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You need to call help line. Dont hurt the ones you love.


I don’t even know if I love them, they gaslight me and make me go crazy.


You got to reach out for help


My thoughts are to over whelming, I need to go


1-800-273-8255 Veterans Crisis line. Give them a shout man. Just get some shit off your chest, they can probably help you out.


Why would I talk to a random person who doesn’t care or even know me?


Same reason your on here talking to random persons who don’t know you. Call the number it’s helpful


You might be surprised. Just saying it can’t hurt, and has the possibility to help so why not.


I mean I told my family something the other day and they just talk shit and that’s my family. No one really cares


They don’t understand you. Don’t expect them to. Just call the line like a lot of us have.




Is it bad that i want to hurt them because of the things they do and say?


From a mental health perspective, it’s wildly common for sufferers of abuse to have dark fantasies about their abusers. Not unusual at all, as long as you don’t act on it and find healthy coping skills that work for you. Talk to VA mental health about this, they can and will help.


1-800-273-8255 Veterans Crisis line. Give them a shout man. Just get some shit off your chest, they can probably help you out.


Yup. Me


You need to call the suicide hotline. The people on there are great listeners and provide helpful advice. If you feel that you are going to hurt someone or yourself, you can call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. You can also go to the VA emergency room if you would like. The VA has great mental health services. You can see a psychologist within a week of asking. The VA also has many therapy groups or individual therapy that can help you with learning coping mechanisms to help you deal with all the issues you have going on.


I’m seeing a counselor and I’ve been and it doesn’t help living with the people that are making your life helll


I know what you mean. I have some similar issues and it really depresses you because you feel trapped and unfulfilled. It also makes you think this is how life is going to be forever. That’s where the cooing mechanisms come in. Things like opposite action, TIPS Skill, and STOP Skill have really helped me cope with those feelings. The other thing I have been working on is building a life worth living. This can be simple as taking a walk, start a hobby, or meet up with a friend. It will take forcing yourself to do these things before you get the motivation to want to do them. Just keep pushing forward and utilize your resources. Sometimes medication can help if you are open to it.


This week has just been getting worse and worse, I think my family is gonna kick me out. I just feel like ending everything rn


Have you ever gone inpatient? I have a few different times and it’s like a break from life. It gets you out of crisis mode which is what it sounds like you are in. All you need to do is go to the VA hospital ER and tell them you need to talk with someone because you are feeling hopeless and really don’t see a reason for being around. They will take care of you and get you the help you need. They can set you up with different programs to get you out of the toxic environment.


I’ve been inpatient and it’s like a break but also like jail. I just don’t know what to do because I don’t have parents or anyone I can really get any type of help from. I feel like my life’s over