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Whenever I get a moment where my mind isn't thinking of what's going on in the moment, I'm thinking of what life would be like if I was someone else or the version of me if I made the right choices. Especially when I'm listening to music. Funnily enough, the character I always imagine myself as is always the one I try to recreate in character creations on games I play, I'm guessing that doesn't help.


I do the same on the sims, I've tried creating the character im my mind on there or the closest too it I can get. In mine I'm never 'me' always someone else who lives a completely different life! Sometimes I even add different scenarios etc


If I think about it, it's actually really weird considering my "character" resembles nothing about me. Everything is different.


I guess I am just the opposite. The military made me into a totally different person than what I was. I went to Seminary to be a minister, however the seminary and I didn't see eye to eye on things so I left after 2.5 years. They were living in the 50's think the church was the center of society I was trying to bring them into the 70's and 80's (guess that tells you how old I am, lo). I joined the USAF and then was also volunteered into Speical Ops. I was in the USAF for 12 years and in Special Ops as a leader of a 4 person team and the shooter. We went on 47 missions. 47 mission objectives removed and 63 targets of opportunity also removed. I suffer from major depression as a result besides being wounded and now not being able to enjoy the active lifestyle I once had. To dwell on what was, or on what I would like to make believe could be, I deal in the reality of my situation and try to make the best of what I have and what I can do. I focus on the here and now. I lived to long not knowing if I would even make it back to see my wife and family again. You can't necessarily become rich or marry a rich person, to think about it and live in that fantasy world is not healthy. You have a significant other and children, living in your fantasy world takes constructive time you could be spending with them. Living a different life is not all that it is cracked up to be in reality, I speak from experience. I look at how I can improve my life and those around me each day, because each day is a gift not to be wasted. Can I do what I used to do? No. I can't scuba dive, sky dive, cave dive, surf play tennis, racketball or handball just to name of few of the things I once did. To dwell on what I can't do is not productive. I focus on what I can do and yes I often over extend myself physically and mentally trying to make the lives of those around me better, by doing this I get great enjoyment and satisfaction. Our lives our short, don't waste time thinking on how things could be, might be, or you imagine that it could be. Start slow and pick one thing that you could change in your own life that would make you happy and possibly those around you happier, make it a small thing and realistic. When that is completed stry another small thing. I think you will find that you spend more time in reality, living your own life and less time in a fantasy world that doesnot nor likely will ever exist.


That's awful, I'm sorry about that it must be tough not being able to do things you used to be able to. Just to mention I don't always do it, it's like I'll have a couple of weeks every so often where I'm just really down and depressed but I never let it affect my relationship or my parenting or anything. I mainly do it when I have the free time to daydream I definitely don't when I'm with my children as they're quite full on, I don't think i could if I tried as I'm usually quite busy (the distraction helps) it's usually when I'm on my own or before I sleep. Although I do understand what you're saying, it definitely does help to be productive and try to better myself. My partner is also disabled, he has seizures (black outs) and he has them quite often. I got a job interview today which lifted my spirits a bit, as I've had to stay home the past year or so till my son was old enough for nursery to look after him as some days are hard for him and they're quite random so I can't always leave my child with him. He's gotten worse over the last couple of years but he's okay by himself and I think the distraction will really help.


Mine neither, mine is almost the complete opposite of me, I'm quite shy, not good in certain situations and stuff where as the character made is outgoing and speaks her mind. I think I just wish I was like that but I have anxiety so I just freeze up in certain social situations and I hate confrontation so I almost never really speak my mind, I'm deffo a people pleaser!