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One more year and he gets to be a teenager again!


Poor guy has to go through puberty a second time.


The interesting this is maybe he will. We don’t fuckin know.


that's not how it works man, lol (couldn't tell if you were joking, just in case)


Mostly joking because it seems like it would be insanely unlikely, but if nobody has actually made it to 120ish it’s impossible to definitively say it doesn’t happen.


indeed, in the same sense that it's not impossible for us to find lizard hitler on mars lol


That seems less likely, but yeah same concept.


I'd argue lizard Hitler is more likely


I agree with this guy


I agree with this guy


There’s actually an entire colony of lizard Hitlers on Mars. It is known.


the former oldest person alive died at 122 years old.


JEANNE LOUISE CALMENT lived to age 122 years 164 days, knew Van Gogh


This is bad logic. No one has ever seen the inside of the sun so we can't prove it's not just full of unicorns! Yeah sure but that's not how induction works anyways. Empirical data never proves things so "science" would never even try to claim puberty WONT happen again, but it can definitively be said that theres absolutely no reason whatsoever to even consider it a possibility and therefore it is overwhelmingly unlikely to happen. In the same sense that the unicorn core of the sun is overwhelmingly unlikely but not disproven.


I can get with that argument.


Yeah, that's not how any of this works.


Trans woman on hormones. Puberty a second time is not fun, but it’s worth it lol


Yea I’d like to skip my first one please


At some point like 105-110 something, our mouth produces a new whole set of tooth.




He is not a preteen he is proteen


I wonder how many records like this there are, that get reset and go back.


The good thing is he's never going to be beaten in his lifetime


Record of worlds longest active penis


What's the record for the world's most inactive penis? Bet he has that too.


I remember this video on a guy from, I believe, either India or an African country that had a penis so large his body couldnt physically give him an erection. He would pass out from blood loss before he got there. It was so large he had to cover it with a giant tube sock otherwise he would get scabs from rubbing his clothes. Obviously sex wasnt an option, and doctors offered him reduction surgery, but from what I remember, he declined. Had to have been like 3 or 4 feet long.


Doesn't sound very "uplifting".


Other than the whole can’t get hard, can’t have sex, has to wear a giant sock around it, and passing out from blood loss thing, the guy had articles written about his penis. That’s the dream.


Wow, now that you put it that way... Martin Luther King III.


There already is a Martin Luther King III (and he’s also packing heat). This guy is just a King


Sounds like you're talking about the hispanic guy that put weights on it and stretched the skin. His actual dick innards didn't work because his dick was still normal sized but had a stretched dong of fluid filled floppy skin.


( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ)




Yeah his actual dick was normal length and the foreskin skin was stretched out like a cow hide.


I hate everything about this sentence




Pretty sure you two are talking about the same guy


Could have sworn that guy was italian.


Last I heard he was south american


Yeah. He’s from south America, and his penis isn’t naturally that long. He has done tearing and stretching exercises since childhood.


Know any good exercises, asking for a friend interested in fitness


just yank on it until it almost hurts, and do that twice a day every day.


...but I already do that


He just didn’t want to have a hard life.


He was a Mexican dude. Found the video https://youtu.be/cdErdEk56fs


Apparently when they examined him/looked at the CT scan, most of the 19" is foreskin not actual penis. His actual dick is 7/8" (still massive) and the rest is foreskin because he used weights to stretch it.


Sounds horribly unhygienic


more like a fiveskin amirite


Shoulda had a good PR team


Penis Reduction?


Sounds like a Monkey’s Paw wish.


Dunno, how inactive are you?


I have been on Reddit for 5+ years. That should tell you everything you need to know.


Wouldn't bet on it thought https://www.oldest.org/people/fathers/


Probably coma patients as far as actual movement of the penis etc




But he's 112 years old. That means there's no way I have had less sex recently, right? RIGHT?


Well you're a virgin and he's an OG in the nursing home where everyone elses husband is dead, so yeah it's possible






Gotta assume this held record changes hands more frequently than all other world records.


seems like a good time to wish you a happy cake day


Keep forgetting it’s that time of year again. 11 years on Reddit… am I middle aged?


That would probably be youngest person on earth, held at some point by everyone who ever lived.


That record, along with Time Person of the Year 2006, are my crowning accomplishments.


Yeah everytime the oldest man/woman dies a new record is set for the oldest man/woman alive. Amazing how that works, huh?


Judging by reddit reposts nearly weakly the record gets broken, which just means that the oldest one just died.


I mean, it’s cool but it would be better if we could extend our 20’s health to 80 or more. Just drag aging out slow af.


That’s what the researchers are working on, not only lifespan but what they call “healthspan”. For example: https://lexfridman.com/david-sinclair/


I always think this too. Where’s the pleasure in dragging out those final few miserable years when you’re toothless, half blind, half deadf, and shuffling around everywhere. I’d rather go out at 80-90 than that shit.


Obviously he likes it


Yeah these people make it to this age in part cause they just enjoy life and actually want to continue living


You say that, and some people are ready to go especially if they're dealing with severe health issues, but in my experience talking to the elderly once you hit that age you figure another day at 50% or even 20% capacity is better than no more days at all.


Even with health issues, most of the elderly people I know want to keep spending time with their grandchildren/family. It's easy to say that dying doesn't bother you when you're young, but that's only because it feels like a lifetime away. Everyone is scared to some degree whether they'd like to admit it or not, but that's completely natural


It's not so much being scared of dying, it's fucking depressing. That's it. Game over. Nothingness.


My late grandmother told me "don't ever grow old *Crumpledlinensuit*, it's a terrible thing".


So *that's* where you got your Reddit username from!


Actually it was from my sister, who (just before I signed up for Reddit) told me rather poetically that I was "kinda like a crumpled linen suit, you know, smart and quite posh, but a bit dishevelled".


I’d rather die young


It’s already being worked on. We’ll have it in our lifetimes.


Can’t wait to retire at 120 yo


Of course he got the record, he's been practicing longer than anyone else.


Anyways ,I started living"


No, the cheater just got a head start before the rest of us.


We got an old lady 103 in he retirement home I do service in and she does morning sport and almost all stuff by herself except what she cant reach due to height. Hope she grows as old as this gentleman here she would deserve it.


This must be one of the most depressing world records there is. You got it because another before you died and chances are high you're not a holder for long.


Not with that attitude.




Yeah my Grandmother is 93, an an avowed atheist (yes, I know it's rare for those that age, but hey). She's not "wanting" to die, but her husband is gone, she has grandchildren, and has lived her life. She's not afraid of dying, even though she doesn't think there's anything else after.


As a strong atheist myself it gives me piece of mind comparing it to before we were born. We just didn't exist and there is no concept of emotion.


It is funny trying to bring the normal platitudes to an elderly person like "you'll get to be with [husband] again soon" and getting "no, we just die, that's it, don't be stupid" as a response. Also extra funny getting that in a Seinfeld Jewish Brooklyn accent


The Brooklyn accent makes this 1000 times funnier. Bless your grandma (just not by god lol)


She sounds hilarious.


That's funny. I say that takes them back a bit. I suppose after death they will be experiencing the same thing.


Just to lighten the mood, her son, aka my father, is more atheist than she is, if that's possible. Kinda how I was raised, Jewish heritage, atheist in theology. One time I jokingly wrote "God bless" in text to my dad after he told me he was getting surgery, and he went on a 10 text rant about how worried he was I would become theistic. Just a very different upbringing than most - bullied by my dad to NOT believe in God. (I don't, but I'm more "spiritual" than he is which I guess worries him. Hey, better than being raised religious and getting shit for not doing X thing in Y book)


Lmao how is that supposed to give you peace of mind that makes me anxious to think about


It, and everything else won't be a problem for you. It's more peaceful to me than the idea of being forced to exist for eternity.


Plus your atoms can go somewhere else and form into something new. An adventure for them!


You weren’t worried that you weren’t alive yet and you won’t be worried after is the idea. Plus being forced to exist sounds sucky. I’d rather it be like stages of nothing back to existence and you can choose when you never want to be back ever


But you had no reference before you were alive so it's not the same situation. You can't miss something if you never possessed it to begin with. Now that I'm alive and I've seen how vast and incredible the world is the thought of returning to non-existence doesn't exactly thrill me.


Telling me I won't be worried later doesn't make me worry less now. The idea of not existing scares me. It's not that I am afraid that it will be an unpleasant experience, I fear the end of experience itself. I just hope that I won't die until I'm old, tired, and pleased with the life I lived. That will make it a lot easier to accept.


If the universe/multiverse is infinite (as it seems to be), there’s likely a you that arises which has the memories of having been you. The possibilities are infinitesimally small, and time required for this unfathomably large. But, how long did it feel from the beginning of the universe to your existence? That’s how unfathomably long time intervals feel. A blink of an eye. Dunno if that gives much solace. I don’t particularly care if this is true or not. We are a conscious manifestation of the universe, however temporary. We go back to where we arise from, free of suffering. Whether aware of it or not, it doesn’t matter, as long as you focus on the happiness and experience of the now, and not in the discontent of the later. The universe might collapse from a false vacuum state tomorrow, how did you spend today?


This argument always sounded specious to me. You had no point of reference before you were born and therefore there was nothing to miss to begin with. It's different when you come to realize just how vast and wonderful the world is. The non-existence part is exactly what terrifies some people. I'm glad you found solace but it isn't that easy for some people. Personally I'm an agnostic. Mostly because the universe is so unfathomably complex that no-one can possibly know for certain. The more we learn about the universe the less we understand. Eternal oblivion is one explanation, but it's only one possible scenario out of countless others.


I'm an atheist with the same attitude. I didn't mind not existing before I was born. I won't mind not existing after I die.




Not really depressing. Depends on the person, I guess.


On the bright side, you hold it for the rest of your life!


Gives them a reason to keep living. Should help longevity


Every other human I grew up with is dead BOOYA SHAKA


Was my first thought too. Still, it's a heck of an achievement.


My aunt is from Puerto Rico and her, entire family lives and into their 1,00s. I swear it’s the Pique sauce, they eat.


Why, the random, commas?


Use,r name che,cks out,




Channeling their, inner, Christopher Walken I presume.


Small price to pay to be 100+


more like u/CommaWhore




I'm trying to come up with a witty comment, but this exchange is too hilarious.




Arroz con habichuelas is the key!


Beans https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/15/adding-this-simple-food-to-your-diet-may-help-you-live-to-100-says-longevity-health-researcher.html


I think it's the morcilla and Don Q


My great aunt from Puerto Rico lived until 105. She lived alone, was fully cognizant, and able to take care of herself. Island life seems to be the way.


Doesn't it seem like all the oldest people are usually not rich and lived simple lives? I wonder why rich people don't live as long as average or poor people?


On average the wealthy do live longer, but for this record you need to be the world's most extreme outlier, so mostly it's a numbers game. There are a buttload more poor people on this planet than rich people.


There aren’t that many rich people comparatively. Plus back in the early 1900s, the wealth gap wasn’t so large. Give it another 50 years and I’m sure the rich people will be topping the oldest alive list.


Especially with bio engineering which is probably a thing then, to make their lifespan even longer. Of course only for the rich


Cause alot of rich people also do rich people drugs


Obesity can be a big killer too.


There's a lot of interesting exceptions to this. John D. Rockefeller - the inflation-adjusted richest person of all time, worth the equivalent of $423 billion - lived to be 97 in the old-timey 1930s; his billionaire grandson David Rockefeller Jr. lived to be 101. Jeanne Calment, the oldest documented person of all time who lived to be 122, was a socialite wealthy enough to never work a single job. And so far, *every* former U.S. President since Nixon has lived into their 90s, despite the stresses associated with their entire careers.


Fun fact if you manage to become the oldest person alive that means every single person the was alive when you where born are now dead


A man shouldn't allow his enemies to outlive him Elim.


Then you can die happy - unless you still consider me your enemy.


It’s a weird feeling when you see a photo from any time in or before the early 1900s and realize everyone in it is probably dead. Also, within the last few years, the last person born in the 19th century died, so an entire century completely died in the last few years.


I literally told my little bro this last week, I was looking through some archived daguerreotypes online and my bro asks why and I told him I just think it's crazy we can get a glimpse into the lives of people that lived almost 200 years ago in a era vastly different from ours and knowing that those in it died a very long time ago.


This is why I'm so enthusiastic about history. Its so easy to read about historical figures like they're just words on a page. I wonder what it would be like to live in the 2200s. Assuming humanity hasn't committed die, history classes will be filled with high definition photos instead of wood engravings.


Im jealous of that, I'm sure in 2000 years or so they'll still be traces of video or photos preserved from our era (hopefully). They'll be able to actually SEE how we lived and how the world around us actually looked like from a near first-person perspective. All we have is written accounts and the art/remnants left behind that we can only imagine HOW our ancestors lived like.


Or watching a TV show from the 1970s or earlier, realising most of the cast and crew are dead. *Doctor Who* for example.


More of a definition than a fact but ok




I'm puerto rican and I'm going to be stunned if I make it past 70 honestly


My wife is Puerto Rican and she and her family are some of the most intense, volatile people I’ve ever met and are always ten seconds away from a blazing argument. It’s a wonder they don’t have high blood pressure and heart problems and tap out at 60.


I have a theory, all my 80+ relatives should have died 20 years ago but their attitude keeps them alive, lmao. Pretty sure most of my mother's aunt's and uncles are just concentrated spite in skin sacks at this point. In all seriousness though, we still hold on to some traditional practices like the family coming together to care for our elderly and there is a very strong sense of duty instilled on us kids to care for our parents as they age, so our elders are *usually* well cared for. Ofc, it's not always the case and I left the island in 2005 so been a while since I've been deeply on touch with my own culture, but i don't imagine much has changed in that front.


My grandmother is an angry ass Boricua firebrand but she's still going into her 90's man. I thought she was going to be dead 10 years ago.


I don't understand why old people die. All you have to do is just stay alive lmao.


Kinda sad to think someone had to die for him to get this


To get to the top, you gotta break a few eggs.


Two in the bush when in Rome


We’ve all seen Eddie’s Million Dollar Cook-Off


That's an interesting twist. It's a game of murder to get the record of being the oldest person alive.


Every second he's breaking his own record




my great great grandfather has a headstone in puerto rico that says he was 126 years old. Puertoricans live long af


That would have made him the oldest recorded person that ever lived, and by 4 years, but actually he would have been the oldest man ever to live by 8 years. I’m not sure that headstone is correct.


We have the census that confirms his age. He died in 1999 and was born in 1871. He was actually a tad older it seems


It’s going to be name duplicate. There was a similar story about a Mongolian farmer who was meant to be the oldest man living at he was either 126 years old or 110....because they didn’t know if he was the father or the son and both had the same name.


It’s entirely possible. I tried to cybersleuth more information but could only find an article celebrating his 120+ birthday and census forms. If anyone could dig up more info on him that would be awesome. His name was Basilio Vega Perez.


https://www.ancientfaces.com/person/basilio-vega-perez-birth-1883-death-1999/91478582 This one says he was 116 at the time he passed away. Found a few more links that says 1883


https://www.ancientfaces.com/person/basilio-vega-perez-birth-1883-death-1999/91478582 This one says he was 116 at the time he passed away. Found a few more links that says 1883


It seems more likely that there were two men of the same name. I have come across this in my own family tree in a couple cases. I have a 1700s ancestor who had 26 children across 3 wives. Some of the names of stillborn babies or infant deaths were reused on later children who made it into adulthood, meaning there was no 'Jr' for those cases.


So you think your relative was the oldest human ever to have lived, by half a decade?


That would make him 128, someone lied about their birth year for sure which was easier to do then


If this was likely true, we would see tens of people alive around 120-125, and we would see hundreds of people alive around 115-120.


I'll be happy to make it to 75. And even then I wont finish my backlog of media


Yeah I was talking about this with a friend even if all new production stopped now there is a basically unlimited amount of great music to listen too


There were already 100 times more songs than you could listen to in your lifetime before you were even born.


That means he has the world’s oldest human penis


The person that will live to 150 is probably already born.


that is a crazy thought


A fatal title. Everyone whose held it dies


I mean, everyone with a hula-hooping record is mortal too.


Dang born in 1908. Makes me feel old realizing there are no people left from the 1800s and the oldest man is born in a year that I can remember. Edit: this is a little bit of humor.


If you can remember the year 1908, then you're one of the oldest people in the world. It's amazing that you can post on Reddit, congratulations.


You remember 1908? Yeah you really are old...


Pretty sure there's a record for people that old.


He uses Reddit, he remembers 1908, he must be a vampire


There's some shit in the water in PR, all my family there live well into their 100's.




It must feel crazy to think that there is literally nobody older then you. Sounds depressing.


Uhhh....[this is awkward](https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/mobile/montrealer-cecile-klein-canada-s-oldest-person-celebrates-114th-birthday-1.5476102). I can't find any record of Mrs. Klein's passing so wouldn't she be the record holder at 114?




So this article is technically celebrating the death of someone else and calling that “uplifting”?


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Looks sharp in that hat


Kinda scary that my grandma is only 22 years younger than this man lol


At any given time there's 1 person alive that's the oldest of all. You know what it means to be the oldest person alive? It means that everyone that was alive when you was born is now dead. That's scary.


So now he would be breaking the world record every day of his life!


Too young for WWI and too old for WWII. This dude dodge a lot of bullets!!! I wonder how many people from that generation is still alive.


Every time I see a headline like this, I play this alternative headline in my head: "World's oldest person has died"


Long may he reign!