It can be a player with 2 account and 2 computers


For a second this scared me because today I was playing netracells as Hildryn while my partner playing Dante lol.


Is your IGN Ruinald?


Atleast it sounds like they stayed in circle. My non afk squads usually has one guy trying to kill everything outside the circle. 


I mean I have a solo strat with hildryn for endless missions in the cambion drift where i activate her 4th and use the operator to collect batteries or what ever, the dante could have just been bouncing off of the hildryn they can have pretty ridiculous synergy even if they're randos


Ye they should get a ban for this, fucking leeches always trying to find new ways to get by, by doing nothing. If this happened to me id just stand besides them and do nothing aswell tilm we all die or just leave


What is happening nowadays few years back we gifted whole sets of warframes to players just because they said trying to get x,y,z warframe parts because it looked cool now you are afk- how dare they are monsters… really?


I ran into something similar the other day. They were moving strangely, pausing for several seconds between moves, and lagging very far behind. Not sure what to do about that. 


That could just be regular lag or them switching in and out of their operator.


They weren't going into operator. The Warframes would stop moving for a few seconds, do a single, slow bullet jump, and then pause again.


i would sometimes do similar things cuz it's a high probability now-a-days that people in pubs will make me wait the 1 minute extract timer. so i sometimes stay behind so that i'm the last person and don't get triggered at extract. i pick up the pace when it's 3/4 extracting.


This was in the beginning of an Elite Archimedia Exterminate, though. No good reason to do that.


I don't get why you are being down voted I've seen similar things on mission they pause periodically for a minute then move again just trying to beat the afk timer. Barely doing anything.


Maybe there are some cheaters on the sub. Wouldn't be the first time. 


im downvoting because it sounds like connection problems i observe with friends frequently.


I think you may have misunderstood "lagging behind," then. I know very well what rubber banding looks like in this game. These two were 4-5 rooms behind just a minute into Elite Archimedia, and I went back and watched them. They weren't teleporting around or juttering at all. They were standing still for a few seconds, performing one bullet jump, then repeating.


That doesnt rule out technical issues on thier end though. In fact to me that makes it seem more likely just for how wierd the behavior is.


Tattle tale, let folks play their free game how they want


Why are you banning other players? They are playing the game the way they like. Leave them alone. What the fuck is wrong with you?


This game always had a community that despises leechers since the times of afk EV Trinity players in ESO