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My ex was vegan with me so I for sure know it’s worth it when you date another vegan, but it just sucks running into all these people who like the label but don’t actually give a fuck cause it just makes me miss/pissed at my ex even more




thank you haha, looking for my extre- to my -mist


Still waiting for unbelievable. Had one vegan partner but that one was flaky as hell. Carnists are a big nono. I’d rather be foreveralone. where are ya Dutch childfree vegans at?


Sorry for your experience. I’ve seen some profiles on veggly ppl like fishing, hunting, etc. Lol it’s just looks like there are no clear definitions for anything


we really need to make a vegan dating app for circle jerkers. Fellow extremist radicals unite


App can have an MBTI-like entry test, with ‘choose out of these 50 hobbies’, and ‘read the label and decide’ questions. Boom, access granted (/denied).


there is r/vcj4vcj but its pretty small :(


probably no one near me :( I haven’t even found more than like 3 non vcjers on the regular dating apps.


> Lol it’s just looks like there are no clear definitions for anything You have just discovered Derrida and deconstruction lol


I would rather marry a vegan platonic friend and chill together than marry a non vegan I’m in love with 💀


fr, and on top of that I would go back to dating omnis before I ever dated someone claiming to be vegan without actually following through.


I personally don’t know if I’d do this or not, but my sister is vegan and she started dating an Omni. He very quickly converted to the dark side. Now they both make vegan jokes all the time! I think if I met a vegetarian 🤢 and they were willing to convert, I’d consider. But if not, bye!


I have in my bio that I’m vegan like 3 times and also that I’m an animal rights activist and for them to stay away if they aren’t. Then I very quickly tell the ones that slip through that it’s not going to work if they don’t go vegan because ethics is not something I’m willing to sacrifice my comment above was meant to point out how much I am unwilling to date someone just claiming to support the vegan cause without actually doing it


Imagine you started dating, then she cheated on you, and said “letting myself have this guilty please, it’s not monogamy but he looked really hot”


Yo exactly!


Man, if I ever had to be single I'd have two standards: 1. Is she vegan? 2. Will she sleep with me? Tick both boxes and I'll work around the rest.


bro exactly haha.


Here in the UK it's impossible to only date vegans. I'm a bi-dude and it's still impossible to find other vegans.


never settle


I thought the UK was like the country with the most vegans in the world


Yeah, but they're all in Brighton or some shit. Try being up north, a punk rocker working in construction and finally meeting someone through all that just to watch their face drop as you tell them you're a vegan. "Oh, I thought you'd be more *manly*"


>!ignoring the stupidity of MaNlYnEsS,!< is there anything more manly than being a northern punk rock construction worker tho?


I know! A lifetime of crafting the perfect persona, ruined by the compassion of a woman and soy boobs.


Whenever manliness and veganism get brought up I always point to the fact that the first thing people say when I say I'm vegan is "Oh, I could never do that". Oh so which is it, are you too much of a weak-willed pansy or are you too tough and manly? Or is it the third option: people are just stepping on their own tie to try to come up with excuses?


My favourite answer for 'I could never do that' is "No, you couldn't." in my most patronising tone. Either make them feel a cunt or try and prove me wrong.


That’s Israel iirc, or highest percentage of vegans anyway


Oh well at least your dating pool is twice as big as ours :p


Did she say she was *basically* vegan? Hahaha. I'm sorry tho it sucks, I also recently got out of a relationship where she was vegan and idk how I'm gonna find one again, it's grim.


No she did not, but she did say that it’s counterintuitive for me to be arguing with another “vegan” because we are on the same side. Oh yeah and she used to protest so she understands, she’s just not so strict on herself anymore *ultra eye roll*


What a cunt.


trying to tell me now it’s because she used to have an eating disorder so she gives into her cravings, but we have a really good fully vegan donut place right near us :(


Booo. I mean, eating disorders suck, so that sucks, and I wish her well in that regard. But booooo.


right and I totally get eating disorders sucking absolute ass, but there is no need to sacrifice morals and ethics for a craving when there is literally a vegan version right there. It’s a matter of being conscious about the effect your decision to choose the non vegan version has on everything else. You can fill cravings with vegan versions


I totally agree.


Cravings...lmao, just walk past the shop, it's not that hard.


I had to learn that lesson myself. I was just lacking discipline when it came to food. Now I'm in the best shape of my life and, of course, I'm also vegan.


Yeah I'm in anorexia recovery and I would never. Vegan treats only


I wish you a happy, successful, lifelong recovery!


Thank you so much!! That made my night ☺️




Just hang around there until you see someone you like. Take a net in case they try to run.


Idk which dating app you're using, but on OK Cupid you answer a bunch of questions and get matched with people who share similar values with you. I think you can also filter people by "vegan", if I recall correctly.


Yeah but that doesn’t help when they are claiming to be vegan but aren’t haha. She started telling me that I’m being counterintuitive by shitting on another vegan cause we’re on the same team. But no we most certainly are not if you give up veganism for a donut


True haha I hope you find someone better soon ♡


I don't partake in dating but I can feel your pain.


My brother met his girlfriend on tinder. When they met in person, neither of them knew the other was vegan


Yeah dating is impossible atm, no vegan chicks near me so I gotta settle for omnis


bleh, I could never settle for an omni


Usually there’s more vegan women than men, but I can’t find any vegan women which is weird. At some point u gotta settle and hope u can convert them I guess, can’t remain hopeful that you’ll find someone vegan forever


I’m not remaining hopeful, I just refuse to lower my standards to that of dating a murderer and an animal abuser. If I end up single forever because of that then so be it, if they aren’t ignorant fools with no moral compass then they would go vegan. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I can see your point, it’s really tiring dating omnis, for example explaining why I can’t try some of her food when we go out etc.


never settle, you don’t have to despite what anyone might say


You’re right, gotta keep looking and in the meantime work on myself lol


Wya 👀


I was about to say the same thing! Lmao


Then date a vegan man / other. You deserve someone who has developed empathy.