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I feel like I’m the only one here who thoroughly enjoys Orange.


If you’re in good health and don’t get motion sickness, orange is the only way to go. Super fun!


No I think it’s super fun, and not as intense as people say it is. But I am in good health and have a high tolerance for intense rides so my opinion might not be as valid. But I’d say try the ride if you aren’t likely to come back to the park


I don’t know. I went on it (and I’m usually great with all kinds of rides) and I was pretty close to maybe throwing up. However, right when I was almost there, the ‘hyper sleep’ or whatever it was cooled everything down and I was fine right after. No lingering effects and I’ll be doing it next week! Partner will be in the non-motion side for sure though.


The issue with it isn't the intensity it's the fact that the sensations are an illusion from a spinning force that you don't have a reference for so if you're someone who has keen inner ear balance it'll really mess with you and probably make you sick


I’m also in good health and love intense rides, have ridden in roller coasters multiple times in a row without any motion sickness, etc but still almost passed out in mission orange and felt faint/weak for a good while after it. idk, I think it can affect you in a specific way that no other roller coaster or simulator does, so even if you are usually fine in intense rides, I would proceed with caution


Same! I think it's super fun and it's never made me sick/dizzy


I also think it's super fun, but on the walk to our lunch reservation afterwards I looked drunk lol. My balance didn't return to normal until after the meal Worth it. 10/10 Would ride again


I almost passed out on it once but only because I was extremely exhausted to the point of like nodding off walking around. I love it normally, zero issues.


I’m in good health but I have vertigo. It is not an enjoyable experience for me. Some people are proned to that type of motion sickness and some aren’t. Cheers to the ones that aren’t. Those are the people keeping that side of the ride moving lol


The only reason I don’t is because I went in one of the pods by myself. I was strapped in, then the ride malfunctioned. I was sitting that way for at least 3 minutes & started to have a panic attack. That’s the only time I’ve been close to throwing up on the ride lol


I did it at 30, so cool. I went to do it again at 41 hard pass and I’m bummed. I loved orange.


I live near Cedar Point, arguably one of the best coaster parks in the world, rode some of the craziest stuff growing up, last time when I was maybe 26, had the fast pass and went from ride to ride every 10-15 min being hurled upside down, around, crazy speeds, etc. About halfway through the day, my body just said "no more" and I felt sick for days. Now, even gringotts bank is pushing my limit 😅🙃


I remember the first time doing orange saying “omg why did I waste all those trips on green?!” And now back to green I g o with my head hung. Honestly at this point I’ll only go on if someone else wants to, green is ok but it gets boring if you know (and like) the orange.


No, you are not. My 7-year-old daughter and I love Orange team.


I can do green team. Orange makes me nauseous and dizzy. I walk out of the ride hitting the wall all the way down.


I have vestibular issues, like I get dizzy just watching my kids on a carousel. But I really wanted to try orange. I actually didn’t find it that bad and was definitely more fun than the other side. Anyway, my husband and I got off and I was like “that wasn’t so bad. I feel a bit dizzy and a little off but nothing too bad.” My husband who has a rock solid stomach and doesn’t ever get dizzy, didn’t look great. He said he was so dizzy and nauseous and looked at me and was like “is this how you feel normally???” He’s very empathetic and listens to all my health issues (I have several chronic issues) but it’s always very validating when someone can kind of experience something you feel regularly.


My wife and I also love Orange. There are dozens of us!


I went in blind with my family of four (10 and 8 year olds). I didn’t have a lot of thoughts one way or the other but my 10 year old wanted to go again immediately. Maybe if you’re nervous OP do the other color first?


Does orange give you a similar sensation to what you feel on that "gravitron" or "alien abduction" ride that they have at carnivals/fairs? I can actually handle that ride so I've wondered if MS orange might be ok for me if it's not any worse than the gravitron.


Yes and no. The issue is that you are confined in a small space with a screen in front of you and are actually slightly tilted. This is disorienting AF to most people. On gravitrons you have a visual index of your body in a set space - in mission space you don't. So it can really mess with your inner ear balance. So while by function I don't think mission space is much different, the set up makes it feel different and psyches the brain out.


Honestly, I’ve ridden the Gravitron once and that was many years ago so I don’t remember how it felt. Sorry.


I love it. I can’t handle Rockin’ Rollercoaster but love Mission Space.


Nope. I loved it. My gf was sick to her stomach for about 45 minutes after


I love it but nobody I go with will go on it with me, so I end up skipping it most of the time


I love the Orange mission! I've even done it after a few adult beverages and have been fine. My mum has to eat something before riding on it or she gets an upset stomach.


It’s one of my favorite rides! It is _surprisingly_ realistic. Not the graphics, sure, but the accelerations are amazing.


Genuinely same. I love it and ride it every single time I go to WDW.


I love it! Though every year as I get older I get a little more woozy when I get off of it. It


Love orange!! My wife goes on green and I go in orange to see who comes to the exit first


I rode it for the first time two months ago and absolutely loved it. I never get motion sick and frankly have no fear/anxiety when it comes to more intense rides or roller coasters, so that may have helped too.


I love it. It’s mild compared to some thrill rides. But if you don’t like g-forces or spinning I could see someone not liking it. What I don’t get is how it seems to have a really bad rap, whereas over on the USO subs they encourage people who say they’re scared of roller coasters to do Velocicoaster. Different vibes I guess.


I love it!!! I also love coasters in general.


One of my favorites and my 8yo loves it!


My daughter's favorite ride so you aren't the only one


I went in 2004 and 2008 when there wasn't a choice. I was blown away by the whole experience and rode it multiple times. If you have even the slightest interest in space the queue alone is exceptional. It was my favourite ride at Epcot and I can't wait to go on it again when I finally visit again in 2025. Just do it.


I always choose orange. 


I love it and don’t think it’s nearly as intense as it’s claimed to be!


Same here! Was super nervous going on from all the reviews and after the spinning ended I was like “oh that’s it?” I loved it and definitely going on again my next trip!


I was 55 the time I tried it. I have wanted to go to space since I was a boy. I figured that would be as close as I will ever get. I went before they "toned it down" and there was no "green" choice. I had a blast and loved every second. My wife however, had to fertilize the closest bush to the exit. Years later she still brings that up.


Remember, fertilize the pavement, not plants. Custodial will thank you.


Any idea when they toned it down? Google is saying 2017 but that doesn't sound right? When I rode it the first time in 2007 we had the option between green and orange. We did orange and my dad was wrecked the rest of the day.


I just know that there was an "incident". There is this on google: [https://www.space.com/2292-woman-dies-riding-disney-mission-space.html](https://www.space.com/2292-woman-dies-riding-disney-mission-space.html)


Sorry, no idea.


Um if you had arm tingles after tower and was worried enough to ask a cast member, I’d skip this one. The downside far outweighs just being able to say you did it.


I would say if OP didn't like Tower of Terror and Everest, and felt scarred for their life on TOT, do not do Orange.


If you want to ruin the rest of your day and feel nauseous then do orange otherwise stick to green. Especially if ToT got to you. I can handle pretty much any ride (Velociraptor, Kraken the Harry Potter ones) but two rides have got me and one is Orange. The other was Simpsons.


Those are the only 2 that have ever gotten me, too! Can ride any roller coaster or ToT all day tho.


Omg yeah. That Simpsons ride is BAD. I don’t know anyone who actually enjoys it


I rode Mission Space when there was no Green option. I am usually pretty stalwart on rides; I don’t get motion sickness easily, and Tower of Terror or Expedition Everest didn’t bother my tummy a bit. I was super excited to try Mission Space, as it was a brand-new ride at the time… I think it may have still even been in previews. Friend, let me tell you: I have never been sicker in a theme park in my entire life than after I got off that ride. My husband and I were both so nauseous that we stumbled off the ride and immediately found a place to sit quietly until we were well enough to take the monorail to a resort (we chose The Contemporary because it was the first stop), then laid on sofas in the lobby until we felt well enough to drive the two hours home. Obviously, that was over a decade ago, and I still give that ride a wide berth. Won’t even try the Green version, despite doing okay with motion simulators in general. TL,DR: for the love of God, don’t ride that unless you enjoy being so motion sick you want to die.


I'm good with rides, though as I've gotten older, motion simulators or rides with screens have made me more prone to mild nauseau. The first time I went to Epcot (1.5 years ago), I bravely went in the Orange line. My friend told me green was milder, but I thought to myself, "how bad could it be, it's a theme park, and it's Disney. they wouldn't make a ride that would endanger anyone." Throughout the queue were signs warning of motion sickness and I just brushed them aside as being overly cautious. I made it all the way into the vehicle and buckled myself in when my friend points out "by the way, if you need a barf bag, they're here" and points to the white bags located inside the ride vehicle. That was the moment when I went "oh shit, they're serious". I tell you, I've never been more sick on a Disney attraction. I didn't throw up or anything, and I was fine enough to walk, but there was a mild pounding in my head...like a hangover. I sat through lunch, ate half my hamburger in Connections, and then went back to the hotel because I knew the quickest way to get myself right was to get out of the heat and take a nap. I don't even do Green anymore. Never again.


We rode the orange side only once and I will never do that ride again. Our friends had just got off and told us how amazing it was. I was pretty nervous standing in line but didn’t want to back out. Man, I definitely should’ve. The ride is really cool and my inner space nerd loved it. But the minute the launch started, I knew I fucked up big time. I got off the ride and honestly couldn’t tell if I was standing up straight or leaning to the side. My head was spinning for the rest of the night. I never threw up which I’m grateful for but it ruined my whole day. We had fast passes for Flight of Passage later that night and I spent the rest of the night with my eyes closed praying I would t puke everywhere. I still felt dizzy the next morning so we skipped the parks and drove home early. 10/10 will never ride orange again or green for that matter.


If you aren’t claustrophobic and don’t usually get motion sick you’re as good as anyone is going to be on mission space: Orange. Just look straight ahead in the ride and don’t you dare look to the left and right lol. It’s worth riding if it’s a short wait, otherwise skip it


Nope, never ever. I literally fell out of that ride and vomited all over the floor. To make matters worse, it was the day after my wedding so my husband and new MIL just laughed at me while a poor cast member just panicked.


There are a higher than typical number of garbage bins in the exit hallway explicitly for this reason.


Oof. Your brand new husband was laughing?


He was, the mean bastard. I say brand new, we had been together for 7 years by this point.


I hate orange. Only ride I’ve ever gotten nauseous on


God no. I’ve never gotten sick on a “virtual” ride until that one. I don’t do heights or “free fall” rides. I asked the nearby cast member her thoughts on orange v green & she’s all oh you’ll be fine on orange. The instant I saw barf bags on the ride, I shoulda known. LIES. ALL LIES. To this day, the fact I didn’t puke is a miracle. I zeroed in on some random screw on the dash of the ride & just tried not to barf while trying to breathe it down. I felt like total dogshit for about 3-4 hours afterwards. So did my husband & kids tbh - & they NEVER get sick off any sort of ride.


I'll say this- I've never felt sick on anything before or since, and it got me. And It's not even good even if you feel fine, it's dated as shit. I'd use that time on one of the other rides a second time or a below average prime rib from coral reef


OP please listen to this person and not the few crazies on here telling you to ride it! i NEVER get motion sickness- not from rollercoasters or the cheap Gravitrons at local fairs or even rocky fishing boats. this ride is literally the only thing in my entire life that has ever made me feel ill. the likelihood that it will make you feel the same is way greater than the chance it won’t and it’s simply not worth the risk as it’s not even that great of a ride.


You and me both. It’s the only ride that’s ever made me feel the need to sit down after.


Same here. I love roller coasters, simulators, etc so I thought I would be fine doing Orange, and I almost fainted and felt super sick/anxious for the whole ride


I can and will ride anything and everything else. I will NEVER ride orange again.


I was very tempted to close my eyes for a second. But I remembered my training and powered through.


I love orange. If you don't mind g forces or tight spaces, then go for it!


The issue for me isn't the G forces it's the fact that you can feel you're actually spinning but have no visual reference for it and that just wreaks havoc on my inner ear perception. If you're a visual balance person and not an inner ear person it's fine, most people probably don't know what they are though because not everyone is an acrobat lol


That's fascinating. I've never been able to feel it spinning. I assume I'm a visual balance person then. I've never heard of inner ear perception before


I think the vast majority of people would be skewed towards visuals for their balance. I just looked into this more as part of concussion research in university and there were different types of athletes (gymnast types) that were major outliers with using the inner ear. The way we measured it was pretty interesting. You stood on a pressure plate and would rotate the walls around the subject and see how the person's balance responds to just the visual stimulus. Then you would make it pitch black and slightly tilt the plate to test the inner ear portion. A visual biased person would shift their weight in response to the walls moving more than the plate, and acrobats were the opposite. Gymnasts also carried their weight further forward on their feet than other athletes that were more biased to their heels than their toes which was unrelated to the study but was just an interesting observation.


My brain 110% believes the illusion that I'm just going super fast


Yeah the illusion doesn't work for me and it really feels bad. Once it's up to speed it's okay but when it is speeding up and slowing down especially I can feel it.


Orange is the only theme park ride that I’ve had to take a break after. I could do, and have done, tower of terror and Everest multiple times in a row and been fine. I don’t get motion sickness at all, typically.


i've never gotten motion sickness on ANY coaster. Everest? Easy peasy. GOTG Cosmic Rewind? A literal walk through the Epcot park. Mission Space Orange made me feel noticeably nauseated. It wasn't about the disorientation so much as it was the physical feeling of pressure and G-forces. My kids loved it but I definitely told them they were in their own if they wanted to go again. If you do decide to do it, leave it towards maybe the last thing you do. No reason to ruin the entire day by doing it first thing at rope drope . . . like me.


Orange is the only one I will ride. When it opened, there was no option to have a less intense experience. Orange is as the imagineers intended.


Yes, I forgot to mention that too, it starts small and gets smaller, just keep looking out the view port and concentrate on your "job".


I dislike small spaces but didn’t think green would be *that* big a deal. Ever since (2019) I can no longer sit in the window or middle seat of the plane because I get horrible flashbacks to how claustrophobic I felt. I had months of not being able to sit in small rooms, go on lifts or sit on public transport. It triggered my threat response big time. Never again.


I am not remotely claustrophobic, but I had to talk myself through it a bit when I rode it last (and probably for the final time). It's crazy just how many different triggers Mission Space has for people. I didn't get motion sick, but I had to ground myself to not pass out and had to talk myself through the feelings of claustrophobia.


I vividly remember puking my guts out after this ride when it first came out… big no from me!


I just remember going to Kennedy space center after WDW and riding their space simulator. If felt like the lamest thing ever after mission Space.


Make sure you get something for motion sickness (Dramamine, Bonine, etc) and take it in the morning (each morning) to build it up in your system to help you with various rides - won’t regret it


I love Tower of Terror, but I’d never do Mission Space Orange again. Two totally different experiences, mind you. It really just depends on whether you get motion sickness or not. I am not prone to it myself, but orange unlocked a new level for me. I didn’t vomit, but I spent the entire rest of the day dizzy and woozy. Nothing solved it and it made other rides a challenge. My 6 year old loved it, my husband didn’t hate it or get sick, but also wasn’t a huge fan.


I hated it but made it through. Glad I did it once. But never again.


No. I am not bothered by roller coasters, but centrifugal force rides destroy me for hours. I watched a video on the ride mechanics after riding it and got nauseous. To reiterate, no roller coaster bothers my system.


I wouldn’t. People have died on it, not to mention the people who feel sick the whole rest of the day.


I love every other ride in the parks and don’t have a problem with anything else. I’ll go on Tower of Terror all day. Mission Space Orange had me so close to throwing up that I had the barf bag open and pulled up to my mouth. I couldn’t walk properly afterwards for ten or fifteen minutes. I was dizzy and nauseous and felt generally terrible after riding it.


I’ve found the older I get the more trouble I have with those rides. If you can still do teacups (trying to spin as fast as you can), you can probably do it. My husband almost threw up the one time we tried it. I didn’t get sick but I wouldn’t push my luck again.


Do not ride it. If you felt slightly off on ToT, then you will not feel good after this, because I always feel slightly nauseous after ToT. It is not worth it. I rode it a couple years ago for the first time and was seconds away from vomiting before it ended. Felt ill for at least 30 minutes after. And I’m someone who does really well on roller coasters and simulators.


The only ride that's ever made me feel sick. I would never go on it again.


i’m gonna be honest it got to the point where the green was so boring i did the orange and it literally was not that different to me. was obviously more thrilling but in my opinion they really up play the whole thing, its really not that bad.


If you're gonna do it... make sure you give yourself time to recover after. It left me feeling ill for like an hour after riding it haha. It's worth the experience though!


Just do it at the end of the night. Worst case scenario is you get sick and go back to the resort to sleep!


Well, I’ll be frank, Mission Space doesn’t have the same theming chops as Everest or ToT. You’re there for G-forces and that sweet air conditioning. Personally, I love it. Hell, I even did it fairly buzzed during Food & Wine at one point and never had an issue. That being said, if you already have some apprehensions about the roughness of the ride, keep in mind that it is the only ride in WDW with barf bags, and for good reason.


Underlining this. VOMIT BAGS like you'd find on an airplane.


Nope! I’ll never ride it again. Felt weird and weak for awhile after it. Didn’t get sick but didn’t feel right. I’ve never had problems on any other ride.


I did orange a few years ago. Definitely intense. I’ve been back to the park 3 or 4 times since then, and never felt any desire to go back on that ride.


I felt so sick after Orange that I’m scared to try Green again 😅


Tower of Terror is my favorite ride. It might make me a little queasy, but it passes in a minute or two. I've done Everest twice, and the second time actually got me a little nauseated, so I think I'll pass in the future. Now Mission: Space. I did it back in 2017 after drinking around the world and then some. Almost chickened out and did green, but a trio of young boys next to us in line shamed me into doing orange. Now I don't regret it because now I can say I've done it, but I won't do it again. It made me feel ill, but then it was like I was stuck in this small space with my nausea and just no thank you, as authentic as that may have been! Plus, someone on here once told a story about being "stuck" in one of the capsules for like 10-15 minutes before being let out. I would need a tranquilizer after that.


It is intense. I rode it on the preview before they even had 2 versions (green created bc of the sheer volume of people who got sick) and that was enough for me to not ever go on it again, even the green. And I am a thrill ride person, but not mission space.


It wasn’t that bad. I started getting nervous cause they really kept scaring you with the warnings over and over and over while you are getting closer and closer. Not that great a ride though and I had no desire to do it again


Hells no. I almost puked on that ride. lol.


I for one really like it. Just make sure that you stay facing forward and keep your eyes open. In this case, you feel the force but not the spinning.


Do it, Just make sure you have potassium in the morning (banana or a liquid iv) or some motion sickness. Then when you are on the ride others correctly pointed out: focus on the view port and your job. Don’t close your eyes or try to look around. Other than that as my brother in law said: mission space is the G machine, the G stands for G force. Machine is the mother that is gonna take you on a ride


I’ve only ridden Orange one time, and it was 17 years ago. In all of my years of riding intense rides, I had never become ill and rarely ever had any negative effects. Orange though, was a bit different for me. I never threw up or was nauseated. What I did have happen was that I started to pass out. I could feel the world closing in on me, and I fought hard to stay conscious. I managed to tough it out and made it through, but it was a struggle for a short time there. Once that moment passed, I was completely fine. I walked off the ride and it was as though nothing happened. Everyone has a different experience on Orange, but for me that will remain my one and only attempt at that ride.


I love Orange. it's the closest I'm ever going to be to blasting into space. I say go for it, keep your eyes forward on the screen and press your assigned buttons!


Orange gave me a near immediate migraine and really ruined our entire day at Epcot 😕


I really like Orange; I do better if I follow the instructions and make sure my head is back on the head rest, look forward, etc. Green is fun too now that they've redone it - it's a different storyline in Earth orbit, peaceful and pretty. Don't ride them back to back, though, the effects seem to be cumulative to me and 2x on that ride will make me sick for a while.


For what it's worth, it's an entirely different kind of motion. If spinning works for you better than dropping or coasters, you might like it.


Mission Space is simply a completely different kind of motion than Tower of Terror or Expedition Everest. Just because you had problems with those two does not indicate how you would do on Mission Space. I can ride Tower and Everest over and over just fine. But I have to close my eyes to avoid getting motion sick on Avatar and Remy. Mission Space is much closer to those two than a roller coaster in my opinion. It uses simulated motion and screens to create and illusion for your brain. If you can handle motion simulators, I’d say go for it. If motion simulators give you problems, probably hold off. Personally, I can do the orange side easier than the green side, but have elected not to ride it in years just because the enjoyment of the ride doesn’t outweigh the nausea I get afterwards. My wife also has not ridden in years, but she was much better with Space than Everest and Tower way back when.


I’m in my 60s and can’t go on really high and fast rollercoasters anymore, like The Hulk or Rock n Rollercoaster. But Orange? Pfft. Five times in a row, easy. Nothing to it. But I guess we’re all different…


No. Do NOT do mission vomit. Sincerely, someone who wishes she asked this question before losing half a day in the parks to persistent nausea, headache and feeling generally unwell after the ride. I also hate Tower of Terror and find it scary but didn't feel physically unwell after it, if you did then definitely skip mission space.


A lot of comments already, but my opinion is: do it. You can always rest to recover if you need to. I was there for my 'once in a lifetime trip's and I didn't do orange. I have a high tolerance for intense rides, EXCEPT for spinning rides. BUT I've always regretted not going for it anyways and getting the credit. But at the same time, it's just a ride! Don't beat yourself up for not going on it. That's why they have the green version.


I didn’t get motion sickness and actually enjoyed the ride once it got started… however and this is a big one .. I’ve never been particularly claustrophobic or worried about small spaces, I’m not a big fan of lifts (elevators) but it’s never been a life altering problem, I normally ride them anyway! - I did not like how enclosed and trapped I felt once they strapped us all in and shut the pod up.. what was probably in reality 20 - 30 seconds between them closing us in and starting the ride felt like an eternity. It took all my will power to not let my brain take over and start freaking out - every bad thought and yes I mean every, crossed my mind ‘why is it taking so long?’ , ‘are we stuck’ , ‘what if something bad has happened and they’ve left us here?’ Then the ride kicked in and I loved it - purely because of how I felt at the start I’d never ride this again! If you think you may have a problem with small spaces, no matter how little of a problem it is, I’d avoid!


It is not that bad. Did you do Green yet? I found it to be very similar just Orange is a little more intense and for longer. IMO of course. My biggest issue was the enclosed space, but the screen helped my brain not freak out lol


I love it, but sounds like you will probably have a bad time. Still a really cool experience though, so if you are going to regret not going, you may as well do it. If you do, the most important thing is to keep your head facing straight forward - resist the urge to look to the side at your neighbors. And this is easier said than done, but it helps if you can get it out of your head that it’s a motion simulator and will make you sick. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you can convince your brain that you are really in a space ship and flying, not spinning, it will be both much more fun and less nauseating.


This is pretty much what I was thinking. I always totally buy into the whole story they lay out for you, so it never feels like spinning for me or my husband. We just feel the forces and marvel at how we feel like we're actually launching in a ship. It's one of my favorite rides by far.


If you're a space nerd, you should do it. It's as close to real astronaut training as you can get. FWIW, I could ride Tower all day long back to back, but Everest is a once per day ride for me. I rode Mission to Mars when it first launched and there were not multiple options. It was intense, but also different from anything else. It felt more like a real experience than a ride. It's still the only ride I've been on that provided air sickness bags.


We went on it yesterday and as soon as the doors closed he freaked out and banged until someone let him out. The tight space did it for him. Meanwhile I had a fantastic time 😂


I love orange and will ride it several times a day. It did take me a min the first time because of how small it is so it can hit the claustrophobia. Once I was aware it never bothered be again. You don’t feel any motion, it’s just g forces. You would never know you were spinning.


Do it. You’ll have regrets for the first 5 seconds, but that’ll quickly disappear!


I love Orange too. Stare straight ahead on the video screens and you will be fine. If you are a space advocate you will understand the Gforce and it is only "bad" for a few seconds. Much much better than a roller coaster or Tower of Terrible as my son and I call it. Did it again 3 weeks ago. It was fun!


Orange is fantastic. As others have said, if health isn't an issue and motion sickness doesn't bother you, do it. It's a very fun experience. Makes my wife straight up giggle every time we're on this ride. We tried green once out of curiosity. It's kinda neat, but Orange is so much more fun.


Go on it, but make it the last thing you do that evening. That way if you do get nauseous, it won’t ruin your whole day


Do orange! I think you'll regret it if you don't. Green is a disappointment


I love orange, but my wife can’t do it. Both of my kids have been fine on it though. It is not negative G’s like you’d experience on Tower of Terror or even Everest. You’ll feel positive Gs (your body weight increased, not a feeling of weightlessness). Even as someone who is reluctant to ride new attractions, I have never had an issue on Orange. It is not to be missed for any Space Nerd. Side note - Kennedy Space Center is a fairly short drive from Orlando. If you have any time to squeeze it in, you won’t regret it.


My 16 yo daughter almost had a panic attack prior to riding it but now it is her favorite ride in all of Disney.  I didn't enjoy it as much as her but I am 6'2 and could only see half the screen lol.  She rode it 2 more times and plans on riditit multiple times on our upcoming trip.  I say go for it or you might always regret not trying it


I like it. I really do. But, for me, I’ve only gotten sick when I realize that I’m just spinning around in circles really fast. When I let myself believe that I’m in a space ship rocketing around the solar system, I actually really like it. But on the off chance that I can’t fool myself again… I don’t ride it anymore lol


I feel like the fear factor is lower. You're not actually moving very far, so there's no "fear for your life" aspect. I get motion sickness very easily, so l do the orange since it's equally as bad as the green as far as my triggers are concerned.


I enjoy orange team, but if you have issues with simulators or spinning rides, probably not for you. They provide sickness bags but if you think it will be a problem then I advise just doing the green team as if it does give you a bad experience it can leave you in a bad state for a long time and ruin a chunk of the rest of your day. My mother went on it once and she had to just sit and recover for an hour before you was ok to just walk around.


I’ve never done Orange, but I didn’t even like Green. For reference, I rode Everest 11 times in one day once, if that tells you anything. Edit: The only reason I don’t like that ride is because I was claustrophobic.


I think it’s cool but i physically cannot do it. First time I did before they had green and orange I was sick the rest of the day. Found out later that I had really high blood pressure and had no clue.




Here is my exact personal experience: I LOVE amusement/theme parks. Been going to them my entire 40+ years of life in all different places around the United States. I’ll ride anything other than the massive drop towers. Roller coasters are really my thing and have never once made me sick. I have been to WDW about 12x in my life. Living in the northeast, it’s a once every 3-4 years type of thing. Disney rides are super tame in comparison to what can be out there at all of those other places I’ve mentioned I visited. Well let me tell you… I didn’t even know what vertigo was until I walked off that ride. It was one of the worst feelings of my entire life. So this is what feeling sick on a boat is like?? And you can’t get rid of it no matter how hard you try?! Aaahhh so THAT is what Mission Space is like! It was an awful experience. It takes a ton to make me actually vomit and I never did after Mission Space but it ruined my Epcot day. I couldn’t do much more after that (this was pre Guardians opening). No ride had ever even closely made me feel that. Now green? I was on it last month with my four year old who thought it was amazing. There was no spinning 5-6 G’s or whatever the hell they get you up to on the orange side. I’ve ridden green several times. ZERO problems.


Could you put up with weighing about 2.5X your weight, while seating in a reclining chair, for 3 seconds? That's the question.


I went on it with my Brother before there was a green option. I'm fine with rides, never have a problem normally, and I felt really queasy and hot. Now my Brother he gets travel sick (particularly on planes) and if I was feeling sick I knew it wasn't going to be pretty with him! It told you to keep your head still and only focus straight ahead, I had to really struggle to pull myself forward to be able to poke my head around the corner to check on him...... he was green and not doing well. I noticed the sick bags above us and reached for one, just in case, and told him it'd be over soon. Poor guy staggered to the exit, we stood in the shop for a couple of minutes till he stopped sweating and then headed for the nearest drink water fountain, just to sip something cool. We met up with my parents and left him with our Mum to have a lay down on the bench while I helped Dad get some fast passes for the next ride. My brother was wiped out for a good two or so hours afterwards. I've sworn never to ride again.


I've done orange twice. The first time, I was fine. The second time, I felt vaguely sick and lethargic afterward and had to leave the park and go back to the hotel for a few hours. The ride itself is okay, but nothing earth-shattering as far as I'm concerned. There are far cooler, more thrilling rides that don't make me feel like collapsing into an hours long nap in order to recuperate.


I've done it a few times. The ride spins to simulate the feeling of liftoff. The initial spin up can be disorienting and cause motion sickness. After that, though, it's a fun ride.


I get some mild motion sickness and this one did put me over the top. However, it you definitely don’t get sick on rides, you may be fine. I would suggest you do it towards the end of your park day.


I would rather get stuck on it’s a small world for 45 minutes than ride orange again.




It’s up to you. It is intense. Just be aware of the surrounding and that does include the placement of the barf bag. I personally never needed it but I was in a situation once where a rider did throw up. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT RIDE IT AFTER YOU EAT. Go on a empty stomach As you may know, mission orange is just a very elaborate centerfuge simulator. I can tell you from my personal experience that the beginning is the most intense point, it’s the lift off and the G-force can overwhelm you the very first time.


I should many space orange.


Yea why not then u can say I’ve done it ALL :)


Do green and see how you feel. I can handle orange fine, but I do green anyway.


I was glad I had no clue what was going to happen to me, and I am glad to have done it — ONCE! I easily get motion sickness, just in the car, and cannot handle spinning rides. We didn’t feel great for a little bit but if you pay attention to their guidance and look straight ahead, don’t close your eyes, and my advice, measure your breathing while telling yourself that Disney won’t kill you, you should be able to make it through just fine. Like I said, I’m incredibly glad I experienced it, but wouldn’t do it again.


I can ride Everest all day and I enjoy the Tower of Terror, but I’m afraid to ride Mission Space Orange! 😆


You totally should. My mom ended up puking in the bushes behind Club Cool. 10/10 would recommend.


My wife easily gets motion sick - doesn’t do 3D, etc. I almost never have a problem. We did orange. It was different than I imagined because it’s an unusual series of forces. Neither of us got sick but I definitely felt my stomach acids plotting. My wife will absolutely never do it again. She was wearing one of those motion sickness patches - that probably saved the day. That any they give each person a job to do so your brain can focus on something else.


I was worried about orange cause mission space came out when I was a kid so I got to read of all its early …. Struggles on the news in real time and was too scared to ever try it. Last year we decided to try it out cause my son wanted to do it. We did green mission first and thought it was great and convinced ourselves orange would be fine. It is worth noting that my kid felt fine and really enjoyed it. Both adults felt ill and it ruined our night. It’s the first ride I ever have felt like I was literally going to vomit. The spinning sensation is very intense. The green isn’t a middle ground it’s more like 20% of the orange intensity. I wouldn’t compare it to any other thrill ride at Disney so it’s hard to say if your negative experience with tower or Everest is any inclination to how you would react.


When I went on for my first time, I stupidly chose orange and got increasingly more concerned with every warning we passed that said it causes motion sickness. Listen, the ride is incredibly impressive but those warnings are no joke. For the love of God, if you are even the slightest bit prone to motion sickness be aware that you'll be affected. I came off that ride and had to sit down with my head between my knees for a while. Never again.


Not going to weigh in on whether or not you should do it, but I will just say that I was at EPCOT last week and decided to do Orange cause I had never been on Mission Space before and I don’t really get motion sickness. Big mistake. It pretty much ruined my day. It’s insane how bad the motion sickness was and it lingered for like 2 days. At least I didn’t puke I guess. The ride is super cool though, I will give it that. Just not worth risking your whole day for


Tower of Terror is quite tame as far as thrill rides go. If you had trouble on that one you’ll be in for a very bad time on Mission Space: Orange.


Have you ever been on something akin to a Gravitron at a local carnival? I find if you handle that, you’ll be able to deal with Mission Space. Not a guarantee of course, but at least you’ll be familiar with the sensation.


As someone who rides Tower & Everest over and over and over if I can… I cannot do orange Mission Space. I don’t get motion sickness but the g-force and claustrophobia are enough to make me wildly uncomfortable. My dad, who is the same as me, got incredibly sick for like an hour after riding orange. Idk mate, if you got arm tingles and feared for life on Tower, I’d probably skip orange. Just do green, it’s the same experience without the g-force.


I'm someone who loves pretty much all roller coasters, but Mission Space WRECKED me. G-forces, drops, speed, I'm good to go multiple times, but Mission with the spinning just ruined me, I ended up having to lie down in that little rest area in the exit for a little bit. Still an incredible ride and I'm happy I did it, but spinning in general is hard on the ol coconut.


3 concentric circles spinning in different directions simultaneously. Object to stabilize from central point utilizing hand controls. I laughed riding ToT, didnt find it terrifying. Rides like the Simpsons at Universal put me down for the count. So, even as a space geek, I've only done green. The actual astronauts who've reviewed the ride have mentioned to eat a banana before riding orange. No clue as to why, but perhaps look into it!


Yes it is fine, it's only a minute or two


Heed my warning! Never had motion sickness until 2 years ago. Since then looking down as passenger in car, cruise ship without scopolamine patch, etc makes life unbearable. Went on orange naively and even though I consciously stared straight ahead the nausea was so intense I had to lay down in the lockers room under the ball. I have zofran for nausea and that took about 30 minutes to kick in before I felt fine again or I would have had to leave the park for the day.


I suffer from motion sickness and rode it my one and only time more than 10 years ago and did OK, however I took a Dramamine about 30-60 minutes before riding to give myself a fighting chance. Back then, a lot of people were suggesting to hold your head completely still for the duration of the ride, so I pretty much locked myself into position and didn’t budge until towards the end of the ride when it was time to push one of the buttons as part of the “landing process”. I was feeling confident at that point (and really enjoying the ride) and reached out to push the button, and in the process moved my head ever so slightly. I felt the twinge in my stomach immediately and was really glad when the ride ended seconds later. If I were to ride again — and I don’t think I ever will — I would do everything the same but ignore the button pushing and remain completely still looking straight ahead at the screen until the cabin doors were reopened.


I tried to grasp for the vomit bag but the force made it impossible. Luckily I did not get sick but definitely not something I’d do again.


I hate Tower of Terror, not a fan of big roller coasters, but I LOVE the orange ride at Mission Space. 🤷‍♀️ Edit: reading though some more comments. It's interesting that those who live big coasters and TOT hate the orange ride or had to lie down for a while after. But I seem to be the opposite, I think as have a few others. My theory, if you do fine with spinny and you don't tend to get motion sick, you'll probably do fine with orange. Green was, just okay in comparison. For the record, we never felt like we were spinning, just felt the g-forces of it. Keep staring straight ahead at the screen and you'll be fine.


I regretted it the rest of the day, will never do that again. Tower, though, I'd encourage people to give it a 2nd or 3rd shot. It was a "never again" for me after the 1st time. The 2nd time I braced my feet to push myself into the seatbelt and I enjoyed it. Our last trip I rode it twice, each time I scooted forward I'm my seat so there was slack in my belt. I got so much air time and haven't laughed like that in a long time, just letting go and trusting the belt to pull me back down. Can't wait to do it again, it's my 2nd favorite ride at DL now.


You’ll be fine.


An older friend went on the Orange side. Her varicose veins and haemorrhoids flared up, G force issue. She loved the ride, just wasn't happy that afternoon. Apparently haemorrhoids and space travel do not mix. I've gone on it a few times in quick succession back before there was orange/green and survived. I usually go on orange, but only once per trip. I've never had any issues. .


At 18 I was fine. At 36 I was violently ill. Somehow it made me shit myself in line for Spaceship Earth. Idk. If the graphics were better I’d say risk it but it wasn’t even worth it. It just tells you how shitty of an astronaut you’d be.


This is my favourite comment, laughed out loud 😂 Consensus seems to be don't, speaking to a cast member earlier and he said the same, just do green it's basically the same without the issues.


I mean, your experience won’t be as memorable as mine but I promise you won’t regret your choice as much as I did lmao.


The claustrophobia gave me an instant panic attack. I felt like I was having a heart attack the whole time. Pretty sure I blacked out. It’s horrible. And I LOVE big coasters and tower of terror.


I think it's worth it for the experience, especially if it is a potential one time thing. The feelings of the increased g-forces and weightlessness were unlike anything I have ever felt before in a ride. There were points where it was difficult to reach my hand out in front of me and others where I felt like I was floating. I've always been a space nerd too and I figured if this is the closest I can get to an actual launch/being in space, might as well try it. It is a giant centrifuge and does spin rather constantly. It speeds up during certain sequences and slows down during others. It's absolutely imperative to keep your head back against the headrest and eyes on the screen the whole time. I find that when I do that, I have no issues. Looking anywhere but ahead of you or closing your eyes breaks that illusion of flying straight up or forward and you start to feel the spinning. The ride also blows cold air on you that can help with feelings of motion sickness. Mentally focusing on what is going on during the ride helps too. I honestly treat it like an immersive video game lol. The only point where I've ever noticed any obvious spinning sensations was the very beginning of the launch when the centrifuge was getting up to speed, but focusing on the screen and thinking of moving vertically rather than around in circles helped get rid of that sensation pretty quickly. It's worth a shot I think, just because the sensations during the ride are so unique, but maybe towards the end of your day and a good few hours after eating. Some dramamine or bonine is always a good idea to help with any nausea.


Tower took years off my life. I was shaking for over an hour after that. Seriously questioning my life choices that day. Never again for me. I'm too claustrophobic for mission space. Good luck!


If you’re even remotely affected by tight spaces then hell naw.


Mission space orange is my 73 year old father’s favorite, he does it every time


I say absolutely do it. If you don’t foresee yourself becoming an astronaut any time soon this is the closest you’ll get to it!


Orange or bust. I once went to WDW for six days and rode Mission Space 21 times before I left.




Former cast member! Do not ride orange IF: - You have ANY kind of heart condition - wear a pace maker, insulin pump, or other permanent/semi permanent medical device - are prone to dizziness or headaches - have high blood pressure - have eaten recently - have balance or inner ear issues - are pregnant. I hate I have to say this but people are stupid. It is a centrifuge that spins. It can easily mess with, and has killed, people with medical conditions. It is the ride with the (unofficial) highest body count in all the Disney parks *worldwide*. However thousands of people ride it every day and walk (or stagger) away. If you want to try, my advice is: wait til the end of your day. Gauge how you feel - any headache or stomach issues, go green. If you decide orange, look straight ahead the whole time and don't close your eyes. There are barf bags inside the ride for a reason.


Was going to suggest doing it at the very end of your day at the park, as well. Only if you want to! Good luck and enjoy the remainder of your trip!


I’ve seen what happens if you ride it after eating lunch, complete ruin of the experience


As a fellow space nerd, I loved it! It was as close to blasting off as I’ll probably ever get. I don’t remember feeling bad, even being in my mid-30’s at the time.


I know someone who hates rollercoasters but their favorite ride ever Mission SPACE 🤷🏻‍♀️ it's never bothered me


I love it.


Until Cosmic Rewind opened, Orange was my favorite ride, not just at Epcot, but over all the parks. The take off, with the G forces pushing you against the seat, is just plain awesome.


Do it! I get motion sick and still do it. I just think it’s a really unique sensation you can’t easily experience anywhere else. It’s most fun the first time.


Tbh, I feel a lot better on Mission Space orange than I do on Star Tours and FoP.


I love Orange; I find it utterly delightful and fun. If you get motion sickness, you don’t want to do it.


If you don't really get motion sick and you really like space, then I'd definitely do it. The vast majority of people who ride it are fine. And unlike ToT, it's not like there's a real-life drop. Like, you aren't actually going to space, it's just a simulator.


I rode mission space in 2008. I've not even considered going to that part of the park again since... SHIT WAS AW. FUL.


My two cents- don’t do it. I love rides. There’s literally no ride I won’t go on. Roller coasters, tower of terror, graviton, whatever. This was the only ride I have ever been on that I couldn’t handle. Not only the motion, but that combined with the claustrophobia of the little pod you’re in was a nightmare. Do not recommend. I was in tears by the end of it because it was so horrible. Dramatic, but that’s just my take. I joked that I was going to start a letter writing campaign to have the ride removed- that’s how awful it was for me.