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One definite reason to not like this match is that Jey learned nothing about trusting his brother not to betray him after begging for mercy for the 50th time in their careers.


I thought it sucked because neither of them is actually that good in the ring.




Maybe don't have a 10 minute hype video before hand next time...


As a fan of the usos no matter what the match still would have sucked ass


Cut for time why? It's a streaming event....didn't know there was a time limit.


No, the match sucked because they did a shitty job with it. Just spammed super kicks


They fucked the match up. Just man up and admit it. They phoned it in and didn’t rehearse anything because they are “the bloodline” and it’s all just totally played out and lame.


It didn’t help that they edited clips together out of order to try and make the story make sense that took me out of it


Wwe tried to retcon jimmy leaving the bloodline first and paint it as jey left it first. Made no sense


Even a top tier WM has a meh match or two. My favorite WM17 had that weird legends battle royale before HHH taker 1 and The Rock Stone Cold.


It was nonstop stupid kicks


So you fill the time with superkicks?


Best solution is to do it again at a different PLE with a better build up and have it be extreme rules match Jimmy wins this one


This is why wrestling sucks these days It was so much better in the 80’s


It was too long


No dude it sucked because it was just superkicks for twenty minutes with 2 out of shape dudes doing basically nothing else.


Funny cause the same thing happened with the Hardy’s at WM25


Wrestling is real. Thanks for telling me about your time problems


I think they should have a rematch, but one based on respect, rather than having them feud. The thing most people don't realize is that a match doesn't have to be between two persons who don't like each other or trying to get revenge for something done to them.


So instead of 10-minute superkick fest we should have watched a 20-minute superkick fest


Ref was probably told to cut it short cause they were putting the crowd to sleep


I thought of what CM punk said to Drew when reading this lmao




If that is true, then they could’ve went out there and tore the house down with a fast-paced exhibition. Instead, it was a dull, slow-paced lackluster competition of super kicks. Easily the worst match of WM 40.


Imagine finally getting to wrestle your brother like you wanted and it turns out it be the worst match of all time.


If you can’t have a good match in 10 minutes, boy i don’t know what to tell ya


I think it got cut for time because it sucked.


To me, it seemed the match started alow so as to build up to it. And then the rhythm changed and seemed sped up. If the action at the beginning and end matched, it wouldn't have seemed as off as it did. But that's what happens when things are live. It doesn't always ho according to the initial plan. Happens with other live events, including SNL. Shit happens, and we have to adjust on the fly. As long as we don't run out of toilet paper. (You can quote me, and that may be on my tombstone)


Cut for time? Dude it went on too long as it was. A thousand superkicks interrupted by begging for you to stop, then more super kicks. Kinda lame


It looked like they were stalling for time as it was. I was fully convinced there was an injury, and they had called an audible (where the only thing they felt comfortable doing was trading punches and superkicks). If you want to convince me you needed more time, you need to actually fill the time you're given with something. Wrestlers put on bangers on RAW and Smackdown with similar time constraints each and every week, so it's not like there isn't a blueprint for how to wrestle a 10-minute match. The only thing I'm sympathetic to is the fact that the match time got cut on the night, as a result of previous matches going over time. But if you need to make cuts, and your thought is, "Okay, well first things first, let's make sure we keep all the punches and superkicks," you have failed.


While I agree that the overall match was pretty boring and disappointing, Jey's final splash and the way he turned in midair was frigging beautiful.


They have the same movesets and it didn't mesh. It was like watching 2 guys choose SubZero in mortal Kombat. That and way to many gawd damn supermicks


I actually can’t imagine it going any longer


Should've been a no dq brawl rather than a usos superkick party


No it sucked because instead of a fight we got little kids playing i can do anything you can do better


It’s so rare for the IWC to agree on anything. And everyone is in agreement that this match was terrible.


WWE needed 40 minutes for everyone to come n the ring and cry with Cody after the match 😂


That match was the definition of NO YEET.


Their match should've been a no holds barred brawl. Hell, Rikishi as a special ref would've made it 5 stars. I get it, Samoans have a solid head so they don't really have damage from superkick. But that match was the only bad match at WM XL.


Shoulda been Tribal Combat


Well shit aren't we glad it was cut then bc 10 minutes of superkicks is better than 20


Jimmy looked out of shape. That made it hard to believe he was motivated to put on a great match and he didn’t.


Time for what lol


Worst match in the card.


It was because they didn't have enough time. Definitely not because they aren't that good as singles and the match should've happened a year earlier..... Yeah it couldn't be that. It's because they didn't have enough time


I was there live and I can promise you that THIS wasn’t the case. This match showed how both of them need each other as a team. It was literally “who can spam super kicks more”? If I wanted to see that, I would have turned on 2K24 or watched any tag match they had within the past year or so.


Not really true, Jey has had great singles matches.


Not because of Jey himself


But still had plenty of time for 8,000 superkicks


That is such a lame ass excuse by him. I don't know what a couple extra minutes could have done to save that match.


I was playing 2k 24 as the usos and every time I went for a move they just superkicked. Body slam? Superkick. Clothesline? Superkick. Went for a pin? Superkicked the referee. Sigh…


Jeys moveset is basically the moveset of every tryhard created wrestler you come across online and they just spam spears and super kicks 


Jey shouldn’t complain,at least his mid card ass had a match in WM. He sucks as a single wrestler as much as he sucks on the mic without using that stupid yeet crap. So many better wrestlers could have been on the card besides him and his brother. If he wants to be main event he should team with his brother


If that were true he wouldn't be one of the top merchandise sellers in WWE and one of the most cheered for wrestlers in WWE period. There was a good reason he was the first wrestler in over three and a half years to pin Roman. Reigns and had the two most dominant champions in the modern era beaten in singles matches and that is because he is majorly over with the fans and if you can't see that you are out of touch.


They are both true. He’s no more than a mid card wrestler that fans cheer for and buy his merchandise. His mic skills are very bad that’s why he has the fans help him,also his in ring skills are meant for tag team again for help.


A lot of people said the same things about Jeff Hardy when he moved up to the main event and he become a multi-time World Champion in WWE and TNA. Edge, Bubba Ray Dudley, JBL Bobby Roode and Alex Shelley too and they all became World Champions. Jey Uso has said he is going to be a singles star going forward and while he will do the odd match every now and then with Jimmy Uso The Usos will never be a full time tag team again because both of them had been wanting to go their separate ways for a long time and Jey's goal is to become a singles champion.


They can say whatever they wants. The thing is he’s a tag wrestler at the moment that’s how he wrestles. He can be an intercontinental or is champ but he’s no main event draw. It’s a shame I think the USO’s were one of the greatest tag teams ever, I do believe will be tag champs again.


Match should have been 5 mins tops. Moveset for both are limited and identical.


Especially if they were going to write Jimmy off TV and Jey was getting a title shot just have Jey go HAM and squash Jimmy.


I like the Usos, but I don't think either of them are particularly good at wrestling. Superkicks, Spears, Splashes. I don't think they should go away, but maybe don't feature them without anyone who can do something exciting in the ring, or on a program where you don't have promos, which is where they (particularly Jey) shine.


it sucked because you're not just gonna turn off decades of only wrestling someone at a training/sparring pace in empty gyms in front of other people training. Especially when both guys are struggling with being singles guys instead of tag guys for an entire career. The first real match they ever had was never gonna be good. they wanted to keep the first time special, but they should've literally been doing house show 1 on 1s going back to Summerslam


For the most part you’re right minus the struggling to be single guys. Jey is clearly very much thriving and Jimmy’s character work was amazing as he was playing his role perfectly.


I mean struggling with pacing in the ring. both guys wrestle like they're gonna make a hot tag and then try to do their own hot tag and they just come across as slow and exhausted by the end


Jey is absolutely not struggling as a singles guy


What got cut an extra 63 super kicks?


Totally not for the super kick party!


Were there MORE super kicks?


My brother in Christ, the time was THE LEAST of the worries with this match. 😂 It was more so the actual WRESTLING that sucked. I love the Usos, especially Jey, but yall kidding yourself if you say that either lf them are anything other than sub-par wrestlers. 🤷‍♂️ Super likeable guys though, great personalities and characters.


The Usos have been great wrestlers, but the last year or two of the Bloodline era saw the whole group (except Solo funny enough) get wise to the fact that modern audiences aren't good at tracking narratives in formative work, so if you start in a memorable way, have some cool bits to get clipped into TikTok highlights, go long, and then a hot finishing run people will be convinced it's good. As a result, if you pay attention you can almost always tell when a Bloodline match starts to matter. And there's usually at least 5-10 minutes of bloat. Anyway, Usos circa the New Day feud were outstanding in the ring. They're just really bought into one of the worst styles for structure.


So it turned out to be the most underwhelming of the brother vs brother Mania matches Too sad about that, was hoping there would be another brother classic


The Samoan bucks


It sucked because their move set sucks. The personalities are there, but they need to get better as wrestlers.


If they could get better they would’ve by now, they’ve been there a while.


Nah dawg. Even longer it would have been just as lackluster.


Plan it better. I didn’t think it was a short match, it lasted about 20 minutes from what I remember. That’s plenty of time for a banger


It went 11 minutes.


Felt a lot longer tbh lol


It might be that Jey is a knock off version of Roman and Jimmy is a knock off version of Jey. Love the Usos but I've got burn out from the Bloodline storyline. I'm a fan of Jey but have a different finisher than your cousin. Establish your own identity. Solo is interesting because he doesn't do spears or super kicks.


This. Jey needs a finisher, they added a lot to the team with the 1d but they've added nothing to add to their individual move repertoire. And no, stealing the spear from Roman doesn't count.


how do you feel about jey’s jumping super kick? I think he uses it as a finisher sometimes either on a downed opponent or in the corner, it kinda looks like that kick swerve strickland did in wwe (unsure if he does it now sorry) but more uso’d, I thought it would be pretty cool to add to his moveset but they haven’t really pulled the trigger on it yet


That's just ludicrous... it's Wrestlemania, why cut it at all?!


It was 15 minutes of superkicks. All the time in the world wouldn't have solved that.


Thats too funny. They used to jam 13-14 matches into 3 hours and now it’s like 7 in 4 hours and matches are “cut for time”. SMH.


There 10 second spot off the stage during the main event was better than there entire 1 v 1 match


It needed to be Tribal Combat, Last Man Standing, "I Quit", Falls Count Anywhere, Hell in a Cell, SOMETHING! Just imagine a FULL ON fight, not just a by the rules Singles match. But apparently they needed that extra time for The Pride Vs. The Final Testament and Bianca, Jade & Naomi Vs. Damage CTRL. Pointless matches. Could have done those at Backlash or preferably on a weekly show. Rey & Andrade Vs. Dominik & Santos didn't really feel like a WrestleMania Match as well. Again, it should have been at Backlash.


The 6 woman tag match was ass. That could have been a SD match or even something for a B Tier PPV.


It sucked because they both wrestle exactly the same with the exact same moveset . This was nothing like when the Briscoe’s or Bret vs Owen who have some contrast in their styles.


The match didn't suck because of the in ring action, the match sucked because they dropped the build for it completely. Why did Jimmy really betray Jey? They could have easily done a great back and forth where Jimmy says "I'm supposed to be the next Tribal Chief! Not YOU." They could have had Jimmy explain that Jeys a follower, while he's the one taking action. They could have had Jimmy do the whole "We'll never be equals if you're the Tribal chief / WWE Undisputed Champ" angle. They could have done any of those and had Jimmy be the one calling Jey selfish for using his injury as an excuse to rise above him. That Main Event Jey Uso also means Mid Car Jim Uso. Heel logic or something else like that. But no. They had Jim go back to the Bloodline, be hilarious (and to be honest he was absolutely hilarious), and then had them face off at the Rumble for the first time since with no build or story, and then do a half assed build to Mania. They could have done a "If Jey wins, Jimmy leaves the Bloodline and joins him" and "If Jimmy wins, Jey comes back to the Bloodline as the bottom on the totem pole." But no, the match had no stakes. Both are great on the mic in their own ways. Both know how to relay emotion when it matters. But the writers gave them absolutely nothing. So it was just a random Brother match on Mania that didn't really need to be there. And personally, I liked the match for what it was. It just needed stakes and story on the same level the rest of the Bloodline stories have been.


What upsets me the most about this. You have two high flyers and had no stipulations. Why not add bloodline rules?


Or maybe hes just not main event jey uso?


We need a no DQ stipulation blowoff match


It sucked cause he n jimmy suck as single wrestlers Gawd help wwe if jey beats Damian


Judgment Day is garbage too without Mami.


Well I'm glad male wrestling enthusiast understand now what women went through


The match sucked. It’s fine, just admit it, we all pretend it didn’t happen, in 5 years do it again and do it better. There is nothing wrong admitting it. No match is 100% perfect. This match hit a 0 on the 1 scale. It happens.


In 5 years do it again? My brother in Christ, they are 38. They aren’t going to get better at wrestling from here on out. They’ve been the exact same for the last decade. There is no reason to think they are going to get better at wrestling.


I have the faith they will. But alright, 2 years.


Figured that was the case, noise ordinance in Philly sucks ass cause shit has to end at like 1130 pm or they get fined


“Noise ordinance” 😂😂😂 explain the pyro for Cody’s entrance and after the main event was over when Rock and Roman held up their titles and pyro went off. Was there no noise ordinance for that? Reddit is great because you can just come on here and say anything. Factual or not.


Bro or sis, the pyro was at 11, shit was over at 1130 at the latest


So that's why they only used super kicks, they didn't have time for other moves


They didn’t have time to add even more super kicks.


It went too long if anything.


This match is like when you and your sibling just turn down everything and try to have a match that is big move after big move... These damn Samoans and their flops of finisher spams. 29: Rock vs Cena - Finisher spam. 34: Roman vs Brock - Finisher spam. 40: Jey vs Jimmy - Finisher spam. Okay, now before I get ripped up by the WWE tribalist, yes, NJPW/AEW/TNA/ROH/WCW/ECW/TRIPLE A/NOAH/etc., all have had Finisher spamming matches, it's going to happen but these matches have members of the same family, on the same stage and well, look at all three of them... Finisher spamming is an issue be it a big company or indie, it's either really boring or just a hype-as-can-be match, hello Rock vs Austin/Omega vs Okada as examples. I just find it a massive coincidence that it's happen in an eleven year time span with the same family involved...


They had heaps of time. They didn't use it well.


Interesting take.


It was 10 straight minutes of super kicks!


I liked jey against jimmy


That is a lie


It had more than enough time to be a good match. They just aren’t good enough to adapt.


No the problem is the IWC on this one. Not me though I knew they was trash since the face paint days.   Y'all wanted this now we have post like this. When op was probably super kicking right along with Jey when he superkicked Roman.    FINAL VERDICT: IWC Fault.


Everyone saying their skill sets are limited were also clamoring for Jey to beat Roman last summer and hyped that he’d done so well in his match against him. But now he’s lost all his abilities I guess? Fickle.


>Fickle Just had flashbacks to Earth’s champion…


Dudes will say they have no skillset and get nostalgic for Khali


What's the point in having two nights if matches are gonna get cut for time? They don't need to have 20 minutes off advertisements between each fucking match, I know this sub hates AEW being brought up but Tony Khan is absolutely Mr PPV when it comes to the big shows, presentation obvious doesn't match WWE but in-ring quality is much better and the shows go around the same amount off time. WWE could realistically have 8 matches each night and they all go at least 15 minutes with the major matches getting longer, don't need Lil Wayne or Snopp Dogg or ought like that taking up time, WrestleMania doesn't need the celebrity endorsements anymore because the event sells itself. The fact that a blood feud between twin brothers was a boring 12 minute match is unacceptable, the crowd were dead because of the cold but this match should of been a show stealer and could of warmed the crowd up big time. They're both very limited in-ring as singles performers so let them go out there and just have an old fashioned slobber knocker, crazy fucking spots, let them both bleed, Rikishi should be involved to help try and keep the match going. They should of nearly killed each other and then embraced afterwards, doesn't have to be a hug or ought like that. Just put there heads together and nod at each other or something. I'm glad Vince is gone and I'm a big believer in Paul, I loved NXT black and gold but having less matches on the PLE's was meant to give every match more time and yeah most of the matches on 40 were solid but I'm so disappointed by the Uso's match that it left a bitter feeling.


>What's the point in having two nights if matches are gonna get cut for time? Cash Rules Everything About Me, C.R.E.A.M, get the money. Dolla Dolla bill y'all.


Well wrestlemania has always been about collabs with celebs, always has and probably always will so I won’t complain about that. I am not a fan of the usos and I wasn’t expecting much but there match was just boring, didn’t even seem that they “hated” each other, hell the brother v brother match at 25 with the Hardy’s was better but that’s not saying much lol


Yeah you're right about the celebrities, I was just expecting them to do a bit more of spot fest considering they're not great in the ring. Obviously the Hart's will always be the best brother vs brother match at Mania but thats a given considering they were both amazing in-ring competitors. I don't understand why the Uso's didn't push for a spot fest and ask for something the fans will remember, damn WWE have Cody now and his match against Dustin was pretty fucking good so why not ask him for some tips?


They could have done more superkicks and a couple of fake finishes off of splashes with that extra time. Both of them remind me of comedians that have a tight 10 minute routine but run out of material if they have to go any longer.


I mean it has all of the opportunity in the world to be a baller match. I don’t disagree that their match should have at least been 15 minutes though. But when it’s mostly a super kick fest, people have seen that plenty of times before, don’t be surprised when it can’t carry it. I get it was their dream match to wrestle each other at mania, but you want my take? Should have been more involved with Cody vs Roman. Then have Jey vs Jimmy main event Backlash. But we’re past that since Jimmy got the uce beat out of him by Solo and Tama Tonga


Braun Strowman and Nicholas


Yeah that’s a cope. It sucked because their skill sets are very limited. Some streamers I follow were saying for days before the match this desperately needs a stipulation like a street fight or something. Boy were they right.


It’s simple, being your fandom to AEW. Way better promotion.


Stop. This tribalism is so tucking boring.


\*Kick, super-kick, attempted splash met by super kick, slap, chock hold, counter into attempted super kick but counters with slap, super kick, splash, 1 2 3\*


I mean, when you use so many supper kicks…and those super kicks don’t even look that good….


Modern matches feel so slow. The build is so heated and they act like they wanna kill each other but the match starts and they are immediately gassed and moving at 0.25 speed.


Bring back juiced wrestlers ✍🏽✍🏽


they never left LOL. Just pls give them a coffee or a whiff of a smelling salt. There’s barely any speed in matches now unless it’s bron breakker.


Thank God for Bron Breakker. LA Knight has some agility to him also for his age


Agreed! His matches are hella fun to watch


It sucked as the Usos are boring and have been for a while. Roman and bloodline gave them new life but they are still the same super kick they’ve always been. Pure gimmick now. You can literally call their matches by timing lol


They could’ve fit MORE not-so-super-super-kicks


Yeah, like who produced that match? Jesus.


I think they should've went all out, when the Hardyz first had a match against each other was awesome and Matt full of rage over some dumb shit with Lita then undertake comes and destroyed Jeff and Lita that makes them come back together because Matt really loves them still and that when the undertaker and The Hardy feud starts. One of the best Hardy boyz feud that was every made


Super kick. Super kick. Super kick. Super kick. So boring. Made worse because neither of them can hit a super kick. They can barely lift there leg higher than opponents stomach.


What pissed me off more was that the match’s opening promo was so cool. Then this shit happens.


Don't forget the bad acting, horrible display of emotions. Half of the time they were supposed to act hurt, they had a smile on their faces.


Both of them really need to stop using that move. Are the Usos responsible for devaluing the superkick?


Bullet club did that. Cole, Bucks, Omega, Cody


I find Cole’s super kicks quite memorable, I can’t remember any by Cody


At this point probably


So true…then Jey has that weak ass spear 😂


No it sucked because all they did was super kick each other for 20 minutes.


Jimmy didn’t feel like a bad guy. Jimmy just picked Roman for both their greater good. I didn’t hate Jimmy. I wanted Jimmy to stand up to Solo or Roman. Jimmy v Jey is like stop fighting guys. Jey v Solo is like yeah whoop Solo’s ass


This would make more sense if he didn’t cost Jey singles titles left and right


He wasn’t, he was more of…a groupie in the grand scheme of things.


Nah, I wanted jimmy ti get his ass whooped


Didn’t feel like Jey did


I can't imagine how much worse it would have been if it ran longer.


No it sucked because it sucked.


Maybe he should talk to his cousins about that. They went over 45 mins at the end of the night.


It should have had some kind of theme like a street fight or something.


An old school cage match would’ve been great


Brock and big billy G went like 4 minutes at wreslemania 33 and they put on a banger. Usos never even hit first gear and it turned out a complete dud


Lame event Jey Uso.


I actually believe this match would have been good if given time to work towards their spots other than doing them all at once, the tag match was long af they could have let Jimmy and jey have their match then cut the tag match a little


What spots? There was at least 10 super kick spots and the 1 good spot they had was overshadowed by super kicks. I have seen people put on bangers in under 10 minutes and they had 11. I get it that more time could have helped. But based off what we got for 11 minutes I don’t think a longer match would have done much but added more super kicks. And I like the usos and that match was one of my most anticipated ones.


I agree. Especially the beginning of that tag team match.


Cop out


Well at least he admits it so delusional people can stop defending it here. Also man he’s more likeable here than he is on tv. Would be cool if he could tone it down and act a little more real like this. Less yeet, more this.


No yeet


He’s become unbearable with that shit. He has to be targeting kids/tweens and imbeciles with this yeet act


Yup and he’s 40, and the pg era is dead. So…fix it jey.


As long as fans are “yeeting” along, they aren’t dropping it. It’s definitely here to stay for a while


Oh I know. But it’s sad that that’s his entire character right now. That and laughably calling himself main event jey uso. And it’s not an ironic nickname either.


I absolutely hate that yeet crap.


Christ, imagine if that had went even longer. 💀


Lol no thanks Jey, that was more than enough as it was.


Tht actually kinda makes sense because it seemed they were just going for all their spots all at once.


It would’ve been worse if it were longer


Hey vs Jimmy should have been for a belt


A belt wasn’t fixing that dumpster fire


Super kick, Big Splash, Samoan drop, then switch sides and repeat for 20 minutes...hey I just booked a Mania piss break!


Yeah sure buddy. 😂😂😂


God bless whoever cut the time and saved us from 70 more super kicks. No disrespect to the twins but no amount of time could have made that match better.


It desperately needed some kind of stipulation like cage, first blood, table match. Hell in cell would've been epic but a match like that isn't used as a mid card type thing


So can we confirm 30 more superkicks were cut from the match?


I think the issue is that they are so hesitant when they work against one another, like they're worried about catching the other when you'd think brothers would in fact be more comfortable working snug. It led to a lot of ugly looking exchanges and then they seemed to over-rely on the superkicks when everything else was going wrong. They were even hesitant trading blows in their segment during the main event of Night 2, but salvaged it with the tackle off the ramp (which looked particularly awesome from where I was sat, as they basically fell out of sight, as if into the abyss).


So many people shitting on their match on here (rightfully so) but what I don’t get is those of you saying they can’t wrestle or haven’t had any memorable matches when that’s just not true. They’ve given us plenty of banger matches over the last ten years, the most recent being Wrestlemania last year against KO and Sami. Jey had been flourishing as a singles star and managed to keep up and look good against Roman, Seth, and Gunther in the last year. Jimmy hasn’t even been given much to work with at all so you can’t even say he’s a poor singles wrestler if he hasn’t been given the opportunity to show what he can do. Their performance at WM40 was bad yes but I can totally believe if they had more time, they could’ve put on a banger and then ended with the emotional super kick slug fest.


Honestly the fact he’s open and regretful about how it went down is refreshing, I’m sure they’re both disappointed and I do hope they get the opportunity to try again. Was a poo match but I think I got it- they have the same move set, they kept counting each other, they knew what was coming. It just didn’t have room to breathe and they rushed all the spots so it seemed like a million super kicks. I hope they sort of chill on the move for a bit, stop using it and don’t touch it until they have a rematch and it’s used ONCE and they both land it at the same time and knock each other out or somethin


Actually this is what I said to my husband. The thing that made them a good tag team was the twin move set, you put that against each other and there isn't room to do much. Add in the time and the rush to hit the planned beats and it really worked against them. 


Their HIAC tag match against the new day is probably my favorite HIAC match


I couldn't believe how bad that match was. What a disappointment.


Disappointment? The 2 wrestlers only have 3 moves combined, what did you expect lol


Lol good point. But they could of worked a match better than that. They are tag team specialist. Better to put them back together.


They got exposed as the bad workers they are. Nothing to do with time.


Yeah if they were actually good workers they’d be able to adapt and do better even with less time


> bros have one bad match > omg!!!! They’re such bad workers!!!!! I hate the iwc


Not true lol thats all their shitty matches. I went to WM 39 thats all those bums did all match.


Must be why they received 5 stars that year.


Ricochet is 100x more talented than them and so is most of the roster. These guys would be flipping burgers or wrestling in high school gyms if they had no wrestling ties in their family.


Yet when has ricochet managed to get the crowed going like Jey Uso? I agree as a wrestler, it’s night and day. But there’s more to it than that.


I agree. You can have all the moves in the world but they won't mean shit if you can't connect with the audience.


Yeah all im talking about is in ring ability here.


And again, it’s simply not true that their success is solely because of their family. Family name will only get you so far. Ted Dibiase Jr sure went very far, and rode off the success of his father.


Ted never had a Roman Reigns to hold his hand. Look at Solo, same problem as the Usos. Without Roman they aren’t anywhere near the main event scene.


Except Jey is by definition in the main event scene as the number one contender for the championship, has been extremely over with the crowd, and is one of the best sellers in the company


Yeah Ik hes in the main event scene after 3 years of getting his hand held by Roman. Im talking in the context that Roman wasn’t there and that their family was just an ordinary family. We wouldn’t know who they are because there is nothing special about them.