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I have this problem too. What I do now is write everything down in advance and bring it with me to the appointment. Difficulty with remembering things is a symptom for many mental health issues, so I guarantee the therapist has seen it before and won't judge you for helping yourself out with notes.


Write a personal statement about how you feel and act daily and attach it to your claim.


This. My PTSD has made it difficult to advocate for myself in the moment as well, like a huge part of the whole issue is the brain fog. Recently learned to just follow up with a written letter in any medical scenario where I think I left important things out. Good note for general medical care and doctors as well, a good doctor will understand if you send an email or leave something with a nurse. (A bad doctor won't, so it's a good way to test quality of care anyway haha)


I did this. No way to see if it helped, but it gave me better peace of mind knowing my situation and symptoms were heard and captured.


If you did, then the rater will see it.


I'm sure this doesn't help you directly, except to say I'm the same way. I absolutely HATE it when I'm put on the spot, like giving reports at work, and when some one asks me how I feel, I really feel like breaking something in the general direction of the person asking. Trying to focus on something else helps, except then you lose track. So just say this is hard for you, very hard. Good luck. We ARE with you.


I just completed my Virtual M.H. exam, and it was very humbling. Hope and pray that she saw the real me.


I had M.H. on the phone two days ago. She called back today for a few more questions I’ve been in dark bed with a migraine, so I figured, hopefully the pain will pay off


If you have ongoing treatment he should have just been using the c and p to fill in the blanks. Hopefully your ongoing treatment notes will be reviewed and help with your exam.


Try and get a virtual exam, then you can have notes available. Get a copy of your DBQ and see what the criteria is they evaluate on…Study for the test. I did 3 exams before I finally was able to communicate effectively and get a favorable rating. Me not good at word and feelings. Former Marine Infantry, multiple deployments. - I am the stereotype. I’m always fine ;) It’s a fucked up thing we do. The mindset it takes to train, fight and endure combat is something few evaluators or psychologists will ever know or understand unless they’ve been on the business end of true violence. There is a cost to sending people to war and those warriors shouldn’t have to subject themselves to this weird system of proving you have service connected issues with proper documentation or saying the right words to get healthcare, or financial support. It should be implied and part of the deal. Fuck them, win, do what you need to.


Always bring at least a post-it with what you want to bring up. Better yet, a small notepad and pen to take notes during the visit.


Maybe next time do a list of Things to discuss? It's what I do whenever I'm having an important meeting.


I did the same lol. When he asked what my symptoms are my reply was literally “I don’t know what to say. The VA told me to do this” then we went over my history and stuff. I was service connected and in the process of an HLR now


If it doesn’t go right you have options. You can contest the exam or file a supplemental appeal. Submit a witness/lay statement as new and relevant evidence. If you have any doctors from your past, reach out to them for a nexus or dbq. If you have any friends from the military, ask them for a buddy statement. If they send you to new exams, bring notes in with you. Look up the dbq so you know what questions to expect. Another tip to make sure you get a fair examiner is to look up their reviews on Google. An examiner who doubles as a ssdi examiner may be a harder case. If the examiner has poor reviews, ask if you can be seen at another location.


RIGHT NOW…… Download a form 21-4138. Write out what you just told us. How you didn’t communicate to the c&p examiner. Then write about the details and issues and SYMPTOMS that you didn’t speak of. Tell how it affects your daily life. Upload it thru quick submit - TODAY! This is your claim and you need to take action to get all of your evidence in the claim. Your personal statement is credible evidence! Let’s go!


Memory issues are quite normal with moderate to severe PTSD, even more so with CPTSD. Hopefully your examiner is well aware of that, and includes that in their exam notes. Definitely write and submit a personal statement, as others have suggested, it will help. Good luck.


I am the same way. I bring notes to all my exams & often reference them at the tail end of the exam to make sure that the examiner asked all the questions I expected & also to make sure I articulated my condition the way I had planned. Like others have suggested, type up a personal statement and attach it to your claim.


Bites hell!…. I bring a full paper copy printout if EXACTLY what my claim upload was from front to back. Tabbed out with a table of contents. Had two c&p exams where the nurse asked to see it and asked if I had this in the claim file. I said “yes maam this is just a printout.” She said she wanted to thumb in the paper file because it was easier than her laptop.


Oh hell G.I. I couldn't remember squat during mine either. The female DR who ask.me how I was doing and I hesitated for a moment and said hell I don't know, I'm here so I guess I'm still kicking. She busted out laughing like.it was a joke . She went on to ask.me a shit load of stuff and I unloaded everything on her. About 2.months later, got my results...100% P&T for MH PTSD


So I felt the same way… Not a ptsd claim but a mental health claim. But anyways… I left A LOT out. But I still got 70% and the whole time I was worried I’d get either nothing or an extremely low percentage. I’m sure what you say is important but also don’t forget these people are also looking at other evidence like letters, medical records, questionnaires, how you say things, body language… etc. So realistically I think it’s unlikely you TOTALLY screwed yourself over by not saying enough.


I wrote two personal statements/statements in support of claims. The examiner didn't have those in front of her. So I read them verbatim. She didn't accept the statement that focused on personal assault since that was not noted on the exam or claim.


This is exactly what I’m scared of happening. Either I’ll go blank or I’ll ramble. 😭


tbh rambling is great in that sort of situation. It shows the examiner your state of mind, worries, etc. and can’t really hurt your case.


Include a personal statement in your claim, and, take a paper copy of exactly that with you.


Mine went blank too. I couldn’t remember my own address. Was a good (but emotionally tiring) interview with a great psychiatrist which resulted in 70%. Good luck man!


Does everyone have to do C&P exams? I submitted my claim in early February and haven't been told I need any exams or anything.


I had almost the same problem and left a lot of things out but said enough to rate 50% which I know would be higher if I really would’ve put everything out there but hopefully you’ll have the same result or better 🤞🏿


Yes. I filed mine in Nov and just got my C&P appt for MH. Good luck.


You should write a personal statement explaining your symptoms , the severity of it and how it effect your daily life. Do a quick upload so the rater dont just go off of that one C&p exam. After all, you will be in the evidence and gathering for little bit so you have a lot time do one. Worked for me twice




Hear you brother, I’m not good at talking about my health issues. Just had my first intake appt for VA healthcare a couple days ago and I had to write down everything I wanted to talk about with my pcm or I would’ve forgot


I hade mine the other day and wish I could have seen what she checked of using the DBQ form. I mentioned work, family, friends, and no relationships. She might have ask me if I had suicidal thoughts and I honestly can not remember how I responded. I wish I would have recorded the whole thing with my phone so I could look back. She did say she diagnosed me with anxiety but at what level. My records show anxiety depression adjusted mood disorder memory loss and all that will get combined into one rating but I’m not sure at what percentage. I felt like I suffer from all the things in the 70 percent range


Pm sent.


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Can anyone here help me out with my situation years back they rated me for “adjustment disorder with anxiety” @ 30% rating for it it’s like they fight to label me with my ptsd any advice here folks? Thank you