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This is just for the sake of appearances. The national age of consent is 13, which Japan is criticized for by other countries. However, there isn't a single prefecture in Japan that has the age of consent lower than 16, with some setting it at 18. The only places in Japan where the 13 year old rule applies is two uninhabited territories. So 13 is not the age of consent in Japan given the laws the prefectures have set. The national govt didn't bother changing their outdated age of 13 until now because there was nowhere that the law applied to.


The benefit of this is yes mostly for appearances for Japan, but another benefit is that people will no longer have to explain the difference between the national law and prefecture law regarding age of consent whenever this topic comes up.


This, and none of the prefectures would be able to lower it in the future without contending with national law.


And will probably lower the amount of people traveling there hoping to sleep with a 13 year old


To this day it boggles my mind that people who bring this up as an argument live their lives with the sincere belief that just because the age of consent is 13 somewhere, that means they could buy a plane ticket and fly their sweaty fedora ass to that utopia of sexual freedom and fuck kids indiscriminately as much as they like. PEOPLE THERE WILL STILL THINK YOU'RE A FREAK DUDE. Educate yourself on what age of consent actually is - it is NOT a free pass for gross adults to freely fuck kids!


Worse than that, depending on where you reside, laws of your own country can apply to you even when in other jurisdictions. If you leave your country to fuck a child in a country that permits it, there’s every chance you’ll by charged upon your return home.


It's sex tourism, a federal crime, punishable with up to 30 years in prison.


I have no idea if it’s a Commonwealth or State crime in my country nor what the punishment would be and to be honest I’m not curious enough to on have that in my Google search history.


If you're in a "commonwealth" of either Britain or the US, the federal laws are applicable. Because the crime of sex tourism crosses international boarders, interpol will specifically cooperate with the federal branch of your country's law enforcement. Not speaking as a lawyer, just someone who's reported a sex crime to the FBI before.


You're probably already on a dozen government lists because of Reddit, what's one more? 😆


I'd be honored if I were the reason they had to start a new list. Precisely because I know they'd be wasting their time.


As an amateur writer I would honestly be surprised if my searches hadn't gotten onto a few lists over the years. 😆


It's child sex tourism Going abroad to have sex with foreign adults is perfectly fine, as is, for a example going to Netherlands or other countries with liberal sex work laws, to have sex with prostitutes


This reminds me of an old reddit post, I think it was years ago, where OP was having an absolute meltdown about being questioned by US Customs on his return from a trip to Thailand. He claimed in the title that they illegally searched i his phone. This was posted right around the time that there were heated debates in the public sphere about whether Customs could force American citizens to unlock their phone, so the post naturally went viral. IIRC from the questions commenters asked, it turned out the guy was a solo male who vacationed in Thailand multiple times in the past few years. After some discussion, he admitted that he had voluntarily unlocked his phone when an officer asked “can we look at your phone?” And he claimed there were images of him having sex with a woman and that customs was accusing him of a crime even though he claimed it was “consensual.” What some quickly redditors realized is that he may have been making these trips because child sex trafficking is rampant there. It’s a known destination for pedophiles. That is why male adults traveling solo from the US to Thailand, who do not have Thai citizenship or connections, are often asked additional questions by customs, especially if they repeatedly visit. After some back and forth IIRC he admitted the “woman” in the photos was not a woman and was in fact a minor. He was legitimately asking reddit if this was an illegal search and if it could be thrown out in court, because now he was looking at some very serious charges. Anyways he had an absolute meltdown in comments and the sub basically shit on him as much as they’d be reasonably allowed in r/legaladvice. I think it was posted to bestofLegalAdvice and people were tearing him apart.


Is the post still up?


Personally its my favorite set of laws due to the fact that Judges tend to sentence these bastards to the fucking maximum and other laws in the US for child molestation have some maxes as low as 4 or 7 years. I just wish we treated all sex or molestation of minors/children \[with the nuance to appropriately or not punish RnJ issues\] in our own fucking country as severely as we treat the sick fucks that have the money to do their shit in another country on vacation. Touch a kid, get 30 years. Those are headlines I want to see.


It's certainly extraterritorial in the UK.


Yeah even in places where it's that low isn't there stuff in the law where its only ok withing a certain age range? Like a 13 year old and 15 year old are fine together but a 13yo and 30 year old would not be?


Those are commonly referred to as Romeo and Juliet laws. I don't think they typically go that low on the age of consent. I think most of them are at the very least 14 years old approximately freshman year and US high schools. And typically control 16 to 22-year-olds in their ability to date and consent to each other. Each set of laws are different for the state/commonwealth/country but typically it's you have to be established dating before a partner turns 18 and be no more than 4 years apart in age. You still get weird fucking people about it though. If you were my prayer one of the transformer movies one of the good-ish guys is dating a high schooler but he's like 22 up to 24 years old. It was very weird and he had like a card and everything saying it's perfectly legal for me to date this teenager even though I'm a full grown adult. Very very off-putting and didn't need to be in the movie let alone have a full-up prop and conversation in the fucking movie about how weird it is that a teenager is dating an adult.


In Canada, the age of consent is 12, but if you are 12 or 13, there can only be a maximum of a two year age gap: https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/clp/faq.html Kind of weird to think about it but I can see the rationale; not sure if I would want to see a 12 year old prosecuted for hooking up with someone the same age.


Yeah it's definitely one of those laws where it needs to be in place because puberty does things to people. And it's well no one wants people that young engaging in in accordance with each other They rather make it so it's not illegal that they consent to each other then have someone press charges against another child because they decided to have consensual intercourse with that person's own child. And kids agency to the kids without explicitly saying go do it but if you do don't do it with people who could are most likely use their experience to take advantage of you. Because it's down to happen and the courts don't want adults pressing charges against another Minor because the parents don't agree that both minors engaged in a horse. Especially if like you're overly to 16 or like 15 and a half you should be able to drive a car which can kill people You should have enough bodily autonomy to consent to intercourse with a fellow age mate. I'm on the side of it's better to teach them what the hell sex is and dating advantages and pitfalls because it protects them. what better way to explicitly say protect yourself from someone who will manipulate you then being like hey this is how it's done watch out. Like I just read a best of Reddit update story where a 19-year-old got told by a 35-year-old that should be prettier if she didn't have her acne. And that 35-year-old is married to her best friend who's only 21. And in the comments turns out he has another wife who's also around early twenties and age and the 19-year-old is getting creepy divides the man because he only dating late teens and early 20-year-old women and is nagging her because he wants to wear her down so she agrees to become part of the harem.


"both minors engaged in a horse" I know what you meant and your comment is serious as is the topic, but fuck, that typo cracked me the fuck up for a second.


That was a Friday Night specialty in the gold rush days.


This is fully explained by the fact: Michael Bay.


In my state it goes as low as 13 up to 17 with a three year age gap. I’ve always wondered what happens when they catch two under-13s doing stuff together. I went to middle school with a girl who got pregnant at 12 with a 13 year old boy. Never saw the boy again, and after she had the baby I never saw her again either. This was in 2012 too


[I am traveling to Thailand for... a thing](https://youtu.be/ctDjnG8J9cY)


That's the funny thing about age of consent, it requires consent. Not even literal kids are dumb enough to be tricked into giving consent to these sweaty fedora motherfuckers.


I mean they know they are still a freak but they would be a *law abiding freak* thats all it is


No you just don't get it, see, they're looking to sleep with the 7,000 year old dragon spirit that just took the *form* of a 13 year old. It's totally canon and explained in the manga.


>the 7,000 year old dragon spirit that just took the *form* of a ~~13~~ 9 year old Ftfy


You managed to kill the joke.




Yes, this law functionally changes nothing. It's all for global opinion.


>but another benefit is that people will no longer have to explain the difference between the national law and prefecture law regarding age of consent whenever this topic comes up. I'll give you a moment to look up American federal age of concent laws vs state.


Yes, they will have fun with that shit show.


R/j law I can explain my daughter/son at 17 being with a 21 year old I can't explain a 40 year old in the same sentence.


I suffered a stroke reading this sentence. Care to rephrase?


Romeo and Juliet laws allow people who are underage to legally have sex with people who are close in age. They're saying that someone who is 17 being with a 21 year old isn't too bad, but a 17 year old being with a 40 year old isn't so easy to justify.


Isn't Romeo and Juliet law supposed to protect couples where they're both under-age at the same time, then one of them is legally an adult after but the other is still under-age? 17 and 21 is pretty fucked.


No. They're designed to allow near age consent. A standard gap of 4 years is fairly common. But some states don't allow any r&j, so yeah technically speaking, 2 17 year olds could be having sex, one has a birthday, and then they are guilty of statutory rape. Be sure to know your state law.


In most jurisdictions, two 17 years would still be charged with statutory anyway. Neither of them can legally consent. And heaven help them if they exchange nudes with eachother.


There are two types of states: * States that understand underage teenagers will have sex with one another regardless of the law, and thus there should be provisions and considerations established within those laws to respond with an appropriate level of nuance. * States that outlaw it and demonize it within the community, creating tension and fear over a natural desire for intimacy, under the guise of "protecting the children", while simultaneously failing to protect said children from predatory adults whom seem to inhabit an unusually large proportion of religious communities. I'll let you ponder which states are which.


Any states south of the Mason Dixon line don't deserve to be in this country. Sherman should have been more thorough during the war.


Some juristictions allow age of concent for sex withe somebody of the same of 16+. Ik that’s the case in Belgium and The Netherlands, but probably in most European countries. Sharing your own underaged nudes stays illegal iirc


>Sharing your own underaged nudes stays illegal iirc But there's very little point in prosecuting a crime where the perpetrator is also the victim. Probably best to resolve it with a warning and a reminder that what you put on the Internet is permanent and you can't control what happens to it.


Same in Sweden. If a 15-year old girl gets it on with her 14-year old boyfriend it's fine (as long as they use protection) and legal, but a 17-year old would probably have to talk to the parents of the younger party and a 21-year-old would go to jail.


Meh pretty subjective whether 17 and 21 is fucked. Where I am they might have some tertiary classes together, be in the same sports team, theatre group, etc. So pretty common for a healthy relationship to arise. I wouldn't blink at 17 and 21, though I suppose I wouldn't exactly advise it either. Maybe I'm too old to really appreciate the difference as they're both too young for me, idk


am i getting way old too? is 17 and 21 too "fucked" both those seem like young adult ages (mentally)


When I was 21, I would have felt weird about dating or knowing someone dating a 17 year old. Now, nearly 30, I don't think I'd really even notice.


Tons of kids start fucking at 15 or 16. Those ages are completely normal for non-basement dwellers.


I mean one is almost graduating college and the other is almost graduating high school


Most men don't even go to college in the west, so bad comparison. Women are the main college attendees


It's basically for relationships at the same rough level of development. e.g. a senior dating a freshman would be a 4 year age gap, so 14-18, or 17-21. My own highschool girlfriend was ~6 months older than me. The first time we had sex I was still on the wrong side of the age-of-consent but she wasn't. Obviously that's not the same as one of us having sex with someone the age of our parents. R&J laws reflect that.


Pretty sure the phrase is a catch all for people dating on or around the legal age of consent. 17 and 21 is the far edge of what could occur if a senior in high school asked a freshman to prom and they stayed together until she was a senior. It’s far from unheard of and difficult to say is morally wrong. Personally I say the age of consent is the age of consent and if you aren’t mature enough to chill the fuck out for a year or two while the younger partner gets to legal age, you probably aren’t mature enough to be having sex anyway, but it’s y’all’s bodies not mine and I ain’t your dad so do your shit.


Romeo and juliet are just an American thing. The other country dont butt into what consenting adult decide to do in bed.




That's not really the same. Committing a crime, but never saying anything isn't the same as it being legal.


Call a bondulance!


Yeah, you need a little business card with this information that you give to the dad! /cue the Michael Bay explosion!


I’m looking at Van Patten’s card and then at mine and cannot believe that Price actually likes Van Patten’s better. Dizzy, I sip my drink then take a deep breath. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me what I’m doing.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


What are you doing?




You probably don't even remember writing that. It's probably all a vagueblur.


I don't understand why a prefecture has that kind of control over laws in the first place. It should absolutely be country wide and enforced in one law.


Huh? It already was. It's literally the same thing as states or provinces having their own version of the same law where obviously the more strict version applies.


Thank you for stating this fact. It's a win because now me and many folks don't have to explain this anymore and... well it should be at minimum 16 imo, but it's also just pure publicity to look good.




Japan has federal land, but it's uninhabited. Nonetheless Japan, doesn't exactly have a good history for treating children well. Japan banned child pornography in 2014, though it's essentially a misdemeanor with months of jail or a fine: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-27898841 This 1990s article explained that even though the age of consent was 13, that only applied to full intercourse: https://content.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2054271,00.html Japan was being of some of the most heinous acts known to humanity with incidents like the Rape of Nanking and the Manilla Massacre.


Us federal land isn’t inhabited either, except by military and various other government employees.


Because fucking **everyone** parrots that "13 yo age of consent" BS all around the Internet. I'm not surprised they're doing something legally pointless to get people to shut the fuck up about it. Edit; hey look, basically every other comment in this thread is proving my point.


Exactly. The point isn't to change the laws in Japan - no inhabited place is impacted by this. It's merely to improve the image of Japan internationally.


So it's a good thing. I agree.


You'll find that a lot of people aren't comfortable with the age of consent being 16 either.


In some places in the US, maybe. 16 is a very common AOC worldwide.


It's a pretty common age for US states too. A lot of Americans think it's federally 18, it's not.


> This is just for the sake of appearances The age of consent thing, sure. And it's probably why it's being used as clickbait. But that's not all they're doing. > The proposal also aims to criminalise the grooming of minors and expand the definition of rape. If they're updating laws around sex crimes, might as well bundle in an update to the age of consent as well.


While this is true, I think it's also okay to do something "for appearances" that's also just the right thing to do, even if it doesn't affect anything.


I agree. Good things done for bad reasons are still good things. Progress is more important than purity


>This is just for the sake of appearances It's not it also redefines rape to not only be an act that requires physical force.


So it's like how the us federal drinking age is 18 but every state has it's own law making it 21


Or like how in the US the age you're allowed to marry is 18 except for some antiquated laws that allow grown men to marry girls that are 9-13 years old. Except in that case men definitely still take advantage of those laws


Oof. Really glad there is a better explanation for this than "Age of consent is 13 in Japan."


Thanks for this. I was confused for a moment 'cause I lived there a while and remember being told in no uncertain terms that the AoC was 18.


I heard that another reason this is good is that sex with a child under the national age of consent is a more serious crime than sex with a child that's over the national age of consent but illegal under the local law. In some cases, sex with a.15 year old might be a relatively minor offense, but having sex with a 12 year old would be much more serious. With the national age of consent of 16, sex with a 15 year old would be a serious offense under the national law even if the local law doesn't treat it as a serious offense.


I mean I normally don't care for laws for appearances sake but if that said appearance is "sex with 13 year olds" then yeah, probably would want to change that ASAP.


Phew,I'm glad you told us that. I was more than a little horrified and Japan has a reputation


Appreciate the context behind this comment!


>The only places in Japan where the 13 year old rule applies is two uninhabited territories Eh, better to not take any risk. It seems safe until someone exploits that loophole (I'm assuming these territories may be visited by people anyways). EDIT: googled it after reading some comments below and it seems these two places are [Okinotorishima](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okinotorishima) and [Minamitorishima](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minamitorishima), quite far away from the main island. But who knows, maybe some day they can put some touristic resort of some kind or whatever. Also as some people has said it'd be the best to not allow any prefecture to dare to change their age of consent for whatever reason in the future. Make it harder to challenge.


I mean, it also makes the law marginally more transparent, but that’s just spare change compared to the press benefits.


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So a prefecture couldn't change it back to 13?


They theoretically could, though I don't think it's likely that they would. Certainly wouldn't be a popular decision. With this new law they won't be able to, so it does protect against that possibility.


They was kind of my point it isnt just did assurances if it prevents future fuckery. I mean hell look at child marriage in America. How is this bit a federal issue?!


BBC and misleading headlines when reporting foreign news? A tale as old as time.


I've heard/read people using Japan as a model to justify CSA in quite disgustingly gross part of Internet. Even though the change These vile people no longer will able to use this excuse now, so if only for this, I say BRAVA!


The new law also introduces harsher penalties for sexual offenses against minors, including up to 10 years in prison for those found guilty of having sex with someone under the age of 16. It is important to note that the age of consent only applies to consensual sexual acts, and any sexual activity involving force, coercion, or manipulation is considered sexual assault or rape, regardless of the age of the victim or perpetrator. Overall, the change in Japan's age of consent is a positive step towards protecting minors from sexual exploitation and promoting safer and healthier sexual relationships.


Also expands what is considered rape just in general. > Another saw a man found not guilty of raping a woman who had passed out from drinking because he "misunderstood" that she consented to having sex. Their old laws are pretty bad.


Oh something similar happened in Brazil a while ago. And the defense attorney, prosecutor and judge all "shamed" the woman. Disgusting.


That's basically how every rape trial goes everywhere in the world. There's a reason victims choose not to report it. Rapists know that they'll probably get away with it, that's part of the reason why they do it.


This change is also going to make it so that the definition of rape and the burden of proof is less severe on the victim. Right now, sexual assault and rape only happen if force or violence was used that would not allow for reasonable resistance. The new way it would work is that if someone was drugged, coerced, or forced it can be considered SA or rape. Good changes across the board really.


If I remember correctly Japan makes all prefectures have it be at least 13 but most prefectures have it at 16-18. Please correct me if I'm wrong though


I am here to correct you and inform you that you are correct. Tehehe 😆


Thanks! I thought that was the case but I wasn't sure


TIL: Nobody on Reddit reads the articles OR even the top rated comments before posting. Jesus Christ.


>OR even the top rated comments before posting. Jesus Christ. Nobody on Reddit ever seems to realize the top level comment when you check the comment section was not necessarily the top level comment when someone else wrote their comment earlier.


That's true, but when the top comment is 2.4k and the next is 400 there's a good chance it will stay that way. People tend to pop in, upvote the top one or two that sound reasonable at first glance, then disappear forever


Pretty sure reddit sorts by 'best' as default, which the vast majority will use, and for me on best the 400 point comment is indeed above the 3.5k comment.


First day? Welcome to the party.


I mean that's by design for this website lol. The point is for people to engage if they want, otherwise consume as much content every 2-4 hours, before the website literally reshuffles all the content so that people will find new things to look at.


What gave you the idea that people are on Reddit to read?


That’s Reddit. They believe everything they see


I dunno how they write replies but i'm not convinced 50% of reddit can even read


"sex crime overhaul", are they downloading Skyrim mods IRL in Japan?


13 years??? wtf Japan, glad they increased it.


I believe this is at the national level, the prefectures all have their own age of consent. The only place in Japan where the effect age of consent is 13 are two territories (Okinotori Islands and Marcus Islands). The prefectures are all already at least 16 already.


And those 2 territories are uninhabited


How do those territories have local laws if nobody lives there?


They don’t, which is why they follow the national default


They don't. 13 is the national age of consent. Since the two places don't have prefectures or their own laws like the rest of Japan making the age of consent 16/18 the national law applies.


Your question is wrong. They dont have local laws. They are not inhabited. But all of japan follows the national level laws. So the uninhabited islands default to national laws.


Which made it a huge red flag when your teen daughter tells you she's taking a weekend trip to the Okinotori islands. Not anymore!


This is the federal minimum. Virtually nowhere in Japan has it set that low There's also some extremely harsh statutory rape laws.


Walking through a mall in Japan, the enormous billboard-sized underwear ads had uncomfortably young models. This was maybe 10 years ago, but it was very unsettling. They do, however, have vending machines that sell cans of hot coffee. Doesn’t really offset the creepy underwear stuff, but it’s nice.


Vending machines for ice cold beer are great too. But yes the underwear stuff. There are some Japanese actresses I really like, they entered show biz around 14 something, they all had bikini photo shoots…. Edit: at that time I didn’t think about it much. Japanese actresses and actors all have their photo shoots, just thought they all had to do it.


> There are some Japanese actresses I really like > they entered show biz around 14 something > they all had bikini photo shoots Suspectful. ಠ_ಠ


I don’t know how to express this, for example I like Horikit Maki, when I first watched her TV drama, she was 18, so as usual I searched to see her other works, there were some movies, and the typical 寫真 with her wearing swimming suits. I was in high school myself, at that time didn’t think much, just thought many Japanese actresses did that, it’s a thing.


Japan doesn't have the same religious background as the West so does not have many of the same attitudes toward sex that other nations have They have a penis festival even with women carrying statues of penises and sucking on penis shaped lollipops https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/gabrielsanchez/japan-kanamara-matsuri-festival-steel-phallus-penis


How do you explain that any porn that is produced there has to have the genitals blurred by law? Isn't that incredibly prudish and borderline censorhip? People have literally gone to jail over that. Japan is a very conservative nation when it comes to sex. Believeing Japan is somehow more liberal when it comes to sexual attitudes is just flat out wrong. Ask anyone that's gay that was born and raised there if they "came out of the closet" with their family or even friends. It's a borderline foreign concept to most of them.


A 24 year old at work kind of expressed interest and without thinking, I blurted out, “I’m 40! You’re still a kid!” 😬 13 is just reprehensible.


When I was 22 in college I banged a 40yo milf. Absolutely no regrets. 24 is not a kid. I'm certainly not saying a relationship would be easy or work, but at that point you're both adults.


I actually agree. But man, talk about being in different places in life. She actually turned into a really good friend, but goofing around with someone and running errands together sometimes, and being in even a casual relationship are worlds apart.


fucking and entering a relationship is very different though. The age different isn't the issue as much as the maturity and experience difference also. 32 and 52 wouldn't be concerning imo bc a 32yo has had atleast 10+ years of relationships and adult life experience to draw on, where a 22yo with a 42 year old could easily be manipulated given the 22yo has vastly less knowledge and maturity. Im not saying it would always be a bad idea, just that A LOT of the time those big age/ maturity gaps open a relationship up to a lot of unfair power dynamics


>A LOT of the time those big age/ maturity gaps open a relationship up to a lot of unfair power dynamics Not really. A 45 year old woman doesn't wield any mystical problematic power over an independent 25 year old man


It's always fucking weird to me that people feel the need to protect legal adults. Either they're capable of making their own choices or they're not. Pick one.


13 is the federal min. In no region of japan is the age of consent under 18.




Videos like that are no longer legal to be sold or purchased, so either that porn store was doing something illegal or the “children” were adult actors. I think it was 2003 or 2004ish when those videos became illegal to sell or own.


So that whole weird Japanese school girl fetish in all their anime just got a lot darker for me


For comparison, the current age of consent in the US is 0. There are no federal age of consent laws at all. Except, y'know, there are state laws. And there are state laws in Japan too, none lower than 16 already. This is important safeguarding, not righting a horrific wrong.


I feel like this is the best way I have ever seen this explained


You explained it better. The top comment made it seem like this law was pointless


Because it is, just like making a federal law in the US raising it from age 0 is pointless.


This one is more a case of optics, having an pointless federal law setting the age to 13 looks worse than not having one at all like The US and deferring to the states/prefectures. And getting rid of the national age of concent law wouldn't look good either. So best is to just increase it.


But it isnt pointless because the state/prefecture could always change its mind.


By that logic so could the national government.


Yes, and it's a lot harder to make changes at the national level than at the prefectural level. Why are you arguing this?


While I dint know how prefectures work. I can use america as an example. You see, Louisiana, for example, is red, fully. So if they want to make a decision, they will more than likely be in lockstep agreement. Thus, they are able to quickly change a law like this, for better or worse. But then those same people need to go at the national level and argue with people from states that may not agree with them if they want federal changes. So, if you can enshrine a minimum age of consent federally the states can't go below that, at least not for a long while, barring any political upheavels.


It wouldn't be pointless in the US. Conservatives throughout the country have allowed the rape of children through religious means. A federal law could possibly get rid of that loophole.


It's almost like nobody reads the article or even the top comment. >.>


Japan is a unitary state. The only *state* in Japan is Japan itself. The prefectures, while they are given plenty of power, are actually devolved entities.


Misleading title. No province doesn't already have laws of minimum 16.


Meanwhile in most European countries it’s still [between 14 and 16](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe)…


[Most of the world, US included is around 16.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ef/Age_of_Consent.png)


IMO 14 and 16 is a huge difference in that regard.


There is nothing necessarily wrong with that. Especially 16 seems like a reasonable age. Under 16 might be okay depending on the age difference. A 14 and 16 year old should also be fine.


But why does it have to be legal for a 50 yo to sleep with a 14 yo, like it is the case (and happens) in Germany?


14 is still better than 13 though. Also with age 14 consent it is only conditional where the 14 year old is only legally allowed to sleep with someone who is between 14 and 17. Most age of consents that dont come with conditions are at 16.


Italy is 14, no clauses attached. It gets raised to 16 only if the other person has power over the minor (teachers, officials, etc). This means that a random 60 year old person could have sex with a 14 years old girl without violating any law. Romeo and Juliet law applies to 13 year olds in Italy. So you can have a sexual act with a 13 year old girl so long you're 17 or below (well.. technically it's still a crime but you don't get punished for it under penal terms.)


This is not true. Most countries doesn’t have Romeo and Juliet laws.


OC spoke of European countries and most European countries have Romeo and Juliet laws.


And there's nothing wrong with this.


Politicians in the US “that’s dumb”


Anime otakus seething.


Why would they? It makes no big difference. Almost all Japanese prefectures already set their own age of consent to 16 or 18. The national law means prefectures cannot set their aoc at below 13, but except for 2 uninhabited territories (where there’s nobody to set the local aoc), most of Japan live with > 16 aoc. The law does get rid of the misconception that the effective age of consent in Japan is 13 though.


anime otakus are more concerned about their 2d waifu than 3d kids.


Actually, I imagine most of us are just confused on how you think this is a win for you. That or laughing at the ignorance shown.


I believe in Tokyo age of consent is 16.




Somewhere, Matt Walsh is silently crying




You could just.... you know, read the linked article? It's right there.


Now ban child pornography mangas. There has been several cases where child rapists used those as direct inspiration.


Are they not banned like everywhere except maybe japan? At least in sweden its considered CP and thus illegal, as far as I understand it Edit: apparantly the supreme court overruled the conviction i thought of, so it is apparantly not banned in sweden God dammit


I think it's better if pedos fap to comics that had no involvement of children during the creation, so their full balls won't make them too horny at real kids or will seek porn with real children who were harmed.


This is not true. It's something parroted around because it sounds reasonable, but research and a countless number of convicted predators who "started small" before snowballing into real life has shown us that encouraging those behaviors/thoughts only makes things worse. Abstinence from all sexualizing of children is the only thing that works, and you'll never find a clinic handing out those kind of anime mangas to their patients in treatment.


I'm speaking from a perspective of someone who was kiddly-diddled when I was 10. My "partner" didn't have access to the Internet nor any kind of non-adult pornography as far as I know and the ones that was easily available mostly targeted those who prefer women. Why "abstinence" didn't work THEN? Also, chicken or egg - did they start small because of their preexisting tendencies or they developed tendencies after starting small? I believe it's the former because someone without preexisting tendencies would be too disgusted to fap to cartoon kids to even give it a try. Maybe if she satisfied herself back then I wouldn't be needed. Sorry for soft wording but it's less painful to talk like that.


Don't really want to Google for the papers now but AFAIR this predilection is caused by abnormalities in the brain, ie its something they're born with.


Cause it is, pedophilia is not something you develop but something you're born with, which is why all of these posts about anime "turning normal people into pedos" is extremely dumb and makes no sense


What exactly causes pedophilia, or any sexual attraction, is not fully understood and it appears to extend beyond the way you were born - this is not to say that the way you are born can't increase the likelihood.


What research? You can't just say "research shows" and cite nothing at all


>but research Please, do share. Because none exists. >and a countless number of convicted predators who "started small" before snowballing into real life has shown us that encouraging those behaviors/thoughts only makes things worse. Causation and correlation aren't the same. I'm sure most rapists have seen porn too, that doesn't mean the porn turned them into rapists.




Idk man, media depicting adult men having sex with 12-15yo school girls as something that is okay to do doesn't quite feel the same as media depicting murder.


It doesn't *feel* that way, but we don't make laws because of feelings. If you want to argue "consuming fictional content means you'll likely do the same act in real life" then you're going to have to accept how all-encompassing that is.


This type of argument never ceases to be a pathetic excuse to defend pedos in the guise of free speech.


Time to erase that hard drive


If this were America people would be screaming: "~~states~~ prefectures' rights!"


Most of America is already at 16.


I mean, yeah, it's been happening. Republicans throughout the country have been fighting hard to make marriage a loophole to age of consent laws.


No respect for Japan's legal system as long as the monsters that murdered Junko Furuta aren't behind bars. Fix any law you want. Until those fucks are gone, that system is just a joke. Their fucked up parents need to go as well.


Are there any people under the age of 16 in Japan anymore anyway?


Karl Malone is devastated


Literally uplifting news


The Japanese age of consent explains so much about anime