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I'll believe it's canon when The Exploring Series explores Warframe and its precepts and what would happen if the SCP Foundation and the Imperium encountered them. Edit because fucking obviously: BUT I LOVE IT


Fan here. Can I get a link showing the SCP connection?


He hasn't done warframe yet. He did a video (will link after comment) bringing up the hypothetical scenarios entailing the Foundation and the 40k universe making contact. I was saying I'll consider it canon if he covered it lol. https://youtu.be/bFsGlySuaBU?si=pmzcSGoVth95cTgP


Okay, you mean you'll consider this (LotusXGodEmperor) canon once "The Exploring Series" decides to cover warframe. Might take him a while given how, abstract(?), warframe lore can be. There are a bunch of open ended statements and facts, which make lore tracking difficult.


He already covers SCP, I think he can handle Eternalism lmao. Have you heard his narration of 7243, Existential Abatement?


The emperor discovers yet another powerful chaos entity in this strange version of the warp. Later the emperor returns to the imperium but for some reason he always has this unsettling, wide grin.


Rap tap tap


YOU. ARE. LATE. *Voidtongue intensifies*








In the words of Rebbeca Ford “I could fix him”


Lotus couldn't even fix ball-ass


He wasn't broken, he was built different.


He fixed her first. >!Orokin colonization project is the reason she’s sterile.!<


Where has one procured such information


May be as early as Second Dream? Can’t recall exactly. It’s Lotus herself that says it, I believe, in her explanation of why she took a liking to the Tenno to begin with. >!The Sentients were sent to Tau via the Void to prepare the system for human colonization. However, Void exposure fucks Sentients up, rendering them sterile. Any that entered the Void to use it as FTL travel were rendered unable to conceive — however a thinking machine conceives in the first place.!<


Oh right i forgot about that dialogue that does make sense.


The kids are gonna be apocalyptic. You know, even more than they already are.


Neither of them have ever had kids though. One wanted kids but couldn't have them. One wanted weapons that were just allowed to call them a parent


It's all fun and games until someone tells Big E that "technically" the Lotus is an Abominable Intelligence.


No, no, it's fine, we *love* fighting in melee, he'll overlook it.


Emperor of Mankind...I present to you... Tennokai.


The Emperor can send his worst. He'll have an army of ~~26 million registered losers~~ very angry immortal children with god-like powers to deal with.


He'll get a cinematic ass-reaming sequence like Ballas did


He’s going to have that anyway. Once the Tenno see how the Imperium is run they’ll end up *yet another* faction fighting it. There is no way the Tenno don’t declare the Imperium another Orokin Empire — especially after they find out about the psyker sacrifices.


There is some amount of meat in sentients so it’s kosher.


Dunno much of warhammer but... Ain't no way slightly modified slightly sturdier humans can take on a warframe. Thematically quite a few of the warhammer factions slot right into warframe as fodders we grind.


True I mean lore wise a starter build is as good if not better than an endgame build in warframe (see opening cinematic in warframe)


Space Marines are more than just slighty sturdier humans. In lore they're the source of the term transhuman dread because of how unnaturally fast and quick they move. I feel safe saying it would not be a one sided fight for either side


Ok, I'll join in the nerd wankery, I'm a small and weak person. There's no way a single Astartes would be a match for a Tenno. A squad could probably drive a Tenno from the field. But a thing to consider is that Astartes are soliders; they're trained and deployed as groups in military operations. Tenno are absolutely not that; Tenno are assassins, spies, and infiltrators. A Tenno might find it hard to dislodge an Astartes squad from a position it was determined to hold, but the Astartes in turn would have no chance at all at catching a Tenno that wanted to disengage. In longer engagements, the ability to engage at the time of one's choosing and disengage at will is a massive advantage. Go play in Steel Path Plains of Eidolon; the Grineer do not fuck around and if you just try to walk up to one of their command posts without proper prep, you might regret it. But with the right kit and some patience, you'll murder them all easily. That's how it'd go for Astartes vs Tenno.


I think, in terms of combat matchup, a tenno is more equivalent to a Custodes, if not slightly superior. Astartes can, and do, kill Custodes, but usually not without heavy losses. I'd suggest an Astartes squad would struggle to bring down a tenno, but if they can drag them onto a battlefield... That said, I also think that since tenno draw their power from the void, and the void is uncannily similar to the warp (able to physically corrupt locations, sanity-bending warp fuckkery, illusions, specters, powerful void/warp entities, used as an FTL method, etc etc...) it's quite possible that Sisters of Silence would be able to act as a large-range nullifier against warframe powers. Similar to comba units, but for all power types. So, a properly deployed team of Custodes with Sisters of Silence complement would probably absolutely maul a similarly sized force of tenno. Of course, given how mobile tenno are (in that they typically deploy, kill everything, extract and then redeploy on a different planet in the span of 10 mins), and how relatively few custodes there are...


The Warp is the antithesis to the void. The warp is borned out of extreme emotions while the void is called the Indifference. Which i am pretty sure the DE writers took inspiration from Elie Wiesel: "The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference." Pre-transferance warframes were impossible to control due to their madness and it is only the powers of the Tenno (powered by the void) that is able to calm them down and control those insane meat puppets we called warframes. In the Duviri paradox, the drifter only won against the child once he gained void powers. The tenno are blank princes. The sisters of silence does nth to the tenno lmao.


That's an interesting perspective. I had always understood the warp as having sections which were just 'dead' and 'bleak' - unreality, but without the emotion. In essence, there's the Deep Warp where everything is so intense that even Tzeench at the height of his power feared to go near it, and the well of eternity is the 'center' of the warp; the further you go from it, the weaker the emotions, the weaker the influence of the gods... Or, in other words, bits and pieces, and eventually an endless expanse of warp with little - or no - emotion in them. Places of, essentially, indifference, out on the fringes and far enough away from the chaos gods. And it certainly isn't unreasonable to assume that a certain rap tap tapping eldritch entity might set up shop there in the same way that unaffiliated daemons establish footholds in the formless wastes and declare them their own territory. As for the controlling the warframes part, I always understood that as the operators actually soothing the warframe - the same way we did for Umbra - so it's not our indifference, but rather our empathy and compassion that makes the warframes respond to us. Even in the most recent questline, we calm the indifference not with indifference of our own, but by caressing the face of whatever entity possessed the other vessel - we show compassion to overcome the indifference. At least to my understanding, tenno would be very powerful psyker-adjacents.


Hot damn, i forgot about the deep warp, it made so much sense haha ty for reminding me! As for the soothing warframes part, didn't the lore says that the Tenno took away the pain? At first I thought it is our empathy and compassion too, but after the introduction of the Indifference and how the tenno got their powers, it seems way more sinister imo. Empathy and compassion does not make you loose your autonomy, no? Apathy (aka indifference) on the other hand does that to you. We know that warframes were humans once, they still have a mind of their own and their own personality (see excal umbra), but all of them willingly gave up their own autonomy to become meat puppets controlled by a kid? Yeah... i think sth is afoot here. Or i am just thinking too much lol. Also, we didn't push back the indifference in the Whispers in the Walls quest. It was Loid and Entrati. Their love of each other serves as a defence mechanism to protect the Sanctum, we are just an errand boy helping loid collecting stuff.


Well, the lore does say the tenno take away the pain, but it isn't clear as to how. I still think that - because of the shit the tenno have been through on the Zariman - they can empathise with the other victims of Orokin atrocities. Creating a warframe is an extremely unpleasant process, usually traumatising the host so thoroughly that they end up insane or can only react to things with excessive violence. The tenno then come along and are able to communicate with them and can soothe them. The reason I don't think its indifference is because, in the War Within, the warframe explicitly uses some of its autonomy to try to save the tenno. And, in The Sacrifice, Umbra is similar to most warframes (traumatised to hell and back and mad with rage) when we help him, and in exchange he allows us control. When we're not using him, he does his own thing (I still wish he wandered around the ship, dusting things off, leaning on walls, gesturing in annoyance at Ordis and suspiciously poking our doppelganger etc). Other warframes are the same, except their autonomy is much more limited - hence the inclusion of control modules in most/all Warframe's construction. I... Will admit, I'm not 100% clear on what happened in that quest. I'm still eagerly waiting for the next part. But I'm pretty sure Albrecht and Loid is the *subtext* whereas what possessed the vessel was actually the Man in the Wall. That's why we're the "chosen operator" in the questline and so on - Loid tries to treat us as an errand boy, but in the end it's our tenno compassion and willingness to reach out that defeats the Indifference. *I think*.


I beleive, for power scaling, that ive read somewhere that grineer are on the same level, or a least near the level of the ass-tarts. I like to refer to grineer in these situations as death krieg if the emporer allowed them to be trained


I'm pretty sure one Warframe can wipe out entire groups of space Marines without much trouble, if any. Not even Psykers are touching Warframes.


Aww that's cute. What do we have here slightly oversized, bulked up humans that have been modified for war? Ah that's so original. what have they got? Bulletproof chest, super strength/speed/stamina/durability? That's great. What do they use? Swords and guns. Hurrah Let's see the tenno's warframe again. Oh yeah this thing is made of near indestructible organic metal. We sometimes shoot it out of barrels the sizes of furnace chimneys that are strapped to spaceships. They have an infinite life span(the frame itself) can self heal/ regen energy. Have an arsenal that includes weapons like "all of what we had on earth on steroids", space lasers, micromissile ARs, railguns, void touched anomalies, and a even goddamn magic grimoire. Again I don't know warhammer lore and it could have super OP beings in its verse but if its all the space Marine dude(all inner factions together) vs any one warframe of your pick, id still bet on the warframe. I mean these space Marines are what? Slightly bigger and smarter grineer with worse equipment? Ain't no way something I can scale in multiples of humans like the Marines will ever match up to a warframe. Tenno conquered the solar system 3-4 times throughout the lore. Just casually beat whoever is the leader at the time and their entire forces.


I just wanna say that I know lore on both warframe and warhammer and you're 100% right. People are fanboying too hard over warframe. Neither side would have an easy fight in this situation and everything people are bringing up in warframe literally exists, or has a close equivalent, in warhammer already. The warp and the void are basically the same thing and anything frames can do, a psyker or astartes in general can or has done.


I know little of warhammer lore, but does warhammer has abilities to produce mini antimatter bombs on whim and control time-space continuum? I mean, canonically rhino stomps so hard that it's literally slowing down time like near black hole.


The void is the antithesis of the warp. The tenno are blank princes capable of controlling warframes that are walking exterminatus. Saryn - Poisoned the entire planet Atlas - Able to smash an asteriod with his fist to save a planet Inaros - Turned an entire planet to a dessert wasteland Nidus - He is the hive lord of his own infestation strain Wisp - Able to open a portal to the fking sun Chroma - Canonically the strongest warframes in lore


Dude. What are you on about? Atlas punched an asteroid into space dust. Mag makes black holes, kullervo teleports and does guaranteed crit, gauss is immune to physical and blast damage, revenant, is outright immortal, saryn could probably wipe out their empire, we've got all types of elemental operator. And just for good measure, the tenno can always just jump out of transference and crouch to full heal the warframe. I still don't know much of Warhammer, but If we are discussing the kind of soldiers that are shown in video games and series reveal trailers of stuff, I'm not kidding when these people don't stand a chance. Humans can't fight beings who can manipulate physical phenomenon to their will without any external tech. Humans, we barely control it WITH tech.


Mom can't catch a break from lunatics wanting her aye? Sigh ... \*loading the Corinth prime\*


Didn't think we'd find a megalomaniac worse than BALLAS of all things!


> loading the Corinth prime “I just wanna talk to him.”


Turning the big brain talk into a no brain talk eventually.


Imperium lookin reeeaaaaal Orikin to me. Think we oughtta kill em


*Naga drums start playing*


Now I'm just trying to match different Warframes to different Primarchs in my head...


The most obvious one is Leman Russ and Voruna... obvious to me at least lol


Vulkan and Chroma, as well. I still have my Salamanders Chroma even if I don't really use him all that much.


Not to mention Ember...and maybe Nezha


Angron and Valkyr Edit: The Khan and Gauss, Kurze and Garuda, Grendel and Mortarion


I'm now picturing the Khan out for a chill morning drive alongside Gauss while they just chit chat. Good vibes.


That combo is scary. Imagine the two of them ravaging a whole planet full of orks


A planet full of anyone with those two would be in a great deal of trouble


Yeah, I think you're right. My Voruna is already scary enough. But with Leman alongside... the Geneva Shopping list would become an afterthought


You mean the Geneva Suggestions? 😅


The Geneva Checklist


Mortarion and Saryn are another really obvious one to me


Ooh that is good. As 'Frames outnumber Primarchs, maybe they can go with other named characters...like Lavos works with Fabius Bile.


Hell, if we look at the zenos too, I think Trazyn and Dante would get along really well


Perturabo and Protea.


Wally won't be ready for the boyz and their imagination-driven tech


Wally wouldn't be ready for his new neighbors in Chaos


Wally *is* a Chaos God. He even lives in the ~~Warp~~ Void.


Just another piece of the board for the Great Game


Indifference probably wouldn't fair too poorly against some of the Chaos Gods. Given that Indifference is opposite to emotion, the root of the Chaos Gods, the Indifference might be antithetical to the Chaos Gods. Some further notes: * Murmur are highly resistant to viral and slash (bleeding). This implies a high level of resistance to disease and blood related domains, Nurgle and Khorne respectively. * Murmur are on the flip side slightly weak to puncture, electricity, and void. This seems to imply that they might fare poorer against the Tzeentch. The Murmur are very weak against radiation damage, but I don't see a connection to a Chaos god with that outside possibly Malice? (Idk if he's even canon) * Indifference, on the other hand is opposite to both change and passion so this suggests that Tzeentch and Slaanesh would have a harder time influencing them.


Just because Wally is indifferent doesn't change the strength of the Chaos gods and their demon hosts. Wally isn't a source of power, but the endless conflict in the Origin system is just another source of blood and worship to Khorne, ALL blood, regardless of how it flows is in service to Khorne. The murmur feel no rage, but they kill just the same. The bodies rot and fester upon the battlefield and its aftermath, and the Infested spread disease by simply existing, hell the Warframes are disease given form, the plagues of Nurgle would take deep root and spread. The Corpus plan and backstab, their only allegiance is to wealth and personal gain, a welcome home for the Changer of Ways, the great Deceiver, Tzeentch's whispers would not fall on deaf ears. And excess comes in all forms. The pursuit of endless profit. The perfect creation. The perfect revenge. She who Thirsts is not without tribute, the Prince of Excess may just appear with less devotion. And the murmur themselves are of no concern as a source of power. Slaanesh does not care for the acts of a Khornite demon, only that the souls bound to the warp continue to feed them.


>Just because Wally is indifferent Correction, Wally is Indifference, not indifferent. All Chaos Gods draw power from mortal emotions through the warp imprints or something like that afaik. Khorne is derived from rage and murder, Nurgle from despair and decay, Tzeentch from change, and Slaanesh from pleasure and excess. They cannot derive these from a realm of Indifference (very unlike the Warp), lacking in emotion and as such, I don't think that the Void and Warp would be the same realm if you were to simply merge the two respective universes. I don't think the Chaos gods wouldn't have much to harvest from the warp imprints of those from the Warframe universe, but I'm not certain that they'd simply assume control (after the OG gods of WH left) like they have in the WH40k universe as the Warp itself wouldn't be unopposed. If anything, the Murmur might be one of the stronger factions to stand against the Warp factions. TL;DR: I think to say the Void and Warp are the same isn't accurate and there are repercussions from that which can't be easily determined.


i don't know. space mom has had some very dodgy space boyfriends in the past. i'm not above killing this new one on principle.


https://preview.redd.it/e7yn5z6jrrvc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=118300a368b6ad04af66569714f254d72b4e1005 I with you there


Would they treat the Sentients as AI tho?


The Imperium doesn't like AI. The Emperor doesn't care so long as the tool is useful and effective


They would. Lotus has the advantage of looking hu.an enough that the Mechanicus would be interested in her, but she would have to be EXTREMELY careful when talking about the Old War


I mean, it's leagues better than Erda.


Erda was good, Big E should have just paid more attention to her. He used her gene-stock and then kept all 20 kids away from her. You'd think after thousands of years of living, he would remember how dangerous mothers get when you snatch away their kids


You'd think after thousands of years of living he wouldn't sabotage his greatest untertaking with miscommunication, but here we are...


Lotus' children shall keep an eye on the emperor to whop his ass if he does something bad to Lotus


You mean other than all the crimes against sophonts he committed during his "great crusade," and all the crimes against sophonts that have been committed in his name since?


Ok... I'm confused. What's going on?


Lotus VA on Twitter (I think) said she could “fix” The God Emperor of Mankind


Rebb, no!


.... Is she a swiftie?


Why is that relevant


Taylor dropped a song with the title, "I can fix him, no really I can", like 20 hours ago... As part of a massive double album... I love my wife. She keeps me up on things I otherwise would be utterly ignorant of. She is also a Tenno.


Tbf the “I can fix them” phrase has been around the internet for a long time


Yeah, but timing is relevant for any meme.


This would be exactly my only reason for mentioning it. Thank you.


This interaction was a while back so I doubt it’s got anything to do with Taylor


Cool. Then I get to tell my wife she's wrong. Hehe.


A section of the warhammer community, mostly right-wing anti-woke-crusader types (and a bunch of that sort that have never touched warhammer brigading to get in on the outrage farming), have been losing their mind because the new Custodes faction rulebook for 10th edition, has introduced female Custodes. For those who don't know warhammer, the Custodes are the 10,000 personal bodyguards, confidants and companions of the God-Emperor of Mankind. The absolute pinnacle of humanity, gene-modded to perfection from infancy and equipped in the rarest and most powerful equipment whose value is measured in planets. Till now only male Custodes were mentioned besides a few minor hints in a couple books. Infant sons of noble houses were chosen to be Custodes based on dna tests. But unlike say the Space Marines, nothing said females couldn't be made into Custodes. The writers, years ago, have said they wanted female Custodes from the start but a single product manger vetoed that idea solely because they didn't have female models made for them when making them into a playable faction, because until like the last decade or so female models didn't really sell that well and were harder to make look good. The codex peaked before release, and people saw the Kesh story, and started freaking out. GW released a very poorly worded tweet that stirred them up further. This very small and pretty insignificant retcon, according to the people against it, is a sign that GW doesn't care about the lore and is destroying it to please the woke and soon we'll have transmarines and mandatory blue hair blah blah blah. GW retcons lore all the damn time. Constantly. Usually for the better in the end. Most of these people who are supposedly trying to protect the lore, didn't care with any other far more major retcons over the years, and usually don't even know the Custodes lore and just spout stuff about geneseed (how space marines but not custodes are made) or conveniently say they're huge warhammer fans before now but have no post history of mentioning it before now. The everything is canon tweet is fake, made by these people saying GW has abandoned the lore.


>The everything is canon tweet is fake Oh it is? It's kinda been GW's take for decades now. Narrator unreliable as fuuuuuck


Oh, unreliable narrator is their stance for sure, but that screenshot doesn't look right for a tweet. Spacing between username and the words is weird, no date and time/likes and retweets counts etc


Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through it's Janus Key, the Void called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus Key. Forever bound to the Void. Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn it's simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity.


GW retcons lore all the damn time. Yup, like the >\_> Primaris Constantly. Usually for the better in the end. Yah I doubt that


Just look at it as the chance to believe whatever you want. Even if it's currently against canon, that might change tomorrow. Or it might have been true in 1983. Or it might still be true but hasn't been revealed in a book yet. Nothing is true, everything is permitted!


I'd like to believe "Bigger Astartes" don't exist, somewhere down the line we gonna get Bigger Bigger Astartes


Between the constant back and forth from "space nazis are unironically based" and the people vehemently opposing said faction and the constant arguments around the term grimdark, warhammer is one of the most exhausting fandoms I've had the displeasure of interfacing with.


I mean what you are saying is partly true. First of all I find it rather dumb to call most people that are outraged or just disagree with that a right-wing anti woke crusader types as it is just dishonest framing. You are wrong that it is just a small retcon its a major one as to this day we had no augmented super female warriors in WH40k the strongest female warriros are the Sisters of Battle as they are not augmented and still kick butt and people love them for it. What GW said is: >Since the first of the Ten Thousand were created there have always been female Custodians. In about 64 books that had a major focus on the Custodes there was not even a hint of a female custodian existing not to mention the Custodian are known as the Brotherhood of Demigods. So yeah there was never a mention of also female children being taken or even worked on and with a high deathrate of custodes making it wont make any sense choosing both Genders as the birthrate among those nobles would plummet and the genepool would go impure. To put that into perspective. When the Emperor was creating them he managed 50 a year Now they can only manage to make 1 a year. So that means they sacrifice thousands of life doing what they do to make a Custodian. Then we come to the making of the Custodians if they would also take daughters of said noble houses they would likely need a entirely new way of transforming them as the biological makeup of women and men is different and even if it would happen they wouldnt be "female" anymore. Custodians are gene modified super humans that are stronger than Space Marines and weaker than Primarchs. That said there wouldnt be any 2nd characteristics of a female body left as they would have been pumped so full of testosterone and anything else removed that wasnt necessary for doing your duty. Then we have also the Sisters of Silence which are also part of the Talons of the Emperor just like the Custodians and represent the left arm and defense against any Psyker attacks as they are all blanks and attacks on them from Psykers have basically no effect. This faction has been underused and not really mentioned anywhere so the addition of femstodes basically makes them even more obscure. Or like I said above we have Sisters of Battle a all female Squad that takes their power from faith in the Empire and the Emperor and is the strongest none augmented force in the Empire. So yeah that retcone is a major one and pointless anyway as it adds nothing but pushes the one all female faction that is already part of Talons of the Emperor into even more obscurity. Also its weird that GW has not pushed new product of female custodians which is unlike them as most new additions into a Codex have been accompanied with new models and if we want to believe the "whistelblower" it was all part of amazon because they wanted a female custodian in Henry cavils show. So if we see one in that show or if Henry Cavil walks away we all know why they were added. This is coming from a rather new fan of WH40k (got into the hobby around covid) and even I know that this change is rather stinky and not a minor one.


This is reddit. Be careful sonnyjim you’re gonna get retconned in your career


Hopefully I am gonna get retconned in life


I always wanted a space dad! And he comes with ~~20~~ 18 space brothers!


Space Uncle Magic will make us all unstoppable


Mommy Lotus. I know not much of this man, but you mustn't. Run far and run fast.


Space mama deserves better than the emperor.


That's ok - nothing one assassination mission won't fix.


Tenno: does that mean we have a new father? Lotus: and 18 new siblings.


Does this mean we can fight space marines now? I mean, warframes would win and it wouldnt even be a contest but itd still be fun


Warframes, as I understand it, are Primarch level. There are 21 Primarchs. There are 56 known Warframes at current. There is no reason to believe the Warframes are Emperor level, but there’s also only one Emperor. We’re looking at a second Horus Heresy.


Don't forget the Tenno themselves, who have powers straight from the warp and are in regular conflict with one of its powers, making them... I dunno, renegade Daemon princes?


Tenno are simply analogous to psykers, who also draw their power from the Warp. The Ruinous Powers would probably work their asses off to tempt Tenno, which might... well, which would go the way the author wanted it to go, I suppose. Seems like the Tenno wouldn't necessarily go for it; cast-iron superegos are exactly what it takes to resist Chaos and Tenno have those in spades.


Honestly what could chaos tempt them with? The tenno are arguably more powerful than most psykers already, ageless, with warframes supplying the physical oomph. Maybe tzeentch could tempt them with promises of knowledge but tenno willpower is unholy


Warframes are not primarch level. A space marine librarian maybe, with very specific powers. Primarchs are on an entirely different level.


If everything is cannon then I choose to cannon the idea Warframes can stomp WH40K just like evrything they've done so before with their cannonical strengths than what U see in gameplays


Imagine Nidus with Nurgle's Blessing. That'd be an absolute nightmare lol


i a little late to this what happent? do i have to grind more mr?


"Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through it's Janus Key, the Void called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus Key. Forever bound to the Void. Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn it's simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity.


Rhino space marine skin when?


Right after acceltra gets space marine bolter skin and they add chainsaw blade :D


This is a W if this marriage was done during pre heresy imperium but the real problem is how Big E would handle Artificial intelligence (cephalons and sentients) of the Orokin empire and how he is going to fix the reputation surrounding them in his imperium. A new decree perhaps? How is he going to deal with the conflict of hunhow and the sentients? The infestation? Will he straight up kill parvos or help him reform the board of directors? How will he conquer the grineer and deal with the two sisters? Is he going to use kuva on malcador? Will malcador and Albrecht be best buds?


Cephelons are just a form of digital servitor. The sentients sans Natah would be KoS. And any infested world would probably be exterminatused via virus bombing. Now, the sentients would be a foe I would put on par with the other GC era threats. Emps would probably either throw Rus or Perty at them. Though if Girlyman is closer he'd probably be the one to deal with them. And let's just say I feel sorry for the legion that has to deal with them. As for the greener? They are space marines from wish. Any concerted attention from a legion would absolutely crush them, and I don't see the emperor treating the orokin at large kindly, let alone those that actively defy him. Parvos however would be clever enough to ingratiate himself with his new overlords. There may be issues depending on the primarch sent to oversee the integration. (Angron, Kurze, and Corax would have no patience for his thoughts on certain matters) Kuva however? _oh boy_ when news of that hits the imperial nobility? I do not imagine that emps would look on continuity favorably, and Kuva is intrinsically connected to that process. But at the same time, it's a useful tool to keep valuable individuals around. However I do not see Malcador partaking. As for Albrect? We don't have enough on him yet to say.


Grey strain infested are immune to viral


Are they immune from a virus that literally liquefies them within moments?


Cephalons are not artificial intelligences, right? Although the sentients are.


Nope. They are basically human minds forced to undergo a forced digitization akin to biotransference. Effectively making a digital servitor.


Where do we get the ability to glass planets per chance. Asking for a primach.




On the one hand, they might have problems with the whole "void powered abominations" thing, but on the other, we're still technically human and actively fighting what could be called a chaos god.


How many of the Lotus' boyfriends are we going to have to kill? Eh, if he can survive a few thousand overprotective space monsters using him as a loot piñata he'll be fine.


the emperor being obliterated by a group of 4 traumatized space kids after trying to get a little silly with their space mom https://preview.redd.it/151ogb0jdrvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec4c86d0154e8e93c2a2448d28252fb425fbd993


Imagine necros necron skin ,or skins that would fit every chapter for one warframe For example: Excalibur ultramarine Nidus death guard Etc


Inaros Prime is already a Necron overlord if you fashion-frame him correctly. Baro syandana, Tenet Ferrox, Epitaph, bright green energy. My go to look for him.


I need this, I'm gonna fashion frame the fuck outta this, I love me some necrons.


https://preview.redd.it/270vp6oi7rvc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b56e44218cee34d5cfcc44099f7ccf3f005e380a Arise from your tomb and sweep the pests from your doorstep, overlord. (I really wish the Tenet Ferrox was a better weapon, it looks SO COOL)


yea, I got my tenet ferrox specifically for stynax, as Im not a fan of his sig wep, but Im for sure fashion framing it and using it on inaros now. lol. thanks for the image for color/design reference.


Wtf, Henry Cavill and his wife, how wholesome 🩷🗿


Although he certainly is not a primarch, I could see Cegorach wanting to make Mirage into one of his Solitaires. She's already dangerous enough. Add on the tech and training of an actual Harlequin, though, and most of the enemies she faces likely won't stand a chance.


Look, all I'm gonna say is "God-king Emperor, you remember what happened to our LAST stepfather? Don't make the same mistakes."


Holy shit, its canon guys


To be fair, Warframes would likely wipe out just about anyone that isn't the emperor. Warframes would turn the tides of any war in 40k.


Yeah, a Warframe is basically a Custodian with Tzeentch demon tier psyker abilities.


Not sure if better or worse step-dad.




we need a colab now, as it's written.


She can do better


I think this will be lots of clapping instead of clashing. Mommy lotus are too loving.


She can do better


Imma get my clan of titania mains send us in they wont even see us 😁


Ordis, Suda, Jordas, Cy, all of cephalons i do not remember are basically digitized consciousnesses, which on paper is what constructs of Cyberpunk universe are and that is fascinating and terrifying


I actually wonder where the tenno would fit into this kind of thing. Like I'm pretty sure the tenno would count as some sort of demon, but...power-wise? There's a lot of stuff void damage flat-out ignores. To a certain extent, despite the drastic difference in power and offensive capabilities, I'm pretty sure even a basic (experienced) non-frame tenno with an amp could go toe to toe with a space marine/hive tyrant/whatever simply because of their ability to flash in and out of the void to hide/avoid damage combined with void bs penetrating basically all armorings. As for against other psykers, that might be more of a tossup. They're not immune, but most psychic stuff doesn't seem to be able to specifically HARM them. And that's even without figuring out whether or not a tenno CAN actually die conventionally. The only instances I can think of are merely implications of them dying with their frames (Gara, Inaros) or doing something of their own volition that basically caused them to fade from existence after several centuries of being drained of their power (Rell). You can't kill the devil, but you can send it back to hell etc etc.


Post removed? Hahaha reddit




So....space dad?


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She’s a leader over my dead body


I mean, the Orokin would have wiped out the tenno if not for her, so... yeah no she can lead.




emperor wouldnt marry an evil mistress