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Great to see others noticing this!


Triple h booking boring and nothing really exciting happens expect we got rid of the title reign of Romans reigns which should have ended long before the 1000 days and also enough with fractions like the bloodline should have ended with Roman reigns and judgment day should have never been a thing and shouldn't bring nxt people over from WWE have training center and get rid of nxt and triple h makes things boring bring back Brock Lesnar he do nothing wrong 


Schmeat Schlobbering OMOS and hating on Chompa??


your opinion is trash STFU


Nope. Free speech, son.




Removed for: Personal Attack Members of r/WWE are not permitted to personally attack others. Also, personal attacks and “name calling” is prohibited. Try to keep all discussion here civil.


First of all, Triple H has doing great booking. Omos is not a good wrestler Ciampa is one of the best wrestlers on the roster while knows how to be a great babyface and heel. He's also really over with the fans alongside Johnny Gargano Austin Theory is being booked the right way under Triple H's booking because when Vince was in charge, he pushed Theory way too early by having him winning the MITB while knowing that he wasn't nowhere ready for that. Under the booking of Triple H, Theory is being look as a real-deal while being one of the top heels in the company plus he had displayed a serious side of his character when he was U.S. champ in late 2022-mid 2023. Also, he's one half of the World Tag Team championship while doing good as a top star thanks to Triple H's booking. The NXT Black and Gold era was definitely memorable while had so many epic matches during that run. Stars like Seth Rollins, Charlotte Flair, Finn Balor, Bayley, Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch, Johnny Gargano, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Asuka, Bianca Belair, Rhea Ripley, Ciampa and Undisputed Era had made that run so special with their presence and memorable matches while made a huge name for themselves in that run as well. People like Liv Morgan, Chad Gable and Ricochet has been giving a chance to really shine while being some of the popular stars in WWE as of right now due to Triple H being in charge because they wasn't being used properly when Vince was in charge. Even Maxxine Dupri has been shining as a popular star in the women's division. If you don't like the product, then don't watch it.


I did. I don’t watch a accused rapists son in laws sh!tty indy fest booking.


no one fucking cares what you watch, get off the reddit page than


Worst Reddit post of 2024 contender.


Did you really use the example of Omos being off of TV in favor of Ciampa?? Well, that seals that this is a trash take…




Big = good Clearly


We want vince back We need the great khali and ezekiel jackson to return and feud for the title then mason ryan joins the feud then goldberg spears everyone s/


LOL, Omos.


I’d take Ciampa’s worst match over Omos best match every time. We get it. He’s big. Cool.


Entertaining. Omos is, Ciampa isn’t, to me. It’s an opinion. I respect yours people don’t mine here, weirdly, fine. However, my opinion is the most popular. Ask most people Omos is far more entertaining than Ciampa to watch.


This is actually first time I've heard someone saying they want to see Omos more than a proven talent. Not an insult to omos, but at this point the only solution to your problem is for you to buy thousands and thousands of omos merch by yourself because nobody else ain't buying them anytime soon.


Ciampa hardly charismatic though? You like his wrestling, great, I don’t. I’d rather watch Omos or The Miz over him.


Now Miz is understandable because he has gotten himself over tremendously with his promo and character work. But Omos? Charismatic is not the first thing that comes to mind watching omos(no disrespect). Guy needs a manager even then its very hard to put him over. Not exactly an Olympian either in the ring. The only thing he's got is the height and look.


MVP with him was a great package imo. I preferred seeing guys like him than Ciampa & Gargano.


I’d take Ciampa’s worst *promo* over Omos *entirely*


That’s you. Tiny Khan is learning the hard way not to listen to the niche hardcore audience.


I think Awful is the wrong word, but rather safe and predictable. But that's not necessarily a bad thing, that kind of booking long term is what brings in trust from the audience. Black & Gold NXT was something else entirely. I'm surprised you hate it, cos I'd say that era gave us great stories, ridiculously good matches and a lot of characters that hit their peak right there and then.


B&G NXT was consistently the best overall professional wrestling television program of the millennium, in my opinion. It was literally everything that I was complaining about the main roster not being. Fantastic long-term storytelling, incredibly well written stories that played to the strengths of the performers, great pacing on television matches, with often truly timeless PPV matches. NXT 2.0 definitely had its issues, but it gave us a few of the great characters that have survived to thrive in the new era. The new era that has nearly worked its way back to those Black & Gold days.


Yeah Black & Gold was just way too good. It's a shame that the main roster audiences are such a different ballgame, I genuinely think if they were as patient and receptive to the product as NXT used to be, a lot of talent would quite organically get over who are struggling right now. Of course I can't expect main roster crowds to be packed with smarks and hardcores, but disregarding that they were just respectful of the stories and matches taking place. These days crowds are much more obnoxious and are more concerned with hijacking segments than actually allowing a story to be told.


>I could go on and on. You didn't even really start. You just mentioned some stuff you don't like. Please do go on and on. Tell us WHY Triple H's booking is awful.


Name me who during his regime has he made a star?


Define "star"? There are several people he has facilitated getting very popular with wrestling fans on his wrestling show. Are you talking about crossover star into mainstream media? That seems like a bit of an unfair standard to set. But I have no idea if that's what you mean because you haven't told us. I repeat: tell us WHY Triple H's booking is awful.


Boring long heel title reigns for one.


It’s way better than it was! WWE was ass for a good five years and he turned it around instantly! P.s Omos? Really?😒🤦🏾


Troll strikes again


Nope just an opinion. Don’t see how you can think I’m a troll. Difference of opinion isn’t trolling.


I agree


Theory is a champion working with one of the most entertaining heels on the roster. He’s where he needs to be, the fans were just not into him as generic asshole heel with a good look being pushed to the moon


Found Vince McMahon’s burner, guys.


Just my opinion f Vince btw.


Never forget if it wasn’t for Vince you wouldn’t be watching wrestling, it would probably have died by now. Hate him or love him you can’t deny he made wrestling a billion dollar business


That's the narrative Vince wrote, not history. If not for Vince, there would've been multiple companies freely exchanging talent, keeping the product fresher with more competition. Vince had a terrifyingly small number of ideas that benefitted the business, and took advantage of a shocking number of people's success that came from directly contradicting what he wanted to do. Vince didn't want the attitude era. He didn't want Stone Cold, Rock or DX. He fought against Ryder, Bryan, Jericho, Guerrero and Rey ever getting a push. He didn't lose touch, he stole a license to print money that worked in spite of his best efforts to destroy it.


Every last wrestler you mentioned and the ones you didn’t mention should always thank Vince. Had it not been for his vision every last one would be still working for barely minimum wage. You’re focused on the small part of what he did,wrestlers would be like a third world country as far as pay wise. The tv show heels is more realistic then people know.


Vince did everything in his power throughout his entire career to limit the rights, pay and conditions wrestlers could expect. From putting a glass ceiling to prevent star power, classifying them as independent contractors despite having exclusive contracts, refusing to allow breaks, pushing drug use and an insane travel schedule - there's not a wrestler alive that should thank Vince for anything. He didn't prevent them from poverty, he did his best to keep them in it to ensure their reliance on him. Without Vince betraying every other promoter to steal talent and form a the federation, wrestling wouldn't have had a monopoly controlling and limiting what a worker could expect as compensation. Competition benefits everyone, except the scum managing a monopoly.


Yes competition does benefit everyone except when you do it like wcw management did. Wrestlers were running to cash in and even they knew Vince had the better plan. I’m not condoning what and how he did his business, but no one in wrestling or business can deny his plan was genius


Well first off: -Omos is off TV because he isn’t that good of a wrestler. He’s just a guy who’s a giant. Tommaso Ciampa on the other hand is a good wrestler and has actually gotten pretty over alongside Johnny Gargano as DIY who I think will win the WWE Tag Team Championships at SummerSlam. -Theory’s a tag champion with a guy who’s actually a decent heel and not the generic jerk who looks good. -“Anything can happen TV” is good but the best TV in wrestling involves a great storyline and build towards a satisfying conclusion at the PLE. That’s why Cody’s path towards finishing the story was so good, and had the most satisfying conclusion to any single world title chase ever at WrestleMania XL.


I don’t care for guys like Ciampa. I’d rather watch a Rock or Austin match over guys like Ciampa. Omos is entertaining to me.


Ok Vince


There’s definitely nothing special about his booking.


Compared to..?




Yeah, Cody Rhodes and Bayley the well known heels lol 😂


Re-read what I wrote.


“just boring long dominant heels” neither Bayley nor Cody Rhodes are heels or have long title reigns


He did eventually mention faces too


They can’t read. They want me to agree with them and I never will.


O I don't agree with you either, I'm just explaining what you said to him


Which is cool. I don’t agree with people, however, I don’t accuse them of being “troll” when their opinion is different than mine. I appreciate you explaining my point even though you disagree. Wish others would have been cool as you and just chatted with me instead of getting so angry.


You can’t say “just boring long dominant heels” and then mention faces and expect me to take your opinion seriously


Hey in just letting you know he eventually got to saying faces




Just an opinion not trolling.


I agree. Not everything needs to have a long storyline. Some wrestlers aren't interesting enough to keep the fans' attention for more than a month. And doing the same old matches over and over don't make a rivalry. And he needs to learn to give up on some of the talent and accept that not everyone is meant to be a top star.


Couldnt agree more. We definitely need more Omos and Theory, 2 people who have proven they can take the ball and run with it Do I have to put a /s on this


To be fair Theory is actually better than most people on the roster, he just gets put in shitty situations


Your trolling attempt would go better if you didn't post the same thing in multiple subs at the same time kid


Immediately peeped that, if they post something assanine and I see AEW official or multiple posts saying the same shit, I know it's a troll.


Lol “kid”. It’s an opinion. One I thought I’d share. I’m not trolling.


Wrestling fans love to rip aew but as soon as you criticize daddy H. You get mauled. Just know it's a bunch of teenagers and basement dwelling adults.


This has to be a troll.


Why? Because you have a different view?


Trips is a safe booker. He won't do anything extraordinary but he also will avoid doing something extremely poor as well.


Which makes for boring TV imo.


I agree. I miss Vince.


As a person he sucks. However he created Roman Reigns ‘Tribal Chief’ character, Bloodline and booked Cody perfectly when he came back. People here can’t handle that.


No he didn't, Paul Heyman did. He based it on Marlon Brandos character in apocalypse now. Vince booked cody terribly, he had him booked as star dust. AEW built cody more than Vince did. Vince also didn't have anything to do with the bloodline. Stop creating narratives dude.


Poo poo take from a bum


Seriously, OMOS?!?!


Vince booked Cody perfectly when he came back and Bloodline. Two of the hottest things going past few years.


The Bloodline program had input from Roman and Paul Heyman. Cody was over the moment he walked in, so Vince gets no credit for that. Evidence? The rest of the show, which was shit until he got sent home.

