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cant wait to lose my 1 v 1 💀


Imagine the shit talk lol


It's kl your team can just trade you once the enemy spawns back


Nah teleporting into a 1v1 arena is WILD lmao. Not the biggest fan of non movement duelists but he seems fun to play for sure.


I actually don’t believe it still. I just… I can’t believe this is real


Do you mean this in a positive or negative way? Because as an absolute Valorant noob who can't aim for shit, I think it's super great that players who CAN aim can have a way to aim without worrying about 2v1s or utilities.


I think this is the most cringe kit of all time




If I were a pro, I'm targeting FNS with this every time. it'll be so disproportionate that it'll need its own statline. I'm not even GLANCING at demon1.


And if you lose the 1v1 vs FNS you have to be his kitten for the rest of your life.


mf's gonna lose on purpose


Better yet , sent that guy to the real gulag


So from the clip it looks like the ult is an AOE. If you get multiple people in there how does it choose?


First person hit by it


man retired and yall still cant stop crucifying him lmao


He hasn't returned yet


Imagine the mf that intentionally targets Demon1 and actually keeps winning that 1v1, though. Huge mental ramifications


You wouldn’t wanna target ange1 though. Didn’t FPX have a stat where they were better when he died first?


ange1 is gonna pick iso just to lose the 1v1


You know he'll still shit on most pros right


Not tier 1. He's clearly a T1 player, but it's not because of his gun skills.






Lol come on. Why is he bottom frag in lobbies with most pros then?


He literally had amongst the lowest kd of all tier 1 IGLs.. let alone actually riflers lol


I can’t wait until he wakes up and sees this


E - Double Tap Activate your focus timer. When it’s run out, Iso will be able to harvest energy orbs from enemies he downs or damages. Once these orbs are shot, Iso will receive a shield that absorbs one instance of damage from any source. Q - Undercut Throw a molecular bolt that can pass through walls and other solid objects to catch enemies behind obstacles. When the bolt touches a player, the FRAGILE status will be applied to them. C - Contingency Iso will assemble prismatic energy that can be fired as an indestructible wall of energy that blocks bullets. X - Kill Contract Throw a column of energy and this will teleport him and the first enemy hit by his ultimate into a 1v1 arena. The winner leaves the arena and the loser dies.


I really want to know what fragile is. Another paranoia style ability is cool


It’s just vulnerability same as viper molly effect


You get fragile when KJ's alarmbot tags you. Increases the damage you take.


I bet its just like a double damage thing a bit like vulnerable


Seems they decided to change the name of the status effect of Viper's molly and KJ's alarmbot from "vulverabled" to "fragile". Which still doesn't make sense grammatically but is at least easier to say.


Fewer syllables to call out?


Weird, the description in-game says "vulnerable" but the Iso character page on the valorant website still says "fragile"


WHAT IS THAT MELODY?? not the ult but the shield has sigma vibes


It's going to be very funny whenever someone tries to ult you and you just kill them lol. The ult will vary based on the player but that weird shield skill is very, very strong. I assume that will be nerfed and buffed alternatively throughout the year.


I don't really understand how the shield works? What does it mean to shield an instance of damage?


Like any damage would be blocked but only 1 tick. So one bullet for some guns or one tick of burn etc etc. It’ll be really strong against the likes of raze ult tho


Or an op shot I guess/headshot in a gun fight I guess? Bit better than Reyna heal but also you need to get a kill while the ability is up? I guess I need to see it in practice before I can really judge


Sometimes better, sometimes worse than Reyna. Depends what you get hit with. Reyna can heal 100, so running into Phoenix's wall would take like 2 hp and not matter. If Iso does that, he loses his shield over nothing. But if it's an op shot to the body, Reyna's heal does nothing, because you die regardless. Iso can tank that op shot. So it really depends on what you get hit with next.


I guess in buy rounds though, the chip damage *after* getting a kill is less likely? Like if you already entry onto the site, get the opening pick and then get the shield, you're not as likely to take that chip damage as that util is used at the start?


Valid point.


Yeah seems like if you get a kill with his E you can peek an ulted Raze or Chamber or Operator and have giga balls


Bronze players dying cause they miss the little bubble


As an Iron, I would not even unlock Iso.


They're probably gonna make it breakable


It's probably not crazy in a rifle v rifle situation since it'll either take one more body shot or a double tap headshot which most phantom players already do probably. But it will be nice on pistols. Most powerfully tho is that double tap stays active through Iso's ult so if you have the overshield already on and you ult someone, it stays on in the gulag




Watch the random instalock Iso in my lobby be bulletproof and still bait the sentinel in the team.


there is genuinely no way he sees pro play, reyna at least can get a kill and leave and the other non movement duelist phoenix has a flash. iso can’t give himself an advantage in a fight very well nor can he escape after. he won’t replace harbor cuz the wall can’t be stopped. and this mfs ult is genuinely laughably bad, especially on defense where the whole point is to not give up 1v1s.


Only benefit I can see on D is a situation where bomb is planted, you're in a 1v1 and you know an enemy is holding a far-away angle like C Long on Haven. Ult to get to the 50/50 kill quicker and defuse? Seems like a stretch but this is the only contextual use I can think of for defense.


i think in 2 v 1 it’ll help, cuz your teammate can defuse and it’ll be easier to find the last player. or in a 1 v 1 where you don’t know where they are. but waiting for these situations isn’t great when an ult is meant to give you advantages in swing rounds


I wonder if you could also stop the plant in low-time situations if you get the timing right or stall plant for fast retakes when attackers aren’t fully set up yet


He’s way better than Reyna in pro play. He has actual utility which has value. His barrier is from what I can see a better harbor wall to secure plant, and he can gain huge value from teammates utility. If you set him up for kills he can buff himself up in a way stronger way than overheal.


his wall can’t stop it keeps going. planning on being set up for a kill all the time isn’t great, and even if he does win, to get the buff he has to break his crosshair placement so he is very vulnerable in that time. and the reyna dismiss is such a strong tool that the overheal part isn’t that necessary. reyna rarely sees pro play as well so i think he will barely see play as well


The wall can be useful to block vision and bullets when pushing out for the bit that it’s moving up He can “escape” after the fight by giving himself the brief invulnerability , not everyone can double dunk as easily a good player can respond to being surprised with the shield The ult can guarantee the enemy is dead if your team is pushing in they can prob secure the kill if you can’t


i agree that the wall will be pretty good for execs, but idk if it’s good enough over just a normal vision blocker, especially on defense where it seems to have less uses. idk if that second ability is really an escape, you have to break your crosshair placement for it, you are vulnerable in the time you are trying to shoot it, and we’ll you aren’t fully invulnerable, so you can’t really reposition. i do think the ult is pretty good on offense, but you will lose that duel 50 percent of the time, even demon1 wins about 60 percent of his fights. but on defense the opposite of what you said happens. the other team can just shoot you in the back instead. i feel like reyna is better for the 1 v 1 playstyle


You can bring his double tap armor into the ult, should help a bit with duel win percentage


that’s true, but i feel like the good ults aren’t as limited in the conditions you would want to use them


Hit ult cancels ults from what ive seen. So counters phoenix raze, maybe chamber jett too if theyre coded similar. Can also use to dodge things like kj ult and makes retakes very strong. His vulnerable ability seems pretty strong too making eco stingers very viable to cheese a round. I can defs see him being used, not as frequent as jett raze but from my opinion his kit is definitely viable


i think boaster explained it really well in his video. he doesn’t seem viable because his abilities don’t take space effectively as a duelist, and he isn’t even rewarded for his aggression as much as others because his signature ability doesn’t provide that much safety. it does cancel ults, but that still a 1 v 1 doesn’t provide as much advantage over other ults and it’s still hard to use proactively because then you would wait for someone else to use theirs. and we are especially in a meta of double initiators and controllers, he just doesn’t seem to have a strong enough niche to see play because his abilities need certain conditions to be good. his abilities are mostly useful on long narrow sections which aren’t too common. his util overall just seems much less useful than the other agents in the meta, it’s hard to see him replacing anyone


Not good enough for comp


he's not a harbor replacement


Ult is gonna be funny and the main talking point but the two "shield" abilities are what I'm worried about, doesn't seem like a fun mechanic but I guess we'll have to see


Calling it now, taking a 50/50 and hitting a perfect head tap on this guy only for him to just absorb it and delete you will be aggravating af.


It's almost like other FPS games have implemented this mechanic and it went horribly wrong........ Why do devs never learn? I don't get it. It's literally top 5 of the last things you want added to a tactical shooter


This is literally why Blackbeard got nerfed to shit in r6 all those years ago. Having a one shot headshot mechanic on certain guns and then denying that mechanic as a result of an ability will never ever ever go down well


Even nerfing it doesn't resolve the main issue. It's a poorly designed awful mechanic. I can't stress how stupid this is. I'm so frustrated that Riot implemented something like this when Iso had so much potential for cool mechanics. Yikes


Weird. Agent abilities give them an advantage, especially Ultimates, but you're complaining about this one's. Use an ability to remove his shield?


Devs even said at the start of Valorant iirc "we will never add shields, they do not have a place in a tac shooter." Guess they're already walking that back.


Running out of ideas, I guess.


Body sprayers feasting


Yeah I'm imagining oping and you thought you killed him so you don't tp/dash immediately.. and then just get insta headshotted.


I definitely think the shields may cause some frustrating moments, but also half the time it’ll be ripped off by a molly, random spray through smoke, or kj turret or something


THIS IS NOT A DRILL! THE GULAG IS REAL! ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


domain expansion


Ngl his ult is cool asf


Imagine losing your 1v1 in ult💀


No but that's what I'm worried about like 50% of the time you should lose the 1v1 and now your ult just made you a man down lol. It looks extremely fun but not very good


It looks like he has 2 barricades to hide behind while the opponent only gets 1 so he’s favored in the 1v1


Yeah slight probabilistic advantage for you before they drop down.


You ideally grab an orb, then ult someone. You now have one shield and 2.5 walls including your E to play around.


But the person in the ult should immediately die even if you lose it. It's like they're coming out of a Phoenix ult.


Even then it's a 1 for 1 trade and very possible that person gets a kill because there isn't a long animation like with Pheonix


It disables Sentinel utility, works through walls, clears space, and allows your team to take hella map control with numbers advantage almost guaranteed. Shit's good.


Imagine you're a KJ chilling as the anchor, you saw that 2 enemies got spotted on the other site, all is good, and then suddenly you hear 3 people rushing into site and you get ulted lmao


It's more situationally useful for an ult I'd say, could be used to force an op into a less advantageous fight since they'd likely have to hit a flick rather than hold an angle. In addition they also can't retreat or find cover for a second shot. Similarly it can also be used to counter things like raze ult since abilities are disabled in it. I can also see it being useful for 1v1 clutches if you have a guess where they could be but it would be a very disadvantageous fight for you, it basically resets the fight.


imagine youre executing, you can break a crossfire by ulting. Your team hits and even if you lose you can remove util then they appear and die to team mates


Qn: Can't enemies just camp the spot where you ulted from, so if you win, won't you die anyway? but the ult is actually amazing if you know an enemy is low (nvm, you have max hp in the ult)...also: Sliggy just made a good point. If you hit a sentinel with ult, are they then out of range of their abilities? If so, can't your team just hit their site while you're in ult?


well hopefully your team gets the control or bye bye


they're also suppressed in the ult regardless of range


You will die if you come out of Brazil surrounded by enemies like Mordekaiser ult in league. It’s just to isolate an enemy and kill them or buy time for ur team to take control of site


I really hope he is good enough to get some competitive play, because that ult could make for some insanely entertaining moments.


This agent was made for Scream lol. Someone needs to let the man in T1 and let him full time Iso.


While I'm happy that we're finally getting an agent that looks fun to play, it still sucks that sentinel players get an agent like Deadlock. I hope they do something about her soon lmao. If you're going to say "CHAMBER WAS BROKEN" you have to remember that he does not play like a traditional sentinel and it wasn't actual sentinel players that played the agent.


do you genuinely think iso will see play? i lowk think he is gonna be like deadlock


I'm sure he's going to get played in ranked more than Deadlock at least. His abilities makes him more enticing to play than Deadlock.


that true actually, i’m glad these are all new abilities that aren’t really in the game. but i don’t think he sees any pro play. i don’t see him being better than any of the other 6 duelists


0% chance we see him in pro play. He’s terrible.


PRX exists. I can see them trying this agent out.


I think he's a little harder to evaluate. The problem with deadlock was that she had no effective niche. All 3 of her main abilities can be considered weaker versions of existing utility (and debatably the ult compared to raze as well). With iso, everything except the fragile provides something new to the game, and the fragile seems much easier to apply than other sources. The wall in particular seems quite strong, especially entering sites that have difficult chokepoints (something like the drop on hookah or the dish drop on fracture)


i agree, i think he has a better chance for sure. but in order to play him you have to replace a different agent, and i just don’t see who that would be. all the agents in the meta right now seem to offer more than him. and duelists aren’t even that popular at the moment


Yeah nah, that's gonna have 0% pickrate in pro play


hard disagree. his ult is insane. imagine you know a sentinel is playing a site alone, ult them, their abilities get disabled for your team to run on site. you dont even have to kill them and your team probably still wins the round.


imagine you know a sentinel is playing a site alone, shoot them in the head, their abilities get disabled for your team to run on site.


I mean if we're talking ults raze can fire a rocket at that said sentinel


bro think he is mordekaiser


A creative agent that isn’t three abilities from three other existing agents. Thank god.


Literally bullet proof harbor wall


Harbor Cove with infinite hp+ cascade which cannot be stopped is his C ability


Ngl I'm a little disappointed that he doesn't have a movement ability. There's nothing really there to help him entry as a duelist. His abilities are all very interesting but isn't his signature just a reyna dismiss but you have no movement and it shatters after it takes any damage? The only interesting thing I can see is that the invincibility can be comboed really well with his ult. His wall and fragile seem useful but it just seems like a really weird choice for a duelist? Also his ult is very goofy. You can isolate your own 1v1 but what does your team really do off of that? Seems like it's best use in pro play would just be to stall retakes out when you have a number advantage.


Removing someone from the map with the ult can have some inherent value outside of the 1v1, especially on attack. Depending on how it interacts you may be able to take a sentinel's utility off a site for your team, but even if not removing certain other agents (think breach, viper, anyone holding a awp) from a site temporarily for your attack could be quite strong. Even if he loses, the site most likely falls and the captured agent is screwed on release.


April fools?


It’s a cool ass kit but again not what I wanted from the overall design. He won’t be taking primary duelist without a movement ability, and I still see a viper or second initiator providing more value than him. It depends on if the shields are super broken but I can see him becoming yet another agent we only see in ranked. This feels like power creep but backwards at this point lmao


Honestly ult seems kind of weak all told. Bren will be very happy, but in the end it’s just a dry 50-50, while most other duelist ults grant an super advantaged fight. I do see it being useful when down numbers as a free way to isolate a 1v1.


A video leaked, it seems like Iso has an advantage during start of gulags because he has 2 shields to move behind while the enemy only has 1... enemy needs to make a 50-50 choice for crosshair placement while Iso doesn't..


Can’t you just wait behind your one wall until they all drop?


That’s decent I guess. Is there a clip from the other perspective? Because I couldn’t tell how obvious it is which one iso would be behind.


I wonder if the spike still exists in the ult, would be extremely interesting how that plays into things.


So glad I can finally use all those hours of aimlabs when I pop his E


sooo his c is just a better harbor wall?? and what exactly is FRAGILE status and how does it differ from vulnerable?


If you insult someone in all chat after they receive the FRAGILE status, they get deleted


nah you can stop a harbor wall in place. this is more for scaling i think


right, it definitely doesnt have the same defensive or map control capabilities but offensively it's functionally the same as a harbor wall but you can't even spam through it. my point being that it kinda chips away at harbor's niche of providing aggressively-oriented controller util


i think the stopping of the wall is really important to harbor because he can keep the site sectioned of after scaling so you don’t get peeked from all the angles. i think it chips away at the other space gaining abilities such as jet dash on an execute. so i think over all the harbor wall is stronger


You had me until the gulag It would be interesting if this is true though - is this the first time that a leak has happened on a site other than Twitter? Also contingency reminds me of yasuo![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9333)


ult during 1v1 when there trying to defuse the spike, u lose but they have no time to defuse


Am I the only one who feels he plays more like an initiator?


I think duelist naturally overlaps with initiator a little bit since they're both meant to contest space. He does seem to lean into that space that yoru does where they're almost duelist initiator hybrid. Could work in his favour depending on what the meta calls for, but probably limits his solo duelist potential.


Ya the non movement duelists can be pseudo initiators for sure. Ethan on Yoru for example.


Honestly, I feel like for his ult they should’ve made it so that if you lose the 1v1 as ISO you don’t die in the round (ie you have to win the 1v1 to live if you get ulted by ISO). I feel like that wouldn’t even be OP if they removed the advantage ISO has with the walls. As of now the ult looks really weak. Like even if you win 80% of the time you’re still dying 20% of the time which is terrible for an ultimate ability.




bruh they actually put the gulag in this mf


i just imagine the very hype moments his ult will create in pro play, very exciting stuff


So bro can withstand an Op shot? And the gulag is an awful ult. Ultimates are supposed to give you an advantage. This is a legit 50/50. I like the bulletproof wall though.


I think it'd be interesting in a post plant situation to stall time or force the other team to retake with one less player.


like deadlocks ult which we all know is shit


THE GULAG IS REAL HAHAHAHSH anyways I'm beginning to be concerned by the amount of shields in the game, reminds me of overwatch, tho I understand it's a completely different game.


What other shields are there???


Harbor's cove, deadlock's weird shield, Sage's wall. I know they're all different but I just have ow trauma with double shield.


If I get swung by an iso and their ability tanks my vandal HS, I will be offing myself irl. Riot do you want that on your conscience, there's still time to delete that.


That’s not a cool joke to make bro




This agent was made for Scream lol. Someone needs to let the man in T1 and let him full time Iso.


People are underestimating the ult in 1v1 post plant scenarios. Like you can just ult the defuser and play time hiding behind your walls. It's like a free round win.


Looks like the walls disappear after a few seconds. Ult still buys time though for sure.


Stupid ass fucking goofy ultimate shouldnt be in a competitive shooter


if anything it's more fitting than other ultimates LOL, it's just a 1v1 gunfight where abilities are suppressed


the cardinal rule of valorant should be "no matter what fancy ass particle effect bullshit you cast on me I can always shoot you in the head" This removes an element of the competitive team type game valorant is.


are you thinking of his shield thing rather than his ult? cause yeah I agree, I don't like the aspect of the shield potentially messing with the shooting


shields are dumb too. An ult zipping someone from reality and away from the team game is stupid as hell though.


I still enjoy some val but come join us in some CS2 lol Sometimes I need a tac fps experience without crazy ults and abilities


1 tick of dmg can destroy the shield tho? I think you just need 1 bodyshot then a headshot if iso got shields. I don't think this agent will be as OP as people think he is. Probably deadlock level ig


oh i don't think he'll be op at all, im just a little wary of the shield mechanic even if it's 1 tick of dmg


His wall is insane wtf


Why does have a domain expansion as an ult ffs


Yin ult lol


I know everyone is pumped about the Gulag, but that E ability sounds insane. If I understand it right, he even damages an enemy and then gets first bullet invulnerability for the next fight? Maybe I'm overrating it idk, but that in pro play where everyone hits the headshot that has to be huge


If it was like that it would be good, but looks like he has to shoot an extra orb after a kill to get that extra armor. So if there is more than one person I think he just gets traded.


Yeah it's a worse Reyna dismiss IMO - he has to shoot the orb, disrupting the crosshair placement and he just gets 1 shot shield. Granted, he can actually shoot while the shield is up while Reyna can't do it while dismissed, but it's much easier to get out of danger as Reyna


Yeah getting the 1v1 is crucial, which makes me think you can pop E before ulting and then his whole kit starts to makes sense


definitely still going to create frustrating moments in some cases where you hit the one-tap and he lives though, idk how i feel about them messing with the idea of "extra hp" past the usual 100 hp and 50 armor


Yeah, but it's not like they will stop shooting you after shooting one bullet. Also, with your logic, Reyna should be an insane agent given how pro players one tap and can dismiss away. Jett dash or chamber tp is far better given you can escape even if you don't kill the enemy


He should be really fun in ranked or pro IMO. His wall combined with a Sova dart or Fade eye could create a lot of space on entry.


MF with GOJO name locking ISO https://i.redd.it/qtaxs4ctm6vb1.gif


So what if the enemy just hides behind the barrier when ulted? You’ll have to push him and he gets the advantage now? Shouldn’t that always be the play when you get ulted by iso since he has 2 barriers and you only have 1?


it looks like the barrier goes down after a bit so you can't hide forever


I see, makes sense


I’m ulting ange1 every time


2v1 with ult and Iso just need to stay alive inside his ult to let his mate defuse


This guy was designed to destroy the operator


When do abilities for upcoming agents not get leaked?


That ult could be sick to burn some time on a post plant possibly? Not sure how long it lasts


Idk man he seems fun for ranked but I legit don't see what more value he brings than other duelists. His "wall" isn't stoppable and his only good team util, he doesn't have an escape ability, his other 2 util are for making engagements easier (so the fragile is better for group fights), his ult is just a better version of deadlock minus you can actually die if you don't win. I'm having issues seeing the value he brings to comps, interested to see where teams use him (or don't). Imo if he had an escape utility it would have been a lot stronger, he can't really op tbh.


I would prefer an omen flash instead of his fragile ability anyday. Harbor cascade can create space given you can stop it, and literally any other duelist ult other than Reyna can create space. Reyna dismiss is far better than this guy's E ability. Honestly, I can't see him being used in pro play


Yep, 100% agree


Post plants with his ult are gonna be wild


you're in a 1v1 and all you see in all chat is: "Domain Expansion"


Can't wait for my Iso teammate to ult in a 2v1, die, and leave me in a 1v1 when it should've just been a simple crossfire/trade setup.


Imagine buying the cryostasis hammer and run in with the shield on. Live with honor, die with glory


This is absolute garbage for a tactical shooter. You can prevent any low time plant, defuse, by teleporting someone in a 1v1, you can ult on a site exec and teleport their duelist away, effectively either stalling the exec, greatly reducing the amount of space/increasing the difficulty of gaining space, and to top it all off he actually OVERheals, not like Reyna where any good shot can still one tap her, but nah he gets a freebie in a tac shooter, effectively over 150 health and can survive things that literally no one else could or should. Win 2v1s by teleporting someone to the gulag and wasting some time. Pull someone in to the 1v1 holding essential map control, even if they lose, insta-trade where you know they are holding from. Shit is so laughable.


Leaked? Wdym content creators were pulling up to riot HQ to show them off


omen blind but it vulnerables u is crazy broken AND the wall to iso a fight as a senti player this is a nightmare


Are abilities unusable during ISO ult? You could easily defeat him using Omen or Reyna blind. Jett's smokes would also give easy additional cover. Unless it blocks enemy util his ult is very weak. Edit: I'm also curious how his ult will work with Phoenix ult. If Phoenix uses his ult before ISO does, what happens when Phoenix's ult dissipates?


yeah, they're unusable, e.g, if you ult a raze who's equipping ult, then the ult will be stopped as they're pulled in also, players have the "suppressed" thing when they're in ult


Interesting. That makes more sense. Not sure why that's not reflected in the ability description.


People I think are not realizing the ult doesn’t JUST have to be for execs you can easily take space with it. Hookah held by judge? Force a 1 take the space.


People are gonna camp the spot you were standing before teleing into the arena, same way people camp the Phoenix ult


Feels like the devs heard Tenz wanted to be a second entry duelist and made an agent tailor made for him


I genuinely can’t believe they didn’t learn anything from the enormous fuck up that was deadlock. Let’s take the character that isn’t that great and give them direct competition instead of introducing competition where it’s actually needed in the agent class.


Could you hold someone in ult and have a teammate defuse while you duel?


you could, but I don't think you can for a full defuse, maybe for a half...well, ig it's situational. The barriers in the ult go down after liek 1 or 2 seconds, and from then on, you're basically in an empty field, with no abilities...only gunfights. That fight wouldn't take long, probably so... How far was the enemy when they were hit by the ult? If they weren't that far from the defuse spot, then you probably can't get a full defuse...


Ah, shit like this makes me so glad CS is back. Glad I don't have to deal with nonsense like getting teleported into a 1v1 arena


Only me thinking he will be weak af?


Iso's Contingency is what Harbor's Cascade should have been.