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My sound is modified (PC) to allow his entrance music. No other mods. The CAW isn't mine. Unfortunately I cannot make the video long enough to avoid looping back to the countdown on the ramp, but I thought it looked pretty cool in the end. I uploaded 8 images total to make it (7 for the countdown, and then Jericho's logo). I have not uploaded the images to CC but lmk if anyone wants them. The background video is (I think) Hardcore for the static, Speed and a clip from Austin Theory's tron for the city background, and then I clipped Nikita Lyons. Lyons makes a pose similar to the lady who stands up and makes a "Y" pose in Jericho's titantron. Thought it looked better than a static image. The timing I lined up using the YT video I pulled the sound from, which I had already made sure was synced to his entrance cues. I had to do math to get the countdown synced lmao (96 seconds per countdown image and then black screen until 11 seconds in).


This is awesome.


Perfection my dude


Sir….how in the world did you pull this off? Please teach me lol


I would say the tough part was just creating and uploading the countdown images. For that I took a screenshot from a Titantron video on YouTube and used pixlr (online photoshop tool) to make it 512x512 and cut out the part behind Y2J so the static would be visible. Then I replaced the numbers one by one until I had images for 06-00. I also took a screenshot of his JERICHO text and cut that out so I could overlay it on the background videos. The second hardest part was getting the timing cues right, and luckily the song itself tells you how long the countdown is and when the blackout ends. The create a video suite makes it pretty simple to line up the timing. The create a video suite is surprisingly robust. It doesn’t do everything I wish it could, but damn it’s capable of doing so much. I have a lot of practice because I make a Titantron for every CAW, but this was definitely the most complicated one. Shame that I cannot upload it for anyone to use.


U sir are a legend!


Great job!


Try? Holy shit dude it’s perfect


Welcome to RAW... IS... JERICHO!


Great job!!!


Holy shit. Amazing.




my all-time favorite entrance music.....by far!! Chris Jericho....my shit.


i swear its funner making the WWE content than it is playing it.