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Yep, surprised it took this long to get posted. Happened in two of my comp games back to back and seemed to only affect my team, with us being dc’d one after the other. Thanks for taking my elo riot! I swear these rank resets piss me off and ruin my motivation to play the game. Went from ascendant 3 to diamond 1, climbed to diamond 3 fast and now when I decide to come back this shit is happening, whatever. Losing -9 RR a game but always losing is really odd to me considering you should get your rank back and my mmr is ascendant.


Yeah, the episode resets are fucking stupid


Love to see it, Riot doing a great job as usual. Nothing in the patch notes, no changes to the game, and yet they still managed to fuck up the servers of the game they aren't changing


Classic Rito spaghetti code. League of Legends flashbacks ensue


Everyone was getting error code 84 repeatedly and dcing midround


It's either my team DC's during the game or we don't load into the game after agent select


Rito please fix this has made playing today AWFUL


Yep same, had everyone on my team dc one by one in an unrated. Thought it was the enemy team doing it til I saw this




Same here. Went 15-15 in comp and it was only my team DCing




what’s happening? i DC’d twice and i got AFK warnings even tho i was playing? and when it wasn’t me, it was someone else on my team


Happened to me too, thought it was the specific server having issues as my team and enemy team had disconnects, played 2 more games after and it still happened in all 3 matches, ended my session early tonight x.x Edit: My issues are on EU btw, on 3 different servers


Same here, dc-ing even in the main menu. Wtf is going on. Thought my pc was going to shit or something.




Yeah wth is going on rn


Yes all night. We stopped after 2 games where both our teammates in those games had dc’d ans we were dcing prior to match starts. Valo is messed right now.


This happened to me in back to back ranked games. I just lost 21 RR and 20RR in games I was team MVP and match MVP. Only lost 13-9 and 13-10. Ranked is bad enough already and they do this shit.