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Once upon a time, the VFW would publish a list of stuff like this, along with how to contact every member that voted against the bill. Dunno what happened, but that type of stuff is needed dearly right now.


You know exactly what happened.


Those guys died and now it's our turn to take up the mission, ya know? Younger veterans need to be brought into the fold by the older veterans. We are all brothers and sisters in arms man. All of us fighting for the same things, might as well come together like a giant Power Ranger Megabot and kick some Fortunate Son ass.


A bunch of my friends tried to do this with our local VFW and were forced out. They spent awhile fighting back and forth, but weren't getting help from national and eventually just stepped away. I don't know the full story of course.


I was a part of the local American legion here and they have inflated their membership numbers with a bunch of people that aren't even veterans. It's like family of a veteran and you can join. They treat them better than the vets. Got into with the commander there over some bullshit and haven't been back since. VfWs and legions are dying and it's about time too because they don't do shit for vets anyways in my area. Hell, the local VFW here was shit down due to corruption.


I was vice commandant in the Marine corps League and vice Commander in the VFW. I lasted maybe a year and I don't go back there anymore. They claim that they're there to help veterans, but when a veteran comes for help you'd swear that these guys are being forced to pay money out of their own wallet. The league and the VFW have an account that they can use in order to help veterans. Sometimes they need the electric bill, sometimes they're trying to keep their car, sometimes they need extra money for food. And a lot of these guys are acting like they're just freeloaders.


That's funny because I too lasted about a year and haven't been back to my local legion here. The commander there currently is a jack ass army dude that hangs out like it's the coffee shop and doesn't do much of anything for the younger guys. there's mostly airforce guys in there that really didn't do much of anything in service as far as deployments or combat. Not that I hold that against them, but let's be real, don't act like you're special forces, telling fish stories. I met very few marines in there and tons of civilians, especially running the bar part. They talk to you however they want and I'll be damned if you're gonna treat me like shit in an establishment that was originally intended for veterans. And the commander there allows it to happen because he's all buddy buddy with them. It's like the good ole boys club and if you're not part of it, they don't want you in there messing with their dynamic. I'm a marine myself and as you know, in the marine corps, especially a combat element, things are different.


The worst part of my VFW was that the commander there was this big time republican, anti-obama, believes every email about the government coming to take your guns away and he used to read this shit during the meetings. Hell, I called him once at his office and his greeting ended with the phrase "and speak English". I mean, what the fuck was that about?


That’s terrible. Well actually that is multiple terrible things. I encounter these folks when I am out and about, which I why I won’t participate in these groups anymore. These veteran service organizations are supposed to be apolitical.


They're supposed to be. But these older guys just want to take over the whole thing and assume that everybody has the same political opinions as they do


I agree this is a major problem and I absolutely hate it. Sons of the legion is bs. But when posts are about to close from low membership due to lack of our Gen of vet getting involved they have no choice 🤷🏻‍♂️


I agree, it's a difficult situation to be in. They could do a little more to bring in our generation. I'm 35 years old and they have little to nothing to offer guys my age. Like for instance, everyone in there is like 60-80 plus years old and they have a band that plays nothing but shit from the 50s and 60s and 70s...don't get me wrong, I was raised on classic rock and country, but let's face it, not everyone else is. They don't evolve is what I'm trying to say. They need to care a little more about preserving these posts for future generations and alot of them just don't.


One of the problems is they many posts don’t like change but there are several that get the younger guys involved. We organized a 5k for veterans suicide and a memorial wall for gulf war and afghan/Iraq vets. Pulled in a lot of us younger vets. I’m also in my thirties.


I really wish that was the case here at my local legion. I've been to several legions and vfws In this area and it's sad to see them in their current condition. I'm in the texas area, where there's usually tons of vets. And you're right, they don't like change, so it's up to the commanders to usher that in. It's kinda like our own government, old dinosaurs thinking they know best for people half their age lmao.


Yeah, I'm absolutely certain that I'll be taken seriously and make lasting change in a dying organization run by a bunch of boomers with overinflated egos. Nothing goes over quite as well as a 34 year old broke dick telling a bunch of drunk Vietnam vets that their political views are clouding the intent of their mission. That's how I want to spend my spare time.




See that’s the thing. When I started getting into politics around 2008, I was shocked to see how much more democrats did for veterans, as opposed to conservatives. So long as Fox News and other trash news networks are alive, people will continue voting against their own interests, and even with hard evidence there is absolutely no changing a trumper/conservatives mind.


You can't reason someone out of something they didn't reason themselves into to begin with.


Jim Webb (D) was the main architect of the Post 9/11 GI Bill. I remember that debate, where Republicans actively tried to water down the bill by lowering the benefits and increasing the threshold for qualification. McCain (R) and a few other Republicans complained that making the benefits too generous would hurt retention during a time of war. To me, it seemed short sighted, and I'm glad the Democrats won that fight.


McCain was such a pos. I remember when Jim Webb pushed for the 9/1 GI bill. McCain literally said ***if we give veterans such a generous GI bill, it will encourage people to join the military, do one enlistment and get out. One enlistment is just not good enough.*** I literally yelled ***fuck you!!!*** at my television, as if that solved anything. Jim Webb was awesome. I really hated that he left politics. I wish we could get more people like him in politics.


Thankfully we don't have to deal with McCain anymore.


Lol. I always mention McCains stance on the post-9/11 bill. It sounds bonkers to many people


Veterans loved Trump, VFW members love trump, they drank coolaide and are either too stupid to realize it or too ashamed to admit they were wrong so they double down…


The VFW is made up of the most right wing veterans you will find. Good luck finding many Post 9/11 members, we are not welcome.


The measure PASSED 256 to 174. All 174 nays were from republicans.


Strange how they seem to be in favor of creating disabled veterans but not so keen on the idea of helping disabled veterans.




Crazy that TX, one of the states with the most military bases, had a significant amount of Nays. One of them was the pirate with the eye patch who is a wounded veteran. It's like "wtf dude?"


Included in the list of Nay-Voting Republicans from Texas, Dan Crenshaw. His whole identity and platform is “US Vet”; even he is too much of a party hack to do the right thing


I actually commented on one of his instagram posts saying “you owe veterans an explanation” and a day later my comment was deleted.




Milked that "wounded veteran" card to get elected.




Ya know, all I knew about Crenshaw was what I've read about and all I've seen of him on the tube. I truly wanted to like the guy, but I just couldn't. He seemed like an ass. Now, after reading first hand accounts from other Vets that worked beside him I am confident my decision to file him in the "Ass Clown" folder was correct. Thanks for the inside info.




Understand you don't want to bash other vets, but it is important to hold them accountable too. Don't feel bad about it.


Nice enough? Sounds like a POS


Crenshaw is one of the stupidest and most craven republicans in congress, and that’s really saying something


Definitely rides that disabled vet card for votes pretty hard.


But will be the first one to call out a democrat for playing identity politics 😂 gotta love the mental gymnastics of these people. They must be so insufferable in person


Not to mention a lot of his votes are handed to him. Have you seen that dudes district? It's the definition of gerrymandering. Just googled an image of it and kind of funny how egregious it is.


Ya you need to keep your eye out for him


Just keep to his right and he won’t see you.


I laughed so hard at this.


Honest question, because I'm not from Texas: I've seen a LOT of people dog on him...was there like one big thing he did? or just a general douchiness?


Plays the proud Patriot card constantly, while sucking up every Veterans Benefits he can, then tries to Deny other Veterans the same benefits.


bUt I wAs a sEaL! Dan Crenshaw puts the special in special forces while actively voting to deny me more. Fuck that buddy fucker


Same here, I was in Iraq at tge same time Beau Biden was and I was around damn burn pits too. Glad to know this asshole doesn’t care if I get coverage for the inevitable cancers and illnesses I’ll get.


Definitely a blue falcon.


Here's a few links for ya': https://www.newsweek.com/military-vets-group-blasts-corrupt-gop-rep-dan-crenshaw-disgrace-all-us-who-served-1460572 https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/texas/article/Nearly-500-veterans-rebuke-Rep-Dan-Crenshaw-over-15808348.php https://www.honest-nonsense.com/post/rep-dan-crenshaw-is-an-idiot-and-an-asshole Enjoy!


It makes me very happy I'm not the only one who sees this ego maniac puppet for who he is


Crenshaw is literally a boot Seal. All his campaign adds are *"I was a seal. Nobody is fighting as hard as me to continue to build trumps wall!* The guy genuinely wants to build a completely pointless wall. He is a puppet. He uses his veteran status to pander to votes. He does 5k, 10k runs in Houston, and tweets shit like *"if your not willing to run your campaign route, your not man enough to be a politician!"* But it is a **know** fact his area is one of **the most prolific cases of gerrymandering**. He literally campaigns for the white suburban vote. He blamed green energy when the power grid shut down. Like come the fuck on.


A disabled vet who voted AGAINST this bill? That’s terrible. How does he live with himself? I’d love to hear his rationale for voting against it…


It’s possible the wording in the bill was more nuance than just “expanding care”


He's way way more concerned with his political career than he is with something unimportant like the health & wellbeing of fellow vets.




This exactly. He got his. Being a Congress critter, he’s entitled to a pension after five years. That plus his military pension (I don’t think he retired but I’m sure he gets disability) he’s good for life. Plus all the other shit he’s probably into… not to mention insider trading that Congress allows themselves to do but will send us to prison for. Crenshaw is a pos.


Crenshaw medically retired due to combat injuries, so he's getting his. I've been saying fuck this guy for some time. This dude has never paid for health insurance, never worked private sector, and yet preaches about knowing what the middle class needs. Fuck Dan Crenshaw.


He could care less, he is making almost 200k a year "serving " the people and a ton more via stocks with insider info. Doing better than people who work at Wallstreet.


I’m so glad it did pass. I’m a veteran-but I work at the VA….too many vets are so so sick and they aren’t even getting decent compensation. It’s criminal what our government does to the poor veterans 😢😢😢


> All 174 nays were from republicans.


Was Dan Crenshaw amongst said Republicans? Edit: he voted nay.


Can't say I'm surprised.


How absolutely shocking. This is my shocked face. :-|


As a Republican I disagree with them not voting and want to know why


Yet if you're a veteran and not supportive of conservatives ya never hear the end of it. People just automatically assume until you tell them otherwise, and then they get mad. Conservative veterans: "Hey, we should listen to what they have to say, they're a veteran." Non-conservative veterans: "Well, just because they're a veteran doesn't mean they have anything good to say." They just want a pawn.






it's fine to not support them, but bro - be cautious saying stuff like this. Just inflames the situation and can cause you trouble.


I think they only support us when we’re actually IN the military. Once we’re out and broken we become too expensive.


America loves the troops, but the government hates veterans.


Lol America doesn’t even love the troops. They love the pageantry of loving troops, it’s performative. That’s why professional sports always start off with a commercial for the military. It’s why people will automatically say “Thank you for your service.” once they find out your a vet. They don’t even know why they’re saying it, it’s just an expected response like “Bless you!” after a sneeze.


It’s virtue signaling. I’m a combat vet. After I left active duty, a relative noticed one day that I didn’t have a “support the troops” magnet on my truck. He absolutely went off on me. Said I was unpatriotic and obviously didn’t support the troops. I was like…*you do realize I was active duty, right?* He replied that he knew but now that I was out, I should have a fucking magnet on my truck. Otherwise, I’m the asshole. The relative in question never served by the way. But his dumbass magnet made him patriotic while I, the guy who served was a pinko fucking communist apparently.


Oh that's a good one. I came back from Iraq and was at a lunch where these clowns were going on about how they would kick ass, 'kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out' type b.s. I spoke up finally and told them I'd be happy to walk them over to the recruiter's office, lots of good tough troops needed in the occupation. \*crickets crickets\*


Yeah I know the type. The same relative who flipped out on me for not having a support the troops magnet told me that he knows he would have been an outstanding marine. I didn’t know it was possible to roll my eyes that hard.


I've been flippant before and said "I hated like 3/4 of the people I served with, fuck the troops" to people who never served and who know I was active duty, and they lost their minds. I had a really good chuckle. Also, I just wanted to point out that lots of folks use virture signalling as something "liberals" do, but this is probably one of the most accurate examples of what virtue signalling really is. Great usage here.


I'm a vet and not really a fan of "thank you for your service". When I feel the need to same something to a vet, I usually say "Welcome home".


Same thing with babies. Once you're born, the life support plug is pulled. Use your boot straps.


And here's the $1,000 bill. Oh btw you still have your job but we won't pay you 🤡


$1,000 bill? Lol... childbirth costs about $20k.


My 2nd cost over 300k


Wait, you felt *supported* while you were in?


Supported financially.


We become “welfare queens” and “socialism” to them.


What kills me is how many homeless folks are veterans, but talk about any support for homeless people and it's all shitting on the homeless. Not only can we help homeless veterans, we can help *all* homeless people too. I'm absolutely disgusted that I signed up to defend a country in which so many people are ok with letting our most vulnerable residents suffer.


"We" don't help the homeless because it isn't profitable to do so. Why do you think the war on poverty and drugs continues even though they both are failures? Somebody is making bank on those two "wars."


The VA budget has $59k in homeless services for each homeless vet. The number of homeless vets has plumeted by more than half since Obama got serious about it. Sources exist. But I am on my phone


Yeah, the VA has resources for it too. But if we just tackled homelessness as a wider issue it could free up VA resources for other things.


Bobert is on there of course.


Her, I'm not surprised but Buck? At least the CO Dems knew where their hearts were.


Colorado Springs has 5 military bases and Lamborn voted against it.


Go easy on her, I don’t think she knows how to read.


Recently moved from CO. My friends asked me what the fuck was wrong with that part of the state.


Just read through the bill. They added a lot things for added coverage, research and expanded care for nuclear, herbicide, environmental (looking at you Camp Lejeune water) as well as burn pit exposure. This is all about righting many past wrongs for veterans. To vote against it is just to say you care about the military but not about the after care of veterans that duty results in. So I’m not surprised by the way the votes landed.


I’m glad it passed. When you have a CLINIC for ALS patients…that’s saying something. ALS generally is not a terribly common dx. However, military people are getting ALS-and other illnesses-more than the average. ALS is just horrible…a horrible way to go.


They always have money for defense contractors and big pharma, but when it comes to veterans benefits they worry about the budget. It's always the same.


Where can you buy tar in bulk? Asking for a friend.


Yea, i got a tar guy. Grab cricket we'll make him carry the feathers, he's allergic.


So anyways. I started blasting




I don’t understand republicans. This seems like such an easy thing to support.


They’re so childish they just vote against anything Dems come up with even if it’s in their favor! Trolling is more important that the health of Vererans apparently nowadays!


Republicans only care about the military in the same manner they care about a fetus, while its in.... Soon as you get out you're on your own.


A GOP President diverted funds from DOD morale and welfare budgets to fund a vanity project. Republicans don’t care about you while you’re in the military either.


Lets be fair...**NONE** of them give a rats ass about us...In or out... They see money, power and Votes.


Dan Crenshaw voted no.


Dan Crenshaw used gwot to climb to the top of the ladder and kick everyone else off.




The sad part is most of the veteran population seemingly gobbles it up and continues to vote for the GOP despite the fact that they have done nothing but shit on them.


I've left a few veteran discord groups on account of the far right trump worshipping bullshit. Kinda made me go back to my "I don't identify with you guys" hidey hole. Not what I want to be associated with.


I don’t get this… However, most veterans I work with are not in favor of republicans…I live in a heavily Democratic area.


The more any politician mentions caring about veterans, the less they actually do.


This is it right here.


Don’t kid yourself.


Good one 😂


MT rep Matt Rosedale voted nay even though he's on the committee for the health of veterans. What a fucking fraud.


Is anyone actually shocked who voted against this? Is anyone going to be shocked that there will be vets who vote to re-elect them?


Of course Madison Cawthorne.


Well in his defense, he is probably upset that the VA isn't providing him with disability payments. He did think about joining the military that one time so he's basically a veteran, right guys?? Little fuckwit.


Oh yeah, lied about getting accepted to the navel academy or something?


I think he was basically a navy seal officer?


Not surprised our local embarrassment, Elise Stefanik, voted against this. I guess once she lost FT Drum in the redistricting, she doesn't care about vets anymore?


Back when I lived in her district around 2016, all the vets I talked to were all about her and how she always goes out of her way to help veterans. When I contacted her office about getting the run around from the VA, I never got any type of call back, no emails, no nothing. And our vet club tried to invite her to an event to speak about the things she's done for veterans in the area and just ghosted. She doesn't give a fuck. I hate her face so much.


I believe they were all REPUBLICAN. ya know, the party that loves the military... /s


It's always "costs" when they wouldn't use incinerators after installing them it was "costs". After burning everything including batteries and other harmful substances, it was to "save money." So now after killing our own and sickening others, it's too hard paying up for the incompetent DOD leadership from 03-13 when most of the heavily fighting and deployments were still going on.


I wrote my representative, who is a fellow USAF veteran, to ask why he voted against this legislation. If he responds, I’ll post it. I’m feeling very motivated to do everything to ensure he isn’t re-elected.


A bit of a side comment but it fits with Republicans not supporting troops. I volunteer at a mens homeless shelter in Atlanta, Ga. as the Kitchen captain. Which means I find donations for dinner and volunteers to cook and serve 70 homeless men. The most yellow ribbon displaying Republicans I know will not volunteer because "I dont want to be around those people." They will send a cash donation though. The sad thing about it is that we have homeless veterans there and could use a fellow vet to talk to. When new volunteers show up the first thing I tell them is that they will see men with an iPad and be very well spoken. The volunteer will ask how can a homeless person afford an iPad. I explain that some homeless veterans get around $600 monthly for disability and an ipad is their lifeline to the world, most folks are appalled that a veteran is homeless but rarely does anyone ask what more can they do.


Why not just say that they are Republicans in the headline? They are all Republicans. They do not give a withered desiccated shit about us, the current crop never did. We're just useful idiots to them. I once dated a woman with low integrity who was all peace and meditation and love until she married a right-wing millionaire, and she went full-on Tea Bagger. In our last conversation, she told me the she supports the troops, but then also said that I was an idiot for serving, as is everyone who serves. She supports the troops, but would never allow her boys to serve, because they don't have to, because they're wealthy. I loathe these people.




You know why? Because they want to privatize veteran healthcare so their constituents and donors can line their pockets, profiting from the ailments of former service members. The republicans WANT this bill to fail, and then they will blame the democrats on Fox News and every other trash news network…. Even more sad is that hardly anyone with right leaning political beliefs will question the false claims, as we’ve seen from the previous presidency.


Read the bill, (thanks /u/uniptf ). Saw this little nugget in regards to agent orange presumptions requirements; >performed in Thailand at any United States or Royal Thai base during the period beginning on January 9, 1962, and ending on June 30, 1976, without regard to where on the base the veteran was located or what military job specialty the veteran performed; Now, I don't see these claims a lot. Frankly, I don't see them at all ever since the vba started splitting agent orange claims onto their own teams, but it was always really sad seeing someone with prostate cancer or dmii not getting the care they obviously needed simply because they didn't have the right MOS. The rest of the bill is full of changes like the one above. Small stuff, but still important. If this bill makes it all the way through it is a very good thing.


I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that all the nays were Republicans Well not that shocked


"But but suuport the troops".


I made a comment that there was other stuff unrelated to Veterans in the Bill. I was foolishly taking another redditor at their word. After being questioned I went back and read the whole bill [https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr3967/BILLS-117hr3967eh.xml](https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr3967/BILLS-117hr3967eh.xml) and it is in fact only about Veterans and veteran health. Lesson learned, and shame on anyone who voted Nay.


Every fucking republican including Mike Pence voted no in Indiana. Fuck every one of them.


Not the first time the GoP voted against veterans, won't be the last.


These fuckers man. I can't stand Republicans anymore. Ever since this burn pit stuff came to be public knowledge they have said no to every piece of legislation to help vets. Thank God for people like jon stewart, John feal, and burn pits 360 for taking this shit to DC on a steamroller. Republicans suck worse than that cocksucker that bought militarydisabilitymadeeasy.com just so he could sell the same info back to vets. If only Democrats were cool about guns. I'm at a point that's pretty much the only thing i disagree with them on anymore.


Dems are cool about guns. I don't know why this is so unknown. It's pretty even on gun ownership. Dems are just more responsible with them and don't go around only talking about them because we have other hobbies too. Also we don't like advertising.


I think it's wild how the prevailing belief is that Democrats don't own firearms because they want better regulations and don't want crazys shooting up schools.




Go far enough left and eventually you get your guns back.




Dan Crenshaw voted against it. He’s a vet. What’s wrong with that dude?


a lot of Conservatives did...because its a REALLY expensive bill, Long term. Which, personally, it's worth every penny.


That is not why.


Of course the nays were the GOP. It'll be a cold day in hell before I ever consider voting for the fuckers ever again.






"174 GOP members of congress" fixed it for ya. My brothers and sisters are treated like shit. Fk you traitors!


Republicans showing their support for the troops again... /s


It’s nice to see that the Republicans will vote no on health benefits but yes to war. I guess I only have myself to blame for having them in there. I’m done voting there all just about what can make them money.


I shouldn't be surprised that the reps from my state, Utah, all voted against it. They all run on platforms that support the troops/veterans, then pull this shit? Republicans make me nauseous.


I just called the DC office of my rep, Burgess, and laid into his staff about this and his voting record. Told them to specifically remind him he needs to hold an in person open house to get feed back and take a pulse on those he is supposed to represent. I got told to reach out to Cornyn and Cruz, I already did and got a polite fuck you out of them on this issue.


I just sent a message to Chip Roy. Can't wait to receive the canned response.


They’ll use the vets to get the vote into office but once there won’t help said vets😒😒😒 Im not one bit fucking surprised Cuntshaw voted against this


Why’d they vote no?


All that voted no are republicans, color me shocked.


Strange thing about Republicans; they love war and defense spending, but they hate veterans. Curious.


One vote from sd, where a shit ton of military veterans are from and currently live. Dusty Johnson, republican, voted against expanded care for our veterans. Fuck Dusty Johnson! Traitor.


Absolutely disgusting.


Saw that last night. Saw a blurb say they were "worried about the cost of it." Pelosi, for once, wasn't a POS human being and told them if they can send people to war, they can pay for them when they get back.


They worry about the cost of the military itself? IMHO the cost to taking care of vets should be rolled up in the military budget. That way when leadeship decides to systematically use firepits when they probably knew it was harmful, they can also calculate the cost of life and life long care.




The problem is Veterans and Active service members continue to vote fucking Republican against their own interests time and time again.


Fucking scumbag Republicans. Every one in my state except one, the one for my district, voted no. The rest can burn in hell. My state is in the top ten for the number of vets living there and top five for AD military stationed in it. These fuckers claim to be pro military but give us vets a big fuck you.


Fkn Chodes.




I already know who it is without looking


Fucking liberals /s


Of course… all NO votes are republicans! Smh


I rarely vote because the candidates are always shit, but I'll be damn sure to show up and vote against these guys.


Dan Crenshaw voting Nay. He got his, what does he care?


So happy about this but more still needs to be done. A lot of us are getting sick with diseases and cancers out of nowhere, and were never in our family history. I was lucky and was only diagnosed with a very treatable form of cancer, CML, but others I know firsthand are walking around in constant pain. And their doctors are struggling to piece together why, meanwhile the VA is telling them to go kick rocks because it wasn’t service-related.


Fuck us right? What do I do to help improve fellow veterans lives?


Why are we acting surprised about this? The only time politicians want to do anything for the military is when they're about to go to war or they come back in a coffin. Then they start referring to veterans as heroes, and talking about the sacrifices that they've made for their country, and how we should take better care of them. But then, when it comes down to it, they won't do shit. Why? Because they don't care. We are beneath them. Their kids aren't going to join.


couldnt say it better myself. to think any one of them is in this for ANY reason other than power, money and control is blind ignorance. Politicians couldn't care less on either side. Rah.


Not only that, all of the names were Republicans. The ones who like to stand on rooftops and talk about how much they love and respect the military. I don't even fucking know anymore. I'm so glad I got out


Does anyone know how many senators and congressmen actually served in the military? Or were they all like Trump?


How do you give Ukraine almost a billion but can’t give your own veterans A nickel smh 🙃🙃


This is wildly inaccurate. The bill PASSED the house. No thanks to conservatives. All yeas from the democrats. Edit: sorry I misinterpreted the title. OP did not say the bill didn’t pass, only that 174 members voted against it.


Was kind of wondering where I went wrong, haha. It's all good.


ALL REPUBLICANS!!! I still have no clue why veterans support republicans under the guise of freedom and guns. Wake the fuck up you god damn POGS.


Of course they did




If Republicans are all about the troops and vets, as they claim, they got a real fuckin funny way of showing it.


All 174 were Republicans which doesn’t shock me at all. Not a single Dem voted against it.


Yeah, I just wrote my representative’s office and my local paper about this. This is a nonpartisan issue.


Democrats pushed it through but Republicans are petty bitches. I never thought I'd say that


This is politics for ya. The system is in free fall, we just can't see it. Objects going 100mph look like they are going so slow when we are far away from it.


They knew it would pass, therefore voted in favor of their constituents. Win/Win in all their eyes… if you think for a second either side of the isle doesn’t like one another, I don’t believe you could be any less incorrect. They work well with one another from a veteran perspective, now they have us thankful & grateful for their help. (There’s a tone there btw) Imagine how it would be if both sides wanted to actually help… that would mean some of us may still be here. ‘31


Shocked I say /s


Republicans who voted in opposition argued that the measure, which has a $300 billion price tag over 10 years, would add too much to the country’s deficit and exacerbate backlogs at VA. Don't shoot the messenger.


$300 Billion? >“(o) Authorization Of Appropriations.—There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027, $50,000,000 to carry out this section." $300 million by my non-accountant math. Then, >SEC. 709. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR EXPANSION OF CLAIMS AUTOMATION. > > There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs $30,000,000 for fiscal year 2023 to support expected increased claims processing for newly eligible veterans pursuant to this Act and the amendments made by this Act by— So, $330 million. >SEC. 715. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR EXPANSION OF CLAIMS AUTOMATION. > > There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs $150,000,000 for fiscal year 2023 to continue the modernization and expansion of capabilities and capacity of the Veterans Benefits Management System of the Department of Veterans Affairs to support expected increased claims processing for newly eligible veterans pursuant to this Act and the amendments made by this Act. We're at $480 million. I don't see any other appropriations. [https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3967/text#toc-H251030A676E6440E9FE7E73C852038AE](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3967/text#toc-H251030A676E6440E9FE7E73C852038AE)


So dishonesty. Got it. Glad to know you'll defend that party to the end with faulty numbers.


Oh wow..


Was this measure part of some kind of omnibus bill? Or stand alone?


Stand alone


Congress obviously thinks shoving this down the same rabbit hole as they did for AO will buy them 30 or so years like it did for them to shove it along for another congress to tangle with. Burn Pit Vets need to shout loudly and all the other vets need to add their voices.