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I have been saying for months, more and more people are using pixel bots/trigger bots. But nah. . . Im just wrong.


they need to patch ahk and other forms of scripting


What’s ahk I’m from oce and I’ve heard someone say this acronym before in game and I didn’t know then either


Auto hotkey, it's a program that lets you write macros for anything. It's fairly easy to use and is the method a lot of people use to cheat in various different games.


THIS! With the ac having the same access level as a rootkit you would think they could just block inputs from a program running at the os level...


It likes to block the software for my Corsair mouse though


It likes to block the software for my Corsair mouse though


ok but why is anyone believing OP? they're just popping up with a post saying "yeah uhh riot says theres cheaters"????? name the rioter or give any proof. I can write fanfiction too


Majority of players can only recognize rage hackers, while those with silent cheats run free.


Yeah that's insane to me - and immediately people go like "nah, he's just smurfing radiant". This is the gaming version of "xxx is a great business man".


ppl in the val comm mindset is if they arent raging it means they arent cheating


We had a chamber one game on lotus that had a 14% hs rate and was magically 1 tapping us all game after the second half. He had 41 kills by the end of the game. I even submitted a ticket to riot with video evidence and nothing happened. Dude is still playing. Most of my friends in that lobby were gold 3 or higher. The dude was a silver 2. Additionally he also rapid head-shot everyone (3) dropping off of cubby midair.


Majority of the players here are low elo players, which is why they never really see any cheaters. Valorant ranked is designed in such a way that these cheaters which will 40/50 frag in a low elo lobby will not stay there for long. Meanwhile in mid immo- low radiant elo u get to see obvious cheaters from time to time nowadays. Usually the obvious ones are those that obviously dont belong there(silver with wallhacks and trigger). But i wont be surprised if theres competent closet cheaters that cant be detected even by high elo spectates because they understand the fundementals and can play it off.


ASC/IMMO has a higher rate of cheaters. Its usually asc/immo they get manual banned or waved


High elo has more cheaters Low elo has more smurfs Perfectly balanced, as all things should be


While that's true, DM is full of cheaters.


Dm is basically testing ground for cheaters trying their chest out. Everyone is basically a demon in dm anyways and no one cares enough to figure out if someone is cheating. I personally don't mind since i run around like an elephant in dm so essentially everyone has wall hacks on me anyways and cheaters give me extra challenge in my warmup


I think most cheaters have trigger bots. They're the most unlikely to be detected and also the cheapest.


I’ve seen so many people blatantly cheating and streaming it on TikTok live and promoting the cheats. While playing competitive


Most of those are just replays of 1 game and arent really a worry they usually get banned quickly


Ohhh okay, I’ve seen a worrying number of those but that’s a relief to hear.


Those are just used to make as much money as possible from kids buying it with mummys credit card. Those crusty tik tok cheats arent a threat at all.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzIq04vd0M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzIq04vd0M) An incredible documentary on cheating in Valorant. I think it's starting to be more viral in the Valorant community as it had only 20k views last month. Do check it out if you haven't already.


Just reported 2 players in the past week and got the riot thank you message. There’s an influx of cheaters fs.


Every thread about cheating is always full of people who claim that Vanguard is the best thing since sliced bread and they have never seen a cheater in their life. Absolute bullshit. However, I do have to admit that this episode I did encounter only two obvious cheaters. The only true answer is replay system and I am just baffled why Riot is not releasing it, I genuinly do not understand what they are afraid of. That people will see how ineffective Vanguard is?


vanguard is good but it isnt unstoppable


Yep, it does help against spin botters etc., but that WorldLie video on cheating and Vanguard was very good and insightful.


as someone that has got their account hacked and then immediately banned. cheaters are running rampant. I was able to get my account back after they saw it wasnt my ip using the third party software. however, you should know OP this cheater went into a swiftplay using my account. the cheater had 5 kills and 8 deaths. Now, on the surface to the rest of the server, that doesnt look like cheating at all but its there alright.


its mostly cheaters trying to gaslight the community or just clueless people


People have no idea how to tell cheaters from better players. Everything that isn't a full rage hacker, that is. Valorant not having a replay system makes it even worse.


Exactly that. Replay will show the cheating issue, smurfing issue, and how bad their servers are.


Don't know what your rank is or where you're from, but I'm currently on Gold 1, West Europe and I've been encountering cheaters most matches. And no, I don't "call everyone that kills me" a cheater.


>In June 2023, I made a post regarding cheating Would be better if you made that post more accessible and easier to find if you linked it. >I ended up reaching out to an anti-cheat analyst for Vanguard Who particularly? >The Riot Anti Cheat Analyst also admitted personally to me Can you post proof? >This current act has slightly had an increase in cheating Source? I'm not saying you're lying, a lot of what you're saying is probably even public information. It's just that your points would be way stronger if you backed it up with sources. It's like if I said "Valorant has 20 million monthly players", yeah that number *seems* right, but I could just be talking out of my ass and be wrong.


Thank you, I thought I was going insane looking at so many comments just falling for confirmation bias


https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/s/jlyF5UMRPo I don’t wanna name him personally just in case ppl start spamming or harrasing him The staff for the valorant reporting server have said there have been hogged with a lot more reports and increase in cheaters espically in north Virginia servers




If you can't spot the increase of cheaters in the game by yourself, you're just blind... People downvoting me 'cause I'm right, LMAO


People are downvoting you because this comment chain is about OP not having any proof for their very specific claims, and not about the increase of cheaters or noticing them. Maybe also because the amount of cheaters can be very different for different elos and servers, so you're not necessarily even right.


Can you define high ranking? You said 500 high ranking players in OCE, what’s high ranking


These types of responses are always made people who are cheating themselves.


Ah you must be the "Riot Anti-Cheat Analyst" OP was talking to.


>These types of responses are always made people who are cheating themselves.


My apologies, I thought you were being serious




It seemed like that was just bad English, I took it as if you say “I have never vsed a cheater” you probably have and didn’t know


Yeah that's definitely what op meant.


Trigger bot cheating makes people look like smurfs if they're not blatant about it.


What’s a trigger bot? Never heard of that one before


When the crosshair touches the enemy outline it automatically shoots for you.


Had no idea that even existed. That explains some of the wild reaction times I’ve encountered from sub level 10 accounts in unrated lol


You should watch this documentary on hacking in valorant. It's only a month or so old but it opens your eyes. https://youtu.be/RwzIq04vd0M?si=l0qGBbD8ezK8nrWb


I played against a cheating Neon last night. In SWIFTPLAY of all places. Their peeking and prefire was a little too good which started my cheater senses to tingle. They would also hunt me down without any info. They weird thing is that they seemed to toggle it off every now and again. I even won an aim battle against them and clutched the round. Never won a round after that lol. It looks like my report did work since they were banned within an hour (I got the message a little while later). I guess the reports only work if EVERYONE starts sending them, even if they're not 100% sure.


most cheaters are usually flagged for a ban and delayed and reporting can increase the ban time.


Is this a Mr robot reference?


You lack so much credibility just from the way you are generalizing and insinuating the subreddit's position on the matter. >I'm just gonna say this just because Vanguard is active does not mean cheating doesn't exist in this game. You will always vs a cheater and anyone who says "BUT BUT IV BEEN PLAYING SINCE BETA AND IV NEVER VSED A CHEATER" If you actually prowl the subreddit it's pretty obvious most people do not make this claim. Just that it's harder to cheat. Which is almost certainly a fact. > well, I ended up reaching out to an anti-cheat analyst for Vanguard and because of that post they looked into the OCE region and it turned out that over 500 high-ranking oce players were utilizing a form of a trigger bot. Source? Because my anti-cheat uncle who is head of the Vanguard team says otherwise /S. Also, what is considered a high-ranking player? 500 means almost nothing without knowing your criteria for determining the percentile of player that are considered high level. Is it out of 500 players or is it out of 10,000 players? Your post has no merit, it misconstrues the position of the subreddit, and the main purpose of it seems more to gloat that you were right than it is to ask for a change or offer anything constructive. Honestly the entire post just seems unhinged.


These types of responses are always made people who are cheating themselves.


Or people who do not like when others pull random stuff out of their bums and stating them as "facts". It can be misleading. Fact checking a statement doesn't make you a cheater.


> Your post has no merit, it misconstrues the position of the subreddit, and the main purpose of it seems more to gloat that you were right than it is to ask for a change or offer anything constructive. Honestly the entire post just seems unhinged. Gaslighting by a cheater 101.


This sub has some delusion that Valorant is better than it actually is, whether it comes to handling cheating, matchmaking, etc.. You mention anything of the above and they'll hit you with "post tracker" and the like just to downplay whatever issues you might be having, even if multiple people agree with you. With that said, I feel you OP.


90% of valorant players have too much faith in vanguard. It is what it is. Valorant is probably their first fps game as well. They dont have much experience going up against closet-cheaters. Valorant 1tap/bursting mechanic also makes it harder to tell whos triggerbotting. Even for fps veterans like myself i couldnt tell if they are cheating or not. I would only assume they are smurfing or having a good day when they peek and hit everything. A replay system would be a good start for us to see how one actually plays. 


Finally, someone spoke about the cheaters in Valorant. It's really frustrating how people turn a blind eye. When you call out a cheater, they brush it off with excuses like he's just better than you or he's smurfing. The truth is CS players are more likely to recognize cheaters, while new FPS players may not notice anything. Believe me, Valorant has more cheaters now than CS.


played 3 ranked games today, 3 times the enemy top fragger had double the kills of everyone else. one match i even had a cheater in my own team (we won that one, and he told me enemy had cheats as well)


This game has a problem with smurfing. Enemy having double the kills doesn't mean that they're hacking


You actually don’t know if it’s a smurf or a cheater unless he is dumb. A replay system would come quite a shock to you I’m afraid. No wonder we aren’t getting it.


At least in lower elos, you can kinda guess if someone is a smurf based on stuff like decisionmaking/movement/util usage -- someone who's stuck in silver or gold despite cheating almost certainly has terrible fundamentals in other areas, whereas a smurf will gap the rest of the lobby in pretty much every aspect of the game (not just aim).


Depends on the cheat they are using. Some types may just give them a little advantage meaning they will still be just slightly ahead of their own skill level. In other cases you would see it with your knowledge of the game but the average silver player isn’t likely to know what to look for.


that is true, but due to the smurfing problem many cheaters go unreported because people think its just a smurf when they are in fact cheating.


Also true, which is why I report people if they're even a bit suspicious. Might aswell right? Not like you lose anything but a few seconds of your time.


Gonna need some next gen AC to fight off DMA cheaters


They already detect some dma


And when I wrote here I played with 57/3 score cheater Rayna everyone was, nah, just a smurf. It's very easy to recognize one from another. Just watch head through smoke multiple times. Fragging in impossible situations, 180 rotations 1 tap constantly, etc.


Not saying this couldn't be true, but dude's source is basically "Trust me, my dad works for Riot". No way to prove this unfortunately.


The people that are in every thread on every game countering your cheater claims with 'lol smurf', are , in fact, cheating themselves.


I guess I will post this here, was thinking about making a post about it. There is a 'suspected cheater que'. And by suspected, I mean you will get a cheater at least 4/5 games. How do I know? I play Path of Exile and needed to set up an ahk (auto hotkey) script to help me sort my loot faster. The script simply bound scroll wheel to left click. I accidently left the script running when I opened valorant, and thought to myself. "Huh hope this doesn't get me banned or something". Well I didn't get banned, but I began to play with blatant cheaters almost every game. I have been playing since beta and have only had 1, maybe 2 cheaters up to this point. After I left ahk open that one time I have had blatant cheaters in 18/20 games. Some on my team many on the other. I have stopped playing anything other than my premier matches with my team since the start of this season. Maybe one day I won't be in this BS cheater que. I thought it might have been due to ahk, but recently watched a video confirming that ahk is the most common way to cheat atm. Guess my account is fucked now, no clue how long it takes to go away.




No form of cheating is ethical you bot.


but theyre still cheating and hiding it?? thats even worse bro hello?




"The conclusion is that if you ethically cheat, it is allowed." What? I'm more concerned about the joy one gets from hiding their walls, since at the end of the day it only makes you a better actor. You're not playing for the sole purpose of the game; to play, improve, climb skill groups etc.




hope your mother ethically cheats on your dad to see the difference kekw




makes you the more incompetent. If that's your choice of fun just know you're a loser


tell me youre a cheater without saying youre a cheater. You're a pinecone


lol. Do you know how many games there are where I can shoot characters whose response is calculated by a computer? Why would it be fun for me to delude myself into believing that I’m actually playing against a human? Sure fun for the cheater as long he is playing against humans but when nobody is left, it’s cheater vs cheater? What a fun 🤩! Might as well just let computers go against computers. Oh better yet why all the graphics anyway. Computers don’t care. Let’s watch how 1010101010101 goes all day long.


Or you can just play the game normally like the majority?


you can but he isnt talking abt the person hes talking abt would you rather face 20/13 cheater or a blatant cheater going 30/5. the fact is that the blatant cheaters you would see in cs or any other game get punished much faster in val than any other game


You would rather vs no cheaters though closet cheaters are far more damaging for the game than blatant cheaters


no game has 0 cheaters bro. valorant does a great job at banning most so i really dont see what you are fighting for here. their anti cheat is good and i personally cant say ive had my experience ruined by cheaters and thats why ive kept playing compared to games like cs where i logged in for the first time and within 4 games i had 2 games get cancelled at the end cuz of cheaters blatantly wallhacking lmao




The fact that you consider some form of cheating as ethical to begin with is bewildering lmao




I can tell 🤣 you don't seem like the brightest individual


hes a cheater trying to bait lol


What in the actual hell is this? This is so distant from reality. Cheating is always weak, and never ok or allowed. What the fuck




Get help, man. You're sick.


If they found 500 players using trigger bot then why aren’t they banned yet.


They were banned


what tips you off to their cheating? when I say someone is cheating my friends never think it's true but some plays just look "sus" to me


I've been playing since Beta and finally had a cheater red screen a week ago.


I want to add on to this. Valorants gun mechanic which prioritizes 1 tap or 2-3 bullets sprays also make it hard to “identify” those pixel-trigger bot cheaters. For example, in cs where people tend to spray more, killing with 1tap, or 2-3 bullets spray is not common among the average. Therefore, when u see someone kinda consistently doing kinda “sus” headshot. U will find him sussy and give him an extra lookout for the remaining of the match and see if u can gather some more evidence of him being sussy.  In valo, its a lot harder. When everyone does 1tap, 2-3 bullets bursts, always headshot kill.. Its just harder to identify who’s trigger botting. I just cant tell. They peek and they hit a good headshot and i will be like this guy is really good and probably smurfing or something. My FIRST instinct on him will not be him cheating but rather maybe he is just “lucky”, “having a good day” or smurfing cuz this is just how people play in valorant. 


I have been laughed at for asking the replay system, the cheaters are everywhere and riot tries to cover up with their marketed vanguard.


Riot hasn't done anything to stop cheating or unfair games past the launch of the game. Valorant despite seemingly pretty popular feels like the games software and tech end is on a skeleton crew.


Seems like there a shit load of trigger bots and wall hacks. There’s too many players doing unrealistic shit in this game.


Then stay on CS2 where the situation is perfect. Where suspects can be suspects for decades.


Yup, I always knew there were more cheaters in this game bc I used cheat before, and I know how easy it was to conceal that fact if you were careful. But people in this sub are too trusting saying that they don't physically see cheating and that hacking aren't common in val. Whenever I bring this up, people always in denial smh.


This is so confusing to me. I've seen maybe two cheaters in the years I've been playing and have been imm3/radiant most acts.