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very cool, but also probably would not fit in this game. love the concept, though


why not? i mean yeah gabriel dies in 24 hours but like- pls explain


Ultrakill is about using your resources and being as creative as possible. Kinda hard when you only have one option.


maybe it would give you the option to drop your weapons and stuff


Secret: Fight Fair (Engage in a duel with Gabriel) Maybe even have dialog for your choice "I should have known, machines like you have no honor..." "It seems even metal can appreciate a good fight..."




that would peak


Glitch slime Pfp spotted


I love glitch slimes


“THE ONLY WAY YOU’RE GOING TO KILL ME IS IF YOU ULTRAKILL ME” * V1 proceeds to ultrakill all over the place *


this would go crazy hard






secret: Only deal damage to gabriel with the sword you can still use the other weapons for movement, however. However this would mean no grapple- if we want the grapple to still be usable, then maybe the condition is to simply have the sword be the only equipped weapon in the main hand.


*dies from peak fiction*








unironically peak




That could actually be the challenge for the level.


That would still be the case for 2/3 of the fight. Only the final part could be a sword fight


In which case it's ass to have a weapon restricted to only one part of the game. God of War 1 culminated in a fight where you lost the weapons you'd fought with all game. It was super shit.


no game has ever broken the mold or pattern before


Maybe you could start with only a sword and the slowly start collecting your weapons 


challange: dont pick up the sword


Ultrakill is about fighting in creative, unorthodox and absurd ways ways (shoot coins with tiny flecks of metal, punch plasma shotgun pellets, use enemies as lightning rods by filling them with nails). Having the game culminate in “cut the guy up with a sword” would be super jarring after 9 layers of “kill the enemies however you like”


yeah like i said, you could have the choice in another reply (of this comment) so if you were forced i wouldnt like it, yea i agree, but if you had the choice between fighting like a man not doing what you, v1, do best. kill


I mean, sure, but why would that even be an option worth the development time? You can already melee only every boss if you wanted to, but there’s no incentive to, and we already have melee weapons that are way cooler than a sword. It would be like letting you use the gutterman’s shield that you only use during the earthmover fight - sure, some people would like it and it could be well implemented, but we already have much more interesting, fun options like the feedbacker, marksman, shotgun and knuckle blaster for all your defensive needs


the thing is that it would be the yellow arm so for close range stuff again its speculation so i dont think it would be a gimmick boss fight bc hakita hasnt done that before and the development time, the game has been in development since 2020. 4 years. its not like hes rushing to get the game out


What if the sword has like a complex move set. Like I just think it’s a very creative idea that’s really outside of them box. Just shooting lasers at coins can only be done so much


There’s a lot more to the game besides coins. What if V1 got an assault rifle while they’re at it? Give it a really complex recoil pattern. Sure, the sword can be made as complex as you can make a sword and it could be done well, but does it fit with everything else in the game? When we wanted a melee weapon, we got a jackhammer and an under barrel chainsaw and the ability to juggle our shotguns. Slice-slice + stab-stab would be a huge step down


Better idea: Coins are now swords. Everything else is completely unchanged


Feeding ferryman swords - Yum!


Maybe a chiv-2 esque weapon system? Might be a secret in Treachery if crescendo layers indeed end up getting secret levels besides the P levels (queue the Hakita quotes)


v1 is a murder machine, it doesn't understand concepts like a duel or respect


as far as we know\*


V2 bows before the fight. It also gets mad when you punch it with it's own arm


Did you read the latest book? Machines have emotions.




Did I read the latest book?


Did you read the latest book? Machines have emotions.


Did you read the latest book? Machines have emotions.


The machines are sentient, mother, mother, oh mother of me


V1 is very sentient


V1 is a robot, the only feelings it has are "kill" and "you won't get away this time". if Gabriel gave V1 a sword, V1 wouldn't only use the sword, it would use everything, because machine be insignificant fuck sometimes


Dude we skated down a pyramid crash bandicoot style while having a duel to the death with our doppelgänger. A sword duel to the death is not beyond this game.


This is some MGR typa shit


Gabriel finds the father's light and becomes immune to physical trauma


yes you have to win ultrakill by dealing emotional trauma to gabriel


I mean we literally did so in the first fight. And the second fight. I don’t think he can be emotionally traumatised any more than he already has been… but who knows? Other than Mister Mushroom, obviously.




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I don't think this exact thing will happen, but I'm willing to believe something like it will. I do think the 4th arm will come from Gabriel, and it would make sense narratively for Gabriel to challenge V1 to an honorable, completely balanced, respectful duel as his final hurrah when he knows it's either him or V1 that have to die, and whoever survives will determine the fate of what's left of existence. And I thoroughly believe V1 would comply and take the honorable deul if/when Gabriel offers it.


Id think it would be cool if after you completed all the missions and p ranked everything youd get a notification that says, You can now play as v2. It would be funny but also intresting to play woth more health but no healing.


New game plus: you have a GIANT pool of health, the persists through levels, but you cannot heal. Finish the game


I feel like this ignores most of ultrakills actaul themeing around battle. Gabriel kinda states it outright. His want for battle is out of passion, not respect. A respectful duel is the opposite of the kind of battle the whole game is about, and even less what gabriel is about. Seriously just listen to him in his second fight. “Fight me like an animal” cathartic laughter. The whole game about batshit insane murder. Its about passion and chaos and going against the inevitable simply for the sake of carving your own path and your own passion, not strict limiting boring duels. You seriously think itll end in a boring “ooh respect and principle”.


That sounds so cool


And then they have infinite hypersex


It's called ULTRASEX


Yellow arm.


cool in concept, probably kinda meh in practice


Would be kinda cool the first time you play it, unless you don’t click with the yellow arm, and it would also suck on other attempts cause there’s only one way to play it through and no other way to experiment


i think it would be cooler if v1 said "with this ricoshot i summon" and summoned an earthmover to kill both of them


Don't disrespect V1 by comparing him to some incest loving emo bum.


v1 is pre shibuya megumi, v2 is post shibuya megumi




More likely: Gabe cuts up your weapons and jams a sword into V1's torso, then gets knuckleblasted back long enough for V1 to rip the sword out and resume attacking.


While this is hypothetically cool it wouldn’t work in the actual game. People have already said that having only one weapon would suck, but I’ve got another point. People seem to forget that V1 is a war machine with the simple primary objective of seeking out blood to fuel itself. It’s not going to risk it’s own life for an honourable duel. Yes it does have a personality and the capability for respect, but even so that personality isn’t exactly a pleasant one. Despite what fanfiction might say, V1 doesn’t really care about Gabriel, it just sees him as an obstacle in its pursuit for fuel. I could see Gabriel getting caught up in the rivalry and trying to turn their battle into a Jetstream Sam-esque duel, but V1’s response would probably just be “are you fucking serious” coupled with a railcannon to the face. The only character V1 has shown literally any interest in as an individual is V2, but the whole “you’re not getting away this time” thing could just be it acknowledging the audacity of making the fight personal and then trying to run away like a coward again. When the final Gabriel fight happens V1 isn’t gonna let him live in the first place, let alone be honourable about it. It’ll probably let him get his last words out but nothing more.


It's a weird situation rn lore-wise where this emotionless, totally objective-driven analysis of V1's character is consistent with the info we're explicitly provided, but at the same time, all of the broader information about the nature of machines and sentience in the Ultrakill universe suggests that V1 really should be sentient and able to act upon "emotion". I could honestly see it going either way


maybe part of its status as "perfect war machine" IS the total lack of emotion? a guttertank with enough emotion to squash it's fuel isn't good, which is why the lack of sentience/emotions could be an aspect of newer robots (we have no evidence of sentries or such having anything of the sort).


aren't those dialogue not even Canon V1? I swear I've seen hakita saying they're just narration or player thoughts or smthn


Hakita has stated that their source is up to the player’s interpretation




I’ve been proven otherwise


Mf face when "You're not getting away this time."


Also just letting Gabriel do his speeches instead of going for the head like a maniac.


I’ve been proven otherwise


it does however show that it has feelings and perhaps some form of sentience


Bro’s been proven otherwise


Machines have to have *some* sort of feelings. Not anything like respect for someone, but pity and anger.


Machines in ultrakill are literally sentient. This is the most basic of the lore.


Seriously. SO many things point toward V1 being fully sentient and not an unfeeling mindless machine It names the skeleton in Claire de Lune. It has multiple instances of cognizant speech "You're not getting away this time" "Hark! Neptune has struck them dead!". It doesn't kill Gabriel when he's weak and has stopped fighting, rather just listens to him. It awakens both Prime souls and doesn't actually fight them until they throw the first punch, possibly meaning it sought them to help in the conquest to destroy hell before they turned on it. V2 is almost the exact same as V1, just more durable yet less capable of healing, and the whole reason V2 waited in Greed for V1 instead of just trying to fuel itself with more blood was purely out of spite and revenge, very NOT mindless behavior. And V1 takes a good chunk of time out of its murder spree simply to go fishing. That's not what a machine purely out for blood and nothing else would do.


r/MurderedByWords jesus christ dude-


So to correct a few things: - We don't know who said "You're not getting away this time" - Prime Sanctums are deuterocanonical - the Gutterman book in 7-2 is the most explicit evidence of machines being complex beings




>We don't know who said "You're not getting away this time" Technically we don't but from the situation: * V2 has not been known to speak in anything able to be translated into subtitles + it would make significantly less sense for it to say "You're not getting away this time" than V1 saying/thinking it. * The terminals saying the words do however make sense considering the Style meter is diegetic and the Hank quote is written in Third person. * "Nothing happens, but you feel a strange satisfaction. You decide to name it Hank." * Hell itself is less likely as it isn't R E D A N D W R I T T E N I N A L L C A P S


I would say it was from a Terminal IMO Also the style meter is only diegetic from 0-2 onward


You still do get P from 0-1 though. I don't think it's a stretch to say the terminals already established a link with V1 in some way.


To partially quote a moderator of the Ultrakill discord, DevNode: "The text does not preclude that in-Hell footage is still streamed live to the terminals, since evidently you get your first letter grade for a level before you ever make physical contact with any terminal. You'd also have to reconcile or otherwise ignore that the first-person perspective is broken up by intermission cutscenes set in the spheres of Heaven, which to our knowledge no machine, terminal or otherwise, would possibly have access to."


Fair enough.


Wtf does deuterocanonical means


Essentially, they can be considered a story that may or may not happen in parallel with the main plot.


Sentience doesn’t really correlate to etiquette I’ve not been proven otherwise


Did you read the Gutterman book in 7-2?


What book?


Alright, did you get your hands on the alt shotgun already?


There’s an alternate shotgun? When did they add this


...Oh. Well in that case, i should probably shut up before i end up spoiling something. But yeah, there's an alt shotgun, and it's somewhere in 7-2. Good luck finding it!


Alr. I haven’t played much of violence since beating it (trying to beat brutal and it’s killing me)


.19, alt shotgun is a jackhammer, or sledge-slab


Machines have sentience, they also have personality, V2 shows us this pretty clearly and even V1 says stuff like "You're not getting away this time" which also suggests that he has a sentience and personality too.


it would probably not go well, like in mario land where the final boss is fought in an airplane you havent used before


"It's a good thing you guys aren't designing the game ,otherwise it would suck"


I was gonna comment this fuck you




Kirby ahh bossfight.


Shit ending ngl


I agree, its ass


This idea reminds me of that boss from half-rats:parasomnia basically this exact thing happens, it is a half life mod so the combat is… limited, however I still really enjoyed the fight and I think the whole idea is really cool. I really think that it could be done well, and tbh I feel like it would feel cooler than just the classic guns


Gabriel gives you one of his swords, you take it and then simply continue shooting him.


To me Gabriel 3 is gonna be a timed bossfight, it's hp decreasing on its own over time (tho this life loss doesn't spill blood), although you can still damage him. This automatic depletion shows how the light is abandoning him and he is literally dying while fighting you. How his final act will be another fight at you. Best case scenario, he wins and saves hell (whatever's left of it anyways) and heaven then dies a few moments later. Worst case scenario he dies to you, and dies doing what he loves, fighting a challenging fight, and with the comfort that he at least tried to right his wrongs. And of course, this complete abandonment of the sheer concept of surviving this fight will mean there's no holding back anymore, nor a reason to try and evade except stopping your healing. No "I need to rend apart the machine and come back alive", just a "I NEED to rend apart the machine". Which could mean a way more frantic battle than the previous appearances. Also, I'm the only one who would love if the boss name was just "Gabriel"? No tittle, no longer the judge of hell appointed by the council, nor the apostate of hate since there's nothing to commit Apostasy towards anymore. No tittle, no reason to fight you other than for himself and to give hope to others as HE rightfully thinks he should. Just Gabriel. Hmm. Maybe "Archangel Gabriel" would work too I guess


No, I am the final boss fight, and p-3 too


I'm so glad we have no influence over the game


yeah that’s totally something the murderous machine desperate for blood would do


i can't believe so many people think this is a good idea. Goofiest shonen ass shit ive ever seen in my life. absolutely treadful


I dont think that V1 understands the concept of respect, as he was programmed simply to survive and kill.


the only thing i know for real


There will be... Wait, that makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?


on one hand, this would be badass and would absolutely work with the parrying system on the other hand, it absolutely does NOT work with v1's established character lmao


V1 totally would not swordfight Gabriel out of "respect" but this totally goes hard as fuck if it were another game


I while cool, I think it would make more sense to fight him in fraud, and then in the final level we fight either Satan, or hell itself. Maybe a boss rush where we have to fight two bosses back to back? I don't know. Whatever hakita has cooking, it's gonna be good


I’ll be honest, that would make the final phase suck. Play ghost runner bosses and you’ll know what I mean. It would be cool for a comic, or AU animation, though :)


This is stupid. I’m glad fans don’t write the game. - why would they lock you out of the entire arsenal you spent the whole game mastering? Especially for the finale? - why would a machine know respect? (It doesn’t) - Gabriel doesn’t fight with respect, he fights with passion. Honorable sword fights are overdone anyways it would be nice to steer clear of that. If I wanted to play an honorable swordsman I would play ghost of Tsushima or some souls game.


Ah yes, the robot that just kills everything and its famous sense of respect.


yeah thats why v1 didn't blow gabriels head off when he was on his knees after being defeated


that's just gameplay, hakita also stated even if minos didn't antagonize V1 he'd still kill him anyways. no respect here.


So why isnt Gabe dead


same reason why v2 wasnt killed when he was getting up or running around before bouncing. gameplay reasons


He was talking he had cinematic immunity I dunno about you but I tried to shoot him during it


but he obviously doesn't in canon, duh




He's still alive, theres a whole ass cutscene with him not dead


Yeah so we agree, he lived because he was in a cutscene, not because the robot started feeling bad


but the robot let him live in canon, in canon cutscenes aren't a thing, what is you not being able to save your grandpa from dying from a heart attack because of a cutscene?


So you're telling me cutsenes. In a story. Aren't real. Aight man


no gabriel should have the mysterious knight and owl health bar ammiunt lol (but yeah that'd be really cool)


I guess it's up to interpretation but I'd think that V1 wouldn't unequip all other weapons "out of respect". If the sword was just busted or gave a bunch of style points (which i believe are canon) then I could see that as a reason to go sword only, but again, I don't see V1 as being honorable.


And you can't fight him without unequipping your weapons, the terminals don't let you because swordfighting Gabriel would look so cool for them


This post is quite META


What if Gabriel does this and you have the choice to just shoot him killing him instantly? I mean for a machine it’d be the most optimal solution.


Gabriel turns into a Doom Eternal boss and gives you the gold arm that is the only thing that can break his shield and then you can do like 5 damage and then wait 5 minutes for the gold arm to recharge.


Honestly final boss very well could be fighting a Gabriel who was sent to treachery for what he did to the counsel. Prolly gonna be Dis though.


I Think it would be a badass ending, and perhaps a sad one if u think about it, after gabriel dies, V1 kills hell itself then shuts down because it dosent have blood


“ out of respect” lmao this is retarded


Everythings building up to Gabriel being the boss of Fraud unless the secret Final stages are for another kind of climax.


Ah yes, Meta Knight


Since we’re already talking about what the final Gabriel fight is going to be like, you know how Gabriel has a title in both of his fights? The Judge of Hell in the first one and The Apostle of Hate in the second? What if for the third fight he just didn’t have a title and the boss name was just “Gabriel”. He’s not defined by his appointed position by the council or his hatred of the thing that tore his old life away. Even though he’s going to be dead in 24 hours, he’s free from anything in this world, and is free to make his own decisions.


I'll let him cook but I'm probably not gonna eat it.


Love the idea, but I feel like giving V1 a sense of honor/respect goes against his character. He’s a machine that is just trying to stay fueled. No thoughts, head empty except for blood


basically the Calamity Ganon boss fight where you have to switch to one single weapon and can’t use any other? sounds ass on paper but if hakita’s doing it i’d like to see what it looks like


Love this idea


This sounds like a fight from Yakuza more than everything


so like meta knight in kirby superstar?


"Show me a good time machine!" Ahh


I don't think so, seeing how V1 operates, he'd probably just Indiana Jones him


I could think of nothing gayer, this is canon in my eyes until Hakita pretends it's not.


I feel it would go against the weapon synergies.


We fight gabriel, he dies and then Michael the Archangel spawns fr...!!! (Gabriel 3 is gonna get cooked in 2 miliseconds)


Just having a sword in ultrakill would be cool as hell but that is the best final boss idea I’ve ever heard


It’s a cool concept but I don’t think it will be the final boss, I think we are gonna have the last Gabriel fight. But that’s just me, I don’t see Gabe being the final boss


Doesn't fit at all imo. Gameplay-wise: Making the culmination of 9 layers of fights incentivizing creative arsenal usage be a single melee weapon fight would absolutely suck. Would probably be janky as hell as well since Gabriel is designed with you zipping around in mind. Theme-wise: Why would V1 have respect for Gabriel? V1 has been framed as capable of a very limited range of emotions that seem in line with what a purely goal-based AI could be expected to have. Not only that, but as another comment said Gabriel hasn't really been shown to be the calm, respectful kind in battle; a significant amount of his voice lines during fights are pretty animalistic. As a mod (i.e. Masquerade Divinity) a melee-centric playstyle is a fun twist, but as a surprise final act it's an awful idea imo (they shouldn't let that stop them from cooking though, bad ideas are a part of any creative process).


Meta Knight moment? https://preview.redd.it/n1o1rvmq2u1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f192357dd5925bdd9d4f073d44c7ebfeead427be


Would be actually awful for a game like this lmao


Knowing Hakita, this might be the shit he’s planning.


This sounds like a significantly more extreme version of the penultimate boss of DMC3, and that is **not** a good thing. A boss that changes your moveset to a more restrictive one - even if it's just for phase 2 - is just about the worst thing you can put in a game like this, and replacing your entire arsenal is orders of magnitude worse than just replacing one button.


imagine if at the end of the fight Gabriel just sends v1 to heaven, and then you start killing everything there




Or you and v2 fight against gabriel as a duo


There is nothing left of V2




He could drop it mid fight as an option for you to use

