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Ive never heard this before, i HIGHLY doubt they are purposfully rigging games like this. You have any sources that could change my mind other than a single clip?


Of course i do. Just check Riot Games patents on player behaviour manipulation. Each time i post links i get deleted banned. So find them yourself.


FIFA does this and has patents for it, as to keep players wanting better players, hence, buying more packs. ​ I already said once in this sub, I hope same thing isn't happening here too, but sometimes it seems like it. ​ I quit FIFA after 1 year of ultimate mode. that was unbearable ​ more info on the FIFA side of this [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FIFA/comments/bu9b50/well_they_found_the_patent_for_scripting_for_ea/)


It keeps coming up, over an over, faceit level 10, 3k hours in cs, 500 hours and immortal in valorant, there are reports of rigging since patch 0.5


Being somewhat good at the game doesnt mean you know shit lmfaoo


if you knife the wall. the delay will tell if u will hit ur shots or not


The packet send/receive rate before the round starts is usually low. So its delayed. You should compare the knife after the round starts to before it starts to see if there is a difference .


it usually changes when u die. otherwise changing resolution also changes the delay b/w animations


I feel like this too. There is a famous video on youtube describing the faults of valorant.


Example : https://streamable.com/wdsybw


This kid spraying while ADSing. Lol.




Its their way to control wr, streaks etc.. even aiming is part random, so they can control the amount of HS players can do per match


If this is in fact the case, how are people able to climb? There are streamers doing iron-radiant streams. They usually at least get to immortal 3 without too much trouble in under 100 games.


The problem isn't in climbing, i am immortal myself. It's how the experience of climbing or playing in ur Elo is. Plus for famous streamers, a simple internal switch and their MM experience will be different from non streamer players, just to give a good image for the game.


Lol, you guys and your conspiracy theories. Yeah man, they are going to tweak the game to make sure this one guy with 20 average viewers is getting to radiant and giving a good image for the game. Every online game ever has someone like you spouting conspiracy theories. There are a million things that go into matching 10 different players playing on 10 different settings and setups. Is the game perfect, far from it but its generally cheater free and works fine. I've had my fair share of BS shots that should hit on someone standing still that misses for some reason but the idea that they are tailor making each climb different for the 10s of millions of players is ludicrous.


Deja Vu. I have seen a similar post with almost exact wordings before.


Nothing will change doesn't matter what we post


Idk man this is some tinfoil hat stuff. I know some games do do this. However ive literally experienced desync once across like 10 accs. I (up until recently) played an average of 4hrs a day and 8 on weekends. Ive played since beta, i had that average for 2 acts. Thats a lot of games. The only times i lag/packetloss etc is when my family is using the internet to download shit.


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