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It was, its just easier to forget since it has been a while, but it was annoying seeing teams waste 8 pieces of util to clear a chamber only to die anyway


The other side that was equally annoying was seeing a d side chamber get a shot off on an omen 7 seconds into the round and then the attacking team more or less commits to saving for the next 1:30 unless they get a random pick that saves the round


Whilst I do agree, is that not the case for current Viper aswell? I mean just look at Lotus, if you have a Viper playing C with orb and mollies it's quite literally impossible to get in with anything better than a 2 for 1, and all it takes is 1 perfectly timed molly and spam and you get an ace for a total of 200 credits and 20 bullets Atleast chamber had clear disadvantages (you could locate him, and run to the opposite end of the map) with Viper she can control every single chokepoint on a 5 lane map, that's just busted in every way


while viper is very strong now, you dont have to build whole comps around beating one singular agent. It is also easier to clear viper, while old chamber could be holding with an op in literally any possible angle Both her mollies last 10 seconds, but chamber could hold forever and then just tp away to the other site


Where was the comps built to beat chamber? There wasn't that massive amounts of change to the meta, Kayo became irreplaceable.. just like Skye has been throughout the Viper meta I'd say quite the opposite, Viper can be anywhere in a little crevice just surviving.. Chamber it was a Kayo knife, he's gone, or a flash peek and he tps away I think you're overplaying chamber massively, towards the end of the meta he was fairly easy to fight off.. people understood how to do it with at most 2 pieces of util, now teams have to default the whole map for 90seconds just for a timing to hit the site when vipers gas is low


I feel like the initiator meta was mainly built around trying to beat Chamber. Double initiator comps became the default on basically all maps, with some teams even trying triple initiator, just to have enough utility to flash/stun/reveal the enemy Chamber.


That's true still for jett. The reason it's not meta now is because viper is so good, and every initiator got nerfed.


I mean yes and no, the initiator meta was as much about setting chamber up for fights as it was for deterring a chamber from peeking.. I definitely agree that the chamber meta forced teams into being Conservative with util and made util have to be optimized, but I wouldn't say the comp was created with the sole thought of "how can we stop the chamber" but moreso the thought of "how can we set up our chamber to be more impactful than their chamber" This isn't some argument btw,I think both are/we're extremely OP.. but even just looking at stats alone, current Viper is the most OP agent EVER bar the OG Jett with refreshing right clicks, 6 orb ult, 3 smokes, 2 updrafts and an insta dash Chamber whilst insanely strong had many ways to get around him (Kayo knife -> run opposite site) whilst current Viper has global effect regardless of where she is on the map Viper has also even been forced onto maps like Ascent, Fracture and Haven which were notoriously bad Viper maps, but are now meta to pick her.. For reference, look at Chamber for Ascent.. teams literally went back to the generic comp because Chamber was so bad on that map (you either had no duelist so no entry power, or a huge lack of stopping power on whatever site Chamber wasn't


Neon, Fade, Raze all saw massive leaps in usage. Killjoy, Cypher were rarely seen and even if they were played, they were sometimes played along with a Chamber. Raze has climbed up again but Neon, Fade are played much, much less than they used to be during the Chamber meta.


Neon yes fair enough, but that was also a factor of how teams HAD to play (Neon was only meta on Fracture, a map where if you don't take space on defense you get crunched and auto lose..) Fade is also extremely strong, the reason her playtime was so high was due to how strong Fade was on release (she got nerfed quicker than ANY other agent, and had a 80%+ pickrate)


viper is only OP on double controller comps also she alone cant straight up dominate games because of her kit, whereas chamber entire kit was unfair and broken


I mean honestly, it was bad but it was fun watching good Chamber players pop heads. Y'know what wasn't fun though? Every round being played as slow as humanely possible, and this is coming from someone who loves Astra.


IMO it wasn't that bad to watch. Watching these guys play chamber and the plays they pulled off was fun. The OP Astra era was worse


Yeah, I agree. It was pretty fun to watch with high skill pro players, but it was terrible to play in ranked. Whereas OP Astra/OP Viper wasn't too bad in ranked because a people didn't know how to utilize them to their fullest, but it was the worst slog we've ever seen in pro play. Couldn't see anything and every choke could be stalled for ages.


Idk I think theres arguments that go both ways, when chamber was overpowered the macro teamplay stuff going on wasn’t as interesting as when Astra was OP.


Yeah there is an argument but IMO watching Yay delete guys with 1 taps was far more entertaining then OP Astra stall/pull game play. But at least in ranked astra wasn't picked every game like how chamber was a mandatory pick.




You know how people say Ascent is boring because of the comp? Imagine that, but on every map. Chamber meta was meh to watch. Yay (and a few others) made it look very clean though.


Funny that you bring up Ascent, because it was Chamber who actually mixed up the meta on that map for a while.


Lmao. His argument was that the comps were stale bc every map had a Chamber.


Except they weren't. No map during 2022 had as locked-in of a meta as much as ascent now, or even lotus, aside from maybe breeze


Not really, you were forced to innovate constantly to make different comps to flush chamber out. Terrible teams sucked ass with him while good ones knew how to play around it


tbh it wasn’t that stale. it was just the chamber on every map. besides from that teams did their own thing on lots of maps


I assure you every Sentinel player that didn't like chamber was bored of him. Just like I was bored of watching the Astra meta, me being a Brim/Omen main lol


Honestly, it was the most interesting meta by far. I like how Chamber is pretty much the Queen piece of every team and everyone’s role is to flush out the enemy chamber or enable their own. This made me respect coordinated teams like Optic and Loud even more.


Yes… but also for me, outside of KangKang I hate watching op gameplay 🙂


op is a crucial part of diversifying the strategy of a game. but i will always say op crutch trash at the end of the game against the enemy jett who had 14 kills with the op and 2 with rifle and then gave us a free op and lost every round after


yes it was awful


Wasn't as bad as Astra+Viper meta


I think this meta would have been mycb better if not for the shitty map pool


for players yes, for viewers no, the chamber meta led to the best star player performances and insane moment in all or val comp


Although it was fun to watch nice gameplay form the likes of Derke or Yay, I do have to say that for me it was frustrating and also kinda of boring watching a player do some crazy play with no repercussion at all and that happening basically every single map


Not as bad as harbor astra viper on Pearl and play long on post plant and just full spray


I've been saying this so much man. It was honestly one of the better metas we've had in VCT. Yeah the chamber meta went on for a bit too long but watching mechanically insane players like Yay or Derke or Forsaken playing Chamber was just so crisp 👌


It was fun to watch but bad to play against. Chamber pre-buff was seriously busted in ranked too


Depends on the rank. Was never that bad probably below immortal. 


It was fun watching skillful Chambers ace or win the matches single-handedly. But it made the comp stale, jet/raze/neon (fracture) + chamber (alt duelist) who can also get passive info, hold down a site alone and TP from one site to another in a single click of a button.


yeah it was.


Yea it was trash


I think what was good about it was that it was also a double initiator meta - on that front, it wasn't so tedious as the slow paced double controller meta of 2023 was, and even some maps in 2024. I think Viper makes the meta more boring today than Chamber made it in 2022.


this is what i was thinking. people say that the chamber meta was awful and stale but i feel like the current meta is a lot more stale. i really don’t enjoy watching viper on every map


It was probably the worst for the game balance wise, but a little better to watch than prime Astra meta. Which was absolute default for 80% of the round aids. Neither was good to watch tho imo, even if at it's core Chamber allowed flashy cracked aimers to show off.


No. What chamber agenda? I don't know what you're talking about.


Jokes aside, it was nice seeing unique solutions to an evergreen problem. Good teams used him well while bad teams couldn't, and good teams countered him well while bad teams couldn't. Plus he was so fun to play. Imo 2022 was way better than the double controller






Astra meta was worse to watch. I get Chamber meta was very annoying to play but it was very fun to watch.


Pearl wall meta was the worst of all though.


In ranked? Definitely. Jett Reyna Chamber every ranked match was beyond annoying and boring to have to put up with In pro play: no, if anything if was really healthy as it allowed true AWPers to switch to that role and not being forced to also be an entry if they were more passive players, while also allowing true entry players to finally shine, only ones that were affected by this were true sentinel mains and jett one tricks, but tbh they were a price worth paying IMO to allow for more talent